Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A common isotope climatology from two new Bolivian ice-cores over the last three centuries
- Assessing the Net Carbon Balance of Western Siberia: Results from the EUROSIBERIAN CARBONFLUX Project (1998-2000)
- Carbon Cycle Model Linkage Project (CCMLP): Evaluating Biogeochemical Process Models with Atmospheric Measurements and Field Experiments
- Carbon Storage and Isotopes in the Terrestrial Biosphere Over the last 21000 Years
- Field observations and C-13 NMR characterization of black carbon in forest ecosystems
- Fire-derived Char-Black Carbon in Siberian Scots Pine Forests - Stocks and Dynamics
- Inverse Modelling of Carbon and Oxygen Isotopic Discrimination During CO<SUB>2</SUB> Assimilation Within a Forest Canopy
- Multi-Year Assessment of Seasonal Freeze-Thaw Dynamics in Boreal Landscapes With Spaceborne Ku-Band Scatterometers
- Simulating the Climatic Controls on Oxygen-18 in Tropical Andean ice Cores
- The Carbon Isotope Composition of Ecosystem Respiration in North and South America
- What do terrestrial biogeochemistry and chemical transport models tell us about the impact of nitrogen deposition on carbon and nitrogen cycling?
- A protoype carbon data assimilation system to infer interannual variations in vegetation-atmosphere CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes
- Changes in Southern Ocean Circulation Across the Oligocene-Miocene Boundary
- Comparison of MODIS-Data With Selected Model Parameters and Measured Flux-Data for two Biome Types (Broadleaf-Deciduous and Needle-Leaf Forest)
- Controls of Dust Emissions by Vegetation and Geomorphic Setting: an Evaluation Using Dust Storm Frequency Data
- Coupling of the hemispheres in observations and simulations of glacial climate change
- Decadal trends in land and ocean carbon exchanges from atmospheric records of CO2 concentration and 13C/12C, 14C/12C, and O2/N2 ratios
- Early Miocene Variability of Precipitation at Southern High Latitudes (ODP Site 1168, Western Tasmanian Region).
- Gaining insight into the interannual variability of air-sea CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes using satellite observations
- Glacial / Interglacial pCO<SUB>2</SUB> Cycles: Still Searching
- Global-scale, seasonal carbon sources and sinks from the TransCom atmospheric inversion experiment
- High-Southern Latitude Climatic and Biotic Events across the Oligocene-Miocene Boundary (Australo-Antarctic Gateway, Ocean Drilling Program Site 1168A)
- Identifying Interactions Between Rhizosphere Activity and Leaf Litter Decomposition - a Novel Approach
- Implications of ice core smoothing for inferring CO<SUB>2</SUB> flux variability
- Interannual Variation of Carbon Fluxes From 1982 to 2000 Inferred From Atmospheric CO2 Data and Models
- Large Carbon Uptake by an Unmanaged 250 year-old Deciduous Forest in Central Germany
- Limited Role of Export Production in Glacial-Interglacial CO<SUB>2</SUB> Cycles?
- Ocean carbon transport and atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Plant Functional Traits as a New Tool for Reconstructing Past Climate from Vegetation Data at a Global Scale
- Postglacial Terrestrial Carbon Dynamics and Atmospheric CO2
- Sensitivity of Vegetation in the Western United States to Global Anthropogenic Changes in Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration: Forcing and Feedbacks in an RCM-EVM Coupling
- Spatial Patterns of Organic Carbon, Opal and CaCO3 Fluxes in Sediment Traps: Application to the LGM Carbon Cycle.
- The influence of sea ice motion on ocean ventilation
- Towards an Operational Monitoring of Actual Evapotranspiration With Modis Imagery
- Verification of Satellite Radar Remote Sensing Based Estimates of Boreal and Subalpine Growing Seasons Using an Ecosystem Process Model and Surface Biophysical Measurement Network Information
- Water isotope modelling with General Circulation Models: From the interannual time scale to glacial-interglacial cycles
- What can Re-growth of the Terrestrial Biosphere and the "Coral Reef Hypothesis" Tell us About the Primary Controls on Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> at Glacial Termination?
- Inferring Terrestrial CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes From A Global-Scale Carbon Cycle Data Assimilation System (CCDAS)
- Inverse Estimates of Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide From Ocean Interior Carbon Measurements and Ocean General Circulation Models
- Inverse Modeling of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sources and Sinks Using Satellite Data: A Synthetic Inter-comparison of Measurement Techniques and Their Performance as a Function of Space and Time
- Partitioning Direct and Indirect Human-induced Carbon Sequestration in Managed Conifer Forests in Central Europe Using Model Simulations and Forest Inventories.
- Spatial analysis of growing season length control over NEE
- Towards A New Air-CO2 Isotopic Scale Based On Air Reference Material Generated From Carbonates
- Towerbased and Airborne VOC Flux Measurements Over the Amazonian Rainforest During LBA-CLAIRE 2001
- A Global Carbon Cycle Data Assimilation System (CCDAS) to Infer Atmosphere-Biosphere CO2 Exchanges and Their Uncertainties
- Carbon Dioxide and Methane Column Abundances Retrieved from Ground-Based Near-Infrared Solar Spectra and Comparison with In Situ Aircraft Profiles
- Compound-Specific d13C And dD Analyses Of Plant And Soil Organic Matter: Implications For Water Sources And C3-C4 Vegetation Change Studies
- Compound-specific hydrogen isotope ratios of sedimentary n-alkanes - a new paleoclimate proxy
- Coupling Bottom-Up and Top-Down Approaches to Understanding the Carbon Cycle: An Analysis of Data from the NOAA/CMDL WLEF-TV Tall Tower Monitoring Site in Northern Wisconsin
- Does Plant Diversity Affect Carbon and Water-Use Efficiency in Grasslands? Evidence from a Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning Experiment
- Dry and Wet Deposition of Atmospheric Inorganic Nitrogen in a Tropical Environment (Rondônia, Brazil: 10\deg45.44'S, 62\deg21.27'W)
- Estimation of the regional sources and sinks of CO2 with a focus on Europe using both regional and global atmospheric models
- Lessons from compound specific turnover of soil organic matter using 2H, 13C and 14C
- SWING - The Stable Water Isotope Intercomparison Group
- Stable Isotopes in Precipitation and the South American Summer Monsoon - Observations and Model Results
- Testing ocean models using measurements of interannual variations in atmospheric O2 and CO2 concentrations
- Tracing C Fluxes From Leaf Litter To Microbial Respired CO2 And Specific Soil Compounds
- Atmosphere-Biosphere Carbon Exchange in New England and Quebec During Summer 2004 From a Receptor Oriented Modeling Framework
- CERES, the Carboeurope Regional Experiment Strategy in les Landes, South West France, May-June 2005
- Modeling Large-Scale Biosphere NEE by Integrating Satellite Images and Climate Data - Vegetation Photosynthesis and Respiration Model (VPRM)
- Satellite Chartography of Atmospheric Methane from SCIAMACHY onboard ENVISAT
- The Annual Freeze-/Thaw Cycle in the Caribou Poker Creek Research Watershed, Alaska: Combining RADAR With Model Results
- Variable Contribution of Soil and Plant Derived Carbon to Dissolved Organic Matter
- Deuterium excess records from GRIP and NorthGRIP ice cores
- Do Glacial-Interglacial Variations Reflect Optimum Climatic Conditions for the Biosphere?
- Does the empirical Ball-Berry law of stomatal conductance emerge from maximization of productivity?
