University of Turin, Italy
flowchart I[University of Turin, Italy] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (1)"] AW["Affiliated Works (129)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (31)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- MAGRITTE / SPECTRE : the Solar Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) aboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory
- Archaeomagnetism of some pre-Columbian mural paintings in Central Mexico
- Trace Element Transfer In The Mantle Wedge: Evidence From Polyphase Inclusions In Garnet-Pyroxenites (Dabie-Shan, China)
- Two dimensional hydrological simulation in elastic swelling/shrinking peat soils
- Impact of Diluted Pyroclastic Density Currents on Distal Settlements: A Case Study From the Bronze Age Eruption of Avellino, Somma-Vesuvius, Italy
- A Comparison of Summer and Winter CO2 Fluxes From a Seasonally Snow-Covered High Alpine Meadow at Niwot Ridge, Colorado
- Si-Al-Cl-Mg-Ca Aqueous Fluids in Dora-Maira Pyrope: new Contributions for an old Question
- The Radon monitoring network at Stromboli Volcano: tracking precursors and earthquake- volcano interactions
- Field Analogues to Understand the Evolution of Hyper-Extended Ultra-Deep Water Passive Rifted Margins: the Examples of the Alpine Tethys
- LILE-Enriched fluids generated at UHP Conditions in Dora-Maira Whiteschists (Western Alps)
- MODIS thermal anomalies during strombolian activity at Stromboli
- Real-time radon monitoring at Stromboli volcano: influence of environmental parameters on 222Rn degassing
- A directional Secular Variation Curve for Greece for the last 4500 years: Comparison with regional and global geomagnetic field models
- Characteristics of acoustic emissions from fluid front displacement in porous media
- How does the crust thin during final rifting: evidence from the Bernina/Campo domain in the Central Alps (SE-Switzerland and N-Italy)
- Modeling short wave radiation and ground surface temperature: a validation experiment in the Western Alps
- One year of real-time radon monitoring at Stromboli volcano and the effect of environmental parameters on 222Rn concentrations
- The composition of fluids generated during deep continental subduction estimated from fluid inclusions in UHP rocks
- Diamond in ocean-derived UHP rocks from the Western Alps: a first record and some consequences
- How does the continental crust thin during rifting in magma-poor rifted margins: evidence from the Bernina/Campo/Grosina units in the Central Alps (SE-Switzerland and N-Italy)
- Real-time radon measurements at Stromboli volcano: new insights on gas transport process to the surface
- The shallow degassing system of Stromboli volcano: insights from geochemical and geophysical data
- Carbonate dissolution and transport in H<SUB>2</SUB>O fluids during subduction revealed by diamond-bearing rocks from the Alps
- Comparison Between Modern and Fossil Examples, a Key to Understand Mass-Transport Deposits and Processes
- First cross-correlated measurements of magma dynamics and degassing during a dyke eruption at Piton de la Fournaise hot spot volcano, Reunion island
- Insect herbivore feeding and their excretion contribute to volatile organic compounds emission to the atmosphere
- Mass-transport deposit and mélange formation in the Ligurian accretionary complex (NW-Italy) via mutual interactions of tectonic, sedimentary and diapiric processes
- Redistribution of material and formation of polygenic mélanges in the External Ligurian accretionary complex (Northern Apennines, Italy)
- The importance of rift inheritance in collisional orogens: Insights from the Alps in W-Europe
- Carbonate dissolution and transport in aqueous fluids from subducting oceanic lithosphere
- Compaction localization in the porous carbonates of Bolognano Formation (Majella Mountain, Italy)
- First coseismic slip experiments with fluid pressure: opposite effects on frictional behavior in carbonate- and silicate-built rocks
- How Complex is Orogeny? the Role of Rift Inheritance in the Evolution of the Western Alps
- Photochemical Transformation Processes in Sunlit Surface Waters
- Preservation of Sub-Microscopic Scale Structural Relics in Biotite: Implications for 40AR/39AR Geochronology
- Remaining gaps for "safe" CO<SUB>2</SUB> storage: the INGV CO2GAPS vision of "learning by doing" monitoring geogas leakage, reservoirs contamination/mixing and induced/triggered seismicity
- The origin of the magnetic fabric and the significance of AIRM in reconstructing the emplacement dynamics of ignimbrites: a case study from the Central Anatolian Volcanic Province, Turkey
- Combined Effect of Crystals and Bubbles on the Rheology of Trachytic Magmas from Monte Nuovo (Campi Flegrei, Italy) (Invited)
- Effect of water on the frictional behavior of cohesive rocks during earthquakes (Invited)
- HydroApps: An R package for statistical simulation to use in regional analysis
- Inception of supraglacial channelization under turbulent flow conditions
- Photochemical Transformation Processes in Sunlit Surface Waters (Invited)
- Using crustal thickness, subsidence and P-T-t history on the Iberia-Newfoundland & Alpine Tethys margins to constrain lithosphere deformation modes during continental breakup
- Reconstruction of multiple ELVES with high time resolution and longer trace length at the Pierre Auger Observatory
- The Chemical Behavior of Fluids Released during Deep Subduction Based on Fluid Inclusions
- The June 2014 eruption at Piton de la Fournaise: Robust methods developed for monitoring challenging eruptive processes
- Thermal Evolution of Continental Rifting in Corsica (France)
- Warmed winters and weakened precipitation on Mt. Everest (central southern Himalaya) impacts glaciers, lakes, permafrost, and river discharges
- Water at Metal Oxide Interfaces: To Dissociate or Not to Dissociate?
