Tongji University, China
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Magnetostratigraphy of Tertiary Sediments From the Wulanwula Lake Basin: Implications for the Cenozoic Tectonic History of the Tibetan Plateau
- Applicability of Modern Benthic Foraminiferal Based Paleoproductivity Estimates to the Neogene Record: A Case Study from the South China Sea
- Exploring Cyclic Changes of the Ocean Carbon Reservoir in Deep-Sea Records from the South China Sea
- Marine carbonate dissolution event across the Eocene/Oligocene boundary: the Walvis Ridge transect, South Atlantic (ODP Leg 208)
- Orbitally-paced paleoproductivity variations in the Timor Sea and Indonesian Throughflow variability during the last 460-ky
- Magnetic polarity stratigraphy of Fenghuoshan and Wandouhu basins: an indirect tool for constraining the Tertiary uplift history of northern Tibet
- Northeastward Growth and Uplift of the Tibetan Plateau: Tectonic-Sedimentary Evolution Insights from Cenozoic Hoh Xil, Qaidam and Hexi Corridor Basins
- An Overview of the Magnetic Properties of Sediments From the South China Sea and Their Paleoenvironmental Significance.
- Comparison of gas hydrate - cold seep geology onshore and offshore SW Taiwan
- Contemporary crustal motion in northeast China revealed by GPS measurements
- Implications for Mid-Pliocene Amplification of the Asian Monsoon from a South China Sea Mg/Ca Sea Surface Temperature Record
- Past changes of the North African monsoon intensity between 5 and 6.2 My, impact of the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC)
- Coupled Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf geochronology constraints prograde garnet growth in ultrahigh- pressure eclogites from the Dabie orogen
- Promise and Pitfalls of Lu/Hf-Sm/Nd Garnet Geochronology
- An Attempt to Estimate the Total Fracture Surface Energy of the Frontal Thrust
- Changes in Phytoplankton Community Structure in Western South China Sea Over the Past 450 Kyrs
- Characteristics of the fault rocks at the shallow portion of the megasplay fault system and the frontal thrust in the Nankai accretionary prism off Kumano
- Clay Minerals And Sr-Nd Isotopes Constraint On Sediments Provenance And Transport Pathways In The Eastern South China Sea
- Clay minerals in surface sediments of the South China Sea and surrounding fluvial drainage basins: Source and transportation
- Complex geological interactions in the mantle beneath western USA
- Diagenetic Alteration on Magnetic Properties of Core MD06-3040 from East China Sea Inner Continental Shelf
- Microbiological Oxidation Of Sulfide Chimney Promoted By Warm Diffusing Flow In CDE Hydrothermal Field In Eastern Lau Spreading Center
- Mid-late Holocene Sea Surface Temperature and Productivity Changes in the Continental Shelf of the East China Sea
- Opening of the South China Sea: New insights from magnetic data
- Reconstructing the oceanic circulation and sediment source-to-sink patterns in the East China Sea during the past 30ka
- Sea Surface Salinity Record of the Last 260 ka from the Northern South China Sea
- Sedimentary response of Dansgaard/Oeschger events in the tropical South China Sea
- Structural evolution in accretionary prism toe revealed by magnetic fabric analysis: NanTroSEIZE Expedition 316, Sites C0006 and C0007
- The 9 October 2006 North Korean event: full moment tensor solution and seismic discrimination
- The fingerprints of Changbaishan Volcano on Regional Seismic Waveforms
- Using finite-frequency methods to improve regional models
- Can magnetic properties be used as tracers for discriminating the Changjiang and Huanghe river sediments?
- Constraints on the formation of anhydrite at L Vent, East Pacific Rise 9-10°N from Sr isotopes, Sr concentrations, and 210Pb ages
- Earthquake recurrences since late Pleistocene in Nankai Trough off Kumano: A preliminary result on Site C0006, IODP Exp.316
- Effect of temperature and precipitation on C3/C4 plants evolutions since late Quaternary in the East Asian Monsoon Area: Evidence from carbon isotopes of alkanes and elemental carbon
- Elemental concentration variations in Plio-Pleistocene sediments from ODP Site 1143 (southern South China Sea) obtained by XRF analyses
- Geochemical Features of Shallow Subduction Thrusts: Non-Destructive XRF Core-Imaging Scanner Analyses of NanTroSEIZE C0004 and C0007 Fault Zone Slabs
- High abundance and diversity of archaea from deep-sea sediments of the South China Sea
- High-Resolution Clay Mineral Records in the Northern South China Sea during the Last Climatic Cycle: Implications for Upper Ocean Circulation and Kuroshio Intrusion
- Paleo-thermal condition of the shallow mega-splay fault based on vitrinite reflectance: Core analysis of IODP NanTroSEIZE stage 1
- Source and transport of detrital fine-grained sediments in the northeastern South China Sea
- Transitional time of oceanic to continental subduction in the Dabie orogen: Clues from the Triassic age for oceanic eclogites
- Archaeal Diversity in Marine Sediments in the South China Sea
- Archaeal diversity in surface sediments of the South China Sea
- Biomineralization History in Low-Temperature Hydrothermal Precipitates in Valu Fa Ridge, Lau Back-arc Basin
- Coastal Seafloor Observatory Of The East China Sea At Xiaoqushan And Its Primary Observations
- Diversity and Ecological Functions of Crenarchaeota in Terrestrial Hot Springs of Tengchong, China
- Diversity of Cultured Thermophilic Anaerobes in Hot Springs of Yunnan Province, China
- Establishment of Spatial Decision Support System model to predict the potential sites of polymetallic nodule deposits in the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone of Northeastern Pacific
- Factors affecting Archaeal Lipid Compositions of the Sulfolobus Species
- Late Quaternary East Asian monsoon evolution deduced from elemental XRF scanning data in the western South China Sea
- Luminescence dating of gravity deposits on Site C0006 and C0007 of IODP Exp.316 and its implications for large earthquake recurrences in Nankai Trough, Japan
- Paleoclimatic interpretation of clay minerals in the South China Sea during late Quaternary: A review
- Phytoplankton Productivity and Community Structure Changes in the Northern South China Sea during the Last 260 Ka
- Sea-level and provenance controlled clay mineral assemblage since the last 19 ka in the southern South China Sea: records of Core MD05-2894 off the Sunda Shelf
- Source Size Seismic Tomography (3STomo): A novel method to image the subsurface structure beneath seismically active regions
- The composition and distribution of fatty acids in metalliferous sediments of the Eastern Lau Spreading Center
