Ocean University of China
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Mapping the Upper Mantle Lithospheric Structures of China With Gravity Data
- Gravitational potential energy sinks/sources in the oceans
- Excitation of Non-Atmospheric Polar Motion by the Migration of the Pacific Warm Pool
- Sediment Flux and Fate of the Yangtze River Sediments Delivered to the East China Sea
- Enhanced Mixing in the South China Sea
- Extratropical Control of Recent Tropical Pacific Decadal Climate Variability: A relay teleconnection
- Impact of the Indian Ocean SST Basin Mode on the Asian Summer Monsoon
- Origin of Pacific Multidecadal Variability in Community Climate System Model Version 3 (CCSM3)
- Seasonal and Long Term Atmospheric Responses to Reemerging North Pacific Ocean Variability: A Combined Dynamical and Statistical Assessment
- The IOD signal in the upper-ocean Indonesian Throughflow since mid-1970s
- Microfabric Characteristics and Rheological Importance of UHP Jadeite-Quartzite from Shuanghe, Dabie Mountains
- On the Microstructure of Omphacite in Eclogite from Dabie Mountains, China
- Structural Geometry of an Exhumed UHP Terrane in the Sulu Orogen, China: Implications for Lower Crustal Deformation and Continental Collisional Processes
- Biomarker Evidence of Different Trends and Mechanisms of Phytoplankton Community Structure Changes in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea During the Past 200 Years
- Centennial Scale Variations of Sea Surface Temperature and Productivity Over the last 14 ka in Core PC-14 From the Continetal Margin of Baja California
- Effects Of Tide And Wind On Changjiang River Plume
- Mid-late Holocene Sea Surface Temperature and Productivity Changes in the Continental Shelf of the East China Sea
- Quantitative Applications of Deep-Sea Raman Spectroscopy: Geochemistry of 1,4- thioxane in sea water
- A Sea Floor Methane Hydrate Displacement Experiment Using N2 Gas
- Biomarker reconstruction of phytoplankton productivity and community structure changes in the Japan Sea over the last 166 ka
- Development of an In Situ Raman Probe for Pore Water Geochemistry
- Dissolved methane profiles in marine sediments observed in situ differ greatly from analyses of recovered cores
- Indian Ocean dipole response to global warming: Analysis of ocean-atmospheric feedbacks in a coupled model
- SST anomaly persistence in North Pacific from winter to summer
- Simulations of the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool by IPCC Models
- Asian dust transportation and fertilizing the coastal and open ocean in the Northern Pacific (Invited)
- Biomarker Records of Phytoplankton Community Structure Changes in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea Druing the Holocene
- Case study of Asian dust optical and deposition properties over the Yellow Sea of China by shipboard and ground-based photometers, along with Satellite remote sensing
- Distribution and Characterizations of Short-chain Organic Acids in the Seawater of the Jiaozhao Bay, China
- Estimates of Turbulent Mixing in Strongly Stratified Yellow Sea in Summer
- Interdecadal Modulation of ENSO Amplitude During the Last Millennium
- Lipid Biomarkers in Particulates from the South China Sea: Productivity and Community Structure Indicators
- Simulations of the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool by IPCC Models
- Sulfate formation in atmospheric ultrafine particles at inland and coastal rural environments in Canada
- Amplitude and cyclicity of sea surface temperature changes of the past 1.9 million years in the northern South China Sea
- Development and Testing of a Mooring System for monitoring Long-term Oceanic Multi-scale Dynamic Process
- Eddy formation and propagation in the East Pacific warm pool: Role of subseasonal variability in Central American wind jets
- Multiple proxy estimates of organic matter sources in surface sediments from the southern Yellow Sea
- Observed Deep Circulation in the Luzon Strait
- Observed type-a and type-b internal solitary waves in South China Sea
- Spatial Variations in Archaeal Lipids of Surface Water and Core-Top Sediments in the South China Sea: Implications for Paleoclimate Studies
- Spatial variability of phytoplankton productivity and community structure changes in the South China Sea over the last two glacial cycles
- Study on turbulence over continental shelf and slope of the northern South China Sea
- The effects of the 2010 flood on the composition and abundance of the terrestrial organic matter in sediments along the inner-shelf off the Changjiang Estuary, China
- Upper Ocean Response to Typhoon MEGI(2010) in the South China Sea
- Abnormal Characteristics of Low Molecular Weight Organic Acids in Surface Water of the Jiaozhou Bay
- Comparative evaluation of the UK37 and TEX86 indices as surface and subsurface temperature proxies in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea
- Enhanced Warming over the Global Subtropical Western Boundary Currents
- Ocean front-atmosphere interactions in the marine boundary layer and beyond
- Oceanic Origin of Tropical Atlantic SST Biases
- Optimal Tropical Sea Surface Temperature Forcing of Asian Summer Monsoon
- Sedimentary records of eutrophication and hypoxia in the Changjiang Estuary over the last 100 years
- The decoupling between benthic and planktonic archaea preserved in sediments of the South China Sea
