Kyoto University, Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A curved gravity-wave structure in the mesospheric airglow images
- AKR Activity During Magnetically Quiet Periods
- Acceleration of Relativistic Electrons Through Whistler Mode Instability Driven by Temperature Anisotropy
- Characteristics of Electrostatic Solitary waves near the diffusion region associated with reconnection: Cluster and Geotail observations
- Coordinated Ground and Space Based Observations of the Quasi Two-Day Wave in January 2004
- Cyclotron interaction for the chorus emissions in a nonuniform magnetic field
- GEOTAIL Observation of Interplanetary Shock-Magnetic Hole Interaction on 25 September 2001: An overview
- Generation of Electrostatic Cyclotron Harmonic (ECH) Waves due to Loss Cone Distribution Functions
- New Observations of the Non-Thermal Continuum Radiation at the Plasmapause
- Particle-In-Cell Simulations on Antenna Characteristics in Space Plasma
- Simultaneous Radar and Optical Observation of E-region Irregularities and F-region Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances
- Tides in the Equatorial MLT Region: Results From Simultaneous MF and Meteor Radar Measurements From Indonesian and Indian Sectors
- GEOTAIL Observations of the Earth's Bow Shock: Whistler Critical Mach Number and the Diffusive Shock Acceleration of Electrons
- Generation Mechanism of VLF Triggered Emission : A Simulation Study by Self-Consistent Particle Code
- Gravity Wave Characteristics Over Equator Observed During CPEA Campaign Using Simultaneous Multiple Stations Data
- Gravity wave momentum flux estimated from airglow images in the equatorial mesopause region
- Nonlinear evolution of the electron two-stream instability: Two-dimensional particle simulations
- Simultaneous MLT and Thermospheric F-region Observations and Modeling
- Statistical Properties and Time Series Modeling of Dst-Index: Long-Term Space Weather Forecast
- The Dayside Superfountain Effect: October 30, 2003 (Halloween) Magnetic Storm
- Estimation of electron density using spacecraft potential and electron temperature
- Gravity wave momentum fluxes estimated from long-term airglow imaging observations at middle and equatorial latitudes
- Near-zero ozone concentration in the Tropical Tropopause Layer at Christmas Island (2N, 157W) in the equatorial central Pacific
- Occurrence characterisitcs of plasma bubble derived from global GPS-TEC data
- Particle-In-Cell Simulations on Electric Field Antenna Characteristics in the Spacecraft Environment
- Plasma Blobs and Irregularities Concurrently Observed by ROCSAT-1 and Equatorial Atmosphere Radar
- Potential Structures of Electrostatic Solitary Waves Observed in the Earth's Foreshock Region Based on Geotail Observations
- Relative Humidity and Ozone Distribution in the Tropical Tropopause Transition Layer
- Relativistic resonant acceleration of high energy electrons by a coherent whistler mode wave in the Earth's inner magnetosphere
- Response of the Global Ionosphere to CME Events
- Self-Consistent Particle Simulation of Whistler-mode Chorus Emissions
- Simultaneous Observations of Tropical Cirrus Clouds by Lidar and Humidity by CFH Over Bandung and Biak, Indonesia During SOWER Campaigns
- Spatially dependent mean free path of energetic particles: Test particle simulation study
- Test Particle Simulations of Relativistic Electrons Interacting with Whistler-mode Wave in the Radiation Belt
- Cirrus Observations in the Tropical Tropopause Layer Over the Western Pacific
- Competition Between the Mirror- and L-mode Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Instabilities in the Earth's magnetosheath: Comparison Between 2-D and 3-D Simulations
- Consistent Satellite and Ground Based Observations and Model Simulations of Tides - CAWSES Global Tidal Campaign Results
- Daytime 150-km Echoes Observed by the Multi-beam Equatorial Atmosphere Radar in Indonesia
- Estimated intensity of the EMP from lightning discharges necessary for elves initiation based on balloon experiment
- Evolution of the near-Earth magnetotail associated with substorm expansion onsets
- MHD Simulation of the Magnetic Storm on the Solar Flare Event in December 2006
- Numerical Analysis on Electric Field Antennas in Space Plasma Environment via Electromagnetic Particle-In-Cell Simulation
- Overview of the Waveform Capture in the Lunar Radar Sounder on board KAGUYA
- Ozone variation in the tropical tropopause layer as seen from ozonesonde data
- Planetary atmospheric science realized by space telescope mission, TOPS
