University of Texas, Brownsville
flowchart I[University of Texas, Brownsville] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (53)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (21)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A New Approach to Reach Latino Populations in Rural and Urban Settings
- Promoting an Integrated Science Approach in Teacher Training Programs
- Developing Nontraditional Partnerships to Disseminate the Space Science Story (Invited)
- An Analysis of NSF Geosciences Research Experience for Undergraduate Site Programs from 2009 to 2012
- High severity experimental burns in Siberian larch forests lead to rapid permafrost thaw
- Wildfire, thermokarst and vegetation change: integrating diverse controls over carbon cycling in arctic and boreal ecosystems
- Challenges for understanding the combined impacts of climate change and the 2001-2010 fires on carbon cycling in Alaskan boreal forests (Invited)
- Fire Effects on Microbial Dynamics and C, N, and P Cycling in Larch Forests of the Siberian Arctic
- High severity experimental burns in Siberian larch forests increase permafrost thaw and larch tree regeneration
- On the distribution of permafrost carbon, plant functional type, and wildfire occurrence in northern high latitudes
- Above and below ground carbon stocks in northeast Siberia tundra ecosystems: a comparison between disturbed and undisturbed areas
- Biogenic Emissions of Light Alkenes from a Coniferous Forest
- Changing Boreal Fire Regimes: Impacts on Permafrost Soils and Forest Succession in Siberian Larch Forests
- Combined Use of Active and Passive Remote Sensing for Mapping Distribution and Biomass of Coastal Mangroves
- Effects of Disturbances on Vegetation Composition and Permafrost Thaw in Boreal Forests and Tundra Ecosystems of the Siberian Arctic
- Effects of Fire on Ecosystem Carbon Exchange in Siberian Larch Forest
- Polaris Undergraduates Connecting With K-12 Students Though Story Telling-Learning About Climate Change Using Web-Mapping Based Investigations
- Variability in Canopy Transpiration with Atmospheric Drivers and Permafrost Thaw Depth in an Arctic Siberian Larch Forest
- Genome-resolved metagenomics reveals that sulfur metabolism dominates the microbial ecology of rising hydrothermal plumes
- Net Ecosystem Fluxes of Hydrocarbons from a Ponderosa Pine Forest in Colorado
- Impacts of fire on greenhouse gas emissions in larch forest stands in northeast Siberia
- Increasing fire severity, alternate successional trajectories, and the carbon balance of Alaskan boreal forests
- Variability in understory evapotranspiration with overstory density in Siberian larch forests
- Consequences of hydraulic trait coordination and their associated uncertainties for tropical forest function
- Determining bathymetric change in a tidal inlet using satellite-based synthetic aperture radar
- Effects of Spatial Resolution on a Distributed Hydrologic Model through Dynamical Forcings: Flood Extent and Depth in Low Gradient Watersheds
- A Large, Sustained El Niño-Like Response To Nuclear Conflict
- A new ocean state after nuclear winter
- Do hydraulic safety margins vary across a tropical rainfall gradient? Evidence from an El Niño drought
- Exploring parameter uncertainty in the presence of trait filtering, using the FATES model at a tropical forest site
- Rapid Expansion of Nuclear Arsenals by Pakistan and India Portends Regional and Global Catastrophes
- Temporary slowdown of ocean acidification following a nuclear conflict
- The trait-rate linkage: How well do structural and hydraulic traits predict interspecific differences in response to drought?
- Understanding the interplay of rooting strategy and plant hydraulic traits on the response of forest stands to climate variation of California
- Using Dynamic Vegetation Modeling to Explore Boreal Forest Canopy-cover Shifts Under Water Stress and Changing Climate
- A Comparison of Trace Gas Trends in Urban Areas Collected via Whole Air Sampling during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- A new ocean state after abrupt cooling events
- Assessing Climate Change Impacts on Live Fuel Moisture and Wildfire Danger Using a Dynamic Vegetation Model
- Eddy-modified iron, light, and phytoplankton growth in the simulated Southern Ocean
- From hot to cold: Assessing the mineralogical diversity of hydrothermal vent plume particles on Earth with an eye towards hydrothermally active icy ocean worlds
- Linking tree life history characteristics and population dynamics to plant hydraulics
- Marine wild-capture fisheries after nuclear war
- NASA Student Airborne Research Program (SARP) Whole Air Sampling across the United States during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- The Importance of Hydraulic Traits to Tropical Forest Dynamics
- An Exploratory Analysis of Extreme Weather Events in South Texas
- Collapse of Antarctic Sea Ice in Climate Model Simulations of Soot Injection into the Stratosphere
- Contrasting water and energy fluxes during dry (2015 El Nino) and wet (2008 La Nina) extreme events at an Amazonian tropical forest.
- Evaluating Exposures of Particulate Matter Species at the intra-urban level in the Lower Rio Grande Valley region of South Texas, USA
- Impacts of the Loop Current state on transport connectivity in the Gulf of Mexico
- A Custom In-Situ Sensor Network to Examine Primary Productivity Dynamics in Coastal Ecosystems
- Basin-wide Planning of Amazon Hydropower can Reduce Adverse Impacts on Ecosystem Services
- Certain Plant Traits Mitigate the Risk of Hydraulic Failure Under Future Climate Change in the Tropical Forests of Panama
- Global Opportunities and Challenges for Floating Solar Power
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Alan Robock
- Alexandra Jonko
- Alice K. DuVivier
- Andrea C. Encalada
- Ayan Santos Fleischmann
- Bruce R. Forsberg
- Charles G. Bardeen
- Cheryl S. Harrison
- Chonggang Xu
- E. Maroon
- J. A. Breier
- Laura Landrum
- Luciana F. Alves
- Marcos Longo
- Natalia Restrepo‐Coupe
- P. H. Reiff
- Rafael Schmitt
- Robert Weisberg
- Rodrigo Cauduro Dias de Paiva
- Vincent Rossi
- Yonggang Liu