Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A new Model of Plate Kinematics in the Scotia Sea
- Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane Mediated by Microbial Consortia
- Atmospheric Sounding by Occultation Technique using the Atmospheric Sounding by Occultation Technique using the Regional Atmospheric Model HIRHAM of the Arctic
- Axial Valley Morphology of the Gakkel Ridge [8\deg W-88\deg E]: Seabeam and Hydrosweep Bathymetry from the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge Expedition (AMORE 2001).
- Conservative Behaviour of <SUP>10</SUP>Be in the Water Column of the Weddell Sea and the Atlantic Sector of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current?
- Effects of Changes in Seawater Carbonate Ion Concentration on the Incorporation of Uranium into Planktonic Foraminiferal Calcite
- Geochemical and Sedimentological Paleoenvironment Reconstructions of the Late Glacial to Holocene Fram Strait, Arctic Ocean
- Geophysical Structure Along and off Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean
- Hydrosweep and Seabeam Measurements during the AMORE Expedition to Gakkel Ridge
- Last Glacial Maximum Deep-water Circulation in the Subantarctic Eastern Atlantic Ocean
- Late Quaternary History of River Discharge and Glaciation in the Southern Kara Sea, Arctic Ocean: Preliminary Results
- Neodymium Isotopes Trace the Water Mass Mixing in the Argentine Basin: Implications for the Proxy of Present and Past Oceanic Circulation.
- Palaeoclimate Events as Recorded in the Seismostratigraphy of the Cape Basin
- Peculiarities in the Fabric of Oceanic Crust Generated at the Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean.
- Radium-226 in Barite : Absolute Dating of Holocene Marine Sediments
- Regional Characteristics of Snowmelt Across the North American Arctic
- Sea Level Variability During the 1993-1999 Estimated by Assimilating TOPEX/POSEIDON Data Into a General Circulation Model
- Sedimentologic and Seismic Investigations of a Channel/Levee System in the Riiser-Larsen Sea, Antarctica
- Seismic Images and Paleoclimatic Records from Lakes in Europe and Asia: Glaciated versus non-glaciated basins
- Tectonic Evolution of the Svalbard Continental Margin - Results from Seismic Refraction Experiments -
- The Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge Expedition -AMORE 2001- Seafloor Spreading at the Top of the World
- The Eocene-Oligocene Boundary in the Ross Sea (Antarctica), Based on Downhole Measurements
- The Great Alaska "Earthquake" of 1998-2001
- The Impact of Diatoms on Climate Variability: Comparison of Model Output and Core Data for Opal and CO2
- Towards a Mechanistic Understanding of Boron Isotope Ratios in Biogenic Carbonates as Recorders of Seawater pH
- Volcanic and Tectonic Processes along the Gakkel Ridge; Morphologic Interpretation of Axial Valley Features and Samples from the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge Expedition (AMORE 2001).
- a Model of the Kinematics of the Danakil Microplate
- A 450 000 kyr Surface Hydrography History From the Subantarctic Atlantic Ocean (ODP Site 1089)
- A Study of Aerosol Properties in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, during Austral Summers
- Accumulation of Siliciclastic and Biogenic Sediments at the Antarctic Continental Rise During the Late Miocene and Early Pliocene: A Comparison of ODP Sites 1095 and 1165
- Carbon isotopes of live benthic foraminifera from the South Atlantic Ocean: sensitivity to organic matter rain rates and bottom water carbonate saturation state
- Distribution, Sources, Variability and Burial of Organic Carbon in the Kara Sea (Arctic Ocean)
- Does Poseidon Keep the Holy Grail? Changes in Southern Ocean and North Atlantic Deep Water Production as the Driver of the Deglacial CO2 Rise
- Gakkel Ridge: Geophysical Constraints on its Crustal Structure
- Genetic Evidence Reveals Species Dependent δ<SUP>18</SUP>O Shift in Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (dextral) Between Glacial and Interglacial Times
- Heat fluxes, overturning, and the uptake of anthropogenic carbon in the North Atlantic
- High-Resolution Chemical Record of Dansgaard-Oeschger Events in the North GRIP Ice Core: Timing of Events
- Holocene Sediment Budget and Sedimentary History for the Ob and Yenisei Estuaries
- Initial Results on the Meteoritic Component of new Sediment Cores Containing Deposits of the Eltanin Impact Event
- Modelling Sediment Transport and Drifts
- Multi-tracer constraints on ocean storage of anthropogenic CO2
- New Data From the Southern Levantine Continental Margin and outer Nile Cone - the GEMME Project
- Pleistocene Changes in Sea of Okhotsk Hydrography and Productivity
- Plio-Pleistocene Biogenic Opal Deposition in the Southern Ocean
- Revised age of the Eltanin Impact in Southern Ocean
- Sea salt and mineral dust derived ions in Greenland ice cores as signals of aerosol transport
- Silicate, Diatoms and Atmospheric CO2 During the Last Glacial Cycle: A Comparison of Core Data and Model Results.
- Spatial Variation in Present Day Deformation, Southcentral Alaska, Revealed by GPS Measurements
- Temperature-Dependent Ca Isotope Fractionation in Calcitic Phyto- and Zooplankton (Emiliania huxleyi and Orbulina universa)
- The 1998-2002 Deep Megathrust Slip Event, Alaska
- The ANDRILL Initiative: Stratigraphic Drilling for Climatic and Tectonic History in Antarctica.
- The Afar Depression: Was There a Triple Junction Above the Mantle Plume?
- The Consequences of Microbial Processes for the Methane Emission From Siberian Permafrost Environments
- The History of Offshore Permafrost in the Siberian Arctic
- The Late Pliocene Eltanin Impact - Documentation From Sediment Core Analyses
- Vedde Ash Time Slice Maps for the Northern North Atlantic: Preliminary Results
- Climate Controlled Changes in Deep Ocean Flow: Examples From the Riiser Larsen Sea (Antarctica) and the Fram Strait (Arctic Ocean)
- Coupled Ice Shelf -- Ocean System Simulations for Different Climate Scenarios
- Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure of the Ultra-slow Spreading Gakkel Ridge
- Framboidal Vaterite and its Transformation to Calcite
- Improving the Value of Deep-Marine Ostracodes for Paleoclimatic and Paleoenvironmental Studies
- Influence Of Tropospheric OH On The Stratospheric Humidity And The Background Sulphuric Aerosol Layer: Impact Of Tropical Biomass Burning?
- Large-Scale Ozone Variations in the Arctic During SOLVE-2 and Comparisons of Remote and In Situ Ozone Profile Measurements
- Melting and Freezing Under the Ross Ice Shelf: Lessons From an Impacted Cavity
- Neodymium Isotopic Composition of Terrigeneous Sediment as a Monitor of Bottom- and Surface Currents: an Example From the Fram Strait
- Recent History of the NW Corner of the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica, from Sediment Cores
- Sea Ice Drift and Transports in the South Pacific: Model Results and Observations
- Seasonal Ventilation of the Cavity Beneath Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf Simulated With an Isopycnic Coordinate Ocean Model
- Sedimentation Processes Along the Continental Margin of the Western Bellingshausen Sea, West Antarctica
- Successful Completion of Pre-Site Survey for Deep Drilling at El'gygytgyn Crater Lake
- The Eem Interglacial Strata in the Deep Greenland ice Cores. New Compelling Evidence From the NorthGRIP ice Core for the 5e/5d Transition.
- The Ice Shelf - Ocean Model Intercomparison Project (ISOMIP)
- Transient Changes in the Global Carbon Cycle During the Last Glacial/Interglacial Transition
- Voyage into the Unknown: Ocean Exploration for the 21st Century
- 900 kyr of Paleo-Volcanism From the EPICA Ice Core (Dome C - Antarctica).
- A Continuous 3.6 Mio Year Record of Terrestrial Climatic Change in NE Siberia? Seismic Investigation of Impact Crater Lake El'gygytgyn
- A High Resolution Isotopic ice Core Record Covering the Last 800 000 Years.
- A modeling study using the mineral ballasting tecnique for POC flux prediction in the ocean with a focus on comparison with sediment trap data and interactions with the sediments.
- An 800 kyr record of ice core chemistry from the EPICA Dome C ice core
- An Array of Ice-Based Observatories for Arctic Studies
- Aragonite Undersaturation in the High-Latitude Surface Ocean Within the 21st Century
- Arctic Coastal Dynamics (ACD)
- Biomarker investigations of a 250ka old Lake El'gygytgyn sedimentary record - preliminary results
- Cloud and Aerosol Observations by Micro-Pulse Lidars at Arctic and Antarctic Sites During ICESat/GLAS Overpass Measurements
- Compared chemistry of natural gas hydrates from different oceanic environments
- Continental or Oceanic Crust? A new Study on the Crustal Structure of the Levantine Basin
- Continuous Measurements of Air Content: First Results from the EDML Ice Core, Antarctica
- Detrital Sediment Supply And Late Quaternary Environmental Changes Off Taiwan, ODP Site 1202
- Development of a Dynamic Barrier Island (Sylt, Eastern North Sea) Based on High-Resolution Aerial Photographs and GIS
- EPICA-Dome C Ice Core FIC Analysis: the Longest Chloride, Nitrate and Sulfate High Resolution Record From an Ice Core (900 kyr).
- East Asian Monsoon variations directly recorded in the Greenlandic North-GRIP ice core
- Electronic atlas of the Russian Arctic coastal zone: natural conditions and technogenic risk
- Fidelity of Stable Oxygen Isotope Ratios as Environmental Recorders Using Multiple Coral Cores From Coastal Kenya
- Forecast models of Arctic coastal changes during the next 100 years
- High Resolution Multichannel Seismic Images of Marine Permafrost - First Results from TRANSDRIFT X Cruise to the Laptev Sea
- Hydrosweep Measurements During the Expedition ARK XX-2 to Lena Trough and Western Gakkel Ridge
- Influence of Sedimentation Rate on Diagenetic Alteration of Geophysical Signals by Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane
- Large Methane Plumes Formed by Hydrate Coated Gas Bubbles from a Deep-Sea Submarine Mud Volcano
- Late Quaternary Environment Of Central Yakutia, East Siberia
- Lena Trough (Arctic Ocean): An oblique 'amagmatic' rift
- Methane Driven Microbial Ecosystems At Mud Volcanoes And Other Types Of Cold Seeps
- Methane Venting Documented by Lowest Hitherto Reported δ <SUP>13</SUP>C of Live Epibenthic Foraminifer Fontbotia wuellerstorfi
- Northern-Southern Hemisphere Comparison of Aeolian Dust Records Over the Last 800 Kyr.
- Ostracode and Organic Biomarker Evidence for Changes in Lake Productivity and Hydrodynamics Since the Late 19th Century in Central Europe
- Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Lakes in the Central Yakutian Lowlands, Russia
- Saalian to Holocene Paleoenvironmental History Documented in Permafrost Sequences of Arctic Siberia (New Siberian Archipelago, Bolshoy Lyakhovsky Island)
- Sedimentation in Lake El'gygytgyn, Northeastern Siberia, During the Past Three Climate Cycles
- Seismic Investigation of El'gygytgyn Lake, Chukotka (NE Siberia)
- Siberian Arctic coasts: sediment and organic carbon fluxes in connection with permafrost degradation
- Slope Evolution At The Margins Of Lake El'gygytgyn Impact Crater In Late Quaternary Time
- Stable-Isotope Signals Of Paleo-Winter Temperatures In Permafrost Ice Wedges Of Central Yakutia, Northeastern Siberia
- The 27-day solar rotational cycle in the Freie Universitaet Berlin Climate Middle Atmosphere Model with interactive chemistry (FUB CMAM CHEM)
- The Biogeochemistry of Dissolved Organic Matter and Nutrients in two Large Arctic Estuaries and Potential Implications for our Understanding of the Arctic Ocean System
- The Dynamics of permafrost and the Gas Hydrate Stability Zone in Rift Structures on the Shelf of the Seas of Eastern Eurasia
- The EPICA challenge - predicting greenhouse gas concentrations over 800,000 years: (2)
- The EPICA challenge - predicting greenhouse gas concentrations over 800,000 years: (2) CH4
- The Evolution of Coastal and Offshore Permafrost During the Last Climatic Cycle in the Laptev Sea Region, Russia
- The International Arctic Buoy Programme (IABP) - An International Polar Year Every Year
- The International Bathymetric Charts of the Arctic and Southern Oceans: Setting the Physiographic Context for Marine Research During IPY.
- The Significance of Late Quaternary Mass Movement Events for the Paleoenvironmental Interpretation of Sediment Records from Lake El'gygytgyn, NE Siberia
- The use of Landsat-ETM Data, Digital Elevation Models and GIS Analyses for Quantification of Holocene Thermokarst: An Example From the Lena-Anabar Coastal Region (NE Siberia)
- What Role Play Brines in Levee Sedimentation in the Riiser Larsen Sea (Antarctica)?
- ``Pre-Vostok'' Greenhouse Gas Concentrations Reconstructed From the EPICA Dome C Ice Core
- A Germanium Isotope Record From Diatom Opal
- A Giant Arctic Freshwater Pond at the end of the Early Eocene; Implications for Ocean Heat Transport and Carbon Cycling
- Abrupt Freshening of Subtropical North Pacific Surface Waters in the Early 20th Century?
- Annual Layering at 78 kyr BP in the NorthGRIP Ice Core
- Arctic Ozone Loss and Climate Change - Large Ozone Loss in Arctic Winter 2004/2005
- Campbell Plateau, New Zealand: Seismic Analysis and Models From a Rifted Submarine Plateau of Continental Origin
- Cenozoic Ridge Crest Sediments From the Central Arctic Ocean Yield cm/ka-Scale Sedimentation Rates
- Changes in Ozone Loss at the Upper Edge of the Antarctic Ozone Hole During 1994-2005
- Chemical Loss of Polar Ozone: Present Understanding and Remaining Uncertainties
- Deep Ocean Circulation and Climate During the Miocene: Data vs. Modelling
- Drake Passage and Cenozoic climate: an open and shut case?
- Equivalent Latitude as an Indicator for Dynamical Variability and Trends in ozone column and profiles
- Extremely High Late Paleocene - Early Eocene Sea Surface Temperatures On The North Pole
- Ground-based solar absorption measurements of CH4 - satellite validation and model comparison
- Increased Seasonality in Middle East Hydrologic Balance During the mid Holocene
- Interplanetary Dust Particles in the EPICA Dronning Maud Land Ice Core
- Laboratory experiments concerning the growth and properties of frost flowers
- Late Quaternary Variability in the Deep Water Exchange Between South Atlantic, Southern and Indian Oceans
- Modelling Near-Field Antarctic Sea-Level Data to Explore the Possibility of a Dominant Antarctic Contribution to Meltwater Pulse IA.
- Mud mounds and BSR occurrence on the continental slope off Nicaragua
- Nivlisen, an Antarctic ice shelf in Dronning Maud Land: Geodetic-glaciological results from a combined analysis of ice thickness, ice surface height and ice flow observations
- On the use of a Transient Climate Simulation to Prescribe Mass Balance Conditions for the Modeling of the Northern Hemisphere Ice Sheets Since the LGM
- Permafrost and the International Polar Year
- Pliocene Glacial Cyclicity and Diagenetic Effects in a Deep-Sea Sediment Drift on the Pacific Margin of the Antarctic Peninsula (ODP Leg 178, Site 1095)
- Spatial Distribution of Organic-walled Dinoflagellate Cysts in Surface Sediments of the Benguela Upwelling System and Their Relationship to Environmental Parameters
- Stable isotope characteristics of pre last interglaciation ice wedges near Fairbanks Alaska
- Summary of Results from Analyses of Deposits of the Deep-Ocean Impact of the Eltanin Asteroid
- Temporal Variability in the Provenance of Recent Mineral Dust Deposits on Berkner Island, Antarctica
- The Long-term Dynamics of Permafrost and the Gas Hydrate Stability Zone in Rift Structures of the Shelf of the Seas of Eastern Eurasia
- Towards a Better Quantitative Understanding of Polar Stratospheric Ozone Loss
- World Data Center Cluster "Earth System Research" - An Approach for a Common Data Infrastructure in Geosciences
- A New Regional Bathymetry Map of the Amundsen Sea, West Antarctica
- A model-based interpretation of low frequency changes in the carbon cycle during the last 120,000 years and its implications for the reconstruction of atmospheric Δ14C
- A modeling perspective on glacial marine radiocarbon ages
- Adaptive Atmospheric Modeling on Unstructured Grids - Generic Techniques
- Annual variability of particle flux on Lomonosov Ridge: The first record from the central Arctic Ocean
- Arctic Ocean Freshwater Perturbations of Thermohaline Overturning Circulation Over the Past 0.5 Million Years
- Arctic Ozone Loss and Climate
- Atmospheric CO2 in the Late Quaternary
- Biomarker Compositions as Source Indicators of Heinrich Layers in the Northern North Atlantic (IODP Exp. 303/306, Site 1305)
- Cenozoic Depositional Regimes and the Onset of Ventilated Conditions in the Central Arctic Ocean
- Climate-Induced Dynamics of Periglacial Landscapes in NE Siberia: The Western Edge of Beringia During the Late Quaternary
- Cosmic and terrestrial dust in Antarctic ice: Helium isotopic characterization and its implication for the interpretation of terrestrial dust changes
- Depositional patterns at Drift 7, Antarctic Peninsula: along-slope versus down-slope sediment transport as indicators for oceanic currents and climatic conditions
- Deuterium excess records from GRIP and NorthGRIP ice cores
- Dust Logger as a Tool for Regional Correlations: New South Pole Age vs. Depth
- Early Pliocene Increase in Thermohaline Overturn Preconditioned the Development of Modern La Nina-Like Climate Conditions
- Eddy Covariance and Closed Chamber Measurements of Methane Flux From wet Polygonal Tundra at the Lena River Delta, Siberia
- Environmental History of Southern Patagonia Unraveled by Seismic Stratigraphy and Sediment Cores of Laguna Potrok Aike
- Every Bit Counts Publication and Citation of Data in the Earth Sciences
- Evidence for broad hotspot melting anomalies
- Extending Terrestrial Climate Information Into the Marine Realm: Palynological Information as a key to Seismic Interpretation
- Glacial Productivity Regimes in the Southern Ocean
- Holocene Paleomagnetic Secular Variation and Relative Paleointensity from the Chilean Margin (ODP Site 1233)
- Holocene Variability in Intermediate Water Ventilation and Upper Mixed Layer Hydrography in the Okhotsk Sea and North Pacific
- How IPY Scientists Can Easily Get Involved with Education and Outreach
- Ice Polycrystal Measurements, What can we Learn on ice Flow Along the EPICA Dome C ice Core
- Interglacials in the EPICA Dome C Ice Core Record
- International Polar Year Youth Steering Committee
- Interpreting the Calcium Isotopic Composition of Seawater Through the Neogene and Quaternary
- Japanese-German joint airborne geophysical surveys around Syowa Station, Antarctica
- Late Quaternary variability of sedimentary nitrogen isotopes in the eastern South Pacific Ocean
- Leaving School — learning at SEA: Regular high school education alongside polar research, not only during IPY
- Magmatism and a wide continent-ocean transition at the East Greenland volcanic rifted margin
- Meteoritic Microfossils In Eltanin Impact Deposits
- North Pacific seasonality and the glaciation of North America 2.7 million years ago
- One-to-one interhemispheric coupling of millennial polar climate variability during the last glacial in the new EPICA Dronning Maud Land ice core
- Orbital Forced Cyclicity in the Depositional Environment in the Cape Basin as Depicted in Seismic Data
- Organic Petrology of Upper Cretaceous/Lower Tertiary deposits from the Central Arctic Ocean (IODP Hole 302): Paleoenvironmental and Paleoceanographic links
- Paleoceanographic Investigations of the Alpha Ridge, Central Arctic Ocean: New Stratigraphic Data and Their Implications for Paleoclimatological Reconstructions
- Paleoenvironmental History During Multiple Glacial Cycles in Southern Patagonia (Argentina) the proposed ICDP Project PASADO
- Paleoenvironmental conditions in the Western Strait of Magellanes (53°S) during the last deglaciation and Holocene
- Paleogene blackshales in the central Arctic Ocean and paleoenvironment: Anoxia vs. high primary production vs. terrigenous input
- Past Surface Ocean Conditions From the Last Interglacial of Norwegian Sea as Reflected in Paired Microfossil Records
- Pleistocene climate mechanisms: the message from marine and ice core archives
- Pliocene Reorganisation in Ocean Circulation and Development of a Strong Atlantic-Pacific Nutrient Contrast at the Intermediate Water Level
- Production-related 14C variations - Can they explain the main changes in the atmospheric 14C concentration during the last 50 kyr?
