Fukushima University, Japan
flowchart I[Fukushima University, Japan] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (69)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (11)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Surface faulting and liquefaction related to the Changureh (Avaj) earthquake, Iran, June 22, 2002
- Soil Moisture Estimation Using Surface Backscattering Coefficients Observed by the Tropical Rain Measurement Mission Precipitation Radar
- Evolution of magma plumbing systems in the late Cenozoic NE Honshu arc, Japan
- Distribution of Land Use to Purify Contaminated Groundwater by Nitrate
- Pyroclastic conduits of the late Cenozoic collapse calderas from Japan
- Timing of Surface-Rupturing Earthquakes on the Philippine Fault Zone in Central Luzon Island, Philippines
- Ensemble modeling of carbon and water fluxes for NACP
- Estimating evapotranspiration over Yosemite National Park using a regional ecosystem model driven by satellite-based climate data.
- Framework for Producing Ecological Nowcasts
- Scaling approach of terrestrial carbon cycle over Alaska's black spruce forests: a synthesis of field observation, remote sensing, and ecosystem modeling
- A comparative study of vertical flow and free-water surface constructed wetlands for low C/N ratio domestic wastewater treatment and its greenhouse gases emission
- Comparing the interannual variability of NDVI of croplands over China and India for the period 1982-2006: socioeconomic versus climatic drivers of change.
- Ensemble Ecosystem Model Experiment and Intercomparison using the Terrestrial Observation and Prediction System (TOPS)
- Multi-model analysis of terrestrial water and carbon cycles in Japan: Japan-MIP
- Convergence and Divergence in a Multi-Model Ensemble of Terrestrial Ecosystem Models in North America
- Diagnosing and Assessing Uncertainties of the Carbon Cycle in Terrestrial Ecosystem Models from a Multi-Model Ensemble Experiment
- Microbiological Profiles of Deep Terrestrial Sedimentary Rocks Revealed by an Aseptic Drilling Procedure
- Multi model and data analysis of terrestrial carbon cycle in Asia: From 2001 to 2006
- Novel DNA Extraction Method Unveiled the Ancient Hot Deep Biosphere Concealed in Terrestrial Sedimentary Rocks
- Water content in intraplate basalt magmas from the Longgang area, NE China
- Assessment of Ecosystem Respiration Dependence on the Soil Temperature
- Evaluation of a terrestrial carbon cycle submodel in an earth system model using networks of eddy covariance observations
- Satellite-driven estimation of terrestrial carbon flux over Far East Asia with 30-second grid resolution
- Seasonal and spatial variations of carbon fluxes of arctic and boreal ecosystems in Alaska
- Two-stage high-rate biogas (H2 and CH4) production from food waste using anaerobic mixed microflora
- Voluminous juvenile lithic fragments in the pumice-fall deposit of the 1108 eruption of Asama volcano: Evidence of repeated compaction and fragmentation in the shallow conduit
- Age constraints for NanTroSEIZE sedimentary sequences: Drilling of Subduction input sediments and Mass transport deposits, IODP Expedition 333
- Impact of meteorological anomalies in 2003 and 2010 summer on terrestrial carbon cycle in East Asia: Multi model and data analysis
- Potential Applications of Gosat Based Carbon Budget Products to Refine Terrestrial Ecosystem Model
- Up-scaling carbon and water fluxes over Alaska by multi-site eddy fluxes and satellite remote sensing data
- Increase of surface energy fluxes due to warming climate in Alaska based on upscaling of eddy covariance measurements
- Past "earthquake/tsunami" event deposits found in the Japan Trench: Results from the Sonne SO219A and Mirai MR12-E01 cruises
- Sequential optimization of a terrestrial biosphere model constrained by multiple satellite based products
- Simultaneous reproduction of global carbon exchange and storage of terrestrial forest ecosystems
- Asia-MIP: Multi Model-data Synthesis of Terrestrial Carbon Cycles in Asia
- Green up onset in the northern high latitude as observed from satellite data and the ground-based camera networks
- Paleoseismology off northern Japan: Sediments in the Japan Trench record earthquake activity
