Sapienza University, Rome, Italy
flowchart I[Sapienza University, Rome, Italy] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (4)"] AW["Affiliated Works (367)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (132)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- Sapienza University, Astronomy Institute
- Sapienza University, Department of Aerospace Sciences
- Sapienza University, Department of Chemistry
- Sapienza University, Department of Earth Sciences
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Determination of 3D Sub-structure at Somma-Vesuvius Volcano: the Effect of Magma Quenching due to gas Exolution.
- Dynamic renormalization of multifractal fields
- On the Decollement Depth in the Apennines and Barbados
- Data compression and Information in data sequences: Examples and implications for geophysical data
- Scaling and Correlations in Earthquakes
- Potetial use of paleomagnetism for the chronology of tectonic related Plio-Quaternary fan-system deposits from the Appenines: preliminary results from the Campoli Appennino locality (Val Roveto, Italy)
- Probing the Subsurface of Mars with MARSIS on Mars Express
- 3-D Laboratory and Numerical Models of Mantle Flow in Subduction Zones
- Cassini RADAR Observations of Phoebe
- First Cassini RADAR Observations of Titan
- Solar Coronal Magnetic Fields From Cassini Faraday Rotation
- Dispersion Revisited: Generalized Hydrodynamics, Renormalization, Fractional Equations and the CTRW
- Faraday Rotation Measurements Over Three Cassini Solar Conjunctions
- First Science Results from MARSIS Subsurface Sounding
- Investigating the Hydraulic Geometry of Floodplains Using a Hydrogeomorphic Delineation Method
- MARSIS Radar Echo Ionospheric Correction and The Estimation of Mars Ionosphere's Total Electron Content
- The First Radar Sounding of the Ionosphere of Mars
- A review of DEM-based flow direction characterization methods for hydrogeomorphic applications
- Comets, solar storms, and the Martian ionosphere: Past and predicted blackouts of MARSIS radar returns
- Evaluation of ASTER DEM for hydro-geomorphological applications
- Information on Titan's Surface From Cassini Radar Altimeter Waveforms
- MARSIS Subsurface Sounding Observations of the Polar Deposits of Mars
- Magnetically Controlled Structures in the Ionosphere of Mars
- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter: An Overview of Early Results and Plans for Further Observation
- Observations of the layering structure in the Martian Polar Layered Deposits with the MARSIS instrument
- Survey of Electron Density Profiles From MARSIS Active Ionospheric Sounding
- The Lakes of Titan
- The SORA Experiment: Testing the Subsurface Penetration Radar SHARAD on the Earth
- Use of Hypsometric Analysis for a Classification of Basin Hydrological Response: Surface and Groundwater Partitioning
- A Finite-Element Ice Flow Model for the Vicinity of Dome Fuji With Induced Anisotropy and Fabric Evolution
- A Study of the Subsurface Structure of a Region of the Martian South Polar Layered Deposits by Means of Sharad High Resolution Radar Data
- An Overview of MARSIS and SHARAD Radar Sounding Observations of the Polar Deposits of Mars
- Analysis of selected Cassini VIMS and RADAR data over the surface of Titan through multivariate classification methods
- Electron Densities in the Upper Ionosphere of Mars from the Excitation of Local Electron Plasma Oscillations
- Incoherent Simulator for Mars Surface Applied to the Analysis of Sharad Radar Data
- Internal Structure of the North Polar Layered Deposits on Mars From SHARAD Observations
- MARSIS and SHARAD radar reflections within Promethei Lingula, South Polar Layered Deposits, Mars
- Mapping and Characterization of the Eastern Elysium Planitia Deposits
- Marsis Data Inversion Approach: Preliminary Results on Mars South Polar Region
- New Insights into Gemina Lingula of the Northern Polar Layered Deposits, Mars from SHARAD Observations
- Planetary Radars Operating Centre PROC
- Radar Subsurface Sounding Over the Putative Frozen Sea in Cerberus Palus, Mars
- Results From the SHARAD Sounding Radar Experiment at Mars
- SHARAD radar stratigraphy of the Martian North Pole
- Solar control of the Martian Ionosphere as Detected by MARSIS Active Ionospheric Sounder
- Stratigraphy of the South Polar Layered Deposits in SHARAD Radar and Images
- The Determination Of Titan's Rotational State From Cassini SAR Images
- The Magnetic Field Induced by the Solar Wind on the Dayside of Mars
- Titan's Spin State from Cassini SAR Data: Evidence for an Internal Ocean
- Abundance and Distribution of Hydrothermal Chimneys and Mounds on the Endeavour Ridge Determined by 1-m Resolution AUV Multibeam Mapping Surveys
- Analysis Of Selected VIMS And RADAR Data Over The Surface Of Titan Through Multivariate Statistical Methods
- Dielectric Mapping of Bulk Polar Ices on Mars With SHARAD Radar Data
- Evaluating topographic and hydrologic attribute sensitivity to upscaled resolution DEMs from LIDAR data
