Technical University of Dresden, Germany
flowchart I[Technical University of Dresden, Germany] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (2)"] AW["Affiliated Works (184)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (75)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- Technical University of Dresden, Institute for Physics
- Technical University of Dresden, Institute for Planetary Geodesy
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Validation Effort of MODIS LAI/GPP/NPP Products at FLUXNET Sites
- Recent Flow Velocities at the Front of Jakobshavn Isbrae/Greenland from 2004 Field Observations
- Climate Simulations in Lentic Ecosystems: A Note on Indirect Effects
- Dynamics and Mass Balance of Riiser-Larsen Ice Shelf, Antarctica, and its Drainage Area
- MARSIS Subsurface Sounding Observations of the Polar Deposits of Mars
- WISDOM : an UHF GPR on the Exomars Mission
- Linking water quality to water quantity: Integration of disturbance variables such as phytoplankton and turbidity into the management strategies of drinking water reservoirs
- Marsis Data Inversion Approach: Preliminary Results on Mars South Polar Region
- Spatio-temporal Variability of Snow Cover in Svalbard Derived From a Combination of Spaceborne Scatterometer, Glaciological Ground Truth and Meteorological Data
- The CEIP-ADVEX Campaigns: An Experimental Approach to Measure Advective CO2 Fluxes and Their Impact on NEE at Three European FLUXNET Forest Sites
- Exceptional Carbon Uptake in European Forests During the 2007 Warm Spring: a Data- Model Analysis.
- A transient hybrid model for karst aquifer characterization
- Characterization of the RPW Electric Antenna System aboard Solar Orbiter
- On the diameter of basalt columns (Invited)
- The NetStation GPR: Lander-Based 3-D Investigations of Subsurface Structure, Stratigraphy, and Volatile Distribution in Planetary Environments
- The WISDOM Radar onboard the Rover of the ExoMars mission (Invited)
- ASSERT for Mascot / Hayabusa 2 mission: A radar tomography of 1999 JU3
- Contributions of reprocessed GPS observations to a joint inversion of surface displacements, ocean bottom pressure and GRACE global gravity models (Invited)
- Determinants of NEE and NBP of croplands in Europe (Invited)
- First calibration results and antenna placement studies of the RPW ANT instrument on Solar Orbiter
- Interactive state-parameter estimation of a crop carbon mass balance model through the assimilation of observed winter wheat carbon flux and stock data
- Sustainable Hydro Assessment and Groundwater Recharge Projects (SHARP) in Germany - Water Balance Models
- AIDA - from Airborne Data Inversion to In-Depth Analysis
- Climatic forcing of recent lake-level rise of Nam Co, Tibet
- Glacier length, area and volume changes in the Himalaya: an overview and specific examples
- Multi-domain pseudo-spectral time-domain method based optimization approach to the CoNSERT inverse scattering problem
- Past and future glacier changes the western Nyainqentanglha Range on the Tibetan Plateau
- Permanent Space-Borne Monitoring of Temporal Sea-Ice Changes in Marguerite Bay
- Radar Tomography of Asteroids ASSERT / Marco Polo-R
- Subglacial topography and ice volume for western Canadian glaciers from a bed stress model and mass balance fields
- WISDOM, a polarimetric GPR for the shallow subsurface characterization
- Water resources management in karst aquifers - concepts and modeling approaches
- A modeling framework for CO2-storage in depleted gas reservoirs
- Characteristics of the Waves Antennas onboard the Juno S/C
- Decadal to Millennial scale erosion rates in the Nepal Himalayas
- Detecting and characterizing ice units with the WISDOM Radar
- Evidences for a more restricted Icelandic Ice cap re-advance after the Bølling warming period
- Further progress in determining the true properties of the RPW instrument antennas aboard Solar Orbiter
- Investigating the possibility of the CONSERT instrument operating as a bi-static RADAR sounder during the seperation, descent and landing phase of the ROSETTA mission
- Spatial application of BROOK90 in managed Inner Mongolia grasslands: a case study on evapotranspiration from 2002 to 2011
- The OpenGeoSys coupling concept for THMC processes in subsurface and the neighboring hydro-compartments
- Thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical processes in fractured-porous media: Benchmarks and examples
- WISDOM GPR Investigations of Ice Thickness, Stratigraphy, Structure, and Basal Topography in an Alpine Ice Cave in Dachstein, Austria
