Okayama University, Japan
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Carbon self-diffusion in diamond
- Experimental Study of Slab-Mantle Geochemical Exchange in Subduction Zones
- Groundwater Flow System of Unzen Volcano, Japan
- In situ determination of the olivine-modified spinel phase boundary in the system Mg2SiO4 - Fe2SiO4
- Record in Metamorphic Tourmalines of Subduction-Zone Devolatilization and Boron Cycling
- Concentration of Biologically Important Chemical Species in Hydrothermal Fluids from Submarine Arc Volcano Suiyo Seamount
- Coral skeletal Tin and Copper Concentration at Pohnpei, Micronesia, as a potential proxy for marine pollution
- Estimation of Maximum Magnitude (c-value) and its Certainty for Modified Gutenberg-Richter Formulas, Based on Historical and Instrumental Japanese Intraplate Earthquake Catalogs
- Excess Argon-free Phengite in Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphic Rocks From the Lago di Cignana Area, Western Alps
- Cenozoic and Mesozoic metamorphism in the Longmenshan orogen: Implications for geodynamic models of eastern Tibet
- Density Measurement of Silicate Glass by In Situ X-ray Absorption Method
- Mineral Chemical Records of Subduction Factory Metamorphism and Devolatilization in UHP Eclogites From the Italian Alps
- SHRIMP U/Pb age of unusually large zircon in low-T jadeitite from the Osayama serpentinite melange, SW Japan
- The Origin of Garnet Megacrysts in Sulu UHP Clinopyroxenite, East China
- A Possibility For Biological Origin Of Iron Oxides In The Marble Bar Chert, Pilbara Craton, Western Australia
- Carbon Isotope Excursions of Archean Organic Matter (~3.0-2.5Ga) from Four Drilling Cores at the Hamersley Basin, Western Australia
- Density Measurement of Iron-Bearing Sodium Disilicate by High-Pressure X-ray Absorption Method
- Dispersion of magmatic volatiles through groundwater system at Unzen volcano, SW Japan: a summary
- Diversity of Active Seafloor Hydrothermal Mineralization in the Manus Back-Arc Basin, Papua New Guinea
- In Situ Density Measurement of Basaltic Melts at High Pressure by X-ray Absorption Method
- Influence of Soil Moisture on Microbial Activity in a Primary Acidification of Pyritic Soils
- Packaged Fault Model for Geometric Segmentation of Active Faults Into Earthquake Source Faults
- Shallow Subsurface Geometry of Active Thrust Faults Along the Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line, Central Japan, Determined From Closely Spaced Gravity Survey and Fault Dislocation Model.
- Significance of Sodalite and Nepheline in Chondrules
- Sr-Nd-Pb Isotope Geochemistry of Melange Formation: Implications for Identification of Fluid Sources in the Mantle Wedge and the Arc
- Sulfur Isotope Geochemistry of Mariana Arc Hydrothermal Systems
- A change in slip mechanism and subsequent weakening along a fault zone in in-situ magmatic oceanic crust, 30° N Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Alteration and fluid flow recorded in a 1400 m section of oceanic gabbros beneath a detachment fault at 30 oN mid-Atlantic Ridge, (IODP Site U1309)
- Closer of Liquid Immiscibility Gap in the System Fe-C-S at High Pressure
- Crustal Inputs, Metamorphic Processing, and Fluid Flow Architecture in the Catalina Schist Subduction Complex: Constraints From Detrital Zircon U-Pb Ages and Pb-B Isotope Systematics of Melange Zones
- Density Measurement for MORB Melts by X-ray Absorption Method
- Evolution of Diverse Mantle Sources for the Kilauea Volcano Over 270 Ka
- Ground Motion Simulation for a Large Active Fault System using Empirical Green's Function Method and the Strong Motion Prediction Recipe - a Case Study of the Noubi Fault Zone -
- Importance of Silica Activity to the Serpentinization Processes: Insights From Microrodingites in IODP Hole U1309D.
