Eberhard Karls University of Tubingen, Germany
flowchart I[Eberhard Karls University of Tubingen, Germany] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (4)"] AW["Affiliated Works (278)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (46)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- University of Tubingen, Department of Geophysics
- University of Tubingen, Institute for Applied Physics
- University of Tubingen, Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics
- University of Tubingen, Institute of Physics
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Interruption of Eastern Mediterranean Sapropel S1: 8,200 Cold Event or Noah's Flood? Evidence From the Sea of Marmara and Levantine Basin
- Mass Flux Measurements at Field Scale: Principles and Applications
- Spatial Productivity Variations During Formation of Sapropels S5 and S6 in the Mediterranean Sea: Evidence from Ba Concentrations
- Thermodynamics of H incorporation in magnesiowüstite at high pressures
- Three-dimensional structure of the greater Los Angeles basin: Insights from transects and models that integrate industry seismic reflection profiles, well logs, surface geology, and relocated earthquake catalogs
- Development and Application of a Multilevel - Multitracer Test Method for Subsurface Investigation and Testing of Stochastic Models for the Delineation of Wellhead Protection Zones in Heterogeneous Porous Aquifers
- Simulating the Development of Solution Conduits in Dualistic Karst Flow Systems
- The Sensitivity Coefficient Approach: A Tool for the Analysis of The Influence of Heterogeneous Parameter Distributions on Hydraulic Tests
- BEWA2000 Studies on the Regulation of Isoprenoid Biosynthesis as Prerequisite for the Development of Process-Based Emission Models
- Determination Of Transverse Dispersivities At Lab Scale: Conservative Transport And Steady State Reactive Plumes
- Field Comparison of Direct-Push Approaches for Determination of K-Profiles
- High Resolution Multi-Level Monitoring and Characterization of NA Processes
- Hydraulic Travel Time Tomography Appraisal Using Synthetic Data Sets
- Investigation of effects of fractured porous media on pneumatic tests: An experimental study on mesoscale
- Paleodictyon, a Living Fossil on the Deepsea Floor
- The Upper Cretaceous Gosau Basins Of The Apuseni Mts./Romania; Basin Analysis, Provenance Analysis And Thermal History
- A Cyclic Approach for the Qunatification and Remediation of Subsurface Contamination
- Arctic Dinoflagellate Migration Marks the Oligocene Glacial Maximum: Implications for the Rupelian-Chattian Boundary
- Comparison of Three Geophysical Methods for Characterizing a Gravel Aquifer
- Stomatal Frequency and Atmospheric CO2: a Model Based on Photosynthesis and Gaseous Diffusion
- A Hydraulic Tomographic Approach: Coupling of Travel Time and Amplitude Inversion Using Multivariate Statistics
- Arsenic Redox Transformation as a Consequence of Microbial Reduction of Ferric Iron Oxides and Humic Substances
- Coupled Subduction Evolution - an Exemplifying Model on a Mesozoic Subduction in the Alpine-Carpathian Belt
- Eastern Mediterranean Ecosystem and Sedimentation Response to Holocene Climate Changes
- Identification of the monitoring point density needed to reliably estimate contaminant mass fluxes
- Investigation of NA processes at reactive fringes: Sampling bias introduced by high resolution multi-level monitoring
- Mass transfer of electron acceptor aross the capillary fringe
- Measurement of transverse dispersion and reaction in heterogeneous porous media under transient flow conditions
- Pedogenic Formation of Perylene in a Terrestrial Soil Profile: Evidence From Carbon Isotopic Ratios
- Potential Role of Fe(II)-Oxidizing Photoautotrophic Bacteria in the Deposition of Precambrian Banded Iron Formations
- Quantification of Natural Attenuation of N-S-O Heteroaromatic Compounds in Groundwater at Field Scale
- Rivers and Stable Isotopes as Indicators of Biogeochemical Gradients
- The Origin of Fibrous Calcite Veins: Aragonite?
