University of Naples Federico II, Department of Physics
flowchart I[University of Naples Federico II, Department of Physics] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (40)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (0)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Integrated Deterministic and Probabilistic Strong Ground Motion Prediction: Application to 1980 Irpinia Earthquake, M=6.9, Southern Italy
- An Integrated Regional and On-site Early Warning Approach: Off-line Application to the Mw 6.3, 2009 Central Italy (L’Aquila) earthquake
- The April 2009 Central Italy (L'Aquila) event as seen by a 250 km distant accelerometer array
- The Earthquake Early Warning System for Southern Italy: Concepts, Capabilities and Future Perspectives
- Early Warning for Large Magnitude Earthquakes: Is it feasible?
- Rupture Process of the March 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake from Back-Projection of Local Strong-Motion Records
- Seismic Hazard Analysis as a Controlling Technique of Induced Seismicity in Geothermal Systems
- Statistical modeling of synthetic helioseismic data
- The Earthquake Early Warning System In Southern Italy: Performance Tests And Next Developments
- A Comprehensive Approach for Evaluating Network Performance in Surface and Borehole Seismic Monitoring
- Analysis of induced seismicity at The Geysers geothermal field, California
- Correlation of the P-wave peak ground displacement, Pd and the period parameter, τc with magnitude and PGV for earthquakes of the SW Iberia (S. Vicente Cape and Gulf of Cádiz)
- How real-time seismological data can be used at school
- PRESTo Earthquake Early Warning System: Feasibility Study For A Nation-Wide Deployment Using An Integrated Regional and On-site Approach
- Preliminary test result of PRESTo application to the southern Korean peninsula
- Real-time magnitude estimation and rapid fault characterization with GPS data for Earthquake Early Warning applications
- Rupture Evolution and Slip of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake from Back-Projection of Local Seismic Data
- The 2011, Mw 6.2, Christchurch earthquakes (New Zealand): faults geometry and source kinematics
- Towards an Integrated Regional Early Warning System For Romania - Vrancea Earthquakes: Test and Performances
- Trigger Mechanisms for Volcanic Eruptions at Campi Flegrei caldera (Southern-Italy) in the last 5ka of activity
- Broadening and Enhancing Geophysical Software to Study the Internal Structure of the Sun
- Combining stress transfer and source directivity: the case-study of the 2012 Emilia seismic sequence, Northern Italy
- Modulation and application of PRESToPLUS on K-SEIS to the southern Korean peninsula seismic network
- Moment tensor resolvability for the Irpinia Seismic Network, Southern Italy
- Probabilistic and Evolutionary Early Warning System: concepts, performances, and case-studies
- Multi-2D seismic imaging of the Solfatara crater (Campi Flegrei Caldera, southern Italy) from active seismic data
- Application of Muography for Investigating the Internal Structure of Stromboli Volcano
- 4D travel-time tomography as a tool for tracking fluid-driven mediumchanges in offshore oil-gas exploitation areas
- A probabilistic method for earthquake source parameter estimation
- An advanced tool for a refined earthquake early warning system: methodology, alert decision scheme and application performance
- Estimation of earthquake magnitude and source parameters by using evolution of P-wave for Chinese strong motion data
- From Earthquake Early Warning to Rapid Response: an Integrated, Evolutionary Approach to Improve the Alert Reliability and Robustness
- Moment and energy magnitudes: diversity of views on earthquake shaking potential and earthquake statistics
- On-site Earthquake Early Warning: Predictive Models for Acceleration Response Spectra Including Site-Effects
- P-wave based extended source models for Earthquake Early Warning applications
- Seismic velocity changes over 10 years correlate the micro-seismicity evolution at the Irpinia Fault System (Southern Italy)
- Self-similarity of low-frequency earthquakes
- Application of a multi-array back-projection technique in local and regional distances in different tectonic regimes
- Early Rupture Signals Predict the Final Earthquake Size
- The 2017, Mw 4, Ischia Earthquake (South Italy): Source mechanism and rupture model from the inversion of a near-source strong motion record