Munich University of Technology, Germany
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- Munich University of Technology, Department of Physics
- Munich University of Technology, Institute for Astronomical and Physical Geodesy
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Revised Set of Nutation Amplitudes Calculated From six Years of GPS Data
- Non-Tidal Signals in High-Frequency Earth Rotation Parameter Series
- The new 3D Austrian Glacier Inventory: Volume, Area, Altitude
- A Backward Modeling Study of Intercontinental Pollution Transport Using Aircraft Measurements
- A comparison of airstream trace gas signatures upwind and downwind of North America
- Airborne Observations of PAN and Related Compounds During ITCT-2K2
- Lagrangian Transport Model Forecasts as Useful Support of the Flight Planning During the Intercontinental Transport and Chemical Transformation 2002 (ITCT 2k2) Measurement Campaign
- Layers with biomass burning signature observed at 15.8 km in the stratosphere
- MAGIC Collector - Direct Sampling of Meteoric Dust in the Mesosphere
- Modeling the transport of emissions from boreal forest fires - a review
- On the Life-Cycle of a Stratospheric Intrusion and its Large-Scale Mixing with Polluted Warm Conveyor Belts
- Combination of the Space-Geodetic Techniques for Monitoring the Earth's System
- Consistent Long-Time Series of GPS Satellite Antenna Phase Center Corrections
- Rotational Motions from Teleseismic Events - Modelling and Observations
- Storage of Organic Matter as Related to Organic and Mineral Properties of Soils
- Tropospheric Parameters and Subdaily EOP From Combinations of Independent Space Geodetic Data
- Benefits from Homogeneously Reprocessed GPS Time Series
- CRONUS-EU Cosmic Ray Produced Nuclide Systematics - The European Contribution
- Analysis of the GRACE Gravity Sensor System
- Automating pattern quantification: new tools for analysing anisotropy and inhomogeneity of 2d patterns
- Emissions Of Forest Fires In The Amazon: Impact On The Tropical Mountain Forest In Ecuador
- GOCE before launch: a complementary mission to GRACE
- High-Angle Grain Boundaries in Rock-Forming Minerals: Informants of Material History and Bearer of Material Properties
- Influence of lightning NOx on the summertime upper tropospheric ozone enhancement above eastern North America
- Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Nitrate and Sulfate in Fog and River water in Podocarpus National Forest, Ecuador
- Potential and Limitations of an Electrical Low Pressure Impactor in Disjunct Eddy Covariance Aerosol Flux Measurements
- Quantification of Fabrics in Magmatic Rocks: Tools for Analyzing the History of Melts from Source to Emplacement
- Sagnac Interferometry for the Determination of Rotations in Seismology
- Analysis of the GRACE Gravity Sensor System
- Automated Quantification of Magmatic Rock-Fabric Anisotropy From Micro to Macro Scale
- Developing Methods to Test the Influence of Critical Zone Development on Watershed Hydrology and Biogeochemistry
- GOCE Quick-Look Gravity Field Analysis
- Geodetic Constraints on Steric Sea Level Rise: Using Earth Oblateness as a Metric for Land Ice Ablation
- How rigid is a rigid plate? Geodetic constraint from the Kalahari craton, South Africa.