- Relativistic electron acceleration in the generation process of whistler-mode chorus by a self- consistent particle simulation
- SHADOZ in the Aura Era
- Scientific Accomplishments from Ten Years of SHADOZ (Southern Hemisphere Additional Ozonesondes) Profile Data: An Overview
- The relationship between sprite luminous intensity and electrical property of parent lightning discharges using FORMOSAT-2/ISUAL data
- Theory and Simulation of the Generation of Whistler-mode Chorus
- Ultra-relativistic Acceleration of Radiation Belt Electrons in Planetary Magnetospheres
- A nonlinear kinetic theory of self-sustaining whistler-mode wave emissions in the inner magnetosphere
- A study of OH imager observed concentric gravity waves near Fort Collins on 11 May 2004
- AKR occultation observed by KAGUYA (SELENE)
- Analysis of ESWs within reconnection diffusion region and slow-shock in the near-earth magnetotail: Geotail observations
- Full particle simulation of whistler-mode chorus emissions in the magnetosphere
- Highlights of the CAWSES Global Tidal Campaigns
- Japan contribution to studies of low-latitude and equatorial ionosphere over Southeast Asia
- Mirror-Mode Instability versus L-Mode Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Instability: Comparison of 2-D and 3-D Simulations
- Monitor System for Space Electromagnetic Environments: Sensor Network in Space
- Observational estimation of the 'cold trap' dehydration in the tropical tropopause layer: The water vapor match
- Pressure Change Associated with Dipolarization in the Near-Earth Plasma Sheet
- Properties of the Dayside Outer Zone (DOZ) chorus relevant to wave-particle interactions
- Study of the Characteristics of Whistler-mode Chorus Generation in the Earth's Magnetosphere by Electron Hybrid Simulation
- Three-Dimensional Simulation of the Coupled Perkins and Es-Layer Instabilities in the Nighttime Midlatitude Ionosphere
- Coherent Nonlinear Scattering of Energetic Electrons in the Process of Whistler-Mode Chorus Generation
- Current Status of Superconducting Submillimeter-Wave Limb-Emission Sounder (SMILES)
- First Observations of Large-Scale Wave Structure Using the CERTO Beacon on the C/NOFS Satellite and a Longitudinal Chain of Stations in Pacific Region
- First Tomographic Observations of the Mid-latitude Summer Nighttime Anomaly (MSNA) over Japan
- First observations of large-scale wave structure and equatorial spread F using CERTO radio beacon on the C/NOFS satellite
- Numerical Modeling and Analysis of Space-Based Electric Antennas via Plasma Particle Simulation
- Occurrence statistics and drifts of daytime 150-km echoes studied using observations from the Equatorial Atmosphere Radar in Indonesia and ionosonde network
- Operational Level 2 Data Processing System for the JEM/SMILES
- Plasma Sheet Changes Caused by Sudden Enhancements of the Solar Wind Pressure
- Characteristics of stratospheric gravity waves using GPS radio occultation data (Invited)
- Direct measurement of nonlinear wave-particle interaction in the magnetosphere: A simulation study of whistler-mode chorus emissions
- Electrostatic Solitary Waves (ESWs) observed by Kaguya near the Moon
- Evolution of Energetic Electron Distribution due to Interaction with Chorus Emissions
- Nonlinear Mirror Mode Structures in the magnetosheath: Two- and Three-dimensional Hybrid Simulations
- Nonlinear Saturation of Cyclotron Maser Instability Associated With Energetic Ring-beam Electrons
- Nonlinear Wave-Particle Interactions in Radiation Belt Physics
- Overview of Emic Triggered Chorus Emissions in Cluster Data
- Particle Simulations of the Guard Electrode Effects on the Photoelectron Distribution Around an Electric Field Sensor
- Phase speed and period of equatorial Kelvin waves around the tropopause
- Plasma Waves Related to Solar Wind - Moon Interaction Observed by WFC onboard KAGUYA
- Post-midnight low-latitude ionospheric irregularities during solar minimum observed simultaneously with probes on the C/NOFS satellite and the Equatorial Atmosphere Radar
- Self-consistent Particle Simulation of Whistler-mode Triggered Emissions
- Solar zenith angle dependence of the plasma density and temperature in the polar ionosphere and magnetosphere during geomagnetically quiet periods at solar maximum
- Sub-auroral flow shear observed by King Salmon HF radar and RapidMAG
- Temporal and spatial developments of global ionospheric current associated with storm-time overshielding
- Theory and Simulations on Whistler-mode and EMIC Triggered Emissions (Invited)
- A Remarkable Correlation Between Short Period Gravity Waves and Semi Annual Oscillation of the Zonal Wind in the Equatorial Mesopause Region