- Reservoir Ages Of The Glacial Black Sea - Evolution and Implications
- Scenario Of The 4 kyr Extraterrestrial Impact : Crater Location, Ejecta-Dispersion and Consequences.
- Seismic Reflections Within the Water Column South of South Africa: Indications for the Agulhas Retroflection
- Snapshots of Coastal Change in Canada and Russia
- Snow depth determination on Arctic sea-ice using a combination of laser altimetry and radar the CryoVex 2006 experiment
- Southern Boundaries in Global Ocean Models: Can We Do Better?
- Southern Ocean dynamics during the Mid-Miocene glaciation of Antarctica
- Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Processes of Drift Deposits in the Yermak-Plateau Area (Arctic Ocean)
- Tectonic framework of the mud mounds, associated BSRs and submarine landslides on the Pacific margin off Nicaragua
- Temporal Evolution of gas Properties in Decaying Summer First-year sea ice in the Western Weddell Sea (Antarctica): Links to Biological Activity
- The Hinlopen/Yermak Megaslide (north of Svalbard, Arctic Ocean): Size, Timing and Triggering
- The Paleocene-Eocene "Greenhouse" Arctic Ocean paleoenvironment: Implications from biomarker results from IODP Expedition 302 (ACEX)
- The Paleoenvironmental Evolution of the Eastern Arctic Ocean in the past 3.6 Million Years
- The Permafrost Young Researchers Network (PYRN): Education and Outreach for the International Polar Year (2007-2008) and Beyond
- Towards Reliable Real-time Prediction of Tsunami Heights Using "GPS-Shield" Arrays
- Variations of the Residual Circulation in Northern Hemispheric Winter and Their Impact on Arctic Ozone
- Vegetation Changes and Continent-Ocean Interactions During Deglaciation and the Holocene in the Okhotsk Sea and the Siberian Hinterland
- World Youth Polar conference" for sustainable developments in Polar Regions — an IPY contribution open for participation
- AURORA BOREALIS - Development of a New Research Icebreaker with Drilling Capability
- AURORA BOREALIS - Icebreaker, Drilling Platform and Multi-Purpose Research Vessel
- An 800 kyr Record of Weddell Sea Paleochemistry from Trace Metal Foraminiferal Proxies
- Biological and Geological Characteristics of the Gakkel Ridge
- Biomarker records and paleoenvironment of the central Arctic Ocean during Paleogene times
- Bulk Mineral Assemblage of the PETM and Other Extreme Warm Events in the IODP Arctic Ocean Coring Expedition's Sediments - Weathering vs. Transport
- Cenozoic oceanic circulation within the South African gateway: indications from seismic stratigraphy
- Characteristic Microearthquakes of the Active Submarine Volcanic Complex at 85°E, Gakkel Ridge
- Circulation and water mass transformations in the Eurasian Basin and on the adjacent shelves
- Cirrus Clouds, Equatorial Kelvin Waves and Dehydration in the Tropical Tropopause Layer
- Cirrus Observations in the Tropical Tropopause Layer Over the Western Pacific
- Climate-Vegetation-Feedbacks as a Mechanism for Accelerated Climate Change: The Greening Sahara Case
- Co-incident 3D mapping of sea ice surface elevation and ice draft in the Beaufort Sea
- Coastal Lakes in South-Central Chile (38°S) - Archives of Holocene Climate and Fore-arc Tectonics
- Conspicuous seismic reflections in Upper Cretaceous sediments as evidence for black shales off South Africa
- Constraints on a Palaeobathymetric Model of the Northern North Atlantic
- Controls on Mg/Ca variation in planktonic foraminifera: insights from microanalysis of laboratory cultured Orbulina universa
- DC Electrical Resistivity Imaging at a High-Arctic Continuous Permafrost Site in Svalbard, Norway
- Derivative-based Sensitivity Analysis for Tsunami Scenario Computations in Support of the German Contribution to the Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System for the Indian Ocean
- Determining Deformed Sea Ice Properties Using Multisensor Observations
- Development and First Results of a new Airplane Based Fixed Wing Electromagnetic Induction Sea Ice Thickness Sounder
- Environmental Controls on Methane Emission From Siberian wet Polygonal Tundra on Samoylov Island, Lena River Delta
- Exploration of Antarctic Subglacial Aquatic Environments: Environmental and Scientific Stewardship
- Frozen Quaternary Deposits of the Laptev Sea Region as a Reservoir of Organic Carbon: Total Content and Composition.
- Greenland and Antarctic ice core records of millennial scale variability
- How lake morphometry reflects environmental conditions in the permafrost-dominated Lena Delta
- Impact of Recent Laboratory Measurements of the ClOOCl Absorption Cross Section On Our Understanding of Polar Ozone Chemistry
- Late Neogene Changes In Atlantic-Pacific Intermediate And Deep-Water δ13C gradients
- Microbial Communities at Non-Volcanic and Volcanic Sites of the Gakkel Ridge
- Microstructural approach towards prediction of air permeability and gas diffusivity in polar firn
- Modeling Ruptures and Tsunamis That May Follow Event of September 12
- Modeling acoustic wave propagation in the Southern Ocean to estimate the acoustic impact of seismic surveys on marine mammals
- Modelling Individual Sources Of Mass Distribution And Transport In The Earth System By Means Of Satellites
- Modulation of the Bipolar Seesaw in the Southeast Pacific During Termination 1
- Multiple Scattering and Coda Localization at Merapi Volcano
- New Constraints on Maar Geometry and Sedimentary Fill of Laguna Potrok Aike, Southern Patagonia
- Organic carbon accumulation in the central Arctic Ocean during Cenozoic times and its paleoenvironmental significance
- - an IPY Education and Outreach Project of the German Youth Steering Committee
- Rapid Climatic and Oceanographic Changes in the Okhotsk Sea during the Holocene
- Remote Sensing and GIS Based Quantification of Thermokarst in North Siberian Yedoma Deposits and Implications for Holocene Landscape and Carbon Dynamics
- Rift tectonics in the Amundsen Sea Embayment: Stepwise break-up of New Zealand from West Antarctica
- SAR observations and modelling of dynamics and sea-ice export in the Southern West New Siberian polynya
- Scientific Scope and Summary of the Arctic Gakkel Vents (AGAVE) Expedition
- Sea-ice and River Water Inventories Along the Laptev Sea Continental Slope Derived From Stable Oxygen Isotope Composition Within the Water Column
- SeaDataNet Pan-European infrastructure for Ocean & Marine Data Management
- Seismic studies along the East Greenland margin between 72°N- 81°N
- Short Term Variability of Sea Ice Thickness in the Beaufort Sea
- Soil Temperatures Under a Range of Organic and Snow Covers
- Synchronic Response of Arctic Ice-Sheets to Global Climate Deterioration During the Plio- Pleistocene
- The Agulhas Plateau: Structure, Formation and Environmental Impact of a Large Igneous Province
- The Big Picture, Polar Ambassadors, and Polar Days; International Outreach and Education During and Beyond IPY
- The Biomarker Inventory, Trace, and Source of Heinrich Events and Heinrich-type Layers (MIS 8-16) in the North Atlantic
- The Permafrost Young Researchers Network (PYRN): Contribution to IPY's "Thermal State of Permafrost"
- The marine and freshwater stages of the Black Sea: initial results on sediment cores from the SE Black Sea covering the last ca. 140 kyrs
- Threshold Behaviour of Millennial-Scale Variability in North Atlantic Deep Water Hydrography During the Last 1.1 Ma: Evidence From XRF Core Scanning at IODP Sites U1313 and U1314
- Towards a Neogene Palynostratigraphy of the Arctic Ocean
- Tsunami Simulations With Unstructured Grids in Support of a Tsunami Early Warning System for the Indian Ocean
- Turbidite sequences in marine sediments off southern Chile ? records of Quaternary climate - tectonics interactions
- Understanding the Distribution and Behavior of Si Isotopes in the Ocean
- Variability in Sediment Supply to the Pleistocene Eastern Arctic Ocean: A Mineralogical Perspective
- Version 2.0 of the International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean: A new Database for Oceanographers and Mapmakers
- A New Technique for Estimating Erosion Through Comparison of Tectonic Subsidence and Eustasy: Example From the ANDRILL-1B core
- ANDRILL Borehole AND-1B: Well Log Analysis of Lithofacies and Glacimarine Cycles.
- AURORA BOREALIS - European Research Icebreaker With Drilling Capability
- Abrupt Climate Changes During the Last Glacial Cycle and the Deglaciation: a Southern Hemisphere Mid-latitudes Perspective
- Accelerating Impetus of Atmospheric Circulation for the Recent Rapid Arctic Climate System Change and the Extreme Sea Ice Loss in 2007
- Agulhas Plateau and Mozambique Ridge: Two LIPS of a Kind?
- Application of an inverse method to infere the velocity pattern from isochronous layers in firn
- Arctic Ocean Sea Ice Drift Studied Through Radionuclides
- Calibration of fossil scleraxonian Southern Ocean deep-sea corals for U-series dating
- Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in a Shallow Coastal Tidal Basin
- Coastal Erosion History Retrieval using Multi-Sensor Imagery on the Permafrost Coasts of the Bykovsky Peninsula
- Coccolithophore calcification-response to changing seawater carbonate chemistry
- Comparison between Ground and Helicopter Electromagnetic Sea Ice Thickness Measurements from SEDNA during APLIS07 in the Beaufort Sea
- Contributions From Compound-specific Radiocarbon and Size Fraction-specific Th-230 Excess Data Towards Understanding of Sediment Redistribution Processes in the Panama Basin
- Davis Strait and Ungava Fault Zone: First Results From a Recent Geophysical Survey
- Deciphering the Causality and Rate of Warming in the Arctic Ocean
- Dolomite highlights glacial to interglacial transitions in Ross Sea deposits investigated in AND-1B core, Antarctica
- Dynamics of sulfidic and anoxic, non-sulfidic waters along the Cenomanian-Turonian NW- African shelf at Tarfaya (SW-Morocco)
- Effect of elevated nitrate concentration on calcification in Emiliania huxleyi
- Geochemistry of Barium in Sediments of the Western Black Sea
- Glacial Abrupt Cold Events: No Impact on the ITCZ Summer Position in the West Atlantic
- High Sedimentation Rate Paleomagnetic Records for the Last 70 kyrs From the Chilean Margin (ODP Sites 1233, 1234, 1235)
- High resolution dust concentration size distributions measurements in the EPICA-DML ice core in different climatic stages
- High-Resolution Physical Properties Logging of the AND-1B Sediment Core - Opportunity for Detecting High-Frequency Signals of Paleoenvironmental Changes
- Ice-Internal and Sedimenetary Structures in the Ekströmisen Grounding Line Region Detected With Multi-offset Seismics.
- Impact of Recent Laboratory Measurements of the ClOOCl Cross Section On Our Understanding of Polar Ozone Chemistry
- Insights into changes in precipitation patterns in Brazil from oxygen isotope ratios on speleothems
- Integration of Science and Outreach: Setting New Precedents during IPY
- Interannual Variability of Southern Ocean Diatom Production in a Model With Flexible Si:N:C:Chl Ratios
- Interannually Laminated Sediment From the Southeastern Weddell Sea: Potential for High-Resolution (Annual-Millennial Scale) and Long-Term (Quaternary-Pliocene) Reconstruction of Glacial History
- Interglacial Surface Ocean Temperatures Reveal Strong Ocean-Atmosphere Linkages Between the Subtropical and Subpolar Regions
- Intraplate seismicity and mantle hydration at the Nicaraguan trench outer rise
- Investigating B/Ca of coccoliths using SIMS ion probe analysis
- Iron Sulfides and Sulfur Isotopes in Sediments from the Nankai Trough, Japan
- Iron and Other Trace Metals in Southern Ocean Surface Waters - Indian Ocean Sector
- Lake-System Response To Late Quaternary Environmental Dynamics On The Northeastern Tibetan Plateau
- Laminated glacial sediments from the southwestern Black Sea: a preliminary study
- Late Quaternary climate variability in the Sahel: inferences from marine dust records offshore Senegal
- Long-Term Monitoring of Sensible and Latent Heat Fluxes Using Eddy Covariance at a High-Arctic Permafrost Site on Svalbard, Norway
- Long-term variability of iron supply, marine export production, and sea surface temperature in the subantarctic Atlantic, implications for atmospheric CO2
- Magmatic and Tectonic Evolution of the Agulhas Plateau Large Igneous Province
- Mid- To Late Holocene Environmental Change On Kamchatka, Eastern Russia - First Findings From Lake-Sediment Records
- Mid- to Late Holocene Climate Variability in South-Central Chile on Millennial-to- Centennial Time Scales: Evidence From Sediments of the Coastal Lakes Lanalhue and Lleu Lleu (38°S)
- Mineral Dust in Polar Ice Cores as a Paleoclimatic Proxy
- Monitoring of Surface Temperatures with Thermal Camera Systems at a High-Arctic Permafrost Site on Svalbard, Norway
- Observations of Acidification in the Weddell Sea on a Decadal Time Scale
- Past Warmer Climate Periods at the Antarctic Margin Detected From Proxies and Measurements of Biogenic Opal in the AND-1B Core: The XRF Spectral Silver (Ag) Peak Used as a new Tool for Biogenic Opal Quantification.
- Persistent Identifiers in the Publication and Citation of Scientific Data - Theory and Practice
- Pleistocene to Holocene Glaciomarine Environments in the Prydz Bay Region and its Implications for East Antarctic Ice Sheet Dynamics and Antarctic Bottom Water Production
- Plumes cover the northern hemisphere: lidar views of summer 2008 volcanic and pyroconvective injections
- Post-Megaslide Slope Stability North of Svalbard, Arctic Ocean
- Rapid Onset of the African Humid Period 14.5--11ka BP: External Forcing and Feedback Mechanisms.
- Reconstruction of Late Pleistocene Surface Water pCO2 in the Eastern Equatorial Atlantic Based on Alkenone and Boron Isotopes
- Sea ice thickness retrieval from L-band radiometry
- Semi-Implicit High-Order Methods for the Euler Equations used in Nonhydrostatic Mesoscale Atmospheric Modeling
- Sensitivity of Polar Stratospheric Ozone Loss to Uncertainties in Chemical Reaction Kinetics
- Shades of White: Explaining Variations in Clear-Sky Snow Albedo
- Simulation Study to Monitor and Model Individual Sources of Mass Distribution and Transport in the Earth System by Means of Satellites
- Spatially Distributed Eddy-Covariance Measurements of Sensible and Latent Heat Fluxes at a Polygonal Tundra Site on Samoylov Island, Lena River Delta, Siberia
- Stable Isotopes of Planktonic Foraminifera From Tropical Atlantic/Caribbean Core-Tops: Implications for Reconstructing Upper Ocean Stratification
- Stable Oxygen and Carbon Isotope Characteristics of Live Benthic Foraminifera from the Okhotsk Sea: Effects of Oceanography, Food Supply, and Microhabitat Patterns
- Testing for the relationship between LIP formation and continental break-up in the S. Atlantic
- The GITEWS Tsunami Simulation System based on Multi-Sensor Inversion
- The Scales of Coccolithophores: Adaptation to Climate Change
- The depositional records of two coastal lakes in south-central Chile (Lago Lanalhue and Lago Lleu Lleu, 38°S): Active forearc tectonics and climate variability
- The potential of Lake Karakul in the eastern Pamirs as a long-term climate archive
- The seasonal cycle as template for climate variability on astronomical time scales
- Tracking Late Quaternary Changes in the Southern Westerlies at High Resolution by Integrating Empirical Data (Marine, Fjord, Lake and Stalagmite Archives) from Southern South America Coupled With Model Results
- Transient sensitivities of sea ice export through the Canadian Arctic Archipelago inferred from a coupled ocean/sea-ice adjoint model
- Using International Polar Days to Engage and Experiment with Science - Outreach Partnerships in IPY
- Using internal layers to infer the internal velocity field and boundary conditions of polar ice sheets
- Variability of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current derived from GRACE retrievals, model simulations and in-situ measurements
- Variations in Brine Water Export From Arctic Shelves Forced by Atmospheric Circulation Changes
- Why global climate model predictions of Arctic warming are too conservative?
- A Spectrum of EM-Type Mantle Endmembers (Invited)
- Anomalous Calcareous Nannofossil Record at ca. 2.5 Ma. in ODP site 1090 (South Atlantic)
- Application of an active layer monitoring scheme based on the MODIS-LST product at a polygonal tundra site in Siberia
- Black carbon aerosol measurements in spring western Arctic troposphere
- Climatically driven variations in glacier extent as documented by the laminated proglacial sediment record from Lago del Desierto (Southern Patagonia, Argentina)
- Confluence and mixing of Atlantic, Pacific, and Siberian shelf water masses around the Mendeleyev Ridge of the Arctic Ocean
- Controlling Factors of Permafrost Temperatures at a High-arctic Site on Svalbard
- Crust and upper mantle structures beneath eastern Asia by SS precursors
- Deep Drilling at Laguna Potrok Aike, Argentina: Recovery of a Paleoclimate Record for the Last Glacial from the Southern Hemisphere
- Do Coccolith B/Ca Ratios Elucidate the Response of the Smallest Calcifiers to Ocean Acidification?
- Does the organic matrix constrain the application of trace element proxies in bivalve shells?
- Driving the Cenozoic Antarctic Glaciation: role of atmospheric CO2 and uninterrupted circumpolar current
- ENSO-Scale Variability in the Eocene Greenhouse Recorded by Fossil Bivalves and Wood from Antarctica (Invited)
- Eltanin: Ground Truth for Kilometer-Sized Deep-Ocean Impacts (Invited)
- Emissions of Bromine and Iodine from the Marine Environment in New Zealand
- Environmental changes in Southwest Africa during the Miocene C4 plant expansion
- Estimating Last Glacial Maximum Ice Thickness Using Porosity and Depth Relationships: Examples from AND-1B and AND-2A Cores, McMurdo Sound, Antarctica
- Estimating rates of land falling US hurricanes on a 5-year timescale: applications for catastrophe risk modelling
- Evaluation of the MODIS L2 LST Products Using Thermal Camera Systems at two Different Permafrost Sites
- Evidence for Pleistocene Volcanism Southwest of Cape Farvel I: Seismic Evidence
- Geochemical provenance analyses on ANDRILL SMS (AND-2A) core: Evidence for Miocene ice-flow directions in the Ross embayment, Antarctica
- Geophysical investigations of subglacial Antarctic lakes: identifying drill sites for lake access
- Hafnium and neodymium isotope composition of seawater and filtered particles from the Southern Ocean
- Holocene and Eemian Sea surface temperature trends as revealed by alkenone and Mg/Ca paleothermometry
- Ice-sheet and paleoenvironment reconstructions at the Kara Sea continental margin during the Last Glacial Maximum to deglacial time interval
- Inter-annual and Seasonal Variability of Sea Ice Thickness North of Alert, Ellesmere Island and in the Lincoln Sea
- Is the Mozambique Ridge related to the Agulhas Plateau Large Igneous Province?
