Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Eastern North Atlantic Deep-Sea Corals: Tracing Intermediate Water <SUP>14</SUP>C During the Holocene
- Intense Mid-Slope Resuspension of Particulate Matter in the Faeroe-Shetland Channel: Short-Term Deployment of Near-Bottom Sediment Traps
- Massive Expansion of Marine Archaea During The Early Albian Oceanic Anoxic Event 1B
- Palaeoenvironmental Indications of Enhanced Primary Productivity During Pliocene Sapropel Formation
- Sulfur Cycling in Mud Volcanoes Along the Crimean Peninsula, Black Sea
- CO2 supply from the North Sea and the Baltic Sea to the North Atlantic Ocean: evidence for the continental shelf pump
- Deep Dissolved Iron Distributions in the Eastern North Atlantic in relation with Water Masses
- Distribution and fate of iron during Southern Ocean iron release experiment
- High Resolution Observations of Dissolved Iron Distribution Along a Coastal Offshore Transect in the Eastern North Atlantic.
- Inorganic Carbon Changes During a Southern Ocean Iron Release Experiment: Effects of Iron, Hydrography and Meteorology
- Iron Resources and Oceanic Nutrients: Advancement of Global Environment Simulations
- Holocene Variations in the Strength of the North Atlantic Deep Water, a Magnetic Approach
- Large Temperature Variability in a Southern Tropical Continental Setting Through the Last Glacial Maximum
- Molecular Fossils as Time Indicators for the Evolution of Diatoms.
- The Development of TEX<SUB>86</SUB> for Continental Paleotemperature Construction
- A Giant Arctic Freshwater Pond at the end of the Early Eocene; Implications for Ocean Heat Transport and Carbon Cycling
- Arctic's hydrology during global warming at the Palaeocene-Eocene thermal maximum
- Central African Hydrologic Changes During the Past 20,000 Years
- Cooling Cycles Linked to Carbon Isotopic Shifts During the Early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event
- Extremely High Late Paleocene - Early Eocene Sea Surface Temperatures On The North Pole
- Fossil DNA as a Recorder of Ancient Microbial Communities and Palaeoenvironments
- Multi-Proxy Evidence for Reduced North Atlantic Deep Water Flux Across the 8.2 kyr B.P. Event From Core MD03-2665 at the Eirik Drift
- Reconstruction of Sea Surface Temperatures During Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events Using Archaeal Paleothermometry
- A 35,000 year record of microbial membrane lipid proxies in Amazon Fan sediments: changes in terrigenous and marine temperatures and sources of organic carbon
- Antarctic Data Management as Part of the IPY Legacy
- Biomarker Evidence From Demerara Rise for Surface and Deep Water Redox Conditions in the mid Cretaceous Western Equatorial Atlantic
- Distinction Between Black Shales Formed In High-Productivity And In Stagnant-Basin Settings
- Externally or biologically controlled proxy records from bivalve shells of the Dutch Wadden Sea
- Global warming leads the carbon isotope excursion at the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum
- International Polar Year GEOTRACES: an International Study of the Biogeochemical Cycles of Trace Elements and Isotopes in the Arctic and Southern Oceans
- Microbial Diversity of Cold-Seep Sediments in Sagami Bay, Japan as Determined by 16S rDNA and Lipid Analyses
- New European Facility for Ultraclean Sampling of Trace Elements and Isotopes in the Oceans in the Geotraces Program
- Oceanic Anoxic Events: Current Understanding From an Organic Geochemical Perspective
- Past changes of the North African monsoon intensity between 5 and 6.2 My, impact of the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC)
- Role of Internal Tides on Transforming the Pacific Water Into the Indonesian ThroughFlow Water in an OGCM
- The Challenge of and Approach to IPY Data Management—Building the Legacy
- The Cretaceous Thermal Maximum and Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 in the Tropics: Sea- Surface Temperature and Stable Organic Carbon Isotopic Records from the Equatorial Atlantic
- The Hydrostatic Assumption in Internal Tide Generation Theory.