- A Crustal-Scale View at Rift Localization and Hyper-Extension Along the Fossil Adriatic Margin of the Alpine Tethys
- Accessory Mineral Depth-Profiling Applied to the Corsican Lower Crust: A Continuous Thermal History of Mesozoic Continental Rifting
- Archaeointensity Determination of the Earth's Magnetic Field in Coastal Ecuador During the last six Millennia: New data from Ecuadorian Potsherds
- Chaotic flow and fragmentation paths in acidic conduits from the Paraná-Etendeka Magmatic Province (PEMP)
- Constraints on the thermal evolution of the Adriatic margin during Jurassic continental break-up from U-Pb dating of rutile (Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Italy)
- Detecting Slow Deformation Signals Preceding Dynamic Failure: A New Strategy For The Mitigation Of Natural Hazards (SAFER)
- Full Vector Geomagnetic Field Variation during the Holocene registered by Hawaiian Lava Flow
- Ice stream onset at a cold/temperate bed transition
- In Situ Thermal Characterization of Cooling/Crystallising Lavas During Rheology Measurement.
- Incorporation Of Air Into The Campanian Ignimbrite Pyroclastic Density Current
- Mount Meager Volcano, Canada: a Case Study for Landslides on Glaciated Volcanoes
- Unravelling thermal emissivity spectra of the main minerals on Mercury's surface by comparison with ab initio calculated IR-HT vibrational frequencies
- Water and Soil Chemistry Interactions in the Khumbu Valley, Nepal
- Birth of subduction components preserved in fluid inclusions.
- Dynamic triggering during rupture nucleation in sandstone
- Holocene Geomagnetic Field Variations Registered by Historical and Radiocarbon Dated Hawaiian Lavas: A Contribution to the Question of the Pacific Non-dipole Low
- Linking Surface and Subsurface: Gas emission, lava extrusion, and inferred melt S contents from Mount Cleveland, Alaska
- Magmas on the Move: in situ 4D Experimental Investigation into the Rheology and Mobility of Three-Phase Magmas Using Ultra Fast X-ray Tomography
- Multiscale seismic characterization and monitoring of a potentially unstable rock mass: the Madonna del Sasso (NW Italy) rockfall
- 3D Coda Attenuation Tomography of Acoustic Emission Data from Laboratory Samples as a tool for imaging pre-failure deformation mechanisms
- Fluid properties control degassing or storage of abiogenic CH<SUB>4</SUB> during slab exhumation: the fluid inclusion record from the Western Alps.
- Hazard Monitoring of Growing Lava Flow Fields Using Seismic Tremor
- Thermal Infrared Spectra of a Suite of Forsterite Samples and Ab-initio Modelling of theirs Spectra
- Thermochronological Record of a Jurassic Heating-Cooling Cycle Within a Distal Rifted Margin (Calizzano Massif, Ligurian Alps)
- U-Pb thermochronology of rutile from Alpine Corsica: constraints on the thermal evolution of the European margin during Jurassic continental breakup
- Cyclical Variations in Fluid Pressure and Composition During Brittle Faulting in an Exhumed Analogue of Shallow Megathrusts (N-Apennines, Italy) From Field, Microstructural and REE Investigations
- Earth observation in the ultraviolet: the Mini-Euso telescope
- Influence of surface water - hyporheic zone interactions on pathogen persistence in an urban Mediterranean stream
- Process-based models for ice-stream shear margins
- The Many Faces of Disequilibrium Magma / Lava Rheology
- The surface as a window into the subsurface: Lessons from Antarctica
- Time-Dependent analyses of First Motion derived Focal Mechanism Solutions in Volcanic Media
- A Microeconomic Multi-model Ensemble Experiment to Sample Uncertainty, Explore Tipping Points and Assess Socio-economic Effects of Agricultural Water Pricing Reform in the Piedmont Region, Italy.
- A paradigm shift in volcanological imaging: Two decades of thermal infrared data from Terra
- Attribution of Quantile Changes in Alpine Floods to Upward Shifts of Freezing Level
- Correlating the Campanian Ignimbrite using matrix glass geochemistry and morphology
- Damage indicators and failure prediction in focal mechanism solutions
- Exploring Interactions between Society and Environment for Sustainable Water Resosurces Management under Natural and Human-Induced Shocks
- Geological mapping in the Convoy Range (Victoria Land, Antarctica) and the GeoMap database
- Geomagnetic Field Intensity Changes During the Last 3 Millennia in the Central Mediterranean (Greece and Italy).