- Mapping of Rock-Fabric Inhomogeneity (Map-Counting) and Mapping of Rock-Fabric Anisotropy (MORFA) - the Piquiri Syenite Massif, Southern Brazil
- Mercury Emission From Plants Depends on Reduction by Ascorbate
- Multiscale Analysis of Patterns Based on Random Pattern Subsets
- Near surface geophysics and sediment analysis to precise the outbreak of glacial Lake Devlin, Front Range Colorado, USA
- Observing 13C Tracer Kinetics in CO2 Respired by a Temperate Grassland Ecosystem: Different Measurement Methods Give Different Answers
- Quantification of Flow Structures in Syntectonic Magmatic Rocks
- Slope deposits and saprolites in the mid latitudes - the example of the prospection of the shallow subsurface of a slope in the Bavarian Forest, Germany, as a basic study for understanding surface water runoff, interflow and ground water storing on slopes
- Spatial Orientation and Persistence Variability in Seismicity Patterns Related to Volcanic Activity in Hawaii: Applications to Hazard Assessment
- Stability of Soil Carbon Fractions - Aggregation Versus Mineral Association
- A fen Peat Nearby Regensburg (Bavaria, Germany) as an Archive for the Reconstruction of Past Environmental Conditions in a Prehistoric Settlement Area
- A new Insight Into Microscale Soil Organic Matter Dynamics - From Single Particles to Aggregates
- Analysis of the Temporal Dynamics of Model Performance for Hydrological Models
- Comparison of two Different Methods for Recording Rotational Motions: a Commercial Eentec R1 versus Array Derived Rotation
- Development of a Spacious (Pre- and Proto) Historic Inland Dune Landscape in Lower Bavaria, Germany
- Dynamics in Hydrous Silicates Studied by High Temperature High Pressure Quasielastic Neutron Scattering
- Evolution Dynamics of Relief and Sediment Structures During the Initial Phase of Ecosystem Evolution Within an Experimentally Constructed Catchment Landscape and Their Influence on the Shallow Subsurface
- GOCE: Initial In-Orbit Experience
- Geodetic Observation-level Modelling for the Measurement of GIA
- High Resolution Neutron Computed Tomography of Vesicular Pyroclasts: Interplay of Vesicles and Crystalline Phases
- High and Ultra High Resolution Neutron Computed Tomography as a new Method for Analyzing Rock Textures
- Holocene floodplain sedimentation in Central Europe and the impact of historic mining
- Imaging the Critical Zone Using Ground Penetrating Radar and Electric Resistivity. Initial Results From the Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory
- Increasing Amount and Spatial Heterogeneity of Soil Organic Carbon After Grazing Exclusion at Semi-Arid Grasslands of Inner Mongolia, P.R. China
- Initial Ecosystem Development in an Artificial Watershed
- New Insights Into Carbon Sequestration of Steppe Soils - Composition and Turnover of Soil Organic Matter Fractions and Aggregation
- Observations And Modeling Of Rotational Signals In The P-Coda: Constraints On Crustal Scattering
- Periglacial Slope Deposits and Saprolites Controlling Water Discharge. Examples From the Bavarian Forest, Germany and Boulder Creek (CZO), Colorado, USA
- Preferential flow, connectivity and the principle of "minimum time to equilibrium": a new perspective on environmental water flow
- Quantitative fabric analysis of experimentally deformed volcanic rocks
- The Influence of Soil Properties and Local Characteristics on the Distribution, Migration and Potential Bioavailability of Radio-Cesium in Bavarian Forest Ecosystems More Than 20 Years After the Chernobyl Accident
- Using Multi-Isotope Tracer Methods to Understand the Sources of Nitrate in Aerosols, Fog and River Water in Podocarpus National Forest, Ecuador
- Earth orientation parameters as constraints for an inverse dynamic model
- GOCE: Mission Overview and Early Results (Invited)
- Geodetic methods for monitoring water overexploitation: Results from geometric and gravimetric observation techniques
- Higher-order ionosphere modeling for CODE's next reprocessing activities
- Impacts of leaves, roots, and earthworms on soil organic matter composition and distribution in sycamore maple stands
- Interactions of the IGS reprocessing and the IGS antenna phase center model (Invited)
- Late Quaternary climate and landscape changes in Southern Africa based on integrative analyses of geoarchives
- Long-term exposure to twice-ambient ozone (O3) affects carbon sink strength, allocation and stem growth in adult central European forest trees
- Megafloods and landscape change during OIS 3 in the Sinai Mts., Egypt
- Shallow Geophysical Exploration of the Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory
- Stability of Soil Carbon Fractions - from molecules to aggregates
- The 3D evolution of crack space under uniaxial deformation
- Transient Events and Landscape Response in Boulder Creek, Colorado Front Range (Invited)
- Tube pumice kinematics using non-destructive neutron tomography
- 2000 years of paddy soil development - gain and loss of soil carbon
- Assessment of GOCE gradiometer performance
- Biomass burning: A significant source of nutrients for Andean rainforests
- Covering Climate Change in Wikipedia
- Effects of nutrient supply on intrinsic water-use efficiency of temperate semi-natural grassland under rising atmospheric CO2
- GOCE Level 2 Gravity Gradients
- Helioviewer: Simplifying Your Access to SDO Data
- JHelioviewer: Open-Source Software for Discovery and Image Access in the Petabyte Age (Invited)
- Soil organic matter stabilization in buried paleosols of the Great Plains
- Time-variable gravity field from Swarm - first simulation results
- Using GOCE to estimate the mean North Atlantic circulation (Invited)
- Crystallinity-vesicularity interrelation in silicic pyroclasts - Implications for permeability as inferred from Neutron and X-Ray Computed Tomography
- Imaging the architecture of the Critical Zone at Boulder Creek Critical Zone Observatory, Rocky Mountains Front Range of Colorado, USA
- JHelioviewer: Open-Source Software for Discovery and Image Access in the Petabyte Age
- Numerical modeling of seismic anomalies at impact craters on a laboratory scale
- Precise Orbit Determination of QZS-1
- Signal-Reduction in GOCE Vyy Gravity Gradients near Polar Regions
- Slope deposits of different genesis and ages in the Colorado Front Range (Rocky Mts.) and their significance for the relief and the interflow within the critical zone
- The artifcial catchment Chicken Creek as a tool to study initial ecosystem development
- The impact of the new gravity field models in the Mean Dynamic Ocean Topography computation and the derived geostrophic velocities
- The importance of common standards and conventions for consistent GGOS products
- Twangs: Eddy-Currents in Accelerometer due to Charge Redistributions caused by induced Photo-Currents?