- The Role of Ceased Deep Water Ventilation in Massive Organic Carbon Sedimentation
- The gap in the Arctic Cenozoic Record: Expect the Unexpected
- Timescales and Mechanisms of Rapid Redox Change in the Mid-Cretaceous Ocean
- Trace Element Uptake in Marine Bivalve Shells Constraints from Field- and Laboratory Studies
- Upper Intermediate Water Reservoir Ages in the Northeastern Atlantic During the Past 11000 Years: New Evidence for Mid Holocene Freshening of the North Atlantic
- A 60,000-yr organic geochemical record of precipitation, temperature, and vegetation change in Southeast Tropical Africa
- A 75,000-year TEX86-based Temperature Record from Lake Malawi, East Africa
- A Novel Tetraether Membrane Lipid Record from the Amazon Fan: The Influence of Changes in Sediment Supply on Estimates of Palaeo-Temperature, pH and Wetland Extent
- A Qualitative and Quantitative Comparison of Sedimentary Palynomorphs, Lipid Biomarkers and Fossil DNA: Which Tool Provides the Most Detailed Paleoecological and Paleoenvironmental Information?
- Carbonate mound evolution and coral diagenesis viewed by U-series dating of deep water corals
- Cyclicity in the Central Arctic Ocean Middle Eocene Sediment Record: Orbital Forcing and Environmental Response
- Environmental versus biological controls on multi-proxy records from bivalve shell carbonate
- Fresh and Warm Arctic Ocean Surface Waters During Eocene Thermal Maximum 2
- Geomicrobiology of Carbonate Mounds in the Gulf of Cadiz off Morocco: Biogeochemistry, Mineralogy and Microbial Community Composition
- Hydrological forcing and circulation responses in a miniature ocean
- JCADM, new Directions in Antarctic Data Management in Support of IPY
- Novel Proxies for Continental Palaeo-temperature and Soil pH Reconstruction Based on Tetraether Membrane Lipids of Soil Bacteria
- Paleoclimate of the Eastern Mediterranean/North Africa during the past 26 cal ka based on organic geochemical investigations of a Nile River Delta sediment core
- Pole-to-pole sea surface temperatures from the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum using organic and inorganic paleothermometers: the ultimate test case for climate models
- Revised stratigraphy, timing, and amplitude of the middle Miocene eustatic sea-level fall recorded on the Marion Plateau, Northeastern Australia (ODP Leg 194)
- The Biomarker Inventory, Trace, and Source of Heinrich Events and Heinrich-type Layers (MIS 8-16) in the North Atlantic
- The CARBONATE project: Mid-latitude Carbonate Systems - Complete Sequences from Cold-Water Coral Carbonate Mounds in the Northeast Atlantic
- A 250-Year Sediment Record of Anthropogenic Contaminants in the Lisbon Canyon, Portuguese Margin
- An Investigation Into the Influences of Temperature and Growth Rate on the Mg/Ca Ratio of Mytilus edulis Calcite
- An overview of the latest results of cold seep research along the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Development of a New Temperature Proxy Based on Diatom-Derived Long-Chain Diols
- Dynamics of sulfidic and anoxic, non-sulfidic waters along the Cenomanian-Turonian NW- African shelf at Tarfaya (SW-Morocco)
- Ecology of lacustrine Crenarchaeota in Lake Superior: Implications for the application of the TEX86 temperature proxy
- El Niño-like conditions, decreased ocean productivity and ice decay during the Pliocene warmth
- Fluxes and Stable Isotope Dynamics of N. pachyderma (sin.) and T. quinqueloba in the Irminger Sea
- Focused Fluid Flow and its Relation to Gas Hydrate Distribution on the Outer Accretionary Wedge, Southern Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand: Evidence from Seismic Data
- Glacial North Atlantic Millennial Scale Ice-rafting Events and Their Influence on Overflow Speed. Did Sea-ice Play a Role as a Source of IRD and Freshwater?