- Ku-Band radar penetration into Snow over Arctic Sea Ice
- Last Glacial to recent sea ice coverage in the northern North Atlantic (Fram Strait and East Greenland Continental Margin)
- Late Holocene climate dynamics: A high-resolution sediment core from Maxwell Bay, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica
- Lattice Boltzmann modeling of air flow through firn from a Megadunes area of East Antarctica
- Local Variations in Polar Ice Rheology Revealed by Structural Analysis
- Methane and organic matter as sources for excess carbon dioxide in intertidal surface sediments of the German Wadden Sea
- Monitoring and observing Arctic coastal change (Invited)
- New Approaches for removing the Si-OH Layer of Biogenic Silica before Analysing Oxygen Isotopes - Helium Flow Dehydration (HFD) and Vacuum Bead Melting (VBM) Technique
- OCoc- from Ocean Colour to Organic Carbon
- Observations of Boundary Layer air over Western Arctic Sea Ice During the April 2009 Polar-5 Airborne Campaign
- On the representation of Southern Ocean mass variability in GRACE-derived ocean bottom pressure anomalies
- Origin and evolution of the Laguna Potrok Aike maar (Southern Patagonia, Argentina) as revealed by seismic data
- Oxidative sulfur cycling in the deep biosphere of the Nankai Trough, Japan
- Partial Shell Dissolution and Geochemical Proxies in Planktic Foraminifers
- Permafrost Dynamics Modeling in European Russian North using a High Spatial Resolution RCM
- Pleistocene Volcanisms South-west of Cape Farewell, Greenland II: Geological Evidence
- Polar climatic sequence over the first Dansgaard-Oeschger event (DO 25) of the last glacial period
- Rapid Changes in North Atlantic Deep Ocean Circulation During the MIS 5a/4 Glacial Inception
- Reconstruction of the nitrogen cycle in the German Bight/SE North Sea by means of a model-data study of nitrogen isotope composition in sediments
- Riverine Export of Terrestrial Organic Carbon Investigated by Radiocarbon Dating of Lignin Phenols in River-influenced Marine Core-top Sediments
- Role of coastlines, dissipation and frequency of perturbation on internal wave propagation examined in a Finite Element Ocean Model
- Simulation of the minor tsunami generated by the September 30 2009 earthquake near Padang, Sumatra
- Stable isotopes and Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios from benthic foraminifera across the Danian-Selandian boundary (early-middle Paleocene) in the North Sea Basin
- The Annual Surface Energy Budget of a High-Arctic Permafrost Site on Svalbard, Norway
- The BMPix and PEAK Tools: New Methods for Automated Laminae Recognition and Counting - Application to Glacial Varves From Antarctic Marine Sediment
- The Impact of Mass Movement Events on the Pelagic Sediment Record in Lake Elgygytgyn, NE Russia
- The importance of large scale sea ice drift and ice type distribution on ice extent in the Weddell Sea
- The timing of deglacial circulation changes in the Atlantic
- Time scales of hydrate dissociation on the West Svalbard continental margin
- Using Cyclic Variations Of Early Pliocene Diatom Assemblages To Determine Sediment Accumulation Rates In The ANDRILL AND-1B Core
- A New Data-Based Grain Growth Model for Microwave Remote Sensing Applications
- An integrated study of physical properties, downhole logging and seismic data from deep drilling in Lake El'gygytgyn, Chukotka, NE Siberia
- An interdisciplinary approach to climate and coastal systems changes on King George Island
- Analysing the tropical widening of the TTL with a Lagrangian approach using CCM and ERA-Interim data
- Anthropogenic carbon dioxide and trends in the western South Atlantic
- Arctic Submarine Slope Stability
- Arctic in Rapid Transition (art): Integrating Priorities for Arctic Marine Science Over the Next Decade
- Carbon balances of freshwater ecosystems in summer and fall 2008 on Samoylov Island, Lena Delta, Siberia, Russia
- Chasing air masses in the Arctic vortex: An evaluation of trajectory calculations using an active Match
- Climate Change at the Poles: Research Immersion Experience at Bellingshausen, Antarctica
- Contrasting Holocene vs. Late Pleistocene dynamics of sediment deposition in Laguna Potrok Aike, Argentina
- Contributions of reprocessed GPS observations to a joint inversion of surface displacements, ocean bottom pressure and GRACE global gravity models (Invited)
- Do Periodic Plate Reorganisations Control Late-stage Volcanism across a Broad Galápagos Hotspot?
- Downhole logs of natural gamma radiation and magnetic susceptibility and their use in interpreting lithostratigraphy in AND-1B, Antarctica
- ESA Data User Element PERMAFROST: a spaceborne permafrost monitoring and information system
- Estimating Last Glacial Maximum Ice Thickness Using Porosity and Depth Relationships: Examples from AND-1B, McMurdo Sound, Antarctica
- Evidence of oceanic crust in the southern Baffin Bay from a seismic refraction experiment
- Evolution of Density and Microstructure in Polar Firn (Invited)
- Factors Controlling Light Transmission through Thin First-Year Arctic Sea Ice: Observations and Modeling
- Gas hydrate decomposition and migration of the sulfate/methane transition zone recorded by authigenic barite in cold seep sediments
- Geochemical record of Miocene sediment provenance and continental weathering in the McMurdo Sound, ANDRILL AND-2A, Ross Sea, Antarctica
- Holocene changes of the Southern Westerlies on centennial to multi-millennial timescales inferred from high resolution southern Chilean fjord sediment records
- Ice core δD(CH4) record precludes marine hydrate CH4 emissions at the onset of Dansgaard-Oeschger events
- Ice-Age Termination I from the northern Indian Ocean
- Identification and dating of a submarine landslide in the western Argentine Basin - an interdisciplinary approach
- Inorganics in Organics: Tracking down the Intrinsic Equilibriums between Organic Molecules and Trace Elements in Oceanic Waters
- Late glacial and Holocene development of Lake Donggi Cona on the NE Tibetan Plateau
- Mass and heat transport estimates by assimilation of geodetic dynamical ocean topography data
- Metal and sulfur cycling in a highly dynamic sedimentary system
- Micro-inclusions and Micro-structure: Their Effect on the Climate Record and on Ice Rheology
- Millennial and sub-millennial scale climatic variability over Marine Isotopic Stage 5: insights from polar ice cores (Invited)
- Molecular biogeochemical provinces in the Atlantic Surface Ocean
- New Insights into Antarctic Ice-Sheet Retreat During the Last Sea-Level Rise
- New Reconstructed Antarctic Palaeotopography for the Eocene-Oligocene Climate Transition
- New ice core records on the glacial/interglacial change in atmospheric δ13CO2
- OCoc-from Ocean Colour to Organic Carbon
- Reconstruction of ocean circulation from sparse data using the adjoint method: LGM and the present
- Relative sea-level variations in the Amerasia Basin since the Lower Cretaceous (Invited)
- Satellite and Reanalysis Data for Modeling Active Layer Dynamics and the Thermal State of Permafrost - Perspectives and Challenges
- Solid and gaseous inclusions in the EDML deep ice core: origins and implications for the physical properties of polar ice
- Southern Hemisphere Precession forcing of Southern Ocean Sea Surface Temperatures in a Warm Climate (Invited)
- Southern Ocean intermediate water pH information provided by modern and fossil scleraxonian deep-sea corals
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Freeze back of Polygonal Tundra and Implications for Green House gas Emissions
- Starphotometry at two High Arctic stations
- Stratospheric halogens from the western Pacific ocean
- The Double Nature of the Biological Carbon Pump in the Arctic Ocean Shelf-Slope System (Invited)
- The impact of meter-scale oxygen gradients in the selective degradation of organic matter: implications for proxy interpretation
- The p in p-T is for pressure: Movement of the gas hydrate stability field during glacial sealevel lowering and its possible link to pockmark formation on the Chatham Rise, New Zealand (Invited)
- The response of methane and dissolved inorganic carbon biogeochemistry to sediment mass transport processes in the Argentine Basin
- Validation of the HIRHAM simulated Indian Summer Monsoon Circulation
- A 120 ka record of reconstructed paleoprecipitation signals at Lake El'gygytgyn, NE Russia derived from compound-specific δD analysis of terrestrial biomarkers
- A Characterization of Arctic Aerosols as Derived from Airborne Observations and their Influence on the Surface Radiation Budget
- A Warm Miocene Climate at Low Atmospheric CO2 levels
- Airborne eddy covariance measurements of methane over mid-latitude and sub-Arctic wetlands
- Airborne investigation of Arctic tropospheric ozone depletions
- An unusual early Holocene diatom event north of the Getz Ice Shelf (Amundsen Sea): Implications for West Antarctic Ice Sheet development
- Applying magnetostratigraphy to lacustrine sediments to obtain a non-hard-water-effect affected pattern of late Holocene monsoon dynamics on the Tibetan Plateau
- Arctic Ocean Paleoenvironmental Change in the last 50 kyr Reconstructed from an Alpha Ridge to Gakkel Ridge Transect
- Arctic sea ice thickness change
- Arctic sea ice thickness from airborne EM in spring and summer 2011
- Breaking the Ice: Strategies for Future European Research in the Polar Oceans - The AURORA BOREALIS Concept
- Changes in Arctic black carbon concentrations, deposition, transport, and sources during recent centuries
- Coccolith-Carbonate Sedimentation in the Northern North Atlantic : an Holocene Perspective
- Combined Stable Oxygen and Silicon Isotope Analysis of Biogenic Silica - Method and Application to the Late Pleistocene NW Pacific
- CryoVEx 2011: In-situ sea ice measurements in the high Arctic Ocean for the validation of CryoSat-2 ice thickness retrievals
- Depositionally controlled recycling of iron and sulfur in marine sediments and its isotopic consequences
- Discovery of authigenic carbonates in the Canada Basin (Arctic Ocean) and its implications
- Does the seafloor morphology of the southern Mozambique Channel provide evidence for persistent bottom-current flow and deep-reaching eddy activity?
- ESA Cryovex 2011 Airborne Campaign for CRYOSAT-2 Calibration and Validation
- ESA DUE PERMAFROST: Remote Sensing Service for Permafrost - Adaption for Models
- ESA DUE Permafrost: Evaluation of remote sensing derived products using ground data from the Global Terrestrial Network of Permafrost (GTN-P)
- EnMAP Specific BRDF Measurements and Vegetation Indices for Low-Growing Biomes in the Arctic Tundra
- Exploring active layer thaw depth and water content dynamics with multi-channel GPR
- Fossil organic carbon in Siberian Yedoma and thermokarst deposits
- Freshwater and polynya components of the shelf-derived Arctic Ocean halocline in summer 2007 identified by stable oxygen isotopes
- Future Marine Polar Research Capacities - Science Planning and Research Services for a Multi-National Research Icebreaker
- Global and regional sea level change caused by mass loss of the major ice sheets
- Holocene cooling and Neoglacial sea ice fluctuations in the subpolar North Atlantic
- Holocene surface and deep water variability in the eastern Fram Strait - expanding the multiproxy perspective by radiogenic isotope tracers
- How To Promote Data Quality And Access? Publish It!
- Imaging the water column using sediment echosounder, ADCP and multibeam echosounder - new possibilities for sedimentological, biological and oceanographic studies
- Impacts of ocean acidification on foraminiferal calcification
- Influence of the Solar Activity on the Variability of Water Isotopes over Europe during the Late Holocene
- Interaction and photochemical decomposition of hydroperoxides at water ice surfaces and in bulk ice
- Interglacial Variations in Meridional SST Gradients across the Eastern North Atlantic Sector
- Interhemispheric Ice-Sheet Synchronicity During the Last Glacial Maximum
- Interpretative synergy of starphotometry and lidar measurements at two high-Arctic stations during the Polar Winter of 2010-11
- Laminated sediments as high resolution paleoclimate archives in the Bering Sea (SO202-INOPEX)
- Late Pleistocene to Holocene sea surface temperature development in the NW-Pacific and its marginal seas
- Linkage of annual laminae formation in the Bering Sea and the Bølling-Allerød and Preboreal warm periods in the North Atlantic
- Long-term biogeochemical impacts of liming the ocean
- Long-term records of Antarctic Intermediate Water variability off northern Chile (SE Pacific)
- Mass movement deposits in the 3.6 Ma sediment record of Lake El'gygytgyn, Chukotka, NE Russia: Classification, distribution and preliminary interpretation
- Millennial environmental variability on Shirshov Ridge, Bering Sea, during the penultimate and last glacial cycles
- Millennial-scale climate variability in the subarctic NW-Pacific during the last 150 kyr and implications for upper-ocean stratification
- Modes of climate variability under different background conditions: concepts, data, modelling
- Molecular Characterization of Peatland-derived Dissolved Organic Matter Using Ultra-high Resolution Mass Spectrometry and Tetramethylammonium Hydroxide (TMAH) Thermochemolysis
- Morphology and sedimentation along the Kongsfjord Channel System, Svalbard continental margin, European Arctic
- New diatom reference data to estimate glacial/interglacial sea surface temperature and sea ice variability in the North Pacific and the Bering Sea
- Observing Radiative Properties of a Thinner, Seasonal Arctic Ice Pack
- Ocean warming and acidification: Unifying physiological principles linking organism response to ecosystem change?
- Of SWIR and Swarms: Regional View on Earthquake Swarms at Southwest Indian Ridge from Neumayer Observatory in Antarctica
- Palaeohydrology and monsoon dynamics since the LGM derived from geomorphological and sedimentological investigations along sediment cascades at Lake Donggi Cona, NE Tibetan Plateau
- Paleoceanographic Changes in the Okhotsk Sea During the Past 25,000 Years - Implications for ventilation of North Pacific Intermediate Water and Stratification Patterns
- Paleoclimatic implications of late Pleistocene and Holocene aeolian sediments in lake catchments on the northeastern part of the Tibetan Plateau
- Partitioning sea level rise from GRACE and Jason-1 altimetry with a new method
- Permafrost landform studies on Earth: Implications for periglacial landscape evolution and habitability on Mars
- Pre-glacial to Glacial Seismostratigraphy of the Amundsen Sea Embayment Shelf, West Antarctica
- Preliminary results from the RV Poseidon 419 expedition to the methane seepage area off West Spitzbergen, Arctic Ocean
- Rapid Changes in North Atlantic Deep Ocean Circulation During the MIS 5a/4 Glacial Inception
- Reconstructing dust input to the Subarctic North Pacific - Past and Present
- Reconstruction of the variability of surface water characteristics and terrigenous input in the North Pacific and Bering Sea: A biomarker approach
- Record Arctic Ozone Loss in Spring 2011 compared with Antarctic Ozone Hole Conditions
- Record of Late Quaternary Glacial/Interglacial Variability in the Amerasian Basin (Arctic Ocean) with Improved Stratigraphy
- Remote sensing for monitoring of land surface hydrology at high latitudes within the framework of the ESA DUE Permafrost and STSE ALANIS-Methane projects
- Science Planning for the New Research Vessel R/V Sikuliaq
- Sea Ice Thickness Variability in Fram Strait
- Sea ice thickness from CryoSat2
- Sediment structures and sediment ages of the Chukchi region, Amerasia Basin
- Seismic Studies at the Northern Namibian Passive Continental Margin
- Sensitivity of Permafrost in the Arctic - a multiscale perspective
- Simulated Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation during the Holocene
- Southern Caribbean climate variability during the mid to late Holocene from monthly resolved coral records
- Spatial Variability of Light Transmittance through Arctic Sea Ice in Summer
- Stability of permafrost and gas hydrates in Arctic coastal lowlands and on the Eurasian shelf
- Swath bathymetry images of subglacial meltwater features in the Amundsen Sea Embayment
- The Influence of Platelet Ice and Snow on Antarctic Land-fast Sea Ice
- The International Bathymetric Chart of the Southern Ocean (IBCSO) Can we delete the last "White Spots" in Antarctica?
- The North Atlantic Gyres System Change during the last Glacial-Interglacial period: Results from a coupled Atmosphere-Ocean coupled GCM
- The Radiation Budget of Sea Ice during the Springtime Melt
- The Reconstruction of Easterly Wind Directions for North-West Europe during the Last Glacial Period
- The erosion of Arctic coasts and the subsequent release of organic carbon to the Arctic Seas
- The freeze-up of high Arctic ponds and potential impacts on the carbon balance
- The impact of the new gravity field models in the Mean Dynamic Ocean Topography computation and the derived geostrophic velocities
- The tectonic history of southern Baffin Bay and Davis Strait - seismic refraction experiments and the evolution of oceanic crust
- Towards a deeper understanding of <SUP>17</SUP>O-excess in Antarctica
- Towards climate reconstruction on Mars using landscape analysis: Insights from terrestrial analogues
- Tracking sea ice floes from the Lincoln Sea to Nares Strait and deriving large scale melt from coincident spring and summer (2009) aerial EM thickness surveys
- Ultraslow Ridges through Binoculars: Teleseismic Earthquake Characteristics Illuminate Accretion Processes
- Unmanned Aerial Systems during the Coordinated Investigation of Climate-Cryosphere Interaction at Svalbard, Norway
- Variations of an oxygen minimum zone in the Okhotsk Sea over the last glacial-interglacial cycle as recorded by benthic foraminiferal and sedimentological data
- Why the South matters for global climate variability on millennial to orbital timescales
- 500 year simulation with the coupled FESOM/ECHAM model
- <SUP>13</SUP>C fractionation of dinoflagellates - a new proxy for past CO<SUB>2</SUB> levels?
- A 250 ka oxygen isotope record from diatoms and investigation of "super-interglacial" conditions during MIS 11 at Lake El'gygytgyn, Far East Russian Arctic
- A barrier to Antarctic circumpolar flow until the mid-Miocene?
- A combined Vibroseis-Explosive survey at Halvfarryggen, a local ice dome in East Antarctica
- A culture study with benthic foraminifers at different [Mg2+]: Implications for biomineralization and proxies
- A stochastic model for the polygonal tundra based on Poisson-Voronoi Diagrams
- Adsorption of glyoxal molecules on atmospheric water ice nanoparticles
- Airborne Eddy Covariance Measurements of Methane on the North Slope of Alaska and in the Mackenzie Delta, Canada
- Aircraft observations of the evolution of ice surface conditions at the onset of the melt season in the Beaufort Sea
- An evaluation of onshore digital elevation models for tsunami inundation modelling
- Assessing the Vulnerability of the North Atlantic CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sink
- Assessment of hidden sulfur cycling processes through modeling of sulfur and oxygen isotope signatures of pore-water sulfate
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- Biomarker evidence of Holocene climate and cryosphere variability: results from a 171m, annually laminated, sediment core from the Adélie coast, Antarctica (IODP Expedition 318)
- Black carbon concentrations and fluxes since the Last Glacial Maximum in Greenland and Antarctic ice cores
- Climate Controlled Sedimentation in Maxwell Bay, King George Island, Antarctica
- Climate sensitivity as a continuous function of frequency inferred from instrumental and Late Holocene paleoclimate records
- Continuous triple water vapor isotopic composition (δ<SUP>18</SUP>O, δ<SUP>17</SUP>O, δD) observations in the sub-tropical North Atlantic
- Crustal architecture and deep structure of the Namibian continental shelf and adjacent oceanic basins around the landfall of Walvis Ridge from wide-angle seismic and marine magnetotelluric data
- CryoSat-2 validation in East Antarctica: ASIRAS, ALS and in situ data analysis over Law Dome and Totten Glacier
- Detection of Subsea Permafrost Using Shallow Georesistivity at Three Arctic Sites
- Due Permafrost: a Circumpolar Remote Sensing Service for Permafrost - Evaluation and Application Case Studies
- Dust fertilization of biological productivity in the Subarctic North Pacific during the last 150 kyr
- Dynamic Antarctic ice-sheet disintegration during the last deglaciation - contribution to meltwater pulse 1a
- Evaluation of an ensemble of global ocean circulation estimates using satellite altimetry
- From Early Holocene to Neoglacial conditions - Multiproxy evidence for stepwise cooling in the Arctic Gateway
- Geological structures deduced from airborne geophysical surveys around Syowa Station, Antarctica
- Ground validation of CryoSat-2 on Austfonna, Svalbard
- High-precision GPS autonomous platforms for sea ice dynamics and physical oceanography
- Holocene East African Aridification Inferred from High Resolution Marine Sediments
- Holocene Glacial Retreat at Walgreen Coast, West Antarctica
- Holocene Monsoon variability in East Africa: a marine perspective
- IBCSO v1 - The first release of the International Bathymetric Chart of the Southern Ocean
- Ice, water, fire: Changes in the permafrost landscape of central Yakutia, 2000-2011
- Impact of biogeochemical processes on small scale variations in manganese nodule abundance in the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone
- Impact of glacial/interglacial changes in water column geochemistry on the diagenetic cycling of barium in Black Sea sediments
- Intraplate volcanism off South Greenland: Caused by glacial rebound?
