National University of Ireland Galway
flowchart I[National University of Ireland Galway] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (81)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (19)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- The Ice Shelf - Ocean Model Intercomparison Project (ISOMIP)
- Extensional Strain Accommodation by Diking in the Transitional Main Ethiopian Rift
- High Precision Stable Isotope Analysis of Methane and Carbon Dioxide using Trace Gas CF-IRMS: Instrumentation Development, London Diurnal Studies and Measurements of Emissions from Irish Wetlands
- Aerosol Direct Radiative Effects Over the Northwest Atlantic, Northwest Pacific, and North Indian Oceans: Estimates Based on In-situ Chemical and Optical Measurements and Chemical Transport Modeling
- Along-axis Segmentation of the Main Ethiopian Rift from Tomographic Inversion of Local Earthquakes
- Extensional Strain Accommodation by Diking in the Transitional Main Ethiopian Rift
- High Resolution Analysis of Sub-fossil Midges from the Great Basin, United States Provides Evidence of 20th Century Warming
- Assessment of Impact of Ship Emissions Over the Summertime Mediterranean
- Carbon 13 Enrichment in Atmospheric Methane at Mace Head, Ireland: are Boreal Forest Fires the Source?
- Evidence of Regional Warming during the 20th Century in Alpine and Subalpine Lakes in the Western United States
- Near Seabed Dynamics and Turbulence at Tisler Cold Water Coral Reef
- New Insights On The Link Between Oceanic Vegetation and Marine Organic Aerosol
- The Oxygen - Sulfur Isotope Relationships of Dissimilatory Sulfate Reduction: Deciphering the Isotopic Composition of Sulfates from the Geologic Record
- Integrated Water Vapour Retrieval From Irish GPS Network: Results From Validation With Radiosondes And Microwave Profiler And Assimilation Into HIRLAM 7.2 Operational Forecasting Model
- A biogenic source of oxalic acid in marine aerosol
- A field study of flow turbulence and sediment transport dynamics on a beach surface in the lee of a coastal foredune under offshore winds
- Beach-dune dynamics: Spatio-temporal patterns of aeolian sediment transport under complex offshore airflow
- Groundwater denitrification and denitrifer gene abundances at varying hydrogeological settings in Ireland
- Production Flux of Sea-Spray Aerosol
- Quantitative molecular biology and gas flux measurements demonstrate soil treatment and depth affects on the distribution and activity of denitrifiers
- Reattachment Zone Characterisation Under Offshore Winds With Flow Separation On The Lee Side Of Coastal Dunes
- Spatial and temporal patterns of airflow across a foredune and beach surface under offshore winds: implications for aeolian sediment transport
- The vertical structure of airflow turbulence characteristics within a boundary layer during wind blown sand transport over a beach
- A biogenic source of oxalic acid and glyoxal in marine boundary layer
- A dichotomy in primary marine organic aerosol-cloud-climate system
- Arc-continent collision: The making of an orogen
- Evaluation of chlorophyll-a and other ocean colour products to predict the organic mass fraction in sea spray aerosol
- Gas-Phase Photochemistry During the 2009 OASIS Barrow Field Intensive
- Grimsvotn ash plume detection by ground-based elastic Lidar at Dublin Airport on May 2011
- Investigation of Submarine Groundwater Discharge and Preferential Groundwater Flow-paths in a Coastal Karst Area using towed Marine and Terrestrial Electrical Resistivity
- Summer-time salinity variability in the North Atlantic subtropical gyre; comparison of freshening events observed in June 2006 and in July-August 2012
- Aerosol Optical Depth Measurements in the Southern Ocean Within the Framework of Maritime Aerosol Network
- IRETHERM: Magnetotelluric studies of Irish radiothermal granites and their geothermal energy potential
- Parametrization of turbulence models using 3DVAR data assimilation in laboratory conditions
- The IRETHERM Project: Assessment Of The Rathlin Basin As A Possible Geothermal Aquifer
- A Multi-Disciplinary Investigation of Irish Warm Springs and Their Potential for the Provision of Geothermal Energy
- Geophysical Studies of Irish Granites Using Magnetotelluric and Gravity Data
- The IRETHERM Project: How Can We Characterize Geothermal Reservoirs in Ireland using Magnetotelluric Surveying?