- Half-precessional climate forcing of Indian Ocean monsoon dynamics on the East African equator
- Increased sensitivity of Arctic climate to atmospheric CO2 during the Pliocene
- JCADM, new directions in Antarctic data management
- Long-Term Changes In The Behaviour Of Jakobshavns Isbrae, West Greenland During The Late Quaternary-Holocene
- Methanethiol abundance in high-temperature hydrothermal fluids from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Microbial Biodiversity in the Subsurface of Carbonate Mounds from the Gulf of Cadiz off Morocco
- Multi-Proxy Records for Testing the Role of Indian-Atlantic Gateway Circulation and Inter- Ocean Exchanges in Modulating the Atlantic MOC
- NODC-i - National Infrastructure for Access to Oceanographic and Marine Data and Information in The Netherlands
- Organic and inorganic proxies for changes in the East African hydrological regime at the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- SeaDataNet as a model to serve data from the SCAR Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) to the community
- The Enigma of Millennial-scale Rainfall Variations in the Southeast African Tropics: a Breakdown of the ITCZ Paradigm
- Tracer transport in internal wave beams
- A 150,000 -Year Record of Temperature from Lake Malawi, East Africa (Invited)
- Constraints on Methane Distribution from Acoustic Profiles of Shallow Sediments Across the Alaska Shelf
- Distribution of lacustrine Crenarchaeota in Lake Superior: implications for the application of the TEX86 temperature proxy
- Estimating soil organic carbon input to marine sediments (Invited)
- Experiences with an operational, distributed data access infrastructure in The Netherlands (Invited)
- Fossilized intact polar lipids of photosynthetic organisms in ancient subsurface sediments
- Freeing data through The Polar Information Commons
- Holocene TEX86 temperature reconstructions from Lake Turkana, East Africa
- Holocene Temperature Record of the North Antarctic Peninsula
- Holocene and Eemian Sea surface temperature trends as revealed by alkenone and Mg/Ca paleothermometry
- Mid-Pleistocene Orbital and Millennial Scale Climate Change in a 200 ky lacustrine sediment core from SW North America
- New Insights into the Gas Hydrate System on the Southern Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand (Invited)
- Preliminary Results from the Methane In The Arctic Shelf (MITAS) Project on the Alaskan Beaufort Sea Shelf - Shallow Sediment Porewater Geochemical Profiles
- Soil organic matter contribution to the NW Mediterranean (Invited)
- The 2.6 Ma depositional sequence from the Challenger cold-water coral carbonate mound (IODP Exp. 307): a unique palaeo-record of Plio-Pleistocene NE Atlantic climate variability
- The Role of Geology and Shallow Lithostratigraphy in the Distribution of Methane Flux through Shallow Sediments Across the Beaufort Shelf of Alaska
- The sediment record of Lake Ohrid (Albania/Macedonia)
- Understanding controls on organic (Uk’37 and TEX86) and inorganic (Mg/Ca) SST proxies: insights from a long term Mozambique Channel sediment trap study
- Warm Arctic terrestrial surface temperatures during the Pliocene: exploring potential feedback mechanisms
- iTEMP: intercomparison of TEMperature Proxies for the PETM carbon injection event
- Branched GDGTs as paleoclimate proxies in lakes: the good, the bad, and the ugly (Invited)
- Continental and sea surface temperature variability in southeast Africa (Zambezi River region) since MIS 3
- Decoupling temperature signal from biological noise in Mg/Ca variability of G. sacculifer as a first step towards developing a proxy for ocean seasonality
- Fossil molecules reveal decoupled warming and monsoon precipitation in East Asia over the last deglaciation
- Freeing data through The Polar Information Commons
- Glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers preserved in stalagmites: a new continental palaeothermometer
- High-resolution terrestrial GDGT data from the mid-Cretaceous: significant shifts in continental paleotemperatures (Invited)
- Is there a seasonal bias in MBT-CBT temperature reconstructions? (Invited)
- Last Interglacial climate variability recorded in sediments of Lake Ohrid (Albania/Macedonia)
- Paleoclimate Data-Model Comparisons for Early Paleogene New Zealand
- Preliminary results of field mapping of methane plumes offshore of Coal Oil Point, California with a RESON 7125 multibeam sonar in water-column mode
