University of Pisa, Department of Earth Sciences
flowchart I[University of Pisa, Department of Earth Sciences] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (78)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (0)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Experimental Validation of Two-phase Flow Model for the Analysis of Gas-Particle Volcanic Flows
- Presenting Numerical Modelling of Explosive Volcanic Eruption to a General Public
- Relationship of Fluids and Deformation at Seismogenic Depths: Structural Study of the Rodeo Cove Thrust Zone, Marin Headlands, California.
- Effects Of Conduit Flow Parameters On Vulcanian Explosion Characteristics
- Decimeter Scale Ultra-Fine Fault Rocks (Possible Pseudotachylites) in an Ancient Subduction Thrust Zone
- Fluid Dynamic Evidence for Extremely Low Viscosity Coseismic Fault Fluids
- Seismogenesis and Strain Localization Across Accretionary Prisms: the Role of Decollement and Out-of-Sequence Thrusts.
- The Case for a Late Oligocene-Early Miocene Ice Sheet in Marie Byrd Land
- A Study of the 2450 BP Pululagua Plinian Eruption (Ecuador): Implications for Models of Tephra Dispersal
- Synkinematic veining and thermal transect across a formation-bounding out-of-sequence-thrust, Kodiak Accretionary Complex
- Evolution of Seismogenic Subduction Thrusts
- Fault rocks from seismogenic depths in exhumed subduction prisms: Pasagshak Point, Kodiak Island, AK.
- Isotopic Evidence For Chaotic Imprint In The Upper Mantle Heterogeneity
- Last Glacial Maximum Dated by Means of 10Be in the Maritime Alps (Italy)
- Structural Context of the Massive Ultrafine Fault Rocks (possible pseudotachylytes) at Kodiak Island, Alaska, USA
- Validation of Sedimentation Models: the Case Study of Pululagua Volcano, Ecuador
- Bubble - Crystal Interactions in Magmatic Three-Phase Systems
- Fluid Dynamic Evidence for Extremely Low Viscosity Coseismic Fault Fluids
- Holocene Southern-Ocean Surface Radiocarbon Ages: Implications for Ocean Circulation and Ice-shelf Flow Rates
- Late-Glacial and Holocene Relative Sea-Level Change, Scoresby Sund, East Greenland
- Pumice textures, magma mingling and fragmentation processes at Stromboli volcano (Italy)
- A Late Cretaceous Contamination Episode of the European-Mediterranean Mantle
- Newly discovered submarine flank eruption at Stromboli volcano (Aeolian Islands, Italy)
- Towards a Stacked 1 Ma-year Radiometrically Dated Palaeoclimate Record From Italian Speleothems
- Volcanology and Petrology of Clasts and Tephra in the AND-2A core, ANDRILL Southern McMurdo Sound Project, Antarctica
- A Weeks-Long Hiatus During the Quilotoa 800 BP VEI 6 Eruption
- Geometry, scaling relationships and emplacement dynamics of a ca. 6 Ma shallow felsic sill complex, Calamita Peninsula, Elba Island, Italy
- Local heating of lithosphere in northern Victoria Land (Antarctica): a common source for Cenozoic magmatism and Transantartic Mountains uplift. Petrological evidence from mantle peridotites
- Neolithic to Bronze Age Somma-Vesuvius activity improved by distal tephrostratigraphy
- Potential of Lake Ohrid for long palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironemental records: The last glacial-interglacial cycle (140 ka)
- SCOPSCO - Scientific Collaboration On Past Speciation Conditions in Lake Ohrid
- Tephro- and chemo-stratigraphy of the Vulcanello Peninsula (Vulcano, Aeolian Islands)
- The Campanian Ignimbrite and its precursor eruptions - implications for tephrochronology
- The sediment record of Lake Ohrid (Albania/Macedonia)
- The upper lithostratigraphic unit of ANDRILL AND-2A core (Southern McMurdo Sound, Antarctica): local Pleistocene volcanic sources, paleoenvironmental implications and subsidence in the southern Victoria Land Basin
- Vent Processes and Deposits of a Hiatus in a Violent Eruption: Quilotoa Volcano, Ecuador
- Evidence of Early Miocene volcanism in McMurdo Sound from glass-rich sediments in the ANDRILL AND-2A core: source and possible response to glacial cyclicity
- Feedback between magmatic, tectonic and glacial processes in the West Antarctic Rift System (Invited)
