Tsinghua University, China
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Regional/Urban Air Quality Modeling Assessment over China Using the Models-3/CMAQ System
- A Distributed Biosphere-Hydrological Model System for Continental Scale River Basins
- A comparison of analytical and adjoint Bayesian inversion methods for constraining Asian sources of CO using satellite (MOPITT) measurements of CO columns
- A distributed hydrological model for drought and flood forecast in the upper Yangtze River basin
- A rational function approach for estimating land surface evapotranspiration based on the complementary hypothesis
- Diagnostic evaluation of distributed physically based model at the REW scale (THREW) using rainfall-runoff event analysis
- Real-Time Operation Of A Multipurpose Multi-Reservoir System Using A Distributed Hydrological Model And Quantitative Precipitation Forecast
- Understanding the relationship between actual and potential evapotranspirations from long- term water balance analysis and flux observation
- A Decision Support System For The Real-Time Allocation Of The Water Resource Of The Tarim River Basin, China
- A coupling framework as a virtual hydrological laboratory for water, sediment and nutrients modeling at the catchment scale
- Air quality in Beijing during the 2008 Olympic Games observed by satellites and ground monitors
- Analysis and Prediction of Dissolved Oxygen Levels in Water downstream of Three Gorges Dam
- Approach to the health-risk management on municipal reclaimed water reused in landscape water system
- Changing pan evaporation and its attribution in China
- Effects of Local Scour on Flow Turbulence around Experimental Spur Dike
- Relationship between the vegetation cover and the water balance in non-humid regions of China
- Retrieving land surface fluxes by assimilation of MODIS surface temperature and soil moisture observation
- Seasonal and Interannual Variations of O3 and CO at a rural site near Beijing
- WEB-DHM: A distributed biosphere hydrological model developed by coupling a simple biosphere scheme with a hillslope hydrological model
- A sampling-based Bayesian model for calibration of a distributed flood forecasting model with input uncertainty
- CO2 and its correlation with CO at a rural site near Beijing: implications for combustion efficiency in China
- Comparing administered and market-based water allocation systems using an agent-based modeling approach
- Comparing catchment evapotranspiration at different time scales through a bottom-up and top-down method
- Evaluation of the impact of decreasing orographic precipitation on water resources based on the coupled water-energy balance equation
- Modeling the Transport and Fate of Fecal Pollution and Nutrients of Miyun Reservoir
- Regionalization of Watershed Response Characteristics in ungauged basins with Partial Mutual Information
- Ruling out the uncertainty of the box-counting method for estimating the fractal dimension of river networks
- Runoff Model for the Dongting Lake Basin,China
- Seasonal and interannual variations in carbon dioxide exchange over a cropland in the North China Plain
- Soil acidification in China: Is controlling SO2 emissions enough?
- Source attribution and interannual variability of Arctic pollution in spring constrained by aircraft (ARCTAS, ARCPAC) and satellite (AIRS) observations of carbon monoxide
- Understanding the Hydrological Trends of River Basins in China
- A coupled model of soil water-heat-solute movement under the mulched drip irrigation condition
- A groundwater-vegetation interaction model for assessing the impacts of water transfer on ecological restoration in the lower Tarim River
- A network model for simulating sediment dynamics within a small watershed (Invited)
- An Improved Hybrid Information Measure Based on Decomposition of Mean Square Error
- Application and comparison of the SCS-CN-based rainfall-runoff model in meso-scale watershed and field scale
- Application of Satellite Remote Sensing for Timely Updates to Emission Inventories and Constraints on Ozone Production (Invited)
- Black carbon and its correlation with trace gases at a rural site in Beijing: Implications for Regional Emissions
- Comparison of near-surface CO from multispectral measurements from MOPITT with WRF-Chem simulations using emissions inventory for the Beijing 2008 Olympics
- Effect of Streamflow Forecast Uncertainty on Real-Time Reservoir Operation
- Environmental change in the Mississippi River Basin
- Impact of Human Activity on Groundwater Recharge in Shule River Basin, Northwest China
- Inverse Modeling of Urban and Regional Emissions of CO in China using Observations from the MOPITT Instrument
- Optimality Conditions for A Two-Stage Reservoir Operation Problem
- Pollutant Flushing Characterizations from Urban Storm Runoff at Rapid Urbanizing Area
- Remote Sensing Evapotranspiration (ET) Estimation: Investigating Four Extrapolation Methods for Integrating Satellite-based Instantaneous ET to Daily ET over Wheat and Maize Fields
- Sensitivity of stoichiometric ratios to temporal variability in streamflow
- Soil Moisture Sensing Controller and Optimal Estimator (SoilSCaPE): An in-situ Wireless Sensor Network for Validation of Spaceborne Soil Moisture Estimates (Invited)
- Spatiotemporal Distribution of Snow in Eastern Tibet and The Response to Climate Change
- Suspended sediment dynamics in the Mississippi River basin
- The absorption and transpiration of plants lead to a typical chaotic eco-hydrological process
- Theoretical Analysis of the Influence of Process Parameters on Pathogen Transport and Fate in a Recreational Beach
- Understanding Hydrological Trends with Budyko Hypothesis
- A Quick Response Forecasting Model of Pathogen Transport and Inactivation in Near-shore Regions
- An overview of a 5-year research program on acid deposition in China
- Experimental evaluation of thermal and energy performance of temperate green roofs: a case study in Beijing
- Identifying Effects of Forecast Uncertainty on Flood Control Decision - A Hydro-economic Hedging Framework
- Incorporate Hydrologic Forecast for Real-Time Reservoir Operations
- Landscape object-based analysis of wetland plant functional types: the effects of spatial scale, vegetation classes and classifier methods
- On criteria of multiple-objective calibration strategy for watershed rainfall-runoff models: case studies and initial theoretical analysis
- Proper Forecast Window in Ensemble Streamflow Prediction (ESP) Approach
- Real-time reservoir operation considering non-stationary inflow prediction
- Sectorial and geographical contributions to summertime black carbon spatial distributions over the US
- Snow surface height change in Dome-A from 2003 to 2008 based on ICESat/GLAS and DEM generated from GPS
- The equation of the water-energy imbalance
- The experience of the applications of the equation of the water-energy imbalance in the study of water resources of China
- Trends and effectiveness of emission control of sulfur dioxide in China: a satellite perspective
- Variation of Phreatic Evaporation of Bare Soil and Integration Application in Water Allocation in Shule Basin
- A Fully Coupled Method for Simulation of Wave-Current-Seabed Systems
- A Generalized Martingale Model of Streamflow Forecast Uncertainty Evolution and its Application in the Three Gorge Reservoir Operation
- A high-resolution emission inventory for coal-fired power plants in China, 1990-2010
- A high-resolution vehicle emission inventory for China
- A hybrid-algorithm-based parallel computing framework for optimal reservoir operation
- An Analytical Solution of Groundwater Evapotranspiration in Arid Riparian Zone: A Case Study for the Tarim River in China
- Attributing streamflow decrease to variations in climate conditions and catchment properties across the Upper Han River basin, China
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- Calibration of a Distributed Flood Forecasting Model with Input Uncertainty Using a Bayesian Framework
- Chemical composition and emission sources of South Asian fine particulate matter estimated from satellite observations and a chemical transport model
- Decrease of regression slope between CO2 latitudinal gradients and fossil fuel emissions during 1996-2008: implications for hemispheric carbon sink efficiency
- Detecting the effects of cascade hydropower reservoirs on eco-flow metrics
- Different characteristic of gas exchange between leaf and canopy scale
- Elemental carbon aerosol in Northern China: Constraints on emissions from Bayesian inversion
- Evaluating China's black carbon emissions using surface observations: sensitivity to observation representativeness and transport model error
- Evaluating Runoff Generation from NACP-MsTMIP Project Models across Local to Global Scales Using a Physically Based Routing Model
- Evaluations and Projections of the global land surface air temperature simulated by CMIP5
- Improving the Accuracy of Daily Satellite-Derived Ground-Level Fine Aerosol Concentration Estimates for North America
- Inverse Modeling of Hydrologic Parameters Using Surface Flux and Streamflow Observations in the Community Land Model
- Multi-resolution Emission Inventory for China (MEIC): model framework and 1990-2010 anthropogenic emissions
- Probabilistic projection of regional climate change based on CMIP5 long-term experiments
- Qualifying the uncertainties of the parameters in the moist processes using GAMIL2
- Salt distribution under mulched drip irrigation in a cotton field of northwestern China
- Satellite based estimates of reduced CO and CO2 emissions due to traffic restrictions during the 2008 Beijing Olympics
- Simulation of the Influence of Turbulence on Hyporheic Exchange
- Spatial representation of a current NO<SUB>x</SUB> emission inventory over China: A satellite perspective
- Sulfate-nitrate-ammonium aerosols over China: response to 2000-2015 emission changes of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and ammonia
- The Urban Water Cycle and how it Modulates the Microclimate and the Energy Cycle
- The opportunities and challenges: Statistical and Hydrological Evaluation of high-resolution multisensor blended global precipitation products over the Yangtze River Basin, China
- The origin of black carbon transported to the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau: a novel back-trajectory analysis
- Trends of Precipitation Intensity and Frequency and Impacts on Runoffs in China from 1956 to 2005
- A comparison of methods for determining the cotton field evapotranspiration and its components under mulched drip irrigation conditions: photosynthesis system, sap flow, and eddy covariance
- A diagnostic approach for hydrological model calibration in an alpine area based on partitioned hydrographs pertaining to dominant runoff generation mechanisms
- A large sulfate aerosol source during the winter haze in China missing from current models
- A modeling study on the January 2013 severe haze over the southern Hebei, China
- An improved speciated NMVOC emission inventory for Asia
- Anomalous diffusion for bed load transport with a physically-based model
- Approximate solution of the probability density function of bedload transport rate over multiple time scales
- Assessing the impacts of land cover change on energy fluxes and evapotranspiration in the middle reach of the Yellow River Basin
- CO2-SO2 clathrate hydrate formation on early Mars
- Comparison of satellite based and modelled NO2 column: Effects of spatial resolution
- Constraining Black Carbon Aerosol over Asia using OMI Aerosol Absorption Optical Depth and the Adjoint of GEOS-Chem
- Developing an Eco-hydrological Model for Exploring the Vegetation-water Interactions in Water-limited Regions
- Diagnosing the Role of Transpiration in the Transition from Dry to Wet Season Over the Amazon Using Satellite Observations
- Do we need construct more dams?