- Validation of CryoSat-2 Classical Altimetry Data over Ocean using a GOCE Geoid to derive Absolute Dynamic Topography
- A group intercomparison of GRACE Antarctic and Greenland ice loss estimates, as part of the Ice Mass Balance Inter-comparison Exercise (IMBIE)
- Grazing cessation changes quantity, quality and distribution of soil organic matter and (micro-)aggregates in a semiarid steppe ecosystem in Inner Mongolia
- Hydrothermal quartz formation during fluctuations of brittle shear-zone activity and fluid flow: grain growth and deformation structures of the Pfahl shear zone (Germany)
- Impact of a consistent realization of the ITRS and ICRS on source positions
- Integration of MODIS LAI products into the hydrological model WGHM indicate the sensitivity of total water storage simulations to vegetation cover dynamics
- Integration of Rain Gauge and Doppler Radar Data Using Bayesian Non-Parametric Approach
- Organic Matter Development and Turnover depending on Mineral Composition in an Artificial Soil Incubation Experiment
- Quantitative geophysics in permafrost rock walls and their explanatory power for geomechanics
- Quartz microfabrics in ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks as indicators of low stress during uplift
- Recursive adjustment approach for the inversion of the Euler-Liouville Equation
- Shading responses of carbon allocation dynamics in mountain grassland
- Soil Microbial Communities across a Chronosequence of Drained Lake Basins in the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska
- Stabilization of ancient organic matter in deep buried paleosols
- Suberin-derived aliphatic monomers as biomarkers for SOM affected by root litter contribution
- Systematic Biases in the Techniques of Space Geodesy
- Towards the Separation of Integral GRACE Signals of Continental Water Storage Using Multi-Sensor Space and In-situ Observations
- Visualizing 3D mantle structure from seismic tomography and geodynamic model predictions of the India-Eurasia and East Asia convergence zone
- GEROS-ISS: Innovative GNSS reflectometry/occultation payload onboard the International Space Station for the Global Geodetic Observing System
- Goce and Its Role in Combined Global High Resolution Gravity Field Determination
- InSAR techniques for reliable deformation estimation in volcanic areas and a first glance of Tandem-DEM accuracy - test site El Hierro Island
- On a more rigorous gravity field processing for future LL-SST type gravity satellite missions
- Performance and limits of current satellite-only and combined gravity field models (Invited)
- Pole tide Love number - an important parameter for polar motion modeling
- Progressive rock slope failure resulting from fluvial incision and far-field stress changes in alpine landscapes
- Ship diesel emission aerosols: A comprehensive study on the chemical composition, the physical properties and the molecular biological and toxicological effects on human lung cells of aerosols from a ship diesel engine operated with heavy or light diesel fuel oil
- The impact of (mega)-cities on the earth's gravity
- The role of clay in enhancing attenuation of trace organic contaminants during managed aquifer recharge
- Towards consolidated science requirements for a next generation gravity field mission
- What iron minerals contribute to anaerobic respiration in peats differing in maturity on the Arctic Coastal Plain ?
- Accelerated Source-Encoding Full-Waveform Inversion with Additional Constraints
- Analysis of the time scales in time periodic Darcy flows
- Assessing GOCE Gravity Models Using Altimetry And In-situ Ocean Current Observation
- Density Variations in Quartz As a Key for Deciphering Impact-Related Ultrasonic Sounding (Rajlich's Hypothesis)?