- Global Wetland Monitoring with AMSR-E Passive Microwave Radiometry
- Impact of the European 2003 heat wave on terrestrial biosphere characteristics: combining eddy covariance and FAPAR measurements with biosphere model parameter inversion
- Incorporation of 13C labeled Pinus ponderosa needle and fine root litter into soil organic matter measured by Py-GC/MS-C-IRMS
- Integrated Regional Changes in Arctic Climate Feedbacks: Implications for the Global Climate System
- Modeling the disturbance of vegetation by fire in the boreal forest
- Recent Carbon Cycle Anomalies as Seen From Atmospheric Top-down Information
- Recent Results From the NOAA/ESRL GMD Tall Tower Network
- The importance of fossil fuel emission uncertainties for inverse modelling of CO2 sources and sinks over Europe
- Top-down and bottom-up carbon budgets of North America, Europe and Asia
- Uncertainty Associated With the Carbon-Climate Feedback
- A Multi-Proxy Approach to Reconstruct the Hydrological Changes and Holocene Climate Development of Nam Co, Central Tibet
- A New Water Vapor Dataset From The Tropics To The Arctic Obtained By The Airborne Microwave Radiometer AMSOS
- A synergistic effect of anthropogenic N and CO2 on land carbon uptake and its implications for global warming
- Analysis and Modelling of Soil Carbon Dynamics and the Influence of Microbes in an Experimental Mesocosm Design
- Carbon Balance Assessment of a Natural Steppe of Southern Siberia by Multiple Constraint Approach
- Combining Eddy Covariance, Leaf Level Measurements and Modelling to Investigate Ecosystem Fluxes in Tropical Grasslands
- Comprehensive comparison of gap filling techniques for eddy covariance net carbon fluxes
- Ecohydrologic Hypotheses Revisited: Global Synthesis with Canopy-Scale, FLUXNET Observations
- Global Variability of Light Use Efficiency: a Model Data Integration Approach
- Large-scale evapotranspiration derived from MODIS GPP compared to MODIS evapotranspiration and 'observations'
- Optimality and soil water-vegetation dynamics
- Plant Biodiversity Positively Affects Short-term Soil Carbon Storage in Experimental Grasslands
- Regional Carbon Dioxide Simulations Using Coupled Stochastic Time-Inverted Lagrangian Transport, Weather Forecast and Research, and Vegetation Photosynthesis and Respiration Models
- Semi-Empirical Modelling Of Biotic And Abiotic Factors Controlling Ecosystem Respiration Across Eddy-Covariance Sites
- Sensitivity of the Carbon Cycle in the Arctic to Climate Change
- Stable Hydrogen Isotopes of Terrestrial n-alkanes record the Mid Younger Dryas Event in European Lakes
- The CEIP-ADVEX Campaigns: An Experimental Approach to Measure Advective CO2 Fluxes and Their Impact on NEE at Three European FLUXNET Forest Sites
- The Importance of Vertical Heterogeneity in Soil Organic Matter for Determining Soil Respiration and Carbon Sequestration With Global Ecosystem Models
- Unravelling nitrogen deposition effects on carbon cycling in forests
- Upscaling Weathering With an Earth System Model of Intermediate Complexity
- WRF-VPRM Modeling System And Its Role In Predicting Regional Carbon Budget
- Water isotopologues in leaves
- Water-use efficiency at different scales and its between-site variability
- What can Maximum Entropy Production Tell us About General Trends in Land Surface Hydrology and its Predictability?
- Will stomatal behavior lead to a positive or negative feedback to anticipated climatic change?
- A Column Experiment To Determine Black Shale Degradation And Colonization By Means of δ13C and 14C Analysis Of Phospholipid Fatty Acids And DNA Extraction
- Analysis of Periods With Strong and Coherent CO2 Advection Over a Forested Hill
- Characterization of ecosystem responses to climatic controls using artificial neural networks
- Effects of Timing of Spring and Autumn Phenological Switches on Temperate and Boreal Forest C Balance
- European Carbon Balance and its Inter-annual Variations From Atmospheric Inversions and Process-based Ecosystem Models: Results From CarboEurope Integrated Project
- High Resolution CO2 Simulations: Scaling C- fluxes From Point to Region
- High resolution CO2 transport modeling system WRF-VRPM and its application in studying near-field of continental CO2 monitoring sites
- How Strong are Biogeochemical Feedbacks Between Permafrost and the Climate System?
- Imapct of midlatitude and tropical drought on terrestrial ecosystems and the global carbon cycle
- On Observational and Modelling Strategies Targeted at Regional Carbon Exchange Over Continents: The Importance of the Near-Field of CO2 Observations
- Optimality Allows a Simplified Parameterisation of Subgrid-Scale Variability in Arid Ecosystems
- Potential Applications of Maximum Entropy Production in Land Surface Hydrology
- Reflex Project: Using Model-Data Fusion to Characterize Confidence in Analyzes and Forecasts of Terrestrial C Dynamics
- Seasonal variations in compound-specific leaf-wax lipid δD values and their relationship to environmental factors and plant physiological processes
- Self-Organization, Thermodynamics and Strong Feedbacks in Terrestrial Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling
- Semi-empirical Modeling of Biotic and Abiotic Factors Controlling Ecosystem Respiration Across Eddy-Covariance Sites
- Systematic Land-Surface-Model Performance Evaluation on different time scales
- The Response of the Terrestrial Biosphere to Urbanization: Land Cover Conversion, Climate, and Urban Pollution
- The regional experiment of CarboEurope: an attempt at synthesis
- Uncertainties in the Net Ecosystem Exchange of Europe and North America
- A Note on Climate Impacts of a Potential Expansion of Urban Land in Europe
- Applicability of the Vegetation Optimality Model across Catchments and Climates
- Combining atmospheric and ecosystem observations to monitor greenhouse gas budgets in Europe (Invited)
- Derivation and analysis of cross relations of photosynthesis and respiration across at FLUXNET sites for model improvement
- Diagnostic Up-scaling of GPP from Eddy Covariance to Global Estimates
- Driving factors of winter respiration (Invited)
- Experiences Developing a Collaborative Data Sharing Portal for FLUXNET
- Large-scale retrieval of forest growing stock volume using hyper-temporal ENVISAT ASAR ScanSAR data stacks
- Long-Term Measurements of Carbon Monoxide and Aerosols at the ZOTTO tall tower, Siberia
- Nitrogen deposition, land cover conversion, climate, and contemporary carbon balance of Europe (Invited)
- Spatial pattern of terrestrial carbon dioxide and water vapor coupling
- The Jena Diversity (JeDi) Model: A New Functional Diversity Approach To Modelling The Terrestrial Biosphere
- Using CarbonTracker carbon flux estimates to improve a terrestrial carbon cycle model
- A Global Estimate of the Power Sources Involved in Soil Formation, Maintenance, and Destruction
- Benchmarking of two terrestrial ecosystem models using a parsimonious set of tests for carbon processes and vegetation phenology
- CO2/CH4 flux inversion from cavity ring-down spectroscopy measurement at Zotino Tall Tower Observatory (ZOTTO) in Central Siberia
- Climatic Effects on the Inter-Annual Variability of Carbon Fluxes for North America and Europe
- Combined in-situ Trace Element, Pb, Sr Isotope Analysis and U-Th Dating of Speleothems and Ostracods
- Comparing the extractable power and climatic impacts of very large-scale deployment of solar, wind, and biomass technologies
- Consequences of anthropogenic Nr addition on global terrestrial biogeochemistry, 1700-2005 (Invited)
- Coupling Soil-Canopy Processes to Nitrogen Dynamics: Impacts of Deep Rooting Mechanisms
- Determinants of NEE and NBP of croplands in Europe (Invited)
- Does optimal adaptation allow prediction of water use by vegetation without calibration?
- Emissions from vegetation fires and their influence on atmospheric composition over the Amazon Basin (Invited)
- Expansion of Bioenergy Crops in the Midwestern United States: Implications for the Hydrologic Cycle under Climate Change
- Forest model inversions for quantifying biosphere-atmosphere interactions - In these matters, the only certainty is that nothing is certain
- Free energy generation and transfers from Archaean hydrothermal vents to the first metabolism
- Global carbon-water cycles patterns inferred from FLUXNET observations - useful for model evaluation? (Invited)
- How to `Elk-test' biogeochemical models in a data rich world? (Invited)
- Interplay Between MEP, Hydraulic Redistribution and Resource Use Efficiency in Determining the Structure of Plant Roots
- Inverse modelling estimates of N2O surface emissions and stratospheric losses using a global dataset
- Lake System Response to Late Quaternary Monsoon Dynamics on the Tibetan Plateau (Invited)
- Lake System Response to Late Quaternary Monsoon Dynamics on the Tibetan Plateau: Microfossils as Indicators of Lake Level Changes
- Low contribution of litter derived carbon to dissolved organic matter in soils
- Methane Oxidation in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific
- Modeling Water and Nutrient Transport through the Soil-Root-Canopy Continuum: Explicitly Linking the Below- and Above-Ground Processes
- Net ecosystem fluxes for the Iberian Peninsula: a bottom-up approach integrating eddy-covariance data and remote sensing-based diagnostic modeling
- Observationally based surface fluxes of CH4 and N2O, and fossil fuel-derived CO2 for a 300x100 km region (the Netherlands)
- Quantification of Biosphere and Anthropogenic CO2 using WRF-VPRM Mesoscale Transport and Biosphere Models
- Quantification of physical weathering rates using thermodynamics
- Reconstructing tropical African hydrology using hydrogen isotope ratios of lacustrine sedimentary biomarkers: a calibration transect across Cameroon
- Regional-scale atmospheric inversions of greenhouse gas fluxes in Europe
- Sensitivity of Soil Respiration with Respect to Multiple Environmental Factors
- Soil Hydrological Processes - A Thermodynamic Perspective
- The Jena Diversity Model: Towards a Richer Representation of the Terrestrial Biosphere for Earth System Modelling
- The full greenhouse gas balance compensates the terrestrial carbon sink of EU-25
- The influence of climate on soil carbon turnover times derived from carbon flux and pool data
- The role of vegetation fraction on the thermodynamics of the land surface
- Typical and Extreme Wind Speed Behavior for Coastal and Mainland Locations over the Past 50 years in the Pacific Northwest, North America
- Variability of source water signal in δD values of sedimentary n-alkanes of Lake Nam Co
- A Radiocarbon Database for Improving Understanding of Global Soil Carbon Dynamics: Part I
- Aerosol Optical Properties in Amazon and the Dry-To Transition Season
- Benchmarking carbon-nitrogen interactions in Earth System Models to observations: An inter-comparison of nitrogen limitation in global land surface models with carbon and nitrogen cycles (CLM-CN and O-CN)
- Biogeochemical trace gas and oxygen concentration signatures from the West African upwelling areas as observed at the Cape Verde Atmospheric Observatory (CVAO)
- CH<SUB>4</SUB> Flux Inversion Studies for Future Active Space CH<SUB>4</SUB> Missions like MERLIN
- Climate constraints on Inverse-derived Regional Net Carbon Ecosystem Exchange over North America
- Effects of soil thermal properties and vertical carbon profiles on modeling high latitude soil carbon dynamics
- Enabling Data Synthesis at Lessons Learned
- Estimating carbon fluxes for North America from a joint inversion for CO2 and COS using STILT
- Expansion of bioenergy crops in the Midwestern United States: Implications for the hydrologic cycle under climate change
- Gaussian Process Regression for Uncertainty Estimation on Ecosystem Data
- How relevant is chemical recalcitrance for predicting climatic effects on mineral soil carbon stocks?
