Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou
flowchart I[Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (263)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (36)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Electrical Charge Structure and Cloud-to-Ground Lightning in Thunderstorms during STEPS.
- Twentieth Century Increase of Atmospheric Ammonia Recorded in Mt. Everest Ice Core
- A Multi-Proxy, Paleomonsoon Record Based on Speleothems From Central China
- Changes in Lena River Streamflow Hydrology: Human Impacts vs. Natural Variations
- New Challenges to the Permafrost Community: Construction of the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibetan) Railroad
- Streamflow Regime and Change in the Large Northern Watersheds
- Hydrologic Changes in the Large Northern Siberian Watersheds
- Isotope Of Discharge Water From The July 1st Glacier In China
- Permafrost and Railroad Construction on the Tibetan Plateau
- Microstructural Characterization Of Polycrystalline Ice From The East Rongbuk Glacier (Mt. Everest)
- Molecular Fossils for Understanding Biodiversity During the Neoproterozoic-Cambrian Transition in China
- Slip Rate Determination of Thrusts Along the Edge of NE Tibet From in situ-Produced Cosmogenic Nuclides
- Weakening of the South Asian Monsoon Since 1600 A.D. from a Mt. Everest Ice Core
- Artificially triggered lightning and its characteristic discharge parameters in two severe thunderstorms
- Data Assimilation Experiment for Soil and Snow Using CEOP EOP 3 Data for Application and Validation
- None
- Estimation of Land Surface Parameters by LDAS-UT: Model Development and Validation on Tanashi Field Experiment
- Exploring Permafrost with Multi-Channel GPR
- Using Ensemble Kalman Filter to Simulate Groundwater Flow and Solute Transport in Heterogeneous Media with Unknown Contamination Sources
- Watershed Airborne Telemetry Experimental Research (WATER): An Remote Sensing Experiment in a Typical Arid Region Inland River Basin of China
- Climate, Permafrost, and Landscape Interactions on the Tibetan Plateau
- Detecting near-surface soil Freeze/thaw cycle using Passive Microwave Satellite Remote Sensing Data over China
- Lake-System Response To Late Quaternary Environmental Dynamics On The Northeastern Tibetan Plateau
- Understanding subsurface hydrology in the Tibet Plateau, Western China
- Recent Increase in Black Carbon Concentrations from a Mt. Everest Ice Core Spanning 1860-2000 AD
- Variation of Hydrological Regime with Permafrost Coverage over Lena Basin in Siberia
- Forcing a distributed hydrological model with ensemble precipitation forecasts to support dam operation during floods
- From grain-size distribution to sediment transport conditions in the past
- Local weather conditions greatly affect mass balance of glaciers on the southern and northern slopes of Mount Nyainqentanglha, Tibetan Plateau
- Modeling of permafrost dynamics and hydrological processes under seasonal and long term temperature variations
- Size independant Bedload Transport in Braided Rivers
- The Changing Pattern of Glaciers During Last 40 Years in Tibetan Plateau, China
- Variations in equilibrium line altitude of Glaciers in the Tibetan Plateau over the past two decades
- Detailed assessment of isotope ratio infrared spectroscopy and isotope ratio mass spectrometry for the stable isotope analysis of plant and soil waters
- Effects of Future Warming and Fire Regime Change on Boreal Soil Organic Horizons and Permafrost Dynamics in Interior Alaska
- Exploring active layer thaw depth and water content dynamics with multi-channel GPR
- Is it Necessary to Consider Air Flow in Land Surface Models
- Paleoclimatic implications of late Pleistocene and Holocene aeolian sediments in lake catchments on the northeastern part of the Tibetan Plateau
- Snow Water Equivalent estimation from AMSR-E data based on priori snow properties in Xinjiang province of China
- A numerical study on the coupled moisture-heat process of permafrost near thermokarst lake on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau under global warming
- Affect of including satellite observed land surface conditions on the modeled energy and water budgets of the Murray-Darling basin Australia
- An Integrated Study of Ecological and Hydrological Processes in the Heihe River Basin, Northwest China
- Exploring Permafrost Structures Using Electrical Resistivity Tomography on the Tibetan Plateau
