Helmholtz Institute for Coastal Research
flowchart I[Helmholtz Institute for Coastal Research] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (148)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (49)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Large Scale Numerical Modelling to Study the Dispersion of Persistent Toxic Substances Over Europe
- Combined Neutron Texture And Magnetic Analyses On "Undeformed" Clays: The Origin Of Tectonic Lineations In Extensional Basins
- A new 1500-year climate reconstruction: enhanced low-frequency variability and the fingerprint of anthropogenic warming
- Climate Model Driven Simulation and Inversion of Borehole Temperature Profiles
- Long simulations with General Circulation models as a testbed for empirical climate reconstructions methods.
- The new CARIBIC Airbus A340-600 based observational system
- Critical and Strategic Factor Analysis for the Investigation and Communication of Change Processes - Illustrated With a Case Study on the Metropolitan Region of Hamburg
- Long Term Variability of Eastern Asia Monsoon from ECHO-G
- Simulated and reconstructed winter temperature in the eastern China during the last millennium
- Simulation and inversion of subsurface temperatures in surrogate climates
- Tectonic fabric in weakly deformed clay sediments: the origin of the magnetic lineation deduced from AMS and neutron diffraction analyses
- From ESM to Archeology: Bridging the Modeling Gap
- Natural and Anthropogenically forced climate change in the Tropics.
- Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in a Shallow Coastal Tidal Basin
- Climate model simulated and observed borehole temperatures: strategies for comparison and uncertainties.
- Coastal Observation and a Forecasting System for the German Bight
- Contribution of Regional Climate Drivers to Future Winter Sea-Level Changes in the Baltic Sea Estimated by Statistical Methods and Simulations of Climate Models
- Does Dynamical Downscaling With Regional Climate Models add Value to Surface Marine Wind Speed From Reanalyses?
- Hindcast simulation with a hydrodynamic sea shelf model from 1948 till 2007 -- a model study.
- Low-frequency response of the Arctic Oscillation to external forcing in the past millennium
- Simulating the climate of the Holocene with a coupled atmosphere-ocean GCM: A new basis for transient data-model comparisons
- Storm Climate and Related Marine Hazards in the Northeast Atlantic and the North Sea
- The North Atlantic Oscillation since 1500 A.D.: Climate Anomalies and Human Affairs
- Common Deficiencies in Existing Methods for Reconstructing High-Resolution Temperature Fields During the Last Millennium
- Future projections of North Atlantic polar low frequency
- Model simulations and proxy-based reconstructions for the European region in the past millennium (Invited)
- Nonstationarity between the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and its climate impact on Northern Europe
- OCoc- from Ocean Colour to Organic Carbon
- Reconstruction of regional climate and climate change in past decades
- BALTEX - A science broker for the Baltic Sea Region
- Centennial-to-millennial climate variability over the Great Plains in transient simulations of the Holocene with a coupled GCM
- Climate Modeling in Support of Policy Decisionmaking in Germany
- Comparison of a regional paleoclimate simulation over Europe for the last 500 years with proxy-based reconstructions
- Comparison of century-long regional climate experiments with proxy based climate reconstructions over the Iberian Peninsula (Invited)
- Evaluation of an air pressure based proxy for storm activity
- Lake System Response to Late Quaternary Monsoon Dynamics on the Tibetan Plateau (Invited)
- Molecular biogeochemical provinces in the Atlantic Surface Ocean
- OCoc-from Ocean Colour to Organic Carbon
- Observed patterns of sea level change in the German Bight related to global scale sea level variations
- Reconstructing socially relevant Holocene climate using proxy records and a climate model
- Regional mean Sea Level Changes in the German Bight in the 20th Century
- State of the Arctic Coast 2010: Scientific Review and Outlook
- Statistical downscaling of the urban heat island of Hamburg using a statistical model and regional climate model results
- Storm surges - a globally distributed risk, and the case of Hamburg (Invited)
- The case of polar lows (Invited)
- ESA DUE PERMAFROST: Remote Sensing Service for Permafrost - Adaption for Models
- Hamburg 2K: Climate modeling and downscaling for Hamburg, Germany under a 2 K global warming scenario
- Paleoclimate simulations and reconstructions. An intercomparison for the last millennium
- Projected Climate Changes and Regional Security
- Will Air Quality be Substantially Affected by Climate Change?
- A 2000-year European Mean Summer Temperature Reconstruction from the PAGES 2k Regional Network and Comparison to Millennium-Length Forced Model Simulations
- A Composite Approach to Reconstructing Sea Surface Temperatures in the NE North Atlantic Ocean
- A New Bayesian Gridded European Summer Temperature Reconstruction from the PAGES 2k Regional Network and Comparison to Millennium-Length Forced Model Simulations
- Application Examples for Handle System Usage
- Changes in distribution of daily temperature and precipitation between the Late Maunder Minimum and the 2nd half of the 20th century: A regional model study
- Climate Services in Support Adaptation Strategies.
