Helmholtz Research Center, Leipzig
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- DC Electrical Resistivity Imaging at a High-Arctic Continuous Permafrost Site in Svalbard, Norway
- Effects Of Leaky Sewers On Groundwater Quality
- Evolution of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of aggregated soils during compression
- How Groundwater Discharge Influences the Time Scales of Contaminant Release From Streambed Sediments
- How Streambed Temperatures can Contribute to the Determination of Aquifer Heterogeneity
- Influence of different fertiliztion and cultivation on geophysical parameters
- NMR Studies of Biodegradation Reactions in Porous Media
- A field assessment of high resolution aquifer characterization based on an integrated approach combining hydraulic and seismic travel time tomography
- Advances towards a low complexity model for calculating vertical root water uptake profiles
- Feedbacks and stability along ephemeral rivers - an integrative ecohydrological approach.
- Innovative Approaches for Rapid Subsurface Characterization Compared at a Rural Megasite
- Interglacial Surface Ocean Temperatures Reveal Strong Ocean-Atmosphere Linkages Between the Subtropical and Subpolar Regions
- Neutron Radiography of Root Water Uptake
- Pore Scale and Continuum Modeling for Gas Flow Pattern obtained by Multi-Scale Optical Imaging Technique
- Smart Application of Direct Gas Injection using a new conceptual model on Coherent and Incoherent Flow: From Bench Scale to Field Scale.
- A field assessment of high resolution aquifer characterization: Coupling of hydraulic travel time and hydraulic attenuation tomography
- Combination of different methods for the detection and monitoring of CO2 degassing at the near surface
- Direct-Push Methods for High-Resolution Characterization of Hydraulic Conductivity (Invited)
- Evaluation of Direct Push methods for the hydraulic and compositional characterization of a highly heterogeneous aquifer - a case study
- Geostatistical Simulation of Centimeter-Scale Hydraulic Conductivity Estimates from Direct-Push Logging at the MADE Site
- Neutron tomography of the root-soil interface: water distribution around different parts of the root structure
- Scale dependent uncertainties in deriving plant physiological variables from inversion of a canopy reflectance model
- Sulfur cycling in contaminated aquifers: What can we learn from oxygen isotopes in sulfate? (Invited)
- Using Direct-Push for characterization of hydraulic conductivity distributions
- Weighing trees - tree rainfall interception measured by stem compression
- Acoustic throughfall measurements in a semiarid cloud forest, Dhofar, Oman: First results
- Benchmarking Flow and Solute Transport in Coupled Surface-Soil Hydrologic Models
- Can SMAP radar observations be used to determine vegetation moisture status and root zone soil moisture?
- Capabilities and limitations of neutron imaging for studying soil-root system (Invited)
- Combination of comprehensive geophysical measurements and conventional soil sampling for high resolution soil mapping
- Dynamics of groundwater-surface water interactions in urban streams
- Integrated uncertainty assessment of hydrological responses due to land cover change in a large river basin including feedback effects
- On the relation of pore-scale heterogeneities and bacterial mobility to bioavailability and in-situ biodegradation of chemical species in porous media: a numerical modeling approach
- Parallelized Modelling of Soil-Coupled 3D Water Uptake of Multiple Root Systems with Automatic Adaptive Time Step Control
- Root Patterns in Heterogeneous Soils
- Simulating the effects of geologic heterogeneity and transient boundary conditions on streambed temperatures - implications for temperature-based water flux calculations
- Stochastic Modeling of Buoyancy driven Gas Flow Pattern: Can Continuum Models describe Channelized Gas Flow?
- The use of CPT and other Direct Push methods for (hydro-)stratigraphic aquifer characterization - a field study
- Application of direct current resistivity-salt tracer-tests for detecting flow characteristics in a gravel bar
- CO2 Injection Test in a Shallow Aquifer: Monitoring via Use of Different Technologies
- Combined multi-scale characterization of a sedimentary structure beneath a river embankment to expand conventional flood protection
- Delineation of subsurface hydrocarbon contamination at a former hydrogenation plant using spectral induced polarization imaging
- EMI- data calibration using different electrical methods
- Estimating Subsurface Structure and Water Content by GPR Data Inversion Based on FDTD Forward Modeling and Automatic Feature Detection
- Exploring active layer thaw depth and water content dynamics with multi-channel GPR
- Fluid Pressure, Thermal and Chemical Effects in Conditioning Permeability and Triggered Seismicity in Enhanced Geothermal Systems
- Ground-penetrating radar for monitoring spatial patterns of near-surface soil water content in a highly structured regional watershed
- Nested heat tracer experiments for identifying heterogeneity of aquifer-river exchange at multiple scales
- The Cheb Basin (Czech Republic) as a Potential Natural Analogue Site for Geological Carbon Storage - Past, Current and Planned Activities
- The influence of variable hydraulic conditions on hyporheic water flux and redox regime in streambed sediments
- The open source, object- and process oriented simulation system OpenGeoSys - concepts, development, community
- Use of carborne measured gamma-ray K/Th ratio for estimation of texture at different field sites across Europe
- Using transient ERT mapping to monitor infiltration pathways in a semi-arid cloud forest in Oman
- A modeling framework for CO2-storage in depleted gas reservoirs
- Calibration of the Distributed Hydrological Model mHM using Satellite derived Land Surface Temperature
- Can diurnal variation in radar backscatter in vegetated areas be explained by changes in dielectric properties?