- Hydrogen Isotopes of Terrestrial and Aquatic Biomakers Record the Water Cycle on the Tibetan Plateau
- Identifying the Climatic Limits to Agricultural Production
- Improving Estimates of CO2 using the WRF-VPRM Biosphere and Transport Model over the Midwest USA
- Improving the predictability of global CO2 assimilation rates under climate change
- Measuring priming using <SUP>14</SUP>C of respired CO2: effects on respiration source pools and interactions with warming
- Methane in the Amazon: A forward and inverse regional modeling approach
- Mixing height estimation over heterogeneous terrain from ceilometer and lidar data
- Modeling Soil Organic Carbon Turnover in Four Temperate Forests Based on Radiocarbon Measurements of Heterotrophic Respiration and Soil Organic Carbon
- Multi-proxy cross-calibration and validation of paleoenvironmental changes based on lake sediment records: A case study from the Tibetan Plateau
- Network design assessment for greenhouse gas observing systems using Lagrangian footprint simulations
- New global observations of the terrestrial carbon cycle from GOSAT: Patterns of vegetation fluorescence with gross primary productivity
- Nitrogen Dynamics in the Soil-Root-Plant Continuum: Competitive and Mutualistic Dependencies through Hydraulic Redistribution
- Profiling of Greenhouse Gases from Space by Infrared-Laser Occultation and Demonstration by a 144 km Crosslink Experiment at the Canary Islands
- Radiocarbon in Tree STEM CO<SUB>2</SUB> Efflux
- Reconciling leaf physiological traits and canopy-scale flux data: Use of the TRY and FLUXNET databases in the Community Land Model
- Role of Hydraulic Redistribution in Enhancing Multi-Species Vegetation Interaction and Ecosystem Productivity
- Soil Carbon Response to Soil Warming and Nitrogen Deposition in a Temperate Deciduous Forest
- Solar and wind energy extraction within the Earth System - how are they related but different regarding power potentials and climatic consequences?
- Succession-inducing disturbances and the old-growth forest mosaic of a Central Amazon landscape
- The effect of the 2010 eastern European heat wave on carbon dynamics
- Towards a better link between soil process models and experiments across spatial and temporal scales
- Towards assimilation of observation derived mixing heights to constrain WRF-STILT atmospheric transport model
- Use of Chia Plant to Monitor Urban Fossil Fuel CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emission: An Example From Irvine, CA in 2010
- Variability in apparent soil organic carbon turnover times across climate zones and vegetation classes
- Water and energy flux observations from a global eddy covariance network: Patterns, trends, and a critical analysis of uncertainty
- a Radiocarbon Database for Improved Understanding of Global Soil Carbon Dynamics: Part II
- A comparative analysis of retrieval algorithms for GOSAT SWIR data processing: comparison against TCCON and transport model, cross-comparison, and effects of atmospheric light scattering
- A comparison of geostatistical and Bayesian atmospheric inversion techniques for detecting interannual variability in regional-scale CO2 budgets
- A multivariate approach to filling gaps in large ecological data sets using probabilistic matrix factorization techniques
- Approaches and applications of carbon and water flux-partitioning from ecosystem to globe - a brief overview
- Assessing the potential of chlorophyll fluorescence retrievals from GOSAT space measurements to indicate gross primary production on a global scale
- Assessment of North America photosynthetic uptake of CO2 through simulations of COS in a Lagrangian particle dispersion model framework
- Assimilation of multiple Earth-observations into the land-surface scheme of the MPI Earth System Model
- Carbon dynamics in trees under induced lethal drought and carbon starvation
- Characterizing ecosystem responses directly from the data using artificial neural networks
- Climatic drivers of variability in the response of NPP to elevated CO2. A model-data comparison at two FACE sites in the south eastern US
- Climatic implications of Nitrogen constraints on terrestrial C sequestration estimates in CMIP5 model projection
- Comparing inversion techniques for constraining CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes in the Brazilian Amazon Basin with aircraft observations
- Detecting synoptic changes in biogeochemical processes from high-dimensional data streams: a combined approach of time-series decomposition and nonlinear dimensionality reduction
- Diffuse radiation increases global ecosystem-level water-use efficiency
- Dissolved Organic Matter Along a North South Transect of the Yenisei River
- Estimating C3 vs. C4 vegetation cover from sedimentary records - a surface sediment test from Cameroon, Western Central Africa
- Evaluation of the seasonal dynamics of photosynthesis and drought stress in CMIP5 models
- Fundamental challenges in data assimilation of multiple biogeochemical data streams
- Geostable molecules and the Late Archean 'Whiff of Oxygen'
- Global Scale Observations of the Stable Isotopic Composition of Atmospheric Molecular Hydrogen
- Global patterns of land-atmosphere fluxes of carbon dioxide, latent heat, and sensible heat derived from eddy covariance, satellite, and meteorological observations
- Global vegetation responses to selected CMIP5 climate model projections: results from the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISI-MIP)
- Hot spots, hot moments and time-span of changes in drivers and their responses on carbon cycling in Europe
- Informing improvements to terrestrial biogeochemical models through statistical integration of environmental datasets
- Mean age, concentrations and usage of nonstructural carbon in California oaks
- Multi-model terrestrial and oceanic carbon exchange estimates from data assimilation in GEOCARBON
- Palms versus trees: water use characteristics of native fruit-bearing plant species in the Central Amazon
- Recent Shift in Eurasian Boreal Vegetation Growth Response Associated with Drought Stress
- Significant Reduction of Global Carbon Uptake by Water-Cycle Driven Extreme Vegetation Anomalies
- Space Based Observations of Amazon Carbon Cycle
- Space borne retrievals of chlorophyll fluorescence from the GOSAT satellite
- The IAGOS GHG package: a measurement system for continuous airborne observations of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB>, H<SUB>2</SUB>O and CO
- The Role of Fractional Inundation and Saturation in the Carbon Cycle of West Siberian Peatlands
- The State of Land Surface Model Uncertainty for the Alaskan Arctic
- The age of CO<SUB>2</SUB> emitted from stems and roots of Norway spruce and beech forests in Germany
- The role of climate in the global patterns of ecosystem carbon turnover rates - contrasts between data and models
- Variation in 20th Century Weather Extremes as a function of Biome
- Water use and water use efficiency at elevated CO2: a model-data intercomparison at two contrasting temperate forest FACE sites
- What controls the depth profile and overall age of carbon in soils?
- A general mathematical framework for representing soil organic matter dynamics in biogeochemistry models
- An Adaptation Dilemma Caused by Impacts-Modeling Uncertainty
- Analyzing global carbon uptake patterns using plant trait data
- Beneath the Arctic Green: Have recent increases in plant production been offset by increases in soil decomposition?
- Boreal forest soil erosion and soil-atmosphere carbon exchange
- COMET: a planned airborne mission to simultaneously measure CO2 and CH4 columns using airborne remote sensing and in-situ techniques
- CarboPerm: An interdisciplinary Russian-German project on the formation, turnover and release of carbon in Siberian permafrost landscapes
- Climate extremes and the carbon cycle (Invited)
- Constraining CO2 tower measurements in an inhomogeneous area with anthropogenic emissions using a combination of car-mounted instrument campaigns, aircraft profiles, transport modeling and neural networks
- Coupling of Ecosystem-Atmosphere Fluxes and Hydrometeorology Under Normal and Extreme Climate Conditions Investigated by Nonlinear Statistics
- Does shift in oxygen level in soil air affect the trace gases emissions?