- Evaluation of Cloud Properties in Seven SCMs under Updraft and Downdraft Regimes
- Evaluation of black carbon simulations over the Tibetan Plateau and its implications for radiative forcing
- Experimental Study of Overtopping Induced Landslide Dam Break Flow and Two Layer Two Phase Mixture Model
- Exploring the causes of discharge decrease in a semi-arid watershed of the middle reaches of the Yellow River through a distributed biosphere hydrological model
- Flow resistance in alluvial and mountain rivers
- Is a Dendritic Drainage Basin Inevitable? (Invited)
- Modeling the catchment hydrological response to the environmental changes (Invited)
- Modeling the effects of irrigation on evapotranspiration and shallow groundwater in Haihe River basin, China
- Modelling Incision in Mixed Bedrock-Alluvial Rivers: The Role of Sediment Waves (Invited)
- RAS and LES Simulation of the supercritical flow over the waving bed
- Recent Advances of Information Entropy Estimation Method for Practical Hydrological Variables
- Satellite-based emission constraint for nitrogen oxides: Capability and uncertainty
- The Temporal Trends of Global Runoff: Under the Short-Term and Long-Term Persistence Hypothesis
- The hydrologic response in a steep mountainous catchment in southwest China
- The hysteretic evapotranspiration - vapor pressure deficit relation
- The impact of long-range transport on secondary aerosol in Northeast Asia
- The spatiotemporal characteristics of soil physio-chemical parameters and their influence on cotton growth under mulched drip irrigation
- Trend of satellite-based fine particulate matter (PM<SUB>2.5</SUB>) concentrations over China: 2004-2012
- Two Model-Based Methods for Policy Analyses of Fine Particulate Matter Control in China: Source Apportionment and Source Sensitivity
- Uncertainty quantification and parameter optimization of moist parameterizations in the GAMIL2
- Understanding Hydrological Trends by Combining the Budyko Hypothesis and a Stochastic Soil Moisture Model
- Urban Signatures in the Spatial Clustering of Warm-season Heavy Rainfall Events over the Beijing Metropolitan Region
- A Coupled Modeling Framework of the Co-evolution of Humans and Water: Case Study of Tarim River Basin, Western China
- A Vegetation-Based Time-Varying Parameterization Framework for Improving Hydrological Modeling Under Non-Stationary Conditions
- Analysis on the Criterion for Channel avulsions of the Costal Delta in the Yellow River
- Assessment of Air Pollutants and Greenhouse Gases Emission Over East Asia : A Bottom-up Inventory Perspective
- Assessment of Provincial and Sectoral Emissions in China
- Attributing Changes in Gross Primary Productivity from 1901 to 2010
- Bedload transport flux fluctuations over a wide range of time scales
- Carbon, Water and Heat Fluxes Comparison between Two Subtropical Mangroves Sites, Southeastern China
- Characteristics of nitrogen retention along the river network of upper Xin'anjiang catchment in China
- Climate Patterns of Habitable Exoplanets in Eccentric Orbits around M Dwarfs
- Comparison of Emissions Inventories of Anthropogenic Air Pollutants in Asia
- Development of a distributed model for eco-hydrological simulation in the upper Heihe River
- Drought Analysis of Haihe Basin in North China based on the Community Land Model, 1960-2010
- Effects of China's Energy Policy on Future Air Quality in China and the U.S.
- Effects of Stream Turbine Array Configuration on Current Energy Extraction Near an Island
- Electroosmosis in Non-homogeneously Charged Microporous Media
- Estimating Ground-Level PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> in China Using Aerosol Optical Depth Determined from the GOCI Satellite Instrument
- Evaluation on Asian Dust Aerosol and Simulated Processes in CanAM4.2 Using Satellite Measurements and Station Data
- High Evapotranspiration in Urban Areas - A Case Study in Beijing
- Hydro-climatic fluctuations driven by natural and anthropogenic forcing in China
- Hydrologic Responses to Urbanization Patterns
- Impact of the 2011 Southern US Drought on Ground-Level Particulate Matters (PM) in Summertime and Implication for Drought-Driven PM Response in Future Climate
- Impacts of Apparent Uncertainties in Energy Statistics on China's Emission Estimates
- Mangrove forests: a potent nexus of coastal biogeochemical cycling
- Mapping Crop Cycles in China Using MODIS-EVI Time Series
- Modeling Spatial and Temporal Variability in Ammonia Emissions from Agricultural Fertilization in China
- Modeling grassland spring onset across the Western United States using MODIS data
- Modeling the contributions of emission, meteorology, and chemistry to high PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> levels over China
- Monthly Hydrological Model Evaluation through Mapping the Hydrological Pattern to Information Space
- Optimal vegetation cover in the Horqin Sands of Inner Mongolia: an evaluation of Eagleson's ecohydrological optimality
- Propagating convective system as a rainfall connection between southwestern Tibetan Plateau and Indian continent
- Quantifying Flow Resistance of Mountain Streams Using the HHT Approach
- Regulation of Electrochemically Generated H<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB> in Situ from a Novel CB-PTFE Cathode for Transformation of Chlorine Benzene in Groundwater
- River capture by earthquake caused the transition of ancient Sichuan civilizations
- Satellite Remote Sensing of Chlorophyll-a Concentrations in the Galveston Bay, Texas
- Slow Release of Permanganate from Injectable Fumed Silica Gel: Rheological Properties and Release Dynamics
- Soil HONO Emissions and Its Potential Impact on the Atmospheric Chemistry and Nitrogen Cycle
- The Characteristics of Long-range Transboundary Inorganic Secondary Aerosols in Northeast Asia
- The Effect of Vapor Pressure Deficit on Water Use Efficiency at the Sub-Daily Time Scale
- The Influence of Ocean on Typhoon Nuri (2008)
- The Role of Bedrock Groundwater in Rainfall-Runoff Process at Hillslope and Catchment Scales in a Headwater Catchment with Sub-Humid Climate
- The Uncertain Carbon Emissions in China
- Understanding Socio-Hydrology System in the Kissimmee River Basin
- Utility of a Thermal-Based Two-Source Energy Balance Model for Estimating Surface Fluxes over a Wide Variety of Landscapes
- Wave-equation Based Earthquake Location
- <p>Analysis of weather regime dependent wind biases over the east coast of China using 3 year WRF simulations
- A new Ensemble Consistency Test for the Community Earth System Model
- A new model for long-term global water demand projection
- Analyzing the effect of cryosphere processes on catchment hydrology through a modeling approach: a case study in the Heihe River basin, Northwest China
- Assessment of air quality management policies in China with integrated model framework: Case study for Hebei province
- Assessment of the water and energy budget simulation of three land surface models: CLM4.5, CoLM2014, and CoLM2005
- China's international trade and air pollution: 2000 - 2009
- Daily underlying water use efficiency for AmeriFlux sites
- Development of Future Scenario Emission Inventories for East Asia in Support of Multiple Modeling Studies
- Development of a unified turbulence scheme with a statistical cloud fraction scheme in Community Atmosphere Model
- Discharge estimation with disaggregation method and hydropower resources evaluation for mountain river basins lack of observed hydrologic information
- Disentangling climatic and anthropogenic controls on global terrestrial evapotranspiration trends
- Distinguishing warming-induced drought from drought-induced warming
- Estimates of sustainable agricultural water use in northern China based on the equilibrium of groundwater
- Estimation and Mapping of Coastal Mangrove Biomass Using Both Passive and Active Remote Sensing Method
- Estimation of soil moisture status based on TVDI and ATI in Heihe River basin
- Evaluating Consistency in the Ocean Model Component of the Community Earth System Model
- Evaluation and application of newest GPM product with a distributed hydrological model at Mekong River basin
- Evaluation of Drought Occurrence and Climate Change in the Pearl River Basin in South China
- First Evaluation of Day-1 IMERG products using the best-available hourly rain gauge network over the Tibetan Plateau
- First-Year Evaluation of GPM Day-1 IMERG and TMPA Version-7 Legacy Products over Mainland China at Multiple Spatiotemporal Scales
- Global analysis of approaches for deriving total water storage changes from GRACE satellites and implications for groundwater storage change estimation
- Granular Solid-liquid Transition: Experiment and Simulation
- Ground Validation of IMERG and TMPA 3B42 Rainfall Products Based on an Ultra-High Density Network of Rain Gauges over Mountainous Region
- High-resolution Inventory of Rural Residential Emissions in China in 2010
- Hot Oxygen and Carbon Escape from the Early Atmosphere of Mars
- Impact of Cryosphere Hydrological Changes on the River Runoff in the Tibetan Plateau
- Impact of Large-scale Circulation Patterns on Surface Ozone Variability in Houston-Galveston-Brazoria
- Improved Radiation Simulation in the Community Atmosphere Model with Implementation of Four-Stream Spherical Harmonic Expansion Approximation for Solar Radiation
- Investigation on Different Parameterizations of Cloud Droplet Spectral Dispersion on Simulated Precipitation and Radiation in NCAR CAM5
- Large sized non-uniform sediment transport at high capacity on steep slopes
- Meteorological Influence on the 2009 Influenza A (H1N1) Pandemic in Mainland China.