- Western equatorial Pacific clay mineralogical record over the last 370 kyr: Formation, provenance and implication
- Amplitude and cyclicity of sea surface temperature changes of the past 1.9 million years in the northern South China Sea
- Curie-point depths estimated from fractal spectral analyses of magnetic anomalies in the western United States and northeast Pacific Oecan
- Deepwater transport and sedimentation in the northern South China Sea: Clay mineralogical records
- Distribution of Tetraether lipids in surface sediments of the northern South China Sea
- Distributions of Core- and Polar- Archaeal Lipids in the Lower Pearl River and Estuary: Implications for TEX<SUB>86</SUB> Proxies
- Earthquake Early Warning of East China Sea: the study on the experimental relationship between the Predominant Period and the Magnitude
- Effect of Hydrofracturing Flowback Water Spills on Colloid Transport in Soil
- Fluctuations of bottom water paleoceanography of South China Sea linked to tectonic evolution of accretionary prism - Luzon volcanic arc in Taiwan region
- Glacial cycle and precessional period of clay mineral assemblage during late Quaternary in the Western Equatorial Pacific
- Lithospheric structure of South China Sea from surface wave tomography
- Mesozoic and early Cenozoic tectonic convergence to rifting transition prior to the opening of the South China Sea
- Observed Relationship of Coal Bed Methane and Magnetic Characteristics of Rock via Magnetic Logging
- Occurrence of H-shaped Archael Lipids in Great Basin Hot Spinrgs, USA
- Occurrence of branched GDGT-lipids in Tengchong hot springs, China
- Quantitative Mapping of Archaeal Biodiversity on the Geochemical Landscape in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
- Quantitative landslide hazard and risk assessment from long-term space-borne InSAR measurements
- Seismic anisotropy beneath South China Sea: using SKS splitting to constrain mantle flow
- Signatures of ocean storms on seismic records in South China Sea
- Spatial Variations in Archaeal Lipids of Surface Water and Core-Top Sediments in the South China Sea: Implications for Paleoclimate Studies
- Spatial and temporal characteristics of the phytoplankton biomarkers in the surface water in South China Sea
- Spatial variability of phytoplankton productivity and community structure changes in the South China Sea over the last two glacial cycles
- The South China Sea Deep: A Research Project on Life History of Marginal Sea
- The opening of the South China Sea revisited with high-density magnetic tracks
- The role of thermocline water temperature in tropical climate change: a Holocene proxy-record from the low-latitude western Pacific
- Thin Crust over the Marion Rise - Remelting the Residue of the African Super Plume
- Tidal effects on the distribution of tetraether lipids in the lower Hangzhou Bay of the East China Sea
- Variations in Branched Tetraether Lipids in the Lower Pearl River and Estuary: Impact on bGDGT Proxies
- 3D Smart Monitoring Network Establishment for Rainfall-triggered Shallow Landslide
- A depressed 410-km discontinuity and low velocity anomaly in the transition zone beneath Hainan Island: evidence from transition zone triplications
- An almost-parameter-free harmony search algorithm for groundwater pollution source identification
- Analysis of sensor network observations during some simulated landslide experiments
- Clay Mineralogical Records in Sediments along the Shelf Break of the Eastern Andaman Sea
- Clay mineralogical record on the upper continental slope of the northwestern South China Sea since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Clay minerals as proxies of the late Quaternary East Asian monsoon evolution in the South China Sea revisited
- Divergence of UK'37 and TEX86 proxies during glacial stages of the Pleistocene: implications for paleo thermocline dynamics in the South China Sea
- Dynamic parameters test of Haiyang Nuclear Power Engineering in reactor areas, China
- Environmental controls on the distribution of archaeal lipids in Tibetan hot springs: insight into the application of organic proxies for biogeochemical processes
- Factors affecting TEX86 - derived temperature in the Lower Pearl River and Estuary of China
- Geophysical Exploration Technologies for the Deep Lithosphere Research: An Education Materials for High School Students
- High resolution variability of clay mineral assemblages in the northern South China Sea during the Mid-Pleistocene Transition and its paleoceanographic significance
- Hydrogenetic Manganese Crust Covered Carbonate Veins in Peridotite in Southwest Indian Ridge: Direct Geologic Evidence of Cold Tectonic Spreading
- In Situ Production of Branched Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers in a Great Basin Hot Spring
- Instrument development and field application of the in situ pH Calibrator at the Ocean Observatory
- Landslide Monitoring through Spatial Sensor Network
- Lipid Biomarkers and Carbon Isotope Ratios of Lipids Isolated from Acid Mine Drainage Biofilms: Dual Biosignatures for Eukaryotic Evolution and Oxygenation of Primitive Earth
- Melt Anomalies in the South China Sea
- Microbial Distributions Across pH, Temperature, and Temporal Conditions in Hot Springs of Tengchong, Yunnan Providence, China
- Modeled ecosystem variability in the South China Sea during 1958-2009: Phytoplankton biomass, primary productivity and community structure
- Paleoclimate Changes in Western Equatorial Pacific during the past 190kyr
- Patterns of Hydrothermal Plume Distribution and the Magmatic Budget Along 2500 km of the Southeast Indian Ridge
- Profiled suspended sediment flux and clay mineralogical composition in the northeastern South China Sea
- Psudeo-seismic Imaging on CSAMT Psudeo-pulse Response of Coal Bed Methane Exploration
- Rifting-to-drifting transition of the South China Sea: early Cenozoic syn-rifting deposition imaged with prestack depth migration
- Rock magnetism on fluvial sediments of Lower Yangtze River, relations to pedogenesis and climate changes of the last 150 years
- Salinity control on the ratio of archaeol to caldarchaeol in highland lakes of the northern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau: implications for paleosalinity proxies
- Tectonics of the Philippines and ambient regions from geophysical inversions
- The Quaternary History of Nile Paleofloods Recorded in the Eastern Mediterranean Deep-Sea Sediments
- The large Curie-point depth and thermal lithospheric thickness of the Yellowstone hotspot: a nonplume model for the origin of the Yellowstone hotspot?