- A System Dynamics Approach for the Selection of Contaminated Land Management Options
- Bowen Lecture: Tracing Crust-Mantle Recycling With Lithium Isotopes
- Detailed Vertical and Lateral Delineation of Redox Zones in Contaminant Plumes Using Redox-Sensitive Tapes (RST)
- Element Transport in Granulite-Facies Fluids: a TEM Study in Exsolved Ternary Feldspar From Charnockites of Lofoten, Norway
- Multilevel integral investigation of contamination in polluted aquifers
- Reconstruction of palaeoatmospheric carbon dioxide using stomatal densities of various beech plants (Fagaceae): testing and application of a mechanistic model
- Tracer assisted characterization of deep fractured-porous reservoirs
- Variations in Sea-Surface Temperature, Paleoproductivity and Circulation Pattern in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific During the Last 140 kyr: a Multiproxy Study of Core MD02- 2529
- Constraining the role of anoxygenic phototrophic Fe(II)-oxidizing bacteria in deposition of BIFs
- Lab-Scale Experiments and Numerical Modeling of Mixing and Degradation of Pollutants in Aquifers
- Measurement of Microbially Induced Transformation of Magnetic Iron Minerals in Soils Allows Localization of Hydrocarbon Contamination
- Mg/Ca Ratios in Planktonic Foraminifera Across a Strong Salinity Gradient in the Mediterranean Sea
- Reactive Transport Modelling of Heterocyclic Hydrocarbons at a Former Gasworks Site
- The Age of the Variscan Suture in the Apuseni Mountains, Romania, as revealed by LA-ICP- MS Zircon Dating
- The Age of the intra-Danubian Suture (Southern Carpathians, Romania)
- The Apuseni Mountains, Romania, a Variscan Collage of Ordovician Gondwanan Terranes
- Delineation of Hydrocarbon Contamination of Soils and Sediments With Environmental Magnetic Methods: Laboratory and Field Studies
- Determination of Anthropogenic Boundary Depth in Industrially Polluted Soil Profiles and Semi-Quantification of Heavy Metal Loads Using Magnetic Susceptibility
- Determination of Vertical Transverse Dispersion With Multi-tracer Laboratory Experiments
- Immobilisation of arsenic by iron(II)-oxidizing bacteria
- Implication of Coal Tar and Asphalt on Black Carbon Quantification in Urban Watersheds
- Synthesis and Characterization of Binary and Ternary Complexes of As, Fe and Humic Substances
- Trace element requirements of anoxygenic phototrophic Fe(II)-oxidizers: what we can learn about early earth evolution and the role of these bacteria in BIF deposition
- Combination of urban shear-wave reflection seismics and direct push measurements for aquifer mapping
- Evaluation of Direct Push methods for the hydraulic and compositional characterization of a highly heterogeneous aquifer - a case study
- Interplay Between High And Low Latitude Climate Variability: New Records From The Aegean Sea
- Reconstructing Middle Eocene Climate and Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration: Application of a mechanistic theoretical approach to fossil plants from the Messel Pit (Germany)
- Redox control on S and Cl partitioning between basaltic melts and coexisting fluids: Experimental constraints at 1050°C and 200 MPa
- Thermochronometer and Numerical Modeling Constraints on Canyon Incision and Topographic Evolution, SW Peru (Invited)
- Transverse vertical dispersion coefficients in the capillary fringe determined by a high resolution non-invasive method
