CAS, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Sediment flux history of Pearl River mouth basin, North margin of South China Sea
- Marine Erosional Records of Progressive Tibetan Uplift in the South China Sea
- The Use of Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) Computation in Geophysical Visualization
- Tsunami Hazards Along the Chinese Coast from Potential Earthquakes
- Potential Hazards of Tsunami Waves along the Chinese coast in the next 100 years
- Structural style and Basin Formation in Deep-water Area of Northern South China Sea
- Clay minerals in surface sediments of the South China Sea and surrounding fluvial drainage basins: Source and transportation
- Greenland ice sheet surface air temperature and accumulation rate reconstruction (1840- 2007) from in-situ data records
- Was there a Greater Asia before India-Asia collision?
- Inconsonant Structures Near the Continent-oceanic Boundary of the Northern South China Sea: Origin and Implications
- Optimization of Apparent Polar Wander Paths: An Example from the South China Plate
- Paleomagnetism and Magnetic Anisotropy of Neogene Red Beds from Tarim Basin, NW China
- Rift pattern and dynamics of an ultra-slow spreading ridge: Southwest Indian Ridge at 9°-25°E
- Source and transport of detrital fine-grained sediments in the northeastern South China Sea
- Stratigraphy and structure of Liyue Basin and its implication for South China Sea break-up
- Three-dimensional seismic structure of a Mid-Atlantic Ridge segment characterized by active detachment faulting (TAG, 25°55’N-26°20’N)
- A Numerical Study of Coupled Estuary-shelf Circulation Around the Pearl River Estuary
- A critical review of recent paleomagnetic studies in the Lhasa block, Tibetan plateau: implications for the initial collision age between India and Asia and the amount of crustal shortening
- Adjustment of the wind drag coefficient for storm surge forecasting using 4DVAR
- Along-strike variations of geometry and kinematics on the border fault of Nanpu sag, Bohai Bay Basin
- Authigenic carbonates from the Northern South China Sea: petrographic and geochemical characterization
- Formation mechanism of the Qiongdongnan basin northwest of the South China Sea-dating the sinistral slip of the Red River Fault Zone
- Interaction between internal tides and near-inertial oscillations induced by Typhoon Neoguri
- Modulation of Environmental Factors on Abnormal Track and Intensity of Tropical Cyclone Nargis (2008)
- Morphological features and forming mechanism of Central Canyon in the Qiongdongnan basin, northern South China Sea
- Nested-grid models for simulating saltwater intrusion in the Pearl River Estuary
- Pathways of mesoscale sea level variability in the South China Sea
- S-wave velocity structure and Vp/Vs ratios derived from three-component OBS data in the northeastern South China Sea
- Summer Surface Layer Thermal Response to Surface Gravity Waves in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea
- Teleconnected influence of North Atlantic sea surface temperature on the El Nino onset
- Upwelling off East Guangdong: observation, simulation and data assimilation
- Water exchange in the Luzon Strait during monsoon transition periods
- Characteristics of Geophysical potential field and tectonic framework the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure(UHP) metamorphic belt, eastern China
- Deep Structure Study on the Northern Part of the Southwest Sub-basin from Ocean Bottom Seismic Data, South China Sea
- Early Paleogene paleomagnetism in southern Tibet, China and its constraints to the India-Asia collision
- Eddy formation and propagation in the East Pacific warm pool: Role of subseasonal variability in Central American wind jets
- New magnetostratigraphic results from the Lower Guandao section, the Great Bank of Guizhou, South China: implications for global correlation of Olenekian-Anisian boundary
- On the steric and mass-induced contributions to the seasonal sea level variations in South China Sea
- Preliminary results of 3D seismic structure in the Southwest Indian Ocean Ridge (37°50'S)
- Seismic investigation of an ocean-continent transition zone in the northern South China Sea
- The northern slope of South China Sea: an ideal site for studying passive margin extension and breakup
- Three-dimensional seismic imaging of the littoral fault zone in the Hong Kong region
- Tomographic evidence for a link between historical seismicity and anomalous crustal structures in the Hong Kong region