- Thermal evolution of the North Atlantic lithosphere constrained by Curie depths from magnetic anomaly inversion
- 3-Dimensional Marine CSEM Modeling by Employing TDFEM with Parallel Solvers
- A reliable method for the determination of the depth of a hypocenter
- ADCP-based Deep-water Current Velocity Structure and Suspended Sediment Distribution in the Northeastern South China Sea
- Bacterial tetraethers from Tibetan hot springs: Implications for nitrogen metabolism and biological sources
- Can Viruses BE Preserved in the Geological Record
- Changes in archaeal abundance and community structure along a salinity gradient in the lower Pearl River and its estuary
- Clay mineral assemblages and sedimentary environment evolution over the past 13 kyr in the Gulf of Tonkin, northwestern South China Sea
- Deep-water sediment transport processes in the northeastern South China Sea: Mooring and shipboard-based observations
- Delineation of the sources and sinks of heterogeneously distributed methane in the Pearl River and its estuary
- Dynamics mechanism on fault basin formation in the Lower Yangtze region
- Evaluation of Ice sheet evolution and coastline changes from 1960s in Amery Ice Shelf using multi-source remote sensing images
- Experimental study of the effect of polyanionic cellulose on process of filtrate loss of low-solids drilling fluid
- First high-resolution near-seafloor survey of magnetic anomalies of the South China Sea
- High-resolution seismic sequence stratigraphy and history of relative sea level changes since the Late Miocene, northern continental margin, South China Sea
- High-resolution variations in terrigenous sediment sources and their sedimentation flux since the last glaciation in the northern South China Sea: clay mineralogical and grain-size investigations
- In situ production of bacterial branched tetraether lipids in the lower Yangtze River: Implications for soil-derived pH and temperature proxies
- In-situ Eh sensor measurement and calibration: application to seafloor observatories
- Insights into the biological source and environmental gradients shaping the distribution of H-shaped glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers in Yellowstone National Park geothermal springs
- Last glacial to Holocene millennial scale climate variability in the Southeastern Bering Sea
- Late Quaternary terrigenous sedimentary records from the Alpha Ridge, central Arctic Ocean
- Linking geochemistry to microbial ecology in hot springs: examples from southeastern Asia (Invited)
- Long-Term Carbon Cycles in Pleistocene: South China Sea Records and 'Dissolved Organic Carbon' Hypothesis (Invited)
- Millennial climate changes since MIS 3 revealed by elements ratio of deep sea sediments from northern South China Sea
- Multi-channel optical backscatter observation in the northeastern South China Sea
- Near-bottom energy cascade from subinertial flows to ocean mixing in the northeastern South China Sea
- Paleomagnetic Constraints of Paleopositions of China: Implication for Pangaea (Invited)
- Particle Flux in the South China Sea during El Niño and non-ENSO Periods
- Preliminary Paleomagnetic Results From Tertiary Rocks of Sedimentary Basins in Northern Vietnam and Tectonic Implications
- Preliminary Results of the Latitudinal and Time Dependence of Paleosecular Variation Dispersion Parameter during the Kiaman Superchron (318-262 Ma): AN Inter-Hemispheric Approach
- Preliminary magnetostratigraphy of cores collected during IODP Expedition 344 (CRISP-A2) offshore Costa Rica
- Preliminary results of the Source China Sea passive source OBS array experiment
- Rock magnetic properties of an 8-Ma terrigenous succession from the northern Tian Shan foreland basin, northwestern China and aridification of the Asian inland
- Seasonal Patterns In Microbial Communities And Physicochemical Conditions In Hot Springs Of Tengchong, Yunnan Providence, China
- Sensitivity analysis and application in exploration geophysics
- Shelf Clinoforms and Suspended Sediments at the Northern and Western Margin of the South China Sea
- Spatial relationship between landslide occurrence and land cover
- Subduction zones beneath Indonesia imaged by Rayleigh wave phase velocity tomography
- The Neogene equatorial Pacific: A view from 2009 IODP drilling on Expedition 320/321. (Invited)
- The method of common search direction of joint inversion
- The missing delta in the Holocene sedimentological record at the mouth of the Zhuoshui River on the west coast of Taiwan: Preliminary findings
- Towards Quantitative Determination of Time Series Contribution of Detrital Sediments to the Northeastern South China Sea Since 28.5 kyr BP
- Using stable isotopes to determine the submarine groundwater discharge in the East China Sea
- Vegetation and climate change inferred from two marine pollen records in the low latitude west Pacific during the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3
- Winter sea surface temperature reflected by the TEX<SUB>86</SUB> proxy in core sediments from the coastal northern South China Sea
- Alkalic Basalt in Ridge Axis of 53˚E Amagmatic Segment Center, Southwest Indian Ridge
- An 8000-Year Record of Extreme Floods in the Yangtze Catchment from the Subaqueous Yangtze Delta
- An Alternative Realization of Gauss-Newton for Frequency-Domain Acoustic Waveform Inversion
- Biological Sources of Branched Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers (brGDGTs) in Terrestrial Hot Springs: A Possible Link Between Nitrogen-cycling Bacteria and brGDGT Production
