University of Florence, Italy
flowchart I[University of Florence, Italy] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (5)"] AW["Affiliated Works (315)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (97)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- University of Florence, Department of Astronomy and Space Science
- University of Florence, Department of Chemistry
- University of Florence, Department of Earth Sciences
- University of Florence, Department of Physics
- University of Florence, European Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Seismoacoustic Experiment During the July - August 2001 Eruption at Mt. Etna Volcano (Italy)
- Conduit Convection Insights from Thermal Measurements of Gas Puffing at Stromboli and Etna
- Infrared Imaging of Strombolian Eruptions
- Magma Ascent and Volcanic eruptions: An Analytical Solution of the Two Phases Fluid Flux Equations
- Petrological and Geochemical Evolution, during the last 40,000 years of the Tacana Volcano Chiapas, Mexico
- Quantifying Exhumation History Across the Northern Apennines
- Sound Propagation in an inhomogeneous two-phase system: the influence of the gas bubble concentration on the sound source model.
- Spatial Distribution of Living Coccolithophores in the Southern Adriatic Sea During Late Autumn,2000.
- Thermal, Seismic and Infrasonic Time Delays for Modeling Conduit Process at Stromboli volcano.
- Visual Evidence of Seismo-Acoustic Wave Propagation at Mount Etna
- Analysis of Seismic Broad-Band and Acoustic Signals at Stromboli Volcano.
- Array Tracking of Infrasonic Sources at Stromboli Volcano
- Estimation of Surface Energy Balance Components Over the US Midwest using Multi-Platform and Multi-Resolution Satellite Measurements
- The Advanced Spectroscopic and Coronagraphic Explorer (ASCE) Mission Concept Study
- The Permanent Seismo-Acoustic-Thermal Station at the Summit of Stromboli: Insights Into the Long-Term Dynamics of Explosive Activity
- FLIR Thermography and Heat/Mass Budgets Bounding the 2002-2003 Effusive Period at Stromboli Volcano
- Fluvial Bank Erosion in the Meandering River Asker, UK: Insights from Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Modelling
- Lava extrusion rates from handheld infrared imagery
- Low Friction Subduction Erosion, a Model to Test With Ocean Drilling
- SO<SUB>2</SUB> loss rates at Lascar volcano, Chile: preliminary results and interpretations from 2002 measurements
- Seismo-Acoustic Monitoring of the Dec. 2002 Eruption of Stromboli Volcano
- Some Comments on Tectonic Erosion and Sediment Subduction in Convergent Margins
- THREDDS Second Generation (THematic Real-time Environmental Distributed Data Services): Engaging the GIS Community and Tools
- Tectonic Structure of the Middle America Pacific Margin and Incoming Cocos Plate From Costa Rica to Guatemala
- The 2002/12/30 Stromboli volcano landslides: a seismological description
- Acoustic Oscillations in Volcanoes
- Dynamic Development of the Europe/Adria Plate Boundary During the Transition from Oceanic Subduction to Continental Collision in the Northern Apennines: a Case History for Subduction Erosion
- Ground-Based Thermal Analysis of Degassing Activity at Pu'u O'o
- Holocene Secular Variability and 200-Year Dipolar Oscillations in the Atmospheric Circulation Over Antarctica Deduced From ice Core Dust Records
- Mantle wedge perturbation induced by slab detachment and the Mio-Pliocene bimodal volcanism in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt
- River Bank Erosion at the Intra-Event Timescale: Implications for Bank Sediment Delivery
- Strombolian thermodynamics from FLIR imagery: New insights on explosive styles and source conditions
- Subduction Tectonic Erosion, Sediment Accretion and Arc Collisions in maintaining the Continental Crust
- The Interaction Between the Caribbean Plate and the Products of the Galapagos Hotspot in Southern Costa Rica: A Transition from Subduction Accretion to Erosion
- Dynamic interaction between pore fluids and faulting along the Costa Rica Decollement (ODP Legs 170 and 205)
- High-Frequency Sampling From Shallow Borehole Tiltmeters Extends the Monitoring Capabilities at Stromboli Volcano, Italy