- Modeling Gross Primary Production in North America with MODIS Images and Reanalysis Climate Data
- Modeling impacts of water and fertilizer management on the ecosystem service of rice rotated cropping system in China
- Modeling of the influence of humidity on H1N1 flu in China
- Monitoring potential geographical distribution of four wild bird species in China
- Multi-scale hydrologic applications of the latest satellite precipitation products in the Yangtze River basin using a distributed hydrological model
- On the Physical Basis of Rate Law Formulations for River Evolution, and their Applicability to the Simulation of Evolution after Earthquakes
- Optimal Hedging Rule for Reservoir Refill Operation
- POMINO: An improved satellite NO<SUB>2</SUB> product and impacts on emission inversio
- Parameter Sensitivity and Transferability Study Across Major US Watersheds
- Potential benefits of long-distance electricity transmission in China for air quality and climate
- Quantifying the effect of vegetation change on regional water balance within the Budyko Framework
- Quantifying the impact of legal culture and institution on carbon emissions
- Re-visiting Empirical Models at Varying Time Scales with Maximum Entropy Production Theory
- Reduced mass absorption cross section of black carbon under an extremely polluted condition in southern suburb of Beijing, China
- Responses of Vegetation Dynamics to Climate along A Precipitation Gradient in Northeast China Transect
- Revealing the Hidden Health Costs Embodied in Chinese Exports
- Revelation of the interactions between bedload and turbulent flow in open channels using a LES-DEM coupled model
- Role of complementary relationship in Budyko framework from water-limited to energy-limited environments
- Semi-analytical Model for Estimating Absorption Coefficients of Optically Active Constituents in Coastal Waters
- Shifting of Dominant Hydrological Processes in Headwater Catchments Under a Changing Climate
- Silica-Based Carbon Source Delivery for In-situ Bioremediation Enhancement
- Simulation for Artificial Forest Succession in Hilly-gully Area of Loess Plateau, China
- Simulation of Non-point Source Pollution in the Songhua River Basin Using GBNP Model
- Snowmelt Simulation in the Yarlung Tsangpo-Brahmaputra River Basin Based on Assimilation of Remote Sensing Data into a Distributed Hydrological Model
- Source Contributions of Urban PM2.5 in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region: Changes between 2006 and 2013 and Relative Impacts of Emissions and Meteorology
- Spatial and temporal analysis of stable isotopes in tap water across China
- Spatial and temporal variations of the Longxi river channel in Sichuan province after the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, China
- Substance Flow Analysis of Mercury in China
- The Feasibility of Predicting Nino 3.4 Index Using a Sparse Approximation Algorithm
- The Formation of Incisional Boundary Layers In Bedrock-Alluvial Rivers Subjected to Spatiotemporally Varying Alluvial Transport
- The Impact of Residential Combustion Emissions on Air Quality and Human Health in China
- The Impact of Surface Heterogeneity on Urban-Atmosphere Interactions
- The Sensitivity of Atmospheric Water Isotope to Entrainment and Precipitation Efficiency
- The complementary relationship and generation of the Budyko functions
- The hysteresis response of soil respiration and soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> concentration to soil temperature
- The intrinsic periodic fluctuation of forest: a theoretical model based on diffusion equation
- Urban vegetation and thermal patterns following city growth in different socio-economic contexts
- Vegetation canopy and physiological control of GPP decline during drought and heat wave
- A Comparison Study of Typhoons Nuri (2008) and Hagupit (2008) with a Coupled Atmosphere-Wave-Ocean Modeling System
- A New Lagrangian Formulation of Bedload Transport Guided by Ensemble Statistics of Particle Velocities and Accelerations
- A web-based land cover classification system based on ontology model of different classification systems
- Air Quality and Health Benefits of China's Recent Stringent Environmental Policy
- An idealized LES study of urban modification of moist convection
- An integrated surface water-groundwater numerical model to simulate the interaction between groundwater, spring and surface water in karst watershed, Beijing, China
- Analysis of active-passive complementarity and its dependence on vegetation and surface roughness from SMAP observations
- Analyzing changes in the eco-hydrological processes in the upper Heihe basin, the Tibet Plateau using a distributed physically-based hydrological model
- Assessment on the Benefits from Energy Structure Optimization and Coal-fired Emission Control in Beijing: 1998-2013
- Assessments and market design for the water market at Xiying Irrigation, Shiyang River Basin, Gansu Province, China
- Atmospheric nitrogen deposition to China: a model analysis on nitrogen budget and critical load exceedance
- Bamboo Expansion Alters Ecosystem NPP and N Cycling of Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest in Subtropical China
- Better knowledge with more gauges? Investigation of the spatiotemporal characteristics of precipitation variations over the Greater Beijing Region
- Bitwise Identical Reproducibility for Earth System Modeling
- Changes in long-term flow regimes in Mekong River and their implications in riverine ecosystems and reservoir operation
- Cleaning air pollutants for newborns in China: a national risk assessment on low birth weight caused by ambient fine particles during 2013-2015
- Contributions of Soil Moisture and Vegetation Components to Polarized Emission Based on the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Mission Measurements
- Correcting reanalysis atmospheric vapor convergence data based on GRACE water stroage and observed streamflow data
- Coupled Large Eddy Simulation and Discrete Element Model for Particle Saltation
- Debris Flows in a Changing Climate: Experimental and Field Investigations of the Influence of Changes in Moisture on Matrix Properties, Interparticle Interactions, and Subsequent Debris Flow Behaviors
- Delivery and Establishing Slow Release Carbon Source to the Hanford Vadose Zone Using Colloidal Silica Suspension Injection and Subsequent Gelation - Laboratory Study
- Detecting coastline change with all available Landsat data: a case study for the State of Texas, USA
- Developing a Three Processes Framework to Analyze Hydrologic Performance of Urban Stormwater Management in a Watershed Scale
- Discharge estimation with disaggregation method and hydropower resources evaluation for mountain river basins lack of observed hydrologic information
- Dissecting the Precipitation and Moisture Biases in CMIP5 Models
- Effect of emission controls on mixing state and light absorption of black carbon particles during APEC 2014
- Effects of Plastic Mulch on Soil Heat Flux and Energy Balance in a Cotton Field in Northwest China
- Effects of the Siberian High on the Interannual and Long-term Variability of Winter Haze over North China.
- Efficient Maize and Sunflower Multi-year Mapping with NDVI Time Series of HJ-1A/1B in Hetao Irrigation District of Inner Mongolia, China
- Elevation-Dependence of the Summer Climate Over the South Slope of Mt. Everest, Central Himalaya
- Estimating Global Impervious Surface based on Social-economic Data and Satellite Observations
- Evapotranspiration estimation considering anthropogenic heat based on remote sensing in urban area
- Fossil Fuel Combustion-Related Emissions Dominate Atmospheric Ammonia Sources during Severe Haze Episodes: Evidence from <SUP>15</SUP>N-Stable Isotope in Size-Resolved Aerosol Ammonium
- Global Assessment of New GRACE Mascons Solutions for Hydrologic Applications
- Global Thermal Power Plants Database: Unit-Based CO<SUB>2</SUB>, SO<SUB>2</SUB>, NO<SUB>X </SUB>and PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Emissions in 2010
- Global convergence of maixmum light use efficiency using fraction of PAR absorbed by chlorophyll
- Global soil moisture dry-down analysis based on SMAP retrievals
- Historical and Future Trends in Wetting and Drying in 305 Catchments Across China
- How do space-based NOx emissions compare to bottom-up inventories in East Asia?
- How to bridge the gap between "unresolved" model and "resolved" model in CFD-DEM coupled method for sediment transport?
- Hydrochemical evolution and groundwater-river interaction in a headwater catchment in Miyun Reservoir, China
- Impacts of Anthropogenic Heat on Summertime Rainfall in Beijing
- Impacts of Climate and Human-induced Changes on Hydrological Drought in the United States: a modeling study
- Impacts of climate change and ecological restoration activities on vegetation phenology and streamflow change in the Loess Plateau, China
- Impacts of climate change on hydrologic processes in the upstream region of Nu-Salween River
- Incorporation of a glacier and snow melting model with CREST to resolve alpine glaciers and snow melting
- Influence of the West Pacific subtropical high on surface ozone day to day variability in summertime over the Yangtze River Delta region
- Insight into the Global Distribution and Chemical Composition of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> from the SPARTAN Global Aerosol Network
- Investigation of Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Atmospheric Rivers over the Bay of Bengal
- Is Intra-model Spread Worth Considering in ENSO Simulation?
- Low-level Cooling is Important to MJO Simulation in CAM5
- Microbial Community Response to Warming and Correlations to Organic Carbon Degradation in an Arctic Tundra Soil
- Oil palm mapping for Malaysia using PALSAR-2 dataset
- On different regime relations between bed load transport and bed topography
- Phosphorus in global agricultural soils: spatially explicit modelling of soil phosphorus and crop uptake for 1900 to 2010
- Quantifying the Contribution of Urban-Industrial Efficiency and Symbiosis to Deep Decarbonization: Impact of 637 Chinese Cities
- Reconstructing the Historical Series of Plant Functional Types in the Three-River Headwaters Region in China
- Reconstruction of FY-3B/MWRI soil moisture using an artificial neural network based on reconstructed MODIS optical products over the Tibetan Plateau
- Reservoirs' Nonlinear Filtering Effects on Flood Frequency Curves
- Response of Vegetation Dynamics to Projected Climate Change based on NDVI Simulations using Stepwise Cluster Analysis in the Three-River Headwaters Region of China
- Rheological Properties of Aqueous Colloidal Silica Suspensions Related to Amendment Delivery for Subsurface Remediation
- Roles of production, consumption and trade in global and regional aerosol radiative forcing
- Satellite-observed snow cover variations over the Tibetan Plateau for the period 2001-2014
- Simulation of glacier and snow melting over the upper Brahmaputra River basin in the Tibetan Plateau using a distributed hydrological model and GRACE satellites
- Source Apportionment of Final Particulate Matterin North China Plain based on Air Quality Modeling
- Spatial variability of soil moisture responses to precipitation events in a forest catchment
- Stochastic dynamics of carbon and nitrogen cycling: analysis of the closure problem and sensitivity to climate forcing
- Summer Rainfall over the Southwestern Tibetan Plateau Controlled by Deep Convection over the Indian Subcontinent
- Sustainability or Collapse: Interplay Between Decadal Climate Variability and Human Activities Matters
- Systematic anomalies over inland water bodies of High Mountain Asia in TRMM precipitation estimates: No longer a problem for the GPM era?
- The Impacts of Climate Change on the Frozen Soil and Eco-hydrology in the Source Region of Yellow River, China
- The Impacts of Miyun Reservoirs on Local Climate: A Modeling Study Using WRF-Lake Model
- The Sensitivity of Atmospheric Water Isotopes to Entrainment and Precipitation Efficiency in a Bulk Plume Model of Convection
- The Third Tibetan Plateau Atmospheric Scientific Experiment for Understanding the Earth-Atmosphere Coupled System
- Time-marching multi-grid seismic tomography
- Toward Improving Convection Simulation in Global Climate Models
- Towards Optimal Operation of the Reservoir System in Upper Yellow River: Incorporating Long- and Short-term Operations and Using Rolling Updated Hydrologic Forecast Information
- Transient solute transport with sorption in Poiseuille flow
- Understanding the Hydrological trend change in catchment area of Simly Lake Pakistan
- Using Potential Vorticity to Represent the Effect of Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange on Vertical Ozone Distributions in the Front Range During the FRAPPE 2014 Field Campaign.
- Using additional external inputs to forecast water quality with an artificial neural network for contamination event detection in source water
- Vegetation Cover based on Eagleson's Ecohydrological Optimality in Northeast China Transect (NECT)
- 3-D simulation of hanging wall effect at dam site
- A Budyko-type Model for Human Water Consumption
- A Global-Scale Estimate of Ecosystem Services from Urban Agriculture: Understanding Incentives for Natural Capital in Cities
- A New Approach to Simulate Groundwater Table Dynamics and Its Validation in China
- A coupled FVM-DEM method to simulate internal erosion process in micro scale granular system
- A global moderate resolution dataset of terrestrial gross primary production for 2000-2016
- A high-order strong stability preserving Runge-Kutta method for three-dimensional full waveform modeling and inversion of anelastic models
- A new index for identifying socioeconomic drought events under climate change over the East River basin in China
- A prediction and damage assessment model for snowmelt flood events in middle and high latitudes Region
- A tropical cyclone genesis prediction method using machine learning
- Air Quality Co-benefits of Energy Policy in China: Evidence from Iron & Steel and Cement Industries
- An Investigation of Estuary Gate Effect on Freshwater Fish Biotope and a Study on Ecological Scheduling
- An effective parameter optimization with radiation balance constraints in the CAM5
- Analysis of Land Use and Land Cover Changes and Their Impacts on Future Runoff in the Luanhe River Basin in North China Using Markov and SWAT
- Analyzing hydrological response to frozen ground changes in the source region of the Yellow River within the Budyko framework
- Applicability of WRF-Lake System in Studying Reservoir-Induced Impacts on Local Climate: Case Study of Two Reservoirs with Contrasting Characteristics
- Application of deep learning in determining IR precipitation occurrence: a Convolutional Neural Network model
- Are changing emission patterns across the Northern Hemisphere influencing long-range transport contributions to background air pollution?
- Are we approaching a water ceiling to yield in rain fed agriculture of the United States?