- In situ X-ray experiment on the structure of hydrous silicate melts under high-pressure and temperature
- Prospects for Problems Associated with Integrative and Inter-comparative Analysis of Eddy Flux Data Sets
- The 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami in Maldives: waves and disaster affected by shape of coral reefs and islands
- Tin-bearing chalcopyrite and platinum-bearing bismuthinite in the active Tiger sulfide chimney, Yonaguni Knoll IV seafloor hydrothermal system, Okinawa Trough, Japan
- Bonding Transition in SiO2 Glass at High Pressures: Applications to SiO2 Liquid in Earth's Interior
- Density Measurement for MORB Melts by X-ray Absorption Method
- Electrical conductivity variations of brucite and basic rock under crustal P-T conditions
- Growth of large MgSiO3 perovskite and SiO2 stishovite single crystals
- Microbial Community in a Sediment-Hosted CO2 Lake of the Southern Okinawa Trough Hydrothermal Field
- Molecular and Isotopic Characterization of Gases from IODP Expedition 311: Source and Gas Hydrate Related Controls
- P-wave anisotropic velocity tomography beneath the Japan islands: Large-scale images and details in the Kanto district
- Preliminary Exploration of Dynamic Effect in a Field Soil Retention Curves: Direct Laboratory Quantification of Material Coefficient
- Simulation of Groundwater Flow around a Waste Landfill Site
- The Metamorphic Forest and Trees of Subducted MORB to 3GPa: Evidence from UHP Eclogites at Lago di Cignana
- Thermochemical Reduction Experiments of Native Sulfur, Sulfite, and Sulfate by Amino Acids at 150 - 200°C
- Acive shallow-water submarine hydrothermal venting and occurence of chimney-like mineral deposits from Northern Kagoshima Bay, South Kyushu, Japan
- Compressional and shear wave velocities in serpentinized peridotites
- Influence of Vegetation and Management Conditions of Forest Cathcments on Their Runoff Characteristics
- Ordering kinetics in double carbonates and implications for processes at subduction zones
- Origin of sedimentary organic matter at the Northern Cascadia Margin
- Paleoceanography Of The Middle Eocene Arctic Ocean Based On Geochemical Measurements Of Biogenic Matter
- Paleoceanography of the Eocene Arctic Basin Reconstructed With Chemical Parameters and Siliceous Microfossils
- Scaling approach of terrestrial carbon cycle over Alaska's black spruce forests: a synthesis of field observation, remote sensing, and ecosystem modeling
- Structure of Ca and Mg aluminosilicate melts under pressure
- The effects of temperature and light elements on the interfacial tension of liquid iron under high pressure
- Vapor-rich Hydrothermal Fluid Migration Within Pumiceous Sediment in the Iheya North Knoll, Okinawa Trough
- Air-Ocean CO2 flux by the gradient method
- Calibration of Rainfall-Runoff Model by Referring to Hydrological Separation of Runoff Components using Chemical and Isotopic Characteristics of Discharge
- Density and structure of basaltic magma under high pressure and high temperature
- Estimation of Regional-Scale Actual Evapotranspiration in Okayama prefecture in Japan using Complementary Relationship
- Identification of 1771 Meiwa Tsunami deposits using radiocarbon dating and oxygen isotope microprofiling of emerged massive coral boulders
- Oxygen Isotope Composition of the Oceanic Crust in the Oman ophiolite, Wadi Fizh section
- Real-Time Flood Forecasting System Using Channel Flow Routing Model with Updating by Particle Filter
- Structural Relaxation of High-Pressure Silicate Melts During Quenching And Decompression
- The Temperature-Pressure-Volume Equation of State of Platinum
- A simple Bayesian method to combine lithofacies data with drawdown measurements when calibrating a groundwater flow model
- An old HIMU seamount chain near the Japan Trench: implications for Long-lasting HIMU magmatism in the South Pacific
- Deformation characteristics and associated clay-mineral variation in 2-3 km buried Hota accretionary complex, central Japan
- Effects of frictional melting on seismic slip in subduction-accretion complexes: Insights from high-velocity friction experiments and natural pseudotachylytes