- Use of MT3DMS for heat transport simulation of shallow geothermal systems
- Using Direct-Push for characterization of hydraulic conductivity distributions
- Aspects on the use of high resolution Direct Push based slug testing for acquiring hydraulic conductivity distributions
- Climate controls on precipitation δ18O along the Andes
- Combination of comprehensive geophysical measurements and conventional soil sampling for high resolution soil mapping
- Enhanced dilution and transverse mixing due to flow focusing: a stochastic-analytical approach
- Fe stable isotope fractionation in modern and ancient hydrothermal Fe-Si deposits
- On the value of incorporating spatial statistics in large-scale geophysical inversions: the SABRe case
- Quantifying glacial landscape processes with numerical modeling and thermochronology
- Shape-Free Inference of Hyporheic Travel-Time Distributions from Tracer Experiments in Streams
- The use of CPT and other Direct Push methods for (hydro-)stratigraphic aquifer characterization - a field study
- Validity of macroscopic models of mean concentration for predicting mixing-controlled reactive transport
- Deformation, deposition, and surface uplift in the hinterland of the Central Andes, Bolivia
- Delineation of subsurface hydrocarbon contamination at a former hydrogenation plant using spectral induced polarization imaging
- Evaluating the role of Cenozoic flat-slab subduction processes on the regional tectonic, sedimentary basin, and climatic framework of southern Alaska
- Evidence for free oxygen in the Neoarchean ocean based on coupled iron-molybdenum isotope fractionation
- Linking geophysics and soil function modelling - two examples
- Modern and Paleo-Atmospheric Controls on High Elevation Meteoric δ<SUP>18</SUP>O
- Pyrrhotite remagnetizations in Himalayan rocks
- Quantification of global erosion from mountain ranges using low temperature thermochronology
- Spatial variation of glacial erosion rates in the St. Elias range, Alaska, inferred from a realistic model of glacier dynamics
- Spatiotemporal patterns of deformation, exhumation, topography, and climate across the central Andean Cordillera
- Tectonic and paleoclimate evolution at the NE Tibetan Plateau from 2.8 to 0.1 Ma deduced from a drill-core in Qaidam Basin
- The Impact of Drainage Reorganization on Cenozoic Topography
- The age of the India-Asia collision - constraints from the Lhasa Block and Tethyan Himalaya
- The influence of abiotic controls and management intensity on phosphorus cycling in established grassland and forest ecosystems
- The role of diffusion in compound-specific transverse dispersion and mixing-controlled degradation of contaminant plumes
- Three-dimensional Geostatistical Inversion with Multiple Joint Data
- Assessing the role of air compression in the vadose zone in controlling surface runoff and DOC concentrations at hillslopes
- Chemical Changes in Pore Water Composition due to CO2 Injection Under In-Situ P-T Condition of the Altmark Gas Reservoir, Germany
- Combining geophysical methods for the observation of hydrological processes at the hillslope-scale
- Consistent Simulation of Pulse-Like Conservative and Reactive Stream-Tracer Experiments on Multiple Scales
- Effect of Phosphate on Surface Properties of Ferrihydrite and its Reactivity towards Aqueous Fe(II)
- Exceptional Isotopic Variability in Stream Waters of the Central Andes: Large-Scale or Local Controls?
