University of Frankfurt, Department of Geosciences
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Geophysical Signature of the Lake Bosumtwi Impact Crater, Ghana
- Seismological Investigation of Rift Related Uplift: The Rwenzori Network in Western Uganda
- Percolation of Fe-FeS Melts in Partially Molten Peridotite
- SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating from eclogite lenses in marble, Dabie-Sulu UHP terrane: restriction on the prograde, UHP and retrograde metamorphic ages
- Tracing mantle processes with Fe isotopes
- Virtual Solid Solution Laboratory a tool for quantitative description of mixing and order/disorder effects in minerals
- Earth's Core Formation Aided by Flow Channelling Induced by Rayleigh-Taylor Instabilities
- Nuclear Volume-Dependent Fractionation of Uranium Isotopes
- Percolation experiments of FeS melts in partially molten peridotites
- Seismological Investigation of Rift Related Uplift: The Rwenzori Network in Western Uganda
- Successful Forecast of the Place of Great Solomon Islands Earthquake of April 1, 2007, Mw8.1
- Thermodynamics of CaMgSi2O6-KAlSi2O6 clinopyroxene solid solution: Quantum mechanical and static lattice energy calculations
- Basinal Restriction, Black Shales, and the Early Toarcian (Jurassic) Oceanic Anoxic Event.
- Crustal Thickness and Seismic Anisotropy of the Rwenzori Region (Albertine Rift) From Receiver Functions and Shear-Wave Splitting
- Crustal Velocity Structure of the Rwenzori Region, Uganda, From Isotropic and Anisotropic Travel-Time Tomography
- Late Pliensbachian (Early Jurassic) Cold Seep Carbonates: Methane Release Prior to the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event
- Modeling LPO and 3D shear-wave splitting at mid-ocean ridges
- Seismicity of the Rwenzori Region, Western Uganda
- Sulphur Solubility in Mount Hood Andesites and CO2 Fluids: Implications for Volcanic Degassing
- The Great Sichuan Earthquake of May 12, 2008 (Mw7.9) - An Unpredictable Earthquake
- Cratonic root survival by low olivine water contents at the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary: evidence from FTIR analyses of Kaapvaal peridotite xenoliths
- Depth-dependent anisotropy and rift-induced lithospheric delamination beneath the Rwenzori Mountains, East Africa
- Experimental constraints of the olivine crystals compaction in cumulus layer
- Natural Variation of 238U/235U in Geo- and Cosmochemistry
- New constraints on seismic anisotropy along the Dead Sea transform fault
- Origin of unique coesite-bearing zircon with low-U and high HREE contents from allanite-bearing gneisses in the Sulu UHP terrane, eastern China
- Pacific climate forcing recorded in coral proxy record from the Maldives (Indian Ocean)
- Seismic Structures for the Rwenzori Region in Western Uganda Derived from Local and Teleseismic Events
- The MgSiO3 majorite-perovskite-ilmenite triple point and the problem of the Mg/Si disorder in majorite
- δ7Li variation along a continental volcanic Suite: evidences for the Li characteristic of the involved reservoir
- A review of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum temperature anomaly
- Influence of particle surface modifications on the immersion freezing behavior of supercooled droplets
- Lithospheric Deformation in the Rwenzori Region of the East African Rift From Receiver Functions and SKS Splitting
- Multi Scale Imaging of Seismic Structure beneath the Western Branch of the East-African Rift
- Secular Changes in Lithospheric Diamonds from the Archean to the Proterozoic
- Seismicity Patterns and Magmatic Processes in the Rwenzori Region, East-African Rift
- The relationship between microstructure and hydrogen isotopes in the Wildhorse detachment, Pioneer Mountains, Idaho
- Waveform modeling of short-scale shear-wave splitting variations across the Dead Sea basin
- A "tropical" Early Eocene marine environment on the Antarctic margin: TEX86 results from IODP expedition 318
- Accessing the 3D Viscosity Structure Beneath Iceland Using Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA): Insights Into Dehydration Stiffening and the Rheology of the Upper Mantle
- Coupled organic and carbonate δ<SUP>13</SUP>C records of the late Triassic and early Jurassic in northern Italy: implications for carbon cycling during the aftermath of the end-Triassic mass extinction
- Early Eocene cyclicity at the Wilkes Land Margin, Antarctica: Orbital forcing and environmental response
- Integrated stratigraphy of the Eocene Wilkes Land Margin, Antarctica; preliminary results from IODP Expedition 318; Dinoflagellate cysts
- Mississippi freshwater discharge and terrigenous sediment supply into the northern Gulf of Mexico and Loop Current dynamics over glacial/interglacial changes
- On the birth of near-modern Southern Ocean ecosystems
- Prediction of Alloy Structures in Dichalcogenides and Diselenides at High Pressure
- Sample size affects <SUP>13</SUP>C-<SUP>18</SUP>O clumping in CO<SUB>2</SUB> derived from phosphoric acid digestion of carbonates
- Tectonic and paleoclimate evolution at the NE Tibetan Plateau from 2.8 to 0.1 Ma deduced from a drill-core in Qaidam Basin
- Temperatures of Mediterranean Volcanic Hydrothermal Systems Reflected by Gas Geothermometry
- Early Jurassic black shales: Global anoxia or regional "Dead Zones"?