- Exploring the Martian Subsurface of Athabasca Valles Using MARSIS Radar Data: Testing the Volcanic and Fluvial Hypotheses for the Origin of the Rafted-Plate Terrain
- Investigation of Pickering Crater (Mars) by Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding (MARSIS)
- Ionospheric corrections estimation in a local GNSS permanent stations network: improvement of Code Point Positioning at sub-metric accuracy level
- Multi-spacecraft synergy with MEX HRSC and MRO SHARAD: Light-Toned Deposits in crater bulges
- Phenocrysts Crystallisation Pressures and Temperatures and Melts Evolution at La Fossa Volcano (Vulcano Island, Italy)
- Radar Detection of a Subsurface Horizon at the Phoenix Landing Site
- Radar Sounding of Phobos by MARSIS
- Radar evidence for ice in lobate debris aprons in the mid- latitudes of Mars
- Subsurface Structure of Planum Boreum on Mars from Shallow Radar (SHARAD) Soundings
- Surface and Subsurface Radar Backscattering Coefficient Over the Martian South Polar Layered Deposits From MARSIS Data
- Tectonic and Volcanic Character of the Endeavour Ridge Axis From 1-m Resolution AUV Multibeam Mapping Surveys
- The Gravity Field of Titan From Four Cassini Flybys
- Using SHARAD radar soundings to evaluate the origin of martian gullies and pingos
- Width-Function based Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph rainfall runoff model: relationship between Width Function, hillslope flow velocities and concentration times
- Dynamics of Mantle Circulation Associated with Slab Window Formation: Insights from 3D Laboratory Models
- Galilean Satellites Gravity Investigations and Interior Structure with Future Missions
- Insights from a Low Order Model of Increasing Complexity: Probability and Temporal Structure of Climate Extremes
- Large and asymmetric polar scarps in Planum Australe, Mars: Characterization and evolution
- Pedestal crater deposits as seen by SHARAD
- Prediction of the Dynamic Behaviour and Migration Rates of Sand Waves in the Monterey Canyon System of California
- Projections of Climate Extremes under Potential Climate Change as Represented by Changing Equator-to-Pole Temperature Gradient and Land-Ocean Temperature Contrast
- Radar Sounding of Mars with MARSIS
- Shallow Radar Soundings of the Southern Highlands of Mars
- The SHARAD Sounding Radar Explores Mars (Invited)
- Correlations between VIMS and RADAR data over the surface of Titan: Implications for Titan's surface properties
- GCM Projections of Precipitation Extremes in the Mediterranean: Changes and Low Frequency Characteristics
- Northern Hemisphere Meridional and Zonal Temperature Gradients and their Relation to Hydrologic Extremes at Mid-latitudes: Trends, Variability and Link to Climate Modes in Observations and Simulations
- Potential Spacecraft-to-Spacecraft Radio Observations with EJSM: Wave of the Future? (Invited)
- Real-time GPS seismology with a stand-alone receiver: a preliminary feasibility demonstration
- Science Results from the MARSIS and SHARAD Subsurface Sounding Radars on Mars and their Relevance to Radar Sounding of icy Moons in the Jovian System
- Settling dynamics of ash aggregates from the Eyjafjallajökull (Iceland) eruption plume illuminated by high-speed video analysis
- Spectrally Dominant Aromatic Hydrocarbon Compounds on Titan (Invited)
- Submarine tsunamigenic landslides at Stromboli Volcano: characterization and estimation of recurrence time
- A numerical retroaction model relates rocky coast erosion to percolation theory
- Dynamics of continental delamination: A view from laboratory models
- Early history of Vesta: implications for the surface morphology and composition
- Gelquakes: scaled models of subduction interplate seismic cycle
- Impacts of Solar Flares on Mars Radar Sounders during summer of 2011
- Laboratory spectroscopy of HED meteorites
- Radar reflectivity of the surface of Mars at 20 MHz from SHARAD: Cartography and quantitative analysis
- Subduction and interplate seismicity: new insights from statistical analysis of natural data and analog-numerical modeling
- Tectonically Asymmetric Earth
- The Determination of Jupiter's Angular Momentum from the Lense-Thirring Precession of the Juno Spacecraft
- The FAMoUS toolbox goes to Yasur: field test of a FAst, MUltiparametric Set-up for real-time observation of explosive eruptions
- The Gravity Fields of the Saturnian Satellites
- Titan's Eccentricity Tides
- Vesta Thermal Models
- Caldera structure, amount of collapse and erupted volumes: the case of Bolsena Caldera, Italy
- Constraints on Titan's rotation from Cassini radar data
- Explosive activity at Santiaguito volcano: insights from Fast MoUltiparametric Setup
- Field-based high-speed imaging of explosive eruptions
- Fluorescent beeswax for surface flow velocity observations
- Mapping return levels of absolute NDVI variations for the assessment of drought risk in Ethiopia
- Projections of zonal and meridional temperature gradients in CMIP5 models
- Subduction and interplate seismicity. What have we learnt with the EURYI project?