- Flat-slab subduction, orogenesis, intraplate deformation, and glacial erosion in southern Alaska: A tectonic-glacial progression from STEEP
- Heat Tracer Tomography - A New Approach to Characterizing Aquifer Heterogeneity
- Hydrological Relevant Parameters from Remote Sensing - Spatial Modelling Input and Validation Basis
- Impact of biogeochemical processes on small scale variations in manganese nodule abundance in the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone
- Influence of variable lithology on landscape evolution
- Insights from Modelling the Spatial Dependence Structure of Hydraulic Conductivity at the MADE Site Using Spatial Copulas
- Luminescence thermochronometry and (U-Th-Sm)/He dating across the Fairweather Fault (Russell Fjord, Alaska)
- Measuring Vertical Motions of the Earth's Surface on Long Time Scales through Integration of Surface Uplift Proxies with Climate Modeling
- Methane production from hydrothermal transformation of siderite to magnetite
- Observational and Model Constraints on Glacial Erosion
- Precipitation intensity and vegetation controls on geomorphology of the central Andes
- Quantification of Glacial Erosion with Shallow Ice Approximation and Thermally-Coupled, Stokes Flow Landscape Evolution Models
- Simulating the effects of 3D bed forms on hyporheic exchange and turnover under different river and groundwater flow conditions
- The role of 3D plate interaction in obliquely convergent orogens and plate corners
- Using Optic Pressure Measurements in Hydrogeology - New Experimental Possibilities
- A Middle-Late Pleistocene lacustrine record of humidity variation at the SE Tibetan Plateau
- An Open Source Framework for Coupled Hydro-Hydrogeo-Chemical Systems in Catchment Research
- Approaches to constrain single-crystal elastic properties from Brillouin scattering of polycrystalline samples
- Catchments as Reactors: How do landscapes process diffuse pollution? (Invited)
- Challenges of Tracer Analysis for Reach-Scale (Reactive) Transport (Invited)
- Changes in Magnetic Mineralogy Through a Depth Sequence of Hydrocarbon Contaminated Sediments
- Design and Inversion of Tomographic Heat-Tracer Tests (Invited)
- Do Bayesian Model Weights Tell the Whole Story? New Analysis and Optimal Design Tools for Maximum-Confidence Model Selection
- Evaluating experimental design for soil-plant model selection using a Bootstrap Filter and Bayesian model averaging
- Evaluation of detrital apatite fission track thermochronology for quantification of glacial catchment denudation and sediment mixing
- Experimental magma degassing: The revenge of the deformed bubbles
- Field comparison of selected methods for vertical soil water content profiling
- How the Young Hydrologic Society can rejuvenate hydrology
- Importance of Diffusion and Compound-Specific Mixing for Conservative and Reactive Transport in Groundwater: An Investigation from Pore to Field Scale
- Particle Flux in the South China Sea during El Niño and non-ENSO Periods
- Tectonic implications deduced from drill cores in the Qaidam basin, NE Tibetan Plateau (Invited)
- The Upper Neckar Valley, Germany - A former industrial site turns into a natural laboratory for carbon dioxide related investigations
- The cosmogenic iodine and stable chromium isotopic signal of Atacama's giant nitrate deposits (Invited)
- Towards a monitoring strategy to assess the anthropogenic signature of traffic derived pollution
- Towards a spatially continuous parametrization of soil hydraulic properties (Invited)
- Transverse Mixing in Three-Dimensional Non-Stationary Anisotropic Heterogeneous Porous Media
- Variations in Glacial Erosion over Multiple Glacial-Interglacial Cycles
- Was clockwise rotation of Tibetan crust around the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis slow or fast?
- A field comparison of techniques to quantify surface water - groundwater interactions
- Addressing (some) Big Data Challenges in Climate Science: Cross-Sciences Collaborative Efforts Driven By Eudat Emerging Services
- Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation during Heinrich-Stadial 1 & 2 as seen by <SUP>231</SUP>Pa/<SUP>230</SUP>Th
- Binary Logistic Regression Versus Boosted Regression Trees in Assessing Landslide Susceptibility for Multiple-Occurring Regional Landslide Events: Application to the 2009 Storm Event in Messina (Sicily, southern Italy).
- Biodegradation at Dynamic Plume Fringes: Mixing Versus Reaction Control
- Bioenergetic Limitations on Slow Microbial Growth in the Subsurface: What is the Burden of Maintenance on the Overall Energy Budget?