- Sea surface and subsurface temperature changes in the Okhotsk Sea and adjacent North Pacific during the Last Glacial Maximum and deglaciation
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Temperature and Salinity in the Deep and Abyssal Layers of the Subpolar North Atlantic
- Spatial and temporal variability of Crenarchaeota in Lake Superior and implications for the application of the TEX86 temperature proxy
- Temperature and carbon isotope histories for early Eocene hyperthermals: events linked by a similar causal mechanism? (Invited)
- Temperature and hydrologic variability of Lake Victoria, East Africa since the Late Pleistocene
- Testing the MBT/CBT continental paleothermometer (Invited)
- The Southern Ocean Cadmium Isotope Divide
- The climate change for Jehol Biota and its revolution in early Cretaceous in Western Liaoning, China
- A "tropical" Early Eocene marine environment on the Antarctic margin: TEX86 results from IODP expedition 318
- An in lake comparison of the branched GDGT lacustrine paleothermometer with other temperature proxies
- Deglacial sea-level history of the Sunda Shelf region, South China Sea
- Developing biohopanoid molecular proxies for bacterially derived soil organic matter and its fate in aquatic systems
- Environmental and climatic changes during Valanginian (Early Cretaceous) perturbations of the carbon cycle
- Freshwater and polynya components of the shelf-derived Arctic Ocean halocline in summer 2007 identified by stable oxygen isotopes
- Holocene precipitation and thermal coherence at Lakes Albert and Victoria, East Africa
- Hydroacoustic, geochemical and visual studies of methane release from the shelf and slope offshore West Spitzbergen
- Hydrographic patterns in microbial communities in the density stratified Alaska Beaufort Shelf
- Imaging Active and Relict Seafloor Methane Seep Sites: a Comparison of Seafloor 3D Seismic Reflectivity and Multibeam Sonar Backscatter Intensity at Omakere Ridge, Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Indian Ocean sea surface temperatures and vegetation change in SE African tropics during the past 800 Kyr
- Integrated stratigraphy of the Eocene Wilkes Land Margin, Antarctica; preliminary results from IODP Expedition 318; Dinoflagellate cysts
- Large Scale Cooling in Tertiary Central Europe as inferred by the MBT/CBT Paleothermometer
- Local response to warm Antarctic terrestrial temperatures in the Eocene: evidence from terrestrial biomarkers
- Middle Miocene marine and continental climate and environments at the Wilkes Land margin, Antarctica (IODP 318)
- Multiproxy biomarker, isotopic and pollen reconstructions of the middle to late Holocene paleoclimate of the Loess Plateau in centre China
- Paleoenvironmental changes across the Oligocene/Miocene boundary from NW Europe (Denmark)
- Preliminary results from the RV Poseidon 419 expedition to the methane seepage area off West Spitzbergen, Arctic Ocean
- Rayleigh-Based Multi-Element (RBME) Coral Paleothermometry: New Developments and Applications
- Reconstructing inter annual Indonesian river discharge by high-resolution LA-ICPMS geochemistry and UV-luminescence scanning of corals
- Revised calibration of the MBT-CBT paleothermometer based on branched tetraether membrane lipids of soil bacteria
- The data access infrastructure of the Wadden Sea Long Term Ecosystem Research (WaLTER) project
- The impact of an Indonesian river system on tropical coastal ecosystems: synthesis of results
- Understanding and assessing the feasibility of ocean iron fertilization to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide
- A Composite Approach to Reconstructing Sea Surface Temperatures in the NE North Atlantic Ocean
- An operational data access infrastructure for accessing integrated environmental and socio-economic data from the Dutch Wadden Sea
- Bio-geomorphic self-organization of intertidal landscapes through feedbacks between vegetation growth, flow hydrodynamics and morphodynamics
- Biological and Physical Thresholds in Biogeomorphologically Self-organizing Systems.
- Biomarker evidence of Holocene climate and cryosphere variability: results from a 171m, annually laminated, sediment core from the Adélie coast, Antarctica (IODP Expedition 318)
- Characterization of the deep-sea microbial community and investigation of their carbon sources using lipid biomarkers
- Constraints on the sources of branched GDGTs in open ocean sediments: dust transport or in situ production?