- Tectonic and Hydrological Activities on Xanadu, Hotei and Tui Regions on Titan
- The Tides of Titan
- The gravity field of the Saturnian satellites Enceladus and Dione
- The seismic cycle at subduction thrusts: Insights from analog models
- Three-dimensional model of the Mono Basin (California): finite element analysis of the interaction between the Hartley Spring Fault and the Mono Dike
- An improved method for estimation of Jupiter's gravity field using the Juno expected measurements, a trajectory estimation model, and an adjoint based thermal wind model
- Constraints on the Evolution of Titan's Lake Basins as Revealed by Stereo Photogrammetry and Bathymetry (Invited)
- Field and Experimental investigation of the Frictional Behaviour of mechanically heterogeneous thrusts
- GEROS-ISS: Innovative GNSS reflectometry/occultation payload onboard the International Space Station for the Global Geodetic Observing System
- Kinematics of the Ethiopian Rift and Absolute motion of Africa and Somalia Plates
- Preliminary interpretation of high resolution 3D seismic data from offshore Mt. Etna, Italy
- Projecting Changes in S. Florida Rainfall for the 21st century: Scenarios, Downscaling and Analysis
- Seismic vs. Aseismic Microstructural and Experimental Signature on Carbonate-bearing Faults (Invited)
- The Bathymetry of a Titan Sea (Invited)
- The Gravity Field of Enceladus from the three Cassini Flybys
- The Interpretation of Enceladus Gravity (Invited)
- The Role of Decarbonation in Seismicity: A Study of the Mechanical Behaviour of Portlandite
- Three-Dimensional Analysis of dike/fault interaction at Mono Basin (California) using the Finite Element Method
- Weakening inside incipient thrust fault
- @INGVterremoti: Tweeting the Automatic Detection of Earthquakes
- A Decade of Cassini Radio Science so Far, and Three Spectacular Years Ahead
- An Integration of Geophysical Methods for the Determination of Subsurface Structure of the Intra-Mountain Plains: The CASES of Rieti and Leonessa (CENTRAL APENNINES, ITALY)
- Can grain size sensitive creep lubricate faults during earthquake propagation?
- Carbon Release in Italy through Volcanic, Tectonic and Other Styles of Degassing: Implication for Carbon Dioxide Sequestration and Storage.
- Composition and bathymetry of Ligeia Mare, Titan, derived from its 2.2-cm wavelength thermal microwave emission
- Detailed Flood Modeling and Hazard Assessment from Storm Tides, Rainfall and Sea Level Rise
- Down-dip and Along-strike Stress in Subducting Slabs
- Earth's Rotation Variability Triggers Explosive Eruptions in Subduction Zones
- Extreme Rainfall and Flood Events for the Hudson River Induced by Tropical Cyclones: a Statistical Forecast Model
- Fault Gouge Velocity Characteristics During Slow-Slip and Stick-Slip Under Laboratory Conditions
- First Cassini Radio Science Bistatic Scattering Observation of Titan's Northern Seas
- Frictional Heterogeneities Along Carbonate Faults
- Integration between Satellite and Ground-Based Data for the Improvement of Volcanic Ash Retrievals and Eruption Characterization
- Kraken Mare bathymetry and composition from Cassini RADAR
- Lithospheric Decoupling and Rotations: Hints from Ethiopian Rift
- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter observation of Comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring)
- Modeling and Observing the Role of Wind-Waves in Lake-Climate Interactions on Titan using the T104 Flyby of Kraken Mare
- Probing the gravity field of Jupiter and Saturn with Doppler tracking of the Juno and Cassini spacecraft
- The Geodesy of the Outer Solar System Bodies from Precise Spacecraft Tracking
- The Influence of Exotic Calcite on the Mechanical Behavior of Quartz Bearing Fault Gouge
- The Role of Stiffness in the Dynamics of Frictional Stick-Slip Failure: Insights from Laboratory Experiments
- Top Driven Asymmetric Mantle Convection
- A Mouthful of Dirt: Feedbacks Between the Presence and Nature of In-Vent Debris and the Dynamics of Strombolian Explosions
- Acoustic properties of the full spectrum of stick-slip events from stable sliding to dynamic rupture: insights on the mechanics of slow earthquakes and transient fault slip.