- Cd Mobility in Anoxic Fe-Mineral-Rich Environments - Potential Use of Fe(III)-Reducing Bacteria in Soil Remediation
- Comparing Linear and Nonlinear Methods for More Reliable Predictive Uncertainty Quantification and Optimal Design of Experiments
- Drivers of weathering-related magnetic concentration changes in lacustrine sediments of the Tibetan Plateau - cases in dry and humid climate
- Estimating Turbulent Surface Fluxes from Small Unmanned Aircraft: Evaluation of Current Abilities
- How to Address Measurement Noise in Bayesian Model Averaging
- Implications of Late Pliocene-Pleistocene Humidity Fluctuations in the Qaidam Paleolake (NE Tibetan Plateau) Deduced from Magnetic Susceptibility Measurements
- Incorporating Locally Averaged Distributions Based on Categorical Land-Use Information into Point Estimation
- Independently dated paleomagnetic secular variation records from the Tibetan Plateau
- Iron Cycling in Low pH Environments - Potential Application for the Recovery of Precious Metals from Industrial Waste
- Large Influence of Subduction Geometry on Extreme Exhumation in Orogen Syntaxes
- Late Miocene to Pleistocene Environmental Changes in the Western Qaidam Basin (NE Tibetan Plateau) Revealed By Magnetic Properties in Lacustrine Sediments
- Late Quaternary Climate and Precipitation δ<SUP>18</SUP>o Variations over the Tibetan Plateau from Paleoclimate Modeling
- Magnetic Parameter Changes in Soil and Sediments in the Presence of Hydrocarbon Contamination
- Model Selection on Solid Ground: Comparison of Techniques to Evaluate Bayesian Evidence
- Modeling Microbial Dynamics in Aquifers Considering the Interaction Between the Higher Trophic Levels
- Modelling the soil-atmosphere exchange of POPs: Long-term steady state and diurnal fluctuations
- Mofettes - Investigation of Natural CO2 Springs - Insights and Methods applied
- Molybdenum (Mo) and Iron (Fe) Isotope Evidence of Tepla-Barrandian Black Shales Against Widespread Deep Ocean Oxygenation in the Late Neoproterozoic
- Monitoring High Velocity Salt Tracer via 4D Electrical Resistivity Tomography - Possibility for Salt Tracer Tomography
- Paleoenvironmental responses to Late Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 on the Kerguelen Plateau
- Plio-Quaternary Stepwise Aridification of the Asian Inland: Multi-Proxy Records from a 938.5m Drill Core in the Western Qaidam Basin, NE Tibet Plateau
- Precambrian Secular Evolution of Oceanic Nickel Concentrations: An Update
- Projected Climate Change Impacts on a Mediterranean Catchment under Different Irrigation Scenarios
- Quantifying the influence of sediment source area sampling on detrital thermochronometer data
- Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Hyporheic Respiration Under Variable Discharge Conditions
- Spatial and Temporal Variations in Rockfall Determined from Repeat Lidar Measurements in a Deglaciated Valley, Switzerland
- Spatial variations in <SUP>10</SUP>Be-derived catchment wide denudation rates and the timing of glaciation in the NW Pamir SW Tien Shan Mountains, Tajikistan
- Unraveling the Drivers of Spatial and Temporal Variability in Biogeochemical Cycling at Aquifer-River Interfaces - The LEVERHULME Hyporheic Zone Research Network
- Basement control on thermochronometer cooling ages: an example from the Andean fold-thrust belt in Bolivia
- Building the Pamir-Tibet Plateau: Eo-Oligocene Crustal Stacking and Orogen Parallel Evasion of Upper and Middle Crustal Material in the Pamir
- Chew Bahir: A Key Site within the Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project, towards a Half Million-Year Climate Record from Southern Ethiopia
- Climate dominated topography in a tectonically active mountain range
- Constraining age and rate of deformation in the northern Bolivian Andes from cross sections, cooling ages, and thermokinematic modeling
- Experimental Investigation of Plume Dilution and Dilution Enhancement in Three-Dimensional Heterogeneous Porous Media
- Exploring the Variability of Late Cenozoic Exhumation Rates across the Himalayan Rain Shadow
- Holocene evolution of the River Nile drainage system as revealed from the Lake Dendi sediment record, central Ethiopian highlands
- Integrated Modelling of Climate Change Impacts in an Irrigated, Semi-arid Catchment
- Occurence of Helical Flow in Cross-Bedded Sediments and Consequences for Transverse Mixing
- Parameterization, Spatial Simulation, and Quantified Effects of Non-linear Spatial Dependence
- Shortening Record in the Central Andean Plateau of Southern Peru: Basement Inversion, Thin-skinned Thrusting, and Geomorphic Response
- Slow and Steady Drop of the Atacama Water Table from ~15 Ma Constrained by (U-Th)/He Dating of Hematite
- Small Variation in Fluvial Denudation Rates Between Glacial-Interglacial Cycles: Insights from Paleoclimate Modeling and Cosmogenic Nuclides from European River Terraces
- Solute tracer transport does not vary systematically with stream discharge or geomorphology
- Spatiotemporal Variability of Soil Hydraulic Properties from Field Data and Remote Sensing in the Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed
- Sr Isotope Analysis of Lacustrine Fossils Reveals Paleohydrological Reorganisation in the Turkana Basin Through the Holocene.