- LGM-extent of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet offshore from the Hobbs Coast, based on paleo-ice stream bed observations
- Large-Scale Features of Pliocene Climate: Results from the Pliocene Model Intercomparison Project
- Limited Agulhas Leakage as a potential trigger for reduced AMOC intensity before the onset of Heinrich events
- Linking Sea Ice Physical Properties with Under-Ice and In-Ice Ecosystems
- MOSAiC - Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate
- Major Ion concentrations in the new NEEM ice core in Greenland
- Millennial scale Record of Terrestrial Pliocene-Pleistocene warmth from Lake El'gygytgyn, NE Russia: What does it mean for Greenland's Ice Sheet history?
- Modeling near-shore subsea permafrost degradation in the Laptev Sea
- Modeling the Arctic climate system using the regional climate model HIRHAM
- Modern spatial sea-ice variability in the central Arctic Ocean and adjacent marginal seas: Reconstruction from biomarker data
- Plume and plate controlled hotspot trails in the South Atlantic
- Plume source regions in the South Atlantic - spatial and temporal variability and implications for the LLSVP source region
- Pseudo Data Experiments for the Reconstruction of the LGM Ocean Circulation with the Adjoint Method
- Quantifying dust input to the Subarctic North Pacific - Results from surface sediments and sea water thorium isotope measurements
- Real-Time Observations of Optical Properties of Arctic Sea Ice with an Autonomous System
- Recent planktic foraminifers in the Fram Strait (Arctic Ocean): carbon and oxygen stable isotope composition
- Reconstructing early Cenozoic topography of the North American Cordillera from authigenic mineral δ18O-Moving beyond Rayleigh distillation
- Retarded deglaciation of north-Spitsbergen fjords during the last glacial - an example of bathymetric controls on the dynamics of retreating glaciers
- Satellite based permafrost modeling in low land tundra landscapes
- Sea ice thickness and volume from CryoSat-2
- Sea surface temperature variability of the Peru-Chile Current during the previous four interglacials
- Seafloor classification using hydroacoustic methods in the shallow coastal North Sea
- Simulation of physical soil characteristics in a General Circulation Model: An amplifying mechanism for glacial and mid Holocene climate
- Stable-isotope studies on ice cores and snow pits in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, covering the past 2000 years
- Systematic Error Model Error: The Impact of Increased Horizontal Resolution versus Improved Stochastic and Deterministic Parameterizations
- TORUS: Towards decadal climate predictions using a model system with regional refinement of the Arctic
- Termination I in the tropical Indian Ocean: Interplay between the regional monsoon and global teleconnections
- The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Stability Influenced by the Melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet under Various Warming Scenarios
- The International Bathymetric Chart of the Southern Ocean - A new Map of Antarctica
- The International Permafrost Association: new structure and initiatives for cryospheric research
- The Lithospheric Structure in Southwestern Africa from the Walpass - Walvis Ridge Passive-Source Seismic Experiment. Preliminary Results from Receiver Functions
- The last ice-sheet advance and retreat across the Antarctic continental shelf: Synchrony or diachrony?
- Timing and Significance of Mass Movement Events for the 3.6 Ma Sediment Record of Lake El'gygytgyn, Chukotka, NE Russia
- Trends and Correlation Estimation in Climate Sciences: Effects of Timescale Errors
- Variabilities in intermediate- to deep-water ventilation of the South Pacific
- Variations of bed conditions of West Antarctic paleo ice streams and potential impacts on ice flow
- Water body distributions across scales: a comparison of three Arctic wetlands
- What controls past and present organic carbon fluxes in the Arctic Ocean? - New insights from biomarker records
- An analysis of variability and trends of the Southern Annular mode using a set of relaxation experiments
- Changes of the North Atlantic deep circulation at the Eirik Drift since the Pliocene
- Changing permafrost in the Arctic and its global effects in the 21st century (PAGE21): a large scale international and integrated project (Invited)
- Characterizing the eolian sediment component in the lacustrine record of Laguna Potrok Aike (southeastern Patagonia)
- Climate variability, warming and ice melt on the Antarctic Peninsula over the last millennium (Invited)
- Constraints on Past Plate and Mantle Motion from New Ages for the Hawaiian-Emperor Seamount Chain
- Creating collaboration opportunities for marine research across the Arctic: The SEARCH-ACCESS partnership and an emerging sea ice prediction research network
- DUE PERMAFROST: A Circumpolar Remote Sensing Service for Permafrost - Evaluation Case Studies and Intercomparison with Regional Climate Model Simulations
- Data assimilation in terrestrial magnetism: An ensemble Kalman filter approach (Invited)
- Deglacial-Holocene variability in sea ice, primary productivity, and sea-level change in the Pacific-Arctic gateway area
- Dinoflagellate biogeochemistry: developing new proxies for past carbon cycling (Invited)
- Drivers of Millennial-Scale Change in the 3.6 Myr record from Lake El'gygytgyn, Western Beringia (Invited)
- Early Pleistocene to Holocene glacial activity along the southern Alaska continental shelf inferred from the sedimentary record in the northern Gulf of Alaska - preliminary results
- Effect of low dissolved oxygen concentration on planktonic foraminifera: results from laboratory culture experiments and implications for oceanic anoxic events
- Estimation of ancient organic matter transformation due to thermokarst process at the Bykovsky peninsula on Laptev Sea coast
- Evidence for a warm ice-free environment on the high latitude Antarctic coast (78°S) during the Middle to Late Eocene
- Extreme rates of riverbank erosion of the high bluff formed by the ice-rich syngenetic permafrost (yedoma), Itkillik River, Northern Alaska
- Helmholtz Alliance ROBEX - Robotic Exploration in Extreme Environments A common Approach between Space and Deep Sea Science
- Holocene Palaeoenvironment on Kamchatka
- How is the Fram Strait Freshwater Outflow Responding to Changes in the Arctic Climate System?
- Ice Shelf-Ocean Interactions Near Ice Rises and Ice Rumples
- Impact of Southern Hemispheric Westerlies on hydrological variations in southern Patagonia, Argentina
- Investigation of the Agulhas System and its Influence on the Tropical Atlantic Circulation
- Iron-oxide Magnetic, Morphologic, and Compositional Tracers of Sediment Provenance and Ice Sheet Extent in the ANDRILL AND-1B Drill Core, Ross Sea, Antarctica (Invited)
- Is there anything special about terminal oscillations of the bipolar seesaw?
- It's all about water: from small scale hydrologic processes in ice wedge polygonal tundra and thermokarst lakes to larger scale river runoff (Lena River Delta, Siberia) (Invited)
- Lake System Development on the northern Tibetan Plateau during the last 12 ka
- Last glacial to Holocene millennial scale climate variability in the Southeastern Bering Sea
- Late Glacial and Late Holocene Paleohydrology of Central Asia
- Marine ice sheets of Pleistocene age on the East Siberian Continental Margin (Invited)
- Multi-year and Multi-sensor investigations of Aerosol Optical Properties over the Canadian High Arctic
- Neogene marine sedimentary record of the Gulf of Alaska: from the glaciers to the distal submarine fan systems
- New airborne-gravity and satellite gravity views of crustal structure in Antarctica (Invited)
- Origin of authigenic calcite and aragonite in pelagic sediments of the Mendeleev Ridge (Arctic Ocean) and their paleoceanographicimplications
- Pine Island Glacier - local flow mechanisms and basal sliding
- Potential high resolution paleoclimate and palaeoecology variations on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau
- Potential links between onshore tectonics and terrestrial organic carbon delivery to distal submarine fan environments: IODP Site U1417, Surveyor Fan, Gulf of Alaska
- Provenance and Dispersal of Quaternary Sediments in the Gaxun Nur Basin, Inner Mongolia, China
- Re-visiting the Globigerinoides ruber δ18O salinity temperature relationship in the Indian Ocean
- Reconstruction of paleoceanographic changes in the western Arctic Ocean duing the late Quaternary: Results from RV Araon and RV Polarstern
- Reducing Spatial Uncertainty: Stratigraphy of Antarctic Firn resolved by high-resolution penetrometry
- Sea surface temperature and salinity patterns in the northern North Atlantic and the Arctic during interglacial MIS 11c: Implications for oceanic circulation reconstruction
- Sedimentary sequences in the Amundsen Sea, Southern Pacific: Hinterland glaciation already during the Early Miocene?
- Seismic Data Reveal Lake-Level Changes in Lake Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan
- Self-regulation of basal water pressure across the ablation zone in Greenland
- Sensitivity of grounding line dynamics to viscoelastic deformation of the solid Earth: Inferences from a fully coupled ice sheet - solid Earth model
- Simulating feedback cycles induced by basal water in western Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica
- Solving the Global Climate Monitoring Problem in the Atmosphere: Towards SI-tied Climate Records with Integrated Uncertainty Propagation
- Southern Alaska glaciations recorded in deep-sea diamicts: Preliminary results from IODP Expedition 341 (Invited)
- Spatial and temporal patterns of Pleistocene biogenic sediment accumulation in the Gulf of Alaska
- Structure of the Crust and Mantle Lithosphere underneath NW Namibia Revealed by the WALPASS Seismic Experiment
- Temperature Trends in the Upper Troposphere to Lower Stratosphere from Radio Occultation Climate Records 2002 to 2012
- The Airborne Measurements of Methane Fluxes (AIRMETH) Arctic Campaign (Invited)
- The Decahedrella-event in ODP Hole 909C - Implications for Miocene stratigraphic and paleoclimatic interpretations across the Fram Strait gateway
- The Deep Permafrost Carbon Pool of Siberia and Alaska (Invited)
- The effect of sedimentation in a subglacial lake on the dynamics of an artificial ice stream
- The influence of seawater Li and Ca concentrations on shell Li/Ca in the benthic foraminifer Amphistegina lessonii (d'Orbigny, 1826)
- The provenance of clasts deposited on the Surveyor Fan, Gulf of Alaska: First results of IODP Expedition 341
- Towards consolidated science requirements for a next generation gravity field mission
- Upscaling microtopography in high-latitude peatlands
- Wich Parameter of the Carbonate System Influences the Boron Isotopic Composition and the Boron Calcium Ratio in Foraminiferal Tests?
- a New Model for Biomineralization and Trace-Element Signatures of Foraminifera Tests
- arctic regional modeling investigation on storm activities and their interplay with sea ice and ocean
- A 2800-year Siberian ice core record of vanillic acid and p-hydroxybenzoic acid
- A Mid-Holocene Shift and Millennial-Scale Variations in North Pacific Intermediate Water Oxygenation and Upper Ocean Hydrography
- A Multistage Volcanic and Tectonic Evolution History on the High Plateau, Part of the Manihiki Plateau, Central Pacific
- Abrupt climate variability in the North Atlantic region: Did the icebergs do it?
- Analytical bias in the oldest section of the Dome C CO<SUB>2</SUB> record
- Antarctic Ocean Nutrient Conditions During the Last Two Glacial Cycles
- Antarctic ice sheet mass loss, glacio-isostatic adjustment and surface processes from ENVISAT, ICESat, CryoSat-2, GRACE and GPS.
- Arctic sea ice variability during the last deglaciation: a biomarker approach
- Atmosphere-ocean interactions in the Pacific Southern Ocean
- Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Reconstructions from Polar Ice: What Do High-Resolution CO<SUB>2</SUB> Records and δ<SUP>13</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB> Analyses Tell Us about Past Climate and Global Carbon Cycle Processes?
- Biogenic Contributions to Summertime Arctic Aerosol: Observations of Aerosol Composition from the Netcare 2014 Aircraft Campaign
- Biomineralization in Foraminifera
- Broadband ocean bottom seismometer in the Gulf of Cadiz (offshore SW Iberia and NW of Moroccan margin): Characterization of ambient noise and tomographic model of the crustal structure.
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> and Tectonic Controls on the Opening of the Greenland-Scotland Seaway
- Cenozoic Sedimentation and Paleo-Water Depths of the Weddell Sea Basin Related to Pre-Glacial and Glacial Conditions of Antarctica
- Central Asian Paleoclimatology (Lake Karakul, Pamir) of the last 30,000 Years
- Characterization of atmospheric trace elements in the Puruogangri ice core: a preliminary account of Tibetan Plateau environmental and contamination histories
- Characterization of terrestrial organic matter transported through the Lena River Delta (NE Siberia) to its adjacent nearshore zone using lignin phenols, δ<SUP>13</SUP>C and Δ<SUP>14</SUP>C
- Chemical pathway analysis of the Martian atmosphere: The formation and destruction of ozone
- Climate Change and the Permafrost Carbon Feedback
- Climate-Ice Sheet Interactions through the Pliocene-Pleistocene: Preliminary Results from IODP Expedition 341 (Gulf of Alaska)
- Constraining the extent and evolution of the Southwest Pacific carbon pool since the last glacial
- Controls on shell thickness in modern planktonic foraminifera
- Cross-latitudinal climate teleconnections during the last interglacial
- Crustal and Mantle Structure Beneath the Iles Eparses (Mozambique Channel, Indian Ocean)
- CryoSat-2 Arctic Sea-Ice Thickness: Uncertainties and Outlook
- Current Pattern Change in the Fram Strait at the Pliocene/Pleistocene Boundary
- Deglacial changes in subarctic Pacific surface water hydrography and nutrient dynamics - a fresh perspective from diatom oxygen and silicon stable isotopes
- Diatom Seasonal Abundance, Assemblages and Lipid Biomarkers: Towards a More Robust Reconstruction of Diatom Paleoproductivity
- Dust in the Arctic during the Past Millennium from a Developing Array of Ice Cores: Linkages to Climate and Land Use
- Dynamic simulation of stable water isotopes during the last interglacial
- Early Pliocene Nordic Seas Palaeoceanography - Relation with Ocean Gateways
- Ecosystemic Postglacial Succession of Nettilling Lake (Baffin Island, Canada) Inferred by Oxygen Isotope Composition of Lacustrine Diatoms
- Enhancing our Understanding of the Arctic Atmospheric Hydrological Cycle using Observations from an International Arctic Water Vapor Isotope Network
- Environmental Evolution of a Small Antarctic Fjord Through the Recent Past
- Exploring the Habitability of Ice-covered Waterworlds: The Deep-Sea Hydrothermal System of the Aurora Mount at Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean (82°54' N, 6°15W, 3900 m)
- Exploring the utility of high resolution "nano-" computed tomography imaging to place quantitative constraints on shell biometric changes in marine pteropods in response to ocean acidification
- Factors Contributing to the Late Cenozoic Cooling and Aridification of Southwestern North America
- First scientific dives of the Nereid Under Ice hybrid ROV in the Arctic Ocean.
- Geo-Morphological Analyses of the Gakkel Ridge and the Southwest Indian Ridge
- Glacial disparities in Intermediate Mode Water advection in the South Pacific Gyre
- Glacial sea surface and subsurface temperature reconstructions off northern Chile (27.5°S) from 970 ka to present
- Glacial-interglacial changes of water isotopes as simulated by a fully coupled Earth system model
- Glacial-to-interglacial Changes in Nitrate Supply and Consumption in the Subarctic North Pacific from Microfossil-bound N Isotopes at Two Trophic Levels
- Global Warming or Global Cooling in the Holocene?
- Gulf Stream-Subtropical Gyre Properties Across Two Dansgaard-Oeschger Cycles
- High-Resolution Reconstruction of Late Holocene Sea-ice Distribution and Primary Production on the East Greenland Shelf and the NW Fram Strait.
- High-resolution record of last post-glacial variations of sea-ice cover and river discharge in the western Laptev Sea (Arctic Ocean)
- Holocene Sea Surface Conditions in the Nordic Seas According to Dinocyst Assemblages
- Improved Estimates Show Large Circumpolar Stocks of Permafrost Carbon While Quantifying Substantial Uncertainty Ranges and Identifying Remaining Data Gaps
- Improved precipitation extremes and climatology in a regional coupled model simulation over CORDEX south Asia domain
- Initial Conceptualization and Simulation of Arctic Tundra Landscape Evolution Using the Alaska Thermokarst Model
- Interhemispheric Climatic Effects from Pliocene Contrictions of Tropical Oceanic Seaways
- Intraseasonal Variability of the South Asian Summer Monsoon: Present-day Simulations with the Regional Atmospheric Model HIRHAM5
- Iron Cycling in Marine Sediments - New Insights from Isotope Analysis on Sequentially Extracted Fe Fractions
- Iron Fertilization in the Subantarctic South Pacific?
- Late Holocene Russian Arctic climate variability - spatial and seasonal aspects inferred from glacier and ground ice
- Late Quaternary Climate and Precipitation δ<SUP>18</SUP>o Variations over the Tibetan Plateau from Paleoclimate Modeling
- Low Permafrost Methane Emissions from Arctic Airborne Flux Measurements
- Mapping and Monitoring of Dynamic Seafloor Features with Hydroacoustic Devices in Sandy Coastal Areas (German Bight, North Sea)
- Mapping the Surficial Geology of the Arctic Ocean
- Methane and Carbon Cioxide Emissions from 40 Lakes Along a North-South Latitudinal Transect in Alaska
- Methane seeps along boundaries of arctic permafrost thaw and melting glaciers
- Millennial-Scale North Pacific Intermediate Water Ventilation Changes during Dansgaard-Oeschger Events of the Last 60,000 Years
- Millennial-scale Variability in Antarctic Ice-Sheet Discharge Throughout the Last Deglaciation From Scotia Sea Records of Iceberg-Rafted Debris
- Modeling the Spreading of Glacial Melt Water from the Amundsen and Bellingshausen Seas
- New Insights in the Existence of Lakes Beneath the Recovery Glacier Drainage Basin, Antarctica
- New insights into the past glaciation of the northeast Greenland continental shelf
- North Atlantic Surface and Deep-Water Hydrography during the Early Pliocene Warm Period
- North Greenland's Ice Shelves and Ocean Warming
- North Siberian Permafrost reveals Holocene Arctic Winter Warming
- Northern Hemisphere sea-ice cover during the Holocene - proxy data reconstruction and modelling
- Palaeoenvironmental conditions in the Gulf of Alaska (NE Pacific) during the Mid Pleistocene Transition
- Paleo-Ice Sheet/Stream Flow Directions of the Northern Antarctic Peninsula Ice Sheet Based Upon New Synthesis of Multibeam Seabed Imagery
- Pleistocene dynamics of the Pacific South Equatorial Countercurrent
- Projections of Centennial-scale Sea Level Change in an Earth System Model Including Dynamic Ice Sheets
- Pronounced Minima in Tropospheric Ozone and OH above the Tropical West Pacific and their Role for Stratospheric Composition
- Quaternary Contourite Drifts of the Western Spitsbergen Margin
- Reconstruction of Late Quaternary Environmental Changes in Large Endorheic Basins: Challenges and Problems
- Regional Scaling of Airborne Eddy Covariance Flux Observation
- Remote Sensing and Earth System Dynamics: The Helmholtz Alliance
- Revisiting the Last Glacial-Interglacial Productivity Paradox in the Eastern Arabian Sea
- Revisiting the Submerged Paleo Elbe Valley (S North Sea) with High-Resolution Shallow Seismics
- Rock-magnetic signatures of aeolian activity, precipitation and extreme runoff events from the sediments of Laguna Potrok Aike (southern Patagonia) since 51,200 cal BP
- SWEAP: Southwest Indian Ridge Earthquakes and Plumes: First Results from a Comparative Seismicity Study of Magmatic and Amagmatic Spreading
- Scientific Software - Publish, Cite, and get Credit for your Code
- Sea Ice Induced Glacial/Deglacial Changes in Southern Ocean Surface Structure
- Sea surface temperature variability of the Peru-Chile Current during the previous ten interglacials
- Seasonal and spatial variations of in situ measured benthic fluxes of nutrients and carbon at the sediment water interface of the southern North Sea
- Sedimentary and Volcanic Records of the Laschamp and Mono Lake Excursions from Australia and New Zealand
- Several Firn Core Records of Accumulation over the Past Two Millennia in Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica
- Shift of thermokarst lakes from methane source to climate-cooling carbon sink
- Solar induced terrestrial plant fluorescence derived of ten years of SCIAMACHY data.