- Biomediated Precipitation of Calcium Carbonate and Sulfur in a Faintly Acidic Hot Spring
- Characteristics of Hydrothermal Mineralization in Ultraslow Spreading Ridges
- Characteristics of Seamounts in the South China Sea: Implications on Mid-Ocean Ridge Magmatism during Cessation of Seafloor Spreading
- Composition, Temperature, and Focused Melting Beneath Ocean Ridges
- Crustal Structure and Lithospheric Rupture Process of the Continent-Ocean Boundary of the South China Sea
- Deep Structures of the Palawan and Sulu Sea and Their Implications for Opening of the South China Sea
- Detection of Satellite Attitude Jitter Based on Image Processing
- Enhanced abundance and diversity of ammonia-oxidizing Archaea in the Pearl River estuary
- Erosional History of the Himalayan Range Since the Last 180 kyr: Clay Mineralogical and Geochemical Investigations From the Bay of Bengal
- GDGTs of Marine Group II Archaea in the Pearl River Estuary: Toward a Better Understanding of the Bias of TEX<SUB>86</SUB>
- GRACE and ICESat Data for Estimation of Ice Sheet Surface Changes in LAS, East Antarctica
- Geomagnetic Polarity Reversal Model of Deeptow Magnetic Survey in the Southwest Subbasin of South China Sea Ridge
- Gravity Derived Moho Depths of East/Southeast Asia and Western Pacific
- How the Surface Seawater of the South China Sea Exchanged CO<SUB>2</SUB> with the Atmosphere over the Last Glacial Cycle?
- Impacts of autochthonous marine branched GDGTs on related paleo- environmental proxies: a preliminary study
- In-situ measurements of bottom boundary layer processes in the deep South China Sea
- Incising Tibet
- Infiltration of Refractory Melts into the Sub-Oceanic Mantle: Evidence from Major and Minor Element Compositions of Minerals from the 53° E Amagmatic Segment Abyssal Peridotites at the Southwest Indian Ridge
- International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 349 and Multidisciplinary Research in the South China Sea
- Ionospheric Correction of D-InSAR Using Split-Spectrum Technique and 3D Ionosphere Model in Deformation Monitoring
- Joint Study of the Xishancun Landslide, Sichuan, Using Seismological and Electromagnetic Methods
- Kaoping River - Sea sediments from source to sink traced with clay mineralogy
- Late Quaternary Sedimentary Records of Core MA01 in the Mendeleev Ridge, the Western Arctic Ocean: Preliminary Results
- Localized environmental control on the distribution of brGDGTs in Chinese soils: Implication for paleo-pH reconstruction
- Magnetic Properties of the Rivers Feeding the South China Sea: a Critical Step for Understanding the Paleo-Marine Records.
- Oligocene Calcareous Nannofossils from IODP Site U1435: Implications for the Initial Opening of the South China Sea
- Partitioning of evapotranspiration through high frequency water vapor isotopic measurement over a paddy field
- Revisiting South China Sea Oceanic Spreading in Light of IODP Expedition 349 Results
- Seasonal and Spatial Variations of Stable Strontium Isotope in the Suspended Sediments of the Changjiang ( Yangtze) River
- Sedimentation in a Submarine Seamount Apron at Site U1431, International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 349, South China Sea
- Seismic Stratigraphy of the Central South China Sea Basin and Implications for Neotectonics
- South China Sea Tectonics and Magnetics: Constraints from IODP Expedition 349 and Deep-tow Magnetic Surveys
- Southern Ocean Sea Ice Development Since the Last Glacial, a Combined Proxy Data-Modeling Approach
- Spatial and Vertical Variability in Bacterial Community Structure in the Sediment of the South China Sea
- Spatial and temporal variations in core- and polar- isoprenoid tetraether lipids along a salinity gradient from the lower Pearl River to its estuary
- Tectonic Subsidence of the East Subbasin of the South China Sea
- The Marion and Bouvet Rises: Remelting Gondwana's Mantle
- Truncated Gauss-Newton Implementation for Multi-Parameter Full Waveform Inversion
- Understanding of the carbon dioxide sequestration in extremely low-permeability saline aquifers in the Ordos Basin
- Variability in abundance of the Bacterial and Archaeal 16S rRNA and amoA genes in water columns of northern South China Sea
- Basin Management under the Global Climate Change (Take North-East Asia Heilongjiang -Amur Basin and Taihu Basin For Example)
- Co-seismic and post-seismic viscoelastic Coulomb stress transfer after the 2004 M9.2 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake: Effects on the 2012 M8.6 Sumatran strike-slip earthquake
- Comparison and Significance of Two Different Organic Paleotemperature Reconstructions
- Compositional Dynamics of Organic Carbon in Surface Sediments from the Lower Pearl River to the Coastal South China Sea
- Detrital Zircon U-Pb Ages of River Sands from Taiwan: Implications for Sedimentary Provenance and Its Source Link with the East Chinese Mainland
- Downslope strengthening millennial-scale climatic change signals deduced from high-resolution clay mineralogy during the last glaciation in the northern South China Sea
- Ecological Effect of Nonlinear Internal Wave Interaction on Chlorophyll Concentration on the Continental Shelf in the South China Sea
- Elevation Changes of LAS, East Antarctica, Derived From ICESat and CryoSat-2 Altimetric Data
- Establishment of Stereo Multi-sensor Network for Giant Landslide Monitoring and its Deploy in Xishan landslide, Sichuan, China.