- Geophysical Determination of Spatial Permafrost Structure of A Thermokarst Lake on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau for Hydrological modeling
- Glacier changes in the Chinese Karakoram-Himalaya Mountains since the late 1950s as revealed by inventories from topographical maps and satellite images
- Heihe Watershed Allied Telemetry Experimental Research (HiWATER): An Integrated Remote Sensing Experiment on Hydrological and Ecological Processes
- Integrating remote sensing data with WRF for improved simulations of oasis effects on local weather processes over an arid region in northwestern China
- Surface melt monitored by MODIS Land Surface temperature on glaciers in the Yili River basin, China
- The International Permafrost Association: new structure and initiatives for cryospheric research
- Characterization of insoluble nanoparticles in Antarctic ice cores
- Climate Change over the Tibetan Plateau from the Regional Climate Modeling
- Distribution and recent variations of supraglacial lakes on dendritic-type glaciers in the Khan Tengri-Tomur Mountains, Central Asia
- Emergence of oblique dunes in a landscape-scale experiment (Invited)
- Late Cenozoic pollen records and paleoclimate in the western Qaidam Basin, Northern Tibetan Plateau
- Observed warming trends in Three Rivers Source Region on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and its potential impacts on the ground thermal regime
- Operational optimization of irrigation scheduling for citrus trees using an ensemble based data assimilation approach
- Pedogenesis and Permafrost Carbon Over the Eboling Ridge in Heihe River Basin, Northwestern China
- Scaling up and error analysis of transpiration for Populus euphratica in a desert riparian forest
- Spatiotemporal Variability of Snow Depth across Eurasian Continent from 1966 to 2008
- Temperature as a tracer to identify surface water-groundwater exchanges in the Heihe River Basin, northwest China
- The influence of frozen soil change on water balance in the upper Yellow River Basin, China
- A Brightness-Temperature-Variance-Based Passive Microwave Algorithm for Monitoring Soil Freeze/Thaw State on the Tibetan Plateau
- Effect of Permafrost Degradation on the Development of the Rainfall-controlling Thermokarst Ponds on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
- Glacier Change of China during the Last 50 Years As Revealed By Glacier Inventories
- Impact of the GCM Errors on Dynamic Downscaling in the Tibetan Plateau
- Indication of Stable Isotope Composition on the Process of Oasification and Desertification in Arid Regions: A Case Study in the Heihe River Basin
- Response of Changes in Soil Seasonal Freeze/Thaw to Climate Change from 1950 to 2010 in China
- Seasonal and interannual variation of energy balance and partition over a rain-fed cropland in the semi-arid area of Loess Plateau, northwestern China
- Snow Impurities on Central Asian Glaciers: Mineral Dust, Organic & Elemental Carbon
- Spatial Pattern of the Glacier Shrinkages over the Tibetan Plateau since the Little Ice Age and the Role of the Summer Freezing Level
- Spatial and Temporal Variations of the Firn Line Altitudes in the Asian High Mountains over the Past Decade
- A Multi-proxy Reconstruction of Spatial and Temporal Variations in Asian Summer Temperatures Over the Last Millennium
- Air Temperature Estimation over the Third Pole Using MODIS LST
- An Upscaling Analysis on Aerodynamic Roughness Length in North Tibetan Plateau based on Eddy Covariance, Large Aperture Scitillometer Data and Remote Sensing Product
- An integrated multiscale river basin observing system in the Heihe River Basin, northwest China
- Analysis of spatial distribution and temporal trend of soil moisture over the Tibetan Plateau from 1978 to 2013
- Aridity changes over the Tibetan Plateau in recent three decades
- Comparison of State and Parameter Estimation Methods for Soil Moisture Data Assimilation
- Dynamics of soil organic carbon and its fractions after revegetation on sand dunes in the Tengger Desert, Northern China
- Effects of the soil freeze-thaw process on the regional climate of the Tibet Plateau
- Impact of Reforestation on Local Climate and Environment in a Semi-arid Urban Valley, Northwestern China
- Impacts of black carbon and mineral dust on glacier melting in the Qilian Mts., northeastern Tibetan Plateau
- Monitoring and modeling of cold region hydrological processes in a high mountain river basin in the upstream area of the Heihe River Basin of China
