Osaka City University, Japan
flowchart I[Osaka City University, Japan] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (76)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (2)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Late Quaternary Vertical Displacement of Osaka-wan Fault on the Basis of Correlation of Drill Cores, Central Japan
- Polar Patrol Balloon (PPB) experiment in Antarctica during 2002-2003
- The dynamic Behaviors of the Magnetosphere Based on A Laboratory Simulation
- Balloon Study of the Global Circuit: Spatial Coherence and Correlation with Lightning Observations
- Solar neutron events associated with large solar flares in solar cycle 23
- Formation of a Slab Window Beneath the Mid-Cretaceous SW Japan arc: Constraints From the Geological Observations and 2-D Numerical Analysis
- Movement of shallow magmatic sources inferred from volcano-tectonic faults: An example from Shinjima Island nearby Sakurajima volcano, Kyushu, Japan
- Relationship between geological structure and helium isotopes in deep groundwater; its application to deep groundwater hydrology
- Stacking Pattern of Inner Structures Characterizing Tsunami Deposits
- Subsurface 3D high-resolution fault imaging: An example from the Kamishiro fault in Lake Aoki obtained by acoustic exploration, central Japan
- Thermal Stability of Amino Acids in Siliceous Ooze under Alkaline Hydrothermal Condition
- Various slab fluids and melts from a common slab: Sources for intra-plate and arc basalts, high-Mg andesites, and adakites in the SW Japan arc
- Experimental and Numerical Studies of the Effects of Water Sprinkling on Urban Pavement on Heat Island Mitigation
- High-resolution past environmental reconstruction in East Asia using annually laminated lake sediments of Lake Megata in northeastern Japan
- 60 ky high resolution record of the environmental change from Sediments of Lake Biwa, Japan
- Estimation of submarine groundwater discharge to Osaka Bay, Japan by numerical simulation
- Holocene Tsunami deposits associated with earthquakes along Pacific coast, northeast Japan
- Lake Suigetsu 2006 varved sediment project - towards a purely terrestrial radiocarbon calibration model (Invited)
- Organic geochemical evidence for climate changes over the lateglacial-Holocene in Lake Suigetsu, Japan
- The role of water in neocrystallization of feldspar during shear deformation: water distributions revealed by FT-IR mapping
- Transition between dislocation creep and diffusion creep in upper greenschist- to lower amphibolite-facies metacherts
- Deep Structure and Earthquake Generating Properties in the Yamasaki Fault Zone Estimated from Dense Seismic Observation
- Helium isotopes and 36Cl in saline groundwater from the Osaka Basin, Southwest Japan: Concurrent change in isotopic ratio during groundwater flow
- Ripple migration and its implication in sediment transport: two series of wave-flume experiments
- Deep Heterogeneous Structure and Earthquake Generating Properties in the Yamasaki Fault Zone Estimated from Dense Seismic Observation
- Rapid beach recovery after the 2011 Tohoku-Oki tsunami at Sendai Plain, Japan
- Subsurface Flexure of Uemachi Fault, Japan
- Abiotic peptide synthesis of glycine adsorbed on saponite at various pH and dry-thermal conditions
- About 500-yr interval of huge and widespread paleotsunamis along the Sanriku coast, northern Honshu, Japan
- Deep Structure and Earthquake Generating Properties in the Yamasaki Fault Zone, Southwest Japan, Estimated from Dense Seismic Observation
- Distribution of Subsurface Flexure zone caused by Uemachi Fault, Japan and its activity
- Internal Structure of the Median Tectonic Line fault zone, SW Japan, revealed by borehole analysis
- Measurements of the vacant sites in crystal structure of titanomagnetite by Mössbauer spectroscopy
- Origin of co-existing basalts, high-Mg andesites, and adakites in the SW Japan hot subduction system
- Paleoenvironment of the Lowest Hominid-bearing Bed in the Sangiran Area, Indonesia
- Preliminary rock-magnetic studies of core samples from the IODP Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST)
- The 2011 M=9.0 Tohoku-oki earthquake, its seismic cycle, and postseismic hazard viewed from onshore geologic and geomorphic investigations
- Three-dimensional Subsurface Geological Modeling of the Western Osaka Plane based on Borehole Data
- Transition zone origin of potassic basalts from Wudalianchi volcano, northeast China
- A High-Resolution Lateglacial Pollen Record from the SG06 Lake Suigetsu Core, Japan: Contrasting Mechanisms of Holocene and Bølling Warming
- A distributed database system for sharing geological information using free and open source software
- Construction of Urban 3-D Model of Hanoi, Vietnam Using FOSS Tools
- Internal structure of the shallow Japan Trench décollement: insights into the long-term evolution of the margin and coseismic slip processes
- OSL dating as a possible tool for provenance study of fine grained quartz/polymineral from Lake Suigetsu sediments
- Paleomagnetic records of core samples of the plate-boundary thrust drilled during the IODP Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST)
- Primary melt from Sannome-gata volcano, NE Japan arc: constraints on generation conditions of rear-arc magmas
- Subsurface geology of Uemachi Fault zone in Osaka urban area, central Japan and its long-term activity
- Tsunami characteristics and formation potential of sandy tsunami deposit in Sanriku Coast: implications from numerical modeling
- Prototype of Partial Cutting Tool of Geological Map Images Distributed by Geological Web Map Service
- Conductivity structure in and around the Deep Low-Frequency Tremors generation region beneath the western part of the Kii Peninsula in Southwest Japan.