- Addressing the Polarization Signature of the Ocean Scattering at Ku band in Presence of Both Non-homogenous Winds and Rain
- An Overview of the Bathymetry and Composition of Titan's Hydrocarbon Seas from the Cassini RADAR Altimeter
- Beyond Brittle Deformation: Insights into Seismogenic Slip Processes from Natural and Experimental Faults
- Cassini RADAR Observations of Saturn's Largest Moon, Titan
- Composition, seasonal change and bathymetry of Ligeia Mare, Titan, derived from its 2.2-cm thermal emission
- Enabling Planetary Geodesy With the Deep Space Network
- Frictional behavior of carbonate-rich sediments in subduction zones
- Frictional controls on high-angle reverse faulting during compressional basin inversion
- Geomorphology of Titan's polar terrains: Using the landscape's topographic form to constrain surface processes
- How Dramatic is the Unrest at Colli Albani, the Volcanic District 20 km from Rome (Italy)? Insights from SAR Interferometry and Gravimetry
- In Situ Determination of Viscosity and Structure of Carbonatitic to Carbonate-Silicate Melts as Function of Pressure and Temperature
- Insight from Laboratory Experiments on the Generation of Granular Flows on the Flanks of Vibrated Pyroclastic Cones
- Integrated perspectives on geological and biological dynamics in ancient Lake Ohrid
- Liquid-Filled Channels On Titan
- Microstructure and frictional properties of sheared calcite speleothems: natural vs. experimental investigation
- Physicochemical Processes and the Evolution of Strength in Calcite Fault Gouge at Room Temperature
- Science Measurements for the <em>Io Volcano Observer (IVO)</em>
- Tephra ring interpretation in light of evolving maar-diatreme concepts: Stracciacappa maar (central Italy)
- The Mechanics of Transient Fault Slip and Slow Earthquakes
- The Role of Fluid Pressure in Earthquake Triggering: Insights from an Experimental Study of Frictional Stability of Carbonates
- The case for water ice in Titan's near subsurface
- The possibility of inferring the depth of Jupiter's Great Red Spot with the Juno gravity experiment
- Tomography & Geochemistry: Precision, Repeatability, Accuracy and Joint Interpretations
- Topographic Constraints on the Evolution and Connectivity of Titan's Lacustrine Basins
- Using P-Wave Coda to Understand the Evolution of Fault Zone Elastic Properties During the Seismic Cycle
- Asymmetric Subductions in an Asymmetric Earth: Geodynamics and Numerical Modeling
- Building the Next Generation of Earth Scientists: the Deep Carbon Observatory Early Career Scientist Workshops
- Early Results from the Juno Gravity Science Experiment
- Frictional behavior of carbonate-rich sediments in subduction zones
- In the Heat of the Moment: Biomarkers as a Tool to Measure Coseismic Temperature Rise
- Investigation of lunar maria structure from cross-analysis of GRAIL gravity and Kaguya radar data
- Is fault surface roughness indicative of fault mechanisms? Observations from experimental Limestone faults
- Laboratory Constraints on Basal Seismicity
- Local structure of molten 3d metals under extreme conditions by means of X-ray absorption spectroscopy
- Mechanical and microstructural signature of the transition from slow slip to dynamic stick-slip faulting
- Monitoring CCS Sites: Lessons Learned Studying Natural Laboratories.
- On the frictional (in) stability of clay-bearing faults
- Phyllosilicate-rich ultra-thin layers in carbonate fault gouge drive seismic slip propagation
- Reconstruction of F-Region Electric Current Densities from more than 2 Years of Swarm Satellite Magnetic data
- Soil Gas Geochemical Behaviour across Buried and Exposed Faults during the 24 August 2016 Seismic Sequence
- Spontaneous slip velocity evolution recorded during stick-slip laboratory experiments
- Storm Clustering in the Mediterranean Sea
- The Role of Anisotropy in Fault Mechanics: Experimental Insights from Deformation Experiments in Triaxial Saw-cut Configuration
- The effect of fluid injection on an experimental fault and it`s role on frictional stability and earthquake triggering
- Titan's gravity: An update
- Weakness of serpentine minerals revealed by friction experiments under low and high temperature conditions.
