Dalian University of Technology, China
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Cluster Measurements of Fast Magnetic Reconnection in Earth's Magnetotail
- Multi-Spacecraft Observation of a High-Speed Flow Event at the Dayside Magnetopause for Strong IMF By: A Preliminary Study
- Scalings of steady state Hall MHD reconnection in high-β space plasmas
- In situ evidence for the structure of the magnetic null in a 3D reconnection event in the Earth's magnetotail
- Finite Element Modeling of Water/Steam and Carbon Dioxide Heat and Fluid Transportation in Geothermal Reservoir
- Marginal ice zone dynamics in the Arctic Pacific Sector from the CHINARE-2010 cruise and AMSR-E data
- Multi-platform observations on melt pond in Arctic summer 2010
- Object-based Image Classification of Arctic Sea Ice and Melt Ponds through Aerial Photos
- An Analytical Framework for Flood Water Conservation Considering Forecast Uncertainty and Acceptable Risk
- Hydrological Responses of Climate and Land Use/Cover Changes in Tao'er River Basin Based on the SWAT Model
- Reservoir operation with combined natural inflow and controlled inflow through inter-basin transfer - A case study of Biliu Reservoir in northeastern China
- Kinetic Alfven Waves in Three-Dimensional Magnetic Reconnection
- Optimization of Hydrothermal System Operations with multiple Objectives
- Wettability-Water/brine Film Thickness Relationship and the Effect of Supercritical CO2 Pre-contact for CO2/brine/mineral Systems under Geologic CO2 Sequestration Conditions: Insights from Molecular Dynamics Simulations
- Catchments' hedging strategy on evapotranspiration for climatic variability
- Ecosystem service value assessment in temporal and spatial scales in Dalian, China: implications for urban development policy
- Pore-scale Modeling of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Local Trapping in Heterogeneous Porous Media with Inter-granular Cements
- Quantifying the relative contribution of climate and human impacts on streamflow at seasonal scale
- Research on Multi Hydrological Models Applicability and Modelling Data Uncertainty Analysis for Flash Flood Simulation in Hilly Area
- Supercritical CO2 displacement CH4 phase behavior and percolation characteristics research in porous medium
- Water-energy-food nexus: concepts, questions and methodologies
- An analytical framework for reservoir operation with combined natural inflow and controlled inflow
- Computed-Tomography Imaging and Pore Network Modeling for Pore Configuration of Reservoir Sandstones and Analogues: A Re-evaluation of Pore Parameters Influencing Permeability
- Does equal marginal utility principle apply to the hydropower problems?
- Modeling Hydrate Formation and Distribution in Porous Media by Interphase Force, Growth Kinetics and Thermodynamic Equilibrium: Implications for Permeability Prediction
- Optimization of Water Pollution Control Based on Cost-Effective Relationship in A Small Watershed with Complex Pollution Sources
- Understanding the Resilience of Soil Moisture Regimes
- A Data Driven Approach to Identify Rainfall Derived Inflow and Infiltration in Sanitary Sewer Sub-catchments
- Coordinated Optimal Peak-shaving model of Hydropower and Renewable Energy
- Deriving the Optimal Reservoir Flood Control Operation Rules Based on Resilience Theory
- Hydro-Meteorological Assessment of TRMM and PERSIANN-CDR over a Semi-humid Region in Northeastern China
- Mechanical behaviors of hydrate-bearing sediments during thermal decomposition based on CT-Triaxial test
- Pore-scale Flow Characteristics of CO2 Displacing Brine in Different Kinds of Heterogeneous Micromodels
- Quantification of Hybrid Hydrate Pore Morphology: Applied to Construction of a Permeability Model for Hydrate-bearing Sediments
- Rapid Increase in the Compound Droughts and Heat Waves in China
- Reservoir Monthly Streamflow Prediction Using Extreme Learning Machine Based on Chaotic Particle Swarm Optimization
- Study on Deep Geological Structure in Dongyang Area of Fujian Province , and Provide Theoretical Basis for Deep Prospecting Breakthrough
- The transborder flux of phosphorus in the Lancang-Mekong River Basin: magnitude, patterns and impacts from the cascade hydropower dams in China
- Wind speed prediction method using Shared Weight Long Short-Term Memory Network and Gaussian Process Regression
- Correlation analysis of weather effects on COVID-19 pandemic transmissions in select US counties
- Determining Inflow Forecast Horizon for Reservoir Operation
- Developing and Testing a Long Short-Term Memory Stream Temperature Model in Daily and Continental Scale
- Evaluation and improvement of Lancang Mekong River Basin cooperation
- Exploring the Potential of Satellite Precipitation Products in Hydrological Application: a Case Study over a Semi-arid Watershed in Northeastern China
- Mapping the challenges of deep-learning-powered flood forecasting: from data-rich region to data-scarce regions
- Probing coupled processes in the laboratory from pore scale to whole core scale
- Thermal expansion as a mechanism for the initial breaking of Earth's lithosphere into a global plate tectonic network
- The predominant control of land surface interactions on dissolved oxygen in rivers at the conterminous United State
- Impact of Hydrate on Effective Pore Structure Variation and Permeability Anisotropy in Hydrate-bearing Sediments using micro-computed Tomography
- Improving Long-term Streamflow Forecasting Integrated with Artificial Intelligence and Temporal Component Decomposition
- Improving Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Forecast for Better Predictions upon the Occurrence of Extreme Precipitation Events over the Contiguous United States
- Temperature Outweighs Light and Flow as the Predominant Control of Dissolved Oxygen across US Rivers