- Evaluating the predictability of terrestrial ecosystem carbon fluxes integrating long term eddy-covariance and biometric observations with multi-model ensembles (Invited)
- Factors Controlling Decomposition Rates of Fine Root Litter in Temperate Forests and Grasslands
- Ice Record of δ13C for Atmospheric CH4 during the Last Termination
- Impact of Large-Scale Climate Extremes on Biospheric Carbon Fluxes: An Intercomparison Based on MsTMIP Data
- In situ spectral measurements improve the efficiency of light use efficiency models to estimate gross primary productivity in Mediterranean cork oak woodland
- Influence of the Westerlies in arid Central Asia during the Holocene recorded in sediments from lakes Son Kol and Chatyr Kol, Kyrgyzstan
- Insights into rapid climate change: A high resolution, compound-specific n-alkane δD study of the 8.2 ka event (Tenaghi Philippon, Greece)
- Integrated Earth Observation Data Streams for model benchmarking (Invited)
- Interannual and decadal-scale variability of soil moisture and water resources in Africa
- Last glacial termination preceded by change in time-reversibility structure of paleoclimate dynamics (Invited)
- Long-term effects of drainage disturbance on the carbon cycle processes within a tussock tundra ecosystem in Northeast Siberia
- Mapping cropland GPP in the north temperate region with space measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence
- Mechanistic simulation of the vertical soil organic matter profile
- Model-experiment synthesis at two FACE sites in the southeastern US. Forest ecosystem responses to elevated CO[2]. (Invited)
- Multi-species monitoring for fugitive gases and CO<SUB>2</SUB> leakage at enhanced oil recovery operations
- Novel Instrumentation for Column Measurements and Regional Eulerian Modeling for Network Design in Boston
- Predicting diffuse light-enhancement of GPP from plant functional traits: A multi-site synthesis
- Quantifying the importance of plant functional diversity for ecosystem functioning and resilience under scenarios of climate change (Invited)
- Recent Shift in Eurasian Boreal Vegetation Growth Response Associated with Increasing Drought Stress
- Sensitivity of Deep Soil Organic Carbon Age to Sorption, Transport and Microbial Interactions - Insights from a Calibrated Process Model
- Targeting patterns: A path forward for uncertainty quantification in carbon cycle science? (Invited)
- The assessments of uncertainties in global vegetation and soil carbon projections in ISI-MIP study
- Time scale dependence of carbon-climate sensitivity: a combined model-data characterization
- Vegetation turnover and nitrogen feedback drive temperate forest carbon sequestration in response to elevated CO[2]. A multi-model structural analysis
- Water balance and carbon sink strength of an European savannah-type woodland during the drought year 2012
- What controls the age of subsoil carbon? (Invited)
- A Late Glacial Environmental Reconstruction performed on Lacustrine Sediments from the Southern Tibetan Plateau identifies regional Monsoon Variations
- Accelerating the connection between experiments and models: The FACE-MDS experience
- An Inter-Disciplinary Approach to Assess Adaptation Processes Resulting From a Long-Term Drainage Disturbance of a Permafrost Ecosystem
- Assessing the net effect of long-term drainage on a permafrost ecosystem through year-round eddy-covariance flux measurements
- Boston Column Network: Compact Solar-Tracking Spectrometers and Differential Column Measurements
- Changes in Benefits of Flood Protection Standard under Climate Change
- Changes in Large Spatiotemporal Climatic Extreme Events Beyond the Mean Warming Signal
- Estimating photosynthesis with high resolution field spectroscopy in a Mediterranean grassland under different nutrient availability
- Evidence for A Weakening Relationship between Interannual Temperature Variability and Northern Vegetation Activity
- Experimental Observations of Calcite Precipitation in Fractures: The Role of Physical and Chemical Heterogeneity on the Persistence of Preferential Flow Paths
- Global Weirding? - Using Very Large Ensembles and Extreme Value Theory to assess Changes in Extreme Weather Events Today
- Global scale analysis and evaluation of an improved mechanistic representation of plant nitrogen and carbon dynamics in the Community Land Model (CLM)
- Identification of Seasonal to Decadal Controls on Phenology by Contrasting and Integrating Models, Datasets and Detection Methods
- Impact of hydrology and vegetation community structure on CO2 and CH4 flux patterns in a permafrost ecosystem in Northeast Siberia
- Increasing Seasonal CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes and the Potential Role of Changing Plant Functional Types
- Land-atmosphere fluxes during hydro-meteorological extremes: comparing high-resolution upscaled fluxes with site-level observations
- Marginal Lands Gross Primary Production Dominate Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Interannual Variations
- Multi-Year Estimates of Regional Alaskan Net CO<SUB>2</SUB> Exchange: Constraining a Remote-Sensing Based Model with Aircraft Observations
- On Variability in Satellite Terrestrial Chlorophyll Fluorescence Measurements: Relationships with Phenology and Ecosystem-Atmosphere Carbon Exchange, Vegetation Structure, Clouds, and Sun-Satellite Geometry
- On the Use of Multi-Scale Long-Term Data for Understanding Global Ecosystem Functioning
- Persistence of Mineral-Associated Soil Organic Carbon in European Soil Profiles
- Raman Spectroscopic Online Investigation of Respiratory Quotients in Pinus Sylvestris and Picea Abies during Drought and Shading
- Removing Traffic Emissions from CO<SUB>2</SUB> Time Series Measured at a Tall Tower Using on-Road Measurements and WRF-Stilt Transport Modeling
- Spatio-temporal covariation of evapotranspiration, plant productivity, and groundwater dynamics at the global scale
- The Impact of Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> on Plant Production Responses to Drought: A Model-Data Comparison at Four US FACE Sites.
- The Importance of the Spatial Density of Satellite Measurements for the Retrieval of Spatial Flux Patterns
- The carbon cycle response of the Amazon forest during the 2010 drought in dynamic global vegetation models
- The effects of Fire Disturbance on Soil Water Cycling of a Southeast Amazonian Forest
- Towards a Handshake of Ground-Based Measurements and Remote-Sensing of Vegetation Traits at Global Scale?
- Understanding the Role of Interannual Variability and Momentum Transfer on Wind Energy
- Amazon Column CO<SUB>2</SUB> & CO Observations to Elucidate Tropical Ecosystem Processes
- Assumption Centred Modelling of Ecosystem Responses to CO<SUB>2</SUB> at Six US Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Enrichment Experiments.
- Attributing the influence of urban and industrial nitrous oxide emission sources on atmospheric concentrations measured at surface monitoring stations. A case study from Central Europe (Poland).
- Bayesian optimization of modeled CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes in Oregon using a dense tower network, aircraft campaigns, and the community land model 4.5
- Can eddy covariance flux magnitudes and uncertainties be explained by surface heterogeneity? - A combined multi-tower - hyperspectral remote sensing approach in a Mediterranean Savanna ecosystem
- Comparing a Carbon Budget for the Amazon Basin Derived from Aircraft Observations
- Competing ecosystem model hypotheses for the CO<SUB>2</SUB> response of a nutrient- and water-limited mature Eucalypt woodland (EucFACE)
- Detection and Attribution of Simulated Climatic Extreme Events and Impacts: High Sensitivity to Bias Correction
- Determinants of the spatial covariation of primary productivity and water table depth
- Diagnosing Model Uncertainty on Terrestrial Carbon Cycle with Field manipulative experiments
- Different representations of biological nitrogen fixation cause major variation in projected terrestrial biosphere responses to elevated levels of atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Do We Need Larger Eddy Covariance Site Networks? Sites Spatial Distribution and Network Size Effect on Carbon and Water Fluxes Upscaling Using Empirical Models
- Empirically constrained estimates of Alaskan regional Net Ecosystem Exchange of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, 2012-2014
- Enhanced understanding of the terrestrial carbon cycle through multiple constraints in model-data-integration approaches
- FLUXCOM - Overview and First Synthesis
- First Airborne IPDA Lidar Measurements of Methane and Carbon Dioxide Applying the DLR Greenhouse Gas Sounder CHARM-F
- Global Evaluation of Vegetation Carbon Residence Times as Simulated by ISI-IMP2 Global Vegetation Models (GVMs) Using a Data Product based on Satellite and Eddy Covariance Flux Measurements
- Has the Northern Hemisphere Mid-Latitude Hydrological Cycle Responded to Twentieth Century Aerosol Forcing?