- Geostatistical methods for rock mass quality prediction using borehole and geophysical survey data
- Hydroacoustic seismicity along oceanic transform faults: Contrasts between the East Pacific Rise and Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Influence of sea level change on sediment provenance variations since the last glaciation in the southern South China Sea
- Investigation of turbulent flows and near-bottom hydrothermal plumes at mid-ocean ridges
- Method Study of Flood Hazard Analysis for Plain River Network Area, Taihu Basin, China
- Model Study on Potential Contributions of the Proposed Huangpu Gate to Flood Control in Taihu Lake Basin
- Modelling water table drawdown and recovery during tunnel excavation in fractured rock: estimating environmental impacts and characterizing uncertainties in a heterogeneous domain
- News insights of the hydrology of the Northwestern subtropical Pacific Ocean from ɛNd investigations of the South China Sea sediments
- Paleomagnetic Results From Triassic Rock Formations of Junggar Basin, NW China
- Rare Earth Element Compositions of Chlorite-rich Hydrothermal Sediments in the middle Okinawa Trough, East China Sea
- Sedimentary dynamic processes of a contourite drift formation in the South China Sea: from long-term in situ observations to geological records
- Seismic constraints on subduction of the fossil ridge beneath Luzon Island, Philippines
- Structural Evolution of Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron (nZVI) in Anoxic Co<SUP>2+</SUP>Soultion : Interactional Performance and Mechanism
- Temporal and spatial variations in seismicity of fast-slipping oceanic transform faults at the East Pacific Rise
- The Anisotropic Structure of South China Sea: Using OBS Data to Constrain Mantle Flow
- The footprints of typhoons on seismic records and their implications on small-scale coupling mechanisms in South China Sea
- Towards an Accurate Orbital Calibration of Late Miocene Climate Events: Insights From a High-Resolution Chemo- and Magnetostratigraphy (8-6 Ma) from Equatorial Pacific IODP Sites U1337 and U1338
- Urban Modification of Rainfall: St. Louis Revisited
- Using Bathymodiolus tissue stable isotope signatures to infer biogeochemical process at hydrocarbon seeps
- Variations in normal faulting and plate deformation along the Mariana trench
- A Low Salinity Mystery in a Turbidity Current Measured During the Monterey Coordinated Canyon Experiment
- A Multi-proxy Reconstruction of the Winter Pacific North American Variability over the Past Millennium
- Antarctic Ice Sheet Surface Mass Balance Estimates from 2003 to 2016 Using ICESat and CryoSat-2 Data
- Asian Monsoon Variations on Orbital-Millennial Scales and the `100 Thousand Year Problems'
- Blowing Snow Detection and Speed Estimation in Antarctica Using ZY-3 Multi-view Satellite Images
- Cessation of large-scale convergence within the Tibetan plateau by 23 Ma
- Clay Mineralogy of ODP Site 1148 since Early Oligocene in the Northern South China Sea Revisited
- Climate variability of Central Asia on orbital to millennial timescales
- Correlations between crenarchaeol and chlorins in Changjiang River Estuary and East China Sea- Implications for coupling between Marine Group I archaea and primary producers
- Crustal and uppermost mantle S-wave velocity structure of Southern Yellow Sea and adjacent regions from gravity-seismic joint inversion and its implication for seismotectonics
- Crustal structure of the basin in the Southwest Subbasin, South China Sea
- Geodynamics of seafloor spreading extinction: Constraints from the South China Sea
- IODP drilling in the South China Sea in 2017 will address the mechanism of continental breakup
- Imaging the fossil ridge subduction beneath Luzon Island from finite-frequency teleseismic P-wave tomography
- Late Quaternary evolution of the East Asian summer monsoon: Clay and magnetic mineralogical records retrieved from the northern South China Sea
- Lateral sediment transport in the South China Sea close to the Luzon Strait estimated from excess <SUP>230</SUP>Th and <SUP>231</SUP>Pa of sediment trap particles
- Lithospheric structure beneath the extinct ridge of South China Sea: Constraints from Rayleigh wave phase velocity tomography using OBS data
- Magnesium isotopic behavior during the formation of chlorite-rich hydrothermal sediment in the middle Okinawa Trough
- Mooring Observed Sediment Transport by Turbidity Currents in the Gaoping Canyon off Taiwan
- Occurrence of Quaternary turbidite deposits in the central South China Sea: Response to global sea-level changes
- Paleomagnetic Evidence of Clockwise Rotation of the Lanyu Island of SE Taiwan Since the Late Pliocene
- Precipitation of Nd isotopes in planktonic foraminiferal shells: Approaches from sediment trap and core-top samples in the South China Sea
- Rapid biodegradation of plastics by mealworms (larvae of Tenebrio molitor) brings hope to solve wasteplastic pollution
- Recent Multidisciplinary Research Initiatives and IODP Drilling in the South China Sea
- Research of a Piezotolerant Bacteria and its Extracellular Proteases from the Deep-sea Water of the South China Sea
- Research on the vertical crustal deformation at the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau by combining GRACE and GPS data
- River Profile Analysis Using ASTER DEM: the case study in the Puqu Fault Region
- Seasonal distribution of archaeal lipids in surface water and its constraints on source and temperature proxy in sediments of the South China Sea
- Seasonal variations of microseisms in South China Sea and East China Sea
- Study on the Mechanism of 2013 Jilin, China, Ms5.0 Earthquake Swarm
- The Cold Tongue Development of the Eastern Equatorial Pacific
- The Complexities of Urban Flood Response: Hydrologic Analyses for the Charlotte, North Carolina Metropolitan Region
- The Evolution History of South China Sea: a Synthesis of Recent Geophysical, Geological, and Geochemical Results
- The Relationship between Geothermal Anomalies and Faults from Fluid Inclusion Analysis
- The alkenone method for pCO<SUB>2</SUB> reconstructions: challenges and strategies
- The last glacial cycle documented on the Lower Bengal Fan - chronological and paleoclimate implications
- The role of Thaumarchaeota in the Quaternary nitrogen cycle
- Using OBS Data to Constrain the Characteristics of Microseisms in South China Sea
- a Comparison of Various Methods of Determining the Horizontalorientation of Ocean Bottom Seismometers (obs): Applying to South Chinasea Obs Data
- Automatic Multi-sensor Data Quality Checking and Event Detection for Environmental Sensing
- Changes in biogenic and detrital fluxes across the last two glacial terminations at the Shatsky Rise
- Characteristics of microseisms in South China
- Comprehensive analysis of Curie-point depths and lithospheric effective elastic thickness at Arctic Region
- Crustal Structure and Subsidence of the Williston Basin: Evidence from Receiver Function Stacking and Gravity Modeling
- Crustal and Mantle Structure beneath the Okavango and Malawi Rifts and Its Geodynamic Implications
- Design of a Data Distribution Core Model for Seafloor Observatories in East China Sea
- Early-to-middle Holocene sea-level fluctuations, coastal progradation and the Neolithic occupations in Yaojiang valley of southern Hangzhou bay, eastern China
- Effect of extreme storm-enhanced chemical weathering in a subtropical catchment, southeast China, during Typhoon Meranti (2016)
- Formation of early-middle Miocene red beds in the South China Sea: element geochemistry and mineralogy analysis
- Geochemistry of South China Sea MORB and implications for deep geodynamics
- Iceberg and meltwater discharge events in the western Arctic Ocean since MIS 5: a comparison of sediment cores off the East Siberian and Chukchi margins
- Image the heterogeneous structure of Colima volcano complex using ambient noise and teleseismic tomography
- Impact of Ocean Wave Climate on Double-Frequency Microseisms and Evaluation of Seismic Site Effect in Northern Mississippi, USA
- Investigation of intraplate seismicity near the sites of the 2012 major strike-slip earthquakes in the eastern Indian Ocean through a passive-source OBS experiment
- Lateral-delivered organic matter boosts hadal bacterial abundance in the Mariana Trench: A hypothesis
- Long-term evolution of a propagating non-transform offset on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge over the last 26 m.y.
- Mantle transition zone topography and structure beneath the Indochina Peninsula: Implications for slab window and mantle upwelling
- Multiple isotopic constraints on the fluvial sediment source-to-sink processes and paleoenvironmental changes in East Asia
- Paleomagnetic Constraints on the Forearc Deformation History of the Costa Rican Convergent Margin
- Paleomagnetic Results of the 925 Ma Mafic Dykes From the North China Craton: Implications for the Neoproterozoic Paleogeography of Rodinia
- Paleomagnetic results of Neogene strata in Eastern Vietnam and their paleogeographic Implications
- Paleomagnetism Onboard the IODP Research Vessel JOIDES Resolution: Recent Advances, Best Practices, and Pitfalls
- Petrogenesis and tectonic implications of an Early Jurassic magmatic arc from South to East China Seas
- Potential interactions between heterotrophic archaea and bacteria for degrading particulate organic carbon in marine water column
- Provenance evolution in the northern South China Sea and its implication of paleo-drainage systems from Eocene to Miocene
- Rapid Swings between Greenhouse and Icehouse Climate States near the Oligocene - Miocene Boundary
- Regional frequency analysis of extreme rainfall for the Baltimore Metropolitan region based on stochastic storm transposition
- Revised South China Sea spreading history based on macrostructure analysis of IODP Expedition 349 core samples and geophysical data
- Sediment records from the Chukchi Borderland, western Arctic Ocean, indicate the Laurentide Ice Sheet Mackenzie lobe signature for MIS2
- Sedimentary and Paleoceanographic Responses to the South China Sea Basin Evolution
- Sedimentary silicon isotope indicates the Kuroshio subsurface upwelling in the East China Sea
- Seismic multiple attenuation in the northern continent-ocean transition zone of the South China Sea
- Seismic velocity structures of the transitional crust across the northeastern margin of the South China Sea
- Size-dependent δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C variations in a planktic foraminiferal Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sinistral) record from Chukchi Plateau: implications for (sub)surface water conditions in the western Arctic Ocean over the past 50 ka
- Southern Mariana OBS Experiment and Preliminary Results of Passive-Source Investigations
- Study of the groundwater change and the subsidence in Shanghai by ASAR and TerraSAR-X short-baseline TCPInSAR technique
- Tectonics and Non-isostatic Topography of the Mariana Trench and Adjacent Plates
- Under Sea Ice phytoplankton bloom detection and contamination in Antarctica
- Varying Influence of Different Forcings on the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool Climate
- XRF Core Scanning of Igneous Rocks: a Case Study of IODP Expeditions 367/368 Lava Flows, South China Sea
- A Comprehensive Assessment and Analysis of AntarcticGrounding Line Products from 1992 to 2009
- A separated formulation of the elastic wave equation in P- and S-potential fields
- An Automatic Underwater Video Analysis System Based on Image Processing and Machine Learning
- An integrated study on stable water isotopes in China's marginal seas
- Analyzing tempo-spatial data series with Graph Convolutional Neural Network
- Anisotropic Methane Hydrate Critical State Model For Turbidite Hydrate Bearing Sediments
- Astronomical tuning and magnetostratigraphy of Neogene biogenic reefs in Xisha Islands, South China Sea
- Contrasts in seismic characteristic between oceanic and continental transform faults: Example of the East Pacific Rise and San Andreas Fault
- Crustal P- and S-wave velocity structure across the NE South China Sea continental margin
- Decoupled variability in surface and subsurface water temperature during late interglacial periods in the tropical southern South China Sea
- Denudation Rate Controls along a Fast-eroding Mountainous River with Slate Headwaters from Meteoric <SUP>10</SUP>Be/<SUP>9</SUP>Be Ratios
- Detection of Aquifer and Land Subsidence of Shanghai Using Short Baseline TCPInSAR Technique
- Different Features of Prolonged Deep-sea Turbidity Currents Triggered by Individual typhoon and Earthquake in the Gaoping Submarine Canyon
- Distribution and Source of Branched GDGTs in Surface Sediments from the Yangtze River Estuary to East China Sea
- Dynamics of Suspended Particulate Matter in the Changjiang Estuary from the Geostationary Ocean Color Images
- Environmental Changes and Human Adaptations in the Yaojiang Valley of the Lower Yangtze during the Holocene
- Even-Numbered N-alkanes Predominance in Deep-Seawater of Hydrothermal Vent Fields of Central and Southeast Indian Ridges, and North Indian Ocean
- Exploring Source Regions of Single- and Double-frequency Microseisms Recorded in Eastern North American Margin (ENAM) by Cross-correlation
- Geometry, Kinematics and Displacement Characteristics of Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Strike-slip Faults in the Subei-South Yellow Sea Basin, China: A Study Based on Seismic Rreflection Data
- Lithium isotopes indicate silicate weathering in East Asian continent during the Pleistocene
- Long-Term Evolution of Non-Transform Discontinuities at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 24°N - 27°30'N and 0 - 25 Ma
- Mantle melting and intraplate volcanism due to upwellings from the stagnant slab
- Melting processes in the South China Sea: Constrains from seismically determined crustal thickness and lava major element compositions
- Microbial Responses to Dripped Irrigation with Brackish Water in Arid Tarim Basin
- Modified Mann-Kendall Trend Test Procedure for Hydrologic Time Series under the Scaling Hypothesis
- Morphological responses of a long-shore channel-shoal system in a mixed energy coast to a major storm
- Non-adsorption effect of silica colloids facilitated Pb<SUP>2+</SUP> transport in saturated sand columns
- Rapid Transition from Continental Breakup to Igneous Oceanic Crust in the South China Sea
- Shanghai Urban Growth Analysis Using Remote Sensing Imagery from 1985 TO 2015
- Sr-Nd isotopes contrain the natural forcing and anthropogenic disturbance on sediment routing processes of the Huanghe (Yellow River)
- The Process of SSC Front Recorded by a Seafloor Observatory in East China Sea
- The anisotropic structure of the South China Sea by forward modeling of PKS phase
- The source locations and wave propagation of microseisms in South China Sea
- The trigger of Mid-Brunish coccolithophore bloom: evidences from coccolith geochemical and morphologic data
- Vertical Structure and Evolution of an Anticyclonic Eddy in the South China Sea
- A Review and Evaluation of Analytical Solutions for Steady-state Tunnel Inflow Using Numerical Modeling
- Abrupt Changes in the Late-Holocene Sedimentary Dinoflagellate Cyst and Geochemical Records of the Northern South China Sea in Response to Regional Climatic or Anthropogenic Impacts
- An adaptive multi-scale region growing method for river body extraction using Sentinel-2 images
- Analysis on seismic signals from High-speed railway
- Antarctic Ice Sheet variability - climate coupling through the Mid-Bruhnes Event recorded in Southern Ocean deep sea sediments off Victoria Land (East Antarctic)
- Basaltic Volcanism and Amagmatic Spreading on the Marion Rise, SWIR
- Behavior of Lithium Isotopes in Chlorite-rich Hydrothermal Sediments from the Middle Okinawa Trough
- Characterize the Propagation of Seismic Waves along the Cascadia Subduction Zone through Seismic Interferometry
- Climate Change Leads to A Doubling of Turbidity in A Rapidly Expanding Tibetan Lake
- Correction of OBS time errors using multiple component and period-band noise cross-correlation
- Crustal and uppermost mantle structure beneath Lei-Qiong region constrained by ambient noise tomography
- Decreasing Temperature Seasonality in the Tropical Western Pacific since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Deep-sea sedimentary dynamic process observatory in the South China Sea
- Denoising OBS Data for Noise-correlation Studies: An Exploration of Denoising Strategies
- Effect of Shale Oil Composition and Mineral Composition on the Petroleum Mobility Threshold: Take Jiyang Depression for Instance
- Effects of EDTA-2Na on Adsorption of Pb(II) and Cd(II) by Soil Minerals and on their Microscopic Characteristics
- Explosive Basaltic Magmatism on the Marion Rise, SWIR
- Formation and origin of Fe-Si oxyhydroxide deposits at the ultra-slow spreading Southwest Indian Ridge
- Formation of the Galapagos Microplate and its Effect on Rifting at the Galapagos Triple Junction
- GlobeLand30 Maps Show Four Times Larger Gross Than Net Land Change From 2000 To 2010 In Asia
- Hemisphere-scale Climate Teleconnections Controlling the Source-to-sink Sedimentary Systems into the East China Seas during the Middle and Late Holocene Stages
- Highly Heterogeneous Upper Mantle beneath the South China Sea
- Joint Classification and Instance Segmentation of Auroral Images for Automatic Computation of Arc Width
- Karst Void Detection by Full-waveform Inversion of Borehole Sonic Zero Offset Data
- Large REE fractionations in Small Rivers: Geochemical Observations of the Rivers in Southeast China
- Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous strike-slip faults in the South Yellow Sea Basin in eastern China
- Mapping the Mantle on the Marion Rise
- Method improvement on GDGTs isolation by silica column chromatography
- Microbial distribution along the geochemical gradients in the Haima cold seep of South China Sea
- More Sediment Settling at the Lower Reach During Long-runout Turbidity Currents in the Deep Sea
- Morphodynamic responses of a silt-muddy coast to harbor constructions during a major storm event
- Multi-Scale Integrated Perception Ecological Environment Indicator System (MSIP-EEIS) Based on Sensor Web Monitoring in Smart Sustainable Cities
- Nature of Transitional Crust in Northern Margin of the South China Sea
- New Paleomagnetic Results of Sedimentary and Basaltic Units in the East Subbasin of the South China Sea
- New evidence on intraplate aftershocks of the 2012 M<SUB>w</SUB> 8.6 Wharton Basin earthquake off-Sumatra based on OBS data
- Nitrogen fixation changes regulated by upper-water structure in the South China Sea during the last two glacial cycles
- Organic carbon occurrence and transformation in shale revealed by sequential treatments
- Origin and alteration of suspended and sedimentary organic matter in the contrasting subtropical river systems from South China and Taiwan Island
- Overtone Interference in Fundamental-Mode Rayleigh Wave Phase and Amplitude
- Permafrost ALT Estimation along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway through InSAR and Modeling
- Plant-wax δ<SUP>13</SUP>C indicates vegetation composition changes on the northern Sundaland since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Poleward Moving Aurora Detection based on Deep Learning
- Potential Role of Strike-slip Faults in Opening up the South China Sea
- Quantitation of Fossilized Organic Carbon as a Result of Carbonate Weathering in the Mountainous Catchment Basins, SW China
- Reconstructing Mediterranean Seawater Circulation During the Anoxic Holocene Sapropel S1 Episode Using Nd Isotopes in Fish Debris and Foraminifera
- Related research of the carbonate in Haima cold seep, SCS by mean of geochemical and microbial methods
- Sediment thickness in South China Sea revealed by teleseismic P-to-S converted phases
- Seismic Anisotropy within the Nankai Subducting Slab, SW Japan, Using DONET Seafloor Observation Network.
