Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- First Active Hydrothermal Vent Fields Discovered at the Equatorial Southern East Pacific Rise
- Sediment Flux in Hueneme and Mugu Submarine Canyons
- Characterization of Diffusion-Controlled Growth and Dissolution of Methane Hydrate in Aqueous Solution by Raman Spectroscopy
- Discovery of a Hydrothermal Sulfide Deposit on the Southwest Indian Ridge at 49.2°E
- Formation and variability of North Atlantic sea surface salinity maximum in a global OGCM
- In situ Measurement of Pore-Water pH in Anoxic Sediments Using Laser Raman Spectrometry
- Study on the sedimentation rate near to the radial sand ridges in the western continental shelf of South Yellow Sea
- Subtropical dipole mode in the Southern Hemisphere
- Two hydrothermal active vents were found at 13.2°S and 14°S of South Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- A numerical study on the interannual variation of the Mindoro Strait transport and its impact factors
- Factors affecting the process of CO2 replacement of CH4 from methane hydrate in sediments - Constrained from experimental results
- Multiple proxy estimates of organic matter sources in surface sediments from the southern Yellow Sea
- On the steric and mass-induced contributions to the seasonal sea level variations in South China Sea
- The formation, pathway and destination of the North Pacific subduction water identified by a simulated passive tracer
- Gas hydrate distribution identified from wireline logging data and seismic data in the Pearl River Mouth Basin,northern slope of South China Sea
- Kinetics Characteristics of Nitrogen Hydrates Respond to Differential Scanning Calorimetry
- Pacific Decadal Sea Level Change Patterns associated with a Warming Indo-Pacific Warm Pool
- Tectonic and climatic controls on long-term silicate weathering in Asia since 5 Ma
- Impact of Mean Climate Change on ENSO in an Intermediate Coupled Model
- Microconchids from microbialite ecosystem immediately after end-Permian mass extinction: ecologic selectivity and implications for microbialite ecosystem structure
- Pore scale distribution of gas hydrates in sediments by micro X-ray Computed Tomography (X-CT)
- Role of Atmospheric Wind Forcing in the Second-year Cooling of the 2010-12 La Niña Event
- Stress and Strength of Seismogenic and Creeping Subduction Faults (Invited)
- Study on the Protoliths of Metamorphic Rock Series of 'Jiageda Formation' in the Badaguan Area of E' ergona, Inner Mongolia
- Compositional Variations of Paleogene and Neogene Tephra From the Northern Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc
- Counter-intuitive Behavior of Subduction Zones: Weak Faults Rupture, Strong Faults Creep
- East Boundary of the Collision Belt Between Sion-Korean and Yangtze Plates in Eastern China and Their Extension in the Sea
- IODP Expedition 351 Lithostratigraphy: Volcaniclastic Record of Izu-Bonin-Mariana (IBM) Arc Initiation
- Low-Frequency Variability of the Western Boundary Currents at the Gappy Western Pacific Using a Shallow-Water Equation Model : Basic Bifurcation Diagram
- Multiple Scale Variations of the Western Boundary Currents Off Philippines
- Observational Study Of The Pacific Western Boundary Currents And The Indonesian Throughflow by the CAS Strategic Priority Project
- The Sedimentary Record of an Intraoceanic Magmatic Arc, from Inception through Maturation to Abandonment: IODP Expedition 351, Site U1438
- The continent-ocean transition at the northern margin of the South China Sea
- Tropical-Extratropical Exchange Based on Argo Profiles and Ship-Based Observations Near the Western Boundary
- Changes of the Oceanic Long-term and seasonal variation in a Global-warming Climate
- Multiple Suppression and Imaging of Marine Seismic Data from The Shallow Water Area in Southern East China Sea Shelf Basin
- On the Rheology of Slow Slip Events Around Continental Moho