- The foreland basin geometry along Longmen Range from high resolution Gravity data and its tectonic implication
- Top-Down Inversion of Aerosol Emissions through Adjoint Integration of Satellite Radiance and GEOS-Chem Chemical Transport Model
- Variability of Winter Extreme Heat Flux Events in Kuroshio Extension and Gulf Stream Extension Regions
- Water-mass Transformations in the Southern Ocean Diagnosed from Observations: Contrasting Effects of Surface Buoyancy Fluxes and Interior Mixing
- What controls the response of Agulhas leakage to global warming? A multi-model perspective
- An Introduction to the Major NSFC Program 'Reconstruction of East Asian Blocks in Pangea'
- Composition and timing of carbonate vein precipitation within the igneous basement of the Early Cretaceous Shatsky Rise, NW Pacific
- Deep Circulation in the South China Sea (Invited)
- Developing a global tsunami propagation database and its application for coastal hazard assessments in China
- ENSO Regime Change since the Late 1970s as Manifested by Two Types of ENSO
- Effect of low molecular weight organic acids on lowing pH in the sea water of the Jiaozhou Bay
- Effects of errors in the position and orientation of the transmitter and receivers on marine controlled-source electromagnetic data
- Growth of new particle in less and highly polluted atmosphere: Implication for an important role of NH4NO3 in growing new particles to CCN size
- Indian Ocean variability in the CMIP5 multi-model ensemble:The Zonal Dipole mode
- Is formation of NH4NO3 a critical factor for the growth of > 10 nm new particles to cloud condensation nuclei size in marine boundary layer?
- Potential origins of atmospheric ammonia in winter in downtown Toronto
- Records of lipid biomarkers in the Western Arctic Ocean sediments and their implications
- Responses of Chlorophyll-a to added nutrients, Asian dust and rainwater in an oligotrophic zone of the Yellow Sea: Implication for promotion and inhibition effects in an incubation experiment
- Slope-mediated and Deltaic Avulsions on the Huanghe River, China
- Tectonic evolution of the Proto-Tehtyan Ocean in Central China
- The Impact of Sea Surface Temperature Front on Stratus-Sea Fog over the Yellow and East China Seas
- The Riverbed Evolution, Avulsions and Backwater Hydrodynamics on the Huanghe River Delta
- Transfer and Joint Programs - do they Work?
- Winter sea surface temperature reflected by the TEX<SUB>86</SUB> proxy in core sediments from the coastal northern South China Sea
- An Approach Developed to Investigate New Particle Formation in Vertical Direction on Basis of High Time-resolution Measurements at the Ground Level
- Deltaic responses to dam regulation on river system: Example of the Yellow River, China
- Dispersal and Fate of Sedimentary Organic Matter in the Yellow and East China Seas: A Source to Sink View with the Role of Depositional Hydrodynamic Forcing
- Dynamics Governing the Response of Tidal Current in Jiaozhou Bay Mouth to Land Reclamation
- Historical Reconstruction of Organic Carbon Decay and Preservation in the Sediment on the East China Sea Shelf
- Impacts of Asian Dust and Haze Particles Addition on Phytoplankton in Incubation Experiments in the Yellow Sea of China
- In situ flume measurements of near-bed suspended sediment concentration change in the Yellow River Delta, China
- In-situ measurements of bottom boundary layer processes in the deep South China Sea
- Seafloor Hydrothermal Activity at the Galapagos Triple Junction, East Pacific Ocean
- Steady-state Solutions for Subsurface Chlorophyll Maximum in Stratified Water Columns with a Bell-shape Vertical Profile of Chlorophyll
- The role of "pump action" in coastal and estuarine sediment resuspension
- The wave-induced sediment responses in the subaquous Yellow River delta, China: new insights into seabed inhomogeneity
- Volume Transports of the Wyrtki Jets
- Wind- Versus Eddy-Forced Regional Sea Level Trends and Variability in the Pacific Ocean
- A Regional Model for Seasonal Sea Ice Prediction in the Pacific Sector of the Arctic
- A variety of vertical integration process for high resolution seismic imaging
- AMS <SUP>14</SUP> C dating controlled records of monsoon and Indonesian throughflow variability from the eastern Indian Ocean of the past 32,000 years
- Acquisition and Processing of Multi-source Technique Offshore with Different Types of Source
- An approach to investigate new particle formation in the vertical direction on the basis of high time-resolution measurements at ground level and sea level
- Comparison of New Prticle Formation in Marine and Coastal Atmosphere under Outflow of City Clusters in North China
- Decadal regime shift of Arctic seasonally melting sea ice and associated decadal variability of Chinese Freezing Rain
- Distinct Patterns of Climate Response to Anthropogenic Aerosol Versus Greenhouse Gas Forcing
- Dust in an acidified ocean: iron bioavailability, phytoplankton growth and DMS
- Effect Analysis of Gradient Air-gun Source for Exploration
- Effects of Temperature and Nutrients on Sterol Concentration in Marine Diatoms and Implications for Productivity Reconstructions
- Fault Patterns in the South Yellow Sea Revealed by Integrated Geophysical Observations
- How Well Do Submarine Canyon Deposits Represent the Sediment-transport Events That Created Them?