- Permafrost conditions over Heihe River Basin in Qilian Mountains of Western China
- Response of Glaciers to Climate Change in Northwest China
- SWATGP data assimilation system(SWATGPDAS): introduction and validation
- Simulating California Reservoir Operation Using the Classification and Regression Tree Algorithm Combined with a Shuffled Cross-Validation Scheme
- Spatial Pattern of the Glacier Shrinkages over the Tibetan Plateau since the Little Ice Age and the Role of the Summer Freezing Level
- Spatial Representativeness and Uncertainty of Eddy Covariance Carbon Flux Measurement for Upscaling Net Ecosystem Productivity to Field Scale
- Spatial-temporal variability of snow cover and depth in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
- The activities of low level preesure system over the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and its links with evolution of plateau monsoon
- The spatial patterns of soil respiration regulated by biological and environmental variables along a precipitation gradient
- Towards Jointly Validation of Land Remote Sensing Products In China
- Wind erosion simulation along with the Qinghai-Tibet Railway and its response to the climate change
- A mathematical investigation of the air-ground temperature relationship in permafrost regions on the Tibetan Plateau
- Aged dissolved organic carbon exported from rivers of the Third Pole
- Carbonaceous matter deposition in the high glacial regions of the Tibetan Plateau
- Changes in streamflows in the Source Area of the Yellow River (SAYR) on NE Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China during the last 55 years
- Changes of frozen ground since 1980s under climatic warming on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
- Characteristics of Ground Surface Temperatures as in situ Observed in Elevational Permafrost on the Northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
- Chemical Composition of Microbe-derived Dissolved Organic Matter in Cryoconite in Tibetan Plateau Glaciers: Insights from Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry Analysis
- Chemical and physical characteristics of long-range transport submicron particles at the central Tibet Plateau
- Development of a Water and Enthalpy Budget-based Glacier Mass Balance Model (WEB-GM) and its Validation in Southeast Tibetan Plateau
- Estimation of permafrost active layer thickness based on MODIS land surface temperature and the ground data on Tibetan Plateau
- Glaciers, Glacial lakes and Glacial Lake Outburst Floods in the Koshi Basin
- Impact of High Resolution Land Surface Information on WRF Simulated Surface Temperature And Precipitation Over China
- Improvements of modern land surface model and impacts on the regional climate modeling in the Tibet Plateau
- Joint Assimilation of MODIS Surface Temperature and Airbone L-band Microwave Brightness Temperature into Land Surface Model in Irrigated Fields
- Leaf Respiratory Acclimation: Magnitude of Acclimation to the Long-term Warming in Tallgrass Prairie
- Linking Atmospheric Pollution to Cryospheric Changes over the Third Pole
- Modeling glacier mass balance and runoff in the Koxkar river basin on the south slope of the Tianshan Mountains, China, from 1959 to 2009
- Modelling the permafrost extent on the Tibetan Plateau
- Spatial Distributions of the Cirque lakes over the Tibetan Plateau and Their Climatological and Environmental Significances
- Spatiotemporal Variability and in Snow Phenology over Eurasian Continent druing 1966-2012
- The Third Tibetan Plateau Atmospheric Scientific Experiment for Understanding the Earth-Atmosphere Coupled System
- Trends in spring and autumn phenology over the Tibetan Plateau based on four NDVI datasets
- Understand and mitigate uncertainties in land-surface simulations over the Tibetan Plateau
- Using Soil Moisture products to Derive Land Surface Fluxes over the Tibetan Plateau
- <SUB> Evaluating repeated temperature-depth observations to assess the fate of warm discontinuous permafrost in the hydrogeologically active source area of the Yellow River, China</SUB>
- A modified MOD16 algorithm to estimate evapotranspiration over alpine meadow on the Tibetan Plateau, China
- Alterations in plant community niche hypervolume and functional group representation to accommodate extreme drought
- Analysis of Water Vapour Flux Between Alpine Wetlands Underlying the Surface and Atmosphere in the Source Region of the Yellow River
- Assessment of the Reanalysis Flux Products Based on Eddy Covariance Observation in Summer Over the Tibetan Plateau