- Ground Displacement Measurement of the 2013 Balochistan Earthquake with interferometric TerraSAR-X ScanSAR data
- Inventory of standards and conventions used for the generation of IAG/GGOS products
- Is Nubia plate rigid? A geodetic study of the relative motion of different cratonic areas within Africa.
- Regional glacial isostatic adjustment in Antarctica estimated from GRACE, Enivsat/ICESat and GPS observations (ESA-STSE project REGINA).
- Remote Sensing and Earth System Dynamics: The Helmholtz Alliance
- Retrieval of Atmospheric Thermodynamic State from Synergistic Use of Radio Occultation and Hyperspectral Infrared Radiances Observations
- Slip reactivation model for the 2011 Mw9 Tohoku earthquake: Dynamic rupture, sea floor displacements and tsunami simulations.
- Towards a Next Generation Gravity Field Mission
- Velocity Statistics of Flows in Porous Media
- Analyzing the role of the permeability heterogeneous structure in developing vorticity in porous media
- Assessing the Sensitivity of Satellite-Derived Estimates of Ice Sheet Mass Balance to Regional Climate Model Simulations of Snow Accumulation and Firn Compaction
- Contribution of DGFI to ITRF2014
- Earth Gravitational Model 2020
- Experimental Investigation of Plume Dilution and Dilution Enhancement in Three-Dimensional Heterogeneous Porous Media
- Hydro-geomechanical behaviour of gas-hydrate bearing soils during gas production through depressurization and CO<SUB>2</SUB> injection
- Mantle Convection on Modern Supercomputers
- Models for Variations in the Global Geophysical Fluids and Their Impact on Space-Geodetic Solutions
- Occurence of Helical Flow in Cross-Bedded Sediments and Consequences for Transverse Mixing
- Phreatic activity on Dominica (Lesser Antilles) - constraints from field investigations and experimental volcanology
- Seasonal variation in Rayleigh-to-Love wave ratio in the secondary microseism
- Slopes, Fans, Terraces and their Soils - A three Systems Approach for Estimating Future Climate and Land-Use Change
- Time-dependent permeability anisotropy at the Soultz-sous-Forêts geothermal site, France
- Towards an International Network of Critical Zone Observatories
- A comparison of ITRF2014, DTRF2014 and JTRF2014 using SLR
- A new Arctic 25-year Altimetric Sea-level Record (1992-2016) and Initial look at Arctic Sea Level Budget Closure
- Control of Induced and Residual Crystal-Scale Strains on Tensile Failure in Pure Quartzite and Marble
- DTRF2014 products for station coordinates and EOP
- Effects of Nitrogen Fixing Pre-Crops and Fertilizers on Physical and Chemical Properties Down the Soil Profile
- Feasibility study to identify deep Earth signals in current and future gravity field missions
- Hydrothermal Alteration of the Mt Unzen Conduit (Shimabara/Japan)
- Large Rock-Slope Failures Impacting on Lakes - Event Reconstruction and Interaction Analysis in Two Alpine Regions Using Sedimentology and Geophysics
- Multi-scale Top-down Closure of CH<SUB>4</SUB> & CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sources in Indianapolis using Distributed Column and in situ Airborne and Tower Measurements
- ROMY: A 4-component large ring laser for geophysics
- Soil Carbon Inputs and Ecosystem Respiration: a Field Priming Experiment in Arctic Coastal Tundra
- Soil organic carbon in eastern Australia
- The Influence of Soil Displacement in Bavarian Agricultural Landscapes on the Land-Atmosphere Exchange of Greenhouse Gases.