- Consistency of recently observed trends over the Mediterranean region with climate change projections
- Constructing Perceptions of Climate Change: a case study of regional political decision makers
- Due Permafrost: a Circumpolar Remote Sensing Service for Permafrost - Evaluation and Application Case Studies
- First Yearlong Ozonesonde Observations over the central Himalayas: Influences of Biomass Burning and Downward Transport
- Long-term variations in natural, terrestrial VOC emissions: 1000-1990 AD
- Regional Climate Service in Northern Germany -The North German Climate Office
- Response to External Forcing in Simulations and Reconstructions of the Last Millennium
- The coastDat data set and its potential for coastal and offshore applications
- The influence of different amplitudes of Total Solar Irradiance changes on the Medieval climate in coupled model simulations
- Building an interface between providers and users of climate change knowledge in mountain and coastal areas in the U.S. and Europe
- Changes in Tropical Cyclone Activity Over the Western North Pacific, Downscaled from Ncep/ncar and ERA 40 Reanalysis
- Climatic trends in the North Atlantic region during the last 2,000 years in an orbitally forced AOGCM simulation
- Consistency of recent climate change and expectation as depicted by scenarios over the Mediterranean region
- DUE PERMAFROST: A Circumpolar Remote Sensing Service for Permafrost - Evaluation Case Studies and Intercomparison with Regional Climate Model Simulations
- Investigation of the Agulhas System and its Influence on the Tropical Atlantic Circulation
- Regional and local changes in tidal dynamics of the North Sea due to sea level rise: a case study
- Stationarity of the climate-circulation relationship in regional climate simulations over South America between present and pre-industrial times (Invited)
- 500-year Reconstructions of Circulation in the Northeastern Pacific and Western North America: Relation to Precipitation and Fire Conditions in California and Precipitation in Hawai'i
- An attempt to reconstruct the observed climate trends in the Baltic Sea Basin
- Establishing the skill of climate field reconstruction techniques for precipitation with pseudoproxy experiments in Europe
- Extreme Sea Levels and Approaches to Adaptation in Germany
- Framing Extreme Event Attribution from the Bottom up - an Enquiry into the Social Representations of key stakeholders, of the Press and of Climate Scientists.
- Improved precipitation extremes and climatology in a regional coupled model simulation over CORDEX south Asia domain
- Novel Techniques for High Pressure Falling Sphere Viscosimetry under Simulated Earth's Mantle Conditions
- Prospects of the New Science and Outreach Network Baltic Earth with Results of the Second Climate Change Assessment for the Baltic Sea Region (BACC II)
- Stochastic Trends in Global Sea Level Rise
- The effect of volcanic eruptions on the North Atlantic ocean temperatures over the past millennium (800-2000 AD)
- 500-year Reconstructions of Circulation in the Northeastern Pacific and Western North America: Relation to Precipitation and Fire Conditions in California and Precipitation in Hawai'i
- A Review on Regional Convection-Permitting Climate Modeling: Demonstrations, Prospects, and Challenges
- Exploring regional stakeholder needs and requirements in terms of Extreme Weather Event Attribution
- Forest Management in Earth System Modelling: a Vertically Discretised Canopy Description for ORCHIDEE and Effects on European Climate Since 1750
- Hydrological variability in a comprehensive Earth System Model simulation of the past 2,000 years
- Influence of ocean and atmosphere coupling in a regional climate simulation: case study on typhoons over the CORDEX Southeast Asia domain
- Recent Regional Climate State and Change - Derived through Downscaling Homogeneous Large-scale Components of Re-analyses
- Added value of convection-permitting regional climate model simulations for storms over the German Bight and Northern Germany
- Attribution of the 1995 and 2006 storm surge events in the southern Baltic Sea
- Documenting Matured Science: The BACC-Type Assessment Reports
- Study on a Dynamic Vegetation Model for Simulating Land Surface Flux Exchanges at Lien-Hua-Chih Flux Observation Site in Taiwan
- The Hyperspectral Absorption Sensor - Advantages and challenges of continuous, in situ absorption coefficient measurements
- The Nitrogen Inventory of the Yedoma Permafrost Domain
- The dependence of model resolution on spatial co-variance patterns - Implications for pseudo proxy experiments
- The impact of changes in anthropogenic aerosol load on climate trends in Europe during the last decades and its sensitivity to aerosol optical properties
- A regional high resolution model of the marine mercury cycle.
- Changes in the Winter-Time Storminess over the North Atlantic, Associated with the 1.5°C and 2°C Levels of Global Warming.
- Climatology of coastal low level jets over the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea and the relationship with regional atmospheric circulations
- Integrating Nutrient Enrichment and Forest Management Experiments in Sweden to Constrain the Process-Based Land Surface Model ORCHIDEE
- Long-term Surface Temperature (LoST) Database as a Complement for GCM Preindustrial Simulations
- Long-term Trends and Variability of Eddy Activities in the South China Sea
- Modeling Climate and Societal Resilience in the Mediterranean During the Last Millennium
- Modelling Potential Consequences of Different Geo-Engineering Treatments for the Baltic Sea Ecosystem
- Stable Carbon Isotopes in Treerings; Revisiting the Paleocloud Proxy.