- Late Quaternary Sea-Ice Variability at the North Icelandic Shelf (Sub-Arctic): Reconstruction from Biomarkers
- Microbial biomarkers from the East China Sea and implications for paleoenvironmental reconstructions
- Monitoring 2015 Nepal aftershocks with the deployment of a TEXAN array in southern Tibet, China
- Observational Study on the Internal Tides in the Northern South China Sea
- Predictability and Prediction of Early- and Peak-summer East Asian rainfall
- Quick Detection of Sulfur Bacteria in Environmental Water Sample with SEM(scanning electron microscopy) coupled with Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry
- Rapid extraction of three instantaneous attributes in the application of high-density on-site seismic acquisition data quality control
- Sea level variations responding to the atmospheric and oceanic processes in the northwestern Pacific Ocean
- Seismic While Drilling Case Study in Shengli Oilfield, Eastern China
- The sediment-starved Yellow River Delta as remotely controlled by human activities in the river basin
- Understanding the El Niño-like Oceanic Response in the Tropical Pacific to Global Warming
- A Low Salinity Mystery in a Turbidity Current Measured During the Monterey Coordinated Canyon Experiment
- Adaptive regularization joint inversion of marine CSEM and MT data in vertically anisotropic stratified structures
- An Approach to Evaluate the Spatial Fidelity of Satellite-Derived Sea Surface Temperature Fields
- Controlling Influence of Ocean Mesoscale Eddy - Atmosphere Feedback on the Kuroshio Extension Jet
- Decadal Potential Predictability of Upper Ocean Heat Content over the Twentieth Century
- Global Warming Attenuatesthe Tropical Atlantic-Pacific Teleconnection
- Influence of Hydrodynamic Sorting on the Composition and Age of Yellow River Suspended Particulate Organic Matter
- Insight into generation, transformation and transport of sea-salt aerosols: on basis of field measurements made in diversified marine and coastal atmospheres
- Late Quaternary fingerprints of precession and sea level variation over the past 35kyr as revealed by sea surface temperature and upwelling records from the Indian Ocean near southernmost Sumatra
- Marine Controlled-Source Electromagnetic 2D Inversion for synthetic models.
- Measurements of near-bottom sediment resuspension and transport by internal tides in Monterey Submarine Canyon: Initial results from the Coordinated Canyon Experiment.
- Mooring Observed Sediment Transport by Turbidity Currents in the Gaoping Canyon off Taiwan
- Most Detailed Direct Measurements Yet of Turbidity Currents in the Deep Ocean: Monterey Coordinated Canyon Experiment
- Observed 3D Structure, Generation, and Dissipation of Mesoscale Eddies in the South China Sea
- On the Response of the Aleutian Low to Greenhouse Warming
- Predictability and Prediction of Summer Rainfall in the Arid/Semi-arid Regions of China
- Quantitative assessment of the relationship between biomarker content and biomass in marine phytoplankton in responses to temperature and nutrient supply ratio changes
- Sources and Depositions of Atmospheric Trace Metals in PM<SUB>2.5 </SUB>over East China Seas and Northwestern Pacific Ocean
- Three-dimensional forward modeling and inversion of marine CSEM data in anisotropic conductivity structures
- Towards understanding hourly variations of ammonia in the urban atmosphere of the North China during winter
- Variability of Western Pacific Equatorial Currents Associated with 2014-2015 El Niño
- A New Method of Evaluating the Hydrate Saturation
- A Numerical Study of Sediment Dynamics during Hurricane Gustav
- Advances in Hadal Research in China
- Anatomy of a turbidity current: Concentration and grain size structure of a deep-sea flow revealed by multiple-frequency acoustic profilers
- Assessing Extratropical Impact on the Tropical Bias in Coupled Climate Model with Regional Coupled Data Assimilation
- Assessing Extratropical Influence on Tropical Climatology and Variability with Regional Coupled Data Assimilation
- Asymmetric response of the equatorial Pacific SST to climate warming and cooling
- Benthic Foraminifers identify the source of displaced sediment from a sediment density flow at 1840 m near the Seafloor Instrument Node of the Monterey Coordinated Canyon Experiment
- Biases of Five Latent Heat Flux Products and their Impacts on Mixed-Layer Temperature Estimates in the South China Sea
- Biomarker reconstruction of phytoplankton productivity and community structure changes in the mud area southwest off Cheju Island during the past 9 ka
- Chemical Characteristics of Seawater and Sediment in the Yap Trench
- Contribution of wave-induced liquefaction in triggering hyperpycnal flows in Yellow River Estuary
- Deep Western Boundary Current in the South China Sea
- Degradation and Preservation of Terrestrial Organic Carbon in the Intertidal Mudflat of Yellow River Delta: Indicated by Lignin and Lipid Molecular
- Design and implementation of atmospheric multi-parameter sensor for UAVs
- Design of a Low-cost Oil Spill Tracking Buoy
- Direct Measurements of the Evolution and Impact of Sediment Density Flows as they Pass Through Monterey Submarine Canyon, Offshore California