- Amplitude dependence of the generation process of whistler-mode chorus emissions
- Analysis of tropical cloud systems using a new cloud-top height data by geostationary satellite split-window measurements trained with CloudSat data
- Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Helium Branch Induced by Multiple Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Triggered Emissions
- Evolution of Relativistic Electron Ring Distribution Associated with Cyclotron Maser Instability
- Evolution of electromagnetic electron holes in the generation process of whistler-mode chorus emissions: A particle simulation study
- GPS phase scintillation caused by conjugate auroras
- Generation of Electron Cyclotron Harmonic Waves around the Moon
- Global distribution of ULF waves in the inner magnetosphere based on the GEMSIS-RC model
- Global ionospheric current patterns associated with the development of the R1 and R2 FACs deduced by the GEMSIS-POT
- Global ionospheric currents driven by storm-time electric fields
- High precision and continuous measurements of mesophyll and stomatal conductance to CO2 diffusion during photosynthesis using QCL
- Long-term variation in the upper atmosphere as seen in the amplitude of the geomagnetic solar quiet daily variation
- Metadata database and data analysis software for the ground-based upper atmospheric data developed by the IUGONET project
- Nonlinear Wave Processes in Earth's Radiation Belts
- Observation of O3, HCl, ClO, and HOCl by ISS/JEM/SMILES inside and outside Arctic Polar Vortex during 2009-2010 Winter
- Propagation of EMIC triggered emissions toward the magnetic equatorial plane
- Rapid formation of relativistic electron flux by whistler-mode chorus emissions in the Earth's inner magnetosphere
- Saturation mechanisms of whistler-mode chorus emissions in the inner magnetosphere
- Statistical studies of electron density around lunar wake boundary derived from WFC observation onboard KAGUYA
- Time-Frequency Analysis of the ENSO from FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Data
- A multi-instrument study of dayside diffuse aurora: GEOTAIL, FAST, and South pole all sky imager observations
- Chorus Wave Scattering Responsible for the Dayside Diffuse Auroral Precipitation
- Cluster observations and simulations of He+ EMIC triggered emissions
- Current circuit connecting the polar and equatorial region deduced by a global ionospheric potential solver
- DC electric field measurement in the mid-latitude ionosphere by S-520-26 sounding rocket in Japan
- Dayside auroral emissions controlled by IMF: Surveys for dayside auroral excitation at 557.7 and 630.0 nm in Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard and South Pole, Antarctica
- Direct impact of substorm on outer radiation belt
- Effects of the ring current and plasmasphere on ULF waves in the inner magnetosphere based on the GEMSIS-RC model
- Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Rising Tone Emissions Driven by Anisotropic Protons Injected into the Inner Magnetosphere
- Electrostatic solitary waves and plasma environment near the moon observed by KAGUYA
- Equatorial counterelectrojets during geomagnetic storms and their possible dynamos in the magnetosphere
- Evolution of negative SI-induced ionospheric flows observed by SuperDARN King Salmon HF radar
- Generation and Propagation Characteristics of Dual-Band Chorus Emissions Observed by Geotail
- Generation of Electron Cyclotron Harmonic waves around the Moon
- Hemisphere-coupled numerical model for medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances (MSTID)
- Inter-university Upper atmosphere Global Observation NETwork (IUGONET)
- Ion acoustic solitary waves in magnetospheric boundary layer plasmas: Theory and fluid simulation
- Linear and Nonlinear Wave Processes in Inner Magnetosphere Dynamics
- Long-term variation in the upper atmosphere as seen in the geomagnetic solar quiet (Sq) daily variation
- Longitudinal dependence in the inter-annual variation of the temperature anomalies
- Lunar Dust Environment and Plasma Package for Lunar Lander - Definition Study
- Mass dependent energization of ions in the inner magnetosphere during a substorm
- Nonlinear theory of pitch-angle scattering of relativistic electrons by EMIC waves in the inner magnetosphere
- Relativistic electron microbursts induced by EMIC triggered emissions in the Earth's radiation belts
- Significance of Wave-Particle Interaction Analyzer for direct measurement of nonlinear wave-particle interactions
