Tohoku University, Department of Earth Sciences
flowchart I[Tohoku University, Department of Earth Sciences] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (81)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (0)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Microbial Community in the Hydrothermal System at Southern Mariana Trough
- Polymerization Experiment Of Amino Acids Under High Pressure And Temperature Conditions Simulating The Deep Lithosphere
- Magmatism in the Tsagaandelger, Eastern Mongolian Volcanic belt: Petrological, Geochemical and Isotopic Constraints on Mesozoic Geodynamic Setting
- Melting curve of iron-silicon alloy to the core-mantle boundary pressure and the thermal structure of the Earth's core
- Petrography and Mineralogy of a Unique Spherical CAI in the Murchison (CM2) meteorite
- The effects of temperature and light elements on the interfacial tension of liquid iron under high pressure
- Elasticity of MgO to 130 GPa: Implications for lower mantle mineralogy
- Experimental Synthesis of Organic Compounds From Inorganic Materials by the Simulated Impact on the Early Earth
- High-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction study on Super Fluorous Phase B up to 7.4 GPa
- Hydrogen partitioning between FeNi and δ -AlOOH up to core-mantle boundary condition: Fate of water in the Earth's deep interior
- Oxygen Isotopic Measurements of Calcite Grains in a Refractory Inclusion by Nano-SIMS: Implications to The Formation Process of Carbonate in the Early Solar Nebula
- Partitioning of hydrogen between iron and ringwoodite and a potential water storages in the Martian core
- Phase relations of Fe-Si alloy up to core conditions: Implications for the Earth inner core.
- Structures and growth textures of Japanese twin boundaries in quartz
- A chromatographic simulation of CO2 flushing in magmatic systems (Invited)
- Comparison of tectonic uplift rates with fluvial incision rates at intermediate timescales within active folds: example from the Shibumi River, central Japan
- Distribution of Hydrogen in the Deep Earth and its Role in Earth’s dynamics (Invited)
- Formation of High Pressure Polymorphs of Olivine and Pyroxene in Shocked Meteorites and Collision in Their Parent Bodies (Invited)
- High remanence intensity of breccia samples: Taiwan Chelungpu-fault Drilling Project (TCDP)
- Permeability and pore-connectivity variation of pumices from a single pyroclastic flow eruption: Implications for partial fragmentation
- Phase stability of S-bearing Fe-Ni alloy and (Fe,Ni)3S at the core pressure conditions
- Plastic anisotropy and LPO development in sheared and recrystallized quartz single crystals
- Pressure Dependence of Komatiite Liquid Viscosity and Implications for Magma Ocean Rheology
- Resolution Analysis and the Backus-Gilbert Local Estimator for the Inverse Problem in the Scanning Magnetometory
- Theoretical Investigations for Anomalous Fractionation of Sulfur Isotopes during a surface reaction
- Transformation experiment on sodium feldspar using deformation-Cubic Anvil, D-CAP 700, with synchrotron X rays
- U-Pb dating of baddeleyites in two shergottites and a chassignite after careful petrographic characterization
- Deep dehydration and physical and chemical nature of the mantle above the stagnant slab (Invited)
- In situ X-ray observation of melting temperature of FeS-H system under high pressure: Implications for the core of Ganymede
- Melting phase relations of K- and Na-bearing carbonatite at 3-21 GPa with implication to deep carbon cycle
- Melting relation of Fe-O-S alloy up to the outer core pressure: Implication to temperature of the Earth's core
- SEM-Cathodoluminescence and fluid inclusion study of quartz veins in Hugo Dummett porphyry Cu-Au deposit,South Mongolia
- Thermoelastic properties of ice VII and its high-pressure polymorphs
- Voluminous juvenile lithic fragments in the pumice-fall deposit of the 1108 eruption of Asama volcano: Evidence of repeated compaction and fragmentation in the shallow conduit
- Boundary pressure of inter-connection of Fe-Ni-S melt in olivine based on in-situ X-ray tomography: Implication to core formation in asteroids
- Changes in flow strength induced by the decomposition of polycrystalline albite
- Compressional velocities of Fe<SUB>3</SUB>S at room temperature and high pressures using inelastic X-ray scattering
- Conditions of aqueous alteration of 9 CM chondrites estimated from mineralogy and compositional variations of matrix