- Direct sampling during multiple sediment density flows reveals dynamic sediment transport and depositional environment in Monterey submarine canyon
- Distribution and composition of dissolved amino acids in seawater at the Yap Trench
- Drastic landscape evolution following a Holocene river capture in the Yimeng Mountains, China
- Effects of biochemical and physical processes on concentrations and size distributions of dimethylaminium and trimethylaminium in atmospheric particles from marginal seas of China to the northwest Pacific Ocean
- Greater Role of Geostrophic Currents on Ekman Dynamics in the Western Arctic Ocean as a Mechanism for Beaufort Gyre Stabilization
- Insights from field observations into controls on flow front speed in submarine sediment flows
- Interdecadal modulation of El Niño teleconnection on monsoon Asia climate over the past five centuries
- Lateral variations of thermo-rheological structure in SE Tibet
- Lateral-delivered organic matter boosts hadal bacterial abundance in the Mariana Trench: A hypothesis
- Mechanisms of seasonal and spatial variation in suspended sediment in the Bohai and Yellow Seas
- Mid-late Holocene variability of TEX<SUB>86</SUB> temperature on the inner shelf of the East China Sea
- New Particle Formation Events in Coastal and Marine Atmosphere From the Marginal Seas of China to Northwest Pacific Ocean
- New technological developments provide deep-sea sediment density flow insights: the Monterey Coordinated Canyon Experiment
- North Qinling Terrain as a provenance of Kuanping Group: LA-ICP-MS U-Pb Geochronology of detrital zircons
- Novel Quantification of Sediment Concentration in Turbidity Currents Through in-situ Measurements of Conductivity and Temperature
- Physical and Mechanical Properties of Surface Sediments and methane hydrate-bearing sediments in the Shenhu area of South China Sea
- Potential interactions between heterotrophic archaea and bacteria for degrading particulate organic carbon in marine water column
- Primary versus secondary and anthropogenic versus natural sources of aminium ions in atmospheric particles during nine coastal and marine campaigns
- Regional sea level projections with observed gauge, altimeter and reconstructed data along China coast
- Repeat Mapping in Upper Monterey Canyon Captures the Effect of Sediment Transport Events of Known Magnitude and Duration on the Seafloor Morphology
- Repeat Mapping in the Lower Monterey Submarine Canyon Sheds Light on Morphological Change During Discrete Sediment Density Flow Events
- Reverse trends of TEX<SUB>86</SUB> temperature in coastal areas of the East China Sea over the last 100 years: implication for global warming and regional circulation
- Seabed Motion During Sediment Density Flows as Recorded by Displaced Man-Made Motion-Recording Boulders and a Heavy Instrument Platform
- Seismological evidences for partial melting beneath the Tan-Lu fault zone, Eastern China, revealed by multiscale teleseismic tomography
- Spatial-temporal consistency between gross primary productivity and solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence of vegetation in China during 2007-2014
- Spectral modelling of ice-induced wave decay: implementation of a new viscoelastic theory in WAVEWATCH III
- Storm-wave-induced seabed deformation: Results from in situ observation in the Yellow River subaqueous delta
- Tempo-spatial variations of precipitation in the middle Yellow River (Huanghe) Basin: Response to ENSO cycle
- The Research of Multiple Attenuation Based on Feedback Iteration and Independent Component Analysis
- The Spatial and Temporal Distribution of SST in the Yellow Sea and the Evolution of the Yellow Sea Warm Current During the Holocene
- The distribution of uranium in different size of suspended sediment in the Yellow River
- The down canyon evolution of submarine sediment density flows
- The geochemical characteristics and sedimentary environment of abyss and hadal sediments of Yap-trench
- Variability in Organic-Carbon Sources and Sea-Ice Coverage North of Iceland (Subarctic) During the Past 15,000 Years
- 3-D Thermohaline Structure of Mesoscale Eddies in the Mid-latitude Frontal Zone Revealed by Satellite and In Situ Observations
- A Computationally Efficient Subgrid Model for Coupled Surface and Ground Flows
- A way to calculate the amplitude of internal tide and the energy transfer from surface tide to internal tide
- An "on-line" high resolution regional coupled data assimilation system
- An Assessment of Representation of Oceanic Mesoscale Eddy-Atmosphere Feedback in the Current Generation of General Circulation Models
- Analysis of unique enrichment of aminium ions in atmospheric nanoparticles from sampling artifacts to aerosol-phase related partitioning
- Assessing the impact of assimilating atmospheric data on the ocean state estimation and climate forecast in an ensemble coupled data assimilation system
- Coulomb Stress Changes of the Devastating 26 July 1969 Yangjiang Earthquake, South China Coastal Region