- Sources and Fluxes of Atmospheric Methane from Lakes in the Alaskan Arctic
- Southern Greenland water vapour isotopic composition at the crossroads of Atlantic and Arctic moisture
- Southern Ocean Sea Ice Development Since the Last Glacial, a Combined Proxy Data-Modeling Approach
- Southwest Indian Ocean Bathymetric Compilation (swIOBC)
- Spatio-Temporal Sensitivity of MODIS Land Surface Temperature Anomalies Indicates High Potential for Large-Scale Land Cover Change Detection in Permafrost Landscapes
- Submicron Measurements of Mg Isotopes in Biogenic Carbonates Using Laser Ablation-MC-ICPMS: New Window into Biomineralisation
- Terrestrial ecosystem model performance for net primary productivity and its vulnerability to climate change in permafrost regions
- The Fragmented Manihiki Plateau - Key Region for Understanding the Break-up of the "Super" Large Igneous Province Ontong Java Nui
- The Nippon Foundation / GEBCO Indian Ocean Bathymetric Compilation Project
- The Offshore East African Rift System
- The Opening of the Arctic-Atlantic Gateway: Tectonic, Oceanographic and Climatic Dynamics - an IODP Initiative
- The Relationship Between Recent Arctic Amplification and Extreme Mid-Latitude Weather
- The Role of Plumes in Breakup Processes - Traces Found in the Deep Crustal Structure at the Intersection of Walvis Ridge with the African Continental Margin
- The Role of Remote Sensing in Modeling Landscape Change and Its Associated Carbon Cycle Impacts Across Terrestrial Arctic Ecosystems
- The Roosevelt Island Climate Evolution (RICE) Project - Did the Ross Ice Shelf Collapse During MIS 5e?
- The interplay between particulate and dissolved neodymium in the Western North Atlantic: First insights and interpretations
- Third-Year Results from the Circumarctic Lakes Observation Network (CALON) Project
- Trace Element Determination from the Guliya Ice Core to Characterize Aerosol Deposition over the Western Tibetan Plateau during the Last 500 Years
- Transport Pathways of Pollution Plumes into the Canadian Arctic during RACEPAC and NETCARE 2014
- Tropical Atlantic Temperature Seasonality at the End of the Last Interglacial
- Using TerraSAR-X and hyperspectral airborne data to monitor surface deformation and physical properties of the Barrow permafrost landscape, Alask
- Using Water Vapor Isotope Observations from above the Greenland Ice Sheet to improve the Interpretation of Ice Core Water Stable Isotope Records
- Variations in stable isotopes and organic geochemistry in South Equatorial Atlantic during the last 30kyrs
- Vibroseismic-Streamer Systems to Image Sub-Ice Properties and Englacial Layering on Large Scales
- A Millennial Simulation of Isotope-Enable GCM with a Special Focus on Antarctic Climate Variability in the Past 1,000 Years
- A glimpse beneath Antarctic sea ice: observation of platelet-layer thickness and ice-volume fraction with multi-frequency EM
- A simplified, data-constrained approach to estimate the permafrost carbon-climate feedback: The PCN Incubation-Panarctic Thermal (PInc-PanTher) Scaling Approach
- An Ocean Sediment Core-Top Calibration of Foraminiferal (Cibicides) Stable Carbon Isotope Ratios
- An aircraft-based case study of new particle formation and growth in the summertime Arctic
- Antarctic Ice Sheet Sensitivity to Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Variations During the Early to Mid-Miocene
- Antarctic ice sheet mass loss, glacio-isostatic adjustment and surface processes from a Bayesian combination of gravimetry, altimetry and GPS data
- Antarctic marine ice sheet retreat in the Ross Sea during the early Holocene
- Arctic ice core records of vanillic acid from Siberia, Greenland, and Svalbard
- Assessment of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in Greenland using GPS
- Basal Conditions in Marie Byrd Land in the Presence of a Deep Mantle Plume
- Biomarker Approaches to Greenhouse Gas Estimations Through the Cenozoic - Recent Developments and Future Directions
- Biomineralization in foraminifera
- Circum-Arctic lithospheric transects from onshore to offshore
- Climate-Ice Sheet Interactions through the Plio-Pleistocene: Preliminary Results from IODP 341 Expedition (Gulf of Alaska).
- Coastal Hazard Vulnerability Assessment: A Case Study of Erosion and Flooding on Herschel Island, Yukon Territory, Canada
- Constraining the Sources of Neodymium in the North Pacific Ocean
- Contraction of the Western Pacific Intertropical Convergence Zone During the Little Ice Age
- Crustal Structure Around the Tristan da Cunha Hotspot Derived from Ambient Noise
- Current and future contributions of local emissions from shipping and hydrocarbon extraction flaring to short lived pollutants in the Arctic
- Decadal changes in carbon fluxes at the East Siberian continental margin: interactions of ice cover, ocean productivity, particle sedimentation and benthic life
- Deformation Studies of NEEM, Greenland Basal Folded Ice
- Diffusive Transfer of Oxygen From Seamount Basaltic Crust Into Overlying Sediments: an Example From the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone, Equatorial Pacific Ocean
- Dust at the Poles during the Past Three Millennium: Linkages to Climate and Land Use
- Enhanced Volcanic Degassing Decoupled Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> and Temperature During the Last Interglacial-Glacial Transition
- Evolution of a Thermokarst Landscape: A History of Late-Quaternary Permafrost Degradation and Stabilization in Interior Alaska Illustrates the Importance of Multiple Environmental Controls
- Final Results From the Circumarctic Lakes Observation Network (CALON) Project
- Firn structure of Larsen C Ice Shelf, Antarctic Peninsula, from in-situ geophysical surveys
- First High-Resolution Record of Late Quaternary Environmental Changes in the Amundsen Sea, West Antarctica, Revealed by Multi-proxy Analysis of Drift Sediments
- GEOS-Chem AOD (Aerosol Optical Depth) predictions compared with starphotometry and CALIOP estimates during the polar winter
- Geogenic Sources Strongly Contribute to the Mackenzie River Delta's Methane Emissions Derived From Airborne Flux Data
- High Resolution Partitioning of Soil Properties and Soil Organic Carbon Storage in the Lena River Delta
- How certain are we of the uncertainties in recent ozone profile trend assessments of merged limb/occultation records? Challenges and possible ways forward.
- How to Assess Trajectories of Arctic Ponds and Lakes: a Circum-Arctic Perspective
- Ice wedge degradation: Why Arctic lowlands are becoming wetter and drier
- Ice-Rich Yedoma Permafrost: A Synthesis of Circum-Arctic Distribution and Thickness
- Impact of surface roughness on L-band emissivity of the sea ice
- In-situ validation of remotely sensed land surface temperatures in high-arctic land regions - implications for gap filling and trend analyses
- Influence of North Pacific Intermediate Water on biological productivity in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific under glacial conditions
- Influence of Southern Ocean Intermediate Water on productivity in the eastern equatorial Pacific on orbital timescale
- Influence of ice thickness and surface properties on light transmission through Arctic sea ice
- Influence of ocean and atmosphere coupling in a regional climate simulation: case study on typhoons over the CORDEX Southeast Asia domain
- Is there any mantle plume beneath Tristan da Cunha?
- Lakes in Northern Permafrost Regions and Feedbacks with the Methane Cycle
- Landforms indicative of former glaciations and permafrost along continental margin of the Chukchi and East Siberian seas
- Late Quaternary Lake-System Dynamics on the northern Tibetan Plateau
- Mapping the thermal state of permafrost through modeling and remote sensing
- Massive Ice Layer Formed by Refreezing of Ice-shelf Surface Melt Ponds: Larsen C Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Model Representation of Last Decade Regional Changes of Arctic Snow on Sea ice
- Modeling ice front Dynamics of Greenland outlet glaciers using ISSM
- Multi-annual Turbulent Energy Fluxes in the Lena River Delta: Eddy Covariance and Remote Sensing in Siberian Arctic Tundra
- Multichannel Seismic Investigations of Sediment Drifts off West Antarctica and the Antarctic Peninsula: Preliminary Results from Research Cruise JR298
- Near-shore submarine permafrost of the central Laptev Sea, East Siberia
- New Insights into the 8.2 ka Cold Event and Subsequent Climate Recovery in Central Europe Provided by a Precisely Dated Ostracod δ<SUP>18</SUP>O Record from Mondsee (Austria)
- New Views of East Antarctica- from Columbia to Gondwana
- New insights into the Glacial to Holocene climatic evolution of Southern Patagonia from lacustrine lipid biomarker isotope records
- Pacific patterns of dust deposition, iron supply and export production
- Past, present and future of Tropical Cyclone climatology over CORDEX South-Asia domain: A coupled regional climate model study
- Post-fire Thermokarst Development Along a Planned Road Corridor in Arctic Alaska
- Predicting Time and Spatial Scales for the Degradation of Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) in Five Large Arctic Rivers: The Fate of Permafrost Under a Warming Climate
- Preliminary Geochemical Results from the Mozambique Ridge, SW Indian Ocean
- Preliminary results from hot-water drilling and borehole instrumentation on Store Glacier, West Greenland
- Reconstruction of Sothern Ocean dust fluxes and dust provenance areas at highest spatial resolution: implications from <SUP>230</SUP>Th<SUB>xs</SUB>, isotopic and REE data
- Relative sea level and coastal environments in arctic Alaska during Marine Isotope Stage 5
- Sea ice cover variability and river run-off in the western Laptev Sea (Arctic Ocean) since the last 18 ka
- Seasonal Changes of Arctic Sea Ice Physical Properties Observed During N-ICE2015: An Overview
- Seasonal Inundation Dynamics on the Barrow Peninsula, AK
- Seasonal Variations of Stable Isotope Composition of River Flow in Permafrost Regions of Yenisei and Kolyma Rivers (Russia)
- Seasonality of snow depth on sea ice derived from autonomous measurement
- Shells of Mytilus edulis as Bioarchives of the Rare Earth Element and Yttrium Distribution in Seawater and the Potential Impact of pH and Temperature Variations
- Signatures of climate variability in water stable isotopes across the globe modeled for the past millennium
- Simulation of the Greenland Ice Sheet evolution using different initialization methods
- Subglacial water flux routing for the 79°N Glacier, Greenland
- Submarine Landslides along the Siberian part of Lomonosov Ridge: Triggering Mechanisms, Timing and Significance
- Surface radiation budget and cloud radiative forcing from pan-Arctic Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN) stations
- Synergy of radar altimetry and L-Band passive microwave data to improve Arctic sea ice thickness information
- Temperature and aridity of the African-Arabian desert belt since 1750 CE reconstructed from Red Sea coral Sr/Ca and δ<SUP>18</SUP>O
- The Contribution of Moss to Plot-Based Spectral Signals in Moist Acidic Low Arctic Tundra
- The Crustal Structure of Beira High, Central Mozambique - Combined Investigation of Wide-angle Seismic and Potential Field Data
- The Crustal Structure of the Falkland Plateau from Wide-angle Seismic Data
- The Davie Ridge, Northern Mozambique: The Crustal Structure from Wide-angle Seismic Data
- The Importance of Snow Distribution on Sea Ice
- The Mozambique Ridge - A Large Igneous Province with a Complicated Emplacement History
- The Subglacial Access and Fast Ice Research Experiment - SAFIRE - on Store Glacier, West Greenland
- The Temporal Evolution of Changes in Carbon Storage in the Northern Permafrost Region Simulated by Carbon Cycle Models between 2010 and 2300: Implications for Atmospheric Carbon Dynamics
- The grounding-zone wedge inventory on the Amundsen Sea Embayment shelf, West Antarctica: formation processes and significance for establishing reliable post-LGM retreat chronologies
- The impact of the snow cover on sea-ice thickness products retrieved by Ku-band radar altimeters
- The joint impact of ocean circulation and plate tectonics on the glacial South Pacific carbon pool
- Thermochemical <SUP>14</SUP>C Spectra and Carbon Turnover Time in Soils - a (Changing?) Latitudinal Gradient?
- Thermokarst terrain: pan-Arctic distribution and soil carbon vulnerability
- Timing and regional patterns of snowmelt on Antarctic sea ice from passive microwave satellite observations
- Topographic effect in marine magnetotelluric data and implications to the electrical conductivity structure of the mantle beneath the Tristan da Cunha hotspot area in southern Atlantic
- Towards Solving the Global Climate Monitoring Problem for the Fundamental State of the Atmosphere with GNSS Radio Occultation
- Tracing of submarine groundwater discharge in the Siberian Arctic coastal zone: the case study in the Buor-Khaya Bay, Laptev Sea.
- Tracking the Tristan-Gough Mantle Plume Using Discrete Chains of Intraplate Volcanic Centers Buried in the Walvis Ridge
- Transport Regimes of Air Masses Affecting the Tropospheric Composition of the Canadian and European Arctic During RACEPAC 2014 and NETCARE 2014/2015
- Ultra-Wideband Radars for Measurements over Land and Sea Ice
- Using in-situ observations of atmospheric water vapor isotopes to benchmark and isotope-enabled General Circulation Models and improve ice core paleo-climate reconstruction
- Vertical distribution of non-volatile species of upper tropospheric and lower stratospheric aerosol observed by balloon-borne optical particle counter above Ny-Aalesund, Norway in the winter of 2015
- Viable Particles from Iodine Compounds in the Antarctic Sea Ice Zone
- What Does it Mean to Publish Data in Earth System Science Data Journal?
- A Synthesis of Thermokarst and Thermo-Erosion Rates in Northern Permafrost Regions
- A comparison of the two Arctic atmospheric winter states observed during N-ICE2015 and SHEBA
- Abrupt Deglacial Changes in Subarctic Pacific Ventilation: Intermediate and Deep Water Ventilation, Oxygen Fluctuations, and the relation to carbon cycle dynamics
- Airborne geophysics for mesoscale observations of polar sea ice in a changing climate
- Antarctic black carbon parallels insolation and millennial scale climate variation
- Arctic Sea-Ice becomes more vulnerable: Thinning associated with 2016 lowest recorded winter ice extent
- Arctic Storm Activities in Ensemble Simulations by the HIRHAM-NAOSIM Regional Coupled Climate Model
- Arctic ice core records of vanillic acid
- Atlantic Water Advection and Ice Sheet-Ocean Feedbacks in the Arctic Ocean During the Last 200 ky
- Atmospheric drivers that compromise the assumed long-term stationarity between δ<SUP>18</SUP>O-based proxy records and NAO, winter air temperature and winter precipitation amount.
- Biogenic influence on the composition and growth of summertime Arctic aerosol
- Biomarker-based reconstruction of late Holocene sea-ice variability: East versus West Greenland continental shelf.
- Carbon and nitrogen mobilization along thermokarst-affected permafrost coasts and its degradation mechanisms before entering the near shore zone
- Characterizing Methane Emission Response to the Past 60 Years of Permafrost Thaw in Thermokarst Lakes
- Characterizing the vertical presence of atmospheric black carbon in the in the high Arctic region from airborne measurements
- Coherent Sea Ice Variations in the Nordic Seas and Abrupt Greenland Climate Changes over Dansgaard-Oeschger Cycles
- Development of the Small Package Single Particle Soot Photometer with extended range (SP2-XR) and black carbon detection efficiency compared to its predecessor, the SP2
- Development of two landscape-scale arctic observatories in northern Alaska
- Discerning spatial and temporal LAI and clear-sky FAPAR variability during summer at the Toolik Lake vegetation monitoring grid (North Slope, Alaska)
- Dissolved organic matter properties in arctic coastal waters are strongly influenced by degrading permafrost coasts and by local meteorology.
- Extensive meltwater storage in an East Antarctic ice shelf
- Extreme aridity and mild temperatures in the Middle East during the late Little Ice Age indicated by paired coral Sr/Ca and δ<SUP>18</SUP>O from the northern Red Sea
- First results from a new interdisciplinary robotic vehicle for under-ice research
- From Protist to Proxy: Dinoflagellates as signal carriers for past climate and carbon cycling
- Global outlook from the Global Terrestrial Network for Permafrost (GTN-P): Changes in thermal state of permafrost and active layer thickness over the last decade
- Guide to Sea Ice Information and Sea Ice Data Online - the Sea Ice Knowledge and Data Platform and
- High basal melt rates observed on Store Glacier, West Greenland, using phase-sensitive FMCW radar
- IODP/ICDP Expedition 364-Drilling the Cretaceous-Paleogene Chicxulub impact crater: Insights into large craters formation and their effect on life.
- Impact of Ice and Snow properties on Freeboard Retrieval and Ice Thickness Calculation from ALS, ASIRAS and CryoSat-2
- Impacts of Vegetation on the Decoupling between Air and Soil Temperatures across the Arctic
- Implications of the choice of land surface model schemes and reanalyzes data for initialization in model simulations with WRF to characterize atmospheric dynamics and the effect on black carbon concentrations into the Eurasian Arctic.
- Increased Drake Passage through-flow triggered abrupt re-invigoration of Atlantic Overturning Circulation during the last deglaciation
- Last interglacial temperature seasonality reconstructed from tropical Atlantic corals
- Late Pleistocene-Holocene phytoplankton productivity in the Gulf of Alaska, IODP Site U1419
- Late Quaternary glacial/interglacial variability in Arctic sea ice and related organic carbon flux: A 180 ka record from Yermak Plateau
- Linkages between atmospheric blocking, sea ice export through Fram Strait and the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
- Long Term Coastal Monitoring along the Yukon Coast Indicates Acceleration of Coastal Retreat in the Last 20 Years
- Long-term active-layer dynamics: results of 22 years of field observations in Northern Hemisphere permafrost regions.
- Mapping permafrost change hot-spots with Landsat time-series
- Meltwater Contribution of the East Greenland Ice Sheet during Glacial Retreat and a Warming Climate
- Microseismicity reveals extreme types oceanic lithosphere, deep reaching fluid circulation and active diking at the Southwest Indian Ridge
- Modelling Regional Air Quality in the Canadian Arctic: Simulation of an Arctic Summer Field Campaign
- Modelling tropical-like cyclones (medicanes) over the Mediterranean Sea in a regional climate model ensemble: impact of ocean-atmosphere coupling and increased resolution
- Monitoring Bedfast Ice in Lakes of the Lena River Delta Using TerraSAR-X Backscatter and Coherence Time Series
- Natural and anthropogenic factors controlling variations in distribution and evolution of permafrost-related lakes in Central Yakutia
- Nearshore Hydroacoustic Seafloor Mapping In The German Bight (North Sea): Hydroacoustic Interpretation With And Without Classification
- New Data Constraints on Past Antarctic Ice Sheet Extent and Retreat in the Weddell Sea Embayment
- Observational constraints on Arctic boundary-layer clouds, surface moisture and sensible heat fluxes
- Observations of snow cover processes on Antarctic sea ice from in-situ and model studies.