- Fore reef upper slope mixed sedimentation response to penultimate glacial interglacial sea level fluctuations: IODP Hole 325-M0058A , Great Barrier Reef, Australia
- Impact of glacial/interglacial changes in water column geochemistry on the diagenetic cycling of barium in Black Sea sediments
- In situ insights to Se (S) partitioning between silicate and metallic melts at extreme conditions
- Lg waves attenuation studies over the Iranian Plateau and Zagros
- Mid-Cretaceous cooling in the North and South Atlantic: Climate instability and marine biotic crisis
- Olivine-wadsleyite-ringwoodite phase equilibria in (Mg,Fe)<SUB>2</SUB>SiO<SUB>4</SUB> from first-principles calculations
- Orographic Barrier Uplift and Climate-System Interactions in the Southern Central Andes of NW Argentina; Insights from Stable Isotope Hydrogen Compositions of Hydrated Volcanic Glasses
- Sn Attenuation in Iran and Surrounding Areas
- Structure of a natural basaltic liquid at mantle pressures up to 59.0 GPa
- Tracking the evolution of a giant magmatic system from assembly to supereruption
- Boron Isotopes Analyses of Carbonates, Phosphates and Silicates by Laser Ablation MC-ICP-MS: the Influence of Sample Matrix
- Bottom water changes in the subtropical North Atlantic and the Southern Ocean associated to the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum
- Early to Mid-Pleistocene Variability at IODP Site U1387 (Faro Drift): Surface and Mediterranean Outflow Water Responses
- Investigating the Lithospheric Structure of Southern Madagascar
- Late Pliocene-Quaternary humidity fluctuations on the NE Tibetan Plateau deduced from the magnetic record in lacustrine sediments of the Qaidam paleolake (Invited)
- Reconstructing the Mio-Pliocene South American Monsoon and Orographic Barrier Evolution (Angastaco Basin, NW Argentina)
- Response of magnetic susceptibility in Quaternary lacustrine sediments of the Qaidam Basin (NE Tibetan Plateau) to orbital forcing: applying time series analyses to improve magnetostratigraphic dating of drill core SG-1
- Subduction-related magmatism and crustal role in the early stage of the Damara Orogen, Namibia: new constraints from combined U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotopes from the Goas Magmatic Complex
- Tracking Orographic Barriers through Hydrogen Stable Isotopes in Hydrated Volcanic Glass (Humahuaca Basin, E Cordillera, NW Argentina, 23-24°S)
- Atlantic Ocean Circulation during the Latest Cretaceous and Early Paleogene: Progressive Deep Water Exchange
- Distribution of lithium in the Cordilleran Mantle wedge
- High Pressure Experimental Investigation of the Interaction between Partial Melts of Eclogite and Mantle Peridotite during Upwelling
- Insights into Ocean Acidification During the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum from Boron Isotopes at Southern Ocean Site 738
- New insights into the relationship between mid latitude North Atlantic hydrography and productivity during the intensification of northern hemisphere glaciation
- Looking for carbonates in the deep Earth: an experimental approach at extreme conditions
- Accessory phases as recorders of subduction redox: Sulfide-oxide-silica equilibria during high-pressure metamorphism
- Arc-like Magmas Generated by Mélange-peridotite Interaction in the Mantle-wedge
- Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal palaeoecology inferred from isotopic and trace element geochemical signals
- Integrated paleomagnetic, <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar, and U-Pb constraints on the first hominin migration out of Africa at 2.48 Ma
- Reconstruction of autumn/winter precipitation variability from a high-resolution speleothem trace element record (SW Romania)
- Towards calcification site and seawater carbonate chemistry reconstruction from boron incorporation into large benthic foraminifera
- Trace element redistribution during rehydration of eclogite via sulfide-silicate reactions
- Clocking the entire lifecycle of a Tethyan detachment with structurally-controlled calcite geochronology
- Co-design of a Water Cycle Diagram to Discover Similarities and Differences among Global Water Impact Models
- Combined Δ<SUB>48</SUB> and Δ<SUB>47</SUB> Measurements Reveal the Importance of Kinetics in Carbonate (Bio)Mineralization
- Geochronologic constraints on the Shuram excursion in Oman
- Global Sea Level Budget and Ocean Mass Budget, with Focus on New Data Products and Uncertainty Characterization.
- Improved estimation of drought impacts on irrigated crops by coupling a global hydrological model to a crop model at regional scale
- Mantle oxidation driven by variable sulfur release during subduction
- Middle Miocene continental temperature and precipitation change recorded in North American paleosols
- Plastic Yielding and Tectonic Regimes in Thin Ice Shells: Effects of Latitudinal Surface Temperature Variations
- Reconstruction of Western Mediterranean precipitation δ18O through the Last Glacial: methodology using speleothem from monitored caves in Gibraltar
- Recycling reduced iron at the base of magmatic orogens
- Simulating global freshwater resources with WaterGAP 2.2d
- The Magnitude of Continental Temperature Change during the Middle Miocene Climatic Transition in Southern Europe
- Chemical Characterization of Airport-related Ultrafine Particles using Liquid Chromatography - High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry (UHPLC/HRMS)
- FFMT: A MATLAB-based Toolbox for Magnetotellurics (MT)
- Impacts of climate change on global terrestrial water storage and the implications on future droughts
- Middle Miocene continental temperature and precipitation changes recorded in paleosol carbonates (a transatlantic approach)
- Origin of the Kyrenia Terrane, Northern Cyprus: Results of Detrital Zircon U-Pb Provenance Investigations in Triassic to Eocene Rock Units