- Change in Spatial Distribution of Permafrost in the Source Area of the Yellow River: A Numerical Prediction
- Chemical characteristics of submicron particles at the central Tibet Plateau: influence of long-range transport
- Climate and meltwater changes in the Himalayas: impacts, risk assessment and mitigation
- Coupling the WRF model with a temperature index model based on remote sensing for snowmelt simulations in a river basin in the Altay Mountains, northwest China
- Cryospheric Change Impacts on Alpine Hydrology: Combining Model With Observations in the Upper Reaches of Hei River, China
- Determination of microwave vegetation optical depth and water content in the source region of the Yellow River
- Different Phylogenetic and Environmental Controls of First-order Root Morphological and Chemical Traits
- Dynamics and characteristics of soil temperature and moisture of active layer in central Tibetan Plateau
- Estimation of carbon sequestration in China's forests induced by atmospheric nitrogen deposition: Principles of ecological stoichiometry
- Global Change Network: Combine Nutrient Network and Drought Net in China
- Mapping Daily Evapotranspiration based on Spatiotemporal Fusion of ASTER and MODIS Images over Irrigated Agricultural Areas in the Heihe River Basin, Northwest China
- Modeling the Land Use/Cover Change in an Arid Region Oasis City Constrained by Water Resource and Environmental Policy Change using Cellular Automata Model
- Modelling and validation land-atmospheric heat fluxes by using classical surface parameters over the Tibetan Plateau
- Monitoring and Modeling the Climate System over the Third Pole region
- Multi-model ensemble prediction of Gross Primary Production using Bayesian model averaging in the Heihe River Basin, China
- Numerical simulations of permafrost dynamics in the source area of the Yellow River, central-eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
- Observation and Simulation of Daytime Strong Winds on Northern Slopes of Himalayas, near Mount Everest
- Optimized estimation and its uncertainties of gross primary production over oasis-desert ecosystems in an arid region of China
- Physical and chemical evolution of dissolved organic matter across the ablation season on a glacier in the central Tibet Plateau
- Responses of Surface Energy Partition to Climatic Factors: A Comparison Over Two Types of Underlying Surfaces in Qinghai-Xizang Plateau
- Seasonal dynamics of meltwater chemistry on the Tibetan Plateau and insights into the hydrologic and hydrochemical process coupling and sampling strategy
- Simulation of Blowing Snow on the Tibetan Plateau Using the Community Land Model Coupled with a Blowing Snow Model
- Simulation on Permafrost and Shallow Groundwater Evolution in Different Climate in the Source Area of the Yellow River, NE QTP, China
- Spatial Variations and Sources of Trace Elements in Recent Snow from Glaciers at the Tibetan Plateau
- Spatial variability and its main controlling factors of the permafrost soil-moisture on the northern-slope of Bayan Har Mountains in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
- The Analysis of Oasis Water Consumption Impact on Surface Runoff in the Aksu River Basin
- The Effect of Spatial and Diurnal Variations of Surface Temperature on Flux Imbalance
- The Modelling Analysis of the Response of Convective Transport of Energy and Water to Multiscale Surface Heterogeneity over Tibetan Plateau
- Updated understanding of snowmelt contribution at basin scale by an improved integrated method: A case study in Heihe river basin in northeastern Tibetan plateau
- Water chemistry in the rives of the permafrost regions on the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
- Area-averaged evapotranspiration over a heterogeneous land surface: aggregation of multi-point EC flux measurements with a high-resolution land-cover map and footprint analysis
- Assessment of sensitivity and uncertainty of snow simulation by multi-parameterization schemes combination in Noah-MP model
- Assimilating remote sensing products to improve the predictability in cold region hydrology
- CASEarth Poles: A Big Earth Data Platform for Three Poles
- Characteristics of Atmospheric Boundary Layer and its Impact Factors Over the Chinese Loess Plateau
- Co-evolutionary Dynamics of the Human-Water-Environment System in the Heihe River Basin in the Past 2,000 Years
- Demystifying the snow density observation in China: Why is it always smaller?