- Westwards migration of oceanic ridges and related asymmetric upper mantle differentiation
- A Modeling Approach for Earthquake-Ionosphere Coupling
- Advancing Venus Geophysics with the NF4 VOX Gravity Investigation.
- An Analysis of MARSIS Radar Flash Memory Data from Lunae Planum, Mars: Searching for Subsurface Structures.
- An Approach to the Crustal Thickness Inversion Problem
- Characterizing the Io Plasma Torus with Juno radio science experiment
- Constraining Saturn's interior density profile from precision gravity field measurement obtained during Grand Finale
- Dynamics of fault slip near the stability transition combining laboratory and numerical experiments
- Extensive entropy and heavy-tailed distributions with applications in statistical and stochastic modelling of hydroclimatic processes
- Formation and evolution of the near axis 8˚20'N seamount chain: Evidences from the geophysical data analysis
- Frictional behavior of carbonate-rich incoming sediment in the Hikurangi subduction zone
- Initial estimation of Saturn's deep flow structure using the Cassini Grand Finale gravity measurements
- Innovative Technique for Noise Reduction in Spacecraft Doppler Tracking for Planetary Interior Studies
- Investigation of active faults in the Ionian Sea through seismological, geochemical and bathymetric data: the SEISMOFAULTS project
- Jupiter's gravity field from Ka-band Doppler tracking of Juno
- Lessons Learned from L'Aquila Trial for Scientists' Communication
- Liquid Elevations and Topographic Constraints of Titan's Lacustrine Basins at the end of Cassini: Hydrology and Formation
- Models of Jupiter's Interior that match Juno's Gravity Measurements
- Probing Small Lakes on Titan Using the Cassini RADAR Altimeter
- Slip behaviour of experimental faults subjected to fluid pressure stimulation: carbonates vs. shales
- Soil gas anomalies along the Watukosek fault system, East Java, Indonesia
- Super Resolution and Interference Suppression Technique applied to SHARAD Radar Data
- The 3GM Radio Science Experiment on board the ESA JUICE Mission
- The Dark Side of Saturn's Gravity
- The Jupiter gravity field from the first year of Juno science operations
- The depth and structure of the atmospheric flows on Jupiter: results from the Juno gravity measurements
- Titan's dunes revealed by the delay/Doppler processing of the Cassini radar altimeter data
- Towards a common effort in mapping marine geohazard features in the Mediterranean Sea. An unavoidable tool for the "blue growth" and marine spatial planning.
- Variability of mass-wasting processes in the tectonically-controlled Calabro Tyrrhenian continental margin (Southern Italy)
- Weak Serpentine-bearing Fault Zones: laboratory evidence and implications for the activity of of oceanic detachments
- A Data-driven Understanding of the Key Spatial Controls on Riverine Water Quality
- A Demonstration of the Time-Delay Mechanical Noise Cancellation (TDMC) Technique with Cassini Doppler Data
- A numerical model for the simulation of the seismic cycle in tectonic settings in favor or against gravity: examples from Italy
- Automated Machine Learning as a Service for the Earth Sciences
- Can Lithosphere Sinking at Subduction Zones Provide Constraints on Global Mantle Convection?
- Cassini's observation of Titan's gravity field and interior structure
- Chromites as Proxy for Redox Processes in the Archean Mantle?
- Fault reactivation in thick fault zones: a laboratory perspective
- Flood Risk Management Model to Identify Optimal Defence Policies in Coastal Areas Under Climate Change Uncertainties: Pontina Plain Case Study
- Integrated modelling of spatio-temporal variability in stream water quality across Victorian catchments
- Interior Models that Explain the Gravity Fields of Saturn and Jupiter
- Ionospheric Plasma Density Depletions Following Rocket Launches As Observed by Geostationary Satellites
- Measuring the Dynamics and Scale of the Solar System
- On the increasing size of the orogens moving from the Alps to the Himalayas in the frame of the net rotation of the lithosphere
- Saturn's Gravity Field Determination from Cassini Grand Finale and Implications on its Internal Structure
- Slip Velocity Functions Recorded for Different Lithologies During Stick-slip Laboratory Experiments.
- Slow fault unlocking: where is the threshold between fault weakening and fault healing?