- Capillary pressure: a smart choice of primary variables for multi-phase flow models in subsurface
- Combining geophysical methods for the observation of hydrological processes at the hillslope-scale
- Direct push based in-situ color measurements for improved characterization of the near surface
- Diurnal differences in global ERS scatterometer backscatter observations of the land surface
- Does Diversity Matter In Modeling? Testing A New Version Of The FORMIX3 Growth Model For Madagascar Rainforests
- European Space Agency's Fluorescence Explorer Mission: Concept and Applications
- Evaluation of field methods for vertical high resolution aquifer characterization
- Finite element method for simulating coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical processes in discretely fractured porous media and application to enhanced geothermal reservoir analysis
- Instrumental method to reduce error in canopy water storage estimates via mechanical displacement
- Modelling spatial and temporal variability of surface water-groundwater heat exchange along a lowland river reach
- Modelling the Impact of Human Actors on Groundwater Resources under Conditions of Climate Change
- Monitoring soil-vegetation interactions using non-invasive geophysical techniques
- Open source software engineering for geoscientific modeling applications
- Reliability of electromagnetic induction data in near surface application
- Scarce water resources and scarce data: Estimating recharge for a complex 3D groundwater flow model in arid regions
- Simulating land surface energy fluxes using a microscopic root water uptake approach in a northern temperate forest
- Spatio-Temporal Downscaling of Precipitation by means of a Weather Generator
- The influence of exogenous conditions on mobile measured gamma-ray spectrometry
- An Open Source Framework for Coupled Hydro-Hydrogeo-Chemical Systems in Catchment Research
- Applying well flow adapted filtering to transient pumping tests
- Assessment of Well Safety from Pressure and Temperature-Induced Damage during CO2 Injection in Deep Saline Aquifers
- Bayesian inverse modeling of vadose zone hydraulic properties in a layered soil profile with data-driven likelihood function inference
- Calibration of a hydrological model using patterns of satellite derived land surface temperature
- Deforestation and Rice: Using Methods in Modeling and Remote Sensing to Project Patterns of Forest Change in Eastern Madagascar
- Deriving time-variant aerobic respiration in the hyporheic zone by combining continuous EC and O2 measurements
- Development of reactive transport features within the OpenGeoSys project
- Dynamic Permeability and Clogging Processes of Riverbank Filtration Systems
- Estimating Biophysical Crop Properties by a Machine Learning Model Inversion using Hyperspectral Imagery of Different Resolution
- Evaluation of premeability-porosity relationships linked to mineral dissolution-precipitation using global implicit approach with a reduction scheme and operator splitting approach
- Geophysical characterization of crude-oil contamination: the example of the Trecate site (Italy). (Invited)
- Impact of model geometry and recharge rates on catchment's residence time distributions - numerical experiments
- Investigation of Hillslope-Scale Soil Moisture Spatial and Temporal Variability
- Linking water and carbon fluxes in a Mediterranean oak woodland using a combined flux and ?18O partitioning approach
- MARSOL: Demonstrating Managed Aquifer Recharge as a Solution to Water Scarcity and Drought
- Modeling deformation processes of salt caverns for gas storage due to fluctuating operation pressures
- Modeling the influence of varying hydraulic conditions on aerobic respiration and denitrification in the hyporheic zone
- Modeling thermochemical heat storage in porous media with local thermal nonequilibrium - From constitutive theory to application
- Monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions in urban environments using ground-based open-path Fourier-transform Infrared (OP-FTIR) Spectroscopy
- Numerical Comparison of Artificial Recharge by Small-diameter Wells to Common Systems
- Numerical simulation of fracture permeability evolution due to reactive transport and pressure solution processes
- Parallel finite element method for modeling two-phase flow processes in porous media using PETSc solver
- Physically Accurate Soil Freeze-Thaw Processes in a Global Land Surface Scheme
- Potentials and Limitations of Wireless Sensor Networks for Environmental
- Providing a Connection between a Bayesian Inverse Modeling Tool and a Coupled Hydrogeological Processes Modeling Software
- Rapid field application of hydraulic tomography
- Regional impacts of climate change on a temperate mixed forest: species-specific microscopic root water uptake strategies
- Soil Moisture at Intermediate Scales: Linking Cosmic Ray Measurements with the Hydrologic Model mHM
- Strategies towards an optimized use of the shallow geothermal potential
- Sub-seismic Deformation Prediction of Potential Pathways and Seismic Validation - The Joint Project PROTECT
- The good, the bad or the ugly: Microbial biomass of biogas residues as a contributor to soil carbon cycle
- The potential of near-surface geophysical methods in a hierarchical monitoring approach for the detection of shallow CO2 seeps at geological storage sites