- Assessment and Reduction of Model Parametric Uncertainties: A Case Study with A Distributed Hydrological Model
- Calculation of Brown Carbon Optical Properties in the Fifth version Community Atmospheric Model (CAM5) and Validation with a Case Study in Kanpur, India
- Catchment Water-Energy Balance Model: Development and Applications
- Comparison of Decadal Water Storage Trends from Global Hydrological Models and GRACE Satellite Data
- Comparison of the Various Methodologies Used in Studying Runoff and Sediment Load in the Yellow River Basin
- Constructing a sustainable power sector in China: current and future emissions of coal-fired power plants from 2010 to 2030
- Contribution of climate and fires to vegetation composition in the boreal forest of China
- DR-induced Hot Oxygen and Carbon Coronae of Early Mars
- Deciphering flood frequency curves from a coupled human-nature system perspective
- Derivation of the mean annual water-energy balance model based on an Ohms-type law
- Development of a distributed hydrological model driven, calibrated, and validated primarily by remote sensing data in a poorly gauged basin in the Tibetan Plateau
- Discharge estimation for the Upper Brahmaputra River in the Tibetan Plateau using multi-source remote sensing data
- Do aerosols influence surface and satellite observations of cloudiness? Possible artifacts validated by CALIPSO cloud vertical profiles
- Dramatic decreases in runoff and sediment load in the Huangfuchuan Basin of the Middle Yellow River, China: historical records and future projections
- Drastic landscape evolution following a Holocene river capture in the Yimeng Mountains, China
- Dynamical nexus of water supply, hydropower and environment based on the modeling of multiple socio-natural processes: from socio-hydrological perspective
- Effects of the Bermuda High and the Great Plains low-level jet upon background and peak ozone concentrations in Texas urban areas
- Elucidating Particle Acidity during North China Winter Haze Events
- Enhanced light absorptivity of black carbon with air pollution development in urban Beijing, China
- Establishing a rainfall threshold for flash flood warnings based on the DFFG method in Yunnan province, China
- Estimating Anthropogenic Emissions of Hydrogen Chloride and Fine Particulate Chloride in China
- Evaluating the impact of climate and underlying surface on runoff change within Budyko framework: a study across 224 catchments in China
- Evaluation and prediction of groundwater storage changes in Beijing under the impacts of the South to North Water Diversion Project and climate change using ground observations, remote sensing and modeling
- Evaluation of deep convective cloud top heights in CAM5 using CloudSat observations
- Evaluation of multiple precipitation products across Mainland China using the triple collocation method without ground truth
- Evidence on improvements of the GPM dual-frequency precipitation radar upon the TRMM precipitation radar in global precipitation rate estimation, type classification and vertical profiling
- Explanation of asymmetric dynamics of human water consumption in arid regions: prospect theory versus expected utility theory
- Frequency Selection for Multi-frequency Acoustic Measurement of Suspended Sediment
- Groundwater storage variations in the North China Plain using multiple space geodetic observations
- High-efficient Extraction of Drainage Networks from Digital Elevation Model Data Constrained by Enhanced Flow Enforcement from Known River Map
- Historical Causes and Future Projections of Hydrological Drought Change over a Semi-arid Watershed in the Yellow River Basin
- How will the future warming climate impact the river discharge in the alpine mountain region of upper Heihe River Basin?
- Hydrological impact of high-density small dams in a humid catchment, Southeast China
- Hydroxymethane sulfonate as a possible explanation for observed high levels of particulate sulfur during severe winter haze episodes in Beijing, China.
- Impact of Future Emissions and Climate Change on Surface Ozone over China
- Impact of Vegetation Cover Fraction Parameterization schemes on Land Surface Temperature Simulation in the Tibetan Plateau
- Impacts of Four SO<SUB>2</SUB> Oxidation Pathways on Wintertime Sulfate Concentrations
- Impacts of Human Induced Nitrogen Deposition on Ecosystem Carbon Sequestration and Water Balance in China
- Impacts of Subgrid Heterogeneous Mixing between Cloud Liquid and Ice on the Wegner-Bergeron-Findeisen Process and Mixed-phase Clouds in NCAR CAM5
- Impacts of climate change on the food-energy-water nexus in the upper Yellow River Basin: An integrated hydro-economic modeling approach
- Impacts of large scale afforestation on regional climate: a case study in the Kubuqi Desert, Inner Mongolia based on WRF model
- Impacts of the Air Temperature Rising on the Soil Freezing-thawing Processes and the Surface Fluxes on the Tibetan Plateau
- Implement a Sub-grid Turbulent Orographic Form Drag in WRF and its application to Tibetan Plateau
- Improving simulations of snow water equivalent and total water storage changes over the Upper Yangtze River basin using multi-source remote sensing data
- Intercomparison of spaceborne precipitation radars and its applications in examining precipitation-topography relationships in the Tibetan Plateau
- Investigation of Aerosol-Cloud Interactions: Insights from Cloud Parcel Model Simulations
- LAI is the major cause of divergence in CO<SUB>2</SUB> fertilization effect in land surface models
- Leaf anatomical traits determine the <SUP>18</SUP>O enrichment of leaf water in coastal halophytes
- Linking meteorological drivers of spring-summer drought regimes to agricultural drought risk in China
- Long-term effects of fire and harvest on carbon stocks of boreal forests in northeastern China
- Matrix approach to uncertainty assessment and reduction for modeling terrestrial carbon cycle
- Measurement of NO<SUB>x</SUB> and CO Fluxes from a Tall Tower in Beijing.
- Mechanism of Urban Water Dissipation: A Case Study in Xiamen Island
- Metal Emission Cooling in Heated Planetary Upper Atmospheres
- Modeling seasonal water balance based on catchments' hedging strategy on evapotranspiration for climate seasonality
- Modeling the comprehensive air pollution over the southern Hebei cities, China using WRF/Chem
- Modification on the Scattering Effect of Infrared Radiation Simulation in the Fifth Version Community Atmospheric Model CAM5
- Morphodynamic Model of Submarine Canyon Incision by Sandblasting
- Morphodynamic Modeling of the Lower Yellow River, China: Flux (Equilibrium) Form or Entrainment (Nonequilibrium) Form of Sediment Mass Conservation?
- New Approach To Hour-By-Hour Weather Forecast
- Optimizing Environmental Flow Operation Rules based on Explicit IHA Constraints
- Panta Rhei-Everything flows: Global Hotspots of Human-Water Interactions
- Particle-Scale Studies of the Influence of the Properties of the Matrix of a Debris Flow on its Erosional Behavior
- Partitioning Evapotranspiration for Three Typical Ecosystems in the Heihe River Basin, Northwestern China
- Phase transition behavior of sediment transport at the sand-mud interface, across scales from flumes to the large rivers
- Potential Impacts of Future Climate Change on Regional Air Quality and Public Health over China
- REDRAW-Based Evapotranspiration Estimation in Chongli, North China
- Rapid Decline in Carbon Monoxide Emissions and Export from East Asia
- Reactive Nitrogen Chemistry in Aerosol Water as a Source of Sulfate during Haze Events in China
- Recognition of predictors for mid-long term runoff prediction based on lasso
- Relationship between changes in the upper and lower tropospheric water vapor: A revisit
- Representing macropore flow at the catchment scale: a comparative modeling study
- Revealing driving factors of China's PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> pollution
- Revealing the unequal household health footprints in China
- Short-term responses of soil water chemistry to nitrogen reduction in a subtropical forest ecosystem in southwest China
- Simulating and predicting snow and glacier meltwater to the runoff of the Upper Mekong River basin in Southwest China
- Simultaneous retrieval of sea ice thickness and snow depth using concurrent active altimetry and passive L-band remote sensing data
- Socio-hydrologic perspectives of the co-evolution of humans and groundwater in Cangzhou, North China Plain
- Spatial and seasonal variation in <SUP>17</SUP>O-excess of tap water in China
- Spatially distinct effects of preceding precipitation on heat stress over Eastern China
- Stronger ecosystem CO<SUB>2</SUB> exchange capacity but higher lateral carbon loss of mangrove wetlands over terrestrial forests
- Surface Soil Moisture Memory Estimated from Models and SMAP Observations
- The Impacts of Synoptic Forcing on Urban Moist Convection
- The Role of Fine Sediment Content on Soil Consolidation and Debris Flows Development after Earthquake
- The effect of different spectral shape parameterizations of cloud droplet size distribution on first and second aerosol indirect effects in NACR CAM5 and evaluation with satellite data
- The interactions between vegetation and climate seasonality, topography on different time scales under the Budyko framework: case study in China's Loess Plateau
- Transboundary health impacts of transported global air pollution and international trade
- Trends in simulated chemical composition of global and regional population-weighted fine particulate matter over the recent 25 years
- Uncertainties in emission estimates of greenhouse gases and air pollutants in China and India and their impacts on regional air quality
- Understanding Water-Energy-Ecology Nexus from an Integrated Earth-Human System Perspective
- Understanding of Storm Runoff Generation in a Semi-humid and Semi-arid Headwater Catchment in North China Based on Event Tracer Analysis
- Updated understanding of snowmelt contribution at basin scale by an improved integrated method: A case study in Heihe river basin in northeastern Tibetan plateau
- Water-Food-Energy Nexus on Lancang-Mekong River Basin
- What is missing? An operational inundation mapping framework by SAR data
- When Does Vapor Pressure Deficit Drive or Reduce Evaporation?
- Will building new reservoirs always help increase the water supply reliability? - insight from a modeling-based global study
- A deep learning based end-to-end oil palm tree detection approach using large-scale high-resolution UAV images
- A deep reservoir in the 21st century: dynamics of water temperature and heat fluxes under climate change
- A digital lake bathymetry model based on Remote Sensing DEM
- A large decline of tropospheric NO<SUB>2 </SUB>in China since 2013 observed from space by SNPP OMPS
- A new method to evaluate annual atmospheric water resource based on total column atmospheric water of critical precipitation
- A possible mechanism for the occurrence of wintertime extreme precipitation events over South China
- Accounting for spatiotemporal errors of gauges: A critical step to evaluate gridded satellite precipitation products
- Analysis on the non-monotonic response of deep convective precipitation to the increased number of cloud condensation nuclei
- Anthropogenic drivers of 2013-2017 trends in summer surface ozone in China
- Application of Breeding of Growing Mode ensemble method in seasonal prediction of climate system model
- Application of Spatiotemporal Predictive Learning in Precipitation Nowcasting
- Are We Moving Closer to or Farther from Water? Human Population Distance to Water in the USA, 1790 to 2010
- Assessing the potential agricultural risks of climate change in China: A multi-model ensemble perspective
- Assessment of Water Storage Change in China's Lakes and Reservoirs over the Last Three Decades Based on Google Earth Engine and Geo-Statistic Approach
- Bayesian assimilation of multi-scale precipitation data and sparse ground gauge observations in mountainous areas
- Big-data-big-model Fusion to Improve Prediction of Global Soil Carbon Dynamics with Earth System Model
- Change in downstream bedform type, bed material sediment transport regime and flood potential in response to sediment blockage by a dam: can bed degradation increase flooding risk?