- Abnormal upwelling and chlorophyll-a concentration off South Vietnam in summer 2007
- Crustal structure of a land-ocean transitional zone in the northern South China Sea, from an onshore-offshore seismic survey
- Eulerian and Lagrangian Statistics in the South China Sea Deduced from Surface Drifters
- Interannual to decadal sea level variability in the southern Indian Ocean and its impacts on the oceanic meridional transport
- Landfalling characteristics of the tropical cyclones generated in the South China Sea
- Localized strong syn-rifting magmatism that might caused localized multi-oriented folding in the continent-ocean transition zone of northern South China Sea
- Mass-induced sea level change ihe northwestern Pacific and its contribution to sea level change
- On changing El Niño: A view from time-varying annual cycle, interannual variability and mean state
- Seismic constraints on basaltic underplating and probably magma conduits beneath the Hong Kong region, coastal region of SE China
- Seismicity and seismotectonics in the northern margin of South China Sea
- Sub-millennial Climate Variability During the Last Glacial Period in Northern China Revealed by Stalagmite δ18O Records
- The variations of atmospheric variables recorded at Xisha station in the South China Sea during tropical cyclone passages
- Three-dimensional seismic tomography reveals the presence of partial melt in the lower crust of the ultraslow Southwest Indian Ridge at 50°28'E
- Authigenic Carbonates from the Gas Hydrates Seafloor Observatory, Mississippi Canyon 118 (MC118), Gulf of Mexico: A Mineralogical, Geochemical, Chronological and Lipid Biomarker Study
- Characterization of double diffusive convection step and heat budget in the deep Arctic Ocean
- Comparison of modern pollen distribution between northern and southern South China Sea
- Deep Meridional Overturning Circulation in the Indian Ocean and Its Relation to Indian Ocean Dipole
- Different Impacts of Various El Niño Events on the Indian Ocean Dipole
- Distribution of living radiolarians and its response on the environments in spring from the section South China Sea
- First high-resolution near-seafloor survey of magnetic anomalies of the South China Sea
- Flexural bending of the oceanic plates near the Mariana, Japan, and Philippines trenches
- Flux and seasonality of planktonic foraminifera in the Xisha Trough, South China Sea
- Geophysical characteristics of Qiongdongnan Basin, Northern South China Sea and its significance in crustal structure study
- Impact of Indian Ocean Dipole on the salinity budget in the equatorial Indian Ocean
- Indian Ocean variability in the CMIP5 multi-model ensemble:The Zonal Dipole mode
- Interannual/Interdecadal Variabilities of Sea Surface Height in the South China Sea --Correlation Analysis with ENSO /PDO
- Intraseasonal variability of sea surface height in the Bay of Bengal
- Lipid biomarker inventory and their stable carbon isotopic compositions in seep carbonates from Green Canyon of the northern Gulf of Mexico
- North Pacific climate variability and Central Pacific El Nino
- Observation of Upper-Ocean mixing in the Luzon Strait
- Oceanic plate weakened by flexural bending-induced faulting in the outer rise region of the Mariana subduction zone
- Onshore and offshore seismic investigation in the northern South China Sea
- Preliminary results of the Source China Sea passive source OBS array experiment
- Rapid East Asian Monsoon change during the Last Interglacial in the Bohai Sea Coastal Zone, China
- Seismic observations from a Yakutat eddy in the northern Gulf of Alaska
- The 2D Crustal Structure of the Southwest Indian Ridge at 50°E
- The Dynamic Mechanism of Post-rift Accelerated Subsidence in Qiongdongnan Basin, Northern South China Sea
- The relationship between geographical curriculum writing on new standard with geography teacher education direction in Normal Universities
- A Cretaceous seep deposite in Tibet: Diagnostic characteristics and the possible driving force
- Connection of sea level height between Western Pacific and South Indian Ocean in recent decades
- Freshening in the South China Sea during 2012 Revealed By Aquarius and in-Situ Data
- Geomagnetic Polarity Reversal Model of Deeptow Magnetic Survey in the Southwest Subbasin of South China Sea Ridge
- How Does One of the Largest Hypoxia in the World Occur on the Shelf of the East China Sea?