- On the Atmospheric Response Experiment to a Blue Arctic Ocean
- Online Sea Ice Knowledge and Data Platform:
- Open Access Data Centers as an Essential Partner to a Data Publication Journal
- Overview of Aerosol Remote Sensing in the Arctic
- Past Peatland Distribution as an Indicator of Hydroclimate and Temperature
- Polar Stratospheric Cloud evolution and chlorine activation measured by CALIPSO and MLS, and modelled by ATLAS
- Polar winter sea-salt events over the high Arctic over the high-Arctic research station of Ny Alesund, Spitsbergen
- Potential methane production in thawing permafrost is constrained by methanogenic population size, carbon density, and substrate
- Predicting Occurrences of Retrogressive Thaw Slumps and their Implications on the Near Shore Carbon Budget Along the Yukon Coast, Canada
- Recent circum-Arctic ice-wedge degradation and its hydrological impacts
- Reconstruction of Holocene short-term thermokarst dynamics in Central Yakutia
- Reconstruction of the extent and variability of late Quaternary ice sheets and Arctic sea ice: Insights from new mineralogical and geochemical proxy records
- Results of the Greenland Ice Sheet Model Initialisation Experiments ISMIP6 - initMIP-Greenland
- Retrieval of sea ice thickness during Arctic summer using melt pond color
- Revealing the crustal architecture of the least understood composite craton on Earth: East Antarctica
- Sea Ice Mass Balance Buoys (IMBs): First Results from a Data Processing Intercomparison Study
- Seasonal and Interannual Fast-Ice Variability from MODIS Surface-Temperature Anomalies, and its Link to External Forcings in Atka Bay, Antarctica
- Seasonal changes in particulate and dissolved organic matter composition and quality in the Lena River Delta
- Seasonal thickness changes of Arctic sea ice north of Svalbard and implications for satellite remote sensing, ecosystem, and environmental management
- Shifted Warming Seasons Led To Slowdown Of Plant Growth Increase Over Northern Lands
- Similarities between Last Glacial Maximum and present-day mass loss from the Greenland ice sheet
- Simulation of the Greenland Ice Sheet evolution using a hybrid initialization procedure
- Small scale variability of snow density on Antarctic sea ice
- Snow depth evolution on sea ice from Snow Buoy measurement
- Soil Organic Carbon Storage in Five Different Arctic Permafrost Environments
- Source Attribution of Arctic Black Carbon Constrained by Surface and Aircraft measurements
- Sources of particulate organic matter discharged by the Lena River using lignin phenols
- Spatial scales of light transmission through Antarctic pack ice: Surface flooding vs. floe-size distribution
- Statistical prediction of September Arctic Sea Ice minimum based on stable teleconnections with global climate and oceanic patterns
- Surficial geology mapping of the Arctic Ocean: using subbottom profiling and multibeam echosounding data sets to constrain the subsea north of 64° as a layer for the IBCAO
- Temperature sensitivity of methanogenesis in a thermokarst lake sediment core
- The Emergence of the Pacific Meridional Overturning Circulation (PMOC) Paced by Obliquity Cycles during the Pliocene
- The Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC)
- The Nitrogen Inventory of the Yedoma Permafrost Domain
- The alkenone method for pCO<SUB>2</SUB> reconstructions: challenges and strategies
- The impact of calving front retreat on Jakobshavn Isbræ, West Greenland , using a 3D thermodynamically coupled numerical model
- The role of tropo-stratospheric coupling for Arctic-midlatitude linkages
- The usual suspect: modelling past and future Antarctic sea level contributions.
- Towards decadal time series of Arctic and Antarctic sea ice thickness from radar altimetry
- Uncertainties in data-model comparisons: Spatio-temporal scales for past climates
- Unprecedented permafrost thaw dynamics on a decadal time scale: Batagay mega thaw slump development, Yana Uplands, Yakutia, Russia
- Using Argo Floats to Characterize Sea Ice-Ocean Dynamics in the Weddell Sea
- Using Sediment Provenance to Study Ice Streams in the Weddell Sea Embayment of Antarctica
- Variability of temperature sensitivity of extreme precipitation from a regional-to-local impact scale perspective
- Web-GIS visualisation of permafrost-related Remote Sensing products for ESA GlobPermafrost
- Winter sea ice export from the Laptev Sea preconditions the local summer sea ice cover
- A Southern Ocean driver of atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- A full year of snow on sea ice observations and simulations - Plans for MOSAiC 2019/20
- ADMAP-2: The second generation Antarctic crustal magnetic anomaly map.
- An enhanced structure tensor method for sea ice ridge detection from GF-3 SAR imagery
- Antarctic Circumpolar Current Dynamics and Their Relation to Antarctic Ice Sheet and Perennial Sea-Ice Variability in the Central Drake Passage During the Last Climate Cycle
- Arctic Storms and Their Influence on Surface Climate in the Chukchi-Beaufort Seas
- Arctic and Antarctic sea-ice thickness from CryoSat and Envisat radar altimetry
- Assessing performance and seasonal bias of pollen-based climate reconstructions in a perfect model world
- Asthenospheric Temperature and Lithospheric Thickness Beneath the Tristan da Cunha Hotspot From Probabilistic Inversion of Surface-Wave Dispersion Data and Petrological Modeling
- Asymmetric Signature of Glacial Antarctic Intermediate Water in the Central South Pacific
- Atmospheric Depositions of Natural and Anthropogenic Aerosols on the Guliya Ice Cap (Northwestern Tibetan Plateau) during the last 340 years
- Basal melt rates of Filchner Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Bedrock morphology reveals paleo subglacial drainage network in the Northeast Baffin Bay
- Central Tibetan Plateau atmospheric trace metals contamination: a 500-year record from the Puruogangri ice core
- Chronostratigraphy and paleoenvironmental change in the Makarov Basin of the western Arctic Ocean during the last 1 Ma
- Climate Stability: Pathway to understand abrupt glacial climate shifts
- Climatic teleconnections between the subtropical and polar North Atlantic during the Last Interglacial period (MIS5e)
- Combining terrestrial, air-, and space-borne remote sensing for permafrost thaw subsidence change detection in Arctic Alaska
- Comparing apples and oranges: When is an interglacial not an interglacial?
- Crustal Structure of the Northeast Greenland Shelf from Regional 3D Gravity Modeling on the Basis of Sparse Seismic Data
- Crustal structure of the southern Kerguelen Plateau derived from P-wave velocity data
- Did Antarctic Intermediate Water in the Southeast Pacific expanded vertically or only deepened?
- Dynamics of Productivity-Related Oxygen Minimum Zone along the Shirshov Ridge, Western Bering Sea, during the Last Glacial Termination
- Effect of specific pathways to 1.5°C global warming on the contribution of Greenland to sea level rise
- Effect of thermokarst lake margin expansion rate on sub-lake permafrost thaw in continuous permafrost
- Eurasian methoxy aromatic acid ice core record of biomass burning
- Evolution of whole-mantle plumes: Consequences for hotspot volcanism
- Examining Environmental Gradients with satellite data in permafrost regions - the current state of the ESA GlobPermafrost initative
- Exploring changes in vertical ice extent along the margin of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet in western Dronning Maud Land - initial results of the MAGIC-DML collaboration
- Extreme cyclone events in the Arctic: Wintertime variability and trends
- Frozen-Ground Cartoons: An international collaboration between artists and permafrost scientists
- GNSS Radio Occultation Excess Phase Processing with Integrated Uncertainty Estimation for Thermodynamic Cal/Val of Passive Atmospheric Sounders and Climate Science
- Geochemistry of the Seamounts at the Southeast Chatham Rise, New Zealand
- Glacial-interglacial cycles in detrital sediment supply to the Amundsen Sea: Implications for West Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics during the Late Pleistocene
- Greenland GPS network: Measurements and Models of 3D Elastic deformation
- Heat waves and jet stream relations - nature of dry and wet shifts around the 2.8 kyr BP event in Central Europe
- Heinrich Events as an integral part of glacial-interglacial climate dynamics
- High-resolution sub-bottom seismic and sediment core records from the Chukchi Abyssal Plain reveal Quaternary glaciation impacts on the western Arctic Ocean
- Highlights and Opportunities from Continuous Access to Gas Hydrates Sites at Ocean Networks Canada's NEPTUNE Observatory
- How Deep is Deep Percolation? Upward-looking Radar for Continuous Monitoring of Melt and Accumulation within the Deep Percolation Zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet.
- IGLOO: an Intermediate Complexity Framework to Simulate Greenland Ice-Ocean Interactions
- Ice Wedges as Winter Climate Archives - New Results from the Northeast Siberian Arctic and Discussion of the Paleoclimatic Value of Ice Wedges
- Ice roughness and momentum transfer in the Arctic marginal ice zone
- Ice shelf structure and stability: Larsen C Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Impacts of the spatial extent of pollen-climate calibration-set on the absolute values, range and trends of reconstructed Holocene precipitation
- Implications for Crustal Structures and Heat Fluxes from Depth-to-the-Bottom of the Magnetic Source Estimates in West Antarctica, Amundsen Sea Sector
- In-situ seismic record of potential sill intrusion at the ultraslow spreading Southwest Indian Ridge
- Increasing frequency and duration of Arctic winter warming events
- Insights into the Geographic Sequence of Deglaciation in the Weddell Sea Embayment by Provenance of Ice-Rafted Debris
- Investigating the effects of high temperature and a deep SMTZ on rock magnetic properties at Site C0023, IODP Expedition 370
- Landsat time series analysis documents beaver migration into permafrost landscapes of arctic Alaska
- Late Quaternary Paleoceanographic Settings in the Central Arctic Ocean as Revealed from the Composition of Coarse Grains on the Alpha-Mendeleev and Lomonosov Ridges
- Late Quaternary Variability of Arctic Sea Ice: Insights From Biomarker Proxy Records and Model Simulations
- Melt distribution along the axis of ultraslow spreading mid-ocean ridges
- Modeling the response of Northwest Greenland to enhanced ocean thermal forcing and subglacial discharge
- Multi-decadal Arctic sea ice roughness.
- Multi-method Quantification of Sea-ice Production in Weddell Sea Polynyas (Antarctica)
- Multiple nitrogen isotope recorders for surface ocean nitrate utilization in the Subarctic North Pacific and the Bering Sea
- NEON's eddy-covariance: interoperable flux data products, software and services for you, now
- Neoglacial Antarctic sea-ice expansion driven by mid-Holocene retreat of the Ross Ice Shelf.
- New Proxies for Climate change parameters: Foram Culturing and Pteropod Potentials
- New aeromagnetic data of eastern Dronning Maud Land: implications for the spatial extent of a major Early Neoproterozoic juvenile crustal province
- New details about the LGM extent and subsequent retreat of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet from the easternmost Amundsen Sea Embayment shelf
- New marine geophysical and sediment record of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream.
- Ocean Dynamics in the Key Regions of North Atlantic-Arctic Exchanges: Evaluation of Global Multi-Resolution FESOM and CMIP-type INMCM Models with Long-Term Observations
- On the Long-term Stability of Satellite and Ground-based Ozone Profile Records
- Once Upon a Time, Scientific Fairy Tales Explaining Topics Related to the Discovery, Protection and Use of the Ocean
- P-wave velocity models of continental shelf of East Siberian Sea using the Laplace-domain full waveform inversion
- Paleobathymetric grids of the Cenozoic Southern Ocean - Opening the door towards improved reconstructions of the Southern Ocean's past
- Paleoenvironment and Paleoclimatic Study of the Paleogene From IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 Site M0077, Chicxulub Crater
- Peer Review of Best Practices
- Perennial flow through convergent hillslopes explains chemodynamic solute behavior in a shale headwater catchment
- Preliminary Results From the Chicxulub Post-Impact Sediments: XRF and Physical Properties Data
- Recent slowdown of atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> amplification due to vegetation-climate feedback over northern lands
- Reconstructing Holocene Summer Sea-Ice Conditions in the Central and Western Arctic Ocean: Morphological Variations and Stable Isotope Composition of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma
- Reconstructing the Mineralogy and Bioavailability of Dust-Borne Iron Deposited to the Southern Ocean through the Last Glacial Cycle
- Response to Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf Cavity Warming in a Coupled Ocean-Ice Sheet Model
- Sea Ice Mass Reconciliation Exercise (SIMRE) for altimetry derived sea ice thickness data sets
- Sea ice thickness derived from radar altimetry: achievements and future plans
- Seasonality of light transmittance through Arctic sea ice during spring and summe
- Small Moves, NUI. Small Moves: Beginning to Investigate Biogeochemical Exchange From the Seafloor to the Exterior of an Ice-Covered Ocean
- Snow depth retrieval from L-band satellite measurements on Arctic and Antarctic sea ice
- Sources and Removal of Springtime Arctic Aerosol
- Spatial variability and trends of seasonal snowmelt processes over Antarctic sea ice observed by satellite scatterometers
- The GFZ GRACE RL06 Level-2 and associated Level-3 Data Products
- The Importance of Asia as a Source of Black Carbon to the Arctic Constrained by Aircraft and Surface Measurements.
- The Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC)
- The PLOT (Paleolimnological Transect) Project in the Russian Arctic
- The Power of the Spectrum: Combining Numerical Proxy System Models with Analytical Error Spectra to Better Understand Timescale Dependent Proxy Uncertainty
- The role of synoptic-planetary wave interactions for the linkage between Arctic climate change and mid-latitude atmospheric circulation changes
- Thermokarst lake dynamics and its influence on biogeochemical sediment characteristics: A case study from the discontinuous permafrost zone in Interior Alaska
- Towards Understanding the Contribution of Waterbodies to the Methane Emissions of a Permafrost Landscape on a Regional Scale - A Case Study from the Mackenzie Delta, Canada
- Tropical Hydroclimate Change during Heinrich Stadial 1: An Integrative Proxy-Model Synthesis
- Understanding calving dynamics of Greenland outlet glaciers by comparing calving laws in a 3D ice sheet model
- Unusual Physical Properties of the Chicxulub Crater Peak Ring: Results from IODP/ICDP Expedition 364
- Variability of Thermokarst-Driven Long-term Thaw Subsidence Across the Arctic
- What Drives Hydrogen Isotopic Variability Recorded by Biomarkers in Sediments of Lake Karakul, Pamir?
- When and where is thaw slump mass wasting energy limited? A landscape-scale assessment using TanDEM-X single-pass radar interferometry
- initMIP-Antarctica: An ice sheet model initialization experiment of ISMIP6
- A comparison of airborne radar measurements and model data for the East Greenland Ice-core Project (EGRIP)
- A hybrid GCM - scaling model for improved climate projections to 2100based on the Fractional Energy Balance Equation
- A large impact crater beneath the ice in northwest Greenland
- Airborne evaluation of dual-band frequency satellite radar altimetry measurements over Arctic sea ice
- Arctic snow properties from dual frequency airborne radar altimetry and in situ sea ice observations
- Assimilation of satellite sea surface temperature data for a coupled ocean-atmosphere model
- Basal Signatures of Subglacial Impact Structures
- BedMachine Antarctica v1: a new subglacial bed topography and ocean bathymetry dataset of Antarctica combining mass conservation, gravity inversion and streamline diffusion
- Changing Arctic Carbon cycle in the Coastal Ocean Near-shore (CACOON): a new project on the changing Arctic coast
- Changing Arctic Sea-ice Thickness observed by Radar Altimetry
- Circumpolar mapping of permafrost temperature and thaw depth in the ESA Permafrost CCI project
- Climate Warming Accelerated by Abrupt Permafrost Thaw Beneath Lakes
- Coastal Changes on a Pan-Arctic Scale - Update of the Arctic Coastal Dynamics Database
- Constraining the Englacial and Basal Thermal State Beneath the Dome Fuji Region, East Antarctica Using Airborne Radar Sounding Data
- Contribution of insolation and CO<SUB>2</SUB> to the evolution of Northern Hemisphere Ice sheets during the past 800,000 years
- Coordinated Global High Resolution Climate Modelling - PRIMAVERA and CMIP6 HighResMIP
- Cycling of REE and Nd isotopes between the Atlantic and the Celtic Sea
- Deep water variability on the Southern Agulhas Plateau over the past 1.5 Ma
- Development and evaluation of Proxy Surrogate Reconstructions as a tool for characterizing Common Era climate variability.
- Digital storytelling - using multi-media tools to explore transformation processes in Arctic permafrost landscapes
- Disentangling pathways of warm Atlantic inflow to the 79-North Glacier with Lagrangian trajectories in a high resolution ocean model
- Drift bodies in the Prydz Bay Region - a tool to understand the interplay of Antarctic currents and warm and cold periods
- Dynamic Changes of Soil Carbon Storage from the Last Glacial Maximum until Present
- Effects of CryoSat-2 Processing Techniques on Modeled Ice Dynamics in a Large Alaskan Mountain Glacier
- Expert Assessment of Organic Carbon Stocks and Vulnerability in Subsea Permafrost
- Exploitation, assessment, and gap analysis of the existing Arctic observing systems under the INTAROS project: method and first results
- First observations of Arctic summer sea ice thickness from Cryosat-2
- Freshwater long-chain alkenones in surface sediments from Northern Siberian lakes: Occurrence and temperature calibration
- GRACE and CryoSat-2 Combination for a High-Resolution Ice-sheet Mass Balance in Antarctica
- Geochemistry of Romanian cave bat guano as a proxy for Holocene climate
- Glacial AMOC Stability: Pathway to understand abrupt glacial climate shifts
- Glacio-marine sedimentation related to the glacier activity in the continental slope and rise to the east of Pennell-Iselin Banks in the Ross Sea.
- High P-Wave Speeds in the Upper Mantle and Their Possible Association with Super Plumes
- High-resolution Records of Major Element Ratios for the Plio-/Pleistocene at the Agulhas Plateau: Implications for Orbital Variations in Sediment Provenance, the Formation of Seismic Reflectors and Deep Water Flow Changes
- How often do we have multilayer clouds in the Arctic? Classification of multilayer clouds in Ny-Alesund using an one-year dataset of radiosonde and radar data.
- Hydroclimate of the Last Interglacial, from models and proxies
- IBCSO V2.0: Progress to a new bathymetry off Antarctica
- Impact of Sea Ice Thickness and Freeboard Products on Performance of Seasonal Forecasts
- Impact of snow properties on the regional model simulations of present-day Arctic climate
- Impacts of Permafrost Disturbance on DOC, Total Dissolved Solids and Suspended Sediment in Low Arctic Coastal Catchments
- Including microbial dynamics is essential for modelling Arctic methane emissions
- Inland dynamic changes of Zachariæ Isstrøm, Northeast Greenland
- Insensitivity of alkenone carbon isotopes to CO<SUB>2</SUB> at low to moderate atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> levels
- Interoperability and Reproducibility through FAIR-aligned Best Practices - an ocean exemplar of a development hub for archiving and expanding best practices
- Investigation of Polar Low Formation and Development over the Nordic Sea: Synergetic approach using the Arctic System Reanalysis, Microwave Satellites and Radiative Transfer Simulations
- Iron Released by Ash Alteration in Sediments of the Hikurangi Margin Potentially Consumes Methane beneath the Sulfate-Methane Transition
- Land Cover Validation across the Northern Treeline Ecotone, Siberia
- Late Quaternary dynamics of the Southern Westerlies over southern South America and link to paleoceanographic changes in the South Pacific
- Long-Term Recovery of Life in the Chicxulub Crater
- Mid-Holocene paleoclimate records derived from fossil giant clam shells (Tridacna squamoza) from the Java Sea
- Modeling the future evolution of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet under enhanced oceanic thermal forcing using newly combined melt rate parameterizations
- Modeling the response of Greenland outlet glaciers to ocean forcing over the next century
- Modeling the response of Northwest Greenland to enhanced ocean thermal forcing and subglacial discharge
- Modelling submarine permafrost extent and development at the circum-Arctic scale
- Monitoring and modelling the evolution of ice-rich peat plateaus and palsas in Northern Norway
- Multi Proxy Approach in Understanding Submarine Groundwater Discharge in the Tropical Unconfined Aquifers of South West Coast of India
- Ocean Warming Drives Increased Mass Loss at 79 North Glacier, Northeast Greenland
- Ocean energy backscatter parametrizations on unstructured grids
- Once Upon a Time... A Scientific Fairy Tale - Explaining Ocean Research to Children and Adults
- Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Storage Along a Thermokarst Lake Sequence on the Arctic Coastal Plain of Northern Alaska
- Pathways and fates of the warm Atlantic Intermediate Water toward 79NG Glacier Northeast Greenland
- Post-LGM ice sheet dynamics in the southern Weddell Sea, Antarctica
- Present observational capacities in the Arctic with the focus on European observational networks. Maturity assessment from INTAROS H2020 project.