- Impact of Soil Depths on the Catchment-Scale Geomorphic Hydrologic Response
- Indications of Fluid Venting Along the Middle American Subduction Zone of Guatemala
- Insights Into Deformation of a Subduction Channel During the Transition From Accretion to Collision
- Plume Ascent Velocities Measured During Explosive Eruptions Using Thermal Infrared Thermometers
- The Relationship Between Fluids and Tectonics at the Middle America Convergent Margin
- What's in a Whole Rock Analysis? Integrating Crystal Size Distributions and Micro-Scale Isotopic Variations at Stromboli Volcano
- A Physically Based Model for the Hydrologic Control on Shallow Landsliding
- Bare soil erosion modelling with rainfall simulations: experiments on crop and recently burned areas
- Coccolith And Alkenone Records In The Reykjanes Ridge During The Late Quaternary: Unusual Signal Distributions In The Sediment
- Degassing Dynamics at Stromboli Volcano: Insights From Infrasonic Activity
- Emplacement of the ophiolitic units of the Grammos Massif (Dinaric-Hellenic chain, Greece): insights into processes of oceanic basin closure
- GALEON Phase 2: Testing Gateways Between Formal Standard Interfaces and Existing Community Standard Client/server Implementations
- Internal fabric of a fossil erosive subduction channel in the Northern Apennines of Italy: implication for fluid flow and seismogenesis
- Major Regional Earthquake as a Trigger for Enhanced Volcanic Activity: Evidence from Satellite Thermal Data
- Monitoring Explosive Volcanic Activity Using Thermal Images, Stromboli Volcano, Italy
- Use of InSAR-derived Ground Displacements to Characterize Coastal Instability: the Ciro' Marina case (Italy)
- Experimental observations on the motion of bedload particles
- Flow resistance in step-pool channels
- Large Errors in Electron Microprobe Analysis of Laphamite due to Uncertainties in ZAF Correction Parameters
- Magma Vesiculation and Infrasonic Activity in Open Conduit Volcanoes
- Subduction Tectonic Erosion, Sediment Accretion and Arc Collisions in maintaining the Continental Crust
- Tendency and Long Memory Detection in Precipitation Indexes in Tuscany
- Variational Estimation of Energy Balance Partitioning and Soil Heat Diffusion Using Remotely Sensed Land Surface Temperature Data
- Early Forefront Exhumation as a Consequence of Continental Subduction: Insights From the Northern Apennines of Italy
- Exploring topographic and climatic controls on vegetation dynamics in the North American Monsoon Region.
- Inflation deflation cycles related to explosive activity at Stromboli volcano
- Infrasonic analysis of Strombolian explosions and fire fountaining at Etna Volcano
- Integrated geophysical analysis of explosive activity at Yasur volcano, Vanuatu
- Land Surface Processes and Vegetation Interaction in a Changing Climate
- Linear and non linear tearing and Kelvin-Helmholtz driven instabilities in current-sheets with velocity shears: three-dimensional compressive MHD simulations.
- MODIS thermal anomalies during strombolian activity at Stromboli
- Radar Detected Rainfall Intensity As An Input For Shallow Landslides Slope Stability Model
- Real-time radon monitoring at Stromboli volcano: influence of environmental parameters on 222Rn degassing
- Shallow vs. Deep Fluid Sources In Hydrothermal Systems: New Insights From VOC Composition In Fumarolic Discharges And Soil Gases Of Yellowstone National Park (USA)
- Stable isotope constraints on fluid-pressure buildup cycles and fluid-rock interaction at the frontal part of the early Eocene-middle Miocene convergent system of the Northern Apennines (Italy)
- Surface Heat Flux Estimation Using Remotely Sensed Land Temperatures in a Variational Assimilation System With Model Uncertainty
- The Importance of Ablation on ice Flow and Meteorite Exhumation: the Physical Modeling Approach at Frontier Mountain, Antarctica
- The Large-Scale Debris Avalanche From The Tancitaro Volcano (Mexico): Characterization And Modeling
- Tracking in Real-Time Pyroclastic Flows at Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, by infrasonic array.