- Examination of enormous potential for paleo-geohazard studies with high-precision 230Th dating of emerged massive Porites coral boulders at Ishigaki Island in the Ryukyus, Japan
- Possibility of Overestimation of WPL Correction to CO2 Flux by Open-Path Eddy Covariance Technique from Experimental Validation over Asphalt Surface
- Alkaline Element Fractionations in LL-chondritic Breccias
- Boron isotope geochemistry to reveal evolutional process of the Wakamiko submarine hydrothermal systems, south Kyushu, Japan
- CO2 and DMS Flux measurement by the profiling buoy system
- Characteristics of the complementary relationship-based evapotranspiration models
- Compression of MgSiO3 and (Mg,Fe)SiO3 perovskites based on the pressure generation technique using sintered diamond anvils in a Kawai-type apparatus
- Direct Measurement of Turbulent Particle and Gas Fluxes by Eddy Covariance Technique
- Effect of Forest Fire on Regional Carbon Dioxide Exchange Over Boreal Forest in Interior Alaska
- Equation of State of Antigorite at High Pressure and Temperature
- Melting relationships of the Ni-NiS system up to 10 GPa and the stability of the Ni3S
- Partitioning of siderophile elements between metallic liquids and silicate liquids under high-pressure and temperature
- Spin transition of Fe2+ in (Fe0.83Fe0.17)O in the multi anvil apparatus equipped with sintered diamond anvils
- A fundamental study of gas formation and migration during leakage of stored carbon dioxide in subsurface formations
- Active optical CO<SUB>2</SUB> sensing for Ground-based, Airborne, and from Space platform
- Boundary pressure of inter-connection of Fe-Ni-S melt in olivine based on in-situ X-ray tomography: Implication to core formation in asteroids
- Devolatilization History and Trace Element Mobility in Deeply Subducted Sedimentary Rocks: SIMS Evidence from Western Alps HP/UHP Suites
- EXEFS study on local structure of aluminosilicate glasses quenched from high pressure and temperature
- Evolution of the Sanbagawa and Shimanto high-pressure belts in SW Japan
- Investigation of P- and S-wave Anisotropy beneath the Japan Subduction Zone
- Numerical analysis for permeability of clay on natural terrane
- Petrogenetic relationships between jadeitite and associated high-pressure and low-temperature metamorphic rocks in worldwide jadeitite localities
- Post-eruptive degassing pathway of a flow-banded rhyolite lava: A case study of the Takanoobane rhyolite lava of Aso Volcano, Japan
- Recent environmental changes enhance coccolithophorid blooms in the Bering Sea
- Structure of pure liquid Fe at high pressure based on in-situ X-ray observation
- Validation of XCO<SUB>2</SUB> derived from SWIR of GOSAT TANSO-FTS with aircraft measurement data
- Air-sea fluxes of dimethyl sulfide and carbon dioxide measured by the gradient technique in the subtropical and equatorial Pacific Ocean
- Biogeochemical linkage between atmosphere and ocean in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean: Results from the EqPOS research cruise
- Characteristics of dissolved carbon change in irrigation water
- Chemical characteristics of magma and related seafloor sulfide deposits on back-arc spreading center and off-ridge volcanoes in Southern Mariana Trough
- Development for sound velocity and density measurements of liquid metal at high pressures
- ESR dating of submarine hydrothermal activities using barite in sulfide deposition
- Effect of water on the post-stishovite transition
- Effects of "open burning" on the greenhouse gas exchange from a single-rice paddy field in Japan
- Effects of hydrophilic macropore fillings and coatings on the infiltration into water repellent porous media
- Effects of residual biomass burning on the CO2 flux from a paddy field
- Effects of residual biomass burning on the methane emission from a paddy field
- Elastic properties of anorthite at high temperature and high pressure
- Enhancing Bioremediation of Oil-contaminated Soils by Controlling Nutrient Transport using Dual Characteristics of Soil Pore Structure
- Estimation of gross primary production over burned black spruce forests in interior Alaska using MODIS data
- Evaluation of nutrient sources for the sponges inhabited around seafloor hydrothermal fields in the Okinawa Trough