- Determination of Harmonic Parameters with Temporal Variations: An Enhanced Harmonic Analysis Algorithm and Application to Internal Tidal Currents in the South China Sea
- Direct observation of new particle formation events during dust periods in Qingdao
- Distribution, Degradation and Bioavailability of Dissolved Organic Matter in the East China Sea
- Dynamics of Asian Summer Monsoon Response to Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing
- ENSO Forced and Internal Variability in Indo-Western Pacific Climate
- Effect of weakened diurnal evolution of atmospheric boundary layer to air pollution over eastern China associated to aerosol, cloud - ABL feedback
- Hyperpycnal plume at the Yellow River (Huanghe) Mouth triggered by dam regulation: In-situ observations
- Impact of Atmospheric Rivers on the Seasonal Surface Water Balance and Water Resources of Western U.S. Watersheds
- Interannual variability of the Asian summer monsoon: Role of the Indian Ocean
- Interdecadal Shift of the Northern Hemisphere Storm Track under Global Warming Hiatus and Its Possible Mechanism
- Introduction to the iMAPEC Experiment and an overview of the 2017/2018 field campaigns
- Investigating the influence of biogenic emissions and extreme weather events on recent ozone formation in North China
- Laboratory experiment on the 3D tide-induced Lagrangian residual current using the PIV technique
- Latitude-dependent turbulent mixing generations in the Pacific tropical-extratropical upper ocean
- Modeling the Filling Processes of an Abandoned Fluvial-deltaic Distributary Channel: an Example From the Yellow River Delta of China
- Multidecadal modulations of key metrics of global climate change
- Nighttime and daytime new particle formation events observed in remote tropical marine atmospheres over the South China Sea
- Nonlinearity of the ITCZ response to climate perturbations revealed by q-flux Green's function experiments
- North Pacific Subtropical Mode Water Variability Controlled by the Atlantic Multi-Decadal Oscillation
- Numerical Simulation of Submarine Landslides Caused by Gas Hydrate Decomposition
- Observations of atmospheric particles and cloud condensation nuclei over the northwestern Pacific Ocean in the spring of 2014 - Implication for a large increase in continental input against historical data and a nucleation mode particle reservoir
- Ocean current monitoring in a tropical trench
- On the Mechanism of Yellow Sea Warm Current and Water Exchange with the Bohai Sea
- Photosensitized interfacial formation of supermicron mode oxalate in the tropical marine atmosphere over the South China Sea
- Poleward shift of the Pacific North Equatorial Current Bifurcation
- Preliminary attempt to parameterize storm wave-induced seabed liquefaction into modeling of silty sediment transport
- Reduced Viscoelastic Uplift in the Antarctic Peninsula Measured by GPS and InSAR
- Response of Channel Scouring and Deposition to the Regulation of Large Reservoirs: A Case Study of the Lower Reaches of the Yellow River (Huanghe)
- Reverse-time migration of converted S-wave if density variations included
- Seasonality of the Kuroshio Intensity East of Taiwan Modulated by Mesoscale Eddies
- Sensitivity of surface temperature to oceanic forcing via q-flux Green's function experiments: Feedback decomposition and polar amplification
- Stalagmite-based Paleomagnetic Record of Multidecadally-resolved post-Blake Geomagnetic Excursion
- Structure and Formation of Anticyclonic Eddies in the Iceland Basin
- The meteorological factors modulating the recent haze events in North China
- Travelling eddies in the South China Sea - multi-decadal statistics and large-sale conditioning
- Velocity Inversion in South Yellow Sea Using Wide Angle OBS Dataset
- Volume and Transport of Eddy-trapped Mode Water South of Kuroshio Extension
- Volume and transport of eddy-trapped mode water in the eastern subtropical North Pacific
- A Dynamic Location Method for seabed Seismic Geophone
- A Multiphysics Coupled Interacting Fault System Dynamics Simulator
- A drift-free climate prediction system using ocean assimilation approach in the Community Earth System Model
- A new model for transformation of ferrihydrite to hematite in soils and sediments
- An Assessment of JMA serial observation lines in the Northwestern Pacific based on OSSE study with the GFDL ensemble coupled data assimilation system
- Analysis on seismic signals from High-speed railway
- Assessing the Ability of Zonal d<SUP>18</SUP>O Contrast in Benthic Foraminifera to Reconstruct Deglacial Evolution of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
- Atmospheric Convection Dominates Genesis of ENSO Asymmetry
- Biological production and utilization of volatile fatty acids and alcohols in hydrothermally altered sediments of the Guaymas Basin
- Characterization of organic carbon transported by the Yellow River and implications for its burial in marine sediments
- Climate change in tropical Western Pacific region during the Holocene: a case study of Bromfield Swamp, NE Australia
- Composite Analysis and Numerical Simulation of Explosive Cyclones over the East Asian Coast and the Northwestern Pacific
- Deblending of Marine Streamer Simultaneous Source Data