- Tectonic deformation zones across the Himalaya of northwest India
- The Art of Tomographic Tracer Tests
- Towards a more Complete Survey of Rockfall Activity: Seismic and LiDAR Detection, Location and Volume Estimate
- Uplift and growth of the northwest Pamir
- Asymmetry in Spatial Dependence Structures
- Chew Bahir, southern Ethiopia: an archive of environmental history during the evolution and dispersal of anatomically modern humans
- Comparing Models and Methods for the Delineation of Stream Baseflow Contribution Areas
- Complex Magnetic Behavior and Cyclostratigraphy: Reconciling Magnetostratigraphic Ambiguity in a Paleoclimate Archive in Central Asia
- Constraining the Uplift History of the Jabal Akhdar and Saih Hatat Culminations, Al Hajar Mountains, Oman, with Fission Track and (U-Th)/He Ages
- Cumulative Relative Reactivity: A Concept for Modeling Aquifer-Scale Reactive Transport
- Dispersive Mixing? Mass Transfer? Microbial Dynamics? Potential Controls of Bioreactive Transport
- EarthShape: A Strategy for Investigating the Role of Biota on Surface Processes
- How Dry was too Dry? Evaluating the Impact of Climatic Stress on Prehistoric Human Populations in southern Ethiopia.
- How wet is wet? Strontium isotopes as paleo-lake level indicators in the Chew Bahir basin (S-Ethiopia)
- Intelligent Decisions Need Intelligent Choice of Models and Data - a Bayesian Justifiability Analysis for Models with Vastly Different Complexity
- Large scale reactive transport of nitrate across the surface water divide
- Pleistocene glaciation controls the topography of the SW Pamir
- Prediction of Breakthrough Curves for Conservative and Reactive Transport from the Structural Parameters of Highly Heterogeneous Media
- Strain localization and the ephemeral development of C'-C-S shear structures in shear zones: a numerical modelling approach
- Tectonic and Paleoclimate Controls on the Denudation of Orogen Syntaxes
- Testing the Late-Veneer hypothesis with selenium isotopes
- Accounting for the Decreasing Denitrification Potential of Aquifers in Travel-Time Based Reactive-Transport Models of Nitrate
- An open, object-based modeling approach for simulating subsurface heterogeneity
- Bayesian Model Selection under Time Constraints
- Effect of Monsoon on spatio-temporal variation of groundwater chemistry and stable isotopic signatures: insights for concomitant arsenic mobilization in West Bengal, India
- Inclusions in Minerals: the Importance of Host Mineral Composition, Pressure and Temperature for Potential Inclusion Alteration
- Model Projections of Future Fluvial Sediment Delivery to Major Deltas Under Environmental Change
- Providing the climatic component in human-climate interaction studies: 550,000 years of climate history in the Chew Bahir basin, a key HSPDP site in southern Ethiopia.
- Using high resolution measurements of gas tracers to determine metabolic rates in streams
- Using reactive tracer tests to model solute transport across a montane river continuum
- Data, or Geology… or Both? A Multi-Model Analysis of Solute Plume Behavior in a Synthetic Braided-River Deposit.