- Volatile Chemistry Within the Kinematically Active Tendaho Basin of the Afar Depression
- A blueprint for using climate change predictions in an eco-hydrological study
- Acoustic waveform of continuous bubbling in a non-Newtonian fluid: From laboratory bubbles to quasi-periodic volcanic phenomena
- Application of ICP-SFMS, ICP-AES integrate method to the geochemical characterization of ANDRILL-MIS oceanic sediment samples
- Experimental observations on the retreat of non-cohesive river banks
- Exploration of Antarctic Subglacial environments: a challenge for analytical chemistry
- Generation of future and present climates using an hourly weather generator and a stochastic downscaling of climate model outputs
- Infrasonic tremor driven by lava lake degassing dynamics at Villarrica Volcano, Chile
- Open system degassing, bubble rise and flow dynamics within volcanic conduits- an experimental approach
- Structural Control on Hydrothermal Fluid Circulations in Two Volcanoes of the Aeolian Archipelago, Stromboli and Vulcano (Italy)
- A forward modeling approach to relate geophysical observables at active volcanoes to deep magma dynamics
- Advancing Understanding of Earthquakes by Drilling an Eroding Convergent Margin
- Bursting and Jetting Drives Ballistic-Dominated Eruptions at Stromboli (Italy)
- Calcareous nannoplankton changes during the middle Eocene in the Agost section (Spain): evidence for hyperthermal events
- Carbon isotope exchange between CO2 and CH4 in hydrothermal fluids from the Tuscan-Roman and Campanian degassing systems (central-southern Italy)
- Deformation and Fluid Flow in an Ancient Erosive Subduction Channel: Insight from the Northern Apennines of Italy
- Does vegetation buffer hydrological response? (Invited)
- Ecosystem Rain-Use Efficiency in the North American Monsoon Region
- Enhancing Environmental Higher Education in Eastern Europe
- Estimating river low flows statistics in ungauged sites
- Geothermal prospecting by geochemical methods in the Quaternary volcanic province of Dhamar (central Yemen)
- How do volcanoes deform immediately prior to an eruption: Observations of deformation inside a vent and on an active dome
- Human alterations, dynamic equilibrium, and riparian ecosystem responses along selected rivers in Tuscany, Italy (Invited)
- Hyperspectral Data Processing and Mapping of Soil Parameters: Preliminary Data from Tuscany (Italy)
- IODP CRISP Program A: the first step toward drilling the Seismogenic Zone in Central America (Invited)
- InSAR applications for the detection and monitoring of landslides (Invited)
- Interdisciplinary approach to the ecological status assessment of Rio Quequén Grande watershed in Argentina
- Is the risk of a CO2 gas burst real at the Kabuno sub-basin of the Lake Kivu (Democratic Republic of the Congo)? A geochemical and isotopic point of view
- Isotopic constraints of mantle derived carbonatitic melts from Calatrava, Spain
- Long-range infrasound observations of eruptions April-May 2010 Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland and June 2009 Sarychev Peak, Kuril Islands
- Managing Uncertainty in Data and Models: UncertWeb
- Mechanistic ecohydrological modeling with Tethys-Chloris: an attempt to unravel complexity
- Modeling CO2 air dispersion from gas driven lake eruptions (Invited)
- Monitoring the Eyjafjalljokull ash eruption with a near-source Infrasonic Array
- Multiparameter Observations of Cyclic Eruptive Activity on Montserrat, 2009-2010
- Multiparametric Geophysical Signature of Vulcanian Explosions
- Simulation of an ensemble of future climate time series with an hourly weather generator
- Statistical Approach to Detection of Strombolian Activity in Satellite Data
- Sudden Morphometric Changes Induced by Diffuse Mass Wasting Processes
- Syn-rift and post-rift structures of the north-eastern Tyrrhenian margin
- Temporal Variations in the Roughness of Eroding River Banks Revealed by High-Resolution Digital Photogrammetry and Terrestrial Laser Scanning
- The complete fragmentation history of a strombolian eruption revealed using new bomb mapping method
- The costal landslide from analogue experiments: perspectives and limitation
- The role of the Variscan eastern Gondwana-Laurussia/Laurasia boundary in the evolution of the central Mediterranean area
- The shallow degassing system of Stromboli volcano: insights from geochemical and geophysical data
- Was the Tunguska 1908 event a late byproduct of a Permo-Triassic Verneshot?