- The PAGES 2k Network, Phase 3: Themes and Call for Participation
- Viscous and Turbulent Stress Measurements over Wind-driven Surface Waves
- CORDEX-CORE REMO Evaluation using the Koeppen-Trewartha Climate Classification
- Cascading the terrestrial soil organic carbon to hydrology within MPI-ESM: Global distribution of riverine DOC concentration and seasonality at major river basins
- Large influence of soil moisture on the terrestrial carbon cycle
- Measurements of Wind and Waves using Coherent Marine Radars
- Performance Evaluation of HadGEM2-ES and MIROC5 Downscaled Rainfall Simulations over Brazil
- Science for Solutions
- The PAGES 2k Network: Status update on Phase Three projects
- Travelling eddies in the South China Sea - multi-decadal statistics and large-sale conditioning
- Can we manage the unexpected? Constructing plausible storm tides with high impact potential and consequences for coastal protection and disaster risk management.
- City Scale Air Pollution Modelling and High Resolution Exposure Mapping of an Urban Hotspot in the Eastern Mediterranean
- Defining 'pre-industrial climate': Past global changes during the most recent two millennia
- Effects of climate change on water quality for urban water supply of Valencia (Spain).
- Land-atmosphere feedbacks exacerbate concurrent soil drought and atmospheric aridity
- Modelling lateral transport of riverine organic carbon as a link of terrestrial carbon and hydrology within MPI-ESM
- Sea Level Change and Variability in the subtropical South Pacific
- The PAGES 2k Network: Overview, Progress and Vision
- The challenge of detecting change in extratropical storminess
- The stochastic climate model in action: hydrodynamic unprovoked variability in regional seas.
- Water Surface Elevation in the Elbe Estuary
- A New High Resolution Experiment with the ParFlow Hydrologic Model to Forecast Soil Moisture in Germany
- Advancing community-led research into the climate of the Common Era
- Chinese lockdown as aerosol reduction experiment
- Impact of various irrigation methods on convection investigated by using a convection permitting regional climate model
- Impacts of climate change on global terrestrial water storage and the implications on future droughts
- Long-term high-resolution land-use/land-cover change dataset for regional climate modeling
- Postnormality of climate science: on the interface of science and society
- Representation of Snow Cover in the EURO-CORDEX Regional Climate Model Ensemble - Evaluation of Current State and Future Projection
- Soil moisture-atmosphere feedbacks mitigate projected surface water availability declines in drylands
- Tailoring climate projections to the needs of agricultural stakeholders - insights from ADAPTER
- Uncertainties in plant functional type (PFT) products for use in regional climate models - assessing the sensitivity of global PFT time series to different input data and cross-walking procedures.
- Using GRACE-based Land Water Storage Data to Assess the Skill of Decadal Climate Predictions from CMIP5 Models
- CoastalApp : The Extensible Coupled Multi-Model-Component Framework For Coastal and Regional Modeling Applications
- Euro-Atlantic Summer Atmospheric Teleconnections with Self-Organising Maps: Predictability and the Role of SST in MPI-ESM-MR
- Free Evaluation System Framework (Freva): updates and new features
- Net-zero CO2 Germany - A retrospect from the year 2050
- The EUREC4A-Ocean/Atmosphere campaign: status
- The Kids Arent Alright
- Announcing Phase 4 of PAGES 2k: Hydroclimate of the Common Era
- Pre-operational ensemble assimilation forecast experiments for the ocean around Taiwan
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Akihiko Ito
- Ali Abdolali
- Alyssa R. Atwood
- Andreas Behrendt
- Andreas Oschlies
- Andy Richling
- B. L. Konecky
- Belén Martrat
- Benjamin J. Henley
- C. W. Fairall
- Carl‐Friedrich Schleussner
- Carsten Lemmen
- Chelle Gentemann
- Christoph Müller
- Christopher Kadow
- Claudia Acquistapace
- César B. Rocha
- Dariusz B. Baranowski
- Dongxiao Zhang
- Elizabeth Thompson
- Gregory R. Foltz
- Guillaume Lapeyre
- Hans W. Linderholm
- Helen McGregor
- Hervé Giordani
- Jim Thomson
- Jin‐Song von Storch
- Joeri Rogelj
- Johannes Karstensen
- Jonas Jägermeyr
- Karen J. Heywood
- Kerry Emanuel
- Lars Nerger
- Lionel Renault
- Lukas Gudmundsson
- Lukas Jonkers
- Naota Hanasaki
- Nikita Kaushal
- Paquita Zuidema
- Peter Landschützer
- Rémi Laxenaire
- Saeed Moghimi
- Simon N. Gosling
- Sonia I. Seneviratne
- Torsten Sachs
- Volker Wulfmeyer
- Wenfeng Liu
- Wim Thiery
- Yoshihide Wada