- Emergence of an Exhumation Feedback in the Southern Alps of New Zealand: New Observations from Detrital Thermochronology of the Waiho-1 Borehole
- How do evapotranspiration-driven discharge fluctuations alter reach-scale ecosystem function?
- Mapping and prediction of soil organic carbon based on geophysical surveys and VNIR-spectroscopy at the farm scale
- Migration behavior of storm waters within water-saturated porous media - Laboratory experiments and reactive transport simulations
- Modeling the Fate of Sediments and Attached PAHs in a Base-Flow-Dominated River
- Modern Weathering Versus Ancient Paleoredox Proxies From a Mesoarchaean Marine Oxygen Oasis in the Pongola Supergroup, South Africa
- Primary Controls on the Natural Denitrification Potential of Aquifers
- Processes determining the morphology of ice-shelf channels in Antarctica
- Quantifying Bedform-Scale Hyporheic Exchange in Bedrock Rivers: The Eramosa Bedrock River Field Site
- Reducing spin-up time for a 3-D surface-subsurface model
- Sensitivity of simulated meander-scale hyporheic exchange to river bathymetry and flow
- Spatial and temporal relationships between hydrologic forcing, geologic setting, and river corridor exchange in a mountain stream network
- The Hydrologist's Guide to Bayesian Model Selection, Averaging and Combination
- Westward migration of the main Southern Alps drainage divide, New Zealand: new constraints from detrital thermochronology of eastern basins
- Where's the Water Going? Competing Conceptual Hydrogeological Models of a Floodplain
- A validated numerical model for the growth and resorption of bubbles in magma
- Accumulation of Permanent Deformation and Topography over Multiple Timescales, Cascadia Subduction Zone (USA)
- Assessing existing and future dam impacts on the connectivity of freshwater fish ranges worldwide
- Can seismic resolution match coring and excavation data? Full waveform inversion in archaeological prospection
- Choosing Between Heterogeneity and Anisotropy - What's in the Data and What Do Your Purposes Require?
- Conceptual Equifinality in Reactive Transient-Storage Modeling
- Estimating Aquifer Parameters from Sequential Pumping and Tracer Tests Using Two Kalman-Ensemble Methods
- Estimation of soil states and parameters of integrated subsurface-land surface models by data assimilation
- Linking continental growth models to the thermal evolution of Earth
- Multi-scale Assessment of Soil Organic Carbon Composition and Vulnerability
- Role of the Aleutian Arc and NW Pacific seafloor in Pacific-wide plate reorganization in the Paleogene
- Structural Controls on the Hydrological and Biogeochemical Functioning of a Floodplain
- The birth of bubbles by spinodal decomposition: Solving the tiny bubble paradox
- Assessing the influence of grain size distribution on fluvial bedrock erosion
- Flow Laws for Ice Sheet Modelling: what do Experiments tell us?
- The quest for understanding the organisational principles of hyporheic exchange flow and biogeochemical cycling across scales
- Thermal history modelling in extensional settings: the Rwenzori Mountains of the East African Rift
- Where to find aquifer statistics utilizing pumping tests? Two field studies using welltestpy.