- Characterizing errors in AIRS retrievals of near-surface air temperature and specific humidity, and implications for remote sensing of ET
- China's Food Security under Climate Change Impact: A Multi-Sector Computable General Equilibrium Assessment
- Committed emissions from existing energy infrastructure
- Comparing the economic and environmental effects of different water management schemes using a coupled agent-hydrologic model
- Comparison and validation on global aerosol distribution simulated with two different aerosol models in the Community Atmosphere Model version 5.3
- Comparison of 5 sites ET partitioning in water limited ecosystem based on eddy covariance measurements
- Comparison of Three Ice Cloud Optical Schemes in Climate Simulations with Community Atmospheric Model Version 5
- Contemporary Environmental Changes over the Dry Land Belt of Northern Eurasia and Their Consequences
- Contribution of atmospheric moisture transport to winter Arctic warming
- Decadal Transitions in Anthropogenic Source Contributions of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Air Quality and Related Premature Mortality in China: 1990-2015
- Deep Cloud Classification Method based on Multi-Channel Satellite Images
- Distinct mechanisms of decadal subsurface heat content variations in the eastern and western Indian Ocean modulated by tropical Pacific SST
- Downscaling of soil moisture based on artificial intelligence methods and multisource data in the North China Plain
- Dynamic Interactions of Methanogens and Archean Earth Environment
- Effect of Temporal Resolution of Rainfall on Simulation of Urban Flood Processes
- Effects of Density Currents on Sediment Concentrations of Water Pumped from the Deze Reservoir
- Effects of Hydrologic Conditions and Reservoir Operation on Transboundary Cooperation in the Lancang-Mekong River Basin
- Effects of Irrigation on Water Cycle in an Arid Basin
- Effects of vegetation on the dispersion and deposition of fine particulate matter in street canyons: from local to urban scale
- Emission embodied in trade: a carbon leakage between China and US?
- Emission reduction, air quality improvement, and health benefit from China's clean air action 2013-2017
- Enhancement of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Concentrations by Aerosol-Meteorology Interactions over China
- Estimating Surface Soil Moisture from AMSR2 TB with Machine Learning Methods and SMAP Products
- Evaluating Freshwater Provisioning and Flood Regulating Services under Ecological Changes
- Evaluating Timescale Dependence of Suspended Sediment Rating Curves in the Loess Regions of the Middle Yellow River Basin, China
- Evaluation of GPM IMERG Precipitation Products in the South Tibetan Plateau and Central Himalaya
- Evaluation of Groundwater Recovery Using GRACE Observations and High-resolution Community Water Model in the North China Plain
- Evapotranspiration Estimation for the Tibetan Plateau Based on Remote Sensing and Terrestrial-atmospheric Water Balances
- Experimental Study on the Morphological and Hydraulic Responses of Step-Pool to Extreme Flood Events
- Exploring the Potential Effects of Hydrodynamics on Phytoplankton Biomass and Water Quality in Xiangxi Bay of Three Gorges Reservoir
- Fine-resolution Ground-level PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Estimations in China 2014-2017
- Flood frequency analysis with separation of typhoon-induced and frontal-induced flood in southeastern China
- Glacier Mass Balance Changes and Meltwater Contributions to Total Runoff over the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau Using ICESat Laser Altimetry Measurements and Modelling
- Global Assessment of Total Water Storage Changes and Flood Predictability in Large-scale Flood Events
- Global groundwater storage estimates through assimilation of GRACE data into a land surface model
- Globalizing air pollution: Linking production, consumption and climate impacts
- Health effects of air pollution embodied in international food trade
- Heatwave trends and the affected population over china in the 21st century using ensemble high spatial resolution CMIP5 Projections
- High Resolution Mapping of Cropping Cycles by Fusion of Landsat and MODIS Data
- Impacts of climate change and human activities on the flow regime of the Lancang River, China
- Improvement on the Supercooled Liquid Fraction Simulated in Community Atmospheric Model Version 5 (CAM5) with Updated Cloud Microphysical Schemes
- Improving Understanding of Runoff and Water Storage Changes over the Asia's Water Towers using GRACE and Multisource Data and an Improved Hydrological Model
- In quest of calibration density and consistency in hydrologic modeling: distributed parameter calibration against streamflow characteristics
- Incorporating Satellite Precipitation Uncertainty in Landslide Hazard Predictions over the Southeastern U.S.
- Infrastructure Shapes Differences in the Carbon Intensities of Chinese cities
- Integrating remotely sensed river widths with a hydrological model to estimate river discharge for ungauged basins
- Interpretation of the division between surface flow and groundwater recharge at the monthly scale based on the generalized proportionality hypothesis
- Investigating emission uncertainties at city level over East China
- Investigating the drivers of 2013-2017 PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> trends in China
- Investigating the influence of biogenic emissions and extreme weather events on recent ozone formation in North China
- Investigating trend of aerosol water acidity during Beijing winter haze events
- Investigation in spatial variations and temporal trends of nine operational satellite-derived aerosol optical depth products
- Isotopic Fractionation of O and C in the Photochemical Escape of Early Mars
- Joint and respective effects of boundary condition and roughness uncertainty in river flood dynamic wave routing
- Leaf Area Index amplifies modelled carbon-concentration feedback—a model-data synthesis study
- Linking stochasticity of convection to large-scale vertical velocity to improve Indian summer monsoon simulation in the NCAR CAM5
- Mitigating Spatial Discontinuity of Multi-Radar QPE Based on GPM/KuPR
- Modeling Future Air Pollution and Climate Interactions in China
- Modeling the spatial distribution of benthic invertebrates affected by bed surface morphology in Taihu Lake
- Modelling transpirations in multiple subtropical tidal mangrove ecosystems under salinity pressure
- Moisture Sources forWintertime Extreme Precipitation Events Over South China During 1979-2013
- Monitoring the Global Large Earthquakes with 3D SEM Strain Green's Functions, Part II: Multiple Double Couple (MDC) Analysis
- Monitoring the global large earthquakes with 3D SEM Green's functions, Part I: Strain Green's function calculation and validation
- Monitoring the global large earthquakes with 3D SEM Green's functions, Part III: Slip history of 2017 Mexico Mw8.2 and 2018 Alaska Mw7.9 Earthquakes
- Multiscale Comparative Evaluation of the GPM IMERG v5 and TRMM 3B42 v7 Precipitation Products from 2015 to 2017 Over a Climate Transition Area of China
- Numerical Investigation of Flow Resistance Partitioning in a Step-Plunge Pool Channel
- Observed impacts of liquid water content on relative dispersion of the cloud droplet size distribution in heavy polluted continental clouds.
- On the formation mechanism for wintertime extreme precipitation events over the southeastern Tibetan Plateau
- Partitioning Global Land Evapotranspiration Using CMIP5 Models Constrained by Field Observations
- Patterns of Large Scale Meteorological Control on Wintertime PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Pollution over China
- Pedogenensis characteristics, climate change and the extraordinary palaeoflood events recorded in Liaowadian profile in the upper reach of the Hanjiang River Valley, China
- Possible Role of Cloud Condensation Nuclei in Africa's Dominance of the AC Global Circuit
- Power of the Mann-Kendall Test for Detecting Monotonic Trends in Hydro-meteorological Time Series against Different Sample Variances
- Quantification of grazing impact on C sequestration over Temperate Eurasian Steppe
- Recognizing global reservoirs from Landsat 8 imageries: A Deep Learning Approach
- Remote Sensing and Hydrological Modeling of Lake Storage Changes Across the Tibetan Plateau During 2000−2017 and Their Attributions
- Research Status and Trend on Energy Consumption: A Bibliometric Analysis
- Reservoir Operation based on Machine Learning combined with Daily Inflow Forecasting by a Distributed Hydrological Model
- Response of Gravel-bed Shiting River to Substantial Augmentation of Sand Supply: Can "Magic Sand" Cause Massive Degradation at the Decadal Scale?
- Response of an N-saturated subtropical forest to changes in N deposition in Southwest China
- Saltwater Intrusion Function based on the Interaction Principle between the Accumulation of Energy and the Impedance: A Case Study of Yangtze River Estuary, China
- Significant La-Niña -Like Cooling Influence on the Recent Decadal Decrease in Tropical Cyclone Activity over the Tropical Pacific
- Simulation of gravity dynamic processes of cohesive sediment deposits near dam areas
- Spatial distribution and potential changes of frozen ground on the Tibetan Plateau: analysis based on statistics and machine learning algorithms
- Spatiotemporal changes of frozen soils in the Tibetan Plateau estimated by a processes-based model and satellite data
- Stable isotope composition of river waters across the world
- Sulfur biogeochemical cycle as a major driver of Marinoan snowball Earth climate
- Super diffusion of bedload tracer transport at intermediate time scales explained via a new analytical formulation
- Surface temperature response to the major volcanic eruptions in multiple reanalysis data sets
- Temporal variations in nutrient loads from an urban river catchment into the Dianchi Lake, China
- The August 1955 Flood in Delaware River Basin
- The Critical Role of the Boundary Layer Thickness for the Initiation of Aeolian Sediment Transport on Earth and other Planetary Bodies
- The Influences of Air Pollution Policies on Pollutant Control in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region from 2013
- The Role of Mass Moving in Landscape Evolution of the Loess Plateau: Interpretation and Modelling
- The Variability of Raindrop Size Distribution in Small Scale due to Urban Land-Use Difference: A Case Study of the "7.16" Storm in Beijing
- The impact of emissions scenarios and climate change over China on ozone air quality in China and the United States
- The intensity of summer Northern Hemisphere Hadley Circulation modulates the summer precipitation in the southern Tibetan Plateau
- The meteorological factors modulating the recent haze events in North China
- The potential of hydroclimatic forecasts to inform lake level management on Lake Ontario
- Thermal acclimation of leaf respiration consistent with optimal plant function
- Toward spatiotemporally continuous global discharge estimation by synthesizing SWOT-like observations, high-resolution terrain analysis, and hydrologic modeling
- Traceability Analysis of Ensemble Modeling Results with A Unified Diagnostic System to Improve Land Carbon Cycle Predictions
- Turbidity currents in Xiaolangdi reservoir, Yellow River, China: dynamics and geomorphic expression
- Understanding and Reducing Precipitation Biases in the NCAR CESM
- Understanding change of hydrologic functioning from the long-term runoff data in different tributaries of the upper Yangtze river
- Upstream Migration of Sudden High-Slope to Low-Slope Knickpoint in a Mixed Bedrock-Alluvial Stream: Hydraulic Jump, Alluvial Scour and Plunge Pool
- Validation of a sigmoid generalized complementary function using FLUXNET sites data
- Warming Warms the Warmest Worst
- Who is sensitive to the effects of ambient ozone pollution on first-ever stroke? Findings from a national case-crossover study
- <SUP>17</SUP>O-excess in precipitation and non-rainfall waters across different climatic conditions
- A Comprehensive Comparison of Nine Fossil-fuel CO2 Emission Estimates for China - Reconciling Diverse Chinese CO2 Emission Estimates
- A Correlation-based Iteration Method for Determining the Characteristics of Multiple Sources
- A Severe Fog-Haze Episode in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region: Characteristics, Sources and Impacts of Boundary Layer Structure
- A Simple Framework for the Estimation of Annual Runoff Frequency Distribution under the Non-stationarity Condition
- A Sociohydrological Framework to Understand Conflict and Cooperation Dynamics in Transboundary Rivers
- A machine-learning based surrogate model for distributed hydrological simulation
- A new coupled modeling system developed for Arctic sea ice and climate prediction
- A quantitative study on evolution of transboundary water conflict and cooperation
- A random forest model for PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> speciation concentrations using MISR fractional AOD and its sensitivity to variable selection
- Aerosol Impacts on TC rainfall area and intensity over western Pacific
- Aerosol pH and regime transition of sulfate formation in aerosol water during winter haze events in northern China
- An Extended DRP-Based 4DEnsVar Data Assimilation Scheme for the GRAPES Model. Part I: Formulation and Tests
- An improved conceptual model quantifying the effect of climate change and anthropogenic activities on vegetation change in arid regions
- Analysis of Recent Anthropogenic Surface Emissions from Inventories and Inverse Modelling Estimates: Are Future Emission Scenarios Valid for the Recent Past?