- Does elevation-dependent warming hold true above 5,000 m elevation?
- Hydrological Model Intercomparison: Subsurface Flow and Reactive Transport Simulation in the Oasis-Desert Interaction Zone
- Hydrological impacts of permafrost degradation in the Source Area of Yellow River on the northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Southwest China
- Light-Absorbing Impurities in Snow Cover Surface across the Northern Xinjiang
- Mapping retrogressive thaw slumps in the Beiluhe region (Tibetan Plateau) using Planet CubeSat
- Modeling Blowing Snow on the Tibetan Plateau with the Community Land Model: Methods and Model Evaluation
- Modeling permafrost temperature development on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau from 1966 to 2100
- Monitoring Effective and Layered Soil Water Content Based on Cosmic-ray Neutron Sensing in a Tibetan Meadow Ecosystem
- Multiscale modeling of thermo-hydro-mechanical processes in porous media under freeze-thaw cycles
- No Consistent Evidence for Advancing or Delaying Trends in Spring Phenology on the Tibetan Plateau
- Sand wedges and cryoturbations on the Ordos Plateau since 50 ka BP and their paleo-environmental implications
- Seasonal Change of Sea Ice in the Ross Sea using Sentinel SAR Images
- Seasonal Changes in the Riverine Dissolved Organic Carbon in the Permafrost Regions on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
- Solving the Storm Split-merge Problem-A Combined Storm Identification and Tracking Algorithm
- The Progress on the Monitoring and Modeling Land-atmospheric Interactions over heterogeneous landscapes: from Tibetan Plateau to Third Pole and Pan- Third Pole regions
- The Response of Glacial Runoff at the Headwaters of the Urumqi River, Eastern Tianshan, Central Asia
- The application of the ecological monitoring IoT network of Heihe River Basin
- Vegetation dynamics and its response to drought in the Inner Mongolia of northern China during 1998-2013
- Vertical Profiles, Optical and Radiative Properties of PM<SUB>1</SUB> Carbonaceous Aerosols and Its Impacts on Boundary-Layer Meteorology in A Typical Valley City, Northwest China: Results from Observation and Model
- Water vapor transport characteristics of summer precipitation anomalies in the source region of the Yellow River in recent ten years using FLEXPART model
- 21<SUP>th</SUP> Century Climate Change in High Karakoram Recorded by an Ice Core
- A New Application of Random Forest Algorithm to Estimate Coverage of Moss-Dominated Biological Soil Crusts in Semi-Arid Mu Us Sandy Land, China
- A link triggered by SST between the East Asian and North Americansummer monsoon marginal zone precipitation at various time scales
- An analysis of Local Land-Atmospheric coupling in the rain season over a heterogeneous underlying surface in Tibetan Plateau
- Application Research of Multi-source Data Auto-aggregation Middleware in Eco-environmental Monitoring
- Blowing snow impacts on permafrost temperature and greenhouse gas release in the terrestrial Arctic
- Causes and impacts of severe Aeolian desertification at the early 21st century in the middle Inner Mongolia, northern China
- Characteristics of moisture recycling and precipitation source over China-Mongolia arid region
- Characterizing Surface Albedo of Shallow Fresh Snow and Its Importance for Snow Ablation on the Interior of the Tibetan Plateau
- China's National Snow Survey: Methodology, Data and Implications
- Cosmogenic <SUP>35</SUP>S: A forgotten radionuclide for quantifying short-term processes in the atmosphere, cryosphere, and hydrosphere
- Dew Formation Characteristics and its Ecohydrological Effects in a Desert Oasis Ecotone, Northwestern China
- Diurnal and seasonal variability of AOD in Tibet Plateau: Comparison of MODIS Collection 6.1 data and ground measurements
- Eco-efficiency evaluation of oasis agriculture in arid region: A case study based on LCA+DEA method of seed maize production in Northwest China
- Effects of agricultural cultivation of calcareous soils and cultivation age on water-soluble phosphorus pools in an arid ecosystem
- Energy balance characteristics of sparse grassland in the Dongkemadi River Basin in the central Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
- Evaluation and Uncertainty Analysis of SMAP, SMOS and AMSR2 soil moisture products using distributed ground observation network in the cold and arid regions in the Northwest of China
- Evaluation of Water Resources Carrying Capacity in the Heihe River Basin, Northwest China
- Evaluation of the Aeolian desertification in the sandy land regions of northern China from 1982 to 2016.