- Thermospheric density estimation from SLR observations of LEO satellites - A case study with the ANDE-Pollux satellite
- Titanomagnetite Curie temperatures: Effects of vacancies, chemical/cation ordering and thermal history
- A Multicomponent Large Ringlaser for Seismology: First Observations
- Amazon rainforest responses to elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB>: Deriving model-based hypotheses for the AmazonFACE experiment
- Applying A Multi-Objective Based Procedure to SWAT Modelling in Alpine Catchments
- Biodiversity Hotspots, Climate Change, and Agricultural Development: Global Limits of Adaptation
- Complex landslides in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt - a case study in the State of Veracruz
- Constellations of Next Generation Gravity Missions: Simulations regarding optimal orbits and mitigation of aliasing errors
- Estimating drought induced tree mortality in the Amazon rainforest: A simulation study with a focus on plant hydraulic processes
- Estimation of consistent fundamental geodetic parameters based on SLR satellite constellation measurements
- Evaluation of probe-induced flow distortion of Campbell CSAT3 sonic anemometers by numerical simulation
- Evolution of rock glaciers in Tien Shan, Central Asia, 1971 - 2016 using high-resolution stereo satellite imagery
- Extreme scale multi-physics simulations of the tsunamigenic 2004 Sumatra megathrust earthquake
- From Process Understanding Via Soil Functions to Sustainable Soil Management - A Systemic Approach
- Greenland GPS network: Measurements and Models of 3D Elastic deformation
- Integration of GRACE and GNET GPS in modeling the deglaciation of Greenland
- International Digital Elevation Model Service (IDEMS): A Revived IAG Service
- Modeling the Dynamics of Soil Structure and Water in Agricultural Soil
- Modelling the Impact of Soil Management on Soil Functions
- Possible Climate Change/Variability and Human Impacts, Vulnerability of African Drought Prone Regions, its Water Resources and Capacity Building
- Soil Organic Matter Stabilization via Mineral Interactions in Forest Soils with Varying Saturation Frequency
- Substrate biochemistry control on the pathways for the formation of soil organic matter
- The weight of a storm: what observations of Earth surface deformation can tell us about Hurricane Harvey
- Thermal Expansivity Between 150 and 800°C of Hydrothermally Altered Conduit Dyke Samples from USDP-4 Drill Core (Mt Unzen, Shimabara, Japan)
- Transient ice mass variations over Greenland detected by the combination of GPS and GRACE data
- Updating the New Zealand Glacier Inventory
- 25 years of satellite observations of glaciological change on the Antarctic Peninsula
- A Flood Resilience Index for an urban area: assessment of climate change impact and adaptation strategies in Munich city
- A General Approach for Solving Volcano Deformation Inverse Problems by Applying Finite Element Method and Metamodel Techniques
- Amazon rainforest responses to elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> hinge on plant phosphorus use and acquisition: model-based hypotheses for the AmazonFACE experiment.
- Arctic sea level. Satellite and in-situ observations for more than 25 years.
- Assessment of Future Mission Concepts for Sustained Observation of Mass Transport in the Earth System
- Coastal sea level changes during the last decade along the coasts of West Africa
- Comparison of the cloud products from TROPOMI/Sentinel-5 Precursor and VIIRS/S-NPP
- Coupled Seismic Cycle - Earthquake Dynamic Rupture - Tsunami Models
- Determining "essential" geodetic variables using Satellite Laser Ranging
- Development of Olivine and Enstatite CPO During Melt-Rock Reaction: Evidences from HP-HT Deformation Experiments.
- Essential Gravimetric Variables - Identification and Initial Assessment
- Estimating Methane Emissions from Cities using Portable Ground-based Total Column Spectrometers
- Flash Floods in Bavaria / Germany: Recording, Exploring, Evaluating - The Project HiOS
- High-frequency and high-wavenumber variability in the California Current: Evaluating model requirements for SWOT assimilation
- Hybridized Atom / Electrostatic Accelerometer for Space Geodesy
- LEO orbit determination with additional two-way high-low SST to geosynchronous orbiters
- Linking compositional properties and epeirogenic movement in mantle flow models
- Metastable Nitric Acid Trihydrate in Ice Clouds
- Multiscale Comparative Evaluation of the GPM IMERG v5 and TRMM 3B42 v7 Precipitation Products from 2015 to 2017 Over a Climate Transition Area of China
- Permafrost as an important factor for valley formation in glaciated regions.
- Physics-based Coupled Models of the 2018 Sulawesi Earthquake and Tsunami
- Quantifying Methane Emissions Using Mobile FTIR Spectrometry and WRF Modelling during CoMeT
- Recent Progress and Plans for the ILRS
- Revisiting the Amazon forest dieback hypothesis: Estimating potential forest loss and socio-economic impacts
- Site Adaptation Prevails Over Species Determinism at Mediterranean Rear-edge Forests
- Testing the QDaedalus Measurement System for Astrogeodetic Observations of the Gravity Field
- The ExaHyPE Hyperbolic PDE-Engine: Novel DG Methods for Seismic Wave Propagation in Alpine Regional Areas.