- Sounding rocket/ground-based observation campaign to study Medium-Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances (MSTID)
- Storm-time electron density enhancement in the cleft ion fountain
- The theory and simulation of falling frequency VLF emissions
- Wave activity around the X-line observed in the near Earth magnetotail
- Chemical and optical properties of atmospheric aerosols in Phimai, Thailand by intensive surface measurements and satellite data analysis
- Continuous measurements for isotopic ratios of CO<SUB>2</SUB>(δ<SUP>13</SUP>C, δ<SUP>18</SUP>O), water vapor(δD, and δ<SUP>18</SUP>O-H<SUB>2</SUB>O) in the urban area using laser IR spectroscopic techniques and their analysis with other pollutant species(CO, NO<SUB>x</SUB>)
- Dependence of low-latitude thermospheric wind on geomagnetic disturbance
- Dual-band beacon experiment over Southeast Asia for ionospheric irregularity analysis
- Electromagnetic ion cyclotron rising tone emissions observed by THEMIS probes outside the plasmapause
- Generation condition of the Upper-band and Lower-band chorus emissions in the Earth's magnetosphere
- Inter-University Upper Atmosphere Global Observation Network (IUGONET) Metadata Database and Its Interoperability
- Nonlinear wave growth mechanism of whistler-mode chorus and broadband hiss-like emissions
- Penetration of the Electric Field to Low Latitude During Stormtime PC5 Pulsations as Observed by the HF Doppler Measurements and Magnetometer Array
- Relativistic electron precipitation due to nonlinear pitch-angle scattering by EMIC triggered emissions
- Rotational Raman lidar with a multispectral detector for temperature profiling in the atmospheric boundary layer
- Separation of Zonally Elongated Large-Scale Cloud Disturbances over the Western Tropical Pacific
- TTL Dehydration Characterized by SOWER Observations over the Pacific
- Triggering Process of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Rising Tone Emissions in the Inner Magnetosphere
- Type-II entry of solar wind protons into the lunar wake: Effects of magnetic connection to the night-side surface
- Development of a 266 nm Raman lidar for profiling atmospheric water vapor
- Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere with a Kappa-Maxwellian Proton Distribution
- Electron Acceleration by Z-mode and Whistler-mode Waves Generated from an Electron Ring Distribution
- Evidence for Significant Local Generation of Plasmaspheric Hiss
- Fine Structure of Plasmaspheric Hiss
- In-situ observations of nonlinear wave particle interaction of electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves
- Nonlinear Evolution of Ion Acoustic Solitary Waves in Earth's Magnetosphere: Fluid and Particle-In-Cell Simulations
- Nonlinear wave growth theory for discrete hiss emissions in the plasmasphere
- Relativistic electron microbursts due to pitch angle scattering by EMIC triggered emissions
- Response of ionospheric electric fields at mid-low latitudes during geomagnetic sudden commencements
- Simulation Study of the Direct Measurement of the Pitch Angle Scattering of Energetic Electrons by Whistler-Mode Chorus Emissions
- Sub-packet structures in EMIC triggered emissions observed by the THEMIS probes
- Substorm electric fields at nightside low latitude
- Sudden Pressure Enhancement and Tailward Retreat in the Near-Earth Plasma Sheet: THEMIS Observation and MHD Simulation
- Daytime temperature profiling of UV rotational Raman lidar using a multispectral detector
- Dependencies of the Generation Process of Whistler-Mode Emissions on the Kinetic Energy of Anisotropic Electrons in the Earth's Inner Magnetosphere
- Effects of electromagnetic ion cyclotron rising tone emissions on the magnetospheric plasmas
- Energy and pitch angle dependence of impact of interplanetary shock on ions in the inner magnetosphere
- Formation Process of Relativistic Electron Flux Through Interaction with Chorus Emissions in the Earth's Inner Magnetosphere
- Nonlinear Wave Growth Theory of Coherent Hiss Emissions in the Plasmasphere
- Physical Characteristics of Arctic Clouds from Ground-based Remote-sensing with a Polarized Micro-Pulse Lidar and a 95-GHz Cloud Radar in Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard
- Relativistic Electron Microburst Induced by Large Amplitude EMIC Rising-tone Emissions
- Seasonal features of black carbon measured at Syowa Station, Antarctica
- Study of Whistler-mode Wave-particle Interactions at Oblique Angles by Utilizing Gyro-averaging Method
- Two types of flow reversal events observed in magnetotail
- A statistical study of EMIC rising and falling tone emissions observed by THEMIS.