- The role of temporal disaggregation and land surface initial conditions for hydrological forecasting
- Visualization in hydrological and atmospheric modeling and observation
- Water balance and carbon sink strength of an European savannah-type woodland during the drought year 2012
- A new artificial recharge approach using direct push wells for aquifer storage and recovery in near-surface aquifers: A case study in the Lower Republican River basin, Kansas
- A preliminary study on the feedback of heat transfer on groundwater flow in a Karst geothermal field
- An Empirical Study of the Wound Effects on Sap Flow Measured with Thermal Dissipation Probes
- Assimilation of Multiscale and Multivariable Hydrologic Variables over Pan European River Basins
- Characterizing Roughness and Connectivity Properties of Aquifer Conductivity Using the Method of Anchored Distributions (MAD)
- Comparison and Tensorial Formulation of Inelastic Constitutive Models of Salt Rock Behaviour and Efficient Numerical Implementatio
- Computationally Inexpensive Identification of Non-Informative Model Parameters
- Development of a Laboratory Experiment to Derivate the Thermal Conductivity based on Electrical Resistivity Measurments
- Development of a numerical reactive transport modelling framework - Concept & Case Studies
- Direct push driven in situ color logging tool (CLT): technique, analysis routines, and application
- Evolution of Forest Precipitation Water Storage Monitoring Methodologies
- Feedbacks Between Bioclogging and Infiltration in Losing River Systems
- Footprint Characteristics of Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensing for Soil Moisture Monitoring
- Forecasting Major European Droughts using North-American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME)
- Formulation of an Integrated Model for Freshwater Resources Policy Evaluation in Jordan
- Generalized Continental Scale Hydrologic Model Parameter Estimates: Application to a VIC model implementation for the Contiguous United States (CONUS)
- Groundwater Head Control of Catchment Nitrate Export
- Groundwater from Clouds - Coupling a Regional Groundwater Model with Recharge Scenarios Based on Cloud Forest Distribution in Oman
- Heterogeneity of Groundwater Nitrogen Attenuation Elucidated by Combining Isotope Fluxes and Functional Gene Markers
- High Resolution Aquifer Characterization - Busting the Grain Size Myth
- Identifying functional zones of denitrification in heterogeneous aquifer systems by numerical simulations - a case study
- Influence of the Salting-out Effect of Ammonium Sulfate on the Gas-Particle Partitioning of Organic Compounds in the Atmosphere
- Integration of Multiple Field Methods in Characterizing a Field Site with Bayesian Inverse Modeling
- Model Selection on Solid Ground: Comparison of Techniques to Evaluate Bayesian Evidence
- Modeling Household Water Consumption in a Hydro-Institutional System - The Case of Jordan
- Modelling the Interaction of Multiple Borehole Heat Exchangers in Shallow Geothermal Fields
- Modelling the soil-atmosphere exchange of POPs: Long-term steady state and diurnal fluctuations
- Multiscale Prediction and Verification of Water Fluxes and States over Large River Basins
- Numerical modeling of Non-isothermal two-phase two-component flow process with phase change phenomena in the porous media
- OpenGeoSys: An Open-Source Initiative for Numerical Simulation of Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical/Chemical (THM/C) Processes in Porous Media
- OpenGeoSys: Performance-Oriented Computational Methods for Numerical Modeling of Flow in Large Hydrogeological Systems
- Reactive transport modeling in variably saturated porous media with OGS-IPhreeqc
- Sap flow is Underestimated by Thermal Dissipation Sensors due to Alterations of Wood Anatomy
- Sensitivity Analysis of the Land Surface Model NOAH-MP for Different Model Fluxes
- Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Hyporheic Respiration Under Variable Discharge Conditions
- Stoichiometry, Metabolism and Nutrient Limitation Across the Periodic Table in Natural Flowing-Water Chemostats
- Systematic Analysis of the Effect of Small Scale Permeability Heterogeneity on Hyporheic Exchange Flux and Residence Times
- Unraveling the Drivers of Spatial and Temporal Variability in Biogeochemical Cycling at Aquifer-River Interfaces - The LEVERHULME Hyporheic Zone Research Network
- A New Optical Oxygen Sensor Reveals Spatial and Temporal Variations of Dissolved Oxygen at Ecohydrological Interfaces
- A Task-Oriented Perspective on the Role of Hydrogeological Heterogeneity in Transport Modeling
- Adaptive Work Strategy for Evaluating a Conceptual Site Model
- Application of GRACE Data for Quantifying Mesoscale Groundwater Stress - Urucuia Aquifer System, Northeastern Brazil
- Application of Novel Exploration and Monitoring Strategies for Sustainable Managed Aquifer Recharge Operation
- Assimilation of Spatio-Temporal Cosmic-Ray Neutron Data to Improve Hydrological Model Performance
- Benchmarking reactive transport models at a hillslope scale
- Challenges in atmospheric monitoring of areal emission sources - an Open-path Fourier transform infrared (OP-FTIR) spectroscopic experience report
- Comparison of surface NMR with non-invasive and in-situ measurements of soil water content at a floodplain field site
- Complementary Constrains on Component based Multiphase Flow Problems, Should It Be Implemented Locally or Globally?