- How deep can surface signals be traced in the Critical Zone? Merging biodiversity with biogeochemistry research in a karst central German landscape
- Improving the representation of photosynthesis in Earth system models
- Large-Scale Variation in Forest Carbon Turnover Rate and its Relation to Climate - Remote Sensing vs. Global Vegetation Models
- MERLIN : a Franco-German active space mission dedicated to atmospheric methane
- Mechanisms Controlling the Plant Diversity Effect on Soil Microbial Community Composition and Soil Microbial Diversity
- Microphysics of Amazonian aerosol under background conditions and the impact from the urban pollution and biomass burning
- Mobile Detection of Fugitive Emissions using Computationally Optimized Geochemical Methods
- Model Representation of Last Decade Regional Changes of Arctic Snow on Sea ice
- Multi-criteria Evaluation of Discharge Simulation in Dynamic Global Vegetation Models
- N<SUB>2</SUB>O Emission Trends From a Global Atmospheric Inversion
- Net carbon balance of three full crop rotations at an agricultural site near Gebesee, Germany
- New Insights on the Variability of Ecosystem Functioning Across Time Scales
- On the suitability of ecological in-situ networks for detecting impacts of extreme events
- Seasonal and interannual variations in boreal Alaskan methane and carbon dioxide fluxes using atmospheric measurements from the CARVE tower
- Soil Subgrid Heterogeneity Important for Representing High-latitude Processes in a Land Surface Model
- The Global Turnover Time Distribution of Soil Carbon Derived from a Meta-analysis of Radiocarbon Profiles
- The Importance of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Utilizing Chemolithoautotrophic Microorganisms for Carbon Sequestration and Isotope Signatures of SOM in Tropical Rainforest Soils
- The dominant role of semi-arid lands in the trend and variability of the land CO<SUB>2</SUB> sink
- The role of sampling in the disparity between CO<SUB>2 </SUB>fluxes inferred from GOSAT vs. surface measurements
- Towards Top-down Constraints on Regional Sources and Sinks of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Imposed by Column Observations: a High-resolution Inverse Modeling Approach
- Towards a Representation of Flexible Canopy N Stiochiometry for Land-surface Models Based on Optimality Concepts
- Towards an International Network of Critical Zone Observatories
- Twenty-first Century Climate Simulated by HadGEM2-ES under RCP8.5 Modified to Account for the Effects of Thawing Permafrost, Wetlands and Nitrogen Limited Vegetation on CO<SUB>2</SUB> and Methane Concentrations
- A Pan-Arctic Synthesis of Cold Season Carbon Emissions
- A spring-summer dichotomy in temperate ecosystem productivity extremes in response to changing climate drivers
- Atmospheric Profiles of Carbon Dioxide Obtained with a UAS: Constraints on Square Kilometre Scale Carbon Budgets
- Belowground Carbon Allocation and Plant-Microbial Interactions Drive Resistance and Resilience of Mountain Grassland Communities to Drought
- Beyond clay - using selective extractions to improve predictions of soil carbon content
- Carbon and nutrients recycling when leaves falling off: mycorrhizal association matters
- Changes in Soil Carbon Stocks and Fluxes in Response to Altered Above- and Belowground Vegetation Inputs
- Changes in soil thermal regime lead to substantial shifts in carbon and energy fluxes in drained Arctic tundra
- Climate-related Large-scale Variation in Forest Carbon Turnover Rate - Evaluating Global Vegetation Models Using Remote Sensing Products of Biomass and NPP
- Constraining Belowground Carbon Turnover Times in Terrestrial Ecosystems: Insights Gained through Radiocarbon Analysis and Interpretation at AmeriFlux Network Sites
- Contributions to summertime CO<SUB>2</SUB> measured at a site in Northern China (2005-2009)
- Data policy for data sets from various sources: recent developments in the Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS)
- Detecting regional carbon-climate feedbacks in the Arctic
- Diminishing warming effects on terrestrial ecosystem net carbon uptake in northern high latitudes
- Discrepancies between Leaf and Ecosystem Measures of Water-Use Efficiency
- Evaluation of a physics-preserving bias correction methodology designed for climate impact simulations
- Expected performances of the MERLIN mission for the estimation of methane surface emissions.
- Forecasting carbon weather: what are the benefits of using high resolution?
- Global Land Carbon Uptake from Trait Distributions
- Greening of the Earth and its Drivers
- Holocene Erosion Patterns in European Alps Viewed from Lake Sediment
- Hot spots of multivariate extreme anomalies in Earth observations
- Impacts of Vegetation on the Decoupling between Air and Soil Temperatures across the Arctic
- Imprint of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation on the Western Canadian High-Arctic climate
- Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) - a domain-overarching long-term research infrastructure for the future
- Linear relations between leaf mass per area (LMA) and seasonal climate discovered through Linear Manifold Clustering (LMC)
- Methane Fluxes in the High Northern Latitudes for 2005 - 2013 Estimated Using a Bayesian Atmospheric Inversion
- Methane emissions from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf
- Moving on from rigid plant stoichiometry: Optimal canopy nitrogen allocation within a novel land surface model
- Multi-Species Inversion and IAGOS Airborne Data for a Better Constraint of Continental Scale Fluxes
- Orbiting carbon observatory (OCO-2) tracks increase of carbon release to the atmosphere during the 2014-2016 El Niño
- Potential of new machine learning methods for understanding long-term interannual variability of carbon and energy fluxes and states from site to global scale
- Progress toward an Integrated Global Greenhouse Gas Information System (IG<SUP>3</SUP>IS)
- Radiocarbon in resprouts and sap sugars for estimating turnover times of storage reserves in trees
- Representation of diffusion controlled carbon stabilization in reactive transport models
- Slowdown of N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions from China's croplands
- Space-borne Chlorophyll Fluorescence, Greenness, Vegetation Models and Interannual Variability of Photosynthetic Activity: Spatio-temporal Patterns, Mechanisms, and Environmental Sensitivities
- The Soil Carbon Paradigm Shift: Triangulating Theories, Measurements, and Models
- The type of surface radiative forcing in radiative-convective equilibrium explains the spread in global climate response across CMIP5 models
- The when and where of the increasing land carbon sink
- Thermodynamics of Tropical Cyclones: A Thermodynamic Approach to Nonlinear Non-equilibrium Phenomena
- What it Needs to Make Plant Function Explainable
- Year-round Regional CO2 Fluxes from Boreal and Tundra Ecosystems in Alaska
- A first look at the SAPFLUXNET database: global patterns in whole-plant transpiration and implications for ecohydrological research
- AquaDiva: Understanding the Link between the Surface and Subsurface Biogeosphere
- Asymmetric Responses of Primary Productivity to Altered Precipitation Simulated by Land Surface Models across Three Long-term Grassland Sites
- Challenging terrestrial biosphere models with data from the long-term multifactor Prairie Heating and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Enrichment experiment
- Contribution of trees and grasses to ecosystem fluxes of water, carbon, and energy throughout the seasons under different nutrient availability
- Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensing in Complex Systems
- Data Driven Estimation of Transpiration from Net Water Fluxes: the TEA Algorithm
- Detecting the response of seasonal light-use efficiency to canopy temperature by using satellite solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and enhanced vegetation index across Australian rainfed croplands
- Developing spectral, structural, and phenological diversity proxies for monitoring biodiversity change across space and time using ESA's Sentinel satellites
- Environmental context affects microbial ecophysiological mechanisms underpinning soil carbon storage under different land use
- Landsat Sensitivity To Recovery from Burning and Clearcuts in Amazonia
- MERLIN: a Franco-German LIDAR space mission for atmospheric methane
- Mapping wood density globally using remote sensing and climatological data
- Modelling effects of forest disturbance history on carbon balance: a deep learning approach using Landsat-time series.
- Multi-Hypothesis Modelling Capabilities for Robust Data-Model Integration
- OCO-2 advances photosynthesis observation from space via solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence
- ORCHIDEE-CNP: Site-Scale Evaluation against Observations from a Soil Formation Chronosequence in Hawaii
- Observations-based GPP estimates
- Plant ecosystem responses to rising atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>: applying a "two-timing" approach to assess alternative hypotheses for mechanisms of nutrient limitation
- Rain pulses - how different data streams provide insight in response-times and help to attribute biophysical properties to ecosystem processes.
- Rapid forest recovery of carbon and water fluxes after a tropical firestorm
- Recent Results and Performance Analyses of CHARM-F, the Airborne IPDA Lidar for Methane and Carbon Dioxide
- Revision of global carbon fluxes based on ocean heat constraints
- Shifts in the Budyko curve over the past decade in the Amazon basin
- Soil Respiration And Respiration Partitioning In An Oak-Savannah With A History Of Fertilization
- Terrestrial carbon turnover time constraints on future carbon cycle-climate feedback
- The changing phenology of the land carbon fluxes as derived from atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> data
- A Large Ensemble Testbed to Evaluate pCO<SUB>2</SUB> Interpolation Methods
- A new Southern Ocean carbon flux estimate from merged ship and float observations
- A new biosphere model with coupled carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycles
- A pan-arctic synthesis of nongrowing season respiration: Key drivers and responses to a changing climate
- ARRHENIUS: a Geostationary Carbon Process Explorer for Africa, Europe and the Middle-East
- Airborne in-situ observations during the CoMet campaign 2018: Quantification of CH<SUB>4</SUB> emissions from coal mining activities in Upper Silesia, Poland
- Amazon rainforest responses to elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> hinge on plant phosphorus use and acquisition: model-based hypotheses for the AmazonFACE experiment.