- Diurnal Forcing Causes Dipole-type Modification on Summer Salinity in the East China Sea and Its Formation Mechanism
- Dramatic ozone enhancement resulting from extra biogenic emissions due to heat waves and land cover in summer 2017 over North China
- Dynamics of Climate Response to Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing: From Global to Regional Scale
- Euler-Lagrange simulations that capture fully resolved physics for particle-laden geophysical flows
- Formation of East Asian stagnant slabs due to a westward Cenozoic mantle wind
- Global and Regional Climate Responses to Black Carbon Emissions from the Arctic and Mid-latitudes
- Hemisphere-scale Climate Teleconnections Controlling the Source-to-sink Sedimentary Systems into the East China Seas during the Middle and Late Holocene Stages
- High-resolution record of sea-ice and SST variability during the past 4000 years: evidence from the southeast Greenland shelf core
- Increased variability of eastern Pacific El Niño under greenhouse warming
- Influence of the Kuroshio Interannual Variability on the Summertime Precipitation over the East China Sea and Adjacent Area
- Interannual Eddy Kinetic Energy Modulations in the Agulhas Return Current
- Inventory of Nitrogen Inputs to Chinese Seas for the Period 1970-2010
- Investigating The Precession Responses Of Tropical Indo-pacific Hydroclimate Since The Last Glacial
- Joint inversion with streamer and OBN data based on full waveform inversion
- Managing the phosphorus in China coastal seas
- Multidecadal change of the Mindanao Current: Is there a robust trend?
- Multiple Timescale Suspended Sediment Concentration Variations in the East China Seas Indicated by Satellite Observations
- Nonlinear mode of the climate response to external climate perturbations
- Number size distribution of marine aerosols during eight cruise campaigns over the marginal seas of China and the west Pacific
- Opposite phase changes of precipitation annual cycle over land and ocean under global warming
- Pacific-North American teleconnection and North Pacific Oscillation: historical simulation and future projection in CMIP5 models
- Pantropical Climate Interactions and Implications
- Production of Sterols and Alkenones in Typical Marine Phytoplankton under Ocean Related Global Change
- Simulating characteristics of oxygen isotope in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current at the Last Glacial Maximum
- Tectonic Analysis of Gravity Anomalies in the Northwestern South China Sea with Wavelet Multi-scale Decomposition
- Terrestrial biomolecular burial efficiencies on continental margins
- The Impact of Atlantic Multi-Decadal Oscillation on the North Pacific Subtropical Mode Water
- The Rapid Warming of North Atlantic Subpolar Basin during 1993-2012
- The relationship between the mid-latitude atmospheric circulation and the North Atlantic SST and Arctic sea ice.
- The stochastic climate model in action: hydrodynamic unprovoked variability in regional seas.
- Transport of GenX in Saturated and Unsaturated Soil
- Tropical Oceanic Intraseasonal Variabilities associated with Central Indian Ocean Mode
- Uncertainty in the future projections of Pacific-Indian Ocean air-sea coupled modes: the role of internal variability
- Variability in the Distributions and Cycling of Summer Biogenic Sulfur Compounds in the Bering Strait and Chukchi Sea in Response to Inflow of the Pacific Water
- Weakening Atlantic Niño-Pacific connection undergreenhouse warming
- An Unprecedented Set of High-Resolution Climate Simulations from the International Laboratory for High-Resolution Earth System Prediction (iHESP)
- Assessing Extratropical Impact on Observed Tropical Climate Variability
- Assessing the potential capability of reconstructing glacial Atlantic water masses and AMOC using multiple proxies in CESM
- Asymmetric vertical structure of mesoscale eddies in the Kuroshio Extension region
- Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition to the North Pacific Ocean
- Attributing Radiative Feedback Evolution to Regional Ocean Heat Uptake
- Butterfly effect and a self-modulating El Niño response to greenhouse warming
- Co-effect of Tropical Pacific Decadal Variability and Cold Ocean-Warm Land Pattern on Global Warming Slowdown and Acceleration
- Concentration and source of gaseous dimethylamine and trimethylamine and their particulate partners in marine atmospheres across the marginal seas of China
- Elucidating the Key Processes Modulating the Surface Ozone Concentration over Northern China
- Health Impact of Global Atmospheric Arsenic: 2005-2015
- Impact of Model Resolution on Tropical Cyclone Simulation of Present-day and Future Projection using the HighResMIP Multi-model Ensemble
- In-situ competition of amines with ammonia to be neutralized in ambient air
- Investigating the Impact of Biomass Burning on Particulate Matter in U.S. and China
- Linear Response Function Reveals the Most Effective Remote Forcing in Causing September Arctic Sea Ice Melting in Models
- Mesozoic Decratonization of the North China Craton Triggered by Dehydration of the Pacifc Slab