- Analysis on the responses of the Asian water tower to climate warming and the consequent cryospheric changes
- Analytical Solution for the Power-Law Advective Slowdown of Bedload Tracer Transport
- Assessing China's Water Futures under Alternative Policies using Integrated Modeling
- Assessing the Meteorological Risks and Environmental Effects of Policy Stimulated Soybean Cultivation in Northeast China
- Assessment of Tailpipe Emissions of the Greenhouse Gases and Black Carbon from Motor Vehicles in China
- Assimilation of high-spatial-resolution remote sensing data into a distributed hydrological model to improve snow and streamflow predictions across the poorly gauged headwaters of China's Yangtze River
- Benefits of Recent Clean Air Actions in China on Global Air Quality and Climate Change
- Bioenergy Crops Modeling in a Global Vegetation Model
- Biogeochemical legacies of a century of Eastern US reforestation
- Buildings as a global carbon sink
- Canyons Evolve by Incision into Bedrock: What Does Rainbow Canyon Tell Us?
- Carbon Emissions Reduction and Health Co-Benefits in the Electric Power Generation Sector under Shared Socioeconomic Pathways in China
- Caspian Sea Level Fluctuations under Varying Climate Change Scenarios
- Causative attribution of floods using an interpretable data-driven rainfall-runoff model
- Chaotic barrier island behavior driven by steady sea-level rise and variable bay accommodation
- Characteristics of black carbon through atmospheric aging at north China plain:morphology, density, refractive index, mixing state and light absorption
- Characterizing Surface Albedo of Shallow Fresh Snow and Its Importance for Snow Ablation on the Interior of the Tibetan Plateau
- China's Carbon Budget
- China's Future Emission and Air Quality Pathways under a Range of Socioeconomic, Climate and Clean Air Scenarios
- Clouds and Precipitation in Tibetan Plateau: Comparison of Satellite Observations and CAM5 Simulations
- Clustering Surface Ozone Diurnal Cycles to Understand the Impact of Circulation Patterns in Houston, Texas
- Co-benefits of CO<SUB>2</SUB> emission reduction from China's clean air actions
- Coal mine methane in China: potential uses and benefits for both climate and air quality
- Committed Emissions from Existing Energy Infrastructure Jeopardize 1.5 °C Climate Target
- Comparative study of GEOS-Chem and WRF-GC in the United States
- Comparing and Correcting Precipitation Data from Polarimetric Ka/Ku band Radars, Micro Rain Radar and Microwave Radiometer
- Complementary Relationship of Evaporation Disappears under Wet Environments: Observational Evidence and Physical Interpretation
- Cross-analysis of fine particulate matter's values, transport and aerosol vertical structures in three severe polluted cities of China
- Decadal prediction skill of BCC-CSM1.1 with different initialization strategies
- Deep Learning Optimizes Data-driven Representation of Soil Organic Carbon in Earth System Model over the Conterminous United States
- Direct Radiative Effects of Light-absorbing Carbonaceous Aerosols in E3SM
- Discharge estimation in ungauged basins in the Tibetan Plateau
- Dramatic ozone enhancement resulting from extra biogenic emissions due to heat waves and land cover in summer 2017 over North China
- Earth greening and terrestrial water cycle change
- Effect of changing NO<SUB>x</SUB> lifetime on the seasonality and long-term trends of satellite-observed tropospheric NO<SUB>2</SUB> columns over China
- Energy and emission pathways towards PM2.5 air quality attainment in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region by 2030
- Evaluation of Satellite Based Soil Freeze/Thaw Products in High Latitude Regions in Asia
- Exploring the Impacts of Water Vapor on New Particle Formation Mechanisms
- Extreme rainfall and inland flooding associated with landfalling tropical cyclones over China
- Flooding Risk Assessment through Dependency Analysis of Occurrence Date and Magnitude of Storm Events in the Shenzhen Bay Area
- Generation of Spatially Complete and Temporally Continuous Land Surface Temperatures of High Spatial Resolution
- Generation of an Improved Precipitation Data Set from Multisource Information over the Tibetan Plateau
- Global Mapping of Leaf Photosynthetic Capacity Using Remote Sensing Methods
- Global Power Emissions Database (GPED v2): CO<SUB>2</SUB> emission characteristics from power plants during 1990-2015
- Global bioclimatic controls of leaf nitrogen: an implementation of Least-Cost Optimality Theory
- Global characterization of fluvial floods through long-term high-resolution modeling
- Global patterns of flood change: an observation-based analysis of the changed magnitude, frequency and drivers of extreme floods
- Globalizing air pollution
- Grain Size-Specific Engelund-Hansen Type Relation for Bed Material Load in Sand-bed Rivers, with Application to the Mississippi River
- Ground Motion from Mw 1.5 to 3.9 Aftershocks of the 2014 Mw 6.2 Jinggu Earthquake at Hypocentral Distances < 45 km in Yunnan, China
- High-resolution Mapping of Regional Traffic Emissions by Using Land-use Machine Learning Models
- How important the supergradient wind in the boundary layer is to tropical cyclone intensification?
- How sociohydrology can help address the global water crisis
- Imaging Stress and Magnetism at High Pressures Using Spin Defects in Diamond
- Impact of Drought on Air Quality
- Impact of Land Initialization on Boreal Summer Temperature Prediction and Extreme High Temperatures
- Impact of the Precursors Emissions Reductions on the Recent Evolution of Pollutants in China
- Impact of transboundary pollution on ambient PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> pollution and premature deaths in China
- Impacts of Increasing Anthropogenic Heat Emissions on Urban Climate via WRF-LUCY Model
- Improved Decadal Predictability of East Asian Summer Monsoon System in a Coupled Climate Model
- Improved Global Estimates of Fine Particulate Matter Concentrations and Trends Derived from Updated Satellite Retrievals, Modeling Advances, and Additional Ground-Based Monitors
- Improved nexus dialogue in the Lancang-Mekong river Basin can promote fair use and optimize water allocation for urbanized areas, food production and power generation
- Improving the Decadal Prediction Skill in the Tibet Plateau Area
- Inequality of household consumption and air pollution-related deaths in China
- Inferring Causation in the Double ITCZ problem in E3SM
- Interaction of groundwater and surface water using tracers and hydrological sensors in the Dianchi Lake watershed, China
- International Analysis Cooperation on Carbon Satellites Data
- International Laboratory for High-Resolution Earth System Prediction (iHESP): An Unprecedented Set of High-Resolution Simulations
- Investigating the regional contributions to air pollution in Beijing: A dispersion modelling study using CO as a tracer
- Linking Soft Traits with the Environment: Trait Syndromes and Plant Adaptation Strategies
- Lithospheric delamination beneath the southern Puna plateau revealed by local earthquake tomography
- Long Term Morphodynamics of Alluvial-bedrock Rivers Subject to Landslide Dams and Catastrophic Flooding
- Low soil nitrogen accelerates CO<SUB>2</SUB> stimulation of soil respiration in a 12-year experiment
- Lower Soil Carbon Loss Due to Persistent Microbial Adaptation to Climate Warming
- Machine learning method for fusing multi-satellite precipitation datasets: a case study in South China
- Managing nitrogen to restore water quality in China
- Microbial Functional Genes Improve Development and Validation of Ecosystem Model
- Migration of ions in the soft soil during electro-osmotic consolidation
- Mitigating Reactive Nitrogen Loss and Associated Environmental Damage: Opportunities from Changes in Production and Consumption in China
- Mobility of PANI-modified nano zero-valent iron: Impact of phosphate adsorption
- Modeling of Lake Ice Sublimation and Evolution Based on Assimilation of Satellite Altimetry Data and a One-dimensional Lake Ice Model in Tibetan Lakes
- Moisture and Energetic Perspectives on the Development of Summer Drought in North China
- Multiple constraints on biospheric CO2 fertilization
- Multitimescale variations of modeled stratospheric water vapor derived from three modern reanalysis products
- Numerical Simulation of Seismic Supershear Rupture Process Facilitated by the Barrier
- Observations and Modelling of Water Vapor and Precipitation in Central Himalayas
- Observations of self-accelerating turbidity currents in the Xiaolangdi reservoir, Yellow River, China
- PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> trends in China, 2013-2017: contributions from different components and emissions
- Patterns and Variations of Plant Water Use Under Changes of both Atmospheric and Soil Water Stresses
- Physics-constrained machine learning of evapotranspiration
- Poyang and Dongting Lakes, China: Morphodynamics of Large Blocked-Valley Lakes
- Precipitation Merging Based on the Triple Collocation method across Mainland China
- Predictability of Leaf Traits with Climate and Elevation: A Case Study in Gongga Mountain, China.
- Quantifying glacier elevation change and mass balance in the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau during 2000−2018 using satellite altimetry and DEM
- Quantifying the Runoff Response to the Continuous Land Use Change in the Upper Chao Phraya Basin
- Quantitative prediction of leaf economics
- Recent updates of China's carbon emission in 2019
- Relationship between Strong Convections and Heavy Rainfall Event based on TRMM PR and GPM DPR observations
- Research on rain-induced landslides using the experiments and numerical modelling by material point method
- Responses of winter precipitation to urbanization
- Retrospective analysis of 2015-2017 wintertime PM2.5 changes in China: The innegligible role of aerosol-radiation feedback in differentiating the driving factors of emission and meteorology
- S-RIP: The South Asian Summer Monsoon Anticyclone in Reanalyses
- Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from On-road Gasoline Vehicles in China
- Self-Adaptive Preferential Flow Control Using Dispersed Polymers in Heterogeneous Porous Media
- Sensitivity of Evapotranspiration to Soil Moisture over the United States Obtained from Weather Data
- Simulating regulated streamflow using satellite observations and a hydrologic model
- Socio-Hydrological Modelling of Cooperation and Conflict in the Transboundary Lancang-Mekong River
- Socio-Hydrological Modelling of Cooperation and Conflicts in the Transboundary River Nile
- Socio-Hydrological Modelling of the Tradeoff Between Flood Control and Hydropower Provided by the Columbia River Treaty
- Spatial Patterns of Drainage Basin Morphometrics in China's Loess Plateau
- Spatial Scale Effect of Surface Routing and Its Parameter Upscaling for Urban Flood Simulation Using a Grid-Based Model
- Spatially Complete and Daily Continuous Evapotranspiration Monitoring in an Agricultural Field Using TSEB and a Data Fusion Approach
- Spatiotemporal change of frozen soil and its climate controls over the Tibetan Plateau during 2002 2016
- Stabilization/Solidification improves soil health by recovering the structure and functions of soil microbial community in field-scale
- Temporal and spatial signatures of sediment transport at the watershed scale: An approach to understand the behavior of the watershed
- Terrestrial Water Storage Change Retrieved by GRACE and Its Implication in the Tibetan Plateau: Estimating Areal Precipitation
- The Effects of Reservoir Operation on Transboundary Water Cooperation and International Trade in the Lancang-Mekong River Basin
- The Efficiency of Transport into the Stratosphere via the Asian and North American Summer Monsoon Circulations
- The Increasingly Significant Role of On-road, Photo-chemical Transformation in the Formation of Near-road Nitrogen Dioxide (NO<SUB>2</SUB>)
- The Role of Indian monsoon low pressure systems in up-and-over moisture transport to the southwestern Tibetan Plateau modulated by ENSO events
- The impact of higher-than-radiometer resolution landscape and weather features on SMAP product
- The seismic signatures of the 2017 "6.24" Xinmo Landslide
- The trade-offs of importing crops to meet domestic demand in China
- Thermal regime, energy budget and lake evaporation at Paiku Co, a deep alpine lake in the central Himalayas
- Treatment of Ammonia-Embodied Wastewater by Photochemical Method with Transition Metal Oxides as catalysts
- Two cross-sections of precipitation measurements in the Tibetan Plateau and their preliminary applications
- Uncertainty Propagation in Flood Hazards and Damage Assessment
- Using a chain model to calculate real-world vehicle evaporative emissions in China
- Why has the western Tibetan Plateau become wetter since the mid-1990s?