- Processes determining the morphology of ice-shelf channels in Antarctica
- Project and Community Management in Polar Sciences - Challenges and Opportunities
- Quantifying methane ebullition from northern lakes with space-borne synthetic aperture radar (SAR)
- Quantifying post-depositional snow-air water isotope exchange using laboratory experiments and in-situ observations from the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Rates of coastal destruction in areas of tabular ground ice occurrence in the western Russian Arctic
- Real time monitoring of snow depth and ice thickness by SIMBA ice mass balance buoys deployed in the Arctic Ocean during 2018 field expeditions
- Reconstructing Arctic Ocean salinity with hydrogen isotopes in palmitic acid
- Reframing the Polar Southern Ocean Carbon Cycle
- Revisiting how Water Isotopes in Ice Cores Record the Climate Signal
- SST-based evidence for a warm southern Caribbean during the Little Ice Age
- Seismological Evidence for an Asthenospheric Connection between La Réunion Plume and the Central Indian Ridge
- Simulating Ice-rich Permafrost Landscapes under Climate Change with Laterally Coupled Tiles in a Land Surface Model
- Slope instability and glacial overprint at the northern Svalbard margin
- Snapshot-records from bivalves reveal seasonal changes in Eurasian paleohydrology
- Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Ocean Iron Fertilization and CO<SUB>2</SUB> drawdown during the Last Glacial Termination
- Terrestrial Vegetation Change in the Eastern Pamir Mountains, Tajikistan, Inferred from Lake Karakul Pollen Spectra
- The 2018 OUTREACH Expedition as a case study bridging the science-policy boundary to foster international collaborations, identify priorities and enhance pan-Arctic connectivity
- The Arctic Permafrost Geospatial Center - a portal for high-quality open access scientific data related to permafrost in the Arctic
- The First Northern Hemisphere High-Resolution Holocene Methane Record Reveals a Centennial Variability
- The Fractional Energy Balance Equation and the Unity of Externally Forced and Internal Variability
- The Southern Ocean's role in rising CO<SUB>2</SUB> and melting glaciers
- The challenge of spatio-temporal variability of processes across Antarctic ice-bed-ocean interfaces: past evolution of Antarctic sensitivity to climatic conditions
- The climate change impact on the Eastern Atlantic coastal low-level wind jets
- The importance of soil moisture for permafrost modeling
- The influence of vegetation on shallow soil and air temperature coupling: a Pan-Arctic data synthesis
- The interlinked Cenozoic evolution of ocean circulation patterns and Antarctic ice sheets from paleobathymetric grids of the Southern Ocean
- The nature and origin of the 85°E Ridge at 2°N. A hotspot track?
- Using the CESM large ensemble to explore sea ice conditions possible during the MOSAiC field experiment
- Utilising Wireless Sensor Technologies in Glaciology
- Volcanic flux variations along the Hawaiian hotspot track: plume pulsations vs. plume-lithosphere interaction
- <SUP>231</SUP>Pa/<SUP>230</SUP>Th Fractionation From Sediment Resuspension in Benthic Nepheloid Layers
- A Refined Model On The Indian-Antarctic Breakup
- A circumpolar view of Subantarctic iron fertilization over the last ice age
- An emerging international network focused on permafrost coastal systems in transition
- Antarctic Ice Sheet response to topography-guided warm water intrusions into ice-shelf cavities
- Anthropogenic iron in the atmosphere and its effect on marine primary production
- Arctic Deltas: Carbon and nitrogen rich deposits in a dynamic permafrost landscape
- Arctic sea-ice concentration during warm climates: Insights from biomarker proxy records and model simulations
- Basal hydrology of fast Greenlandic glacier captured using passive seismic network
- Breaking the ice: major Laurentide ice sheet control on ocean circulation and climate during the last 21 ka
- Carbon degradation and CO<SUB>2</SUB> production within onshore and nearshore zones of eroding permafrost coasts
- Controls of Atlantic Water supply toward the 79N Glacier in Northeast Greenland
- Current limitations of signal separation over ice sheets using satellite gravimetry, satellite altimetry, and firn-process modeling
- Deep glacial troughs and stabilizing ridges hidden beneath the ice around the coast of Antarctica
- Development and evaluation of Proxy Surrogate Reconstructions as a tool for characterizing Common Era AMOC variability.
- Diverse temperate rainforests near the Late Cretaceous South Pole
- Dynamical unity of "Alaskan-type" and "Svalbard-type" glacier surges
- Dynamics of Africa 75 Ma: from plate kinematic reconstructions to intraplate paleo-stresses
- Effect of Wind Speed and Leads on Clear-Sky Cooling over Arctic Sea Ice during Polar Night
- Evolving approaches for streamlining access to biology and ecosystem observations to support the objectives of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
- Examining Environmental Gradients in permafrost regions - achievements of the ESA DUE GlobPermafrost project and first results from ESA CCI+ Permafrost
- Exploring Ice-Covered Oceans, Top to Bottom: Experiences in the Arctic with NUI(5k)
- From ICESat to ICESat-2 via IceBridge: New Insights into a Changing Sea Ice Cover
- High Potential for Loss of Circumpolar Pingos, Ice-wedge Polygons and Rock Glaciers due to Climate Change
- IBCSO V2.0: An updated Antarctic bathymetry product of Seabed 2030
- Ice-shelf stability in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica
- Icebergs at the Agulhas Plateau through the Pleistocene: Accumulation, Provenance, and Interpretation of Ice-Rafted Debris
- Importance of cross-border team science in permafrost research for risk mitigation
- Increased contribution of the southern sourced water to the equatorial Indian Ocean during the glacial intervals
- Inter-annual Variability of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> Fluxes of a Polygonal Tundra Landscape in the Siberian Arctic
- Intermediate Water Dynamics at the Indian-Atlantic Ocean Gateway During the Pliocene Inferred from Opal Accumulation and Diatom Assemblages at IODP Site U1475
- Interoperability Across Ocean Research Infrastructures Through Use Of Ocean Best Practices
- Investigating the Dynamics of the Pacific Antarctic Circumpolar Current - Initial Results from International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 383 (DYNAPACC)
- Investigating the Relationship between IPDPs and Pi1B Waves
- Local and Temporal Variability of Biogeochemical Trace Metal Cycling in Marine Surface Sediments
- Long-term monitoring of permafrost degradation documents two forms of landscape response
- Magneto-biostratigraphic integration of Neogene sequences from the subantarctic Pacific Ocean: Initial results from IODP Exp. 383
- Microbial Carbon Degradation Processes in Thermokarst Lake Sediments from Bykovsky Peninsula, Northern Siberia
- Microbial Sediment Community Changes from the Last Glacial Maximum to Modern beneath the Ross Sea
- Millennial-Scale Changes in Benthic Foraminifera Stable Carbon Isotope Gradients in the Western Equatorial Atlantic
- Modeling Asian monsoon precipitation climatology: Representation of air-sea interactions over the tropical Indian Ocean
- Modelled and observed changes of the northeast Greenland Ice stream (NEGIS) Greenland
- Modelling Projection of North Pacific Intermediate Water Evolution since Yr 1850 to near Future
- Morphological and Structural Analysis of Large- and Small-Scale Erosional and Depositional Features Along the Argentine/Uruguayan Margin
- NUNATARYUK: Permafrost Thaw and the Changing Arctic Coast - Science for Socio-Economic Adaptation
- New magnetic and gravity views of Precambrian and Pan-African age crustal features between the Shackleton Range and Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica
- New observations of late summer bio-physical ice and snow conditions in the northwestern Weddell Sea
- North Pacific Mid-Depth and Deep Water Ventilation During the Last Glacial Cycle: Circulation Patterns and Source Variations
- Northern Hemisphere biome changes (>30°N) since 40 cal ka BP and their driving factors inferred from model-data comparisons
- Ocean properties and Antarctic cryosphere dynamics during the early and middle Miocene: results from the IODP Expedition 374 (Ross Sea)
- Out-of-Phase relationship between the summer and winter monsoon variations during the early Holocene
- Parametrization of Turbulent Fluxes over Leads in Sea Ice in a Non-Eddy-Resolving Small-Scale Atmosphere Model
- Peering beneath the East Antarctic Ice Sheet with recent aerogeophysical imaging: the hidden secrets of the Pensacola Pole Basin and its basement disclosed
- Permafrost Discovery Gateway: A web platform to enable discovery and knowledge-generation of permafrost Big Imagery products
- Projections of Antarctic ice sheet evolution over the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century from the Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison for CMIP6 (ISMIP6)
- Records of seasonal rainfall inferred from δ<SUP>13</SUP>Cand δ<SUP>15</SUP>N of Romanian cave bat guano
- Reduced winter off-road tundra travel under climate change
- Remote Sensing approaches for assessing vegetation stocks and short-term fluxes in the Sub-Arctic permafrost landscape of the Lena River Delta (Siberia)
- Seasonal and interannual characteristics of supra-glacial lake formation on Nioghalvfjerdsbrae (79 glacier) in northeast Greenland
- Seasonal changes in snow properties from passive and active microwave satellite observations: A conceptual model.
- Sedimentary perspectives of Pleistocene ocean circulation and climate change from the southernmost Chilean continental margin
- Seismic observations of an active detachment faulting system beneath the Longqi hydrothermal field at the ultraslow spreading Southwest Indian Ridge
- Sensitivity and impact of the ionospheric kappa-correction on radio occultation climatologies
- Sensitivity of submarine melting of 79<SUP>o</SUP>N glacier to ocean forcing
- Snowmelt-Albedo Feedback: How Does It Impact Antarctic Surface Melt Rates?
- Status of GFŹs GRACE-FO RL06 Level-2 and Level-3 Data
- Surface and deep-water variability on the southern Agulhas Plateau: Interhemispheric links over the past 2 Ma
- Tasman Leakage: the missing link in AMOC
- Tectonic, Oceanographic, and Climatic Controls on the Cretaceous-Cenozoic Sedimentary Record of the Australian-Antarctic Basin
- The Rio Grande Rise - a detached microcontinent or a large igneous province?
- The StratoClim Asian Monsoon Aircraft Campaign: Instrumentation, Measurement Flights, and Major Scientific Results
- The impact of depositional conditions and seafloor structures on trace metal cycling in continental margin sediments
- Topographic Shelf Waves Control Seasonal Melting Near Antarctic Ice Shelf Grounding Lines
- Tracing Unstable Marine-Based Sectors of the Antarctic Ice Sheet during Late Pleistocene Warm Times
- Vibroseis on ice: An overview of high fold seismic reflection data with case studies from Antarctica and Svalbard
- West Antarctic Ice Sheet and Ocean Dynamics in the Outer Amundsen Sea: Initial Results from IODP Expedition 379
- Which Assembly Rules drive Biodiversity Patterns in Diatoms? A Study on Recent and Ancient Sedimentary DNA from Arctic Lakes
- Widespread Arctic lead pollution since 1000 BCE documents ancient and medieval European lead-silver smelting, major historical events, and northern-hemisphere Industrialization
- 1.3 Ma record of export production at the Pacific entrance to the Drake Passage
- A Quantitative Graph-Based Assessment of Ice-Wedge Trough Dynamics in Polygonal Thermokarst Landscapes of the Anaktuvuk River Fire Scar
- A pan-Arctic initiative on the spatial and temporal dynamics of Arctic coasts
- A-TRAIN instruments characteristics' influence on derived Cloud Radiative Effect
- An Update on the Seismicity on Mars as seen from InSight
- An analysis of temperature trends conducive to chemical loss of ozone in the Arctic stratosphere: are the coldest Arctic winters getting colder?
- Anthropogenic Increase and Interannual Coupling of Atmosphere and Uppermost Ocean Heat Content over 1979 to 2018
- Bathymetric models and their limitations beneath the ice shelves of Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica.
- Challenging model-based forecasts of the sea-ice edge with a spatial probabilistic approach to damped anomaly persistence
- Comparing SHEBA and MOSAiC Observations of the Seasonal Evolution of Arctic Sea Ice Albedo
- Comparison of in situ ground temperatures and active layer depths with the ESA CCI+ Permafrost Mean Annual Temperature and Active Layer Thickness products
- Consistent comparison of full-Stokes and higher-order approximation in the central North East Greenland Ice Stream
- Correlation between seepage activity and micro seismicity on the Vestnesa Ridge, NW- Svalbard continental margin
- Developing Artificial Intelligence methods for addressing major challenges in cryosphere research: The AI-CORE project
- ESM-Tools Version 5.0: A modular infrastructure for stand-alone and coupled Earth System Modelling (ESM)
- Effect of Regional Forcing on Fault-related Seepage off West-Svalbard
- Effect of a warm air masses in April on the snowpack properties of the MOSAiC floe
- Estimating the Rate of Change of Stratospheric Ozone using Deep Neural Networks
- Estimating the Terrestrial Ecosystem CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux Budget for the Arctic-boreal Zone Using a Synthesis of Field Observations and Statistical Upscaling
- Evaluation of global ocean-sea-ice model simulations based on the experimental protocols of the Ocean Model Intercomparison Project phase 2 (OMIP-2)
- Evolution of the winter mixed layer observed during MOSAiC
- First Ocean Bottom Seismometer network underneath the ice-covered Arctic Ocean: Operational challenges and chances for monitoring the state of the sea ice cover
- FluxWIN - The role of non-growing season processes in the methane and nitrous oxide budgets in pristine northern ecosystems
- From Universities to Farming and Beyond: Institutional Carbon Management as a New Tool serving Mitigation and Adaptation
- From snowflake to ice core - what processes are influencing the climate signal in the water isotopic composition of the snow from it is deposited to it becomes buried?
- Glacial-to-interglacial fire-vegetation-climate feedbacks during marine isotope stages 11 and 12: a multi-fire proxy study using sediments of Lake El'gygytgyn, NE Siberia
- How do Atmospheric Rivers contribute to Arctic precipitation? - Lessons learned from field campaigns
- IPCC Sixth Assessment approaches towards FAIR data and an enhanced data reuse
- Ice core studies of autumn-to-spring sea ice evolution at the MOSAiC floe
- Ice flow and the conditions of the ice-bed interface at the onset of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream
- IceBird summer sea ice thickness at the end of the Transpolar Drift from 2001 to 2020
- Impact of sea-ice model complexity on the performance of an unstructured-grid sea-ice/ocean model under different atmospheric forcing
- Impacts of anthropogenic emissions on tropospheric reactive chlorine: Implications for Greenland ice core records of chlorine
- Indonesian Throughflow and Leeuwin Current dynamics in the Plio-Pleistocene
- Inferring Ice Fabric Anisotropy Using Polarimetric Radar in Different Flow Regimes
- Insights Into Fire-based Soil Temperature and Moisture Changes From a Long-term Data Set in Alaska
- Insights into the origins, molecular characteristics and distribution of iron-binding ligands in the Arctic Ocean
- Insights on Snow/Ice Radar Backscatter using the KuKa Radar during MOSAiC
- Integrating variable traits and inheritance into the individual-based model LAVESI for evaluation of their importance for larch forest performance under future adverse conditions
- Ionospheric plasma density oscillation related to EMIC Pc1 waves
- Iron Dynamics during Thermokarst Processes in the Yedoma Domain and Implications for Interactions between Iron and Organic Carbon
- Ku- and Ka-band Radar Penetration and Scattering - Altimetric Measurements over Evolving Snow and Sea Ice during MOSAiC
- Ku- and Ka-band Radar Signatures Of Winter Snow-Covered Sea Ice: Observations from the 2019-2020 MOSAiC International Arctic Drift Expedition
- Large Eddy Simulations of the Arctic atmospheric boundary layer around the MOSAiC drift track
- Life cycle and properties of snow and sea ice in the Arctic transpolar drift during MOSAiC
- Linking Sea Ice Deformation to Ice Thickness Redistribution Using High-Resolution Satellite Radar and Airborne Ice Thickness Observations
- Lithospheric Strength and Rift Migration controls on Syn-rift Stratigraphy and Breakup Unconformities at Rifted Margins
- MOSAiC's Pan Arctic Water Isotope Network: Sea ice-ocean-atmosphere interactions observed with water vapor isotope measurements from land and an icebreaker
- More methane : making the case for explicitly modelling microtopography in permafrost landscapes
- Opposite Dust Grain Size Patterns in the Pacific and Atlantic Sectors of the Southern Ocean During the Last 260,000 Years
- Origin of Tropospheric Air Masses in the Tropical West Pacific identified by Balloon-borne Ozone and Water Vapor Measurements from Palau
- Permafrost region disturbances in space and time: a pan-arctic perspective
- Platelet Ice under Arctic Pack Ice in Winter
- Plume-lithosphere Interaction beneath southwestern Africa - Insights from Rayleigh Wave Tomography
- Polarized ambient noise on Mars
- Pollen archives reveal convergence of terrestrial and marine climate variability over centennial to millennial timescales in the Holocene
- Probing the atmosphere-driven ground motion through comodulation at InSight, Mars
- Process-oriented study on events of unusual winter time CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes at the Bayelva site, Spitsbergen
- Project SynopSys: Exploiting Synoptic Events during MOSAiC to enable improved Forecast Reliability in the coupled Troposphere-Stratosphere System
- Projections of Arctic Coastal Erosion Rates in CMIP6 Climate Scenarios
- Quantifying the ocean carbon sink for 1994-2007: Combined evidence from multiple methods
- Radiative effect of clouds at the Arctic site Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard
- Regional Patterns and Temporal Evolution of Ocean Iron Fertilization and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Drawdown during the Last Glacial Termination
- Regional and Global Temperature Projections using the Fractional Energy Balance Equation
- Remote Sensing approaches for assessing vegetation carbon stocks and fluxes in the Lena River Delta (Northern Yakutia, Russia)
- Remote Sensing of Sea Ice on the MOSAiC Ice Floe
- Retrieval of Sea Ice Surface Melt Using OLCI Data Onboard Sentinel-3
- Satellite-based estimates of glacier mass change in High Mountain Asia since the 1960s
- Sea Ice Deformation at MOSAiC
- Significantly reduced equatorward bias of Southern Hemisphere mid-latitude westerlies in CMIP6 compared to CMIP5
- Simulated vs. reconstructed Last Glacial Maximum surface conditions: impact on oxygen isotopes in ice cores, speleothems and precipitation
- Simulating Miocene warmth: insights from an opportunistic Multi-Model ensemble (MioMIP1)
- Simulating spatio-temporal dynamics of tundra loss caused by the advancing latitudinal treeline in Siberia
- Snow Accumulation and Redistribution Patterns in the Central Arctic
- Snow depth on the MOSAiC floe from autumn to spring: Continuous point measurements vs. weekly snow distributions
- Southern Ocean pH Reconstructions over the Last Glacial Gycle and Implications for the Mechanism of Glacial CO<SUB>2</SUB> Drawdown
- Springtime observations of ice nucleating particles (INP) above Arctic sea ice during MOSAiC
- Storylines of plausible future climates for recent European heatwaves.
- Structure of Arctic Cyclones During MOSAiC and Their Surface Impacts
- Studying the relationship between substorm-onset related Pi1Bs and IPDP-type EMIC waves
- Subglacial geology and tectonics of the Dome F Region, Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica
- Subjecting permafrost microorganisms to short-term warming
- Subsea Permafrost Carbon Stocks and Climate Change Sensitivity Estimated by Expert Assessment
- Sulfur-Oxidizing Microbial Mats Affect Sulfur and Nitrogen Cycling in the Santa Barbara Basin
- Surface Melting Drives Fluctuations in Airborne Radar Penetration in West Central Greenland
- Temporal evolution of Arctic sea ice surface temperature and thin ice types from airborne thermal infrared imaging during the winter 2019/2020 MOSAiC expedition
- Temporal variations of CryoSat-2 and ICESat-2 sea ice freeboard around SIMBA buoys of MOSAiC campaign
- The Arctic Permafrost Geospatial Center - a portal for high-quality open access scientific permafrost datasets
- The Effects of Non-Normal Flow Rules on Fracture Angles in Viscous-Plastic Sea Ice Models
- The Impact of Bottom Water Temperature on Glacial Retreat and Methane Release in Storfjorden Trough, NW Barents Sea
- The MOSAiC ROV Program: One Year of Comprehensive Under-Ice Observations
- The MOSAiC floe: From its origin to Fram Strait - Ice conditions at the beginning and end of the expedition
- The Permafrost Discovery Gateway: A web platform to enable knowledge-generation from big geospatial data
- The Pliocene sedimentary record offshore the Amundsen Sea, West Antarctica: initial results from IODP Expedition 379
- The Scotia Sea Magnetic Susceptibility Record: Coupling of the Deep Ocean and Atmosphere?
