Philipps University of Marburg, Germany
flowchart I[Philipps University of Marburg, Germany] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (10)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (0)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Nano-scale Characterization of Basalt - Quenched Lava and Reheated Products
- Emissions Of Forest Fires In The Amazon: Impact On The Tropical Mountain Forest In Ecuador
- Palaeo-tsunami in the southern Caribbean: clarity through new geological archives?
- Remote sensing of grazing effects on vegetation in northern Senegal using MODIS time series
- Remote Sensing and Earth System Dynamics: The Helmholtz Alliance
- Evaluation of Big Data Technology Frameworks Apache Spark and Pangeo as Scalable Processing Components of a SDI for Meteorological and Climate Applications
- LTPy - a Jupyter-based Learning Tool for Atmospheric Composition Data
- Modelling and Remote Sensing of global change impacts in a tropical mountain forest of the SE-Ecuadorian Andes
- Bridging the gap between Big Earth data users and future (cloud-based) data systems - Towards a better understanding of user requirements of cloud-based data systems
- A user perspective on future cloud-based services for big Earth data