- Compound Specific Isotope Analysis of the aqueous photodegradation of substituted chlorobenzenes
- Conceptual and computational challenges in continental-domain hydrologic model parameter estimation: VIC applications over the contiguous USA
- Coupled THMC modelling of single fractures in novaculite and granite for DECOVALEX-2015
- Curvature Measurement and Tracking of Nonwetting Phase Trapping and Pressure State in Porous Media
- Design of a multi-agent hydroeconomic model to simulate a complex human-water system: Early insights from the Jordan Water Project
- Estimating streambed travel times and respiration rates based on temperature and oxygen consumption
- Estimating the spatio-temporal distribution of surface water availability across India
- Estimation of Fluid Viscosity Effects on the Onset of Thermal Convection within a Three-Dimensional Fault
- Hard-coded parameters have the largest impact on fluxes of the land surface model Noah-MP
- High resolution imaging of aquifer properties using full-waveform GPR tomography
- Hydrometeorology of the Dhofar cloud forest and its implications for groundwater recharge
- Hyporheic exchange in heterogeneous streambeds under losing and gaining flow conditions
- Impact of state updating and multi-parametric ensemble for streamflow hindcasting in European river basins
- Influence of physical and chemical aquifer heterogeneity on nitrate reduction processes by numerical simulations
- Modeling the Evolution of the Fracture Permeability in Granite due to Free-face Dissolution and Pressure Solution
- Multi-Objective vs. Single Objective Calibration of a Hydrologic Model using Either Different Hydrologic Signatures or Complementary Data Sources
- Propagation of model and forcing uncertainty into hydrological drought characteristics in a multi-model century-long experiment in continental river basins
- Regionalized Hydrologic Parameters Estimates for a Seamless Prediction of Continental scale Water Fluxes and States
- Repeated Electromagnetic Induction Measurements for Mapping Soil Moisture at the Field Scale: Comparison with Data from a Wireless Soil Moisture Monitoring Network
- Riverbed Bioclogging and the Effects on Infiltration and Carbon Flux under Climate Variability
- Scrutiny of Appropriate Model Error Specification in Multivariate Assimilation Framework using mHM
- Significance of the Coastal Shelf Shape on the Saline Intrusion
- Solute tracer transport does not vary systematically with stream discharge or geomorphology
- Spatially Distributed Characterization of Catchment Dynamics Using Travel-Time Distributions
- Stream discharge events increase the reaction efficiency of the hyporheic zone of an in-stream gravel bar
- Task Oriented Hydrogeological Site Characterization: A Framework and Case Study in Predicting Contaminant Arrival Time
- The HyperHydro (H^2) experiment for comparing different large-scale models at various resolutions
- The impact of Carbonic Anhydrase on the partitioning of leaf and soil CO<SUP>18</SUP>O and COS gas exchange across scales
- Three-Phase Capillary Pressure, Hysteresis and Trapping in a Porous Glass-Bead Column
- Towards constraining hydrologic models using satellite retrieved soil moisture
- Using Methods of Dimension Reduction to Expand Data Integration and Reduce Uncertainty in Hydrological and Geophysical Parameters
- Which key properties controls the preferential transport in the vadose zone under transient hydrological conditions
- mRM - multiscale Routing Model for Land Surface and Hydrologic Models
- Achieving scale-independent land-surface flux estimates - Application of the Multiscale Parameter Regionalization (MPR) to the Noah-MP land-surface model across the contiguous USA
- Assessing the Impact of Changing Climatic Conditions on Soil-Moisture Dynamics Using Travel-Time Distributions
- Capturing Hot Moments of Carbon Cycling in the Hyporheic Zone of an Intermittent Stream
- Changes in Soil Carbon Stocks and Fluxes in Response to Altered Above- and Belowground Vegetation Inputs
- Chronological changes in canopy hydrometeorological dynamics may aid invasion of a globally invasive species (Ailanthus altissima Mill. tree of heaven)
- Coupled Multi-physical Simulations for the Assessment of Nuclear Waste Repository Concepts: Modeling, Software Development and Simulation
- Evaluation of water security in Jordan using a multi-agent, hydroeconomic model: Initial model results from the Jordan Water Project
- Exploring the mutual enhancement between droughts and heatwaves in Europe
- Exposure Time Distributions reveal Denitrification Rates along Groundwater Flow Path of an Agricultural Unconfined Aquifer
- Geosfear? - Overcoming System Boundaries by Open-source Based Monitoring of Spatio-temporal Processes
- High resolution aquifer characterization using crosshole GPR full-waveform tomography
- Hydrological and Climate Controls on Hyporheic Contributions to River Net Ecosystem Productivity
- Impacts of ENSO, global warming and vegetation on future droughts
- Impacts of Water Level on Metabolism and Transient Storage in Vegetated Lowland Rivers - Insights from a Mesocosm Study
- Implications of the 2015 European drought on groundwater storage
- Integrating satellite actual evapotranspiration patterns into distributed model parametrization and evaluation for a mesoscale catchment
- Jordan Water Project: an interdisciplinary evaluation of freshwater vulnerability and security
- Microplastics in the environment: What can we learn from a decade of engineered nanoparticle fate and risk assessment?
- Multi-Objective Calibration of a Hydrologic Model using Multi-Objective Screening
- On Model Complexity and Parameter Regionalization for Continental Scale Hydrologic Simulations
- SQuAd - Approach for the Spatial Quantification of the Advection influence on the balance closure of greenhouse gases
- Simulating partially illegal markets of private tanker water providers on the country level: A multi-agent, hydroeconomic case-study of Jordan
- Spatial and temporal variation of denitrification in the riparian zone during the hydrological year and stream discharge events
- Spatio-temporal Oxygen Dynamics in Gravel Bars under Varying Hydrological Conditions
- Spatiotemporal throughfall patterns beneath an urban tree row
- The effect of topology on two-fluid flow in porous media
- The impact of standard and hard-coded parameters on the hydrologic fluxes in the Noah-MP land surface model
- The inverse Numerical Computer Program FLUX-BOT for estimating Vertical Water Fluxes from Temperature Time-Series.