- The GGOS Bureau of Products and Standards
- The Responses of Seawater Carbonate Chemistry and Productivity to a Simulated OMZ Upwelling Event in the Coastal Upwelling Area off Peru
- Toward a New Multi-Mission Altimetry Product at High Rate for Coastal Application, Combining the ALES Reprocessing, the X-TRACK Editing Algorithms and a Dedicated Set of Correction.
- Unraveling earthquake dynamics through large-scale multi-physics simulations
- Using coupled models of the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake and Indian Ocean tsunami to examine the impact of fluid pressure and megathrust geometry
- A general approach for solving volcano deformation inverse by applying finite element method and metamodel techniques.
- Are multi-fault rupture and fault roughness compatible? Dynamic rupture modeling of the 2016 Mw7.8 Kaikōura, New Zealand, rupture cascade with geometric fault complexity across scales
- Beyond Aquaplanet: Is Deep Learning Emulation of Global Superparameterization Viable in Realistic Settings?
- CODE Contribution to IGS Repro3 Campaign
- Coastal Sea Level Rise from Reprocessed Altimetry Differs from Offshore
- Elastic-Acoustic Coupling for 3D Tsunamigenic Earthquake Simulations with ADER-DG on Unstructured Tetrahedral Meshes
- Elucidating the Shifting Controls on Organic Carbon Stabilization Across a Soil Moisture Gradient
- Enhanced solar radiation pressure modeling for GPS and GLONASS satellites considering radiator impact
- Evaluating forest spatiotemporal trends of self-thinning trajectories and its implications on carbon storage
- ExaSeis: A dynamically adaptive discontinuous Galerkin framework for the simulation of earthquakes with mesh generation avoiding schemes.
- Expanding the Boston Region Carbon Monitoring System: The Addition of Total Column Observations of Greenhouse Gases
- Exploring mass transfer limitation in organic micropollutant biodegradation: Combined insight from compound-specific isotope analysis (CSIA) and reactive transport modeling
- Functional Phenology Changes after Nitrogen and Phosphorus Addition through Changing Structure and Physiology
- GGOS Focus Area on Geodetic Space Weather Research - Observation Techniques and Modeling Approaches
- Hydraulic Redistribution - Relevance and mechanisms of the passive water reallocation among temperate trees and forests under drought
- Impact of photochemical ageing on the composition and toxicity of wood combustion aerosols: A combined cell exposure and analytical-chemistry approach
- Improving global reference frame realizations by correcting for non-tidal loading displacements
- Investigating the interaction between carbon and water budgets derived from tree-ring series
- Lunar Laser Ranging: A small system approach
- Machine learning based cloud parametrizations and causal discovery for climate models
- Micro-Scale Patterns of Organic Matter Decomposition and Storage Within a Buried Paleosol
- Modeling Syneruptive Lahars at Cotopaxi Volcano, Ecuador: Advantages and Uncertainties
- New methods for linking science objectives to mission architectures: A case study comparing single and dual-pair satellite gravimetry mission architectures
- One decade of quantitative temperature-calibrated ERT permafrost monitoring in alpine rock walls
- Organic Matter Input Type Determines Structural Arrangement of Organic and Mineral Materials in Artificial Soil Aggregates
- Present-day Sea Level Changes in the World Coastal Zones
- Relative gravimetry in alpine permafrost-affected tunnel: a first attempt to reveal changes in hydrostatic pressure.
- Strategies and dynamics of plant water potential regulation under drought: Implications for the Amazon rainforest stability from an ecosystem modelling perspective
- TROPOMI/Sentinel-5 Precursor cloud products version 2 and comparison with VIIRS/S-NPP
- The Pivotal Role of Heterogeneity in the Persistence of Soil Organic Matter
- The application of plant functional traits into modelling tree mortality globally
- The dominant environmental driver of leaf water stable isotope enrichment differs for <SUP>2</SUP>H compared to <SUP>18</SUP>O
- The interaction between permafrost, frost cracking and paraglacial processes and their link to rockfalls
- Undecomposed Organic Particles Dominate the Carbon Storage in Permafrost Soils of the Lena River Delta, Arctic Russia
- Using Machine Learning for processing Big Data of Copernicus Satellite Sensors at the Example of the TROPOMI/Sentinel 5 Precursor (S5P) Cloud Product
- Using supercomputers to unravel multi-physics and multi-scale earthquake dynamics and seismic wave propagation: targeting exascale high-performance computing
- Vegetation-climate interactions at multiple time scales inferred from long-term Earth Observation
- Verification of a 3D Fully-Coupled Earthquake and Tsunami Model
- Visualization and Quantification of Nocturnal Water Fluxes in Soil and Roots
- Abrupt changes in subalpine forest landscapes in a warmer world with more fire
- Ambient seismic noise interferometry using rotational ground motion
- Application of Machine Learning Techniques for the retrieval of Cloud Properties from Copernicus Satellites Sentinel-4 (S4) and TROPOMI/Sentinel-5 Precursor (S5P)
- CODE contribution to the IGS Repro3: Status and assessment of the reprocessing products for integer-ambiguity precise point positioning.
