Shandong University, China
flowchart I[Shandong University, China] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (102)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (24)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Impact of Chinese Megacities on Regional Air Quality: An Overview of 2005 Summer Field Studies in Beijing and Shanghai
- Strong production of ozone and particle sulfate in urban plumes from Beijing
- Interactions between trace gases, aerosols, and clouds in polluted troposphere: preliminary results from field studies in spring and summer 2007 at Mt Tai in central-eastern China
- Measurements of Mass Concentrations of Black Carbon by Using Four Instruments at the Summit of Mount Tai, in the Center of the North China Plain in June 2006
- Cloud Chemistry in Eastern China
- Impact Of Anti-pollution Measures During The Beijing Olympic Games On Ozone And Aerosol Chemistry - Initial Results
- Particle Nucleation And Growth Under Polluted Conditions Over The North China Plain During Spring And Summer Seasons
- Air pollution and clouds in southern China: preliminary results from the observations in spring 2009 at Mt. Heng
- Contribution of HNO3 Partitioning and Heterogeneous Hydrolysis of N2O5 to High PM2.5 Nitrate in Ammonia Deficient Atmosphere of Beijing and Shanghai
- Ozone production and reactive nitrogen chemistry during the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games
- Particle Formation and Growth in North and East China: a Comparative Analysis of Measurements from Surface and Mountain-top Sites
- Importance of Aqueous-phase Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Aromatics in an Atmospheric Hydrocarbon Mixture
- Abnormal daytime N2O5 and NO3 observed at a coastal urban site
- An evaluation of the relationships between local watershed characteristics, climate, stream classification and baseflow recession of headwater streams on the San Francisco Peninsula
- Atmospheric concentrations of particulate sulfate and nitrate in Hong Kong during 1995-2008: impact of emission changes in mainland China
- Speciation of "Brown" Carbon in Cloud Water Affected by Biomass Burning
- A density-controlled triangular and quadrilateral element mesh automatic generation system
- In situ observation of dust involved photochemistry over southern China
- Quasi-periodic Intensity Disturbances in Polar Plumes
- Nighttime Chemistry at a High Elevation Site above Hong Kong: Implications for Regional Air Quality
- Evaluating the Impacts of N<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>5</SUB> Heterogeneous Reaction and ClNO<SUB>2</SUB> Production on Reactive Nitrogen and Tropospheric Ozone in Southern China
- New Archaeointensity Result from Middle-Eastern China and Its Constraints on the Variation of the Geomagnetic Field during the last 6 kyr
- Numerical results for near surface time domain electromagnetic exploration: a full waveform approach
- Observations of Dinitrogen Pentoxide and Nitryl Chloride at two inland sites in North China: Abundances, Origins, and Impact on Photochemistry
- Observations of Nitryl Chloride and Modeling its Source and Effect on Ozone in the Planetary Boundary Layer of Southern China
- Structural and Molecular Basis for the Novel Catalytic Mechanism and Evolution of DddP, an Abundant Peptidase-Like Bacterial Dimethylsulfoniopropionate Lyase: A New Enzyme from an Old Fold
- A comparison between large-scale irregularities and scintillations in the polar ionosphere
- An automatic method for identification of polar cap boundary and patches by using in-situ plasma measurements and its applications
- Characteristics and Sources of Nitrous Acid in the Urban Atmosphere of Ji'nan, North China: Results from 1-yr Continuous Observations
- Conjugate observations of the evolution of a long-duration polar cap arc in both hemispheres
- Earth's ion upflow associated with polar cap patches global and in-situ observations
- Hydrogeophysical Characterization of shallow karst using electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) in a limestone mining area
- Observations and modeling of ionospheric scintillations at South Pole during six X-class solar flares in 2013
- Observations of the gradually heating processes of cold ions in the reconnection layer at the dayside magnetopause
- Significant Increase of Summertime Ozone at Mount Tai in Central Eastern China
- Summertimefine particulate nitrate pollution in the North China Plain: increasing trend and formation mechanisms
- The Impact of Heterogeneous Uptake of Dinitrogen Pentoxide on Nitrate Formation at a Polluted Northern China Region
- The study of a CME induced seven substorms and their associated scintillation behavior at South Pole
- Unrevealing the internal mixing of BC-containing particles by the combined use of TEM-EDX and Raman microspectrometry
- A Quantitative Analysis of the Effects of Human Activities and Climate Change on Rainfall-Runoff in Xiaoqing River Basin
- Competition Between Radial Loss and EMIC Wave Scattering of MeV Electrons During Strong CME-shock Driven Storms
- Influences of terrestrial inorganic carbon on carbonate system in China Seas and the implication for China Seas' vulnerabilities to potentially negative effects of ocean acidification
- Investigation of Heterogeneous N<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>5 </SUB>Uptake and ClNO<SUB>2</SUB> Yield at a Rural and a Mountain-top Site in Northern China
- Significant HONO concentration at a semi-rural site in the Pearl River Delta during a severe pollution period and its impact on atmospheric oxidation capacity
- A wave-like evolution of polar cap ionization patches associated with wider distributed nightside reconnection
- An application of hydraulic tomography to a deep coal mine: combining traditional pumping tests with water inrush incidents
