Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
flowchart I[Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (3)"] AW["Affiliated Works (81)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (20)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- Chalmers University, Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Chalmers University, Department of Earth and Space Sciences
- Onsala Space Observatory
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Stratospheric O<SUB>3</SUB> and ClO Observations From the Submillimeter Radiometer Onboard the Odin Satellite
- Temperature Retrievals From Non-oxygen Bands Measured by the Submillimeter Radiometer Onboard the Odin Satellite.
- Biogenic VHOC Distributions in the Arctic Ocean During Spring: Preliminary Results From the AO-02 Cruise
- Halocarbon Production by Pelagic, Sea-Ice and Snow Communities of Micro-organisms - A Source for Halogens in the Arctic Troposphere
- Ozone retrieval and the Investigation of Structures in the Oxygen Infrared Atmospheric bands observed with the OSIRIS Imager on the Odin satellite
- Validation of OSIRIS on Odin: Ozone Profiles and Total Column Since November 2001
- Chlorine activation during the SOLVE 2 / VINTERSOL campaign as measured by the Odin satellite
- Odin/SMR Limb Observations of Stratospheric Trace Gases During the 2002-03 Northern Hemisphere Winter
- The Observation Capabilities of JEM/SMILES
- The observation capabilities of JEM/SMILES experiment
- Measurements of industrial emissions of VOCs, NH3, NO2 and SO2 in Texas using the Solar Occultation Flux method and mobile DOAS
- Quantification of Ethene Emissions from Petrochemical Industries in Houston, Texas: Large Disagreements with Emission Inventories
- Inter-hemispheric coupling in PMC observations and in models
- Observation of atmospheric composition by Superconducting SubMillimeter-wave Limb Emission Sounder (SMILES) onbord International Space Station
- Submillimeter Wave Sounder for the Japanese Mars Mission (MELOS)
- Overview and Major Findings of the Study of Houston Atmospheric Radical Precursors (SHARP) Campaign
- UTLS hydration by the smoke plume from 2009 Australian Black Saturday bushfire
- Using the SSA method to analyze VLBI time series
- Hydrocarbon ions in the Lower Ionosphere of Saturn
- A stochastic model for the polygonal tundra based on Poisson-Voronoi Diagrams
- Improving the homogeneity of meteorological data to minimize resulting errors in geodetic analysis
- Combining direct and remote measurements of volcanic fluids to characterize subvolcanic conditions within the Katmai Volcanic Cluster, Alaska (Invited)
- Comparison of seismic and SO2 time series recorded during eruptive phases of Tungurahua volcano (Ecuador) between 2010 and 2013
- ICDP Drilling in the Scandinavian Caledonides: the COSC Project
- Learning about equilibrium climate sensitivity and transient climate response from observations
- Mercury depletion events over Antarctic and Arctic oceans
- SO2 degassing from Turrialba Volcano linked to seismic signatures during the period 2008-2012
- Towards an Improved Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Model for Fennoscandia
- Twenty years of search for the true crustal deformation in Fennoscandia from the BIFROST project
- Comparison of High Temporal Resolution Gas Composition and Seismic Data from Three Persistently Degassing and Seismically Active Alaskan Volcanoes
- Modelling the Relation between Gravity and Vertical Displacement Change Rates in Formerly Glaciated Areas
- Open-Vent Degassing of CO<SUB>2</SUB> from Typical Andesitic Volcanoes in the Central American Volcanic Arc
- Characterization of an Atom Interferometer Gravimeter with Classical Sensors for the Use in Geodesy and Geophysics
- How certain are we of the uncertainties in recent ozone profile trend assessments of merged limb/occultation records? Challenges and possible ways forward.
- Hydromechanical Normal Deformation Experiments and Coupling to Fracture Surface Geometry
- Impact of a priori Modeling Errors on the Estimate of UT1 from IVS Intensives.
- Modelling the optical properties of aerosols in a chemical transport model
- Observation Level Combination of GNSS and VLBI with VieVS: a Simulation Based on CONT11
- A combined study of gas geochemistry, petrology, and lava effusion at Bagana, a unique persistently active lava cone in Papua New Guinea
- Application of optical remote sensing techniques to quantify emissions from urban oil wells, storage tanks, and other small stationary sources
- Increased degassing from the Southern Central American Volcanic Arc in response to crustal stress change following the 2012 Nicoya earthquake?