- Hot springs disturbances induced by the 2015 Gorkha earthquake in Nepal
- Magnetic Properties of Early Pliocene Sediments from IODP Site U1467 (Maldives platform) Reveal Changes in the Monsoon System
- Magnetic fabric characterization of a megathrust shear zone: preliminary results from the Sestola Vidiciatico Tectonic Unit, Northern Appenines (Italy).
- Northern Mediterranean precipitation variation and orbital forcing on westerlies over the past 250-400 thousand years ago
- Open-system major-element behavior during prograde subduction metamorphism: a metabasalt transect through Alpine Corsica
- Petrographic and magnetic characterization of a gravity core from the summit of the Marsili Seamount (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy)
- Relating conceptual models of volcanic processes to multi-parameter satellite data in Latin America
- The Water-Food nexus: a global and time-varying database of virtual water trade and agricultural water footprint
- Thermal structure and exhumation history of the Northern Range, Trinidad: new constraints from RSCM thermometry
- Trace-element immobility during prograde subduction metamorphism: a metabasalt transect through Alpine Corsica
- Turbulent Cross-scale Evolution of Intermittency and Magnetic Energy Flux: Voyager Observations in the Inner Heliosheath and Local Interstellar medium
- A Correlation Analysis of Extreme Climate Indices and River Flood Events in Northwestern Italy
- Diffuse vs Localized Deformation in Smectite-Rich Scaly Clays: What can we Learn From the Study of an Ancient Shallow Accretionary Prism?
- Flood-rich periods in the last 500 years in Europe
- Impacts of Droughts on Water Resources System From the Perspective of Mutual Interactions Between Society and Environment
- Investigating Basal Thaw as a Mechanism of Ice Mass Loss in Antarctica
- New Archaeomagnetic Directional Results from Cyprus: Insights on the Levantine Geomagnetic Field Anomaly
- The LIAA evolution in the Mediterranean.
- Using AE based Machine Learning approaches to forecast dynamic failure during rock deformation laboratory experiments.
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- Absolute Intensity Field Variations in Japan During the First Millennium CE: New Data from Kofun and Late Yayoi Archaeological Artifacts
- Carbonate-Brucite Chimneys At The Southwest Indian Ridge: The Old City Hydrothermal Field
- Cryptic sulfur cycling during the formation of giant gypsum deposits
- First observations of multi-frequency radar Doppler spectra including a G-band (200 GHz) radar
- Geomorphic Response of a Gravel-bed Braided River to a Sediment Pulse Generated by a Catastrophic Landslide
- Investigating flood change mechanisms through a probabilistic flood change model
- Paleomagnetic and Rock Magnetic Characterization of the Pietre Cotte Lava Flow (Vulcano, Italy)
- Quantifying thermal emissions from multiple craters in active volcanoes: a multisensory satellite approach on Stromboli and Etna (Italy) case studies.
- Regional Calibration for a Distributed Catchment Model: an Application in North-Western Italy
- Rock Magnetic Characterization of the Northern Apennines Intraplate Shear Zone (NW Italy): Constraining on Fluid-Rock Interaction and Physicochemical Conditions
- Triple frequency radar retrieval of microphysical properties of snow
- Using AE based Machine Learning Approaches to Forecast Rupture during Rock Deformation Laboratory Experiments
- Volcano Remote Sensing Cheat Sheet: A Resource for Discovering and Using Data
- Water and Energy Variability to Assess Opportunities for Blending Natural and Desalinated Water Resources
- A Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Mode Driving Multicentennial AMOC Variability in a Climate Model of Intermediate Complexity
- Destructive Interference of ENSO on North American Precipitation Associated with Aleutian Low/PNA Variability
- Lateral Response of Lillooet River, Canada, to a Sediment Pulse Generated by a Massive Landslide
- Precipitation impacts of a weaker AMOC over the Euro-Atlantic region in the EC-Earth3 climate model
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Alain Protat
- Alberto Viglione
- Claudia Pasquero
- Claudio Robustelli Test
- Daniele Brunelli
- Daniele Ganora
- Dario Bilardello
- F. Auchère
- Gelvam A. Hartmann
- James L. Best
- Jost von Hardenberg
- K. Reath
- Kamil Mróz
- Katinka Bellomo
- Larisa Tarasova
- M. E. Pritchard
- Manon Bickert
- Mario D'Amore
- Mathilde Cannat
- Márcia Maia
- Philip Benson
- Piotr Cienciala
- R. I. Trindade
- Roberta D’Agostino
- Sergio Vinciguerra
- Souradeep Mahato
- Stefano Basso
- Susanna Corti
- T. M. Lopez
- Virna Meccia
- Yoshiyuki Okumura