- Accelerated subduction erosion opposite the Cocos Ridge: Implications for the initiation of ridge subduction
- Coupled Estimation of Surface Heat fluxes and Vegetation Dynamics From Remotely Sensed Land Surface Temperature and Fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation
- Crystal Recycling in the Steady-State System of the Active Stromboli Volcano: a 2.5 ka Story Inferred from In-Situ Sr-ISOTOPE and Trace-Element Data
- Data assimilation of satellite land surface temperature and ground-observed snow depth in an energy and mass balance model in mountain environment
- Development of a practical tool for the flood risk assessment in highly urbanized areas: The case of the Arno River, Firenze (Italy)
- Evaluating the uncertainty of predicting future climate time series at the hourly time scale
- Explosive volcanism from the Galapgos Hotspot: Evidence from Miocene marine tephras on top of the Cocos Ridge (IODP Exp. 334)
- Heating and Cooling of Protons in the Fast Solar Wind Between 0.3 and 1 AU: Helios Reloaded
- Hyperspectral Technique for Detecting Soil Parameters
- IODP Exp. 334 CRISP A: Overview of initial results from the Costa Rica Seismogenesis Experiment
- Ion distributions in the fast solar wind and associated kinetic instabilities: Ulysses observations
- Modeling Soil Moisture Fields Using the Distributed Hydrologic Model MOBIDIC
- New sediment budget calculations for the submarine Amazon Delta indicates enhanced modern sediment fluxes of the Amazon system
- Preliminary results of stress and strain analyses, IODP Expedition 334, Costa Rica Seismogenesis Project (CRISP)
- Present-day principal horizontal stress orientations in the Costa Rica subduction zone: Preliminary estimates from logging-while-drilling, IODP Expedition 334
- Quantitative landslide hazard and risk assessment from long-term space-borne InSAR measurements
- Subsidence Induced Faulting Hazard Zonation Using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry and Horizontal Gradient Mapping in Mexican Urban Areas
- Synergy between infrasound, lidar and airglow layer observation networks for atmospheric studies: the ARISE project
- Temperatures of Mediterranean Volcanic Hydrothermal Systems Reflected by Gas Geothermometry
- The Influence of Tilt and Strain-Tilt Coupling on Full Moment Tensor Inversions of Seismic Recordings at Active Volcanoes: Theoretical Considerations and in Situ Measurements
- The ecohydrological interaction of snow and vegetation type along a climate gradient in the Alps
- The origin of the 'fluid' component and its implications for U-Th-Pa disequilibria in island arcs
- Thermal results from IODP Expedition 334: Heat flow and Thermal Models Along the CRISP Transect
- Using a distributed hydrologic model to assess the impact of urbanization in Singapore
- A Multi-Scale Approach to Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Hydrologic Response of Watershed Systems: 1. Quantifying Regional Trends and their Uncertainty
- Contribution of Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) to map surface displacement in the Travale - Radicondoli Geothermal area (Tuscany, Italy)
- Dynamic Feedbacks Between Flow, Erosion and Evolving River Bank Roughness Revealed Through Repeat High-Resolution Topographic Surveys
- Enhancement of environment and resources engineering studies through an international cooperation network
- Equilibrium Cross-section for River Channel with Cohesive Erodible Banks
- Incremental Slip Along Dilatant Faults in Ancient Fluid-Rich Subduction Zones
- Modeling the Retreat Processes of Salt Marsh Edge
- Modifications to MODFLOW-LGR for a deeper investigation of vadoze zone and runoff processes
- Proton Energetics in the Solar Wind: Helios Reloaded
- Role of kinetic instabilities driven by temperature anisotropy in the evolution of current sheets and magnetic reconnection
- Spatiotemporal variation of infrasound propagation from Sakurajima to the infrasound network in Kirishima - Effects of the atmospheric structure and topography-
- Thermal and Acoustic Signals associated to Vulcanian Explosions at Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat
- Top-kriging interpolation for streamflow extremes estimation in ungauged catchments
- Volcanic Synchronization: Applications and potential for the WAIS Divide ice core
- Vulcanian explosions: precursory and eruptive signatures from a multiparameteric perspective
- A numerical model for the solution of the Shallow Water equations in composite channels with movable bed
- Analysis of infrasound waves generated by the May 2012 earthquake sequence in Northen Italy
- Atmospheric dynamics Research InfraStructure in Europe: The ARISE Project
- Blast waves from violent explosive activity at Yasur volcano, Vanuatu
- Characteristic magnitude of subduction earthquake and upper plate stiffness
- Combining direct and remote measurements of volcanic fluids to characterize subvolcanic conditions within the Katmai Volcanic Cluster, Alaska (Invited)
- Environmental engineering education: examples of accreditation and quality assurance
- FUTUREVOLC: A European volcanological supersite in Iceland, a monitoring system and network for the future (Invited)
- Interaction of Bar Morphology and Riparian Vegetation in Gravel-Bed Rivers
- Lava Fountaining Discharge Regime driven by Slug-to-Churn Flow Transition. (Invited)
- Model Building Strategies for Predicting Multiple Landslide Events
- Origin of volcanic-hydrothermal hydrocarbons from Nisyros as revealed by carbon isotope distribution patterns of n-alkanes
- Salt marsh retreat induced by wind waves: experiments, field and modeling
- Sediment transport during flash floods in a gravel-bed stream (Invited)
- The intrusion of new magma triggered the 2011-2012 unrest at Santorini: evidence from noble-gas isotopes
- Top-kriging interpolation for extremes discharge estimation in ungauged rivers
- Anisotropy of the cascade in MHD turbulence
- Assessing and optimizing infrasound network performance: application to remote volcano monitoring
- Degradation Pathways for Geogenic Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in Soil Gases from the Solfatara Crater (Campi Flegrei, Southern Italy).