- Using stable isotopes to resolve eco-hydrological dynamics of soil-plant-atmosphere feedbacks
- 3D Coupled Thermal-Hydraulic Model of the Lower Yarmouk Gorge, Jordan Rift Valley
- A Field Evidence Model: Combining Deterministic structures and stochastic heterogeneity for transport modeling
- A statistical data assimilation method for seasonal streamflow forecasting to optimize hydropower reservoir management in data-scarce regions
- Agriculture and irrigation as potential drivers of urban heat island
- Airborne Detection of Cosmic-Ray Albedo Neutrons for Regional-Scale Surveys of Root-Zone Soil Water on Earth
- C, N, P export regimes from headwater catchments to downstream reaches
- Calibration of a distributed hydrologic model for six European catchments using remote sensing data
- Canopy rainfall partitioning across an urbanization gradient in forest structure as characterized by terrestrial LiDAR
- Case study: Rainfall partitioning across a natural-to-urban forest gradient during an extreme rain event
- Catchment heterogeneity controls emergent archetype concentration-discharge relationships
- Chasing the tracer - combining conventional salt tracer testing with direct push electrical conductivity profiling for enhanced aquifer characterization
- Clustering and Bayesian hierarchical modeling for the definition of informative prior distributions in hydrogeology
- Coupled Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Solute Transport, Metabolism and Nutrient Uptake in Streams
- Digital rock physics and macroscale models for two-fluid flow in porous media
- Enhancing soil moisture monitoring via cosmic-ray neutron sensing in farmlands by combining field site tests with an uncertainty analysis
- Environmental context affects microbial ecophysiological mechanisms underpinning soil carbon storage under different land use
- Exploring the dynamics of transit times and runoff source zones in a small agricultural catchment using a physically-based water flow model
- From Process Understanding Via Soil Functions to Sustainable Soil Management - A Systemic Approach
- Heat stress risk in India under the observed and projected 1.5 and 2.0ºC warming
- High-Resolution Hydrological Sub-Seasonal Forecasting for Water Resources Management Over Europe
- High-resolution multimodel projections of soil moisture drought in Europe under 1.5, 2 and 3 degree global warming
- Improving the realism of hydrologic model functioning through GRACE
- Modeling the resilience of urban water supply using the capital portfolio approach
- Monitoring of snowpack dynamics in mountainous terrain by cosmic-ray neutron sensing compared to Terrestrial Laser Scanning observations
- Multi-model ensemble projections of European river floods and high flows at 1.5, 2, and 3 degree global warming
- Multi-model ensemble simulations of low flows in Europe under a 1.5, 2, and 3 degree global warming
- On the shape of transit time distributions
- Relative controls of natural and socio-economic drivers on water availability over India: an exploratory modelling analysis
- Revisiting the recent European droughts in a long-term perspective
- Spatial and temporal dynamics of nitrate fluxes in a mesoscale catchment
- Synergistic soil moisture observation - an interdisciplinary multi-sensor approach to yield improved estimates across scales
- Technological advances in cosmogenic neutron detectors for measuring soil water content
- Towards Hydrological Applications of Stationary and Roving Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensors in the Light of Spatial Sensitivity
- Towards Linking 3D SAR and Lidar Models with a Spatially Explicit Individual Based Forest Model
- Understanding DOC Mobilization Dynamics Through High Frequency Measurements in a Headwater Catchment
- Using rates of oxygen and nitrate reduction to map the subsurface distribution of groundwater denitrification
- What controls stemflow? A LiDAR-based investigation of individual tree canopy structure, neighborhood conditions, and meteorological factors
- A Multi-scaled analysis of Forest Structure using Individual-Based Modeling in a Costa Rican Rainforest
- A microcontroller-based automatic rain sampler for stable isotope studies
- Anthropogenic soil moisture enhancement of heatwaves
- Avoidance of Poverty and Rigidity Traps in Managing the Evolution of Urban Water Supply
- Catchment and in-stream analysis of nitrate transport and removal: integrating fully distributed modeling and high frequency monitoring
- Conditioning a Hydrological Model Using Patterns of Remotely Sensed Land Surface Temperature
- Cosmic-ray Soil Moisture Sensors: From stations to mobile platforms
- Design of water quality monitoring using surrogate approach in central Germany
- Evaluation of Water Security in Jordan using a Multi-Agent Hydroeconomic Model: Climate, Crises, and Stability.
- Evaporation Study based on Micromodel-Experiments: Comparison of Theory and Experiment
- Fire, climate change and carbon balance of the miombo woodlands of Niassa National Reserve, northern Mozambique.
- Flow Dynamics and Resulting Reactivity in the Transition Zone Between Streams and Riparian Aquifers
- Forest cover dynamics of the Dhofar cloud forest, Oman
- How do evapotranspiration-driven discharge fluctuations alter reach-scale ecosystem function?