- Corals deep under the stream: how the Gulf Stream is driving the interglacial occurrence of cold-water corals off Cape Lookout, NC
- High-resolution, multi-proxy characterization of the event deposit generated by the catastrophic events associated with the Mw 6.2 earthquake of 21 April 2007 in Aysén fjord (Chile)
- Holocene paleoenviromental reconstruction in Santa Ninha Lake based on branched and isoprenoid tetraether lipids
- IODP Site U1385 ('Shackleton site'): A reference section for marine-terrestrial correlations
- Methane seepage along the Hikurangi Margin offshore New Zealand: 6 years of multidisciplinary studies
- Methane seepage and gas hydrates: The need for multidisciplinary and long-term methane flux studies
- Micronutrient Cadmium in the Oceans, Distribution and Stable Isotope Fractionation
- Middle Miocene environmental and climatic evolution at the Wilkes Land margin, East Antarctica
- Miocene History of the East Antarctic Ice-sheet Inferred from the Eustatic and Paleoceanographic Record of The Marion Plateau, Northeastern Australia (ODP Leg 194)
- Neodymium Isotopic Composition and Concentration in Western Equatorial to North Atlantic Seawater - First Results From the Dutch GEOTRACES Transect
- Novel global calibration and application of GDGT temperature proxies in speleothems
- Peatlands, methane cycling and hyperthermals on the East Antarctic continent in the early Eocene.
- Present and past Gulf Stream variability in a cold-water coral area off Cape Lookout, West Atlantic
- Preservation of data collected onboard an ocean-going research vessel
- Saharan dust from a marine perspective: sediment-trap time series off Mauritania
- Seawater Mg/Ca variability during the Middle Miocene Climate Optimum
- Sedimentological constraints to the spatio-temporal evolution of the first Cenozoic Antarctic glaciation
- The influence of nutrients on the relative distributions of brGDGTs and implications for the lacustrine paleothermometer
- The magnitude, timing and abruptness of changes in North African dust deposition over the last 20,000 years: Insights into regional atmospheric circulation and dust-related climate impacts
- Changes in North African dust deposition: 35 ka through the Last Glacial Maximum
- Climate aberrations during the middle Miocene: evidence from the eastern North Atlantic Ocean
- Data access systems in the real world: How distributed environmental and socio-economic data from the Dutch Wadden Sea are being integrated and made accessible through one portal, using the SeaDataNet infrastructure as a basis
- Empirically and theoretically determined spatial and temporal variability of the Late Holocene sea level in the South-Central Pacific (Invited)
- Greenhouse to Icehouse Antarctic Paleoclimate and Ice History from George V Land and Adélie Land Shelf Sediments
- Pleistocene trends in interglacial climate development: The case of Stage 9
- Sea surface temperature and salinity patterns in the northern North Atlantic and the Arctic during interglacial MIS 11c: Implications for oceanic circulation reconstruction
- Spatial and temporal variability of the Late Holocene sea-level and trace element ratios in the South-Central Pacific based on U/Th dated corals of Bora Bora, Huahine and Moorea, Society Islands, French Polynesia
- Tidal-Induced Ocean Dynamics as Cause of Enceladus' Tiger Stripe Pattern
- Using bathymetric derivatives to detect seabed features and assessment of backscatter variability of morphologically complex seabed
- Visualizing sediment dynamics through repeated high-resolution multibeam mapping
- A 60 Myr Sea Surface Temperature Record of the Northern Atlantic Ocean Using a Multi-proxy Approach
- A full coupled ice-sheet -- sea-level model: relative sea level simulations over the last glacial cycle
- Biomineralization in Foraminifera
- Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary impact winter superimposed on long-term climate changes
- Distinct Benthic Community Trends Driven by Particle Transport and Deposition in Mid-Atlantic Bight Canyons, NW Atlantic
- Emplacement and fluctuations of the Antarctic Ice Sheet across the Eocene-Oligocene transition
- Exploring the Use of Branched Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers (brGDGTs) as a Lacustrine Paleotemperature Proxy
