Kyoto University, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
flowchart I[Kyoto University, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (49)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (0)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- (U-Th)/He Geochronology of Zircon Using Nd-YAG Laser Heating
- Altitude-Slope Relationships For Each Geology in Accretionary Complex Based on GIS Analysis
- A Numerical Simulation of the Geomagnetic Sudden Impulse
- The temperature during the high speed friction experiments estimated by ESR signals in quartz
- Dramatic Decomposition Weakening of Simulated Faults in Carrara Marble at Seismic Slip-rates
- Dynamic Weakening of Ultracataclasite During Rotary Shear at Seismic Slip Rates
- Effects of Normal Stress on the Sliding Behavior of Gabbro during Frictional Melting
- Estimation of Porosity and Permeability Structures of Miyazaki Group, Japan
- Frictional Constitutive Parameters for Serpentine Mud from South Chamorro Seamount
- Frictional Properties and Permeability of Fault Rocks from Taiwan Chelungpu-fault Drilling Project and Their Implications for High-Velocity Slip Weakening
- Intermediate-velocity Friction Barrier and its Implication for Earthquake Generation
- Unspiked K-Ar dating of the Koloa rejuvenated volcanism and shield Waimea Canyon Basalt on Kauai, Hawaii
- Youngest volcanism about 1 million years ago at Kaho`olawe Island, Hawai`i, was not part of rejuvenated-stage volcanism
- (U-Th)/He thermochronology of the Tanzawa Tonalite complex, Japan.
- Dynamic Weakening at Seismic Slip rates Demonstrated for Fault-Rocks from SAFOD Core and Punchbowl fault
- Electrical conductivity variations of brucite and basic rock under crustal P-T conditions
- Fault rocks from seismogenic depths in exhumed subduction prisms: Pasagshak Point, Kodiak Island, AK.
- Isotope Compositions of Submarine North Kona Tholeiitic Lavas, Hualalai Volcano, Hawaii
- Microstructural and Mechanical Evolutions of Pelitic Fault Zones at Seismic Slip Rates in High-velocity Friction Experiments
- Paleoclimatological study using stalagmites from Java Island, Indonesia
- Physico-chemical Changes and Dramatic Fault Weakening Induced by Thermal Decomposition in Carbonate Fault Zones: Results from Friction Tests at Seismic Slip Rates
- Comparison of Meteorological Data and Stable Isotope Time Series from an Indonesian Stalagmite
- Electrical conductivity variations of hydrous mineral and rocks associate with dehydration process
- Hydraulic and frictional properties of natural clay-rich sediments from ODP Leg190 Nankai Trough and IODP Expedition 311 Cascadia Margin
- Pb, Hf, Nd, and Sr Isotopic Variations of Hualalai Shield Stage Tholeiites from the Submarine North Kona Region
- Possible Transitional Process in Fission-Track Annealing of Zircon, Inferred by Remodeling of Laboratory Based Kinetics
- Frictional Properties of Sediments from Nankai Trough IODP Expedition 316: Results from an Intermediate-Velocity Test
- In Situ Stress Determinations from Anelastic Strain Recovery (ASR): Preliminary Results and Comparisons to Borehole Breakout and Core-scale Fault Data from IODP Expeditions 314, 315 and 316 to the Nankai Trough
- Rupture Process of the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake (Mj 7.2), Japan, Inferred From Strong Motion and Geodetic Data
- Cloud-Top Height Estimation by Geostationary Satellite Split-Window Measurements using CloudSat Measurements
- Tsunami-induced electromagnetic fields at the seafloor caused by earthquakes on both sides of the Kuril trench
- Comparative study on water content in the asthenosphere and the transition zone beneath the Northwest Pacific Ocean
- Deep-seated submarine landslides and frictional properties of accretionary prism from the hanging wall of the frontal thrust region, offshore the Kii Peninsula
- High-velocity frictional properties and microstructures of clay-rich fault gouge in megasplay fault zone, Nankai subduction zone
- A New Type of Kelyphite Produced by Isochemical Breakdown of Garnet, Discovered from the Czech Moldanubian Zone
- Investigation of the Triggering Mechanism of Magnetospheric Substorm via 2-1/2 D Full-Particle Simulation
- Latent Heating from TRMM Satellite Measurements
- Experimental study of bedforms formed by Froude supercritical density currents
- Forward solution of the electromagnetic field induced by tsunamis using non-uniform thin-sheet approximation
- Geodetic Inversion Analysis Method of Coseismic Slip Distribution Using a Three-dimensional Finite Element High-fidelity Model
- Tsunami-genic turbidity currents: observation and estimation of flow conditions (Invited)
- Coupling of Uranium and Thorium Series Isotope Systematics for Age Determination of Late Pleistocene Zircons using LA-ICP-MS
- Signatures of Pacific-type orogeny in Lleyn and Anglesey areas, northwest Wales
- Comparison of tree-ring δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and meteorological data from Java island, Indonesia
- Estimation of oxygen isotope in source water of tree-ring cellulose in Indonesia using tree-ring oxygen isotope model
- Thermoluminescence of quartz collected from Nojima Fault Trench excavated in 2015
- Normal grain growth of quartz by experiment and discussion on the effect of grain size reduction by deformation in natural conditions
- Fault strength at the brittle-ductile transitional depth: Experimental study using deep fault materials along the Median Tectonic Line, Japan
- Effects of Vertical Changes in Soil Hydraulic Properties on Subsurface Water Percolation in Hillslopes and Formation of Sliding Surface of Rainfall-induced Shallow Landslides