- Interannual and decadal variability of sea level in the South China Sea
- Microbial Sulfate Reduction at Cold Seeps Based on Analysis of Carbonate Associated Sulfate
- Numerical studies of gas composition differentiation during gas hydrate formation: An application to the IODP site 1327
- Oceanic Plate Bending Along the Manila Trench
- Rare Earth Elements of Methane-Derived Authigenic Carbonates and Its Constraints on Redox Condition in the Gulf of Cadiz
- Significance of Fractures and Veins in the Basalt at Site U1431 and U1433, International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 349, South China Sea
- South China Sea Tectonics and Magnetics: Constraints from IODP Expedition 349 and Deep-tow Magnetic Surveys
- Study on the precursor of frequent occurrence of central Pacific El Nino
- The Role of Tide-induced Vertical Mixing in Modulating the Decadal Change of El Nino
- The Submesoscale from VIIRS Imagery-Band (375 m) Sea Surface Temperature Fields
- 3D seismic structure of the Zhenbei-Huangyan seamount chain in the East sub-basin of the South China Sea and its mechanism of formation
- A Numerical Study on the Characteristics of High-frequency Oscillations in the Eyewall of Tropical Cyclones
- A seismic anisotropy study of the Dragon Flag hydrothermal field (49°39'E ) on the Southwest Indian Ridge
- Climate model biases in the Indian Ocean meant state, variability and change
- Dynamic effects of plate-buoyancy subduction at Manila Trench, South China Sea
- Hydroacoustic seismicity along oceanic transform faults: Contrasts between the East Pacific Rise and Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Methane seepage intensities traced by biomarker patterns in authigenic carbonates from the South China Sea
- Receiver Function Imaging of the Mantle Transition Zone beneath the South China Block
- Relocation of earthquakes at southwestern Indian Ocean Ridge and its tectonic significance
- Seismic constraints on Late Mesozoic magmatic plumbing system in the onshore-offshore area of Hong Kong
- Temporal and spatial variations in seismicity of fast-slipping oceanic transform faults at the East Pacific Rise
- The Anisotropic Structure of South China Sea: Using OBS Data to Constrain Mantle Flow
- The Crustal Structure of Northern Continental Margin of South China Sea: Revealed by Joint Onshore-Offshore Wide-Angle Seismic Survey
- The footprints of typhoons on seismic records and their implications on small-scale coupling mechanisms in South China Sea
- The influence of sedimentation rate variation on the occurrence of methane hydrate crystallized from dissolved methane in marine gas hydrate system
- The nature of the high-velocity layer, northeastern margin of South China Sea
- Using Bathymodiolus tissue stable isotope signatures to infer biogeochemical process at hydrocarbon seeps
- Using mutiproxy approach to reconstruct 1991 coral mortality episode in the South China Sea
- 3D seismic imaging of P-wave velocity heterogeneity under Tibetan plateau and its surrounding area
- A sea fog event around western Guangdong in December 2012: observations and simulationsA sea fog event around western Guangdong in December 2012: observations and simulations
- Changes in the Indian summer monsoon intensity in Sri Lanka during the last 30 ky - A multiproxy record from a marine sediment core.