- Geochemistry of hydrothermal fluids at the Hatoma Knoll in Okinawa Trough
- Hydrothermal fluid-mineral interactions within volcanic sediment layer revealed by shallow drilling in active seafloor hydrothermal fields in the mid-Okinawa
- Maximum depositional ages and evolving provenance of Franciscan metagraywackes, NW California: LA-ICPMS zircon U-Pb data
- Mid to late Holocene sea-surface temperature reconstruction using fossil corals from Kume Island, Ryukyu, Japan
- Modeling analysis of land-use impact against water qualities in Hii River basin
- P-V-T equation of state for ɛ-iron up to 80 GPa and 1900 K using the Kawai-type high pressure apparatus equipped with sintered diamond anvils
- Reevaluation and comparison of energy source of chemosynthesis-based animals in each hydrothermal fields
- Seasonal variation of land surface fluxes in regional scale by using a remote sensing data
- Structural development of two types of flow layering in the Takanoobane rhyolite lava in Aso caldera, Japan
- The effect of oxygen on density of liquid iron at high pressure
- What is the constraint on formation of oil-starved hydrothermal systems in the sediment-rich Okinawa Trough, southwestern Japan
- Estimation of water velocity and heat flux in horizontal bypaths of the alluvial fan, using waveforms of seasonal variations in spring water temperature
- Extensive Submarine Active Fault and the 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake
- Finite-difference simulation of seismic wave propagation for explosion earthquakes at Sakurajima volcano, Japan
- IODP Expedition 345: Hydrothermal Alteration of Fast-Spreading EPR Lower Crust
- Measurements of Elastic Constants of Chromian spinel Single-Crystal by Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy
- Monitoring water content in Opalinus Clay within the FE-Experiment: Test application of dielectric water content sensors
- Nutrient dynamics and budget with the surface water-groundwater interaction in the tidal river in Japan
- Origin of conductivity anomalies in the asthenosphere
- Petrographical records of multiple fluid-infiltration during HP-LT metamorphism (Invited)
- Quasi-cylindrical 2.5-D wave modeling with a moment-tensor point source and the anelastic attenuation
- Seismic Imaging Beneath the Kanto Plain, Japan, Inferred from S-wavevector Receiver Functions Obtained at Virtual Subsurface Receivers
- The Jahn-Teller-effect on the cuprospinel (CuFe2O4) at high pressure
- The effect of in-stream impoundments on nitrogen transport in a suburban watershed
- The effects of pressure and temperature on sound velocity and density of Ni-S liquid
- Validation of GOSAT SWIR XCO<SUB>2</SUB> and XCH<SUB>4</SUB> using TCCON data and aircraft measurements: Parameter dependency of GOSAT biases and the bias correction
- A study on characteristics of Methane emission from a periodically irrigated paddy field in Japan
- Carbon decomposition process of the residual biomass in the paddy soil of a single-crop rice field
- Effect of anthropogenic aerosol forcing on climate change in the North Pacific Ocean during the 20th Century
- Effect of residual biomass burning on CO<SUB>2</SUB> flux at a paddy field in Japan
- Effect of subsurface flow on nutrient transport between a eutrophic coastal lake and agricultural reclamation land
- Effective research method and problems of the Paleotsunami studies in Taiwan
- Effects of oceanic crust on the thermal structure on the subducting slabs
- Elasticity of Single-Crystal Ferropericlase across the Spin Transition in the Lower Mantle
- Elasticity of Single-Crystal Phase D across the Spin Transitions of Ferrous and Ferric Iron in the Lower Mantle
- Electronic Spin and Valence States of Iron in the Al-rich NAL and CF Phases in the Subducted Slabs
- Estimation of CO2 flux at paddy fields in Asia by MODIS data
- Fracturing during ductile-brittle transition and development of flow banding in the Takanoobane Rhyolite lava of Aso volcano, Japan
- Hydrothermal Spinel, Corundum and Diaspore in Gabbroic Rocks from the Hess Deep Rift, IODP Site U1415
- Imaging and 2.5D Modeling of Receiver Functions from Deep Virtual Receivers in Kyushu Island, Japan