- Anisotropic spatial distribution of pulsating proton aurora and related Pc1 geomagnetic pulsation
- Comparison of tree-ring δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and meteorological data from Java island, Indonesia
- Dynamics of energetic electrons interacting with sub-packet chorus emissions in the magnetosphere
- Electron hybrid simulations of whistler-mode chorus generation with real parameters in the Earth's inner magnetosphere
- Estimation of oxygen isotope in source water of tree-ring cellulose in Indonesia using tree-ring oxygen isotope model
- Impact of interplanetary shock on ions in the inner magnetosphere
- Nonlinear dynamics of electrons interacting with oblique whistler-mode chorus in the magnetosphere
- Observational evidence of the nonlinear wave growth theory of plasmaspheric hiss
- Quantitative Assessment of MeV Electron Acceleration in Non-Linear Interactions with VLF Chorus
- Rapid precipitation of radiation belt electrons induced by EMIC rising-tone emissions localized in longitude inside and outside the plasmapuase
- Response of dayside aurora on closed field lines to solar wind driving
- Software-type Wave-Particle Interaction Analyzer (SWPIA) in the ERG mission
- SuperDARN HOP radars observation of ionospheric convection associated with low-latitude aurora observed at Hokkaido, Japan
- The impact of the substorm-time O<SUP>+</SUP> outflow on the ring current enhancement
- Transmission of the Magnetospheric Electric Fields to the Low Latitude Ionosphere during Storm and Substorms
- Cyclotron Acceleration of Relativistic Electrons through Landau Resonance with Obliquely Propagating Whistler Mode Chorus Emissions
- Dayside auroral pulsations and their association with outer magnetospheric dynamics
- Dependence of Substorm Evolution on Solar Wind Condition: Simulation Study
- Direct Measurements of Energy Transfer between Hot Protons and He<SUP>+</SUP> via EMIC Waves Observed by MMS in the Outer Magnetosphere
- Instantaneous Frequency Analysis on Nonlinear EMIC Emissions: Arase Observation
- Ion escape from the Martian upper atmosphere with a weak intrinsic magnetic field
- New calibration technique for water-vapor Raman lidar combined with the GNSS precipitable water vapor and the Meso-Scale Model
- Nonlinear damping of oblique whistler mode waves through Landau resonance
- Onboard Processing on PWE OFA/WFC (Onboard Frequency Analyzer/Waveform Capture) aboard the ERG (ARASE) Satellite
- Pathway and conversion of energy incident on auroral and sub-auroral ionosphere at substorm expansion onset
- Pitch Angle Scattering of Energetic Electrons by Plasmaspheric Hiss Emissions
- Quantifying the Effect of Strong Subpacket Structure in VLF Chorus Rising Tones on Radiation Belt Acceleration
- Study on acceleration processes of the radiation belt electrons through interaction with sub-packet chorus waves in parallel propagation
- The Dayside Aurora Brightening Associated with Magnetosheath High-Speed Jets and Their Related Magnetospheric Signatures
- Variation Process of Radiation Belt Electron Fluxes due to Interaction With Chorus and EMIC Rising-tone Emissions Localized in Longitude
- 2D structure of foreshock driven Pc5 ULF waves observed by THEMIS satellites and ground-based imager conjunction
- Characteristics and Effects of Strong Subpacket Structure near 1/4 f<SUB>ce</SUB> in VLF Chorus Risers
- Direct Measurements of Energy Transfer from Hot Protons to EMIC Waves Observed by MMS during Pc5 Waves in the Outer Magnetosphere
- Effects of a weak intrinsic magnetic field on atmospheric escape from Mars
- Generation of Lower-band and Upper-band Chorus Emissions and Associated Acceleration of Energetic Electrons
- Important contributions of sea-salt aerosols to atmospheric bromine cycle in the Antarctic coasts
- Instantaneous frequency analysis on nonlinear EMIC emissions: Arase observation
- Interhemispheric asymmetry of polar cap patches: Effect of offset between the geographic and magnetic poles
- Meso-scale auroras observed at South Pole Station and McMurdo Station
- Nonlinear drift resonance between charged particles and ultra-low frequency waves: Theory and Observations
- Nonlinear processes of whistler-mode chorus generation in the Earth's inner magnetosphere
- Pulsating aurora associated with temporal structures of chorus elements: Coordinated Arase satellite and PWING observations
- Time domain simulation of geomagnetically induced current (GIC) flowing in 500 kV power grid in Japan including a three-dimensional ground inhomogeneity
- What is the role of the magnetotail dipolarization in substorm expansion onset?