- GPS measurements of crustal deformation across the northern Apennines, Italy
- Last Interglacial climate variability recorded in sediments of Lake Ohrid (Albania/Macedonia)
- Vent Processes and Deposits of a Hiatus in a Violent Eruption: Quilotoa Volcano, Ecuador
- A thermodynamic model for Earth's hydrosphere
- Geochemistry of Miocene glass in sediments from the AND-2A Core, McMurdo Sound, Antarctica: magma petrogenesis and response to glacial unloading
- 1891 Submarine eruption of Foerstner volcano (Pantelleria, Sicily) : insights into the vent structure of basaltic balloon eruptions
- A little island with significant groundwater resources: hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical features of the Pianosa aquifer (Tuscan Archipelago, Italy)
- A multidisciplinary approach to define the hydrogeological model of the carbonate aquifer system in the Versilia River basin (Tuscany, Italy)
- Clinopyroxene compositions as an indicator of magmatic water content: insight from high pressure experiments on trachybasaltic magmas
- Deep-level magma ascent rates at Mt. Etna (Italy)
- Explosive magma interaction revealed by physical and textural properties of basaltic scoria at Stromboli volcano
- Initial results of noble gases in micrometeorites from the Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica
- Seawater intrusion in the gravelly confined aquifer of the coastal Pisan Plain (Tuscany): hydrogeological and geochemical investigation to assess causes and consequences
- The Early Life of a Stable Continental Craton: Mechanisms of Accretion as Consequences of a Late Neoproterozoic Ridge-Trench Interaction, Khomas Complex, Damara Belt, Namibia
- A reassessment of isotopic equilibrium (Δ47 and δ18O) in the Laghetto Basso pool carbonates
- Assessing Pyroclastic Density Current Hazard in Caldera Settings: The Example of Campi Flegrei Caldera (Italy) (Invited)
- Climatostratigraphic position of the Brunhes-Matuyama transition and its precursor (Invited)
- Conduit Magma Storage during the 800 BP Quilotoa Eruption, Ecuador
- Initial results from the ICDP SCOPSCO drilling project, Lake Ohrid (Macedonia, Albania)
- An Isotopic Map of Dust Source Areas in the McMurdo Sound Sector of Antarctica
- Initial Geochemistry Data of the Lake Ohrid (Macedonia, Albania) DEEP -Site Sediment Record: The ICDP Scopsco Drilling Project
- The Opening of the Arctic-Atlantic Gateway: Tectonic, Oceanographic and Climatic Dynamics - an IODP Initiative
- <SUP>36</SUP>Chlorine exposure dating of a terminal moraine in the Galicica Mountains, Macedonia
- A High-Resolution Upper Pleistocene Palaeomagnetic Record from the Fronte Section at Taranto, Italy
- First tephrostratigraphic results of the DEEP site record of Lake Ohrid, Macedonia
- Integrated perspectives on geological and biological dynamics in ancient Lake Ohrid
- "Cryptic" Diagenesis in Speleothems and Implications for U-series Dating
- Multiple Speleothem Record of Orbital to Millennial-scale Climate Variability During MIS 21 to MIS 26
- Tephrostratigraphy the DEEP site record, Lake Ohrid
- A model for thermal rejuvenation and eruption of a granitic magma chamber, Valle Mosso pluton, Sesia Magmatic System (Southern Alps, Italy)
- Do fine calcium carbonate particles affect water quality at an artificial coarse-clastic beach characterized by high abrasion rate of the filling pebbles?
- Most Earth-surface Calcites Precipitate Out of Isotopic Equilibrium
- Recent morpho-sedimentological change on a "human-dominated" delta: the case of the Arno River (Italy)
- Syn-depositional sedimentary structures as a record of flow conditions in pyroclastic density currents
- Geological mapping in the Convoy Range (Victoria Land, Antarctica) and the GeoMap database
- Paleotemperatures over multiple glacial-interglacial cycles from a subaqueous speleothem
- Analysis of Earthquake Swarms in the Northern Main Ethiopian Rift
- Geochemical Characterization of the Stratoid Series and Comparison to the Gulf Basalt Formation (Afar, Ethiopia)
- Plate-boundary kinematics of the Afrera linkage zone (Afar) from InSAR and seismicity
- Volcano dynamics vs tectonics on Pavonis Mons (Mars)