- Structural geometry, kinematics and deformation mechanism of southwestern Sichuan Basin, China: Implications for the eastward-growth of the southeast margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- Decadal variability of meridional geostrophic volume transport in the tropical North Pacific Ocean: Relation to Sverdrup transports in observations and climate models
- Eccentricity and global cooling forced Quaternary tropical climate changes and mid-Pleistocene transition
- Estimates of effective elastic thickness of oceanic lithosphere using model including surface and subsurface loads and effective elastic thickness of subduction zones
- Footprints of Obliquely Incident Internal Solitary Waves near the Shelf Break, northern South China Sea
- Geochemical Constraints on Mantle Source and Melting Dynamics of the South China Sea Spreading Center
- Global Warming Attenuatesthe Tropical Atlantic-Pacific Teleconnection
- Heat Flow Variation along the Nankai Trough Floor Correlated with the Structure of the Shikoku Basin Oceanic Crust
- High-resolution Topography of PACMANUS and DESMOS Hydrothermal Fields in the Manus Basin through ROV "FAXIAN"
- Interaction of Kuroshio Current with Global Oceanic and Atmospheric Circulations: Evidences of Grain Size from Okinawa Trough
- Merging altimeter data with Argo profiles to improve observation of tropical Pacific thermocline circulation and ENSO
- Mooring Measurements of the Abyssal Circulations in the Western Pacific Ocean
- Observed Strengthening of Inter-basin Exchange via the Indonesian Seas due to Rainfall Intensification
- Overpressure in the slope basin of the northern South China Sea: Geophysical response and mechanisms
- Role of nonlinear western boundary reflections during the onset of the 2014 and 2015 El Niño events
- Salt Marsh Restoration: Changes in Plant Biomass and Gas Flux
- Semiannually Alternating Exchange of Intermediate Waters East of the Philippines
- Structure and Variability of the North Equatorial Undercurrent from Mooring Measurements at 130°E in the Western Pacific
- Synchronization of the Pacific and Atlantic Blobs via an Atmospheric Conductor Pattern
- Testing Four Dimensional Variational Data Assimilation Method Using an Improved Intermediate Coupled Model for ENSO Analysis and Prediction
- A hierarchy of models for ENSO flavors in past climates.
- An Improved ENSO Simulation by Representing Chlorophyll-induced Climate Feedback in the NCAR Community Earth System Model
- Bacterial Community Sstructure and Novel Species of Magnetotactic Bacteria in Sediments from a Seamount in the Mariana Volcanic Arc
- Characterization of Eight Kinds of Marine Magnetotactic Bacteria
- Climatology of coastal low level jets over the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea and the relationship with regional atmospheric circulations
- Complex Resistivity experiment of Methane Hydrate in Porous Media
- Crustal Stretching Style and Lower Crust Flow of the South China Sea Northern Margin
- Distribution and diversity of magnetotactic bacteria in sediments of the Yellow Sea continental shelf
- Global Cooling Drive Tectonic Scale Aridification of Asian Interior since Miocene
- High precision gas hydrate imaging of small-scale and high-resolution marine sparker multichannel seismic data
- Low-Temperature Fault Creep: Strong vs. Weak, Steady vs. Episodic
- Major components of seawater and hydrothermal plumes in the Okinawa Trough, East China Sea, and Yellow Sea
- New insights into the origin of the felsic volcanic rocks in the middle Okinawa Trough
- Quantitative calculation and numerical modeling of the conjugate margins of the South China Sea
- Seismic random noise attenuation method based on empirical mode decomposition of Hausdorff dimension
- Subduction erosion and implication for evolution model of the Yap trench: new evidence from the latest geophysical survey
- Subsurface tropical western Pacific isotopic composition of nitrate: Biogeochemical signals and their transport