- Statistical attribution of the frequency of flood events across the U.S. Midwest: A key step towards seasonal and decadal predictions
- The ORBIT14 Solution of Jupiter's Gravity Field from Juno Data
- The gravity field of Jupiter after two years of Juno mission
- The impact of offshore waves and vegetation on the sediment budget in theVirginia Coast Reserve (VA)
- The possible mechanisms controlling the deep jets on Jupiter and Saturn in light of the Juno and Cassini gravity measurements
- The role of shear fabric and normal stress on the mechanics of slow-slip
- 3D modelling of the fault-bounded Castelluccio basin (2016 Mw 6.5 Norcia earthquake, central Italy) using deep resistivity Full Waver survey
- A combined analysis of planetary missions radio science experiments for precise determination of solar system dynamics
- A comparative analysis of the deep atmospheric dynamics of Jupiter and Saturn in light of the Juno and Cassini gravity measurements
- Advances in Development of a Near Real-time Tsunami Early Warning System Using GNSS Ionospheric Measurements
- An Analytical Study on Internal Solitary Waves Interacting with a Sloping Bathymetry: Propagation, Breaking Location and Mixing.
- Beyond Byerlee Friction, Weak Faults and Implications for Slip Behaviour
- Detailed time-lapse tomographic images unravel the preparatory phase of the M<SUB>W</SUB> 6.1 2009 L'Aquila normal faulting earthquake
- Evolution of hydrologic and frictional properties of quartz-illite mixtures
- Exploring the Interior of Venus with the VERITAS Gravity Science Investigation
- First results from cruise tests of the Mercury Orbiter Radio science Experiment (MORE) of ESA's BepiColombo mission
- Fluid-Induced Fault Slip in Laboratory and In-Situ Experiments coupled with Hydromechanical Models
- Frictional strengthening during non-steady state shear: Implications for fault stability and event recurrence time
- From laboratory to crustal scale seismic velocities on carbonates: insights from Apennines limestones
- Geophysical imaging of Etruscan orientalising burials obtained via multi-parametric approach: The Grotte di Castro case study
- High-resolution Gravity Field and Tides of Callisto from the MAGIC Gravity Investigation
- Imaging of the shallow plumbing system of Salina Island from modeling of magnetic data
- Investigation of Deep Bedrock Geometries Using Insar Time Series and Geophysical Investigations
- Jupiter's tides with Juno: a mid-mission update
- Leveraging the Future: Best Practices from Transdisciplinary Collaborations
- Oceanic Megatransforms: A New Type of Plate Boundary
- Persistent Scatterers Measurement Accuracy with Cosmo-Skymed Range Measurements
- Refined constraints on P9's location through a new analysis of Cassini navigation data
- Stress triggering and the mechanics of fault slip behavior
- The Bathymetry of Moray Sinus at Kraken Mare
- The South Apulia Fault System (SAFS) in the central Mediterranean Sea: a needle in a haystack?
- The gravity signature of Jupiter's small-scale atmospheric features from the Juno mission
- The interior structure and thermal state of Venus: what we can learn from future missions
- The redox boundaries and volatiles cycle of Earth's interior through space and time
- The shallow crustal setting of the Central Apennines in the 2016-2018 seismic sequence area: fault segmentation, interaction, reactivation and implication for seismotectonics
- The strength inversion origin of non-volcanic tremor: observations and models
- Tsunami risk perception in Italy
- What we still don't know about Jupiter's gravity field after Juno
- America's Water: Multiscale Forecasting and Innovation in Infrastructure Design & Management Instruments is critical for Climate Adaptation
- Bifurcations at the Stability Transition of Earthquake Faulting
- Estimating the effect of tropospheric O<SUB>3</SUB> on Gross Primary Productivity over European forests using satellite data
- Fault creep behavior and the frictional response of the Opalinus Clay formation
- Incorporating functional diversity into the Energy Land Model (ELM) substantially influences terrestrial carbon uptake
- Kinetic aspects of major and minor elements in olivine from variably cooled basaltic melts
- Linking laboratory with in-situ observations to improve the understanding of fault slip behaviour during fluid pressurization
- Lower crustal magma supply amplification: A key concept for silicic magma production
- Managing Flood Risk in Coastal Areas Considering Climate Change Uncertainties
- Possible evidence of p-modes from Cassini measurements of Saturn's gravity field
- Structural and frictional heterogeneities along natural faults and implications for fault slip behaviour
- Subsurface Water Ice Mapping (SWIM) on Mars to Characterize In Situ Resources
- Subsurface Water Ice Mapping (Swim) Project: Characterizing the Inventory of Nonpolar Ice on Mars
- The EnVision Gravity Experiment
- The Superior Conjunction Experiment of BepiColombo
- The role of fault fabric in fault stability under different stress conditions
- Updated Mars Gravity Field with Five Additional Years of Lower-Noise MRO Doppler Tracking
- Updates on Jupiter's gravity from the latest Juno data
- Zonostrophic Beta-plumes, Breaking Waves and Zonal Jets in Locally-forced, Large-Scale Shallow Water Experiments
- Adding animal arboreal traits and vegetation structure to a global mechanistic trait based model
- Advancing Solar System Dynamics Investigations with Calibrated Precision Doppler Tracking
- Bifurcations at the Stability Transition of Earthquake Faulting
- Challenges in the Determination of Europas Moment of Inertia with the Europa Clipper Mission
- Combining VERITAS Doppler Tracking and Radar Tie Points to Determine the Rotational State and Interior Structure of Venus
- Comparison of different radio tracking system configurations for planetary geodesy and fundamental physics
- Constraining families of dynamic models using geological, geodetic and strong ground motion data.
