Kagawa University, Japan
flowchart I[Kagawa University, Japan] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (28)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (4)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A newly found fragment of Cretaceous oceanic Lip derived from Pacific superplume; an example from the Sanbagawa eclogite-peridotite mass in Shikoku, Japan
- Silicification of pelitic schist in the Iwakuni-Yanai area of the Ryoke belt, southwest Japan: Origin of competent layers in the deep crust
- "Fossil" bright layer recorded in the low-P/T metamorphic rocks
- Accretionary Complex Origin of the Mafic-ultramafic Bodies of the Sanbagawa Belt, Central Shikoku, Japan
- An Introduction to Japanese Australian Dust Experiment - JADE
- Deep-Seated Structure of the Median Tectonic Line in the Iyo-nada Sea, Southwest Japan
- Multi-size saltation for different soil moisture conditions at a gobi site in the Taklimakan Desert, China
- The youngest blueschist belt in SW Japan
- Upper Tropospheric Water Vapor Variation Over Asian Monsoon During Northern Summer 2007
- Asian Dust Processes Experiment for Development of the Next-generation Dust Model.
- Monsoon Rainfall and Landslides in Nepal
- Catchment Scale Landslide Hazard Assessment In The Siwaliks Of Nepal
- Fluid chemistry in the fault propataion zone in the mid-crust -fluid inclusion chemistry from the Lishan fault, Taiwan-
- The influence of estuarine conditions on the dynamics of a coastal phytoplankton community in a micro-tidal estuary: Yura River Estuary, Japan
- Improved parameterization for the vertical flux of dust aerosols emitted by an eroding soil
- Spatial Distribution of Hydrogen Production Zone and Organic Carbon; Case Study from Jurassic Ocean Plateau, the Mikabu Greenstone Belt, Central Shikoku, Japan.
- A Forecasting Procedure for Plate Boundary Earthquakes Based on Sequential Data Assimilation - Application to the Nankai Megathrust Earthquake Sequences
- Advanced real time monitoring system and simulation researches for Earthquakes and Tsunamis in Japan Part2-Towards disaster mitigation on Earthquakes and Tsunamis-
- Estimating slip deficit of the North Anatolian Fault beneath the Sea of Marmara, Turkey, using on- and off-shore geodetic data
- Seismological structure of the subduction system associated with the Philippine Sea plate, SW Japan, - Reinterpretation of the wide-angle reflection data in the Kii Peninsula by seismic interferometry technique -
- Disaster mitigation science for Earthquakes and Tsunamis -For resilience society against natural disasters-
- Crustal structure and back-arc rifting process in the Okinawa Trough -New seismological evidence-
- EnKF Estimation of Frictional Properties and Slip Evolution on a LSSE Fault with a locked megathrust fault zone -Numerical Experiments-
- Subduction geometry and seismic structure around northern Ryukyu subduction zone
- Change of Rainfall Characteristics in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka using more than 100-years Record
- Surface roughness of the Philippine Sea plate along seismic survey lines at Nankai subduction zone
- Effect of Stones on the Sand Saltation Threshold during Natural Sand and Dust Storms in a Stony Desert in Tsogt-Ovoo in the Gobi Desert, Mongolia
- Improved estimations of dry vegetation cover and mass using MODIS data at a dust hotspot in the Gobi Desert