- Downstream lightening and upward heavying, sorting of sediments of uniform grain size but differing in density
- Environmental, Economic and Social Efficiencies of Irrigated Farming Systems: Using Water Footprint Indicators to Compare Farm Income and Labor Generated per Volume of Water Available in Irrigated Farming Systems in Campania, Italy
- Interdisciplinary Study of Urbanization and Impacts - the Poplex 2014 Field Campaign
- Investigation of the SCS-CN initial abstraction ratio using a Monte Carlo simulation for the derived flood frequency curves
- On the Lateral Retreat of Salt Marshes: Field Monitoring in the Venice Lagoon (Italy)
- Real-time measurements of Hg<SUP>0</SUP> and H<SUB>2</SUB>S at La Solfatara Crater (Campi Flegrei, Southern Italy) and Mt. Amiata volcano (Siena, Central Italy): a new geochemical approach to estimate the distribution of air contaminants
- Regional Frequency Analysis of extreme rainfall events, Tuscany (Italy)
- Relative Path Impact Index (RPII): a morphometric approach to quantify the effect of anthropogenic features on surface flow processes in agricultural landscapes
- Renewed Volcano-Stratigraphc Studies of Calderas with Geothermal Potential in Mexico
- Scaling and Transition of the Explosive Activity at Stromboli Volcano
- Sustainability of Italian Agriculture: A Methodological Approach for Assessing Crop Water Footprint at Local Scale
- The Electron Heat flux in the Solar Wind: Collisionless or Collisional Dominated?
- Towards a Proactive Risk Mitigation Strategy at La Fossa Volcano, Vulcano Island
- Trace Elements in Olivine in Italian Potassic Volcanic Rocks Distinguish Between Mantle Metasomatism by Carbonatitic and Silicate Melts
- Waves and Magnetism in the Solar Atmosphere (WAMIS)
- Combining High Temporal Resolution Gas Composition and Seismic Data to Identify Subsurface Fluid Movement within the Katmai Volcanic Complex, Alaska
- Insights from gas and water chemistry on the geothermal system of the Domuyo volcanic complex (Patagonia, Argentina)
- Investigating the ion-scale spectral properties of solar wind turbulence with high-resolution hybrid simulations
- Mineral-catalyzed dehydrogenation of C<SUB>6</SUB> cyclic hydrocarbons: results from experimental studies under hydrothermal conditions
- On the Role of Coulomb Collisions in the Electron Evolution Throughout the Heliosphere.
- Resistive Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Fast Reconnection in Thin Current Sheets: Analysis of the Linear and Nonlinear Stages of the "Ideal" Tearing Mode
- Secondary fractionation processes of dissolved inorganic carbon and CO<SUB>2</SUB> in thermal waters from active and quiescent volcanic systems
- The bulk isotopic composition of hydrocarbons in subaerial volcanic-hydrothermal emissions from different tectonic settings
- Towards a Numerical Description of Volcano Aeroacoustic Source Processes using Lattice Boltzmann Strategies
- Amplitude constraints on Alfvénic fluctuations in the solar wind
- Burrowing activity in channel levees: impact of the invasive red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii
- Experimental Investigations on Uprooting of Riparian Vegetation
- Main Ethiopian Rift Kinematic analogue modeling: Implications for Nubian-Somalian plate motion.
- Mirror Instability in the Turbulent Expanding Solar Wind
- Recent ice mass loss of outlet glaciers and ice caps in the Qaanaaq region, northwestern Greenland
- The late Quaternary evolution of the Arno Coastal plain (northern Tuscany, Italy): unravelling the interplay between glacio-eustatic and tectonic signals.