- Avoided heat-related mortality under targeted Paris Agreement scenarios
- Beyond the First Date: Soil Incubations and the Radiocarbon Constraint
- CHARM-F - New Results and Performance Analyses of Airborne Greenhouse Gas Lidar Measurements during the CoMet Mission
- Carbon-water interactions in forests inferred from FLUXNET and Earth Observation measurements and conceptual analysis
- CoMet: An airborne mission to simultaneously measure CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> using lidar, passive remote sensing and in-situ techniques
- Constraining methane dynamics modules in ecosystem models using eddy flux measurements at northern ecosystems
- Cross-scale Temporal Variability in Conifer Tree Growth and Hydrodynamics Along an Elevational Gradient in the European Alps
- Different Imprints of Evapotranspiration in Surface and Air Temperature explained by Boundary Layer Dynamics
- Domain Knowledge Integration for Causality Analysis of Carbon-Cycle Variables
- Effects of Land Use Change on Soil Moisture Dynamics in Tropical Peatlands
- Effects of a large scale stoichiometric imbalance manipulation on the ecosystem functioning of a Mediterranean tree-grass ecosystem: The MANIP experiment
- Estimating gross carbon dioxide fluxes by eddy covariance net ecosystem exchange measurements and machine learning methods
- FLUXNET methanesynthesis activity: Objectives, Observations, and Future Directions
- Global and regional methane emissions for 2000-2017 estimated from CTE-CH<SUB>4</SUB> - contribution to GCP methane
- Global carbon-14 observations constrain rates of soil organic matter decomposition in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model
- Global soil N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions since the pre-industrial era estimated by an ensemble of Terrestrial Biosphere Models: Magnitude, attribution and uncertainty
- Global-Scale Atmospheric Composition Dataset from Instrumented Passenger Aircraft by the European Research Infrastructure IAGOS
- Higher snow pack leads to rapid increases in soil temperatures and associated higher wintertime carbon emissions in East Siberia
- How do water and temperature shape the interannual variability of the land carbon sink?
- Incorporating Trait Distributions into Land Surface Models
- Integrating multiple top-down and bottom-up approaches to evaluate the tropical land sink response to El-Niño in 2015/16
- Modeling greenhouse gas budget in the northern ecosystems using a process-based ecosystem model, VISIT
- Modeling the Soil Organic Carbon Turnover and Phosphorus Fluxes under Two Contrasting Soil Phosphorus Availability
- Monitoring photosynthesis with microwave satellites
- On the role of N and P availability to drive water use and energy fluxes in a Mediterranean Savanna
- Past and Current State of the Arctic Eddy Covariance Network
- Predicting Dynamic Nitrogen-Related Traits Using Optimality Theory Within A Novel Land Surface Model
- Quality Assurance & Quality Control of IAGOS In Service Aircraft Measurements: Concept & Experiences Made.
- Radiocarbon as a Clock for the Global Carbon Cycle
- Reconciling Global Model Estimates and Country Reporting of Anthropogenic Forest CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sinks
- Reconstructing Holocene Climatic and Environmental Changes in Central Asia From Lake Chatyr Kul (Tian Shan, Kyrgyzstan)
- Representing and Understanding the Carbon Cycle Using the Theory of Compartmental Dynamical System
- Respired Radiocarbon: Insights into decadal soil carbon cycling
- Spaceborne Site Index Estimates of Young North American Boreal Forest Growth
- Sun-Induced Fluorescence and Photosynthesis Estimation in a Mixed Forest Ecosystem Using High Resolution Airborne Imagery
- SupernoVAE: Using deep learning to find spatio-temporal dynamics in Earth system data
- TRY - the global database of plant traits: potential and limitations
- Testing Thermal Oxidation and <SUP>14</SUP>C Concentration as an Analogue for Traditional Soil Fractionation Methods
- The EUROCOM project: A collaborative reanalysis of European CO2 fluxes over the period 2006-2015
- The International Soil Radiocarbon Database (ISRaD): A new resource for the synthesis of soil radiocarbon data across scales.
- The fate of carbon in a mature eucalypt woodland under CO<SUB>2</SUB> enrichment and phosphorus limitation
- The first palaeoclimate time-series based on compound specific analyses of fatty acid biomarkers from a speleothem.
- The influence of vegetation on shallow soil and air temperature coupling: a Pan-Arctic data synthesis
- The rhythm of tropical ecosystems: Drivers of carbon uptake seasonality in ecosystem models
- Thermal acclimation of leaf respiration consistent with optimal plant function
- Towards multi-proxy pCO<SUB>2</SUB> reconstructions of the early Eocene Climatic Optimum from the Rockall Trough, NE Atlantic
- Tracking Nighttime Methane Signals at the Amazon Tall Tower Observatory (ATTO).
- Tree mortality and Extreme Rainfall in the Amazon
- Trends and Challenges in Biogeosciences
- Two decades of coastal oceanic nitrous oxide emissions inferred from atmospheric measurements and high-resolution inverse modelling
- Unifying land carbon cycle models
- Using atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> observations from site level and retrievals from a space-born sensor in soil carbon model evaluation at global scale
- Wind-tree interactions in the Amazon (INVENTA): disturbance dynamics and forest functioning
- 12 Years TRY Database - Towards a 3<SUP>rd</SUP> Generation of Data Assimilation
- A Thermal-based Three-Source Energy Balance Model to Estimate Evapotranspiration for a Dynamic and Complex Tree-Grass Ecosystem
- An assessment of the nitrogen effects on the future terrestrial carbon cycle: state-of-the-art and future perspectives
- Arctic Permafrost Soil Hydrology and Snow Cover Depth Critically Determine CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> emissions
- Causes of Decelerating Seasonal CO<SUB>2</SUB> Amplitude at Mauna Loa
- Characterization of intact polar lipids in soils for assessing their origin
- Climate Controls on the Spatial Variabilities of Terrestrial Carbon Cycle Dynamics
- Contrasting impacts of meteorological extremes across domains
- Convergence of Long-term Sensitivity of Terrestrial Ecosystem Turnover Times to Temperature
- Dark CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fixation is Driven by Microbial Biomass in Temperate Forest Soils and Enhanced over a Sub-ambient to Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> Gradient.
- Decadal biomass increment is stimulated by CO<SUB>2</SUB>-enrichment in early-succession woody ecosystems
- Decadal cycling of mineral-associated soil carbon
- Decomposability of soil organic matter over time: The Soil Incubation Database (SIDb, version 1.0) and guidance for incubation methods
- Decoupling of Slow and Fast-Response Physiological Dynamics of Sun-Induced Fluorescence and Photochemical Reflectance Index Time-Series Using Singular Spectrum Analysis Method.
- Differences in transpiration between high latitude upland and floodplain shrubs: implications for ecosystem energy balance
- Dynamic lag effects of climate and vegetation on biosphere-atmosphere CO<SUB>2</SUB> exchange: a global analysis
- Evidence of early human occupation of a high-altitude site in Western Central Asia during the Holocene
- Evolution and optimized extension of the high Northern latitude eddy covariance network.
- Explaining the timing of maximum GPP using circular statistics
- Exploring continuous time series of vegetation hyperspectral reflectance and solar-induced fluorescence through radiative transfer model inversion
- Functional Phenology Changes after Nitrogen and Phosphorus Addition through Changing Structure and Physiology
- Geospatial Forest Patterns in Northwestern and Central Amazon Forests Affected by Wind Disturbances
- Getting the best of both worlds: physics-guided machine learning for hydrologic modeling
- How does phosphorus availability affect vegetation response to elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB>? A synthesis of existing evidence
- Identification of ecosystem-specific markers in dissolved organic matter by ultrahigh resolution tandem mass spectrometry
- Impacts of the 2018 drought in Europe: a multi-scale perspective from in-situ, remote-sensing and modelling datasets
- Implications of increased plant productivity on ecosystem hydrology: a case study on the 2018 heatwave in Europe.
- Improving the Representation of Vegetation in Global Hydrological Models using Earth Observation Data
- Including top- and subsurface moisture controls on modeled SOC decomposition leads to bi-directional changes in decomposition rates under a warming climate
- Inferring causal graphs from observational long-term carbon and water fluxes records
- Integrating system modelling and machine learning for (eco-)hydrological research
- Investigating In-Depth Fractionations of Soil Radiocarbon: Insights and Applications from Thermal Analysis
- Large-scale observational and modelling-based constraints of the CO<SUB>2</SUB> fertilization effect
- Late Holocene fluctuations of monsoonal Qiangyong Glacier, southern Tibetan Plateau, and its links to North Atlantic climate
- Linking airborne in-situ and column greenhouse gas measurements using an atmospheric transport model
- Machine learning for a better understanding of the Earth System
- Methane Emissions and Isotopic Composition along a Peatland Gradient in the Amazon
- Microbial community responses to decadal drainage on a Siberian floodplain
- Modelling soil moisture controls on SOC decomposition across sites with the Jena Soil Model (JSM)
- Perspectives on the terrestrial carbon cycle by integrating forest structure within land-surface models
- Photosynthetic Optimality: Acclimation Or Adaptation?
- Physics-constrained machine learning of evapotranspiration
- Reconciling Historical and Contemporary Trends in Terrestrial Carbon Exchange of the High-latitude Permafrost-zone
- Seasonal Photosynthetic Activity in the Global Tropics is Characterized by three Dominant Relationships with Precipitation and Radiation
- Soil health and soil carbon: A common ground for actuating resilience and climate change mitigation
- Soil organic carbon stocks and radiocarbon ages as multiple constraints on the rate of carbon sequestration
- Spatial variability of temporal decay of vegetation cover in Africa
- Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Heterogeneity: a Novel Metric to Measure Functional Diversity in Terrestrial Ecosystems
- Sun-Induced Fluorescence under a heat wave. Evidence from a tree-grass ecosystem
- The Coupled Nature of DOM: Combining Microbial and Molecular Perspectives on Plant Litter Decomposition
- The Influence of Water Availability on Evapotranspiration Partitioning
- The age of global soil carbon and implications for sequestration potential
- The global carbon balance of forests based on flux towers and forest age data
- Towards multi-proxy CO<SUB>2</SUB> reconstructions of the early Eocene Climatic Optimum from the Rockall Trough, NE Atlantic
- Vegetation-climate interactions at multiple time scales inferred from long-term Earth Observation
- A Unified Vegetation Index for Quantifying the Terrestrial Biosphere
- A global database of geo-referenced drought and heat-induced tree mortality events reveals climatic drivers of forest die-off.