- Impacts on winter wheat yield in Germany at 1°, 1.5°, 2°, 2.5° and 3° global warming
- Mapping and prediction of soil organic carbon based on geophysical surveys and VNIR-spectroscopy at the farm scale
- Measurements and simulations of seasonal changes in canopy reflectance of a deciduous forest
- On the use of soil moisture and actual evapotranspiration data to reduce groundwater recharge uncertainty in semi-arid regions
- Reducing spin-up time for a 3-D surface-subsurface model
- Shedding Light on the Complex Hydrogeology at the Active Sinkhole Site Münsterdorf, Germany
- Spatial Distribution of Point Source Nutrient Loads and Eutrophication in German River Networks: Data Analysis and Parsimonious Modeling
- Spatial and temporal relationships between hydrologic forcing, geologic setting, and river corridor exchange in a mountain stream network
- Stress Regime and Fault Orientation Influence in the Propagation of Hydraulic Fractures
- The 2018 agricultural drought in Germany
- Top-down Meets Bottom-up: Multi-scale Governance of Static Infrastructure in Dynamic Coastal Systems
- Where's the Water Going? Competing Conceptual Hydrogeological Models of a Floodplain
- A Case Study on the Impact of Groundwater Temperature from Intensive Shallow Geothermal Energy Extraction
- A Water-Energy Nexus Demand Estimation Framework for Urban Formal and Slum Households in Developing Countries: A Case Study in Pune, India
- A constitutive model for the brittle-ductile transition of basalt
- A proposed roadmap for upscaling approaches in biogeochemistry: insights from conceptual carbon modeling to estimate soil respiration at regional scales
- Comprehensible modeling of reservoir regulation effect on streamflow with a scalable lake-hydrology model
- Drone-Based Assessment of Grass Vitality in the Australian Outback Reveals Emergent Pattern Formation of Fairy Circles
- Exploring mass transfer limitation in organic micropollutant biodegradation: Combined insight from compound-specific isotope analysis (CSIA) and reactive transport modeling
- Food-water-energy for Urban Sustainable Environments (FUSE): Integrated Analyses Focused on Pune, India and Amman, Jordan
- From dynamic groundwater head measurements to regional aquifer parameters - Assessing the power of spectral analysis
- How and why do physical, chemical, and biological characteristics (co)vary through space in a 5<SUP>th</SUP> order river basin?
- Impacts on winter wheat yield in Germany at 1.5°, 2°, and 3° global warming
- Interaction of climate, vegetation, and water age in catchments across scales and climate zones
- Investigating geoarchaeological and sedimentological structures by direct push-sensing and -imaging tools
- Logistic behavior of flux governed by stream-aquifer properties on groundwater-surface water interaction along the streambed
- Modeling interdependencies between the Food-Water-Energy-Nexus and urban spatial development - The case of Pune, India
- Monitoring and Mapping of Soil and Snow Water Across Scales with Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensor Networks and Mobile Platforms
- Perceptions and impacts of gender inequality in the geosciences
- Phase-field simulation of fluid inclusion migration due to underground excavation in rock salt
- Reactivity and Dynamics of Dissolved Oxygen in a Riparian Zone Unveiled through High Frequency Data and Fully-Integrated Modelling
- Realizing the Potential of ATTA to Enhance Groundwater Dating
- Representing Adaptive Irrigation Response to Changing Water Availability and Crop Prices in a Coupled Human-Water System Model of the Continental United States
- Scaling Patterns of Point and Diffuse Source Nutrient Loads and Response of Benthic and Pelagic Algal Communities in a Fractal River Network Perspective
- Seamless reconstruction of global hydrological fluxes and states at high resolution
- Some Lessons Learned about Seasonal Forecast of Droughts and Its Uncertainties
- TERENO - A decade of long-term observatory based terrestrial research in Germany
- The Hidden Value of Private Water Markets in Jordan: Simulating Spatial Price Equilibria in a Coupled Hydro-Economic Model
- The International Soil Modeling Consortium (ISMC) - New Opportunities for Advancing Data and Modeling of Soil Systems
- Using Indirect Measurement Techniques to Evaluate the Effect of Nutrient Flow Rate on Biofilm Growth in Porous media
- Using dynamic transit times and StorAge Selection (SAS) functions to explore nitrate export from small agricultural catchments
- a Micro-Ct Study on the Impact of Wettability and Surface Roughness on Capillary Trapping Efficiency
- <SUB>Parameter Estimation of Distributed Models Made Easy by the MPR Tool</SUB>
- A New Typology for Representing Human Decision Making in MultiSector Dynamics (MSD) Models
- A framework for understanding and modelling the links between food, water and energy in the rapidly urbanizing city of Pune, India
- A low complexity vegetation model to simulate Leaf Area Index and Gross Primary Productivity for use in hydrological models
- A spectral approach to evaluate the groundwater response time at regional scale
- A theory of forest dynamics - 50 years of forest gap models
- Automatic Estimation of Parameter Transfer Functions for Distributed Hydrological Models - Function Space Optimization Applied on the mHM Model
- Calibrating a hydrologic model against ET and TWS observation at the global scaling using a state-of-the-art parallelization scheme
- Capability and Limitation of a Semi-distributed Water Quality Model to Represent Nutrient Concentrations in a Mesoscale Catchment in Central Germany
- Environmental and Management Constraints Drive Urban Water Security at the Water-Energy-Land Nexus
- Evaluation of controlling factors of nitrate removal process using high-frequency measurements in high order streams (central Germany)
- GERI - The emerging Global Ecosystem Research Infrastructure
- Impacts and Equity in Pune, India's Potential 24x7 Piped Water Supply System
- Improving river discharge simulations of the HTESSEL land-surface model by inverse estimation of all parameters
- Inferring regional aquifer parameters by spectral analysis of groundwater head fluctuations - A feasibility study
- Influence of precipitation forcing uncertainty on drought monitoring in South Asia
- Influence of the monsoonal activity and hydrological conditions on big floods over Bengal delta
- Integrating GEDI Observations with a Forest Model Predicts Stand-level Attributes
- Machine learning methods for predicting crop yields in Germany
- Making a short story long - the impact of long-term runoff event characteristics on high frequency nutrient transport patterns
- Measuring Full Cost of Access to Water: A Water Diary Study in Informal Settlements of Pune, India
- Modeling microbially driven reactions at the pore scale
- Multiple-source water demands of a representative agent population under various food-water-energy scenarios: A hydro-economic analysis of the Upper Bhima basin, India
- Nitrogen Dynamics and Patterns of Catchment Response as a Result of Legacies and Transit Times under changing Land Use and Management
- On the parameterization of groundwater models for continental and global scales applications
- Placing the SSPs on the Map: Spatio-statistical Modelling of Urban Growth Processes in the Upper Bhima Basin, India
- Potential Impacts of anthropogenic forcing on the consecutive 2018-19 droughts in the central Europe
- Predicting microbial redox dynamics in spatially heterogeneous and dynamic conditions using a numerical modeling approach
- Quantifying and visualizing compounding and cascading drought impacts through network analysis and sequential pattern mining
- Real-time Forecast Evaluation of ECMWF Atmospheric Model Ensemble Exntended over Germany in 2020
- Representing adaptive irrigation response to changing water availability and crop prices in a coupled human-water system model of the Continental United States.