- Glacier Meltwater and River Runoff Changes in the Upper Reach of the Shule River Basin valided by Observed Glacier Change and Runoff, Northeastern Edge of the Tibetan Plateau
- Glacier mass and area changes on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, 1986-2016
- Hf-Nd-Sr isotopic fingerprinting for aeolian dust deposited on glaciers in thenortheastern Tibetan Plateau region
- Identifying rock glacier in western China using deep learning and satellite data
- Impacts of forest fires on the active layer thickness and near-surface permafrost temperatures in the northern Da Xing'anling (Hinggan) Mountains, NE China
- Impacts of four land-use products on the simulation of land surface temperature in east China
- Improvement of Noah-MP Snow Albedo Parameterization Scheme on the Tibetan Plateau
- Integrated Measurement and Modelling of Land Surface and Microwave Emission Processes on the Tibetan Plateau
- Integrated surface water-groundwater modeling with snowmelt and soil freeze-thaw
- Long-term remote sensing monitoring reveals the level-by-level transformation pattern among aeolian desertified lands in the semiarid desert region, China
- Model Study on the Formation of a Large Lower Positive Charge Center in a Tibetan Plateau Thunderstorm
- Monitoring permafrost changes in the Yangtze River source region of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau using differential SAR interferometry
- Observed Change of Glacial Runoff in Arid Land: A Case study in Northwestern China
- Paleoclimatic setting of early human development in North China during Early Pleistocene
- Potential complementary functions among bacterial, fungal, and archaeal communities involved in the carbon cycle in biological soil crusts
- Precipitation isoscapes across China using a regionalized fuzzy cluster method
- Prediction of the thaw settlement and degradation in permafrost in the northern limit permafrost on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau in the next 100 years
- Projecting Natural-socioeconomic Suitability for Ski Area Development in China: An Integrated Approach
- Regional differences of chemical composition and optical properties of aerosols in the Tibetan Plateau
- Ross Sea ice production based on Sentinel-1 and ICESat-2
- Shift in Hydrologic Regime and Potential Impact on Services in Cold Regions with a Changing Climate
- Simulation to the dynamics of soil organic carbon stock in alpine regions with machine learning technique
- Soil respiration can only explain the soil carbon loss before the moderate level with alpine grassland degradation
- Streamflow variability and its relation to selected climate factors of Heihe River, Qilian Mountain, China
- Sub-cloud evaporation effect on precipitation isotopes in China during recent decades
- Systematic and Continuous Monitoring Initiated on Mustaw Glacier, Sawir Mountains
- The Characteristic of Runoff Variation and Its Responses to Climate Change in the Shule River Basin
- The Heihe Integrated Observatory Network in China
- The freeze/thaw process and the surface energy budget of the seasonally frozen ground in the source region of the Yellow River
- The remote sensing of snow cover on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
- Three-in-one: measuring snow depth, surface soil moisture, and frozen ground elevation changes by GPS Interferometric Reflectometry at a site in Northwestern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
- Types and Changes of Ecological Control Policies in 1983-2017 in Yanchi, Ningxia, China: A Perspective from Policy Instruments
- Updated Assessment of Environmental and Climate Changes in the Mt. Everest (Qomolangma) Region
- Varied and Changing Mountain Snow Regimes Necessitate Snow Experiments, Globally: From Colorado Beginnings to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
- Verification of watershed vegetation restoration policies, arid China
- Vertical Profiles of Carbonaceous Aerosols and Key Influencing Factors during Wintertime over Western Sichuan Basin, China
- Water and Carbon Dioxide Exchange of an Alpine Meadow Ecosystem in the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau
- Wildfire as a Driver of Permafrost Degradation in Boreal and Tundra Ecosystems of Alaska, Siberia and Northeast China: Implications for Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts.