- An Open Source Framework for Coupled Hydro-Hydrogeo-Chemical Systems in Catchment Research
- Coherence between woody carbon uptake and net ecosystem productivity at five eddy-covariance sites
- Comparison of different numerical models using a two-dimensional density-driven benchmark of a freshwater lens
- Delinating Thermohaline Double-Diffusive Rayleigh Regimes
- Description and Verification of a Novel Flow and Transport Model for Silicate-Gel Emplacement
- FANTINA instrument suite: A payload proposed to measure the asteroid's structure from deep interior to regolith
- From Germany to Antarctica: Airborne geodesy and geophysics and the utilization of the research aircraft HALO (Invited)
- Long-term and seasonal scale changes in surface flow velocity and frontal position of Greenland's outlet glaciers using Landsat optical imagery
- New airborne-gravity and satellite gravity views of crustal structure in Antarctica (Invited)
- Numerical Comparison of Artificial Recharge by Small-diameter Wells to Common Systems
- Time-Domain Simulation of the Wave Propagation through the 67P Cometary Nucleus: Understanding Dust-Fraction and Porosity Variation From CONSERT Radar Tomography
- WISDOM GPR aboard the ExoMars rover : a powerful instrument to investigate the state and distribution of water in the Martian shallow subsurface
- A Longer-Term Perspective of the Karakoram-Pamir Anomaly: Length, Area and Mass Changes since the 1970s
- A Model Based Attribution of Streamflow Trends in Headwater Catchments of the Tarim River, Central Asia
- Analysing the Information Content of Point Measurements of the Vadose Zone State Variables for the Inverse Estimation of Soil Hydraulic Parameters
- CONSERT Link Budget Simulator for the Direct Path
- Comparison of Antarctic Basin Scale Mass Change from GRACE/GOCE and CryoSat-2
- Full-Waveform Inversion Method for Data Measured by the CONSERT Instrument aboard Rosetta
- OpenGeoSys: Performance-Oriented Computational Methods for Numerical Modeling of Flow in Large Hydrogeological Systems
- Reconstructing the Surface Permittivity Distribution from Data Measured by the CONSERT Instrument aboard Rosetta: Method and Simulations
- Regional glacial isostatic adjustment in Antarctica estimated from GRACE, Enivsat/ICESat and GPS observations (ESA-STSE project REGINA).
- Assessing the Sensitivity of Satellite-Derived Estimates of Ice Sheet Mass Balance to Regional Climate Model Simulations of Snow Accumulation and Firn Compaction
- Identification of groundwater potential zones in the Machuca River in the Central Pacific of Costa Rica using a GIS-Multi-criteria analysis
- Integrated Modelling of Climate Change Impacts in an Irrigated, Semi-arid Catchment
- Patterns of Rapid Deceleration Observed at Two Tidewater Outlet Glaciers in West Greenland
- Significance of the Coastal Shelf Shape on the Saline Intrusion
- The CONSERT Instrument during Philae's Descent onto 67P/C-G's surface: Insights on Philae's Attitude and the Surface Permittivity Measurements at the Agilkia-Landing-Site
- The Radar for Icy Moon Exploration (RIME) on the JUICE Mission
- Time Lapse Camera Images for Observation and Visualization of Snow Lines on two Benchmark Glaciers in High Asia - Zhadang and Halji
- Two radars for the AIM mission to characterize the regolith and deep interior structure of the asteroid
- Characterizing the interior of 67P in the vicinity of Abydos
- Cumulative Relative Reactivity: A Concept for Modeling Aquifer-Scale Reactive Transport
- Detecting Batholithic Structures That Influence Seismogenic Processes in the North Chile Seismic Gap With Seismological and Gravity Data
- Entropy-Based Classification of Subsurface Scatterers: A Valuable Tool for the Analysis of Data Obtained by the Fully Polarimetric WISDOM Radar
- Experiences from Ship- and Airborne Gravity Missions within the FAMOS Project and onboard the HALO Aircraft
- Intelligent Decisions Need Intelligent Choice of Models and Data - a Bayesian Justifiability Analysis for Models with Vastly Different Complexity
- Landsat imagery and its treatment in a publicly available data portal to monitor flow velocity variations of Greenland outlet glaciers
- Long Term Elevation Change of the Antarctic Ice Sheet from Multi-Mission Satellite Altimetry
- MODFLOW-OWHM v2: The next generation of fully integrated hydrologic simulation software
- SQuAd - Approach for the Spatial Quantification of the Advection influence on the balance closure of greenhouse gases
- Small scale variability of transport and composition of dissolved organic matter in the subsoil
- The RIMFAX GPR on Mars 2020 - Bringing a New Dimension to Rover Science.
