China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou
flowchart I[China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (48)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (11)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Experimental Study of the Failure Procedure of Echelon Fault Structure Using Digital Speckle Correlation Method (DSCM)
- Remote Sensing Detecting for Hydrocarbon Microseepage and Relationship with the Uranium Mineralization in Dongsheng Area, Ordos Basin, China
- A Framework for Establishment of a Risk Assessment Model for Soil Erosion by Integrating the AHP Approach and Modeling Techniques
- TEM Study of Aerosol Particles in Brown Haze Episodes over Northern China in Spring 2007
- Changes in permeability caused by dynamic stresses in fractured sandstone
- Study of Mobile GIS Application on the Field of GPR in the Road Disease Detection
- Parameterization of Deciduous Vegetation Phenology for the Dynamic Land Model (DLM)
- Assessing the spatial representativeness of eddy-covariance measurements of AmeriFlux network based on remote sensing and footprint analysis
- Numerical Analysis of Non-Darcy CH<SUB>4</SUB> Flow in Fracture Network of Coal Using Lattice Boltzmann Method
- Research on crack propagation induced by hydraulic fracturing with low permeability rocks in different buried depths
- An Improved Method for Deriving Mountain Glacier Motion by Integrating Information of Intensity and Phase Based on SAR Images
- Characteristics of a Glacier Surge Event Derived from Landsat Image Sequences and Its Response to Regional Climate Change: Kelayayilake Glacier, Western China, 2015
- Evaluation of Daily Evapotranspiration Over Orchards Using METRIC Approach and Landsat Satellite Observations
- An Integrated Processing Strategy for Mountain Glacier Motion Monitoring Based on SAR Images
- Dynamic fracture characteristics of coal: Experiment and numerical simulation
- Mapping Evapotranspiration in the Sacramento San Joaquin Delta using simulated ECOSTRESS Thermal Data: Validation and Inter-comparison
- Synthesis of Natural Electric and Magnetic Time Series Using Impulse Responses of Inter-station Transfer Functions and a Reference
- Identification of the Disturbance and Trajectory Types in Mining Areas Using Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images
- Impact of canopy feature and water stress on evapotranspiration over salt-affected pistachio orchards
- Laboratory In-situ X-ray CT Imaging and Visualization of Pore-scale Fluid Flow in Three-dimensional Printed Pore Structures of Tight Reservoir Rocks
- Northward motion of the Azores mantle plume over the last 85 Ma
- Pore- and Core-Scale Supercritical CO<SUB>2</SUB> Dissolution and Mass Transfer under Drainage and Imbibition Conditions
- A new TROPOMI product for tropospheric NO<SUB>2</SUB> columns over East Asia with explicit aerosol corrections
- An analytical solution of the seepage field for single-well circulation (SWC) ground water heat pump systems (GWHPs)
- An automated volcanic hot-spot detection algorithm based on FY-4A/AGRI infrared data
- Array Analysis of Magnetic and Electric Field Observatories in China: Estimation of Magnetotelluric Impedances at Very Long Periods
- CT Image-based reconstruction modeling and numerical analysis of hydrofracturing behaviours of heterogeneous reservoir glutenites considering hydro-mechanical coupling and leak-off effects
- Evaluation of factors influencing secondary organic carbon (SOC) estimation by CO and EC tracer methods.
- Reconstruction of Spatially Continuous OMI Tropospheric NO<SUB>2</SUB> Columns over China by Combining GOME-2 Product
- Soil Hydraulic Parameters Estimation Using GPR Data via ES-MDA
- A new TROPOMI product for tropospheric NO<SUB>2</SUB> columns over East Asia with explicit aerosol corrections
- Global water withdrawal and structural Path Analysis under consumption and production attribution
- How do mantle plume - plate boundaries interactions affect Earth's surface evolution?
- Research on the Nexus and Difference of Water-Carbon Footprint of Residents' Dietary Consumption in Typical Countries
- Very long period Magnetic and Electric Field Observatories in China: Imaging Mantle Transition Zone Conductivity
- A nanomechanical study: the role of pore morphology and pre-existing fracture in amorphous silica
- Combining Multi-Wavelength AERONET SSA Retrievals with a MIE Model to Quantify the Size of Absorbing Aerosols and the In-Situ Lifetime of Sulfate.
- Combining OMI NO2 and MOPITT CO Measurements to Partition Fire Combustion Phase
- Development and performance of solid Pb-PbCl2 non-polarized electrode
- Introducing a 3-Term Mass Conserving Metamodel to Holistically Estimate Emissions of Multiple co-Emitted Trace Gasses and Aerosols using Remotely Sensed and Surface Measurement Networks at Scales from Days to Decades
- Introducing the All-Forms of Carbon (AF-Carbon) Unified Approach to Quantifying Climate Forcing Uniformly Across All Co-Emitted Carbon Containing Species from CO2 to BC and Beyond
- Prediction of Reservoir Parameters Based on Deep Learning for CO2 Storage Monitoring
- Reconstructing 21st century NO2 emissions at global scale combining a mass-conserving top-down approach, multiple measurements, and models
- Cloud remote sensing from surface using spectral zenith radiances: Method and satellite product validation
- Combining Multi-Wavelength AERONET, TROPOMI, and Aethalometer SSA Retrievals with a MIE Model to Quantify the Size, Mixing State, and in-Situ Lifetime of Absorbing Aerosols
- Mass-Conserving Inversion of NOx Emissions and Inferred Combustion Technologies in Energy Rich Northern China Based on Multi-Year Daily Remotely Sensed and Continuous Surface Measurements
- Milankovitch Cycles Preserved in High-Grade Metamorphic Rocks
- The BC, CO, and NO2 Emissions See-Saw of Increased Remote and Suburban Sources Coupled with Decreased Urban Sources and Large Factories: Quantifying from the UV to the NIR Using Remotely-Sensed and Ground Measurements within a Model-Free Mass-Conserving Framework