- Tectono-sedimentary features in the Yap subduction zone, Western Pacific: constraints from latest integrated geophysical survey
- The sea surface temperature and subsurface temperature variation in the core region of the Western Pacific Warm Pool over the last four glacial cycle
- Thermal, Petrologic, and Structural Conditions for the September 2017 M=8.2 and M=7.1 intra-slab earthquakes in Mexico
- Using a 4D-Variational Method to Optimize Model Parameters in an Intermediate Coupled Model of ENSO
- A study on deep structure of Laoshan uplift in the South Yellow Sea Basin based on joint inversion
- A tale of two successors, interactions of Bathymodiolus platifronsand its methanotrophic endosymbionts give rise to the successful colonization in the deep-sea chemosynthetic extreme environments
- Amplitude-preserving P- and S-wave Separation of Elastic Wave
- An optimized vertical mixing parameterization for its improved ocean and coupled simulations in the tropical Pacific
- CMIP5 model biases in the climatological mean state of the western Pacific warm pool
- Calibration of Foraminifera Carbonate Calcification Temperatures Derived from Clumped Isotope Analysis
- Characteristics of current in the Savu Strait measured by a subsurface mooring
- Chinese HM2000 profiling float: An introduction and its perspectives
- Comparative Study of Trophic and Elemental Characteristics of Zooplankton in Deep (500-3500 m) and Shallow (0-200 m) Layers in the Western Tropical Pacific Ocean
- Complex BSR patterns related to gas composition, migrating fluids, and canyon dynamics in the Pearl River Mouth Basin, South China Sea
- Could the Easterly Wind Bursts Terminate the El Niño Development in 2014
- Decadal variability of the Mindanao Current during 1960-2010
- Decrease of Surface Salinity in the Eastern Indonesian Seas during Strong MJO Event in 2017
- Gas hydrates associated with hydrothermal vents
- Hydraulics and mixing in the deep branch of the Indonesian Throughflow
- Impact of South Pacific Subtropical Dipole Mode on the Equatorial Pacific
- In situ Quantitative Detection of Fluids Erupting from the Cold Seep Vents and Laying in the Chemosynthetic Communities in the South China Sea using Raman spectroscopy
- In situ detections of laser Raman spectroscopy to the rocks from deep-sea hydrothermal area and cold seep area
- In situ quantitative Raman detection of dissolved CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB> and SO<SUB>4</SUB><SUP>2-</SUP> in Okinawa Trough hydrothermal vent fluids
- Increasing threat of landfalling typhoons in the western North Pacific between 1974 and 2013
- Investigation on Deep-Sea Molluscan Biodiversity of the Western Pacific integrating morphological and molecular methods
- Laboratory investigation of borehole resistivity imaging for monitoring gas hydrate recovery
- Mixing of vent fluids with seawater in the Kueishantao hydrothermal field offshore northeast Taiwan
- Multi-azimuth exploration of the physicochemical environment around a cold seep in the South China Sea- from sparse to luxuriant
- Nutrients Characteristics in Three Seamount Areas of the Tropical Western Pacific Ocean
- Occurrence and fractionation of light hydrocarbons in the gas-hydrate bearing sediments of IODP Site U1517, Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Occurrence and saturation of free gas and gas hydrate at complex tectonic and interbedded reservoir in the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Ocean hydrography and its sedimentary effects in the Yap seamount (Y3) sea area of the Western Pacific in autumn 2014
- Paleoclimate Evolution of the East Asian Continent since Miocene Inferred from Aeolian Quartz in the Northwestern Pacific
- Processes involved in the second-year warming of the 2015 El Niño event as derived from an intermediate ocean model
- Seamount megabenthic communities: Isolated or connected?