- Climate-Invariant Nets: Using Physical Rescalings to Help Neural Networks Generalize to Out-of-Sample Climates
- Cloud Water Interception across Elevation and Forest Structure Gradients in Leeward Kohala, Hawaiʻi
- Comparison of techniques for coupled earthquake and tsunami modeling
- Constraining Inversions of Rural and Urban CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes Using EM27/SUN XCO<SUB>2</SUB> Measurements
- Coupled dynamic earthquake rupture-tsunami modeling for the Hellenic Arc - towards physics-based tsunami hazard assessment in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea
- Data-driven Medium-range Weather Prediction Achieves Comparable Skill to Dynamical Models. But What Does It Mean?
- Dynamic earthquake rupture scenarios and physics-based seismic hazard assessment for the segmented Húsavík-Flatey fault zone, North Iceland
- GGOS Bureau of Networks and Observations: Network Infrastructure and Related Activities
- GIS based Multicriteria Decision Analysis for Flash Flood Hazard Mapping-Frequency Ratio, Weighting Index, Decision Trees and AHP, Bavaria as a Study Case
- Helioseismic Constraints on the Solar Interior Dynamics and Dynamo
- High Resolution Sagnac Interferometry for the Geosciences
- Human-Driven Shifts in Disturbance Patch Sizes across the World's Forest Biomes
- Impact of new models for the ITRF2020 in VLBI analysis at DGFI-TUM
- Improving SAR Altimeter processing over the coastal zone and inland water - the ESA HYDROCOASTAL project
- Modelling splay fault rupture and tsunamis with self-consistent initial conditions from a geodynamic seismic cycle model of subduction
- Permanent Urban Column Network for Carbon Emission Monitoring in Munich
- Potential of UT1 - UTC determination with VLBI transmitters onboard future Galileo satellites
- Preparing Earth Sciences to Upcoming Infrastructures. The Center of Excellence for Exascale in Solid Earth (ChEESE)
- ROMY: Data Analysis
- Recent Progress and Plans for Improvement of ILRS Infrastructure and Data Product Delivery
- Resolving the spatial arrangement governing soil organic matter dynamics at the microscale based on NanoSIMS analysis
- The Operational TROPOMI/Sentinel-5 Precursor Cloud Products Version 2
- The changing forest disturbance regimes of Europe
- The effects of aboveground diversity, litter chemistry, and successional stage on decomposition in subtropical dry forests, St. Croix, US Virgin Islands
- The role and activities of the GGOS Bureau of Products and Standards
- Thermokarst primes subsea permafrost degradation and coastal change
- Towards a consistent global picture of tree mortality trends and drivers
- Tropospheric Ozone decreases during spring 2020, caused by the COVID-19 lockdown?
- 3D Acoustic-Elastic Coupling with Gravity: The Dynamics of the2018 Palu, Sulawesi Earthquake and Tsunami
- 3D dynamic earthquake rupture modeling for the Hellenic Arc and implications for tsunami generation
- A comparison of methods for modeling the complete seismic, ocean acoustic, and tsunami wavefield from offshore earthquakes
- Alpine Permafrost Modeling: The Influence of Complex Topography and Lateral Fluxes
- DTRF2020: the ITRS 2020 realisation of DGFI-TUM
- Flexible and Scalable Earthquake Forecasting
- Fluvial organic carbon fluxes modulated by hydrodynamic sorting of mineral-bound and free particulate organic matter
- How Frost Weathering Drives Erosion in High Alpine Environments
- Humans asymmetrically amplify and homogenise forest disturbance rates across biomes
- Improving SAR Altimeter processing over Inland Water - the ESA HYDROCOASTAL project
- Improving SAR Altimeter processing over the coastal zone - the ESA HYDROCOASTAL project
- Intercalibration of the plasma density measurements in Earth's topside ionosphere
- KROOF II Recovery and resilience after five years of repeated summer drought in mature beech and spruce.