- Fluid distribution in amphibolitic lower crust: Experimental constraints
- Melting and solid-melt partitioning in iron-light element systems under megabar conditions: Implications for the thermal state of the Core
- Melting relationships in the Fe-Fe<SUB>3</SUB>S system based on X-ray diffraction up to 180 GPa
- Phase relation of C-Mg-Fe-Si-O system under various oxygen fugacity conditions by in situ X-ray diffraction experiments: Implication for planetary interior
- Rheological structure of the northeastern Japan toward precise modeling of post-seismic relaxation of the Mw 9.0 Tohoku earthquake
- Sound velocity measurements of dhcp-FeHx up to 70 GPa using inelastic X-ray scattering: Implications for the abundance of hydrogen in the Earth's core
- Spin states of FeOOH at high pressure using x-ray emission spectroscopy and DFT calculations
- The compression study of MgO up to 3Mbar
- Variation of Seismic Velocity Structure around the Mantle Transition Zone and Conjecture of Deep Water Transport by Subducted Slabs
- A comparative petrological study of the Siberian and Ethiopian Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs) and a case study on Triassic mafic rocks in Chukotka, NE Russia
- Equation of state of Fe and Fe-Ni alloy at multi-megabar
- High magnetic susceptibility granodiorite as a source of surface magnetic anomalies in the King George Island, Antarctica
- Melting relationships of the Fe-S-Si system up to 60 GPa: Implications for the thermal structure of the Earth's core
- Origins of chromite and magnetite in sedimentary rocks deposited in a shallow water environment in the 3.2 Ga Moodies Group, South Africa
- Phase relations and sound velocity measurements of iron-sulfur systems at high pressure: implications for the Earth's inner core
- Reaction of aluminous perovskite and water at high pressure and temperature and water transport into the lower mantle
- Sound velocity and structure measurement of silicate glasses under pressure
- Stability and melting of Fe<SUB>3</SUB>C at high pressure and temperature: Implication for the carbon in the Earth's core
- Subduction mega-thrust beneath Mt. Fuji, central Japan
- The effect of carbon content on density of liquid Fe-C at high pressure
- The effect of oxygen on density of liquid iron at high pressure
- Transport of water and hydrogen into the lower mantle and core
- Anisotropy of anhysteretic remanent magnetization (AARM) reveals a cryptic flow fabric of tsunami deposits
- Changes in precipitation over the last 2000 years inferred from speleothem δ18O profile and famine and disaster record in Iwate Prefecture, Northeast Japan
- Effect of stress state on slow rupture propagation in subduction fault zones
- Effect of water in depleted mantle on post-spinel transition and implication for 660 km seismic discontinuity
- Ferropicrite from the Lalibela area in the Ethiopian large igneous province
- Formation of simple biomolecules from alanine in ocean by impacts
- Heterogeneous water distribution and strain localization in polycrystalline anorthite by water-added deformation experiment
- Self-affinities for the amplitude and the wavelength of folds: A general renormalization-group argument
- Synthesis of Seifertite and its Applications to Shocked Meteorites
- The electromagnetic radiation from semiconductor minerals in orebody
- The friction experiments using simulated fault gouge: Rowe's constant energy ratio
- Viscous remanent magnetization of individual boulders in Ishigaki Island and its application to estimate the paleotsunami histories
- Experimental simulation of marine meteorite impacts: Implications for astrobiology
- Characteristics of nanolite crystallization in volcanic pyroclasts
- Constructing quaking model in the high school geological class and discussion method of cracks and stress
- Dependence of Fracture (Fault) Permeability Evolution on Surface Roughness
- Discovery of a 3.46 Ga-old Asteroid Impact Crater in the East Pilbara District, Western Australia
- Experimental Constraints on the Serpentinization Rate of Fore-arc Peridotites: Implications for the Upwelling Condition of the Slab-derived Fluid
- Shallow fluid circulation in mantle wedge inferred from dihedral angle between olivine and NaCl-bearing aqueous fluid
- Gas bubble formation in crystal-rich magma and its roles on eruption dynamics
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings