Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
flowchart I[Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (49)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (3)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Crustal Deformation in Jiashi Region,China Inferred from GPS
- Interactional Principle between Plastic Volume and Shear Strain of Soft Rock and Soil
- Error analysis for satellite gravity field determination based on two-dimensional Fourier methods
- Investigation of strong ground rotation attenuation in Los Angeles area
- A analytical method to high-low satellite-to-satellite tracking (hl-SST) error analysis
- Ground Based Investigation of Electrostatic Accelerometer in HUST
- Mechanism of the Generation of 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake Based on 3D Visco-elastic Numerical Modelling
- Copula-based method for Multisite Monthly and Daily Streamflow Simulation
- Requirements analysis of airborne gravity gradiometry on moving-based platform
- Research on Electrostatic Suspension Two-dimension Tiltmeter
- Delineation of Urban Active Faults Using Multi-scale Gravity Analysis in Shenzhen, South China
- Impact of Extreme Climate Events on Terrestrial Water Storage from GRACE over China
- Partial crystallization of picritic melt and its applications for the genesis of high-Ti and low-Ti basalts
- A new monthly gravity field model based on GRACE observations computed by the modified dynamic approach
- Assessing Spatio-temporal Variability of Karst Water Storage over Southwest China from GRACE and Reservoir Storage
- Fully kinetic simulations of magnetic reconnection in partially ionised gases
- Transport of Hematite Nanoparticles in Porous Media: Effect of Colloidal Concentration and Interaction
- A Generalized Hybrid Multiscale Modeling Approach for Flow and Reactive Transport in Porous Media
- Characterizing hydrological activities over Yangtze River basin using the new HUST-Grace2016 model, MODIS, and NCEP/NCAR data
- High-quality regional gravity field determination from GOCE gravity gradient and heterogeneous gravimetry and altimetry data
- Inter-annual Variations in Snow/Firn Density over the Greenland Ice Sheet by Combining GRACE gravimetry and Envisat Altimetry
- Risk assessment and adaptive runoff utilization in water resource system considering the complex relationship among water supply, electricity generation and environment
- Three-dimensional Crustal Structure beneath the Tibetan Plateau Revealed by Multi-scale Gravity Analysis
- Transport of Cryptosporidium parvum Oocysts in Charge Heterogeneous Porous Media: Microfluidics Experiment and Numerical Simulation
- A Kriging-based Multiscale Interface for Flow and Reactive Transport
- Continent-wide drainage reorganization in North America driven by mantle flow
- Deep dip reversal of Indian Ocean slab induced by the African LLSVP
- Evapotranspiration estimation over the two large-scale basins in China from GRACE, daily precipitation and discharge data
- Global Gravity Field Model IGGT_R1C Without any Disturbing Impact of the GOCE Polar Gap by Using Real Terrestrial Gravimetry Data
- High Resolution Inter-annual Mass Anomalies of the Antarctic Ice Sheet by Combining GRACE Gravimetry and Envisat Altimetry
- Impact of different kinematic empirical parameter processing strategies on temporal gravity field model determination
- Using Airborne Remote Sensing and Automatic Monitoring Instrument to Hazard Prediction for Flash Flood Risk Management of Mountain City
- Bridging Chinese Landscape Painting and geosciences
- Continuous Antarctica Ice-Sheet Mass Balance Records from Satellite Gravimetry
- Investigating inter-annual Variations in Snow/Firn Density over the Greenland Ice Sheet by combining geodetic satellite measurements
- Machine Learning to Predict Bioenergy Sorghum Yields under Future Climate Scenarios
- Mid-long term multi-objective optimal scheduling model for Wind-Solar-Hydro power hybrid system based on multi-objective tangent algorithm
- Modeling the impact of hurricane induced power outage in a changing climate
- Permian to present tectonic and geodynamic evolution of the eastern Tethys
- Reservoir Monthly Streamflow Prediction Using Extreme Learning Machine Based on Chaotic Particle Swarm Optimization
- Surface records of orogenic lithosphere removal: Hinterland basins and magmatism in the central Andes
- What controls the landward migration of the orogen front?
- Wind power interval prediction based on long-short term memory network and error prediction
- Wind speed prediction method using Shared Weight Long Short-Term Memory Network and Gaussian Process Regression
- Coupling between lithosphere removal and mantle flow
- Evidence from Saturation Analysis and Thermal Fluctuation Tomography for Stress Dominated Magnetic Anisotropy in a Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt
- Gravitational lithosphere removal process: from the ground surface to the deep mantle
- Hurricane-blackout-heatwave Compound Hazard Risk
- Mass Variations of the Greenland Ice Sheet based on GRACE/GRACE Follow-On Satellite Gravimetry and Mass Budget Method