Kanazawa University, School of Natural Science and Technology
flowchart I[Kanazawa University, School of Natural Science and Technology] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (45)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (0)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Crustal Structure beneath Northeastern Japan Derived from Explosion Seismology and Gravity Anomalies
- Temporal Change of the Fireball Energy along the Fall Path from Shock Wave Analysis
- Ablation process of the 1999 Kobe meteorite inferred from shockwave data
- Anisotropy of S wave velocity in the lowermost mantle using broad-band data recorded at Syowa in Antarctica
- Characteristics of crossed wire antennas onboard Akebono
- Full Wave Analysis and Observation of Spherics Generated by Lightning
- Generation mechanism of chorus emissions in the dayside magnetosphere
- Rheometry experiment for a wire antenna aboard spacecraft at low frequencies
- Characteristics of Electric Wire Antennas Onboard Scientific Spacecraft
- Characteristics of wire antennas onboard Akebono satellite
- Cyclotron interaction for the chorus emissions in a nonuniform magnetic field
- Ionospheric Penetration of ELF/VLF Electromagnetic Waves Radiated From an Earthquake
- A Duration-Amplitude Distribution Of Deep Low Frequency Tremors Beneath The Tokai Region, Japan
- A recovery of scattering environment in the crust after a large earthquake
- Control of the volumetric and viscosity ratios of iron-silicate emulsion on the core formation process
- Influence of Plasma Wake Around Satellite Body on Characteristics of Electric Field Sensor
- Long-range transport of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from the eastern Asian continent to Kanazawa, Japan with Asian dust
- Long-term Average Spectral and Spatial Distributions of Plasmaspheric Hiss Observed by the Akebono and IMAGE Satellites
- Shear experiments of granular materials and implications for fault slip
- Thermal coupling between the mantle, outer core and inner core: an experimental model
- A nonlinear kinetic theory of self-sustaining whistler-mode wave emissions in the inner magnetosphere
- Did a Stress Change due to a Long-Term Slow Slip Event in the Tokai Region Cause Distant Seismic Quiescence in the Tamba Region, Japan?
- Full particle simulation of whistler-mode chorus emissions in the magnetosphere
- Hydrothermal alteration and chemical budget of oceanic crust: an example from the northern oman ophiolite
- Monitor System for Space Electromagnetic Environments: Sensor Network in Space
- Rate and recurrence interval of short-term slow slip on plate interface detected by non- volcanic deep low frequency tremors
- Arc magmatism at the incipient stage of formation of subduction zone: geochemistry of Eocene volcanic rocks from the Bonin Islands
- Dayside Outer Zone (DOZ) Chorus at High Latitudes: Properties and Possible Role of Minimum B Pockets (Invited)
- Laboratory experiments of Landslides using a wet granular matter
- Properties of Gendrin Mode and Whistler Mode Chorus: Theory and Observations
- Plasma Waves Related to Solar Wind - Moon Interaction Observed by WFC onboard KAGUYA
- Experiments on melt ascent by thermo-mechanical erosion in a magma chamber
- Monitoring of slip at the transition zone on the plate interface estimated from non-volcanic deep low-frequency tremors in southwestern Japan
- Statistical studies of electron density around lunar wake boundary derived from WFC observation onboard KAGUYA
- The effect of target rheology on impact cratering : case for a wet sand
- Generation of Electron Cyclotron Harmonic waves around the Moon
- How to estimate bidirectional wind conditions using isolated sand dunes
- Similar data retrieval from enormous datasets on plasma wave spectrum observed by solar-terrestrial satellites
- Study on characteristic frequencies of ELF emissions and estimation of ion constituents in the vicinity of magnetic equator
- Automatic Detection of Dispersion Curves of Lightning Whistlers Propagating in the Plasmasphere
- Flume experiment on the development of isolated dunes via sand patches and protodunes
- How much do we know microstructures at grain boundary of nominally 'fresh' peridotite xenoliths? Implications for initiation of weathering/alteration
- Statistical analyses of spatial and time dependence of lightning whistlers observed by VLF/WBA onboard AKEBONO
- Application of SERS on the Chemical Analysis of Individual Nanoparticles
- Biomarkers across the Cretaceous OAE2 interval from IODP site U1516: anomalous distribution of long-chain n-alkanes