- A Macro Energy Modeling Framework For Transparent Investigation Of Fundamental Energy System Properties
- A Sociohydrological Framework to Understand Conflict and Cooperation Dynamics in Transboundary Rivers
- A Theoretical Study of the Tomographic Reconstruction of the Magnetosheath X-ray Emissions
- A case study of aerosol effects on stratiform clouds with embedded convection in North China Plain using WRF
- A new research mode integrating carbon data and super-computing resources into big data e-science platforms
- A reversal in global terrestrial stilling andits implications for wind energy production
- An Unprecedented Set of High-Resolution Climate Simulations from the International Laboratory for High-Resolution Earth System Prediction (iHESP)
- Analyzing spatial and temporal variations in the flow regime changes in the Yangtze River using a framework combing the eco-flow metrics and IHA metrics
- Anthropogenic Secondary Organic Aerosols Contribute Substantially to Air Pollution Mortality
- Applications of Doppler Spectral Density Data from Ka-Band Cloud Radar to Rain Drop Size Distribution Retrieval and Comparison with Optical Disdrometer Observation
- Assessment the aging process and radiative forcing of black carbon in China, 2013-2017
- Benchmarking lake ice thickness for the Northern Hemisphere and its response to future climate
- Big data-driven modelling reveals key mechanisms underlying soil organic carbon stabilization
- Changes in the carbon dioxide column averages across the world during the first months of 2020
- China's CO2 emission trends 2000-2020
- Climate, air quality and human health co-benefits of alternative energy vehicle deployment in China in 2050
- Conflict and Cooperation Analysis on Transboundary River Basins Using News Media Text Mining Approach
- Contribution of brown carbon to the light absorption and radiative effect of carbonaceous aerosols from biomass burning emissions in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
- Controlling particulate nitrate pollution in China
- Convection-permitting regional climate simulation of warm-season heat extremes over Eastern China
- Effect of Aerosol Properties on Aerosol-Cloud Interaction and Regime Dependence
- Electrofuels and curtailment of wind and solar power
- Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> Moderates the Impact of Climate Change on Future Bamboo
- Emergent Simplicity of Continental Evapotranspiration Across Multi-Scale Observations and Climate Models
- Enhanced secondary pollution offset reduction of primary emissions during COVID-19 lockdown in China
- Equilibrium calcite-fluid Sr/Ca partition coefficient from marine sediment and pore fluids
- Estimating Spatially Explicit Irrigation Water Use Based on Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration and Modeled Root Zone Soil Moisture
- Evaluation and improvement of Lancang Mekong River Basin cooperation
- Evaluation of the Simulation of Mixed Phase Cloud with Three New Cloud Physical Schemes in Community Integrated Earth System Model (CIESM)
- Evidence for Solar Nebula Magnetic Fields from CO Chondrites
- Evolution of a Canyon-Fan Complex: Interacting Bedrock-Alluvial Morphodynamics
- Field experiments using low-frequency and high-power acoustic wave to interfere precipitation for regulating atmospheric water resources
- Fifteen-year Variations of Water Use Efficiency over a Wheat-Maize Rotation Cropland in the North China Plain
- Global Reach-level River Flood Reanalysis (1980-2019)
- Global and Local Carbon Footprints of Hong Kong and Macao from 2000 to 2015
- Global and Regional Drivers of Land-Use Emissions
- Global pandemic modeling for international propagation of COVID-19
- Global to local impacts on atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> from reduction in fossil fuel emissions caused by COVID-19 lockdown
- Health co-benefits of climate change mitigation depend on strategic power plant retirements
- Impact of Shale softening on Permeability
- Impacts of the Novel Corona virus shutdowns on CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions, concentrations and distribution.
- Improvement in Air Quality in Los Angeles due to Decreases in Traffic during the COVID-19 Outbreak based on High Resolution, Real-Time Data and Modeling
- Insect Outbreaks Have Transient Effects on Carbon Fluxes and Vegetative Growth but Longer-term Impacts on Reproductive Growth in A Mangrove Forest
- Integrating satellite altimetry with hydrologic modeling derives daily continuous river discharge for ungauged basins: Implications for the SWOT mission
- Investigation of Microphysical Characteristics of Precipitation Under the Action of Acoustic Waves in the Source Region of the Yellow River
- Long-term impacts of COVID-19 on carbon emissions and the Paris Agreement
- Middle Miocene Climate Marked Changes Preserved in saline lake: Qiadam Basin, China
- Modeling Spatio-temporal Spread of Epidemic based on Its Triggered Earthquake Analogy
- Numerical Study of Hydrodynamic Effect of Oyster Cultivation in Shenzhen Bay, China
- Overview of the SPARC Reanalysis Intercomparison Project (S-RIP) during 2013-2020
- Ozone pollution in the North China Plain spreading into the late-winter haze season
- Patterns and Causes of Flood Timing Trend (1980-2019) across the Global River Network
- Positive relationships between above- and below-ground carbon stocks in mangrove forests at different spatial scales
- Poyang and Dongting Lakes, Yangtze River: Tributary Lakes Blocked by Main-stem Aggradation
- PrecipGAN: Merging Microwave and Infrared Data for Satellite Precipitation Estimation using Generative Adversarial Network
- Remote sensing reveals the impact mechanism between surface suspended sediment concentration and coastline change in the Yellow River Estuary
- Response of total runoff to climate change in arid Northwest China
- Socio-Hydrologic Modeling of the Dynamics of Cooperation in the Transboundary Lancang-Mekong River
- Sustained decrease of emissions embodied in China's international export
- The Historic Effect of CO2 on Global Photosynthesis
- The Influence of Vegetation on the Retention of Sediment Within a Marsh Platform: Comparing Supply Restriction and Trapping Efficiency
- The Slowdown in China's Carbon Emissions Growth in the New Phase of Economic Development
- The impact of human activities on lake level changes in a large floodplain lake: Dongting Lake, China
- The long-term trend of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB>-related mortality in China: the effects of source data selection
- The past and future of total water storage changes over the Tibetan Plateau
- Three Regimes of Temperature Distribution Change over Dry and Wet Surfaces
- Triangle Shaped Bends Associated with Peat in the Zoige Basin, Northeast Qinghai - Tibet Plateau, China
- Two-decades of GPM IMERG Early and Final Run Products Intercomparison: Similarity and Difference in Climatology, Rates, Extremes and Hydrologic Utilities
- Understanding Spatial Variations in Maximum Stomatal Conductance
- Using MAIA Data to Investigate PM Health Effects in Selected Urban Areas Around the World
- Using a physics-constrained machine learning model to predict canopy interception
- Water-Food-Ecosystem Nexus in Semi-arid Environment: Reconciling Economic Benefits and Ecological Sustainability
- A Probe into the Atmospheric Acoustic Attenuation to the Evaluation Mechanism of Acoustic-induced Rainfall Technology
- A Unified Framework of Temporal Information Expression in Geosciences Knowledge System
- Accelerated spin-up of Community Land Model version 5 (CLM5) with coupled terrestrial carbon and nitrogen cycles
- Alternative Energy Vehicle Deployment Delivers Climate, Air Quality and Health Co-benefits when Coupled with Decarbonizing Power Generation in China
- Carbon stock spatial distribution estimate and influential factors of mangrove forests
- Climate Change Impact to Blue Nile River Basin and the Optimal Operation of its Multi-reservoir System for Hydropower and Irrigation
- Coevolution and Prediction of Coupled Human-Water Systems: A Synthesis of Change in Hydrology and Society
- Comparing National Greenhouse Gas Budgets Reported in UNFCCC Inventories against Atmospheric Inversions
- Comparison of CH4 emissions reported in UNFCCC inventories against atmospheric inversions
- Disappearance of an alpine glacier on the southeast Tibetan Plateau over the 21st century
- Dual effects of iron on lignin decomposition: A case study from data-model fusion
- Effective density of submicron particles shows distinct bimodal distribution in the North China Plain
- Evaluation the Effect of Acoustic Wave on Rainfall Enhancement in Low-frequency Acoustic Field
- Evidence that apparent Temperature sensitivity of ecosystem respiration has not reached maximum under global warming
- From COVID-19 to future electrification: Assessing traffic impacts on air quality by a machine-learning model
- GDNDC (v2.0): Modelling long-term soil acidification of cropland under different fertilization scenarios
- Greenhouse Gas Flux Trends for Africa, 1985-2019
- High Resolution Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval Over Urban Areas Based on GaoFen-1 and GaoFen-6 Synergistic Observations
- High-resolution Estimation of Global Cropland Suitability Based on Climatic, Soil, and Topographic Conditions
- Human intervention will stabilize groundwater storage across the North China Plain
- Improving Accuracy Estimating Surface Aerosol Extinction Coefficient with a New Layer-Resolved Model in China
- Influence of marine sediments heterogeneity on long-term CH4 migration and CH4-hydrate accumulation in South China Sea
- Interpretable Machine Learning Reveals Flood Generation Processes of Catchments in China
- Investigation of acoustic interference on precipitation characteristics in the region of Tibet Plateau
- Large Influence of Dust on the Precambrian Climate and Snowball Earth Events
- Ozone and Particulate Pollution Trends and Extremes in China from 2000 to 2021: Quantifying the Roles of Regional Emission Controls, Heterogenous Chemistry, Climate, and Vegetation Feedbacks during Drought
- Paleomagnetism of Calcium-aluminum-rich Inclusions from CO chondrites
- Panta Rhei benchmark dataset project: A data-guided exploration of sustainability in socio-hydrological systems
- Production of Global Daily Seamless Data Cubes and Quantification of Global Land Cover Change from 1985 to 2020
- Race to Zero transition pathways of individual industrial sectors in a 1.5C future
- Representing functional enzymes: a step towards greater realism in microbial ecological modeling
- SPARC Reanalysis Intercomparison Project (S-RIP): Status in 2021
- Satellite Deformation Imaging of Mountain Excavation for Urbanization in China
- Separating the Effects of Stand Age and Interannual Variability on Net Ecosystem Carbon Exchange: Data-Model Fusion in Loblolly Pine
- Soot superaggregates observation in North China Plain, China
- Temporal Variation of NO and NO2 Flux above Soils and Influences of N Deposition on Soil Emissions of NO in Two Subtropical Pine Forests
- The Effects of Ocean Surface Waves on Global Intraseasonal Prediction: Case Studies with a Coupled CFS2.0-WW3
- The pathway of aerosol direct effects impact on secondary inorganic aerosol formation
- UAV catalytic tests and physical characteristics of cloud cover in winter in the Yellow River source area
- Underestimated sources of secondary organic aerosol revealed by novel full-volatility organic emission framework in China
- Using Multi-source Constraints to Quantify Soil Carbon Sequestration
- A New Groundwater Sampling Method by Using Transition Pumping Period to Achieve an Ideal Groundwater Sampling Window
- A Quasi-steady-state approximation of Droplet Growth Equation (QDGE) Scheme for Aerosol Activation: Description, Evaluation, and Optimization
- A Simple Diagnostic for Eyewall Replacement in Tropical Cyclones Based on Wind-Pressure Relationship
- Accounting for the Health Benefits of Air Pollution Regulations in China
- Aerosol Effects on Clear-Sky Shortwave Heating in the Asian Monsoon Tropopause Layer
- An Improved Approach of Estimating Ice Thickness and Water Level for Boreal Lakes with Satellite Altimetry
- Are Size-Resolved Mass and Optics of Black Carbon Significant for Global Simulations of Aerosol Absorption and Radiative Effect?