- Altered carbon-water interactions in an Amazonian agriculture frontier
- Climate, land cover, and parent material drive global patterns of soil C partitioning and persistence
- Consolidated synthesis of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB> and N<SUB>2</SUB>O time series 1990-2018 for EU27 and UK
- Estimating the Terrestrial Ecosystem CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux Budget for the Arctic-boreal Zone Using a Synthesis of Field Observations and Statistical Upscaling
- Evaluating Terrestrial Biological Nitrogen Fixation in CMIP6 Earth System Models
- Forest structure and biomass recovery from windthrows in the Northwestern Amazon
- Generating global soil moisture data using in-situ measurements and machine learning
- Global Distribution Patterns of Light Use Efficiency Model Parameters
- Global controls of environmental and land surface conditions on forest carbon stock dynamics
- How does photosynthetic response to elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> compare at the leaf and canopy scales? A case study with Eucalyptus saligna saplings grown in whole-tree chambers
- How will future satellite missions inform our understanding of the processes controlling atmospheric carbon?
- Incorporating functional diversity into the Energy Land Model (ELM) substantially influences terrestrial carbon uptake
- Increased CO2 and decreased CH4 emissions in response to drying of northern peatlands: experimental observations vs. model simulations
- Increasing Adverse Influence of Droughts on Northern Ecosystem Productivity during Recent Decades.
- Increasing atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> seasonal amplitude caused by amplified cropland productivity
- Machine Learning Based Process-oriented Earth System Model Evaluation
- Methane flux attribution analysis applied on eddy covariance measurements at heterogeneous wetland sites
- On which timescale.s do optimal adjustments to vegetation function confer resilience? A case study in South-Eastern Australia
- Optimizing the design of the Arctic GHG monitoring tower network using synthetic data experiments.
- Permafrost Arctic streams are effective pathways for the emissions of allochthonous and autochthonous greenhouse gases to the atmosphere during the open water season: a holistic study in Ambolikha river, Northeast Siberia.
- Physicochemical Prediction of Tropical Agricultural Soil Carbon and Kinetic Soil Carbon Fractions
- Practical Approaches for Normalizing Directional Solar-induced Fluorescence at both red and far-red bands
- Quantifying CH<SUB>4</SUB> coal mine emissions in Upper Silesia by passive airborne remote sensing observations with the MAMAP instrument during the CoMet campaign 2018
- Quantifying the ocean carbon sink for 1994-2007: Combined evidence from multiple methods
- Regional wind energy potentials are defined by the kinetic energy budget of the atmospheric boundary layer
- Seasonality of Sun-Induced Fluorescence in the Amazon River Basin and its Relation to Precipitation and Land Use
- Sensitivity analysis of stream and river runoff to spatial rainfall variability using dense rain gauge observations
- Six years of atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB> and CO at the Amazon Tall Tower Observatory: a new opportunity to study processes on seasonal and inter-annual scales
- Stereo and LiDAR observations of young North American boreal forest regrowth
- Temperature, moisture, and oxygen interactions in a freezing-thawing incubation experiment
- The influence of drainage canals on subsidence in Southeast Asian peatlands
- The relation between age and transit time of biogeochemical cycling in ecosystems
- Towards a consistent global picture of tree mortality trends and drivers
- Towards closing the total OH reactivity budget over the Amazon rainforest
- Tropical forest CH<SUB>4</SUB> and N<SUB>2</SUB>O: from chamber fluxes to tower concentration measurements
- Understanding Methane Production across Diverse Tropical Peatlands
- Upscaling FLUXNET-CH<SUB>4</SUB>: Data-driven model performance, predictors, and regional to global methane emission estimates for freshwater wetlands
- What Cools Forests: Evaporation or Aerodynamic conductance?
- Widespread Drainage, Subsidence and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions in Tropical Peatlands
- Wood isotope variation (δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C) suggest new insights on growth rhythms in trees from the neotropical rainiest forest
- A Simple Global Carbon Model for Verification of Reported CO2 Emissions
- A Unified Vegetation Index for Quantifying the Terrestrial Biosphere
- A data-model intercomparison of the carbon-phosphorus interaction under elevated CO2 in a mature forest ecosystem (EucFACE)
- African smoke over the Amazon rainforest
- Allometric equations and Quantitative Structure Models, is there a difference when upscaling them?
- Assessing Arctic Atmospheric Methane Monitoring by Comparing Satellite Missions to In Situ Observations.
- Assessing the Effects of Non-photochemical Quenching and Structural Effects on the Seasonal Cycle of Solar-induced Fluorescence in a Coniferous Forest with a Land Surface Model
- Closed-loop and congestion control of the global carbon-climate system
- Cloud radiative cooling explains the global variability in precipitation - temperature scaling derived from observations
- Comparing National Greenhouse Gas Budgets Reported in UNFCCC Inventories against Atmospheric Inversions
- Comparison of CH4 emissions reported in UNFCCC inventories against atmospheric inversions
- Constraining the Seasonal Cycle of the Southern Ocean CO2 Uptake with Airborne Observations
- Convection and associated downdrafts as a major mechanism of tree damage and mortality in Central Amazon
- Deforestation-induced Climate Change Reduces Carbon Storage in Remaining Tropical Forests
- Developing a ground observation network to monitor carbon fluxes across the Arctic-boreal zone
- Diagnosing the response of the Earths energy budget to vegetation change in observations and models
- Drying reduces carbon sink strength and carbon stock in northern circumarctic peatlands
- Dryland evapotranspiration from remote sensing solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence: constraining an optimal stomatal model within a two-source energy balance model
- Estimating start and end of carbon uptake period with reduced uncertainty from time-series of atmospheric CO2 concentrations.
- Factors leading to air temperature variability in the event of deforestation
- FloX: 5 years of capturing fluorescence in the field
- Geologic Carbon Cycle Constraints on the Sensitivity of Runoff to Atmospheric CO2
- Global Carbon and other Biogeochemical Cycles and Feedbacks
- Global vegetation getting more sensitive to short-term soil moisture variability
- Implications of river storage on assimilating GRACE TWS variations into a simple hydrological modeling framework
- Imprints of Evaporation, Vegetation and Boundary Layer Dynamics on Temperature
- Increase in global ecosystem water limitation with warming temperatures
- Increased Drought Impact on Northern Ecosystem Productivity over the Past Decades
- Increased Inputs Lead to Faster Transit Times but No Greater C Storage: Radiocarbon Insights from a 60-year Pasture Soil Archive in New Zealand
- Increased soil N2O emissions from the Arctic-Boreal region: A non-negligible non-carbon climate feedback
- Intercomparing Global Foliar Trait and Canopy Height Maps: Upscaling Approaches and Spatial Patterns
- Leaf Economic and Global Spectrum of Plant Forms and Functions at the Ecosystem Level: Are Optimality Principles Scale-Emergent?
- Long-term CO2 fertilization effect on the terrestrial above-ground biomass
- Long-time record and continuous high resolution gross primary productivity estimates at continental scales.
- Modes of Seasonality in Tropical Ecosystems of Northern South America: A Characterization of Vegetation Activity Using the Regional Earth System Data Lab
- Monthly estimates of global freshwater wetland methane emissions for 2001-2018 from upscaled eddy covariance fluxes
- Nature-Based Climate Solutions are Input and Time-Dependent and may be Quantified in Terms of the Climate Benefit of Sequestration for Warming Mitigation and Systems-Level Analysis
- Network Design for a Cost-Effective Atmospheric Methane Measurement Network over India
- Old Soils in Sub-Saharan Africa Contain Mostly Young Carbon
- Parent Material and Climate Interact to Control Soil Carbon Dynamics on Timescales from Years to Centuries
- Peatland formation and Carbon Accumulation: A Pantropical Synthesis
- Potential Biogeophysical Effects from idealized Land Cover and Land Management Changes
- Probability Distributions of Radiocarbon in Open Compartmental Systems
- Quantifying Arctic methane emissions from Alaskas North Slope and Northeast Siberia from 2010-2020 using high-frequency atmospheric measurements
- Quantifying the Characteristics of Disturbance Based on Vegetation Biomass Dynamics
- Reducing transport errors in WRF modeling of greenhouse gas distributions through a combination of grid-nudging and regular restarts
- Role of Land Surface Processes in Drought-heat Extremes: Observational Evidence
- Satellite derived NEE estimates capture changes in atmospheric CO2 seasonal cycle
- Siberian 2020 heatwave increased spring CO2 uptake but not annual CO2 uptake
- Study Using a Diagnostic Satellite Based Model (VPRM) to Improve the Estimations of Atmosphere - Terrestrial Biosphere CO2 Exchanges Over India.
