Nara Womens University, Japan
flowchart I[Nara Womens University, Japan] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (43)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (6)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Climatology of the Stratospheric Aerosol Angstrom Parameter : Anti-correlation to the Extinction and Latitudinal Variation
- Inferring the Observed PSC Composition Using the Improved Limb Atmospheric Spectrometer (ILAS) Data Along With Trajectory Analysis
- Late Quaternary Relative Sea-level Change and Glacial Melting History Around Lutzow-Holm Bay and Mt. Riiser-Larsen Regions, East Antarctica
- Ozone Loss in the Arctic Stratosphere During the Late-Winter/Spring of 1997: Application of A Technique of Chemical Species Mapping on Trajectories (CSMT) to Improved Limb Atmospheric Spectrometer (ILAS) Data
- Precise Holocene Relative Sea-level Change and Mid-Holocene Warm Period in Antarctica
- Behavior of Stratospheric Chlorine Nitrate During a Recovery Phase of Polar Ozone Destruction in both Hemispheres
- Melting history of the Enderby Land and the Dronning Maud Land of East Antarctic Ice Sheet during the Marine isotope stage 3 and Holocene.
- Intercomparison among tropospheric ozone and nitrogen dioxide data obtained by satellite- and ground-based measurements
- OSL Ages Of Quaternary Sediments In The Luzow-Holm Bay Region, East Antarctica, And Their Implications
- Satellite Observation of Polar Stratospheric Cloud Composition -Simultaneous Gas and Aerosol Retrieval
- Feasibility study for Japanese Air Quality Mission from Geostationary Satellite: Infrared Imaging Spectrometer
- Geostationary Atmospheric Observation Satellite Plan in Japan (Invited)
- Intercomparison of tropospheric NO2 concentration by GOME and the air-quality monitoring network in the Tokyo region, Japan
- Transboundary air pollution in East/Southeast Asia and geostationary measurement
- A feasibility study for the monitoring of diurnal variations of the tropospheric NO2 over Tokyo from a geostationary satellite
- Atmospheric methane observed from space over the Asian monsoon: implications for emission from Asian rice paddies
- Correlation between subtropical jet and the Enhanced-Tropospheric Columnar Ozone (E-TCO) belt
- Algorithm improvement toward better retrieval of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> profiles from GOSAT/TANSO-FTS thermal infrared spectra
- CO2 supersaturation observed in the Martian lower atmosphere by Mars orbiters
- Comparison of atmospheric CH4 concentration observed by GOSAT and in-situ measurements in Thailand and India
- Overview of DRAGON-Japan in 2012
- Characteristics of aerosol at a lower atmospheric layer in DRAGON field campaign
- New products of GOSAT/TANSO-FTS TIR CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> profiles: Algorithm and initial validation results
- Regional and transported aerosols during DRAGON-Japan experiment
- Ozone Enhancement in the Lower Troposphere over East Asia Observed by OMI: Evidence of Transboundary Pollution Transport from China to Korea and Japan
- Cloud fractions estimated from shipboard whole-sky camera and ceilometer observations
- Ozone Enhancement in the Lower Troposphere over Central and Eastern China as Observed from the space
- Validation of GOSAT SWIR XCO<SUB>2</SUB> and XCH<SUB>4</SUB> retrieved by PPDF-S method
- Study of Lower Tropospheric Ozone Over Central and Eastern China: Comparison of OMI Observation with Global and Regional Model Simulations
- Validation of GOSAT XCO<SUB>2</SUB> and XCH<SUB>4</SUB> derived by PPDF-S method and consideration of its screening criteria
- Cloud fractions estimated from shipboard whole-sky camera and ceilometer observations between East Asia and Antarctica
- ESR signals in quartz for the studies of earth surface processes
- Methane over South Asian region from GOSAT observations and ACTM simulations
- Cloud fractions estimated from shipboard observations between East Asia and Antarctica
- Cloud fractions estimated from shipboard observations between East Asia and Antarctica and the comparison with satellite observation.
- Estimation of CO<SUB>2</SUB> concentration in the boundary layer from SWIR and TIR spectra observed by TANSO-FTS/GOSAT and TANSO-FTS-2/GOSAT-2
- Cloud Fractions Estimated from Shipboard and Satellite Observations between East Asia and Antarctica.
- Detection of Change in the Aerosol distribution over North-West India during the Covid-19 Lockdown period
- Reduction of air pollutants over North-West India observed from space during the Covid-19 lockdown period
- Cloud Fractions Estimated from Shipboard Observations over the Southern Ocean from 2013 to 2020
- Temporal Variation of Dust Flux in Eastern Japan during the Late Quaternary: Estimated from ESR signal measurement of Quartz
- Cloud Fractions Estimated from Shipboard Observations Over Southern Ocean and Antarctica
- Vertical structure of the thermal tides in the Venusian equatorial region clarified by Akatsuki radio occultation measurements