- Coherent climate anomalies over the Indo-western Pacific in post-El Niño summer
- Controls on Modern Erosion and the Development of the Pearl River Basin since the Eocene
- Crustal Evolution of the Ultraslow-Spreading Southwest Indian Ridge at 16°-28°E in the Last 7 Ma
- Developing hydrological monitoring system based on HF radar for islands and reefs in the South China Sea
- Experimental results of temperature response to stress change: An indication of the physics of earthquake rupture propagation
- Footprints of Obliquely Incident Internal Solitary Waves near the Shelf Break, northern South China Sea
- Formation of post-spreading volcanic ridges in the East sub-basin of the South China Sea
- Geodynamics of Bending-related Normal Faults in Subducting Plates
- IODP drilling in the South China Sea in 2017 will address the mechanism of continental breakup
- Imaging of multi-geophysical parameters in the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake (M<SUB>J</SUB>7.3) in Kyushu of southwest Japan
- Influence of obliquely subducting slab on Pacific-North America shear motion inferred from seismic anisotropy along the Queen Charlotte margin
- Intraseasonal-to-semiannual variability of sea-surface height in the eastern, equatorial Indian Ocean and southern Bay of Bengal
- Investigation of a marine magnetic polarity reversal boundary in cross-section at the northern boundary of the Kane Megamullion, Mid-Atlantic Ridge 23°40'N
- Laboratory Simulation of the Geothermal Heating Effects on Ocean Overturning Circulation
- OBS seismic data preliminary results: Manila subduction zone (21°N)
- Observations and Mechanisms of Extreme Subsurface Warm Events in the South China Sea during 1998-99 and 2006-07
- Sediment provenance on the northwestern shelf of South China Sea and the sedimentary model for heavy-mineral placers
- Seismic Reflection Characteristic and Structure Unit Division of Nanwei Uplift in the Nansha Waters, South China Sea
- Serpentinization processes: Influence of silica
- South China Sea kinematics
- Sr/Ca and δ<SUP>18</SUP>O records of a coral from Sanya: reconstructions of temperature and precipitation in the northern South China Sea in the late Holocene
- Temperature and salinity changes in the permanent thermocline as recorded byGloborotalia inflata: implications for intermediate water changes in the Northern South China Sea since 20 ka BP
- The thermal structure beneath the Southeast Asia inferred from heat flux and seismic velocities
- Thermal Variations in the South China Sea Associated With the Eastern and Central Pacific El Nino Events and Their Mechanisms
- Transverse ridges at the Eltanin system of the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge and geodynamic implications
- Two types of interannual variability of South China Sea summer monsoon onset related to the SST anomalies before and after 1993/94
- Using OBS Data to Constrain the Characteristics of Microseisms in South China Sea
- Variability of cross-shelf water exchange and nutrient flux in the northern South China Sea
- Variability of the coastal circulation revealed by High-Frequency (HF) Radar in the Guangzhou Bay of the northern South China Sea
- Wide-angle seismic profiles reveal mantle serpentinization beneath NTD of the ultra-slow spreading Southwest Indian Ridge
- a Comparison of Various Methods of Determining the Horizontalorientation of Ocean Bottom Seismometers (obs): Applying to South Chinasea Obs Data
- A comparative molecular and isotopic investigation of seep carbonates from mussel and tubeworm environments of the Gulf of Mexico
- Attribution of the variability of typhoon landfalls in China coasts to the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and sea surface temperature in the tropical Indian Ocean-western Pacific
- Biases of Five Latent Heat Flux Products and their Impacts on Mixed-Layer Temperature Estimates in the South China Sea
- Can sediments at hydrocarbon seep sites represent a source for marine bioavailable iron? — A case study from the South China Sea
- Contribution of deep sourced carbon from hydrocarbon seeps to sedimentary organic carbon: Evidence from Δ<SUP>14</SUP>C and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C isotopes
- Convection anomalies associated with warm eddy at the coastal area
- Crustal Deformation In the Northwestern Margin of the South China Sea: Results From Wide-angle Seismic Modeling