- Cyclic Mass Change at Sierra Negra Caldera: Geodetic Insights into the 2005 and 2018 Pre and Post Eruptive Magmatic Processes
- Defining the Equatorial Extent of Subsurface Ice on Mars through Global Geomorphic Mapping
- Detecting Tsunami-related Gravity Waves in Earth's Ionosphere with Convolutional Neural Networks
- Effects of surface topography in kinematic source inversion models. Application to the Norcia, Mw 6.5, 30 October 2016, Central Italy Earthquake.
- Exploring New Phenomena in Ice Clathrates and Filled Ices Under Planetary Conditions
- Frictional properties of Opalinus Clay: Influence of humidity, normal stress and grain size on frictional stability
- Geostatistical and Spatial Correlation Analysis of Planetary Data
- How deep is Jupiters Great Red Spot? Results from the Juno gravity experiment
- Identification and Observations of Dynamically Triggered Earthquakes near the Alto Tiberina Fault in the central Apennines, Italy
- Investigation of Callisto and Ganymede with the 3GM gravity experiment of the JUICE mission
- Joint Analysis of JUICE and Europa Clipper Tracking Data to Study the Jovian System Ephemerides
- Juno's Insights on the Origin and Evolution of Jupiter
- Mapping Ice Resources on Mars
- Observation of Jupiters normal modes from Juno gravity measurements
- ShaRad data in the area of Oxia Planum paving the way for WISDOM radar on the ExoMars2022 rover
- Spectral Analysis of the Time-varying Gravity Field of Ganymede by JUICEs 3GM Experiment
- The VERITAS Gravity Science Investigation
- The VERITAS mission investigation of Venus interior structure and thermal state
- Toward a more reliable estimation of volcanic hazards during explosive eruptions: the case of Mt. Etna, in Italy
- VERITAS (Venus Emissivity, Radio science, InSAR, Topography, And Spectroscopy): Discovering the Secrets of a Lost Habitable World
- A Large Fault Partially Reactivated During Two Contiguous Seismic Sequences in Central Italy: the Role of Geometrical and Frictional Heterogeneities
- Acoustic signature of fault slip from slow to fast earthquake: a laboratory insight
- An Addition to the Suite of Geodetic Satellites Supporting the ITRF: LARES-2
- Artificial Intelligence Techniques applied to Remote Sensing data for Volcano-Tectonic Features Extraction
- Atmospheric flows imprint the high-degree gravity field of Jupiter
- Calibration and Performance of BepiColombo Radio Science Data During a Solar Conjunction Experiment
- Callisto Gravity Field and Interior Structure Constraints from JUICE 3GM Gravity Experiment
- Centimeter-Level Ranging Results from the 2022 BepiColombo Solar Conjunction
- Connecting Local Features of Coseismic Rupture to Large-scale Properties of Seismicity
- Design of a Software for Imaging Data Processing devoted to Autonomous Spacecraft Navigation and Orbit Determination
- Detection of Geological Features on Terrestrial Planets by using Machine Learning
- Determination of the Interior Structure of Europa through Joint Inversion of Gravity and Magnetic Induction Data
- Driving The Upstream and Downstream Evolution for Climate Services Through the Elicitation of Users' Requirements: A Virtuous Process for a User-Driven EO Ecosystem
- Error budget for the VERITAS gravity science investigation
- Evidence of Westerly Polarized Plate Tectonics
- Ganymede's interior after Juno and before JUICE
- Hydromechanical Coupling at the Origin of Fault Slip Stability
- Improving Venus' static and time-variable gravity field with the EnVision Radio Science Experiment
- Insights into the Nature of Climate Variability During the Last Interglacial: A High-Resolution Multi-Proxy Record from the Fucino Basin, Central Italy.