- Negligible contribution from conventionally-recognized ambient secondary conversion to severe PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> pollution in today's China
- Nitrous oxide emissions from Chinese aquaculture since the Reform and Opening-up: An inventory-based estimate
- Observation of particle size number distribution and cloud condensation nuclei in ship plumes with low sulfur fuels
- Pacific Meridional Modes without Equatorial Pacific Influence
- Projected Sea Level Changes in the China Marginal Seas Based on Dynamical Downscaling
- Reconciling global mean and regional sea level change in projections and observations
- Rethinking mitigation of air pollutants by burning nature gas in northern China
- Seasonal Dependency of Tropical Precipitation Change under Global Warming
- Seasonal Variability in Atmospheric Ammonia in the Last Decade across the United States
- The Modulation of Compound Extreme Events and Biogenic Emissions on Ozone Concentration
- The North Pacific Pacemaker Effect on Historical ENSO and Its Mechanisms
- The Seesaw between the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and the North Pacific Meridional Overturning Circulation
- The Vital Role of Biogenic Emissions from Urban Landscape in the formation of Ozone and SOA in Beijing
- Three Dimensional Structure of Diapycnal Mixing in Mesoscale Eddies in the Southern Ocean South of Australia
- Topographic controls on ecosystem evapotranspiration and net primary productivity under climate warming in the Taihang Mountains, China
- Unusual Anomaly Pattern of the 2015/2016 Extreme El Niño Induced by the 2014 Warm Condition
- Upper ocean stratification: regional differences between high and low resolution climate models
- Urban pollution substantially increases particle number concentration through organic new particle formation in the Amazon rainforest
- What We can Learn about Monsoon Rainfall from the Energy Flow?-Energetic Constraint for the Leading Neutral Mode of Monsoon Rainfall Variability and its Future Projection
- Winter thermohaline variability of the upper central Arctic Ocean: observational results from the MOSAiC Distributed Network and Central Observatory in Leg 1
- 3D edge-based and nodal finite element modeling of magnetotelluric in general anisotropic media
- A hybrid multiscale framework coupling multilayer dynamic reconstruction and full-dimensional models for CO2 storage in deep saline aquifers
- A zonal dipole across the tropical Indian Ocean governed precipitation during Heinrich Stadial 1
- Accessing Extratropical Influence on the Equatorial Atlantic Zonal Bias with Regional Data Assimilation
- Ambiguity in Observation Based HONO Heterogeneous Production Mechanisms and the Divergent Ramifications on Ozone Production
- Changes in new particle yields and the potential production of CCN under largely reduced SO2 emissions in the Northern China Plain
- Comparable sulfate climate impacts by consumption of developed and developing countries despite large emission differences
- Deglacial trends in Indo-Pacific Warm Pool hydroclimate in an isotopeenabled Earth system model and implications for isotope-based paleoclimate reconstructions
- Dissolved Organic Nitrogen Cycling in the Changjiang Estuary and adjacent East China Sea-Based on Isotopic Compositions of Nitrogen Species
- ENSO-Atlantic Nino See-Saw Pattern Dominates Interannual Variability of Tropical Atlantic-to-Pacific Moisture Transport
- East Asian lithospheric evolution in response to west Pacific subduction since 100 Ma
- Elucidating the governing processes and the synergic effect of biogenic and anthropogenic emission on ozone concentration over northern China
- Estimation of biogenic volatile organic compound emissions from urban green space in China
- Investigating the Evolution of New Particle Formation Events in the Mountain Area of Beijing Based on Observation and WRF-Chem in Summer 2019
- Investigating the Nonlinear Effect of Air Pollution on Adult Pneumonia in a Coastal City of Qingdao, China
- Large Influence of Dust on the Precambrian Climate and Snowball Earth Events
- Linear Response Function Reveals the Most Effective Remote Forcing in Causing September Arctic Sea Ice Melting in CESM
- Lipid biomarker patterns reflect seepage activity and variable geochemical processes in sediments from the Haima cold seeps, South China Sea
- Phytoplankton responses to Typhoon Hato (2017) in and Near the Pearl River Estuary South China Sea: A numerical study
- Projecting Warming Pattern of Sea Surface Temperature Under 1.5 Global Warming
- Remineralization dominating the 13C decrease in the mid-depth Atlantic during the last deglaciation
- Searching for the optimal forcing for offsetting the anthropogenic climate change effects
- Sedimentation rate scaling in the global ocean
- Shallowing Glacial Antarctic Intermediate Water by Changes in Sea Ice and Hydrological Cycle
- The Modulation of Climate and Biogenic Emissions on the Ozone Pollution in Pearl River Delta Region
- The Wet Deposition of Selenium and Future Changes in China
- The changes of long-lived warm blob properties in Northeast Pacific in a warming climate.