- Elasto-plastic deformation and plate weakening due to normal faulting in the subducting plate along the Mariana Trench
- Environmental controls on sulfur isotopic composition of sulfide minerals in seep carbonates from the South China Sea
- Evidence for different patterns of microcrack change related to the 2004 Niigata earthquake from S wave splitting
- Improved Decadal Climate Prediction in the North Atlantic using EnOI-Assimilated Initial Condition
- Improving OBS operations in ultra-deep ocean during the Southern Mariana Trench expeditions
- Lateral variations of crustal structure in the northeastern of the South China Sea
- Long-Term Changes in Chemical Weathering in the Himalayan Region from Indus Fan Sediments
- Mesozoic Compressional Folds of the Nansha Waters, Southern South China Sea
- Metal Emission Cooling in Heated Planetary Upper Atmospheres
- Multi-type Tectonic Responses to Plate Motion Changes of Mega-Offset Transform Faults at the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge
- Origin of the Dongsha Event in the South China Sea
- Paleomagnetism of Cretaceous limestones from western Tarim basin suggests negligible latitudinal offset yet significant clockwise rotation
- Post-rift magmatism in the Pearl River Mouth Basin, northern South China Sea
- Preliminary results of the southern Mariana Trench wide-angle seismic experiment
- Revised South China Sea spreading history based on macrostructure analysis of IODP Expedition 349 core samples and geophysical data
- Sedimentary and Paleoceanographic Responses to the South China Sea Basin Evolution
- Seismic experiments investigating plate dyanmics of the Challenger Deep region in Southern Mariana Trench
- Seismic imaging of Late Cretaceous magmatic system in the northern margin of South China Sea
- Seismic imaging of the Kane oceanic core complex using early-arrival full waveform inversion and pre-stack depth migration of multichannel seismic streamer data
- Seismic investigation on the Littoral Faults Zone in the northern continental margin of South China Sea
- Shear-wave seismic reflection imaging and impedance inversion for a near-surface point-bar
- Ship Observations and Numerical Simulation of the Marine Atmosphericboundary Layer over the Spring Oceanic Front in the Northwestern South China Sea
- Southern Mariana OBS Experiment and Preliminary Results of Passive-Source Investigations
- Spectral Interpretation of Wave-vortex Duality in Northern South China Sea
- Spectral reflectance analysis of SW and N of the South China Sea with their paleoenvironmental variation
- Study of crustal structure and stretch mechanism of central continental shelf of northern South China Sea
- Tectonics and Non-isostatic Topography of the Mariana Trench and Adjacent Plates
- The Oceanic Temperature Variance near the Bottom of the Southern Mariana Trench
- Thermal Stress Limit Rafting Migration of Seahorses: Prediction Based on Physiological and Behavioral Responses to Thermal Stress
- Thinned Continental Crust Imaged by a Wide-angle Refraction Profile Acquired in the Northeastern South China Sea
- Three-dimensional Seismic Survey of the Continental-Ocean Transition Zone of the Northern South China Sea
- Variations in radiolarian assemblages in the Japan Sea since the Last Glacial Period: implications for paleoceanography Zhi Dong<SUP>12</SUP>, Xuefa Shi<SUP>2</SUP>, Xinqing Zou<SUP>1</SUP>, Jianjun Zou<SUP>2</SUP>, Muhong Chen<SUP>3</SUP>, Qiang Zhang<SUP>3</SUP>, Chendong Ge<SUP>1</SUP>,Yanguang Liu<SUP>2</SUP>1. Nanjing University,China 2. First Institute of Oceanography, China 3. South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, China
- XRF Core Scanning of Igneous Rocks: a Case Study of IODP Expeditions 367/368 Lava Flows, South China Sea
- A high resolution coastal ocean model of cross-shelf exchange in a complex, tidally driven system
- A new assessment of mesoscale eddies in the South China Sea: Surface features, three-dimensional structures and thermohaline transports
- A new deep seismic structure across the southernmost Mariana Trench: Implications for arc magmatism, initial arc rifting and plate hydration
- Asymmetric response of Tropical Cyclone Activity in the Western North Pacific During ENSO Subsequent Years
- BGC-Argo Observations and Physical-Biogeochemical Modeling in Western Pacific Ocean
- Barrier Layer in the Western Pacific Ocean during extreme El Niños: Observations and Mechanism