- Assessing Internal Constraints of Tropical Cyclone Intensity Using A Simple Diagnostic
- Bushfire Mapping using S-band Spaceborne NovaSAR-1 in West Australia
- Central African Biomass Carbon Loss Counterbalanced by Carbon Gains during 2010-2019
- Clarifying the roles of tropical tropopause temperatures, the Brewer-Dobson circulation, and Antarctic cooling in long-term variations of stratospheric water vapor over the past 40 years
- Climate Change Threatens Terrestrial Water Storage over the Tibetan Plateau
- Co-benefits of CO2 emission reduction from China's clean air actions between 2013-2020
- Coarse particulate matter air quality in East Asia: implications for fine particulate nitrate
- Decreases in mean annual streamflow and interannual streamflow variability across snow-affected catchments in the context of a warming climate
- Detached Indian Crust Subduction Beneath the Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone: Insights From Deep Seismic Reflection Profiles and Numerical Simulations
- Drivers of Increasing Ozone and the Implications of Clean Air Policies in China from 2013 to 2020
- Dynamics of Global Transboundary Water Conflict and Cooperation Based on News Media Text Mining
- Effects of Different Types of Aerosols on Deep Convective Cores and Anvil Cirrus
- Error Characterization and Multi-source Merging of Global Land Evapotranspiration Products: Collocation-based approach
- Evaluating a two-moment single-ice approach for water isotopes in a large-eddy cloud model
- Extreme events increase carbon emissions and reliance on fossil fuel
- Flow Resistance Residual Modeling based on Channel Variables to Improve Reach-scale Velocity Prediction in Gravel-bed Streams
- Formation and impacts of oxygenated organic vapors observed at a coastal background site in South China
- Global Mitigation Efforts Cannot Neglect Emerging Emitters
- Grassland Greening in China Promotes a Positive Cycle of Regional Water Resources
- High-spatiotemporal-resolution mapping of surface water in China using optical and radar images from Landsat and Sentinel satellites
- High-temporal Resolution-monitoring of Reservoir Water Storage in the Transboundary Lancang-Mekong River Basin in Southeast Asia
- Historical fate of global soil organic carbon in the past century
- How does damming on fine-grained rivers counterintuitively raise the flood risk of downstream channels?
- How does recent streamflow in the South and East Tibetan Plateau compare with that during the past eight centuries?
- How much land-surface information is required to predict the seasonal variation in turbulent fluxes and surface temperatures?
- Incorporating physically-based resistance relation for discharge mapping at ungauged river basins
- Influence of Rainfall and Reservoir Water Level Variation on Slope Stability and Evolution of Landslide-Tsunami: A Case Study of Bianjiazhai Landslide at Suofengying Reservoir in China.
- Investigation on CH4 hydrate formation and dissociation at pore-scale on a microfluidic-chip
- Isotopic Source Signatures of major Ammonia Sources and their Implications in Source Apportionment of NHx
- Land-use emissions embodied in international trade
- Modeling Geomagnetic Induction in Submarine Cables
- Morphodynamics of bedrock-alluvial rivers subsequent to landslide dam outburst floods
- Morphodynamics of the Shiting-River after Wenchuan Earthquake: Effects of in-channel weirs and fine sediment supply
- Multisource remote sensing reveals contrasting seasonality of lakes and reservoirs across China
- Omics-enabled modeling of grassland microbial communities feedback to climate change
- On the Estimation of Potential Evaporation Across Moisture Gradient
- Parameterizing Transitions from Shallow to Deep and to Organized Convection via Entrainment and Moisture Distributions in Climate Models
- Pathways of China's PM2.5 air quality 2015-2060 in the context of carbon neutrality
- Process-Level Representation of Organic Aerosols in a Regional Climate Model (WRF-Chem): Processes, Parameterizations, and Predictions for GoAmazon
- Prominent Impact of Rainfall Diurnal Variations on Evapotranspiration and Gross Primary Productivity over Tropical Forests
- Quantifying Environmental Controls on Establishment of Limnoperna fortunei in Grand Water Diversion Projects
- Reconstruction of global daily Chlorophyll-a products from multisource information using a convolutional neural network
- Reducing anemia burden in Indian women of reproductive age with clean-air targets
- Root-zone "Periscope" and its applications for investigating plant-soil water relations and transpiration modelling
- SPARC Reanalysis Intercomparison Project (S-RIP) Phase 2 Plans
- Satellite Altimetry Observes Indistinctive Glacier Mass Loss across High Mountain Asia during the Past Two Decades Caused by the Karakoram Anomaly
- Simulation of New-particle Formation and Its Impact on Cloud Condensation Nuclei on Regional and Global Scales
- Simulation of the Contribution of Atmospheric Organic Compounds to Particle Growth in a Polluted Environment
- Simulation of the Contribution of Dimethylamine-Sulfuric acid Nucleation to New Particle Formation and Aerosol Number Concentration in China
- Soil salinity prediction utilizing spatial dependence information
- Spring Festival points the way to cleaner air in China
- Survey-based rural residential emission and reduction benefits in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and surrounding regions
- Terminal condition for the progradation of distributary channel networks
- Terrestrial Water Storage Change and Its Effect on Runoff in Northwest China
- The 2015-2020 carbon budget inferred from OCO-2 based on an EnKF coupled with GEOS-Chem
- The Biogeochemical Model Database bgc_md2, a Python Package for Fast Comparison and Benchmarking of Element Cycling Models
- The Shift Importance of Aerosol-Radiation and Aerosol-Cloud Interaction in China Under the Rapid PM2.5 Decreasing
- Towards reducing uncertainty in land carbon predictions through the Global Matrix MIP traceability framework
- Tracking Daily PM2.5 Chemical Composition in China Since 2000 Based on Multisource Data Fusion
- Transportation Decarbonization by Compact Urban Development in Chinese Cities and its Air Quality, Human Health, and Energy Saving Co-benefits
- Tropical cyclone potential size
- Two Intra-continental Subduction Beneath the Qilian Orogenic Belt:Dynamics From Deep Seismic Reflection Profiles and Numerical Modeling
- Two regimes linking the low-latitude convection anomalies to extreme sea ice loss events in the Arctic
- Unveiling lake ice phenology in Central Asia with MODIS data and a machine learning approach
- Water-Energy-Food-Environment Nexus in the Brahmaputra River Basin: Trade-offs, Thresholds and Cooperation Opportunity
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Aijun Ding
- Alejandro Tejedor
- Amir AghaKouchak
- Ana Bastos
- Aneesh Kumar Chandel
- Anning Huang
- Asko Noormets
- B. P. Weiss
- Ben Yang
- Benjamin Gaubert
- Benjamin Poulter
- Bernhard Ahrens
- Bin Zhao
- Biqing Zhu
- Bridget R. Scanlon
- C. D. Cappa
- Carlos A. Sierra
- Chenge An
- Craig T. Simmons
- Cuijuan Liao
- Dai Yamazaki
- Daniel R. Chavas
- Daniel R. Parsons
- David M. Lawrence
- Di Long
- Eduardo A. Lima
- Enqing Hou
- F. Chevallier
- Fangqun Yu
- Fuqiang Tian
- G. L. Manney
- Gan Luo
- Gangsheng Wang
- Gary Parker
- Greg Lucas
- Guang J. Zhang
- Guang Lin
- H. Zhang
- Haiyun Shi
- Hanbo Yang
- Hang Su
- Hanqin Tian
- Heidi Kreibich
- Hengqi Wang
- Holger Metzler
- Hong Liao
- Hsi-Pin Ma
- Huade Guan
- Hui Yang
- J. B. Baker
- Jack E. Dibb
- James G. Ogg
- James L. Best
- Jean‐François Lamarque
- Jeffrey A. Nittrouer
- Jeffrey R. Pierce
- Jerome D. Fast
- Jian Luo
- Jiandong Wang
- Jianfeng Li
- Jie Gao
- Jing M. Chen
- John B. Shaw
- Jon M. Wells
- Jonathan H. Jiang
- Jonathon S. Wright
- Julia Cisneros
- Julia Pongratz
- Jung‐Hun Woo
- Kai Zhang
- Kelsey R. Bilsback
- Larry W. Horowitz
- Laura Hyesung Yang
- Lawrence Vulis
- Laxman Kafle
- Lei Duan
- Li Guo
- Lifen Jiang
- Lucas Henneman
- M. Hartinger
- Manish Shrivastava
- Marielle Saunois
- Markus Reichstein
- Masatomo Fujiwara
- Meinrat O. Andreae
- Meiyun Lin
- Mengchu Tao
- Michael O’Sullivan
- Mingdong Yang
- Minghuai Wang
- Nan Ma
- Neil M. Donahue
- Parsa Pouladi
- Paul Konopka
- Peter Burek
- Pierre Gentine
- Ping Lu
- Pingqing Fu
- Po‐Lun Ma
- Rahul A. Zaveri
- Robert B. Jackson
- Rona L. Thompson
- Sagnik Dey
- Shibaji Chakraborty
- Shigan Liu
- Shu Wang
- Stanley P. Sander
- Steve Smith
- Steven J. Davis
- Steven J. Hall
- Tao Wang
- Thian Yew Gan
- Thomas Lauvaux
- Tianhao Zhang
- Tiantian Li
- Torbern Tagesson
- Upmanu Lall
- Verónika Ceballos-Núñez
- Weiming Liu
- Wencong Yang
- Wenli Zhao
- William R. Wieder
- Xi Chen
- Xi Zhao
- Xiaoheng Tan
- Xiaohong Liu
- Xie Hu
- Xingfu Huang
- Xingyu Chen
- Xudong Fu
- Xueling Shi
- Xueying Li
- Yafang Cheng
- Yaocun Zhang
- Yiqi Luo
- Yolandi Ernst
- Yonggang Liu
- Yongyun Hu
- Yongzhe Chen
- Yoshihide Wada
- Yu Gu
- Yu Zhou
- Yuan Wang
- Yuanyuan Huang
- Yue Qin
- Yun Pan
- Yun Qian
- Zeqi Li
- Zhe Wang
- Zhenggang Du
- Zhenyuan Yin
- Zhu Deng