- Two decades of spaceborne measurements of Greenland ice sheet changes, validated by airborne and in-situ data
- a Direct Observation of the Asteroid's Structure from Deep Interior to Regolith: Two Radars on the Aim Mission
- 3D Coupled Thermal-Hydraulic Model of the Lower Yarmouk Gorge, Jordan Rift Valley
- Accounting for the Decreasing Denitrification Potential of Aquifers in Travel-Time Based Reactive-Transport Models of Nitrate
- Evaluating the utility of vegetation indices to monitoring forests in South America, Western & Central Africa, and Southeast Asia
- Frictional contrast controls timing and great earthquakes in southern Chile
- Hydrograph Predictions of Glacial Lake Outburst Floods From an Ice-Dammed Lake
- Hydrologic and Geomorphic Impacts of Glacial Lake Outburst Floods From Low-Order Tributaries
- Interior of 67P/C-G comet as seen by CONSERT bistatic radar on Rosetta
- Jupiter Trojan's Shallow Subsurface: Direct Observation By Radar Sounding
- Lateral Viscosity Variations in the Both Local and Global and Viscoelastic Load Response and it's Uncertainty
- MODFLOW-OWHM v2: New Features and Improvements; The Next Generation of MODFLOW Conjunctive Use Simulation
- New evidence of surge-type glaciers in the Central Andes of Argentina and Chile
- Quantifying the effect of plant growth on litter decomposition using a novel, triple-isotope label approach
- Recent Developments of the GLIMS Glacier Database
- Results from Field Testing the RIMFAX GPR on Svalbard.
- Scattering Mechanisms and Nature of the Indirect Propagation Paths Measured by the CONSERT Instrument during the Late Phase of Philae's Descent onto 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko's Surface
- The GFZ GRACE RL06 Level-2 and associated Level-3 Data Products
- Young Earth System Scientists (YESS) Community
- A Machine Learning Analysis of Multiple Social Surveys to Understand Environmental Migration in Coastal Bangladesh
- Assessing the global sea level budget and its uncertainties: progress from ESA's CCI Sea Level Budget Closure project.
- Closely-spaced decentralized infiltration of precipitation and treated wastewater - Numerical and laboratory process analyzes
- Coupling between Extracellular Polymeric Substances (EPS) and Soil Structure in Semiarid Resource Islands
- Forest cover dynamics of the Dhofar cloud forest, Oman
- Migration behavior of storm waters within water-saturated porous media - Laboratory experiments and reactive transport simulations
- Modelling the spring discharge of an autogenic karst aquifer and solute transport in the conduit by coupling CFPv2 to an epikarst reservoir
- Polarimetric Analysis and Imaging Applied to Field Measurements of the WISDOM RADAR in Preparation of the 2020 ExoMars Mission
- Stress Regime and Fault Orientation Influence in the Propagation of Hydraulic Fractures
- The Effect of Microbial Diversity on Organic Matter Transformations in Soils
- Top-down Meets Bottom-up: Multi-scale Governance of Static Infrastructure in Dynamic Coastal Systems
- Towards Automatic Model Structure Identification for Conceptual Hydrologic Models
- Assessing Impacts of Decision-Making Theories on Agrohydrological Networks Using Agent-Based Modelling.