- From Andes to Atlantic: The Influence of Mountain Building on Climate, Drainage Patterns and Biodiversity
- From Greenhouse to Icehouse at the Wilkes Land Antarctic Margin: IODP Expedition 318
- How Well Do Neodymium Isotopes Trace AMOC Mixing? A Test in the Southwest Atlantic
- Impact of Paratethys sea on Eocene Central Asian seasonality: from climatic model to bivalves high-resolution geochemistry
- Mercury in the Black Sea - results of the 2013 GEOTRACES MEDBlack cruise
- Microscopic visualization approach of foraminiferal calcification environment
- North African dust deposition and hydroclimate over the last 60 ka: A combined view from the east and west of the continent
- Novel Lipid Biomarkers for Past Oceanic N<SUB>2</SUB> Fixation
- Reconstructing eddies using Mg/Ca of multiple species of planktonic foraminifera
- Saharan dust from source to sink; first results from a transatlantic monitoring experiment
- Sodium in foraminiferal calcite as a direct proxy for salinity
- Succes of foraminiferal calcification mechanisms depend on ocean chemistry
- The Paleocene - Eocene Thermal Maximum: Temperature and Ecology in the Tropics
- The interplay between particulate and dissolved neodymium in the Western North Atlantic: First insights and interpretations
- Tidal-Induced Internal Ocean Waves as an Explanation for Enceladus' Tiger Stripe Pattern and Hotspot Activity
- Turbulent Fluxes of Suspended Sediment from Coupled Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers
- Variability of the North Atlantic Current over the Common Era
- Zn and Ni Isotope Systematics in the Black Sea, an Analogue for Past Ocean Anoxia
- Antarctic Ice Sheet Sensitivity to Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Variations During the Early to Mid-Miocene
- Biomineralization in foraminifera
- Changing climate in a pre-impact world: a multi-proxy paleotemperature reconstruction across the last million years of the Cretaceous
- DUSTTRAFFIC: Transatlantic Transport and Deposition of Saharan Dust and its Effects on the Marine Environment
- Deep-sea coral record of human impact on watershed quality in the Mississippi River Basin
- How cold-water coral mounds modify their physical environment and therefore influence reef development
- Lateral and Seasonal Trends of Saharan Dust Deposition along a Transect over the Atlantic Ocean
- Net removal of dissolved organic carbon in the subsurface Black Sea
- One year sediment trap fluxes from a mooring in the western tropical North Atlantic
- Sea-level highstands during the Last interglacial (MIS 5e) in Mallorca
- Soil n-alkane δD and Branched GDGTs Distributions Track Elevation-induced Precipitation and Temperature Changes along the South Central Andes (Argentina)
- Towards A Modern Calibration Of The <SUP>238</SUP>U/<SUP>235</SUP>U Paleoredox Proxy: Apparent Uranium Isotope Fractionation Factor During U(VI)-U(IV) Reduction In The Black Sea
- Using Cold-water Coral Mini-mounds as Analogue for Giant Mound Growth: Assessment of Environmental Drivers and Anthropogenic Impact
- @OceanSeaIceNPI: Positive Practice of Science Outreach via Social Media
- A Critical Test of Nd isotopes as a Paleocirculation Proxy in the Southwest Atlantic
- A Smoking Gun for Methane Hydrate Release During the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Application of Lacustrine Biomarkers to Reconstruct Late Holocene Temperature Change in the Saskatchewan Prairies.
- Arctic Sediment Transport from Land to Sea - An Integrated Study of Coastal - Marine Processes and Deposits in Dicksonfjorden, Svalbard
- Climate-Vegetation-Fire Interactions: Pieces in the Pliocene Polar Puzzle.
- Eocene Temperature Evolution of the Tropical Atlantic Ocean
- Fire and ecosystem change in the Arctic across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- From Protist to Proxy: Dinoflagellates as signal carriers for past climate and carbon cycling
- Internal Waves and Wave Attractors in Enceladus' Subsurface Ocean
- Large variations in the hydrology for the Paratethys-Mediterranean system during latest Miocene - insights from the hydrogen isotopes on biomarkers
- Late Pleistocene temperature, hydrology, and glaciation in equatorial East Africa
- MIS 5e sea levels and `superstorms': what the integration of field data and modelling can tell us?