- A hypothetical model of organic matter sea-to-air exchange processes based on stable carbon fractionation in the Southern Ocean
- Aerosol-cloud closure study using RPAS measurements
- Synthesis of the ACTRIS Network Cloud Condensation Nuclei Measurements
- Towards Bottom-up and Top-down Closures of Aerosol-cloud Interactions: multi-dimensional Cloud-aERosol Exploratory Study using RPAS
- Isolated characterization of marine ice nucleating particles at the Mace Head Observatory and the Southern Ocean
- Joint Efforts Towards European HF Radar Integration
- A Glacial Perspective on the Impact of Heinrich Stadials on North Atlantic Climate
- Black Carbon Measurements From Ireland's Transboundary Network (TXB)
- Brittle fracture damage around the Alpine Fault, New Zealand
- Global simulation of ice-nucleating particles and implications for cloud radiative effects
- Integrating multi-disciplinary field and laboratory methods to investigate the response and recovery of beach-dune systems in Ireland to extreme events
- Marine CCN Activation: A Battle Between Primary and Secondary Sources
- Nascent Marine Aerosol Acting as Ultra-Efficient Cloud Nuclei
- Rapid advance and retreat over centennial/millennial timescales at Kangiata Nunaata Sermia, SW Greenland - implications for modelling, and behaviour of tidewater glaciers
- Top-down and Bottom-up aerosol-cloud-closure: towards understanding sources of unvertainty in deriving cloud radiative flux
- Wintertime aerosol chemical composition and source apportionment of the organic fraction across Ireland
- Assessing spatial and temporal variations in an aquifer system using repeat temperature-depth measurements: an example from the Española Basin, New Mexico
- Borehole stress indicators across the Hikurangi Subduction Margin: Preliminary insights from IODP Expedition 372
- Structure and Fluid Flow in Andesitic Systems of the Taupo Volcanic Zone: a Framework to Unravel Subseafloor Hydrothermal Flow Pathways at Brothers Volcano, Kermadec Arc?
- Girls into Geoscience - Ireland
- The Charlie - Gibbs Fracture Zone: Tectonic, Magmatic and Hydrothermal Processes in a Chain of Giant Oceanic Core Complexes
- XAS measurements of solid-phase arsenic speciation in a fractured bedrock aquifer
- A Remote Sensing Approach to Characterising Soil Moisture Regimes on Poorly Drained Soils in Ireland
- CCN over the Southern Ocean: Sources and Relevance for Cloud Formation
- Defining Potential Peatland Management Zones using Unsupervised Self-Organizing Map Clustering on Airborne Radiometric Data
- Examining trends in synoptic-scale variability in wintertime CO<SUB>2</SUB> readings at Mace Head, Ireland
- Holocene Ice-Elevation and Extent Changes at Roberts Massif, Central Transantarctic Mountains
- Navigating the changing seas of international paleoceanographic field research
- Southern Ocean pH Reconstructions over the Last Glacial Gycle and Implications for the Mechanism of Glacial CO<SUB>2</SUB> Drawdown
- Timing and Magnitude of Last Deglacial Warming in High-Elevation Regions of Eastern Equatorial Africa
- Climate change in the northern tropical Andes during late-glacial time derived from glacier reconstructions
- Dissolved Organic Carbon and Nutrient Export from Irish Peatlands During Winter Floods
- Impact of Temperature and Tropical Lapse Rate Variations on Mountain Environments of Eastern Equatorial Africa Since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Iron Weathering and Organic Speciation in Ice-Free Antarctic Meltwater Streams and Implications for Bioavailable Iron Flux to the Southern Ocean
- Low Source-Inherited Iron Solubility of South American Dust Limits Fertilization Potential of the Southern Oceans
- Recent Tropical Andean Glacier Retreat Unprecedented in the Holocene
- Safe Use of Dairy Processing Sludge and STRUBIAS Food System Fertilising Products in Agriculture
- The Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and Termination 1 in the tropics based on glacial extent records
- Data Driven Method for Selection of Optimum Number of Clusters in Earth Science Data using Centroid based Self-Organising Maps Clustering
- Regional Mapping of Peatland Boundaries using Airborne Radiometric Data and Supervised Machine Learning
- Stable Water Isotopes Show Irish River Response to Droughts and Floods
- The Biogeochemistry of Intact, Degraded, and Afforested Irish Blanket Bog
- Using Measurements of Atmospheric 14CO in a Global Network to Improve Understanding of OH Spatial and Temporal Variability
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. M. Smith
- Andrew L. Gorin
- Brent M. Goehring
- Bryan G. Mark
- Christopher B. Gardner
- Daniel Ruiz Carrascal
- Derek W.T. Jackson
- Diego M. Gaiero
- Douglas D. Smith
- Gennadi Milinevsky
- H. Martin Schaefer
- Jeremy D. Shakun
- Lee T. Murray
- Melisa A. Diaz
- N. J. Cosentino
- S. Garelick
- Sara R. Kimmig
- Shaun A. Marcott
- V. V. Petrenko