- Simulating carbon and water fluxes at Arctic and boreal ecosystems in Alaska by optimizing the modified BIOME-BGC with eddy covariance data
- A searching of past large Solar Proton Event by measuring carbon-14 content in tree-rings
- Relationship between diatom thanatocoenoses and anthropogenically-induced environmental changes in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan
- Behaviour of oceanic <SUP>137</SUP>Cs following the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident for four years simulated numerically by a regional ocean model
- Developing of Watershed Radionuclide Transport Model DHSVM-R as Modification and Extension of Distributed Hydrological and Sediment Dynamics Model DHSVM
- Development of observed meteorological database to understand the deposition and dispersion processes over Fukushima and Kanto plain of Japan in March 2011
- Field and Laboratory Studies of Radiocesium Transfers in Soil-Water Environment at Fukushima Prefecture
- Long-term Trends of Plot-scale Cs-137 Wash-off on Various Land Uses in the Area Affected by the Accident of Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant
- Multiscale Modeling of Radioisotope Transfers in Watersheds, Rivers, Reservoirs and Ponds of Fukushima Prefecture
- Radioactive and Stable Cesium Distributions in Fukushima Forests
- Radiocesium dynamics in irrigation ponds in the proximity of Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant
- Observation of fluctuation of gamma-ray count rate accompanying thunderstorm activity and energy spectrum of gamma rays in the atmosphere up to several kilometers altitude from the ground
- Assessment of future global crop failure for maize and soybeans based on the DSSAT simulation
- Change of sediment sources and hysteresis in suspended sediments due to surface decontamination in the Niida river catchment area affected by the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident
- Fate and Transport of Accidentally Released Radionuclides in Soil-Water Environment: Fukushima and Chernobyl
- Forest Wildfire at Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in June, 2018: Lessons Learned from Coupling of Stationary and Mobile Monitoring with Predictive Modeling of Atmospheric Radioactivity During the Event and Follow-Up Intercomparison of the Modeling Tools
- Parallel Shallow Water Modeling of Radionuclide Transport in Solute and Suspended Sediments in Chernobyl and Fukushima Waters
- Vertical distribution of Chernobyl-derived <SUP>137</SUP>Cs in bottom sediments represents a long-term dynamics of water contamination
- Development of soil erosion model for decontaminated sandy soils in Fukushima agricultural land
- Factors controlling concentration of dissolved <SUP>90</SUP>Sr and <SUP>137</SUP>Cs in river water in the Chernobyl exclusion zone.
- The transfer of fallout radionuclides by Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident revealed by intensive monitoring network
- Decontamination impacts on river suspended sediment delivery and particulate 137Cs discharge in Fukushima
- Dynamics and Temperature Dependence of Fukushima-Derived Radiocesium in Abukuma River in 2012-2019
- Fukushima and Chernobyl: similarities and differences of radiocesium fate and transport in soil-water environment
- Effects of Upstream Decontamination Activities in Agricultural Land on Downstream Transport of Persistent Suspended Solids and Cs-137 in Niida Catchment in Fukushima, Japan
- Environmental recovery from radiocesium-contaminated Japanese coastal waters
- Factors contributing to the 137Cs variation in the drainage channel K at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant by mixing model using 3H concentration
- Greenhouse gas budget for South Asia Region
- Reconstruction of Time Changes in Radiocesium Concentrations in the River of the Fukushima Dai-ichi NPP Contaminated Area Based on its Depth Distribution in Dam Reservoir's Bottom Sediments
- Terrestrial Gamma Radiation Distribution Map of Okinawa Island
- Title: Mobilization and transportation of radionuclides in surface water are linked sub-catchment geochemistry and river connectivity