- Modeling the Impact of Fjord-glacier Geometry on Subglacial Plume, Wind, and Tidally-forced Circulation in Outlet Glacier Fjords
- Potential Biases in TEX<SUB>86</SUB>-Reconstructed Temperatures from Lake Malawi, Africa
- Sea ice variations in the central Okhotsk Sea during the last two glacial-interglacial cycles
- Analyzing extreme sea levels for broad-scale impact and adaptation studies
- Assessing the applicability of organic SST proxies in an upwelling region (Arabian Sea)
- Changes in upwelling and surface productivity in the Eastern Pacific during Terminations I and II
- Could Methane Oxidation in Lakes Be Enhanced by Eutrophication?
- Extending isotopic fractionation in phytoplankton for Phanerozoic pCO<SUB>2</SUB> reconstruction
- Foraminiferal calcification and CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- New Temperature Calibrations and Validation Tests of 5- and 6-Methyl brGDGTs in Lake Sediment
- Sea-Level Allowances along the World Coastlines
- Sediment-stabilizing and Destabilizing Ecoengineering Species from River to Estuary: the Case of the Scheldt System
- The Role Of Orbital Forcing On Polar Ice Volume And Global Sea-Level During The Late Pliocene (3.3-.2.6 Ma)
- The lipid response of aerobic marine methanotroph communities under changing environmental conditions.
- Trends in Trace Element Fractionation Between Foraminiferal Species and the Role of Biomineralization
- δD<SUB>alkenone</SUB> as a paleosalinity indicator
- A global analysis of the future morphology of estuaries under sea-level rise
- A unified approach to quantify uncertainties in sea level projections
- Air temperature trends across the North Atlantic region in the early icehouse world
- Alkenone and DNA biomarkers elucidate diverse Isochrysidales community in Narragansett Bay (RI, USA): Implications for coastal alkenone paleothermometry
- Arctic vegetation, temperature, and hydrology during early Eocene transient global warming events.
- Atmospheric deposition of iron from mineral aerosols to the ocean
- Biological Sources of Archaeal Biomarker Lipids in the Marine Water Column and its Consequences for the TEX<SUB>86</SUB> Paleotemperature Proxy
- Do Available Proxies Allow for Reliable Reconstructions of Warm Miocene and Pliocene Tropical Ocean Temperatures?
- Exploring Uncertainties in Regional Sea Level Projections for the 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century and Beyond
- Field evidence on major intertidal flat growth initiated by sediment disposals in an estuarine channel
- Global Analysis of Extreme Sea Levels During the Last Interglacial
- Global Sea-level during the Mid- to Late Pliocene ( 3.3-2.6 Ma) and Implications for Polar Ice Sheet Variability
- Late Miocene intensification of continentality in eastern Eurasia (Black Sea basin)
- New chronostratigraphy and climate reconstructions for the Late Pliocene of the Southern North Sea Basin
- Oceanographic variability across the mid-Pleistocene Transition at the Agulhas Plateau
- Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotopic Composition of Fluid Inclusion Water in Cold-water Coral Skeletons Captures Metabolic Activity?
- Physiological and Biochemical Responses of Saltmarsh Plant Spartina alterniflora to Long-term Wave Exposure: A Laboratory Study
- Sea-Level Change Projections for the Dutch Wadden Sea During the 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century
- Spatial Patterns in Ocean Warming and Deoxygenation During the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum
- The Baltic Sea Alkenones: New Insights into Distributions and Hydrogen Isotope Ratios
- The Effect of Salinity on the Activity of Carbonic Anhydrase and δ<SUP>18</SUP>O of Carbonates
- Tracking Atlantic Multi-Decadal Variability in lake sediment records from southwest Iceland
- Unraveling The Lipid Biosynthetic Pathway Of Long Chain Alkenones In Haptophytes
- Utilizing GPS to investigate past ice mass change in the Ross Sea region, Antarctica
- What Insights Can the Holocene Provide on Previous Interglacial Sea Levels?