- Seismic velocity structures of the magnetic quiet zone and continent-ocean boundary in the northeastern South China Sea
- Significant Cooling in the Low Latitude during the mid-Miocene Climate Transition
- Slab-Controlled Elemental-Isotopic Enrichments during Subduction Initiation Magmatism, and Variations in Forearc Chemostratigraphy: An Ophiolite Perspective
- Spatial Analysis of Driving Factors Influencing China's Province-level Carbon Emissions Based on LMDI Model
- Study of Global S-wave Microseisms by Using An Array in South China
- The East China Continental Margin fed by the Tibet Sediment since the late Miocene
- Transient Ionospheric Convection Associated with Negative Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Pulse
- Two-dimensional magnetotelluric inversion for the data of the North American Central Plains
- Upstream-migrating bedforms in the southern overbank area of the lower Taiwan Canyon, northeastern continental slope of the South China Sea
- Urban Heat Island Mitigation Effect and Hydrology of Innovative Permeable Pavement: A pilot-scale study
- Variations in crustal structure in the region of the Galapagos triple junction
- Changing State of Earth's Climate for the last 66 Million Years
- Detection of an Underground Non-metallic Pipeline Based on a Strong Magnetic Tracer
- Microbial biosignatures in the lower oceanic crust at Atlantis Bank, Indian Ocean
- Numerical Simulation of Underground Pipeline Detection Based on Ground Penetrating Radar with Array Antenna
- Shear attenuation and anelastic mechanisms in the central Pacific upper mantle
- Utilizing shipboard sediment green-blue color ratio to constrain glacial-interglacial changes in South Pacific diatom productivity
- A Framework for Bivariate Rainfall Frequency Analysis in the Urban Watershed: An Approach Coupling the Copula Theory with Stochastic Storm Transposition
- A novel scheme to determine particulate Ba phases with pertinent examples from Mediterranean sediment
- Choosing appropriate regularization parameters by separating data into training and validation sets - application in global surface wave tomography
- Closing the Antarctic Void: Tighter Constraints on Biogeographic Affinities of Modern Dinoflagellate Cysts in the Southern Ocean with Implications for Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Ice Reconstructions
- Compositional Stratification across the Mantle Transition Zone as sustained by Plume Ponding and Segregation
- Earth Rotation Parameters determination by high-, middle- and low-orbits satellites
- Exploring the deep ocean single-frequency microseisms wave filed in the northern Philippine Sea, southwest of Japan
- Insight of evolved magmatic arcs on Late Mesozoic slab subduction, SW Borneo
- Inversion of contaminant source and hydraulic conductivity field using geophysical data by ILUES algorithm
- Meteoric 10Be/9Be as a Denudation Proxy in Fast-eroding Claystone Lithology
- Numerical Simulation for Dynamic Response Characteristics of Underground Storage Cavern Subjected to Seismic Loadings
- Paleogene Structural Characteristics and Dynamics Controls of Lishui Sag, East China Sea
- Potential Satellite Monitoring of Surface Organic Soil Properties in Arctic Tundra from SMAP
- Revealing the effect of barite-bound Sr on detrital Sr isotope systematics in marine sediments
- South China Sea: From collapse to breakup via core complex, wide rift and narrow rift
- Subnational Variations in the Emission and Health Impacts of Electric Vehicles in China and India
- Widespread Alkaline Explosive Volcanism and Mantle Outcrops on the SW Indian Ridge
- Detecting Frequent Harvest of Alfalfa with Spatio-temporal Fused Data
- Experimental Study of Clay-bound Water on Wave Dispersion and Attenuation Signatures of Shale
- Mapping Surface Organic Soil Properties in Arctic Tundra using C-band SAR data
- Mode conversion from kinetic Alfvén waves to modified electron acoustic waves
- Performance Evaluation and Improvement of CMFD-based Precipitation Products over Shanghai City, China
- Refining the alkenone-pCO2 method: constraining algal physiology using Bayesian inference
- Testing Pliocene-Pleistocene Climate Change Hypothesis: A Proposal for Drilling in the Tropical Sunda Shelf
- The Impact of Permafrost Degradation on Hydrological Process in the Source Region of the Yangtze River
- The evaluation and downscaling-calibration of IMERG precipitation products at sub-daily scales over a metropolitan region