- The West Antarctic Ice Sheet Response to Tropical Forcing
- The role of non-growing season emissions of greenhouse gases in annual budgets along a moisture gradient in boreal Finland
- The subglacial lake at Russell Glacier catchment, West Greenland, that wasn't there
- The ultraslow spreading Knipovich Ridge: Mechanisms of melt focusing and segmentation
- Thermokarst Landscape Evolution Recorded by n-Alkanes in a Deep Sediment Core from Bykovsky Peninsula, Northeast Siberia
- Thermokarst primes subsea permafrost degradation and coastal change
- Thermomechanical Properties of the Shallow Martian Regolith
- Time-Scale Reliability and Climate Features in a Network of East Antarctic Water Isotope Records
- Towards a physics-based parameterization of pan-Arctic shoreline erosion
- Towards panarctic mapping of drained lake basins in permafrost regions
- Understanding Microphysical Processes in Arctic Mixed-Phase Clouds from Balloon-Borne Holographic Instrument
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- Using space borne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) to detect superseeps in Alaskan lakes
- Warm air intrusions and surface melt over sea ice from MOSAiC during spring 2020
- Wideband Microwave Radiometry for the Retrieval of Arctic Sea Ice Physical Properties in the MOSAiC Campaign
- Winter (sub)mesoscale variability in the central Arctic Ocean : eddy observations and modeling during the MOSAiC drift.
- Winter sea ice and snow mass balance from repeated transects in MOSAiC Central Observatory
- Winter thermohaline variability of the upper central Arctic Ocean: observational results from the MOSAiC Distributed Network and Central Observatory in Leg 1
- Working towards a reliable snowfall estimate on Central Arctic sea ice
- Year-round Satellite Multi Frequency Synthetic Aperture Radar Observations During the MOSAiC Expedition
- A Eulerian Iceberg Module for the MITgcm
- A user-friendly, multi-parameter protocol for monitoring permafrost thaw
- AMOC variability and watermass transformations in the AWI climate model
- ASOPOS (Assessment of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for OzoneSondes) 2.0: Measurement Principles and Best Operational Practices for Ozonesondes
- Above Ground biomass stocks, pool ages and fluxes in the largest arctic delta, the Lena Delta in Siberia
- Aligning many centers - insights from the initiation phase of the Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks Roadmap process
- Annual Dynamics of Retrogressive Thaw Slumps across NE Siberia with LandTrendr
- Antiphased dust deposition and productivity in the Antarctic Zone over the past 1.5 million years
- Application of machine learning to quantify CaCO3 and TOC from XRF spectrum
- Atmospheric Structure and Processes Associated with Significant, Multi-disciplinary, Environmental Transitions in the Central Arctic
- Atmospheric processes affecting methane on Mars
- Back-arc extension of the Central Bransfield Basin induced by ridgetrench collision: Implications from ambient noise tomography
- Changes of water isotopes in Arctic Sea ice, Ocean and atMosphere (CiASOM)
- Characterization of Holocene vegetation variability in the Northern Hemisphere
- Constraining Pacific Antarctic Circumpolar Current dynamics across the Plio-Pleistocene using organic geochemical biomarker proxies from IODP Expedition 383 Site U1540
- Constraining global, long-term variations of the geomagnetic field by multi-proxy data
- Constraining the Effects of Nepheloid Layers on 230Th-Normalization and 231Pa/230Th
- Depositional history of the West Antarctic continental margin off Marie Byrd Land and the implication for a dynamic West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Developing Multi-Proxy Reconstructions of Surface Seawater Temperature and Carbonate Chemistry from Corals in the Southwest Pacific
- Development of Williams Ridge (Kerguelen Plateau) and Broken Ridge: Tectonics, Hotspot Magmatism, Microcontinents, and Australias Extended Continental Shelf
- Ensemble data assimilation in a 3D unstructured grid ocean model with application to typhoon study
- Estimating Ice Discharge at Greenland's Three Largest Outlet Glaciers Using Local Bedrock Uplift
- Evaluating a deep-learning approach for mapping retrogressive thaw slumps across the Arctic
- Evaluating high-resolution regional earth system model for the representation of hydro-climatic variables and drought over India
- Evaluating the Effects of Tundra Fires on Soil Microtopography and Hydrologic Surface Networks in Polygonal Permafrost Landscapes
- Evidence from ice cores for an ancient extreme solar particle event hitting Earth during a solar minimum
- From Bright Windows to Dark Spots: The Evolution of Melt Pond Optical Properties During Refreezing
- Gas compositions and origins of greenhouse gas in permafrost ice wedges at Batagaika megaslump, Yana Uplands, Northeast Siberia.
- Glacial Deposited Sediments: Evidence for Ice Sheets along Northern Rim of Beringia
- Glacial deposits on the Siberian termination of the Lomonosov Ridge hints for a 1 km thick pan-Arctic ice shelf?
- Glacial-interglacial variations in productivity and carbonate deposition in the Northwest Pacific during the last 500,000 years
- Global mineral dust simulations with ECHAM6.3-HAM2.3 for pre-industrial and last glacial maximum climate conditions using different sea surface temperature reconstructions
- Harmonious thickness, surface roughness, and radar backscatter from a wide spectrum of winter sea ice conditions in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
- High geothermal heat flow in the Amundsen Sea sector of West Antarctica derived from Curie depth analysis of a new aeromagnetic grid compilation
- How to discover an unknown mega-landslide in the Siberian far-east
- IODP Expedition 377: Arctic Ocean Paleoceanography (ArcOP) - Toward a Continuous Cenozoic Record from a Greenhouse to an Icehouse Earth
- Impact of horizontal resolution on global ocean-sea-ice model simulations based on the experimental protocols of the Ocean Model Intercomparison Project phase 2 (OMIP-2).
- Impact of sea ice cover and redox conditions on microbial communities in Antarctic shelf sediments
- Impact of the Anthropogenic Climate Change on Climate Variability in Antarctica
- Impacts of Anthropogenic Emissions on Tropospheric Reactive Bromine since the Preindustrial
- Improved estimates of preindustrial biomass burning reduce the magnitude of aerosol climate forcing in the Southern Hemisphere
- Indications for an Extended Warm Period During the Pliocene: Results from IODP Expedition 379 Drilling Records and Seismic Correlation in the Amundsen Sea Sector, West Antarctica.
- Influence of bottom currents on morpho-sedimentary features along the northern Argentine margin shows the erosive power of the Malvinas Current
- Intercomparison of sea-ice edge between various satellite and analysis products
- Investigating Tropical Indian Ocean marine heatwaves and its drivers: Regional Earth System model assessment for CORDEX-SA
- Kilometer-scale digital elevation models of the sea ice surface during MOSAiC with Airborne Laserscanning (ALS)
- Kinetic Isotopic Fractionation of Methane enclosed in Arctic Sea Ice during strong Freeze
- Land temperature variability driven by oceans at millennial timescales
- Light transmission through different sea ice types under melting and freezing conditions (MOSAiC 2020)
- Metagenome-assembled genomes from active layer in Ny Alesund, Svalbard (79N) show population dynamics related to seasonal thawing and soil depth
- Methane Emissions from Northern Wetlands During the Holocene : A Synthesis Approach to Account for Wetland Expansion and Fen-Bog-Permafrost Transitions
- Monitoring and modelling of the critical balance between biomass and biodiversity in the development of the northern treeline using drone monitoring and earth observation in Siberia (BioS).
- Monitoring the human footprint across the Arctic coastal region in the context of climate change impact assessment
- New Considerations on the Marine 18O Record as an Indicator of Continental Ice Volume
- New detailed bathymetry data from Amundsen Sea continental shelf reveal more comprehensive paleo ice flow pattern
- News from the Pan-Arctic Initiative on the Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Arctic Coasts
- North Pacific Sea Surface Temperature Variability and Its Response to Global Climate Change Through the Past 150 ka.
- Northern Hemisphere blocking simulation in current climate models: evaluating progress from CMIP5 to CMIP6 and sensitivity to resolution
- Numerical modelling of pan-arctic erosion using globally-available forcing data
- Observing the Relationship Between Freeboard, Snow Depth, and Sea-Ice Thickness: Recent Advances in the AWI IceBird Campaigns
- Ocean InfoHub: A Global Knowledge Network for the Ocean Data and Information System (ODIS)
- On snow modelling in the Arctic
- Optical Characterization and Seasonal Changes of Dissolved Organic Matter in the Central Arctic Water and Sea Ice.
- Optimizing Dual-Band Satellite Altimetry to Map Declining Arctic Sea Ice
- Palaeoceanographic changes due to the postglacial opening of Vilkitsky Strait - connecting Kara and Laptev seas
- Participation of Early Career Researchers in Group Reviews of the IPCC Reports: Outcomes and Lessons Learned.
- Permafrost thaw and coastal erosion between 1950 and 2100 at three coastal communities in Arctic Alaska, past observations and future projections
- Persistent, three-fold higher black carbon concentrations over the northern Antarctic Peninsula and Southern Ocean following late 13th C Maori settlement of New Zealand
- Plume spreading test case for ocean models
- Polar Firn Climate Archive, Low Pass Filter or Black Box?
- Quantifying Atmospheric Boundary Layer, Low-level Jet, and Temperature Inversion Characteristics in the Central Arctic during the MOSAiC Expedition using sUAS and Radiosonde Profiles
- Recent July 2019 European heatwave in a warmer climate: Storyline scenarios with a coupled model using spectral nudging.
- Reconstruction of Iron Sources and Diagenesis in Chilean Margin Sediments over Glacial-Interglacial Cycles
- Reducing uncertainty in simulations of thaw in ice-rich permafrost
- Regional Antarctic Ice Sheet Acceleration from Satellite Gravimetry
- Remote sensing of snow on sea ice from satellite and on-ice microwave radiometers
- Retrieval of Antarctic sea ice surface melt using Sentinel-3 satellite data
- Sea ice controls on the Arctic hydrological cycle: Observational evidence from MOSAiCs Arctic Water Isotope Network (AWIN)
- Seasonal Progression of Radiation Fluxes during the Spring-Summer Transition in 2020
- Shell growth of A. islandica reveals depth-dependent temperature variability
- Snow, ridges, and meltwater in a younger Arctic icepack: the influence of locally varying processes on the thermodynamic mass balance of first- and second-year ice
- Spatial variability and evolution of sea ice permeability on the MOSAiC central floe from autumn to spring: Biogeochemistry research sites
- Spatiotemporal evolution of melt ponds in the Arctic: MOSAiC observations and model results
- Structure of the Knipovich Ridge Based on Seismic Investigations Projects KNIPAS & KNIPSEIS
- Surface Temperatures of Coastal Rock Walls in the High Arctic (Kongsfjorden, Svalbard)
- Temporal and spatial variability in Ku- and Ka-band radar interactions with snow-covered sea ice from MOSAiC: KuKa data and implications for interpretation of satellite radar altimetry data
- Ten years of Arctic summer sea ice thickness from CryoSat-2
- The Permafrost Discovery Gateway
- The eastern Rio Grande Rise: a magmatic province
- The future of community- and policy- relevant thermokarst research: Lessons learned and a call to action
- The interior of Mars as seen by InSight
- The seasonal contrast of aerosols that can seed ice formation in central Arctic clouds
- Turbulent Transport and Convection in a strongly heterogeneous ABL: Evaluation of Turbulence Closures using Airborne Measurements over Sea Ice Leads
- Using a Layer-based Model Parameterization to Globally Invert 2D Electrical Resistivity Data from Submarine Permafrost Environments
- Verifying Glacial-Interglacial Cycles in the Pleistocene Drillcore Sequence from IODP Site U1532, Amundsen Sea, Antarctica
- A Regional Earth System Modelling Framework over CORDEX-SA: Indian summer monsoon study
- A Year-Round Satellite Sea Ice Thickness Record from CryoSat-2
- A model-data comparison of the hydrological response to Miocene warmth: leveraging the MioMIP1 opportunistic multi-model ensemble
- A multi-model comparison of September Arctic sea ice seasonal prediction skill
- Adapting Permafrost Science Use Cases as a Continuous Pipeline with the Clowder Framework
- Advancing paleoclimate reconstructions using proxy system models, theory and statistics
- Assessing Sea Ice Surface Roughness and Thickness in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago Using C-band and L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
- Assessment of permafrost changes in the 21st century in the Alaskan Arctic and Brooks Range
- Benthic Carbon Cycling on the Southern Weddell Sea Shelf
- Circumpolar landcover characterization
- Cloud Macro- and Microphysical Properties as Coupled to Sea Ice Leads During the MOSAiC Expedition.
- Combined GNSS Reflectometry/Refractometry for Continuous In Situ Surface Mass Balance Estimation on an Antarctic Ice Shelf
- Deciphering Isotopic and Glacio-chemical Signals in Firn Cores from a Strongly Maritime, High-accumulation Site on the Antarctic Peninsula
- Derwael Ice Rise: Comparing 3D Modelled Stratigraphy and Observed Internal Radar Horizons to Understand Raymond Arch and Shear Zone Evolution
- Diverse Seafloor Depressions offshore Aotearoa New Zealand - Relict Seeps or Geomorphological Anomalies?
- Dramatic Changes in the Deepwater Circulation of the Southern Ocean since late Miocene
- Drivers, dynamics and impacts of changing Arctic coasts
- Emergence of Low-Frequency Temperature Variability in Instrumental Data and Model Simulations
- Estimation of Spatially and Temporally Varying Biogeochemical Parameters in a Global Ocean Model
- Extensive inland thinning and speed-up of the North-east Greenland Ice Stream
- Feedback processes between boreal permafrost and the below-canopy snow cover phenology
- Future Threats to the Recovery of the Ozone Layer
- Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Speeds Past and Future Arctic Subsea Permafrost Thaw
- Global sensitivity analysis of a one-dimensional ocean biogeochemical model
- HALO-AC3: Airborne Observations of Arctic Clouds in Airmass Transformations
- How Do Early Diagenetic Processes In Arctic Fjord Sediments Change As Glaciers Retreat?
- Increasing Coastal Erosion and its Impact on the Arctic Ocean's Carbon Cycle in the 21st Century
- Inter-comparison of Water Isotope-enabled Models and Reanalysis Nudging Effects
- Intrinsic Low-Frequency Variability of the Mediterranean Sea Circulation Revealed by Multilayer Ocean Model Simulations
- Investigating the Effects of Prescribing Different Sea Surface Temperature Reconstructions on the Climatic Conditions During the Last Glacial Maximum by Simulation
- Living on Frozen Ground as concept for a Shared Arctic Variable
- MIMO-EIS - Moitoring Melt Where Ice Meets Ocean - Cotinuous Observations of Ice-Shelf Basal Melt of Ekström Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- MIS 5e Sea Ice and Paleoceanography in the NW Subpolar Gyre
- Mapping Drained Lake Basins in Permafrost Lowlands on a Circumpolar Scale
- Microbial assemblages and functions along thermokarst lake to lagoon transitions
- Microplastics Research Data: Evaluating the Current State of Findability and Accessibility and Recommendations for Improving Data Sharing
- Permafrost Discovery Gateway - Big geospatial data creation and discovery
- Permafrost and Climate Change: Carbon Cycle Feedbacks From the Warming Arctic
- Polar Firn Properties : Models, Measurements and Effects on Microwave Brightness Temperatures
- Potential Influence of Siberian River Water on Marine and Sea-ice Biology and Biogeochemical Cycles during the MOSAiC Drift Campaign
- Pre-operational ensemble assimilation forecast experiments for the ocean around Taiwan
- Progress in developing Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS): Synthesis of actions and developments recommended by the research community for improving regional observations.
- Receiver Function analysis of noise reduced and sediment corrected OBS data recorded at the ultra-slow spreading Knipovich ridge
- Regional scale patterns of remotely sensed methane hotspots with respect to Arctic lake change and thermokarst geomorphology
- Regional-scale assessment of Holocene lake drainage ages in Arctic permafrost - first results
- Revised Historical Black Carbon Emissions based on Atmospheric Modelling, Ice Core Records and an Inverse Algorithm
- Simulating Soil Respiration Under Seasonal Snow Cover at an Arctic Tundra Site
- Snow Loss into Arctic Sea Ice Leads: Cold Hard Fact or Red Herring?
- Study of Fire Impacts on Siberian Larch Succession using UAV-based LiDAR and Multispectral Imaging: Yakutia, Russia
- The Hybrid Nonlinear-Kalman Ensemble Transform Filter with Adaptivity to System Nonlinearity
- Towards a Deep-Learning based Inventory of Retrogressive Thaw Slumps across the Arctic
- UAV and Sentinel-2 Satellite Based Upscaling of Coloured Dissolved Organic Matter in High Latitude Thermokarst Lakes (Central Yakutia, Lena River Delta, Yamal in Siberia)
- Warming and Thawing Permafrost in Alaska
- Widespread Permafrost Degradation: Updates from Global Terrestrial Network for Permafrost
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. K. Liljedahl
- A. Mittelholz
- Aaquib Javed
- Aditya Kumar Dubey
- Agatha M. de Boer
- Aidan Starr
- Alastair G C Graham
- Alek Petty
- Alex Farnsworth
- Alexander B. Michaud
- Alexandra Runge
- Alice Marzocchi
- Alisa Baranskaya
- Alun Hubbard
- Amber E. Budden
- An-Sheng Lee
- Ana Christina Ravelo
- Ana‐Catalina Plesa
- André Paul
- Andy Aschwanden
- Angela G. Marusiak
- Anna Irrgang
- Annett Bartsch
- Annette Rinke
- Anthony A. P. Koppers
- Arlan Dirkson
- Arttu Jutila
- Attilio Rivoldini
- B. Banerdt
- B. E. Rosenheim
- B. G. Kopec
- Baylor Fox‐Kemper
- Becky Alexander
- Benjamin M. Jones
- Benjamin Rabe
- Benoît Tauzin
- Bernd Zolitschka
- Bimochan Niraula
- Birgit Heim
- Bonnie Light
- Braddock K. Linsley
- Brice Noël
- Brigitte Knapmeyer‐Endrun
- Brooke Medley
- Bryan Davy
- Byron Blomquist
- C. E. Tweedie
- C. Elder
- C. R. Riesselman
- C. S. Siddoway
- C.A. Alvarez Zarikian
- Carsten Lemmen
- Cecilia Durán
- Charles E. Miller
- Charles J. Abolt
- Chloé Michaut
- Chris Polashenski
- Christina Schädel
- Christoph Völker
- Christopher Cox
- Christopher Horvat
- Christopher M. Moy
- Claire C. Treat
- Colin A. Stedmon
- Cécile Agosta
- D. A. Streletskiy
- D. Fils
- D. W. Tarasick
- Daniel J. Lunt
- Daniel Steinhage
- Daniela Jansen
- Daniela Krampe
- Daniele Antonangeli
- Danielle Grant
- Dariusz Wójcik
- David Barriopedro
- David Clemens‐Sewall
- David G. Babb
- David J. Wangner
- David K. Hutchinson
- David M. Lawrence
- David Nielsen
- David R. Thompson
- Davide Faranda
- Denise K. Kulhanek
- Derya Gürer
- Dimitry Sein
- Dmitri Kondrashov
- Dmitry Nicolsky
- Dmitry Sidorenko
- Donald K. Perovich
- Dorothea Bauch
- Doyeon Kim
- E. Povl Abrahamsen
- E. S. Klein
- Ed C Hathorne
- Edward A. G. Schuur
- Edward Blanchard‐Wrigglesworth
- Elizabeth R. Thomas
- Ellen Buckley
- Ellen Damm
- Eric P. Chassignet
- Eric Rignot
- Eugénie Euskirchen
- F. O. Nitsche
- Fabian Wunderlich
- Fausto Ferraccioli
- Florence Magnin
- Florian Mekhaldi
- Florian Schmid
- Foivos Karakostas
- Frank Günther
- Frank Lamy
- Frank Pattyn
- François Massonnet
- Frédéric Castruccio
- Gabriele Arnold
- Gabriele Uenzelmann-Neben
- Gary A. Morris
- Georgi Laukert
- Gijs de Boer
- Gisela Winckler
- Guido Grosse
- Gunnar Spreen
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- Gökhan Danabasoglu
- H. Rauer
- Hajo Eicken
- Hannes Konrad
- Hans Burchard
- Harry Heorton
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- Ian Robert Hall
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- Janosch Michaelis
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- Joeran Maerz
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- Kristen St. John
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- Lara F. Pérez
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- Nabir Mamnun
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- Olaf Eisen
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- Sabine Eckhardt
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- Sascha Brune
- Scott M. McLennan
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- Shfaqat Abbas Khan
- Shumenghui Zhai
- Simon C. Stähler
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- Simone Maria Stuenzi
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- É. Stutzmann