- Bidirectional water exchange between stream water and groundwater of a first-order agricultural stream induces autotrophic nitrate reduction and alters microbial community on controlling the S and N cycling
- Development of topographic and exhumational asymmetry in the Southern Alps of New Zealand: interpretations from detrital thermochronology
- Geo-electrical monitoring of in situ glyphosate (de)sorption kinetics in floodplain aquifer sediments: Flow-through experiments and reactive transport modeling
- Ice-shelf basal channels and their interactions with transverse fractures
- Leaching Behavior of PFAS (Per- and polyfluoroalkyl Substances) from Contaminated Agricultural Soils in Saturated Column Tests
- Learning hydrologic dynamics from big data with sensitivity analysis and differentiable hydrology
- Modelling the Effect of Strain Softening on Firn Densification
- New weather observations from Mt. Everest reveal widespread winter melting and intense sublimation
- Non-targeted tandem mass spectrometry enables detection of molecular markers of microplastics in the coastal environment
- Response of BAM-degradation Activity to Concentration and Flow Changes in a Bench-scale Sediment Tank With Isotope Fractionation as a Performance Indicator
- Testing geodynamic models for the evolution of the Calabrian forearc, southern Italy, using a data-driven inversion of topography
- The Stability and Evolution of Ice Rises and Ice Rumples and the Implications for Continental-Scale Ice Sheet Models
- Thermochronological Insights on Potential Mantle to Surface Links in the Eastern European Alps
- Aragonitic stalagmites record of the geomagnetic field: Paleomagnetic promise and limitations
- Assessing Drivers of High Exhumation Magnitudes and Young Cooling Ages in the Southern Peruvian Andes (13-18° S)
- Derwael Ice Rise: Comparing 3D Modelled Stratigraphy and Observed Internal Radar Horizons to Understand Raymond Arch and Shear Zone Evolution
- Electrical Conductivity Fluctuations as a Tracer to Determine Time-Dependent Transport Characteristics in Hyporheic Sediments
- MIMO-EIS - Moitoring Melt Where Ice Meets Ocean - Cotinuous Observations of Ice-Shelf Basal Melt of Ekström Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Near-Surface Geophysical Approaches indicate Mid-Holocene Environmental Shift at Neolithic Wetland Site of Pestenacker (South Germany)
- Oxidation of Reduced Peat Particulate Organic Matter by Dissolved Oxygen - Combining Laboratory with In Situ Studies
- Paleoclimate and Paleoenvironmental Changes Across the South Border of the Amazon Basin During the Late-Holocene
- Prediction of Rainfall Response to the 21st-century Climate Change in Ghana using Machine Learning Empirical Statistical Downscaling
- Quantifying Uncertainty of Hyporheic Nitrogen-Cycling Rates with Gene-Based Modeling
- SISAL Speleothem Database Updates - Link to Monitoring Data, Additional Proxies and Increased Accessibility
- Simulating fine fabric structure in a coupled, anisotropic ice-flow model: application to Dome C, East Antarctica
- State and timescale-dependency of surface climate variability from the last Glacial to present day (STACY2022)
- Surrogate-Model Assisted Calibration and Posterior Distribution Evaluation of a 3-D Subsurface Flow Model
- The Evolution of African Monsoons and its Impacts on Precipitation Seasonality in the Cenozoic and future Climate Change
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Adrian Mellage
- Albert J. Valocchi
- Andy Baker
- Anna Störiko
- Chaopeng Shen
- Christine F. Dow
- Daniel Boateng
- Daniel F. Stöckli
- Daniel Steinhage
- Daniela Jansen
- David A. Lilien
- Eduardo A. Lima
- Fabrizio Fenicia
- Frank Pattyn
- Ioan Lascu
- Jan H. Fleckenstein
- Joshua M. Feinberg
- Jörg Lewandowski
- K. A. Lang
- Karen E. Alley
- Kimberly A. Prather
- Kira Rehfeld
- L. Baker Perry
- Martin H. Schroth
- Martin Thullner
- Marvin Höge
- Meret Aeppli
- Nicolás M. Stríkis
- Nikita Kaushal
- Olaf A. Cirpka
- Olaf Eisen
- Paul Andrew Mayewski
- Paul R. Eizenhöfer
- Peter Dietrich
- Plinio Jaqueto
- R. I. Trindade
- Richard B. Alley
- Sean F. Gallen
- Shichang Kang
- Sophie Berger
- Steven Franke
- Todd A. Ehlers
- Ulrike Werban
- Valdir F. Novello
- Veit Helm
- Vjeran Višnjević