- Three-dimensional Hybrid Simulations of Decaying Plasma Turbulence from Fluid to Sub-ion Scales
- A Bivariate return period for levee failure monitoring
- BlueSeis3A - performance, laboratory tests and applications
- Control Mechanisms of the Electron Heat Flux in the Solar Wind: Observations in Comparison to Numerical Simulations
- Cyclic Ductile-Brittle Deformation during Temperature Decrease in Quartz-Rich Mylonites: Insights from the Calamita Schists (Elba Island, Italy)
- Discharge data assimilation in a distributed hydrologic model for flood forecasting purposes
- Estimating Shallow Vs-Profiles Using 6C Recordings of Ground Motion
- Evaluating Seismic Site Effects at Cultural Heritage Sites in the Mediterranean Area
- Exact Turbulence Law in Collisionless Plasmas: Hybrid Simulations
- Flood Impacts on People: from Hazard to Risk Maps
- Impacts of Floods Events on Food Security
- MOBIDIC-U: a watershed-scale model for stormwater attenuation through green infrastructures design
- Magnetic reconnection as a driver for a sub-ion scale cascade in plasma turbulence: high-resolution 2D and 3D hybrid simulations
- Modeling Solar Wind Expansion with Wave-Particle Interactions and Coulomb Collisions
- Riparian Vegetation Uprooting Due to High Floods: Field, Experiments and Modeling
- Small Scales Structure of MHD Turbulence, Tubes or Ribbons?
- Turbulent energy cascade in the inner heliosphere: a universal process underlying different turbulent patterns
- Uprooting of flexible riparian vegetation: field and laboratory observations
- Animal burrowing in channel levees: the case of the invasive red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii
- Annual cycles in ice nucleating particle concentrations at four Arctic locations
- Basaltic magmas of Santorini from past to present
- Deciphering the Cause of an Abrupt Extinction and Stable Isotope Excursion Event Across the Aptian-Albian Boundary Interval (AABI, 113 Ma)
- Enhancing Public Awareness of Disaster Risk Management: The Sebastiano Project, a Science and Art Successful co-creation experience.
- Estimating the ground motion distribution of the 2016 Mw 6.2 Amatrice, Italy earthquake using remote infrasound observations
- Evidences of climate mitigation from Landscape Restoration and Water Harvesting: A Remote Sensing Approach
- Explosion volume flux comparison using seismically derived tilt, infrasound, and gas data at Stromboli Volcano, Italy
- How do concentration-streamflow relations depend on rainfall-runoff event characteristics? An analysis for a small pre-Alpine forested catchment
- Hydraulic Link between Glacier-dammed Lake and Meltwater Plume Revealed by Seismic Tremor, Time-lapse Imagery, Radar and Mooring
- Hydraulic impacts of vegetation management in a real drainage channel - evidences from field measurements
- Immersion freezing efficiencies of ambient particles collected from five different regions across latitudes
- Insights into the 2018 eruption of Volcan de Fuego, Guatemala, from geophysical data and visual observations.
- Interactions of Vegetation with Alternate Bar Morphology in Flume Experiments
- Large scale inundation simulations integrating floodplain terrain and 2D hydraulic modelling with remote sensing and crowdsourced data
- Modeling the acoustic flux inside the magmatic conduit by integrated 3D-FDTD simulation
- Muon radiography of the Temperino mine in Campiglia Marittima: average density measurement and detection of unknown cavities
- Numerical Simulations of Kinetic Turbulence in the Low Beta Regime: Predictions for Observations by Parker Solar Probe
- On the Use of Static Uprooting Experiments to Assess the Critical Rooting Depth Controlling Plant Uprooting by Flow
- Paleoenvironmental implications of magnetofossil occurrences in the Eocene-Oligocene marine sediments from the Monte Cagnero Section (Central Italy): Preliminary results
- Real-time landslide monitoring with a wireless sensors network based on ultra-wide band technology: applications and perspectives
- Science and Art Looking for a Seismic Waves' New Visualization Method
- 6C Recordings at Active Volcanoes
- Analogue models of multiple sill emplacement: evidences of lateral magma migration and unexpected superficial deformation
- Developing probabilistic tephra fallout hazard maps for Cotopaxi and Guagua Pichincha volcanoes, Ecuador, with uncertainty quantification
- Development of Fault-induced Sinkhole in a Seismic Zone of the Italian Apennines
- Effects of vegetation on the dynamics of river alternate bars: observations from flume experiments.