- Sensitivity Analysis and Identification of Noninformative Parameters of the Land Surface Model HTESSEL
- Statistical Processing And Modeling For Performance Tuning Of Integrated River Basin Physical Modeling
- Temporal occurrence, fate and risk assessment of sulfonamide antibiotics in urban groundwater.
- The Economic Impact of Multi-Year Droughts on German Agriculture: First Insights from a Country-Scale Multi-Agent Model
- The Nelson-MiP project: a large-scale multi-model inter-comparison project of hydrological processes in the Saskatchewan-Nelson-Churchill river basin in Canada
- The dynamics of the Amazon forests and the role of forest structure - linking vegetation modelling and remote sensing
- The quest for understanding the organisational principles of hyporheic exchange flow and biogeochemical cycling across scales
- The recent droughts as a time window for future investigation of climate change effects on water quality at the catchment scale
- Thermo-poroelastic effects during re-injection in discrete fractures
- Tracer-aided ecohydrological modeling from headwaters to mesoscale catchments: integrated impacts of agricultural activities, landscape gradients and droughts
- ULYSSES: a global multi-model high-resolution hydrological seasonal predictions system
- Understanding Household Water Demand in Pune, India from a Water-Energy Nexus Perspective
- Vadose-zone response to climate change scenarios represented with a process-based hydrological model
- What Is the Fate of Excess Nitrogen in Germany's Largest National River Basin?
- Where to find aquifer statistics utilizing pumping tests? Two field studies using welltestpy.
- A Global Assessment of Heat Stress-related Mortality
- A Perspective on Continental Heat Storage Estimates and Methods
- A Review of Sociohydrological Studies Applied for Natural Hazards and Disasters
- A Typology for Representing Human Actors in MultiSector Dynamics Models
- A global analysis of lagged coincidence of precipitation and temperature extremes
- Bottom-up Identification of Key Elements of Compound Events
- Challenges and opportunities of COSMOS networks for continental scale moisture and drought monitoring
- DATA-driven CALibration of Large-Scale Physical Groundwater Flow Models using Meta-Modeling and Visual Analytics
- Decoding the C:N:P Fingerprint of River Networks: Linking Stoichiometric Signatures to Hydrological and Biogeochemical Processes
- Disentangling Scatter in Long-Term C-Q Relationships: the Role of Runoff Events
- Disentangling the Variability in High-Frequency Nitrate Export Patterns Using Long-term Hydrological Event Classification
- Do Changing Flood Generation Processes Promote the Occurrence of Flood Anomalies in Europe?
- Drought and Heat as Compounding Drivers of Tropical Fires Extremes in a Current and Future Climate
- Drought compound and cascading impacts: a proposal for assessing and predicting feedback loops and dependencies using data mining
- Dynamic Process Surpasses the Thermodynamic Process in Driving Precipitation Extremes over India
- EcoSystem Integrity Sensor /EO-Service (ESIS) for monitoring bio- geodiversity and human health by traits, remote sensing and data science approaches
- Evaluating large ensembles for persistent extreme events such as the 2020 temperature anomaly over Siberia
- Global assessment of past compound events, model performance and future projections
- High-resolution Hydrologic forecasts were able to predict the 2021 German Floods: what failed?
