Gifu University, Japan
flowchart I[Gifu University, Japan] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (70)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (11)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Characterization of the Initial Stage of Object-Initiated and Rocket-Triggered Lightning
- Structure of Fault Zones at the Brittle-Plastic Transition Zone of the Continental Earth Crust: A Case Study at the Hatagawa Fault Zone
- Ecosystem carbon isotopic discrimination in a cool-temperate deciduous forest at Asian Monsoon region: Implication from aerosol-leaf wax biomarkers
- Estimation of Carbon Balance in Young and Mature Stands of Japanese Cedar (Cryptomeria Japonica) Plantation
- Phase delay connection in differential VLBI
- Radiocarbon-based Turnover Time Estimates of Soil Organic Carbon in a Cool-temperate Deciduous Forest in Asian Monsoon Region
- Evidence of negative leaders which precede fast rise ICC pulses of upward
- A comparison between initial continuous currents of different types of upward lightning
- Field test to the use of vegetation indices for phenology detection
- Interim report on the 2008 Southern and the Central Japan Alps Transect (SCAT)
- 10-year evapotranspiration estimates in a Bornean tropical rainforest
- Further characterization of the luminous variation events that occurred during the initial stage of upward positive leaders
- Relationships between Lightning Leader Progression Characteristics and Local Charge Structures in Thunderclouds
- Satellite-driven estimation of terrestrial carbon flux over Far East Asia with 30-second grid resolution
- Subsurface structure around the Nobi fault system, central Japan, by seismic reflection survey using artificial sources
- Dehydration softening of serpentine as a trigger of intermediate-depth earthquakes
- Stream water temperature difference between coniferous and deciduous forest
- Nonlinear interaction between sea spray process and dissipative heating process in Super Typhoon Vera (1959)
- Simulating Snow Water Equivalent and Runoff by using SWAT and MODIS Land surface Temperature Data in Russia Fareast Area
- a review and an update on the winter lightning that occurred on a rotating windmill and its standalone lightning protection tower
- Effects of experimental soil warming on soil, autotrophic and heterotrophic respirations in cool-temperate deciduous broad-leaved forests
- Influence of Air Temperature Difference on the Snow Melting Simulation of SWAT Model
- Optical propagation characteristics of positive dart leaders
- Phenological changes in morphological, physiological and optical properties of single-leaves in canopy trees of a cool-temperate deciduous forest in Japan
- Ecophysiological Remote Sensing of Leaf-Canopy Photosynthetic Characteristics in a Cool-Temperate Deciduous Forest in Japan
- Multidisciplinary Research on Canopy Photosynthetic Productivity in a Cool-Temperate Deciduous Broadleaf Forest in Japan
- Accurate detection of spatio-temporal variability of plant phenology by using satellite-observed daily green-red vegetation index (GRVI) in Japan
- Concentration of strain in a marginal rift zone of the Japan backarc during post-rift compression
- Ecophysiological parameters for a coupled photosynthesis and stomatal conductance model derived from eddy covariance measurements in Asia
- Estimation of gross primary production and light use efficiency by the tower-based sun-induced fluorescence measurement in the Japanese evergreen coniferous forest
- Molecular phylogeography of the Andean alpine plant, Gunnera magellanica
- Seasonal and Inter-annual Changes in Photosynthetic and Soil Respiratory Processes in a Cool-temperate Deciduous Forest on a Mountainous Landscape in Japan.
- Biophysical relationship between leaf-level optical properties and phenology of canopy spectral reflectance in a cool-temperate deciduous broadleaf forest at Takayama, central Japan
- Detection of upward and downward Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence emissions at the forest floor in a cool-temperate deciduous broadleaf forest in Japan
- Effects of increasing air temperature on leaf phenology and photosynthetic characteristics in cool-temperate deciduous canopy trees.
- Estimation of <SUP>137</SUP>Cs load with consideration of uncertainty at Kuchibuto River basin
- Optical Progression Characteristics of the Transient Discharges Occurred at the Trails of Positive Upward Leaders
- Utility of leaf-colouring information published on web sites for evaluation of spatial-temporal variability of autumn leaf phenology in Japan
- Assessment of watershed scale nitrogen cycling and dynamics by hydrochemical modeling
- GEO Carbon and GHG Initiative Task 3: Optimizing in-situ measurements of essential carbon cycle variables across observational networks
- Model Projections and their Uncertainties of Future Intensity Change of Typhoon Haiyan (2013)
- Bottom-up and top-down approach investigations on solar induced fluorescence for estimating the photosynthesis at ecosystem scale by both ground-based measurement and modeling
- Constructing the simulation model to estimate the SIF using remote sensing data
- Evaluation of the long term climatological change impacts on water and nutrient flows - a case study of the Ise Bay watershed -
- Is there a thundercloud electric field threshold for terrestrial gamma-ray flash production?
- Potential Vorticity Diagnosis of the Unique Track of Typhoon Lionrock (2016)
- Effect of biochar amendment on biometric net ecosystem production during three years in a secondary warm-temperate deciduous forest, Japan
- Influences of Typhoons Prapiroon and Maria on the West Japan Heavy Rainfall Event in July 2018
- Intracloud and negative cloud-to-ground lightning flashes not producing classic preliminary breakdown pulses
- Non-marine paleoclimatic response of Early-Middle Eocene "hothouse" interval evidence from a lacustrine record of the Green River Formation in Utah, USA
- The Fast Antenna Lightning Mapping Array (FALMA): Applications in lightning research
- The Preliminary Result of 10.5M Core from Lake Olgoy, Valley of the Lake in Mongolia
- Three-year's responses of soil nutrients and microbial community to the biochar amendment in a warm-temperate deciduous forest in Japan
- Validation of simulated SIF and GPP by the 3D radiative transfer model FLiES-SIF: A case study in a cool temperate deciduous forest
- Detection of solar-induced fluorescence from lower resolution field-measured spectra over the past decade in deciduous broad-leaf forest in Japan
- Future changes in heavy rainfalls in Central Japan in long-term mega-ensemble climate projections
- High Speed Optical Observations of an Interesting Multi Branched Upward Lightning
- Mapping of Permafrost Wetland Using Satellite Data and Its Importance on Dissolved Iron Concentration in Rivers, Russian Far East
- Phenology of leaf optical properties and their effects on canopy reflectance in cool-temperate deciduous broadleaf forest
- Prediction of the productivity of cedar plantation in Japan under changing climate
- Electric field change waveforms produced by the strongest negative lightning strokes in winter thunderstorms
- High-speed Video Observation of Striking Distance of Tall-object Lightning Flashes in Guangzhou
- Investigation of the relationship between observed SIF and broadband SIF for the reliable GPP calculation in a cool temperate-deciduous broadleaf forest
- Pseudo-global Warming Track Ensemble Experiments on Widespread Heavy Rainfall Associated with Typhoon Hagibis (2019)
- Retrieving solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence from multilayers in a deciduous forest with low resolution field-measured spectra over the past decade
- Seasonal variation in Solar Induced chlorophyll Fluorescence from canopy-top, middle and bottom layers as a potential proxy of gross primary productivity in a canopy of a cool-temperate deciduous broadleaf forest in Takayama, Japan
- Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flash Detection from Upward Leader in Uchinada, Japan
- Evaluation of Changes in Stream Water Chemistry and Flow Path Due to Coniferous Plantations
- Parameter Optimization of Terrestrial Ecosystem Model Using Tower-observed Solar-induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence in a Cool-temperate Forest in Japan
- Suspected Stepped-Leader X-ray Bursts Observed Preceding a Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flash on Mt. Fuji, Japan