- Paleoseismological analysis on the basis of precise sea bottom topography and sonic prospecting along the normal fault in the Beppu-Haneyama Fault Zone in Kyushu, Japan
- Subsurface structure around Omi basin using borehole database
- Activity history of giant earthquakes bring crustal movements and huge tsunamis -A case of the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake (M 9)-
- High-resolution paleomagnetic secular variation for the last 20 kyr from varved sediments of Fukui-SG14 core from Lake Suigetsu, central Japan
- 3D Electromagnetic Imaging of Fluid Distribution Below the Kii Peninsula, SW Japan Forearc
- A Web-based Visualization System for Three Dimensional Geological Model using Open GIS
- Prototype of Web-based Geological Data Sharing System using Free and Open Source Software
- Alkenone distribution and producers in Canadian lakes: Implications for palaeotemperature reconstructions
- Fracturing and the Development of Ductile Shear Zones in the Lower Crust
- Frequency and magnitude of flood events during the last 8000 years recorded in the sediment from Lake Suigetsu, central Japan, and the potential linkage to the SST distribution in the equatorial Pacific
- Microlites Size Distributions and P-T-t-X(H<SUB>2</SUB>O) Constraints of Central Plateau Tephras, New Zealand: Implications for Magma Ascent Processes of Explosive Eruptions
- Onsets of the Holocene and the Lateglacial Interstadial Have Different Mechanisms - Revealed by Robust Synchronisation of Suigetsu, NGRIP, Hulu and Other High-Resolution Archives.
- Predictive Numerical Simulations for Deadly High Waves Caused by Hurricanes, Typhoons and Cyclones.
- Subsurface structure around Wakayama plain using borhole database
- Terrestrial environmental changes reconstructed by non-vascular plant biomarkers across the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary in the Tomamae area, northern Hokkaido, Japan
- Variability of alkenone producers recorded in brackish lacustrine sediments of Lake Nakaumi, western Japan
- Would phase separation be a new grain-size reduction process in the lower crustal conditions?
- Consideration of 2018 Sunda Strait tsunami, Indonesia
- Holocene Antarctic Ice sheet melting history and inundations of coasts due to Tsunamis inferred from sea level observations observed in the Northern Indian Ocean
- The geochemical characteristics of olivine-hosted melt inclusions in Quaternary potassic basalts around Wudalianchi area, North-East China
- The occurrence and magnitude of floods recorded in Lake Suigestu sediment and its relationship with flood activity records in East Asia region during the last 8000 years
- Visualized the Movement of beach topography and the submarine bar, Using by Drone mounted Green LiDAR
- Evaluation of dip angles of active faults beneath the Osaka Plain, inferred from a 2-D numerical analysis of viscoelastic-plastic models
- MushPEC: A novel approach for post-entrapment corrections of melt inclusions hosted in olivine antecrysts
- Investigation on Machine Learning-Based Stratigraphic Correlation Using Geotechnical Features
- Roots and reservoir of venting fluid at Taketomi submarine hot spring