- Configuration of the South China Sea Oceanic Domain at the End of Seafloor Spreading
- Contrasts in seismic characteristic between oceanic and continental transform faults: Example of the East Pacific Rise and San Andreas Fault
- Decoupled variability in surface and subsurface water temperature during late interglacial periods in the tropical southern South China Sea
- Development of Thermal Property Measurement Procedure of Cuttings by the Transient Plane Source Technique
- Development of an Inter-basin Pacific-Indian Ocean Model: The Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) and the Circulation in the Banda Sea
- Different teleconnection processes associated with the two leading modes of the interannual variability of South America continent winter surface temperature
- Dissolved Methane Distributions and Air-sea Flux from Hydrocarbon Seeps in the Lintou Promontory Seep Field, Northern South Sea
- Dynamics of Asian Summer Monsoon Response to Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing
- Dynamics of eddy generation in the central Bay of Bengal
- Evaluation of OAFlux datasets based on in situ air-sea flux tower observations over the Yongxing Islands in 2016
- Evolution of the Eastern Indian Ocean basin since 120 Ma: Influence of Kerguelen hotspot in oceanic crust accretion
- Geodynamic Modeling of Mantle Evolution of the South China Sea and Surrounding Subduction Systems
- Geodynamics of subducting plate faulting, fluid penetration and mantle serpentinization at the Western Pacific and global trenches
- Inconsistent sea surface temperature and salinity changing trend in the northern South China Sea since 7.0 ka BP
- Inter-mineral calcium isotopic fractionation in granitoids in the Early Cretaceous Fangshan pluton, Beijing
- Intraseasonal variability of the Equatorial Undercurrent in the Indian Ocean
- Joint Inversion for the Lithospheric Structure in East Tibet
- Lagrangian decomposition of the Indian Ocean shallow meridional overturning circulation
- Lateral differences in the crustal structure of the margin of SE South China Sea
- Linear Magnetic Anomalies Over Tamu and Ori Massifs (Shatsky Rise Ocean Plateau) Imply Formation by Spreading Ridge Volcanism
- Lithospheric Structure near the Yangtze and Cathaysia Block, South China: Implications for Asthenosphere Upwelling and Lithosphere Modification
- Magnetic Anomaly Map for Shatsky Rise and its implications for oceanic plateau formation
- Majority of large earthquakes in Taiwan occurred along tomographic edge zones
- Marine Striations in Marginal Seas and the Mediterranean Sea
- OBS survey and preliminary results on the deep crustal structure across the Challenger Deep
- Offshore fault geometrics in the Pearl River Estuary, northern South China Sea: evidence from seismic reflection/refraction data
- Persistent bottom water suboxic conditions caused by methane release events—Evidence from the South China Sea
- Population genetics and phenotypic adaptive variation of seaweed pipefish Syngnathus schlegeli at different latitudes
- Recovery process of temperature profile in a scientific-drilling borehole from a disturbed state caused by drilling mud circulation
- Roles of tropical SST patterns during two types of ENSO in modulating wintertime rainfall over southern China
- Seasonal Variability of Sea Surface Temperature Gradients in the South Coast of Sri Lanka
- Seismic experiments investigating plate dynamics and fluid interaction of the Challenger Deep region in Southern Mariana Trench
- The 17α-Ethynyl Estradiol and Progesterone Disrupt Gonad and Brood Pouch Development and Modifies Transcription in the Male-Pregnant Seahorse
- The OBS refraction survey in the area of IODP Legs 367/368 in the northern South China Sea margin
- The distinct impacts of three types of El Niño on the Western Pacific Subtropical High
- The effects of eddy-induced air-sea interaction on mesoscale eddies in the South Atlantic Ocean
- Timing of enhanced seepage throughout the past 50 ka from the Gulf of Mexico
- Towards predicting the "largest" Louisiana hypoxic area: an analysis of a coupled physical-biogeochemistry model results from 1985 - 2018
- Transient Enhancement and Decoupling of Carbon and Opal Export in Cyclonic Eddies
- Transition from subduction to hyper-extension: the example of the Liwan sag (North South China Sea)
- Triple sulfur isotope fractionation associated with sulfate reduction in modern marine sediments