- Altered Microbial Community Development Explains Litter Mixture Non-additive Effects on Litter Decomposition
- Evaluation of PM2.5 Surface Concentrations Simulated by NASA's MERRA Version 2 Aerosol Reanalysis over the Tibet Plateau
- Evapotranspiration Components and Water Use Efficiency from Desert to Alpine Ecosystems in Drylands
- Exploring diurnal cycles of surface urban heat island intensity in Boston with land surface temperature data derived from GOES-R geostationary satellites
- Fire and climate in the eastern Siberia over the past 500 years (1500-2010 CE)
- Long-term increase in atmospheric stagnant conditions over northeast Asia and the role of greenhouse gases-driven warming
- No trends in spring and autumn phenology during the global warming hiatus
- A coupled human and natural system model for endorheic river basins
- Chemical Processing of Glacial Dissolved Organic Matter: Insights from Synchronous Measurement on The Sample of Glacier and Glacial Runoff on The Tibetan Plateau
- Heavy Metals in Dust From the Shrinking Great Salt Lake: Where Do They Come From and Where Do They Go?
- Inventorying rock glaciers in the arid West Kunlun of China using SAR interferometry and deep learning
- Long-Term Drying Captured by Tree-Ring Stable Isotopes but not by Tree-Ring Widths Over Last 5,500 Years in Northeast Tibetan Plateau
- Multiscale modeling of thermo-hydrologic processes in frozen soils
- Performance Evaluation of Existing Algorithms and Datasets for Glacier Surface Velocity Estimation in Himalayan Glaciers
- SnowPEx+: The International Snow Products Intercomparison and Evaluation Exercise 2015-2020
- The Features of Hydrologic and Thermal Regimes of Coarse Blocky Materials in High Mountains, Central Asia and their Impact on River Runoff.
- A Deep-learning-based Framework for Locating Retrogressive Thaw Slumps over the Permafrost Regions on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
- Changes in the Water Level of Jili Lake in Northern Xinjiang over the Past 5200 Years and Its Impact on the Ancient Silk Road.
- Climate Change Triggered the Shift of the Route of the Ancient Silk Road
- Daytime and nighttime warming has no opposite effects on vegetation phenology and productivity in the northern hemisphere
- Frozen-soil Hydrological Modeling for a Mountainous Catchment at Northeast of the Tibetan Plateau
- Fuel sources to carbonaceous aerosols at the eastern fringe of the Tibetan Plateau, China: Δ14C and δ13C evidences
- Geomorphologic Characteristics and Thermal State of Jingxian Rock Glacier on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
- Molecular Compositions, Optical Properties, and Implications of Dissolved Brown Carbon in Snow/Ice on the Tibetan Plateau Glaciers
- Overestimation of light absorption of brown carbon by using filters with large pore size and its implications for related study at glacier region of the Tibetan Plateau
- Progresses in Atmospheric Pollution and Cryospheric Change (APCC) Program over the Third Pole Region
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Chaoliu Li
- Colleen Mortimer
- Cuicui Mu
- Dorothy K. Hall
- Edward H. Bair
- Fabien Maussion
- Fabrizio Fenicia
- Guanghui Dong
- Haipeng Wang
- Hongkai Gao
- Jakob Steiner
- Janice Brahney
- Jeff Dozier
- Jianhui Chen
- Jianzhong Xu
- Jingfeng Xiao
- Junji Cao
- Kimberly J. Hageman
- Lawrence Mudryk
- Lin Zhao
- Lingcao Huang
- Lingli Liu
- Molly A. Blakowski
- Sarah M. Aarons
- Shichang Kang
- T. H. Painter
- Tao Che
- Thomas Nägler
- Timbo Stillinger
- Tonghua Wu
- X. F. Wang
- Xiaofan Yang
- Xin Li
- Yan Hu
- Yulan Zhang
- Zhuoxuan Xia