- Experimental modeling of mass eruption rates from acoustic wave.
- How cold was Antarctica during the Last Glacial Maximum?
- Middle Eocene to Early Oligocene astronomical tuning of the Monte Cagnero section (central Italy)
- Mind the gap: refined acoustic characterisation of explosions at Stromboli volcano using drone-deployed sensors and near-field arrays
- Monitoring the morphological changes associated with the 3 July 2019 paroxysmal eruption at Stromboli volcano (Italy) using UAVs
- Multiplet and particle motion analysis of very-long-period (VLP) events at Stromboli Volcano, Italy, during a period of low surface activity in 2018
- Observing Oblique Slip During Rift Linkage in Northern Afar
- Probabilistic Floods Risk Assessment in African Countries
- Simultaneous Assimilation of Water Levels from Stage Gauges and Satellite Derived Flood Extents for Improving the Performances of a 2d Flood Routing Model
- Time-variable tapping of basaltic melts from different mantle sources at Santorini Volcano (Greece) revealed by crystal-hosted melt inclusions
- Understanding hydrological processes in small Alpine and pre-Alpine catchments: the case of Rio Vauz and Ressi, Northern Italy
- A Journey of Exploration to the Polar Regions of a Star: Probing the Solar Poles and the Heliosphere from High Helio-Latitude
- A Radiation Environmental Study for the Metis Coronagraph on board Solar Orbiter
- A Stability Approach to the Patchy Behaviour of Aquatic Plants in Rivers
- Evidence of a newly-observed turbulent regime at sub-ion scales in space and astrophysical plasmas
- First data and instrument performance from Metis coronagraph on Solar Orbiter
- Geochemical Characterization of the Stratoid Series and Comparison to the Gulf Basalt Formation (Afar, Ethiopia)
- Italian SWA-Solar Orbiter Working Group on "Kinetic Processes"
- Italian Solar Orbiter-SWA Working Group on "Multiscale Physics"
- Italian Solar Orbiter-SWA Working Group on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
- Karman-Howarth-Monin equation for compressible Hall MHD turbulence
- Large wood in rivers and accumulation at bridge piers
- Metis - Solar Orbiter Topical Team on "Modelling of CME propagation/evolution in corona and solar wind in connection with Space Weather"
- Microplastic transport processes in freshwater environment
- Plate-boundary kinematics of the Afrera linkage zone (Afar) from InSAR and seismicity
- Present-day seismic activity in the Mugello Basin and adjoining areas (Northern Apennines, Italy)
- Seismo-acoustic characterization of the 2019 Stromboli volcano paroxysm events
- Solar Orbiter: connecting remote sensing and in situ measurements
- Steady state large magnitude explosive volcanism for the last five hundred thousand years
- Combining Visible- and Infrared-Wavelength Observations with Numerical Modelling to Describe Vulcanian Eruption Plumes at Sabancaya, Peru
- Five Years of Earth Sciences and Art at the European Geosciences Union
- Fully kinetic simulations of plasma turbulence in the inner heliosphere: a pathfinder for electron-scale spacecraft missions
- INSTANCE The Italian Seismic Dataset for Machine Learning
- Ice Nucleating Particle Concentrations from an Arctic and a Temperate Site with Marine-Dominant Aerosol Sources
- Interannual and interseasonal variabilities and sources of ice nucleating particles in the Arctic: Insights from model simulations and long-term measurements from Ny-Alesund
- Modelling potential meteorological drivers of COVID-19 infection patterns in 409 cities across 26 countries
- Pan-Arctic Seasonal Cycles and Long-term Trends of Aerosol Properties from Ten Observatories
- Physical Processes and Timescales of Aeolian Remobilization: the Example of the Tephra-Fallout Deposit Associated with the 2011 Eruption of Cordon Caulle Volcano (Chile)
- Quantifying the ambipolar electric field contribution to the solar wind acceleration
- Quantifying thermal emissions from multiple craters in active volcanoes: a multisensory satellite approach on Stromboli and Etna (Italy) case studies.