- LARES 2 is in Orbit: a New Laser Ranging Target for Fundamental Physics and Earth Science.
- Link Between Localization Patterns, Frictional Behaviors, and Breakdown Energy within Dense Fault Gouges for Different Grain-Scale Properties
- Localization of the Perseverance Rover at the Van Zyl Overlook Region by using Visual Odometry
- Mercury's Crustal Density and Porosity from MESSENGER Gravity Data
- Multi-resolution Multi-sensor Fusion of Remote Sensing Data to investigate Rock Slope Instabilities
- Physical properties of the solar corona derived from radio scintillation observations with the Akatsuki spacecraft
- Processing of Altimetric Crossover Data for Precise Orbit Determination and Geophysical Investigations in the Solar System
- Retrievals of Optical and Microphysical Characteristics of Arctic Clouds using Ground-based UV-VIS-NIR and SWIR Spectrometers
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Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Hutchison
- A. Ermakov
- A. M. Bramson
- A. Rius
- A. T. Russell
- Alessandro Frigeri
- Alessandro Vuan
- Alice‐Agnes Gabriel
- Ana‐Catalina Plesa
- Andrea Taramelli
- Anna Maria Gargiulo
- Annalisa Di Bernardino
- Atsushi Yamazaki
- Boris Maletckii
- C. M. Dundas
- Carlo Doglioni
- Carole Roberts
- Carolina Giorgetti
- Chris Marone
- Christopher E. Doughty
- Christopher Mankovich
- Claudio Paris
- Corentin Noël
- Cristian Carli
- Cristiano Collettini
- D. Breuer
- D. C. Nunes
- D. J. Stevenson
- D. Turrini
- Daniele Durante
- Davide Zaccagnino
- Deepa Mele Veedu
- Duo Li
- Dustin Buccino
- E. C. Pavlis
- E. Heggy
- E. Mazarico
- Eli Galanti
- Elisa Tinti
- Elvira Astafyeva
- F. Amelung
- F. Nimmo
- Fabio Manta
- Fabio Trippetta
- Fabrizio De Marchi
- Federico Pignalberi
- Filippo Calì Quaglia
- Flavio Petricca
- Franck Donnadieu
- Frédéric Cappa
- G. A. Morgan
- G. Di Achille
- G. Filacchione
- G. Leto
- G. Tobie
- Gael Cascioli
- Gianluca Chiarolanza
- Giovanni Muscari
- Go Murakami
- H. G. Sizemore
- Hiroki Ando
- I. B. Smith
- Ivan di Stefano
- J. Helbert
- J. L. Whitten
- J. P. Mullen
- J. T. Keane
- Jacob Bortnik
- Jonathan I. Lunine
- Jonathan J. Fortney
- Julie Castillo‐Rogez
- Kazumasa Iwai
- L. Chiaraluce
- L. Iess
- Laura Scognamiglio
- Leigh N. Fletcher
- Luis Gomez Casajus
- M. C. De Sanctis
- M. Cartacci
- M. D. Dyar
- M. Formisano
- M. M. Scuderi
- M. Pätzold
- Marco Mastrogiuseppe
- Marco Zannoni
- Maria Eugenia Locchi
- Mario Ruiz
- Marshall J. Styczinski
- Martin Wieser
- Michael H. Wong
- N. E. Putzig
- Nathalie Casas
- Nimrod Gavriel
- P. Racioppa
- P. Rosenblatt
- Patrick J. Burns
- Paul Withers
- Pierdavide Coïsson
- R. L. McNutt
- R. Noschese
- R. Orosei
- Rachel Hoover
- Robert F. Wimmer‐Schweingruber
- Ryan Park
- Ryunosuke Akiba
- S. E. Smrekar
- S. Giuppi
- S. J. Bolton
- S. Lombardi
- S. M. Howell
- S. M. Levin
- S. Nerozzi
- S. Schmidt
- S. W. Asmar
- Samuel Birch
- Sander Goossens
- Scott J. Goetz
- Simone Andolfo
- Stefano Bertone
- Sylvain Barbot
- Sébastien Lebonnois
- T. Dylan Mikesell
- T. Guillot
- Takeshi Imamura
- Thomas Oommen
- Valerio Poggiali
- Vincenzo Stagno
- Virginia Ciardini
- Yamila Miguel
- Yohai Kaspi
- Yoshizumi Miyoshi
- Yves Guglielmi