- Lagging Response of Belowground Functional Traits to Environmental Cues in a Mature Amazonian Tropical Rainforest
- Leo-Gnss Laser Occultation for Atmosphere Sounding Gnss-Lro
- Machine learning based prediction of shallow landslides
- New GGOS Website An Extensive Information Platform about Geodetic Products, Observations and Services
- New network of altimetry-based virtual stations in the world coastal zones
- Physics-based rupture models and ground shaking simulations in the HusavikFlatey fault zone, Northern Iceland
- Post-drought recovery of carbon transport and allocation in mature Norway spruce after five years of repeated summer drought
- Response of BAM-degradation Activity to Concentration and Flow Changes in a Bench-scale Sediment Tank With Isotope Fractionation as a Performance Indicator
- Role and activities of the GGOS Bureau of Products and Standards
- SAR, SARin, RDSAR and FF-SAR Altimetry Processing on Demand for Cryosat-2 and Sentinel-3 at ESAs Altimetry Virtual Lab
- Supercomputing of earthquakes: exploiting high-performance computing to unravel the multi-physics and multi-scale dynamics of powerful multi-fault rupture cascades, tsunami earthquakes and induced seismicity
- The Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) - infrastructure underpinning science and society -
- UT1-UTC transfer to Galileo constellation using VLBI transmitters
- Validation of GGMplus and CHGeo2004 Using Observed Deflection of the Vertical Data from QDaedalus and CODIAC Systems in the Mountainous Terrain of the Surses Region, Switzerland
- A Multi-pronged Effort to Evaluate OCO-2 XCO2 and Tie Retrievals to Surface Observing Networks using AirCore
- Are size and timing within earthquake sequences separable?
- Coastal sea level trends may differ from open ocean trends
- Community Code Verification Exercises for Simulations of Earthquake Sequences and Aseismic Slip (SEAS): From 3D, Full Elastodynamics and Dipping Faults to Fluids and Fault Friction Evolution
- DTRF2020: the ITRF 2020 realization of DGFI-TUM
- Dynamic Analysis of Cascade Features over Compound Droughts under Different Climate Regimes
- Evaluation of Data-Driven Estimates of Evapotranspiration for Physically-Based Water Balance Assessment in a West African Region
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Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. E. Andrews
- A. Rius
- Adrian Mellage
- Ahmed Elbanna
- Alice‐Agnes Gabriel
- Angelica Tarpanelli
- Artem Smirnov
- Aude Zingraff‐Hamed
- B. Fleck
- Benchun Duan
- Benjamin Hesse
- Benjamin Häfner
- Bianca C. Baier
- Camilla Cattania
- Chao Xiong
- Colm Sweeney
- D. Müller
- Daniel Draebing
- Diego Loyola
- E. C. Pavlis
- Emily E. Brodsky
- Florian Hofhansl
- Francesca Perosa
- Heidi Villadsen
- Irina Zhelavskaya
- Jean‐Martial Cohard
- Joana Fernandes
- Joel S. Scheingross
- Junle Jiang
- K. Dascher-Cousineau
- Katrin Fleischer
- Kosuke Heki
- Kyohsuke Hikino
- Lauren Abrahams
- M Bloßfeld
- Marisa Repasch
- Markus Disse
- Martin Sehnal
- Martin Thullner
- Matthias Seitz
- Meng Li
- Mohamed Abdelmeguid
- N. Lapusta
- N. M. Pedatella
- Nezha Acil
- Niels Hovius
- Olaf A. Cirpka
- Ole Andersen
- Oscar J. Valverde‐Barrantes
- Ossénatou Mamadou
- P. Segall
- Pierre Romanet
- Prithvi Thakur
- Ryosuke Ando
- Shinobu Ozawa
- Stefano Lorito
- Stefano Vignudelli
- Steven C. Wofsy
- Sylvain Barbot
- Sébastien Guillaume
- Tatsuhiko Saito
- Thomas Gruber
- Timo Schaffhauser
- Valère Lambert
- Víctor Molina García
- Yajing Liu
- Yang Li
- Yihe Huang
- Ylona van Dinther
- Yoshihiro Kaneko
- Yuyun Yang