- Variability of Tropical Cyclones in the Western North Pacific
- Vertical eddy heat flux beneath the sea surface
- 3D flexural bending and brittle failure of the subducting plate along the Mariana Trench
- 3D mantle upwelling beneath the South China Sea and Southeast Asia: Insights from geodynamic modeling
- A 350 km-long, northward step in the Eurasian continental margin explains simultaneous Taiwan mountain building
- An Advanced Observing System in the Tropical Indian Ocean for Monsoonal Air-sea Interaction and Circulation Dynamics
- Correction of OBS time errors using multiple component and period-band noise cross-correlation
- Crust/mantle structure, hydration, and dynamic deformation at the southernmost Mariana Trench
- Crustal Deformation and Magmatism around a Rigid Block under Continental Extension: A Case Study from the Zhongsha Islands, South China Sea
- Crustal Structure of the East China Sea Shelf-Southern Okinawa Trough: Characteristics of Crustal Change and Wide-angle Seismic Evidence of Crustal Tension Fracture in the Back Arc Area
- Decadal prediction skill of BCC-CSM1.1 with different initialization strategies
- Deep seismic survey in the Huatung basin and South China Sea subduction
- Dynamics of Climate Response to Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing: From Global to Regional Scale
- Eddy Generation Mechanisms in the Eastern Boundary Current Systems
- Interaction of the Kerguelen and Amsterdam-St. Paul hotspots with the Southeast Indian Ridge: Effects on crustal accretion of the Eastern Indian Ocean
- Large-scale scours formed by supercritical turbidity currents along the full length of a submarine canyon, northeast South China Sea
- Petrographic and geochemical characterization of the hydrocarbon-derived authigenic low-magnesium calcite at brine seeps in the Gulf of Mexico
- Sedimentary perspectives of Pleistocene ocean circulation and climate change from the southernmost Chilean continental margin
- Seismic observations of an active detachment faulting system beneath the Longqi hydrothermal field at the ultraslow spreading Southwest Indian Ridge
- Seismic velocity structures of the magnetic quiet zone and continent-ocean boundary in the northeastern South China Sea
- Temperature measurements in a scientific-drilling borehole penetrated through the Futagawa Fault slipped during the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake (Mw 7.0)
- The structure and characterastics of the continent-oceanic transition of the northern South China Sea: gravity gradient and seismic reflection
- U-Pb Isotope Geochronology and Deformation Characteristics of Syntectonic Granites from the Hainan Island, South China: Implication to Tectonic Evolution of the Eastern Paleo-Tethys Ocean
- Active subduction and strain partitioning in western Myanmar revealed by a dense new GPS velocity field
- Determination of tempo-spatial variability of the Indian Equatorial Intermediate Current
- Geodynamic modeling of subduction initiation and back-arc basin spreading at the IBM subduction zone
- Interannual variability of winter eddy patterns in the eastern South China Sea
- Lateral Change of In-plate Stress and Outer-rise Seismicity along the Southern Mariana Trench
- Mechanism for plate-edge rifting of the South China Sea continental margin: Initial hydrous mantle induces rapid continental-oceanic transition
- Plate bending and in-plate stress variation caused by seamount subduction
- Reconstruction of Three Dimensional Ocean Structure From Sea Surface Data: An Application of isQG Method in the Southwest Indian Ocean
- Response and Influence of the Indian Ocean to/on Pacific and Atlantic Climate
- The influence of ENSO on periodic eddies in the South China Sea
- The tsunami excitation zone at global subduction zones
- Upper mantle hydration indicated by decreased shear velocity near the Southern Mariana Trench from Rayleigh wave tomography
- Variations in M factor along the ultra-slow spreading Mohns Ridge
- A Stable Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in a Changing North Atlantic Ocean since the 1990s
- A unified theory of progressive broad deformation of oceanic transform faults: From transform valley to off-transform faulting and rifting
- Aliases Unknown and Confusing Cascades: Potential Vorticity and Energy Budgets
- Antiphased dust deposition and productivity in the Antarctic Zone over the past 1.5 million years
- Are the water fluxes balanced at subduction zones?