- Atmospheric Nitrous Acid in the North China Plain: Integrated Results from Six Field Measurement Studies in Terrestrial and Marine Atmospheres
- Characterizing and Understanding of Atmospheric Hexachlorobutadiene (HCBD) in Northern China
- Conflicts Resolution in Flood Management through an Interactive Two-Level Stochastic Approach
- Conjugate observations of the evolution of polar cap arcs in both hemispheres
- Enhanced cusp electron precipitations associated with magnetic reconnection in an extreme hot flow anomaly
- Heterogeneous uptake of N<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>5 </SUB>in China: uptake coefficient and influencing factors
- Introduction to the iMAPEC Experiment and an overview of the 2017/2018 field campaigns
- Patterns of Large Scale Meteorological Control on Wintertime PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Pollution over China
- The TEC Variations and Scintillations Associated with The Ionospheric Sporadic E Layers Over The Polar Region
- The ion/electron temperature characteristics of polar cap classical and hot patches and their influence on ion upflow
- Volatile Organic Compounds and Ozone Air Pollution in An Open Oil Field in Northern China
- A New Method for Accurate Detection in the Urban Underground Space
- Denoising urban artificial source EM data by least-squares inversion based on IDFT and Legendre polynomials
- Markov Chain Monte Carlo inversion of Transient Electromagnetic
- Multi-instrument observations of quasi-periodic poleward moving auroral arcs
- Photochemical air pollution in the Yellow River Delta region: impacts from the oil industry and biomass burning
- Recent CFC-11 Enhancements in China, Nepal, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and South Korea
- Scanning for water hazard threats with sequential water releasing tests in underground coal mines
- Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Photooxidation of Furan: Effects of NOx and Humidity
- Spatial variability of black carbon in the surface sediments of South Yellow Sea, China
- Statistical Downscaling of Temperature and Precipitation of California Using A Non-Stationary Time Series Decomposition and Machine Learning
- Surface Properties of Aqueous Aerosols: A Detailed Analysis of the Influence of Typical Perfluorofatty Acids
- Understanding the Link between Chemical Composition and Inflammatory Response and Mutagenic Effects of Atmospheric Fine Particulates in Northern China
- A long-lasting auroral bright spot around magnetic north pole: Is it the evidence of stable lobe magnetic reconnection?
- Analysis of Volatile Organic Compound Measurements During COVID-19 Lockdowns in Changzhou, China: Source Attribution and Emissions Reductions
- Characteristics and Sources of Carbonaceous Aerosol in the Tibet Plateau Based on One-year Continuous Measurements
- Delineation of LNAPLs Contaminant Plume at a Former Perfumery Plant Using Electrical Resistivity Tomography
- Detailed Contaminant Plume Mapping Using Electrical Resistivity Tomography at an Ethylbenzene Contaminated Site
- Emission Characteristics and Factors of Fine Particulate Nitrated Phenols from Various On-road Vehicles
- Long-term Source Apportionment of Black Carbon in Beijing and Changes during the COVID-19 Period in Urban and Plateau Region in China
- Multiple transpolar auroral arcs reveal insight about coupling processes in the Earth's magnetotail
- Quantifying the Contribution from Volatile Chemical Product Emissions to Ozone Formation in Los Angeles, California
- Quantifying the groundwater/surface-water interactions under the changing climatic conditions in a mountainous watershed
- Secondary magnetic reconnection at Earth's flank magnetopause
- Sources of Chloride in Marine Aerosol over the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea
- The Acceleration of Energetic Particles at Coronal Shocks and Q/A Dependence of Spectral Breaks
- VOC Emissions and Photochemical Pollution in An Open Oil Field in Northern China
- A Model of Nonthermal Double Coronal X-ray Sources in Solar Flares
- Changes in new particle yields and the potential production of CCN under largely reduced SO2 emissions in the Northern China Plain
- Characteristics of Ionospheric Nighttime Enhancement at Mid-High Latitude Region in the Northern Hemisphere
- Characterization of Landfill Leachate Using Time-domain Induced Polarization Method
- Exploration of Ordovician Limestone Aquifer Heterogeneity with Tomographic Water Releasing Tests
- Improved contaminated site characterization using structure-constrained electrical resistivity tomography
- Localization of Potential Leakage Areas inside Plain Reservoirs Using Waterborne Electrical Resistivity Tomography
- MMS observations of two adjacent ion scale flux ropes with filamentary currents inside
- Mesoscale Structures Arising from Active Magnetotail ConvectionEmbedded Region 1 and 2 Currents and Dawnside Auroral Polarization Streams, and Their Impact on Ionosphere and Thermosphere
- Optimum Conditions and Mechanisms for Bioremediation of soil co-contaminated with PAHs and heavy metals using biosurfactant-enhanced soil washing
- Propagation of Two Types of Hot Flow Anomalies
- Relative Humidity Changes the Role of SO2 in Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation
- Time domain induced polarization data quality evaluation by separating current and potential cables
- Water-Energy Nexus Management by Fuzzy-Robust Modeling with a Case Study in Liaoning Province, China
- A Multi-Component Pseudopotential LBM Approach for Modeling Multiphase Thermodynamics in Arbitrary Confinements
- Atmospheric Oxidation Reactions in the Los Angeles Basin
- Changes in particle number concentrations and their sources under largely reduced air pollutant emissions in Northern China
- Insights into Severe Spring Dust Events Transported through North China in 2021: Impacts on Surface Aerosol Chemical Composition, Sources, and Light Absorption