- Hydraulic fracture complexity with mineral grains
- Long-Term Trajectories of Macronutrient Ratios in a Large-Sample Study of Western European Catchments
- Machine learning based spatio-temporal interpolation of soil moisture in an agricultural catchment
- Modeling combined with fieldwork on surface water quality: the sources and fate of dissolved mixture's toxicity effects under unsteady flow in the Steinlach River, Germany
- Net-zero CO2 Germany - A retrospect from the year 2050
- Nitrogen Legacies Hamper the Achievement of Water Quality Targets in Western Europe
- Reasoning about Model Complexity with a Multi-scale Approach
- Regionalization of reservoir regulation parameters for modeling regulated hydrology using physiographic and climatological information
- Response of BAM-degradation Activity to Concentration and Flow Changes in a Bench-scale Sediment Tank With Isotope Fractionation as a Performance Indicator
- The Role of Informal Tanker Water Markets in Intermittent Urban Water Supply Systems
- Timing of Drought Onset Controls Hydrological Drought Responses in Tropical Catchments
- WMO Hydrological Status and Outlook System (HydroSOS): Approaches to blend and improve global multi-model streamflow forecasts
- CUPofTEA: the Community Understanding Platform of Terrestrial Exchanges with the Atmosphere
- Cohering insights on coupled human-water interactions across diverse human systems modeling approaches
- Emergence of multiple feedbacks in the extreme and persistent warmth over Siberia in 2020
- Evaluating the Value of Young Water Fraction for Determining Water Transit Times in Diverse Catchments
- From Rain-fed to Irrigated Agriculture: Modelling the Future Irrigation Water Demand in Germany Using the Hydro-economic Multi-agent System Model DroughtMAS
- Global water quality information - where we are, what is missing and ways forward
- Hidden water scarcity due to access inequality - coupled human-natural systems analyses in the Upper Bhima Basin, India
- Identifying Compound Effects of Hydrometeorological Drivers on River Flooding by Explainable Machine Learning
- Improving Predictions of Surface Water and Carbon Fluxes by Combining Flux Towers and Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensors Globally
- Increasing Footprint Of Climate Warming On Flash Droughts Occurrence In Europe
- Influence of Surface Properties on the Fluid Displacement Process and Capillary Trapping Efficiency in 3D Porous Medium
- Integrated System Analysis of Food-Water-Energy (FWE) Solutions in a Rapidly Growing Region of India
- Machine learning aided reservoir regulation in a physically based hydrological model
- Near-Surface Geophysical Approaches indicate Mid-Holocene Environmental Shift at Neolithic Wetland Site of Pestenacker (South Germany)
- Observing soil moisture in the root zone under silty soil conditions
- Over Pressure as an effective Measure for Indoor Radon Reduction by Ventilation
- Persistent Threat to Coastal Ecosystems from Marine Heatwaves
- Post-Assessment of ECMWF-mHM ensemble flood forecasting for 2021 summer flood in west Germany
- The Mesoscale Hydrologic Model at the Global Scale
- The quest to find physically meaningful parameters in environmental models
- Towards Understanding of Long-term Nitrogen Transport and Retention Dynamics across German Catchments
- Unraveling the Impact of Climate Change and Soil Arsenic on Bangladeshi Rice Production
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Adrian Mellage
- Alejandro Di Luca
- Alexandre M. Ramos
- Amulya Chevuturi
- Ana M. Vicedo‐Cabrera
- Andreas Musolff
- Andreas Oschlies
- Angela Lausch
- Anthony J. Jakeman
- Aparna Raut
- Barry Croke
- Carolin Winter
- Christian Klassert
- Christian Schmidt
- Clara Deser
- Corinna Rebmann
- Dann Mitchell
- Emanuele Bevacqua
- Erich M. Fischer
- Ethan Yang
- Fanny Sarrazin
- Flavio Lehner
- Florian Pappenberger
- Franciele Maria Vanelli
- Francisco José Cuesta‐Valero
- Gökhan Danabasoglu
- Hannes Grünewald
- Harry Vereecken
- Heye Bogena
- Holger Weiß
- Husain Najafi
- Irene Garousi‐Nejad
- Isla R. Simpson
- James W. Jawitz
- Jan H. Fleckenstein
- Jason P. Evans
- Joaquim G. Pinto
- John K. Hillier
- John T. Fasullo
- Joseph H. A. Guillaume
- Josué Medellín–Azuara
- Jörg Dehnert
- Karin van der Wiel
- Kendra E. Kaiser
- Klaus Keller
- L. Ruby Leung
- Larisa Tarasova
- LuAnne Thompson
- Luis Samaniego
- Martin Schrön
- Martin Thullner
- Matthias Röthlisberger
- Miguel A. Rico‐Ramirez
- Nathalie Voisin
- Nathan M. Urban
- Nina Ridder
- Olaf A. Cirpka
- Oldřich Rakovec
- Pallav Kumar Shrestha
- Pamela Weisenhorn
- Pauline Rivoire
- Paulo M. Brando
- Peter B. Hitchcock
- Peter Burek
- Peter Dietrich
- Pia Ebeling
- Pierre D. Glynn
- Pierre Gentine
- Ping Chang
- Rafael Rosolem
- Ralf Trabitzsch
- Robert Schweppe
- Rohini Kumar
- Sarah E. Perkins‐Kirkpatrick
- Sebastian Milinski
- Sebastian Sippel
- Seifeddine Jomaa
- Shaoqing Zhang
- Sonia I. Seneviratne
- Stefanie Lutz
- Stefano Basso
- Stephan Thober
- Steven M. Gorelick
- Sujan Pal
- Theodore Lim
- Thomas Wöhling
- Torsten Sachs
- Ulrike Werban
- V. R. Kotamarthi
- Vimal Mishra
- Vittal Hari
- Vivek Srikrishnan
- Wenju Cai
- Xiaolin Zhang
- Y. T. Eunice Lo
- Yang Gao
- Yoshihide Wada
- Zachary M. Labe