- Impact Event and Radiolarian Faunal Turnover across the Middle-upper Norian Transition in the Upper Triassic of Japan
- Long-Term Trends of Pan Evaporation and an Analysis of Its Causes in Finland
- Nitrogen dynamics in a tidal river zone influenced by highly urbanization, western Japan
- P - ρ - T data for H<SUB>2</SUB>O up to 260 GPa under laser-driven shock loading
- Re-examination on the 1891 M8.0 Nobi Earthquake, Japan: Collspse rate distributions in cities, towns and villages
- Simultaneous measurement of density and sound velocity of liquid Fe-C at high pressure
- Single Crystal Elasticity of Iron Bearing Perovskite and Post Perovskite Analog
- Single-Crystal Elasticity of Iron-Bearing Bridgemanite in the Lower Mantle
- Sound velocity and density of liquid Fe-Ni-Si under pressure: Application to the composition of planetary molten core
- The variations of Oxidation-Reduction Potential in paddy soil and effects on the methane emission from a periodically irrigated paddy field.
- A kinetic model based on experimental study of structural evolution of natural carbonaceous material to graphite
- Air-Sea Exchange and Budget of Sulfur and Oxygen-Containing Volatile Organic Compounds in the Pacific Ocean
- Carbonate-Iron Interaction: Kinetic Approach for Carbonate Subduction Down to the Mantle Transition Zone
- Complex Seismic Wavefield of Long-Period Components around the Nankai Trough in Southwest Japan and its Effect on Source Mechanism Analyses
- Crystallographic-preferred-orientation of (Mg,Fe)SiO<SUB>3</SUB>-bridgmanite : implications for the mantle dynamics in the lower mantle
- Electrical conductivity of Al-bearing bridgmanite
- Groundwater Infiltration Path of Road Deicing Agent and its Quantification
- In situ XFEL measurement system for Earth and planetary materials under laser-induced ultrahigh-pressure conditions
- Inner core dynamics inferred from grain growth of ɛ-iron
- Magneto-biostratigraphy of the Upper Triassic bedded chert succession from the Mino Belt, Inuyama area, central Japan: correlation to Tethyan sections
- Neutron and X-ray diffraction study on the hydrous SiO<SUB>2</SUB> glass under pressure
- Quasi-Cartesian Finite-Difference Computation of Seismic Wave Propagation for a Three-Dimensional Sub-global Earth Model
- Rhyolite lava fracturing and degassing induced spherulitic growth of Sawajiriwan and Sanukayama lavas in Kozushima Island, Japan
- Seismic waveform modelings for estimating influence of the ice sheet on observed seismograms
- The effects of pressure and alloying Ni and C on sound velocity of liquid Fe-alloys
- The result of Venus Orbit Insertion of Akatsuki on December 7<SUP>th</SUP>, 2015
- Thermal elastic properties of liquid Fe-C at high pressure
- Three-Dimensional Seismic Attenuation Structure in the Ryukyu Arc, Japan
- Activity history of giant earthquakes bring crustal movements and huge tsunamis -A case of the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake (M 9)-
- Brucite-carbonate chimneys found at the Shinkai Seep Field, a serpentine-hosted vent system in the Southern Mariana Forearc
- Collapses of the Arctic sector of the Laurentide ice sheet in the western Arctic Ocean during the last glacial period
- Connectivity of pores and electrical conductivity in a brine-saturated granitic rock
- Dislocation mobility in ringwoodite and bridgmanite as functions of temperature and water content
- Distribution of surface rupture associated the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake and its significance
- Effect of groundwater recycle system on nitrate load distribution in an agricultural island, Japan
- Equation of State and Hyperfine Parameters of High-Spin Bridgmanite in the Earth's Lower Mantle
- Evaluation of the spatial relevance of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) and seagrass meadows in an island scale
- FDM Simulation of The 2016 West Off Satsuma Peninsula, Kyushu, Japan, Earthquakes by Using Land-Ocean Unified 3D Structure Model
- Formation of tuffisite veins at the rhyolitic conduit and their subsequent deformation
- Geochemical Character of the Aono Volcanic Group in SW Japan Arc: Implications for Genetic Relationship between Slab Melting and EM Isotopic Signature