- Methods and Results from Measurements of the Emissions of Gaseous and Particulate Pollutants from Individual Ships in the Port Areas of Los Angeles and Long Beach
- Monitoring of Emissions From a Refinery Tank Farm Using a Combination of Optical Remote Sensing Techniques
- Quantification of Gas Emissions from Refinieries, Gas Stations, Oil Wells and Agriculture using Optical Solar Occultation Flux and Tracer Correlation Methods
- Assessing community exposure to hazardous air pollutants by combining optical remote sensing and "low-cost" sensor technologies
- Fifteen years of PARAFAC application to organic matter fluorescence - progress, problems and possibilities
- Mobile Optical Remote Sensing Measurements of VOC's to Quantify Emissions and to Map Impact
- Observation and simulation of ethane at 23 FTIR sites
- On the Long-term Stability of Satellite and Ground-based Ozone Profile Records
- Suppression of Phase Mixing in Drift-Kinetic Plasma Turbulence
- First year of Sulfur Dioxide Retrievals from Sentinel-5 Precursor TROPOMI instrument and comparison with independent satellites and ground-based datasets
- Impact of Gravitational Deformation in VLBI analysis on the Reference Frame.
- Improving Pressure Loading Modeling at VLBI Sites
- LOFAR4SpaceWeather (LOFAR4SW) - Increasing European Space-Weather Capability with Europe's Largest Radio Telescope: Steps Toward the Preliminary Design Review (PDR)
- Measuring Sea Level in Real Time with GNSS Reflectometry: An Extra Benefit of Integrating GNSS with Tide Gauge Installations
- Mobile Optical Remote Sensing of Fugitive VOC-Emissions in the South Coast Air Basin during 4 Years - Comparison to Inventories and Impact on Human Exposure
- Mobile Optical remote sensing measurements worldwide of fugitive VOC and ammonia emissions
- Understanding seasonal variations in refinery VOC emissions using quarterly optical remote sensing mobile surveys
- Lessons from a Decade of Global Observation of Volcanic Degassing
- Monomer and molecular cluster interactions illuminate nucleation processes
- Overview of SO<SUB>2</SUB> degassing in Ecuadorian volcanoes: NOVAC Project 2007-2019
- Strain localization in geomaterials and physics based regularization: rate-dependency, higher order continuum theories and multi-physical couplings
- The 3D variability of microbial water quality in irrigation ponds translates in temporal variation of the microbial water quality at the fields.
- UAV-based Measurements of the High-Altitude Plume of Manam Volcano
- Anthropogenic and Natural Emissions for Atmospheric Chemistry Global and Regional Modelling
- Cost-effective implementation of the Paris Agreement using flexible greenhouse gas metrics
- LOFAR4SpaceWeather (LOFAR4SW) - Increasing European Space-Weather Capability with Europe's Largest Radio Telescope: Preparing for the Critical Design Review (CDR)
- Application of local ties in the combination on the observation level. A comparison of the established to a novel method using the CONT17 data.
- EuropeAgriDB v1.0: A New Detailed Database to Quantify Nitrogen Budgets in European Agriculture 19612019
- Greenhouse Gases and Atmospheric Pollutants: a Global Emissions Dataset for the 2000-2021 Period
- Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR): The Holy Grail of Unmonitored Surface and Ground Water Resources?
- LOFAR4SpaceWeather (LOFAR4SW) Increasing European Space-Weather Capability with Europes Largest Radio Telescope: Completing the Critical Design Review (CDR)
- Long-term mesospheric record of EPP-generated NO, measured with Odin/SMR
- Thermodynamics of HCN-derived Polymers: A Quantum Chemical Study
- An Atlas of Air Pollution Based on a Reanalysis and Emissions for the Past Two Decades
- Evaluation of the N2O Rate of Change as a Diagnostic of the Stratospheric Brewer-Dobson Circulation in a Chemistry-Climate Model
- Improvements to GPM's GPROF V7 Algorithm
- LOFAR4SpaceWeather (LOFAR4SW) – Increasing European Space-Weather Capability with Europe's Largest Radio Telescope: Summary and Beyond the First Major Project
- Nitric Oxide in the Polar Winter Observed by the Sub-Millimeter Radiometer (SMR)
- Observing Ice Phase Clouds and Precipitation with Millimeter- and Submillimeter-wave Radiometry during the IMPACTS field campaign: Algorithm Development for the Emerging Class of Microwave Radiometers
- Sensitivity to Water Storage Changes by Two Vertical Superconducting Gravimeters in a Karst Hydrosystem, France
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Andrew J. Heymsfield
- B. Thurairajah
- Claire Granier
- Dan Smale
- Emmanuel Mahieu
- Fernando Izquierdo-Ruiz
- Fernando Jaramillo
- Hilda Sandström
- J. H. Black
- J. P. W. Verbiest
- Jean‐Paul Boy
- Jie Gong
- Lisa Milani
- Luis Lassaletta
- Nicole Vilmer
- Rolando R. García
- Rüdiger Haas
- Saeid Aminjafari
- Sebastián Palomino-Ángel
- Sékou Keita