- An extended PlioSeaNZ continuous shallow marine record of sea-level change (3.3-1.7 Ma)
- Combining paleo records, tide gauges, and process estimates to constrain 20th-century sea level rise in the South Atlantic Ocean
- Constraint of GIA signal and uncertainty contributions to vertical motion and sea level change in northern Europe and Scandinavia
- Deciphering orbital to centennial-scale changes in Mediterranean Outflow Water during the late Pleistocene
- Evidence of early human occupation of a high-altitude site in Western Central Asia during the Holocene
- Factors controlling the biosynthesis of membrane spanning lipids in Bacteria
- Investigating Drivers of High Latitude Soil Microbial Community Distributions Across an Alaskan Transect
- Latitudinal Migrations of the Subtropical Front at the Agulhas Plateau across the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
- Sea-level scenarios for evaluating coastal impacts and adaptation responses
- A Coral Proxy-Model Comparison of 14-16th Century ENSO Event Variability
- Companion satellites measuring within day surface kinematics in the cryosphere
- Design of climate-resilient marsh restoration projects using a novel multiscale biogeomorphic model
- Hydroclimate forcing and asynchronous ecosystem responses since the late glacial from the northern margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- New calcium carbonate reference material NFHS-2-NP for LA-ICP-OES, LA-(MC)-ICP-MS or µXRF
- Towards a Strategy on Ocean Data and Information Stewardship for the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
- Tracking Hydroclimate Changes and Human Impacts over the Last Millennium in Lake Sediment Records from Flores Island, the Azores
- Upwelling history from northern Peruvian margin over the last 25 thousand years: A multi-proxy approach
- Volcanic exomoons and their potential observability
- A Combined Assessment of the Global Energy and Sea Level Budgets 1971-2018
- Environmental Controls on Bacterial Lipid Production by a Methanotroph-Methylotroph Co-culture
- Increased Importance of Earth System Model Emulators in the IPCCs Sixth Assessment Report Working Group 1
- Nitrogen Dynamics Over the Most Recent Glacial-Interglacial Transitions in Offshore California (IODP Site 1012) Using a Multi-Proxy Approach
- Revealing the effect of barite-bound Sr on detrital Sr isotope systematics in marine sediments
- The fate of fluvially discharged organic carbon in the northern Gulf of Mexico and its influence on marine productivity
- Tides in Enceladus' Porous Core
- An interdisciplinary perspective on Greenland's changing coastal margins
- Coarse mineral dust in the Earth system
- Faunal Engineering Stimulates Landscape-scale Accretion of Salt Marshes
- Influence of ice loading and earth properties on horizontal GPS motions in the Ross Sea region, Antarctica
- Melting of Greenland Ice Sheet and its impact on Greenland coastal region
- Modelling Light Exposure History for Tracing Coastal Sand Nourishment Dispersal
- Origin of precession-scale cycles in 2.46-Ga iron formations and implications for the history of the Earth-Moon system
- Probing deep-sea internal waves and turbulent motions from ocean bottom seismic and differential pressure gauge data
- Quantifying terminus ablation for 58 tidewater glaciers in Greenland over the last century
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Aimée B. A. Slangen
- Akinori Ito
- Appy Sluijs
- B. H. Samset
- Ban‐Yuan Kuo
- Benjamin J. Murray
- Carlos Pérez García‐Pando
- Catia M. Domingues
- Christopher J. Smith
- Christopher M. Little
- Claire L. Ryder
- Claudia Cenedese
- Claudia Di Biagio
- David A. Sutherland
- Dominik Fahrner
- Donald Slater
- E. Povl Abrahamsen
- Ellyn M. Enderlin
- Eric Kendrick
- F. Nimmo
- Fiammetta Straneo
- Francien Peterse
- James Holte
- Jasper F. Kok
- Jiawang Wu
- Joeri Rogelj
- Jun Meng
- Kristian K. Kjeldsen
- Kyle C. Armour
- Lorenz Meire
- M. Femke de Jong
- Marcel T. J. van der Meer
- Martina Klose
- María Vernet
- Mattias Rolf Cape
- Michael G. Bevis
- N. M. Mahowald
- Patricia A. Matrai
- Pippa L. Whitehouse
- Ralph A. Kahn
- Richard F. Katz
- Robert Kopp
- Sebastian Milinski
- Shouye Yang
- Sophie Szopa
- Stuart Pearson
- Thomas Wagner
- Tjeerd J. Bouma
- Trude Storelvmo
- William Collins
- Wouter van der Wal
- Yang Liao
- Yord Yedema
- Zebedee Nicholls
- Zeynep Erdem
- Zhifei Liu