- Imaging of Initial Rupture Process of the 2016 Kumamoto, Japan, Earthquake
- Negative activation volume of oxygen self-diffusion in forsterite
- Prediction of Soil Water Content Using Multiple Regression Model with Time Series Data
- Radiative transfer model of snow for bare ice regions
- Seismic Imaging of Receiver Functions at Virtual Receivers in Ryukyu Arc, Japan
- Sewage-derived nutrient dynamics in highly urbanized coastal rivers, western Japan
- Sound velocity and density of liquid Fe-Ni-S at high pressure
- A long-term Northern Hemisphere snow cover extent product (JASMES) deriving from satellite-borne optical sensors using consistent objective criteria
- Asian dust deposition rendered volcanic-ash-soils the ability to retain radiocesium in Japan
- Characteristics and factors of groundwater contamination in Asian coastal megacities
- Estimation and Simulation of Inter-station Green's Functions in the Beppu-Bay Area, Oita Prefecture, Southwest Japan: the Effect of Sedimentary Basin
- Estimation of water balance in two forests dominated, steep catchments of western Japan, using SWAT model
- Hydrothermal Alteration of the Lower Oceanic Crust: Insight from OmanDP Holes GT1A and GT2A.
- Initial report of the physical property measurement, ChikyuOman core description Phase I: sheeted dike and gabbro boundary from ICDP Holes GT1A, GT2A and GT3A
- Intensities of groundwater pollution and salinization in Asian coastal cities
- Magma Fertility is the First-Order Factor for the Formation of Porphyry Cu±Au Deposits
- Metamorphism Near the Dike-Gabbro Transition in the Ocean Crust Based on Preliminary Results from Oman Drilling Project Hole GT3A
- On the Linkage between Springtime Eurasian Snow Cover Retreat due to the Global Warming and Changes in Summertime Atmospheric Circulation over Japan and East Asia
- Potassium isotope variations in forearc boninite-series volcanics from Chichijima
- Sr isotope variations in the Carnian-Norian succession at Pizzo Mondello, Sicani Mountains, Sicily
- Strong ground motion prediction applying dynamic rupture simulations for Beppu-Haneyama Active Fault Zone, southwestern Japan
- Study on the thermal structure of the Venusian polar atmosphere
- The symbiotic relationship between dominant canopy trees and soil microbes affects the nitrogen source utilization of co-existing understory trees
- Vertical Structural Variation and Their Development of the Sanukayama Rhyolite Lava in Kozushima Island, Japan
- Efficient new scheme solving the linear and nonlinear dispersive wave equations for near- and far-field tsunamis
- Elasticity of (Al,Fe)-bearing bridgmanite at high pressure: Implications to seismic observations of the Earth's lower manlte
- Evaluation of the long term climatological change impacts on water and nutrient flows - a case study of the Ise Bay watershed -
- High Resolution Polar Regional Climate Model NHM-SMAP for the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Iron Isotopic Fractionation in Earth's Lower Mantle
- Mechanical coupling of active faults implied by time-dependent crustal deformation around the northern Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line fault system, central Japan
- Notes on observational data from automatic weather stations in Antarctica
- Radiative transfer model of sea ice and its validation with filed measurement of spectral albedo of sea ice at Saroma Lagoon in Japan
- Recent Developments in HP-HT Materials Research Using Synchrotron Radiation at the PSICHE Beamline, Synchrotron SOLEIL
- Sea surface temperature and productivity in the Northern Indian Ocean (Maldives Sea) during the last 550 ka (MIS 13 to present)
- Silicate Melt Viscosities at High Pressure: Experimental Results and Its Implication
- Single-crystal structure of bridgmanite and its Possible effects on physical properties of the lower mantle
- Site amplification factors densely sampled over Okayama Prefecture, Japan
- The Effect of H<SUB>2</SUB>O on the Anomalous Velocities of Rhyolitic Glasses up to 3 GPa
- The effect of surface roughness and polarization on the snow bi-directional reflectance factor (BRF): Model simulations and validation using NASA Cloud Absorption Radiometer measurements.