- Seasonality of the Kuroshio Intensity East of Taiwan Modulated by Mesoscale Eddies
- Seismic pre-stack inversion for gas hydrate-bearing sediments based on rock physical modeling
- Significant Cooling in the Deep Philippine Sea during the recent Global Warming Hiatus
- Structure and Dynamics of the Undercurrents in the Tropical Pacific Ocean and in the Indonesian Seas
- The "seamount effect" of phytoplankton in the tropical western Pacific Ocean
- The Application of the HM2000 Profiling Float in the western Pacific Ocean study
- The Deep Intraseasonal Variability in Caroline Basin
- The Impact of Tasman Gateway Opening on Early Paleogene Climate and Oceans: New Results from IODP Expedition 369, Site U1514
- The Influence of Aerosol Optical Thickness and Mesoscale Eddies on Chlorophyll-a
- The Trans-Arctic Wave Propagation Induced by Diabatic Heating in Recent Arctic Winter
- The method of formation Q compensation based on wavelet frequency division technology
- The observed variations of the North Equatorial Countercurrent druing the two types of El Niño in the Pacific Ocean
- Topographic Beta Spiral and OnshoreIntrusion of the Kuroshio Current
- Tropical Meridional Overturning Circulation Observed by Subsurface Moorings in the Western Pacific
- Variation of Thermocline in the Tropical Indian Ocean
- Velocity Inversion in South Yellow Sea Using Wide Angle OBS Dataset
- A 50,000-year stratigraphic record from a Bahamian sinkhole and direct evidence for Saharan dust export to the tropical North Atlantic
- A positive feedback onto ENSO due to tropical instability wave (TIW)-induced chlorophyll effects in the Pacific
- Cross-equatorial Western Pacific Circulation Variations and Its Mechanism in the Decaying Phase of El Niño
- Crustal Structure of the East China Sea Shelf-Southern Okinawa Trough: Characteristics of Crustal Change and Wide-angle Seismic Evidence of Crustal Tension Fracture in the Back Arc Area
- Differently represented freshwater flux effects on ENSO in a hybrid coupled model of the tropical Pacific
- Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) for monitoring gas hydrate dissociation under laboratory conditions: A crosshole-based method
- Evolving approaches for streamlining access to biology and ecosystem observations to support the objectives of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
- Image-based understanding of pore-scale hydrate dissociation kinetics in unconsolidated sediments
- Interannual Eddy Kinetic Energy Modulations in the Agulhas Return Current
- Intermediate-depth Earthquakes in the Mantle of Subducting Slabs Could Occur Under Hydrated Condition
- Moored Observations Of The Savu Strait Currents In The Indonesian Seas
- Multidecadal change of the Mindanao Current: Is there a robust trend?
- Nonlinear SST-convection relationship and its application to understand the Bjerknes feedback during ENSO
- Pacific-North American teleconnection and North Pacific Oscillation: historical simulation and future projection in CMIP5 models
- The subtropical cold bias in climate models with links to oceanic vertical mixing schemes
- Thermal and Structural Constraints on Megathrust Seismogenic Potential of the Northern Manila Trench Subduction Zone
- Weakening Atlantic Niño-Pacific connection undergreenhouse warming
- A strong sub-thermocline intrusion of the North Equatorial Subsurface Current into the Makassar Strait in 2016-2017
- Hydraulic control and wave adjustment in a channel+plateau system: Deep Western Boundary Current passing through the Samoan Passage
- Mantle removal of proto-Mercury by extreme close encounters with Proto-Venus during terrestrial planet formation
- Role of the Indo-Pacific Oceanic channel in ENSO dynamics and global climate change
- Tidal and Solar Radiation Impacts in the Southern Arafura Sea
- Lipid biomarker patterns reflect seepage activity and variable geochemical processes in sediments from the Haima cold seeps, South China Sea
- Dynamics of interannual eddy kinetic energy variability in the Sulawesi Sea
- Effects of 2019 subsurface Indian Ocean initialization on the forecast of the 2020/2021 1 La Niña Event
- Experimental study on water retention curves in gas hydrate-bearing clay silty sediments using low-field NMR technique
- Hidden Roughness of Subducting Seafloor at Northern Manila Trench and Implications for Megathrust Seismogenesis
- Ten-year Study of the Indo-Pacific Oceanic Exchange and its Role in Global Circulation and Climate Dynamics
- Tides and Tidal Mixing at the Shelf Break in the Timor Sea North of Australia