- Constraints on the lithospheric structure of southern Patagonia from receiver function and surface wave analysis
- Current limitations of signal separation over ice sheets using satellite gravimetry, satellite altimetry, and firn-process modeling
- Direct observations of Didymos' regolith and internal structure with LFR RADAR on JUVENTAS Cubesat for ESA Hera mission
- Economic impacts of future glacier decline in the Indus River Basin
- First evapotranspiration results from NASA's ECOSTRESS mission
- Global Sea Level Budget and Ocean Mass Budget, with Focus on New Data Products and Uncertainty Characterization.
- Impact of the Distributed, Complex, and Irregular Source Zone Architectures on the Steady-State Plume Lengths
- Logistic behavior of flux governed by stream-aquifer properties on groundwater-surface water interaction along the streambed
- MAHIZ -Understanding the socio-hydrological dynamics in agriculture using a serious board game.
- MODFLOW One-Water Hydrologic Flow Model (Version 2) - A MODFLOW-Based Conjunctive Use Simulation Software for Arid and Semi-Arid Regions
- Status of GFŹs GRACE-FO RL06 Level-2 and Level-3 Data
- The Radio and Plasma Waves (RPW) Instrument on Solar Orbiter : Capabilities and Performance
- The WISDOM radar on the ExoMars rover designed to provide 3D mapping of the shallow subsurface at Oxia Planum
- WISDOM Calibration Methodology and Instrument Transfer Function Impact on Surface Permittivity Measurements and Depth Resolution
- A state space filtering framework to jointly evaluate satellite geodesy and model products in Antarctica
- An Overview of Little Ice Age and Holocene Glacial Isostasy of the Patagonian Icefields
- Assessing the Sensitivity of Sentinel-1 Radar Backscatter to Bark Beetle Outbreaks in Temperate Coniferous Forests
- Assessing the influence of vegetation properties on multi-frequency microwave vegetation optical depth
- Current sheet structure and associated small-scale flux ropes in the heliospheric magnetic field observed by Solar Orbiter
- DC/LF electric field and spacecraft potential measurements in the solar wind by RPW/BIAS on Solar Orbiter
- Developing Artificial Intelligence methods for addressing major challenges in cryosphere research: The AI-CORE project
- Early results from the Proton Alfa Sensor (PAS/SWA) onboard Solar Orbiter: the Solar Wind at different scales.
- Hybrid Model for Estimation of Steady-State Plume Length in 3D Scenarios
- Impacts of infiltration trenches on hydrological ecosystem services : a systematic review.
- Influence of streambed and aquifer parameters on groundwater-surface water exchanging flux with groundwater flow parallel and perpendicular to the streamflow
- JuRa: the Juventas Radar on Hera to fathom Didymoon
- Performances and First Results from the RPW/Search Coil Magnetometer onboard Solar Orbiter
- Quantifying the Importance of Vegetation Characteristics and Fuel Build Up for Fire Seasonality
- Seismic structure and the extent of the slab window beneath the Northern and Southern Patagonia Icefields
- Simulated RADAR Soundings of Models of the Martian Subsurface
- Solar Orbiter Observations of Waves and Structures from the Tail of Comet ATLAS
- Solar Orbiter: early in situ measurements
- Subsurface Radar Sounder On-board EnVision Mission to Venus
- The Radio and Plasma Waves (RPW) Instrument on Solar Orbiter: First results.
- The study of low-frequency waves in the solar wind by the RPW/TDS instrument onboard Solar Orbiter
- Analysis of the structure and dynamics of the Venus bow shock measured by Solar Orbiter
- Characterization of the Martian subsurface with RIMFAX.
- Energetic Ions in the Venusian System: Insights from the First Solar Orbiter Flyby
- Eruption dynamics of Anak Krakatau volcano (Indonesia) estimated using photogrammetric methods
- Estimation of Steady State Plume Width and its Characterization with Source Geometry
- Exploring local knowledge, needs and environmental cues to increase relevance of large-scale climate services
- Forest re-establishment after wind throw How and when can the young keep up with the old?
- Framework for the Generation of Large Datasets of Synthetic RADAR Soundings of the Martian Subsurface
- Geodynamics of the Patagonian Slab Window Constrained by Shear Wave Splitting and Seismic Imaging
- Global vegetation getting more sensitive to short-term soil moisture variability
- Kinetic electrostatic waves and their association with current structures in the solar wind
- Quantifying the Characteristics of Disturbance Based on Vegetation Biomass Dynamics
- Subsurface geology of the Jezero crater floor as characterized with the ground penetrating radar RIMFAX.