- A Method for Estimation of Cold Plasma Density from Whistler Mode Waveforms Observed by Two MMS Spacecraft
- Atmospheric sea-salt and halogen chemistry in the Antarctic region
- Characteristics of CME- and CIR-driven ion upflows in the polar ionosphere
- Cyclotron Acceleration of Relativistic Electrons Through Landau Resonance With Obliquely Propagating Whistler-Mode Chorus Emissions
- Dayside magnetospheric and ionospheric responses to transient upstream disturbances measured by satellite-imager coordination
- EMIC Rising-Tone Emissions Inducing Rapid Precipitation of Relativistic Electron
- Effects of the IMF direction on atmospheric escape from a Mars-like planet under a weak intrinsic magnetic field condition
- Generation of plasmaspheric hiss in full particle simulation
- New Epb High-Resolution Simulation Diagnostics
- Nonlinear modeling of radiation belt electron flux interacting with whistler mode chorus emissions
- Particle Simulation of Whistler-mode Triggered Emissions in the Earth's Inner Magnetosphere
- Pc3-5 pulsations in dayside diffuse aurora
- Relativistic Acceleration of Protons by EMIC Waves in Jovian Magnetosphere
- Revisiting Carrington event with archival materials: Spatiotemporal Evolutions of a Large Sunspot Group and Great Auroral Storms
- Roles of magnetospheric convection on nonlinear drift resonance between electrons and Ultralow frequency waves
- Seeding, structuring, and decaying of equatorial plasma bubbles simulated by High-Resolution Bubble (HIRB) model
- Time Domain Modelling of Geoelectric Fields in Québec, Canada
- Where is nonlinear growth of whistler-mode chorus waves preferred to occur in the inner magnetosphere?: Coupled MHD and advection simulations
- Whistler mode waves near the magnetic field intensity minimum of mirror structures in magnetosheath
- Active auroral arc powered by accelerated electrons from very high altitude
- Analysis on the auroral electrojet by numerical simulation
- Characteristics of the magnetic field variations at and above proton cyclotron frequency observed by Arase
- Comparing total inorganic chlorine climatologies from CMAM39 and ACE-FTS
- Concentrically expanding ring-shaped pulsating aurora: simultaneous observations with Arase and high-speed cameras in Scandinavia
- Estimation of energy of precipitating electrons causing pulsating aurora and omega band: Digital camera observations from ISS
- Formation processes of radiation belt electron fluxes interacting with localized oblique whistler mode chorus emissions
- Ground-based calibration of rotational Raman lidar for profiling atmospheric temperature
- Isolated electrostatic potential structures correlated with low energy electron beams: Arase satellite observations
- Modulation of energy transfer between hot protons and electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves by compressional Pc5 ULF waves
- Multipoint Analysis of Source Regions of EMIC Waves by THEMIS Spacecraft
- Nonlinear Theory and Simulation of Toroidal ULF Wave and Particle Interaction in a Pure Dipole Magnetic Field
- Nonlinear generation mechanism of whistler-mode hiss emissions near the equatorial plasmasphere
- Nonlinear triggering process of whistler mode emissions in a homogeneous magnetic field
- North-south asymmetric auroral surge development as reproduced by global MHD simulation
- Observations of drifting hole structures in radiation belt electrons induced by EMIC waves
- Observations of mass- and charge-dependent ion energization in the near-Earth magnetotail
- Parametric dependence of the generation of plasmaspheric hiss emissions
- Plasma Waves Causing Relativistic Electron Precipitation Events at International Space Station: Lessons from Conjunction Observations with Arase Satellite
- Resolving the evolution of pulsating aurora: High-speed Tjörnes-Arase-Syowa conjugate observation
- Simulation Study of Rising-tone Emissions Triggered by a VLF Wave Packet in the Equatorial Magnetosphere
- Spatial evolution of injected energetic electrons as observed by Arase and Van Allen Probes
- Spatio-temporal characteristics of the precipitating electron energy of pulsating aurora derived from multi-wavelength optical measurements
- Statistical investigation of cross energy coupling during magnetic storms: Arase observations
- The Fate of O+ Ions Observed in the Plasma Mantle: Particle Tracing Modelling and Cluster Observations
- 3-dimensional coupling between field-aligned currents and ionospheric currents