- Sun-Induced and Active Fluorescence as a Tool to Understand Plants Transpiration
- Temperature Control of Spring CO2 Fluxes at a Coniferous Forest and a Peat Bog in Central Siberia
- The Effect of Differing Drought-Heat Signatures on Terrestrial Carbon Dynamics and Vegetation Composition
- The Greenhouse Gas Budgets in Central and Western Asia from 1960 to 2019
- The assessment and role of the permafrost carbon feedback in IPCC reports through the AR6
- Towards Estimating the Spatial Distribution of Sources and Sinks of CO2 Over India: On Accounting Spatial Representation Error of Atmospheric CO2 in Inverse Modelling
- Using 15N Tracer Experiments with Land Surface Model to Assess Nitrogen Cycle Modelling
- A multi-pronged effort needed to enhance measurements of GHG vertical profiles
- Allocation of carbon in terrestrial ecosystems and the age of respired CO2
- An Exploration of Pantropical Peat and Carbon Accumulation
- An objective estimate of water stress - going beyond PDSI
- Assessing Disturbance Regime based on High-resolution Biomass Observation
- Characterization of deterministic and stochastic components of atmospheric CO2 inside forest canopies and consequences for predicting carbon and water exchange
- Climate and soil mineral controls on global radiocarbon profiles
- Constraints for transit times of soil carbon from a global compilation of radiocarbon in incubations
- Contrasting Carbon Functions of Colombia's Palm Swamp and White Sand Peatlands
- Disentangling abiotic and biotic drivers of plant nutrient resorption efficiencies at global scales
- Divergent controls on decomposition and persistence of soil organic matter fractions
- Documenting spatial and temporal variation of windthrow forest disturbance across the Amazon basin
- Exploring distributions of mineral-associated organic carbon age and chemical composition across diverse soil mineralogies
- Extreme Event Detection Techniques and their Impact on Global Heat Wave Trends
- Historical fate of global soil organic carbon in the past century
- How much land-surface information is required to predict the seasonal variation in turbulent fluxes and surface temperatures?
- How to better detect the vegetation phenology response to climatic changes using eddy covariance data?
- Imitation or Identification: On the Causal Consistency of Deep Learning to Extrapolate into Future Climate
- Implications of underestimated eddy covariance evapotranspiration at high relative humidity for partitioning into transpiration and evaporation
- Inter-annual variations in Siberian carbon release and uptake period.
- Interactions Between Climate and Mineralogy Determine Soil Carbon Model Complexity and Temperature Sensitivity
- Investigating environmental controls on carbon exchange and predicting gaseous carbon fluxes at a salt marsh in British Columbia, Canada
- Large-scale vegetation physiological responses to drought from multiple satellite-based observations
- Let me autodiff this thing: similarities and synergies between physical models and neural networks
- Opportunities and challenges in evaluating photosynthetic activity across Arctic-Boreal land cover types using solar-induced fluorescence
- Optimizing High-Resolution Simulations with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model for the German Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region
- Optimizing the Isoprene Emission Model MEGAN with Satellite and Ground-based Observational Constraints
- Plant-soil-microbial nutrient cycling mediates CO2 fertilization effects in Amazonian forest sites.
- Predicting the trajectory of ecosystem responses to elevated CO2 and phosphorus fertilization at EucFACE
- Reconcile seasonal discrepancies of net ecosystem exchange estimates between bottom-up and top-down approaches
- Seasonal and Interannual Variability of Australian Carbon Fluxes Seen by GOSAT
- Starch Seasonality and Storage-Growth Trade-Offs in Tropical Trees from a Seasonally Dry Forest in Brazil.
- Strategic expansion of the Arctic-Boreal carbon flux network
- The Biogeochemical Model Database bgc_md2, a Python Package for Fast Comparison and Benchmarking of Element Cycling Models
- Tropical Peatland Mapping using Earth Observation
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Anthony Bloom
- A. V. Rocha
- Abhishek Chatterjee
- Akihiko Ito
- Alessandro Cescatti
- Alex Guenther
- Alexander Knohl
- Alison M. Hoyt
- Ana Bastos
- Andrea Pozzer
- Andreas Güntner
- Aneesh Kumar Chandel
- Angela Gallego‐Sala
- Anita L. Ganesan
- Armin Schwartzman
- Ashley P. Ballantyne
- Asmeret Asefaw Berhe
- Belinda E. Medlyn
- Benjamin Birner
- Benjamin Dechant
- Benjamin Poulter
- Bernhard Ahrens
- Bianca C. Baier
- Brendan M. Rogers
- Britton B. Stephens
- C. R. Lawrence
- C. Zhang
- Carlos A. Sierra
- Carl‐Friedrich Schleussner
- Charles D. Koven
- Christiaan van der Tol
- Christiane Schmullius
- Christine Hatté
- Christine L. Goodale
- Colm Sweeney
- Cuijuan Liao
- Daniel S. Goll
- Daniela Cusack
- David M. Lawrence
- David R. Bowling
- Demetris Koutsoyiannis
- Diego G. Miralles
- Dylan B. A. Jones
- Dylan B. Millet
- Edward A. G. Schuur
- Elyn Humphreys
- Eric A. Davidson
- Eric J. Morgan
- Ermias Aynekulu
- Estefanía Muñoz
- Ethan E. Butler
- Etienne Fluet‐Chouinard
- Eugénie Euskirchen
- F. Chevallier
- Fei Chen
- Fei Luo
- Fernando Morais
- Fortunat Joos
- Gabriela Martins Sophia
- Gavin McNicol
- Georg Wohlfahrt
- George Burba
- Geping Luo
- Germán Poveda
- Grégory Duveiller
- Gustau Camps‐Valls
- H. M. Worden
- Hang Su
- Hanqin Tian
- Hideki Kobayashi
- Holger Metzler
- Holly Croft
- Hui Yang
- Ingrid Chanca
- Inne Vanderkelen
- Isla H. Myers‐Smith
- J. B. Miller
- Jacob A. Nelson
- Jakob Zscheischler
- James T. Randerson
- Jasper Denissen
- Jeannine Cavender‐Bares
- Jean‐Pierre Wigneron
- Jeffrey Beem-Miller
- Jeremy K. Caves Rugenstein
- Jingyi Bu
- Joeri Rogelj
- Jon M. Wells
- Jos Lelieveld
- José Cortés
- José David Urquiza Muñoz
- Julia K. Green
- Julia Marshall
- Junjie Liu
- Jürgen Knauer
- K. J. McFarlane
- K. W. Bowman
- Karin van der Wiel
- Kathryn McKain
- Katrin Fleischer
- Kazuyuki Miyazaki
- Kelley C. Wells
- Kuang‐Yu Chang
- Kyle A. Arndt
- Laura Castañeda‐Gómez
- Lazaros Oreopoulos
- Lifen Jiang
- Lina M. Estupiñán-Suárez
- M. S. Torn
- M. Syndonia Bret‐Harte
- Manfred Wendisch
- Manuel Helbig
- Marcos Heil Costa
- Marguerite Mauritz
- Marielle Saunois
- Markus Reichstein
- Martijn Pallandt
- Martin Heimann
- Masayoshi Ishii
- Mathias Goeckede
- Matthew C. Long
- Matthias M. Boer
- Meinrat O. Andreae
- Michael O’Sullivan
- Mingkai Jiang
- Nicholas Clinton
- Nima Madani
- O Sungmin
- P. Artaxo
- Paulo M. Brando
- Philipp Köhler
- Pierre Gentine
- Prabir K. Patra
- Qing Zhu
- Ralph F. Keeling
- Raúl Ochoa‐Hueso
- René Orth
- Robert B. Jackson
- Robinson I. Negrón‐Juárez
- Rodrigo Vargas
- Roger Seco
- Rona L. Thompson
- Rui Cheng
- Ryan J. Kramer
- Samuel L. Jaccard
- Sandra M. Durán
- Sebastian Doetterl
- Shane Stoner
- Shufen Pan
- Siyuan Wang
- Sonia I. Seneviratne
- Sophie F. von Fromm
- Sourish Basu
- Stephanie A. Henson
- Steven J. Davis
- Steven W. Running
- Stuart R. Phinn
- Sujan Koirala
- Susan E. Trumbore
- Susan M. Natali
- Tea Thum
- Thomas Lauvaux
- Torben R. Christensen
- Tristan Quaife
- Troy S. Magney
- Verónika Ceballos-Núñez
- Wantong Li
- Wenli Zhao
- William J. Riley
- William K. Smith
- Wim Thiery
- Wouter Peters
- Xiaojuan Yang
- Yadvinder Malhi
- Yafang Cheng
- Yi Yin
- Yu Zhou
- Yuanyuan Huang
- Yue Li
- Yuming Jin
- Zhi Hua Liu
- Zhu Deng
- Zoe Pierrat
- Álvaro Moreno-Martínez