- Thermal erosion of the lithosphere in the Patagonian slab window and implications for glacial isostatic adjustment
- Timing of Drought Onset Controls Hydrological Drought Responses in Tropical Catchments
- Using Compressibility to Characterize Circularly-Polarized Waves Near the Proton Cyclotron Frequency Observed by Solar Orbiter
- A Model of the Energy Balance Gap over Heterogeneous Ecosystems
- Continuous Mapping of Surface Dielectric Permittivity and Rock Density in Jezero Crater with the RIMFAX Radar
- Current Developments towards Solving the Surface Energy Balance Closure Problem
- Exploration of the Martian subsurface by the RIMFAX Ground Penetrating Radar on the Mars 2020 Perseverance rover.
- GPR field-tests on Svalbard – WISDOM on ExoMars
- How to better detect the vegetation phenology response to climatic changes using eddy covariance data?
- Impact of the Rover Structure on the Radar Imager for Mars' Subsurface Experiment aboard Mars 2020
- Investigating the Model Hypothesis Space. What can we learn from Benchmarking Automatic Model Structure Identification with a Large Model Ensemble?
- Is glacial isostatic adjustment controlling crustal deformation beneath the Southern Patagonian Icefield (48-52°S) ? Insight from the characterization of small magnitude earthquakes.
- JuRa: the Juventas Radar on Hera to fathom Dimorphos
- Large-scale vegetation physiological responses to drought from multiple satellite-based observations
- Mars Perseverance RIMFAX Ground Penetrating Radar Stratigraphy of the Jezero Crater Delta / Crater Floor Contact
- Multi-scale, finite-frequency body wave tomography of Southern Patagonia
- Space science support for farmers to grow profitable drought resistant crops, without harming nature
- Standardization of Eddy Covariance Measurements: Role of Setup, Calculation and Filtering
- Using Large Eddy Simulations to Study the Interactions Between Land Surface Heterogeneity and Lower Atmospheric Response During the CHEESEHEAD19 Field Campaign.
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Ahmad Lalti
- Alain Hérique
- Alessandro Frigeri
- Ana Bastos
- Anders Eriksson
- Andrew P. Dimmock
- Ankur R. Desai
- Aparna Raut
- D. C. Nunes
- D. Píša
- Daniel B. Graham
- Daniel Pacheco
- Dario Papale
- Dirk Plettemeier
- Douglas A. Wiens
- E. Heggy
- E. R. Ivins
- E. S. Shoemaker
- Emiliya Yordanova
- Eric R. Pardyjak
- Federico Fraternale
- G. C. Ho
- G. M. Mason
- H. F. Mark
- Hui Yang
- I. Zouganelis
- J. L. Freiherr von Forstner
- J. Souček
- Jacob A. Nelson
- Jasper Denissen
- Jay Sagin
- Jean‐Baptiste Ammirati
- José Cortés
- Katerina Stergiopoulou
- Konrad Steinvall
- L. D. Woodham
- L. M. Carter
- L. Sorriso‐Valvo
- M. B. Magnani
- M. Kretzschmar
- M. Volwerk
- Markus Reichstein
- Matthias Mauder
- Micha Werner
- Nicolas Oudart
- Niklas J. T. Edberg
- Nurlan Ongdas
- Patrick Michel
- R. C. Allen
- R. Noschese
- R. Orosei
- R. R. Ghent
- René Orth
- Robert F. Wimmer‐Schweingruber
- Rohini Kumar
- S. D. Bale
- S. Giuppi
- S. K. Vines
- Sandhya Birla
- Seitzhan Orynbayev
- Sigurd Eide
- Sreenath Paleri
- Sujan Koirala
- T. Chust
- Thomas Wöhling
- Titus M. Casademont
- V. Krasnoselskikh
- Vadim Yapiyev
- W. Kofman
- Walid Mansour
- Wantong Li
- Yerkin Kakimzhanov
- Yuri V. Khotyaintsev
- Zigong Xu
- Мalis Absametov