- Contribution of deep sourced carbon from hydrocarbon seeps to sedimentary organic carbon: Evidence from stable and radiocarbon isotopic compositions
- Core-complex structures linked to wide rifting at the northern South China Sea margin: witness of the transition from post-orogenic extensions to breakup
- Effects of magma supply on detachment fault at ultraslow spreading mid-ocean ridges
- Establishing the Initial Conditions and Role of Inheritance in Rift Systems and Implications for Tectonic Modelling
- High-resolution crustal and uppermost mantle structure beneath the central Cathaysia Block, South China, from ambient noise
- Improved Bathymetry Map of Southern Shatsky Rise, Northwest Pacific: Implications for Ocean Plateau Formation and Evolution
- Lithospheric Stretching-style Variations and Anomalous Post-rift Subsidence in the Deep Water Sub-basins of the Pearl River Mouth Basin, Northern South China Sea
- Magma-assisted fragmentation of a supercontinent
- Mechanisms controlling hypoxia trend in Chesapeake Bay from 1985 to 2005: Results from A Terrestrial-Estuarine-Ocean Biogeochemical Modeling System
- Phytoplankton responses to Typhoon Hato (2017) in and Near the Pearl River Estuary South China Sea: A numerical study
- Plate Bending and Hydration Constrained from Ocean Bottom Seismographs in Southern Mariana Subduction Zone
- Possibility of Using Deep Oceanic Microcharcoal Morphotypes as a Supportive Paleovegetation Biomass Proxy
- Seismic imaging of Dantes Domes oceanic core complex from full waveform inversion of downward continued streamer data and reverse time migration
- Tectonic Geodesy of Western Myanmar: Strain Partitioning and Active Subduction Revealed by a Dense New GNSS Velocity Field
- The Carbonate Veins Documenting the Tectonic Evolution of the South China Sea Continental Margin from Early Cretaceous to Early Cenozoic
- The Onset Timing of Deep Mantle Upwelling Beneath the Northwestern South China Sea Margin
- The breakup mechanism of the northern South China Sea margin based on OBS refractive seismic survey in continental-ocean transition zone
- The spatial-temporal variation of the magmatism during the seafloor spreading in the Baiyun-Liwan deep-water of the Pearl River Mouth Basin
- Ticking Irregularly Seasonal-Clock by Global Warming in the Northern Hemisphere Midlatitudes
- Evaluating CMIP model simulations of the Indian Ocean Dipole - the role of monsoon air-sea feedback on its skewness
- Marine Heatwaves in the Indian Ocean during Recent Decades
- Mechanism of the 2017 Mw 6.3 Pasni Earthquake and Its Significance for Future Major Earthquakes in the Eastern Makran
- Seismic Structure and the Variation of Magmatic Budget in the Southwest Sub-basin of the South China Sea
- Ten-year Study of the Indo-Pacific Oceanic Exchange and its Role in Global Circulation and Climate Dynamics
- The 2020 Summertime Extreme Marine Heatwave Events in the North Arabian Sea
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Arnold L. Gordon
- Baylor Fox‐Kemper
- Chi‐Yung Tam
- Chunzai Wang
- Dongliang Yuan
- Douglas A. Wiens
- E. O. Lindsey
- Emma M. Hill
- Feng Dong
- Frank Zwaan
- Frédéric Masson
- Giänreto Manatschal
- Haibo Huang
- Hanqin Tian
- Hongfeng Yang
- Huaiyu Yuan
- Ian Bailey
- J. P. Canales
- Jeng Hann Chong
- Jiamin Wang
- Jian Lin
- Jing Wang
- Johannes Karstensen
- Jonathan P. Warnock
- Kang Xu
- Karthik Balaguru
- Kyle Bradley
- Lara F. Pérez
- Lei Zhang
- Liang Zhao
- Lisa Tauxe
- Lujia Feng
- Matthew Collins
- Maureen E Raymo
- Michael E Weber
- Min Xu
- Minghui Zhao
- Osamu Seki
- Pauline Chenin
- Qiang Qiu
- Rishav Mallick
- Roland Bürgmann
- S. R. Hemming
- Tao Zhang
- Trevor Williams
- Vidusanka Thilakanayaka
- William W. Sager
- Xia Zhao
- Xiaodan Guan
- Yan Du
- Yang Feng
- Yao Fu
- Yasmina M. Martos
- Yu Wang
- Yuhan Li
- Zhen Sun