- The Importance of a Null Model for Identifying Change in Alluvial River Channels
- The transformation of ocean fragments into continent and its implications for the geology of the Wilson Cycle
- Toward a more reliable estimation of volcanic hazards during explosive eruptions: the case of Mt. Etna, in Italy
- Weak Forearcs are a Key Feature of Earth-like Subduction
- Electromagnetic anomalies and particle fluxes during quiet geomagnetic conditions and possible correlation with seismic activity.
- HENON: the HEliospheric pioNeer for sOlar and interplanetary threats defeNce
- Laboratory Analog Experiments to Support Detection of Organics by the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover
- Modeling Landslide Dams' Evolution during Flood Events and Related Processes at the Reach Scale
- Multiple controls on runoff generation in small mountain catchments across different climates: from unicity to ubiquity
- Observations of Comet C/2021 A1 (Leonard) with the Solar Orbiter/Metis coronagraph: first simultaneous imaging of a comet in visible light and ultraviolet emission
- On the magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling during the May 2021 Geomagnetic storm.
- Prominence Eruption Observed in He II 304 Å up to >6 Solar Radii by EUI/FSI Aboard Solar Orbiter
- Retrievals of Optical and Microphysical Characteristics of Arctic Clouds using Ground-based UV-VIS-NIR and SWIR Spectrometers
- Spacetime structure of plasma turbulence in 3D Hall-MHD and Hybrid-kinetic numerical simulations.
- The IMFogram: a New Time-Frequency Representation Method for Nonstationary Signals Analysis
- The Influence of Inherited Brittle Fabrics on Continental Rifting: Insights from Centrifuge Experimental Modeling and application to the East African Rift System
- Two decades of carbon, water and energy flux measurements at a Mediterranean forest: fluxes and tree rings comparison for Pinus pinaster Ait. and Pinus pinea L.
- Use of Legacy, Seismological Domain-Knowledge Improves the Performance of a Deep-Learning, Seismic Arrival-Time Picker
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Berlicki
- A. Greco
- A. N. Zhukov
- A. W. Case
- Alberto Michelini
- Alexandra Parmentier
- Ana M. Vicedo‐Cabrera
- Annalisa Di Bernardino
- Anthony Lomax
- Antonio Cicone
- Aurelio Tobías
- C. Giunchi
- C. J. Owen
- C. Plainaki
- Carl Phillips
- Christopher Zerafa
- Claire Masteller
- D. J. Jerolmack
- D. Malaspina
- D. Spadaro
- Daniel B. Seaton
- Daniel Verscharen
- Daniele Maestrelli
- Daniele Penna
- David Burgess
- David M. Long
- Dorothy J. Merritts
- Elisabeth Andrews
- Elise K. Wilbourn
- Emanuele Papini
- Erika Palmerio
- F. Auchère
- F. Berrilli
- Filippo Calì Quaglia
- Franck Donnadieu
- G. Leto
- G. Zimbardo
- George Sand França
- Giovanni Lapenta
- Giovanni Muscari
- Giuseppe Consolini
- Giuseppe Nisticò
- I. Zouganelis
- J. C. Kasper
- J. P. Eastwood
- J. S. Halekas
- Jana Šafránková
- Josep Peñuelas
- Juan Manuel Madariaga
- Julia Schmale
- K. E. Korreck
- K. Goetz
- Karine Issautier
- Kieran Dunne
- L. Del Zanna
- Laura Berčič
- Louise Slater
- Lubomír Přech
- Luca Franci
- M. F. Marcucci
- M. Pulupa
- M. Romoli
- M. Stangalini
- M. Uslenghi
- Matteo Bagagli
- Mirko Piersanti
- Naruki Hiranuma
- Nicola Arriga
- Paola Vannucchi
- R. A. Frazin
- R. D’Amicis
- R. Nakamura
- Rigoberto Aguilar Contreras
- Rita Traversi
- Roger C. Wiens
- Rui Pinto
- S. Cianetti
- S. D. Bale
- S. K. Solanki
- S. M. Clegg
- S. Parenti
- S. Schmidt
- S. T. Badman
- Salvatore Mancuso
- Simona Francalanci
- Sonja Gaviano
- Stefano Lanzoni
- Sunanda Sharma
- T. Appourchaux
- V. Andretta
- V. Martínez Pillet
- Valentino Lauciani
- Vania Da Deppo
- Victor Montagud-Camps
- Virginia Ciardini
- Xiaohong Liu
- Zdeněk Němeček