- The elucidation of climate extremes and emissions on the modulation of ozone and secondary organic aerosol
- The impact anthropogenic emissions on future summer ozone concentrations over China based on CMIP6
- Vertical mixing enhanced biogeochemistry at an extreme deep-water channel
- CMIP6 Intermodel Spread in Interhemispheric Asymmetry of Tropical ClimateResponse to Greenhouse Warming: Extratropical Ocean Effects
- Changes in particle number concentrations and their sources under largely reduced air pollutant emissions in Northern China
- Collaborative Role of Warm Pool Edge and Ocean Heat Content in the Development of Extreme El Niño
- Data-model Synthesis of Tropical Hydroclimate Change During the Last Deglaciation
- Decadal Trends of Criteria Pollutants and PM2.5 Components in Canadian Cities
- Decoupling impacts of weather conditions on interannual variation in concentrations of criteria air pollutants in south China - constraining analysis uncertainties by using multiple analysis tools
- Deep Intrusion at the Labrador Shelf based on in-situ and reanalysis data
- Determining Ammonium Aerosol Sources in the Northwest Pacific Ocean: Natural or Anthropogenic?
- Enhanced 3D velocity structure, seismicity relocation and basement characterization of Changning shale gas and salt mining regions in southern Sichuan Basin
- Estimation of Biogenic Emission from Urban Green Spaces in China and their impact on air quality
- Global Back-arc Extension due to Trench-parallel Mid-ocean Ridge Subduction
- Harmonizing Land and Ocean Surface Radiation Measurements for a More Unified Global Picture of the Surface Radiation Balance
- How do the internal dynamics of sedimentary systems affect organic carbon burial and environmental signal preservation?
- Intercomparisons of OMI, TROPOMI, and MAX-DOAS observations of NO2 and HCHO at a rural coastal site
- Long-term Phanerozoic sea level change from solid Earth processes
- Persistent Threat to Coastal Ecosystems from Marine Heatwaves
- Rapid Deposition and Intense Mineralization of Organic Matter Drive Marine Silicate Weathering in the Japan Trench: Initial Results From IODP Expedition 386
- Roles of external forcing and internal variability to precipitation changes and their uncertainty in the coastal U.S. on multi-decadal timescales
- Submesoscale Coherent Vortices Observed in the Northeastern South China Sea.
- Summer marine fog distribution in the Chukchi-Beaufort Seas
- The Governance of Compound Meteorological Factors on Ozone Pollution under a Warming Climate
- Understanding first-order reversal curve diagrams for hematite
- Unveiling the synergetic effect of biogenic and anthropogenic emissions on ozone and PM2.5 in summer over China
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Adrian R. Muxworthy
- Alexandra Jahn
- Andrew P. Roberts
- Bette L. Otto‐Bliesner
- Bo Guo
- Chengfei He
- Daniel L. Johnson
- David Heslop
- Delia W Oppo
- Dingkun Peng
- Fukai Liu
- Gökhan Danabasoglu
- Haijiang Zhang
- Hirokuni Oda
- Huiying Ren
- J. Zhang
- Jean Lynch‐Stieglitz
- Jean‐François Lamarque
- Ji Nie
- Jian Lu
- Jintai Lin
- Jiwei Tian
- Jiwen Liu
- Jun Yang
- Jun‐Chao Yang
- Karthik Balaguru
- Katye E. Altieri
- King Fai Li
- L. Ruby Leung
- Laura D. Riihimaki
- Lei Fan
- Leiming Zhang
- Liang Liu
- Ling Chen
- Lingwei Li
- LuAnne Thompson
- Mark A. Torres
- Marta E Torres
- Meghan F. Cronin
- Meredith G. Hastings
- Michael Strasser
- Min Luo
- Nicolas Flament
- Pengxiang Hu
- Ping Chang
- Qinghua Ding
- R. Dietmar Müller
- R. J. Harrison
- Sarah M. Kang
- Shang‐Ping Xie
- Shaoqing Zhang
- Shineng Hu
- Sifan Gu
- Susanne M. Straub
- Valier Galy
- Wenju Cai
- Xiang Zhao
- Xianyao Chen
- Xiaohong Yao
- Xiaopei Lin
- Xiao‐Tong Zheng
- Xinming Wang
- Xuchen Wang
- Yan Du
- Yanchong Li
- Yang Feng
- Yang Gao
- Yang Yang
- Yi Hou
- Yige Zhang
- Yonggang Liu
- Yongyun Hu
- Yu Xin
- Yu Zhang
- Yuhang Wang
- Yutian Wu
- Zhangshuan Hou
- Zhengyu Liu