- Thermal Expansion of Liquid Fe-S Alloys at High Pressure
- Thermoelectric Power and Thermoelectric Dynamo of Mercury
- Using Data and Models to Quantify Uncertainties in Coral Reconstructions: Implications for Paleo-ENSO Variability
- Waveform Tomography by Using The Adjoint Kernels Based on a Land-Ocean Unified 3D Structure Model For The Tohoku-Oki area of The Japan Trench, Japan
- Anomalous Elasticity of Dry and Hydrous Rhyolitic Glasses up to 3 GPa
- High-Pressure Elasticity of (Al,Fe)-bearing Bridgmanite: Implications to Lower-Mantle Geophysics and Geochemistry
- Impact of agriculture and brackish-fishpond to groundwater vulnerability in Indonesian rural coastal alluvial plain deduced from major ions, water isotope, and sulfate isotope
- Investigating spatio-temporal variation in submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) on an intertidal beach scale, temperate coastal area
- Long term variations in the water balance controlled by land use changes in an urbanized catchment of western Japan
- New genesis of felsic magma: the unmixing of slab-derived supercritical liquid
- Numerical Experiments on Climate of Terrestrial Exoplanets: Aquaplanet and Land Planet
- Re-evaluation of Lead Isotope Compositions of Ni-Fe Alloy Associated with Antigorite Serpentinite from the Josephine Ophiolite, USA
- Single-crystal refinement of (Fe,Al)-bearing bridgmanite structure at high pressure
- The effect of low sulfate in the Precambrian oceans on seawater-basalt reaction traced by triple oxygen and strontium isotopes
- Thermal expansion of liquid Fe-S alloys at high pressure
- Topographic effects on groundwater contamination in Asian coastal cities
- Water Concentration in Single-Crystal (Al,Fe)-bearing Bridgmanite and its Possible Implications for the Dehydration Melting below 660 km Depth
- Rupture process of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake revealed by backprojection of local strong motion records.
- Toward short-period (< 10 s) full waveform tomography in and around the 2011 Tohoku-Oki source area using land-ocean unified 3D initial model
- Absolute Intensity Field Variations in Japan During the First Millennium CE: New Data from Kofun and Late Yayoi Archaeological Artifacts
- Examining soil macropore structure and water management to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from flooded rice paddy
- Measuring Soil Retention Curve with Small Volume Soil Samples using Pinhole Outflow
- Process-oriented evaluation of warm rain in multiple global models: Early results from GEWEX PROES-WR
- Organic Matter from the Asteroid Ryugu: Implications for the Origin of Life and Asteroidal Processes.
- Relationship between Rice Production and Water Resources: The Feasibility of Shifting the Transplanting Date as an Adaptation Measure under Climate Change
- Terrestrial Laser Scanning Reveals the Effect of Fire Suppression on Vegetation Structure in South-East Asian Deciduous Dipterocarp Ecosystems