University of California, Riverside
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- University of California, Riverside, Department of Earth Sciences
- University of California, Riverside, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A New Class of Microstructures Associated with Transformation-Induced Faulting
- Hygroscopicity and Volatility of Diesel Nanoparticles Studied by Nano TDMA
- Microbiology of Massive Gas Hydrates from the Gulf of Mexico
- Physical Mechanisms for Earthquakes at Intermediate Depths
- Single Particle Source Profiles of Gasoline and Diesel Powered Vehicles, Biomass Burning and Coal Combustion Exhaust Emissions
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Transformations Occurring on Particles During INDOEX and ACE-Asia
- Subsurface Ectomycorrhizal Fungi: A New Source of Atmospheric Methyl Halides?
- Synthesis of Geological and Geophysical Data on the Delta of the Colorado River with Relevance to the Evolution of the Grand canyon of Arizona, USA.
- The Iceland Deep Drilling Project (IDDP): Obtaining Supercritical Geothermal Fluid from Hot Spot-Ridge Interaction.
- The San Dimas Experimental Forest - Long Term Study of Fire, Water and Vegetation
- Tracing Nitrate Deposition Using Δ <SUP>17</SUP>O
- Transport and Fate of Colloids in Physically Heterogeneous Porous Media
- Assessing Nitrate Deposition in Southern California Ecosystems using Δ<SUP>17</SUP>O.
- Cosmic-ray Spectra at Spherical Shocks
- Discovery of an Active Microbial Community in a Subglacial Volcanic Crater Lake, Iceland
- Enhanced Mantle Conductivity from Sulfides beneath the Sierra Nevada?
- Estimating the Optimal Spatial Complexity of a Water Quality Model Using Multi-Criteria Methods
- Evidence of Unstable Preferential Flow during Soil Water Redistribution
- Microbial ecology of á-Proteobacteria ammonia-oxidizers along a concentration gradient of dry atmospheric nitrogen deposition in the San Bernadino Mountain Range.
- National Instrument Facility for Electromagnetic Studies of the Continents (EMSOC)
- New Particle Formation from Photooxidation of Diiodomethane (CH2I2): Smog Chamber Experiments, Kinetic Modeling, and Impact On Marine Aerosol
- Source Kinematics and Dynamics of the 3 November, 2002 Mw7.9 Denali Fault, Alaska Earthquake
- Subglacial Microbial Communities and Their Relationship to Bedrock Lithology
- The Importance of Seepage Zones in Predicting Surface Runoff, NO<SUB>3</SUB>-N and Pesticide Loss From Watersheds With GLEAMS and RZWQM
- Assessing Model Structural Uncertainty Using a Split Sample Approach for a Distributed Water Quality Model
- Deformation of Serpentinite and its Implications for the Aseismicity and Seismic Low Velocity Anomaly in Subduction Zones
- High Temperature Deformation of Omphacite in Eclogite: Implications for Subducted Lithosphere
- Kinetic Fractionation of Carbon Isotopes During Carbonate Weathering in Glaciated Catchments: Implications for the Detection of Subglacial Microbial Activity
- Modeling Investigation of Water Partitioning at a Semi-arid Hillslope and its Implication
- Modifications of the HYDRUS software packages for analyzing transient flow and solute transport experiments from centrifuge.
- Naphthalene and Naphthoquinone: Distributions and Human Exposure in the Los Angeles Basin
- Nitrogen Dynamics Along the Western Slope of the Sierra Nevada, California
- Parameter uncertainty assessment for distributed water quality models
- Post-Fire Overland Flow Frequency, Volume and Quality
- Selenium and Arsenic - Nitrate-facilitated Pyrite Oxidation in an Urban Watershed
- Soil nitrogen dynamics during seasonal transitions: N retention and loss in ecosystems of the Sierra Nevada, California
- Web-Based Model Visualization Tools to Aid in Model Optimization and Uncertainty Analysis
- A Microbial Community in Sediments Beneath the Western Antarctic Ice Sheet, Ice Stream C (Kamb)
- An Assessment of Fungal Diversity Using Oligonucleotide Fingerprinting of rRNA Genes, A Macroarray-based Technique
- Concentrations, Sources, and Transformation of Particulate Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Mexico City
- Diamond Synthesis and Carbon Solubility in a Hydrous Granitoid System
- Dislocation Microstructures and Dissociation in Deformed Olivine Displaying the A-, B- and C-type Fabrics
- Fate Of Continental Crust Subducted to the Mantle Transition Zone: Experimental Investigations
- Imaging the Deep Roots of the San Andreas Fault and the Dead Sea Fault with Magnetotelluric Measurements
- Investigating the subglacial environment and geology of Antarctica and Greenland by direct means
- Kinematic Modeling of the 2004 Parkfield Earthquake
- Lattice Boltzmann Simulations of Permeability in Statistically Reconstructed Three-Dimensional Pore Structures
- Long-term Stream Flow Impact Of Wild Fires In Mediterranean Shrubland Ecosystems
- Model Abstraction to Assess Uncertainty in Flow and Transport Modeling
- Models to simulate preferential/nonequilibrium flow and transport in the vadose zone.
- Multi-cycle Dynamics of Branched Fault Systems
- Nitro-PAHs in Mexico City: Can Their Presence Be Attributed to Hydroxyl Radical Reactions?
- Non-Equilibrium and Two-Dimensional Flow Field Effects on Bromide Transport at a Tile-Drained Field Site
- Plan for a Sierra Nevada Hydrologic Observatory: Science Aims, Measurement Priorities, Research Opportunities and Expected Impacts
- Retention of Atmospheric and Biogeochemically Cycled Nitrogen in a Mediterranean Climate
- Size Distribution of Sea-Salt Emissions as a Function of Relative Humidity
- Transport and Retention of Manure-borne E. coli in Saturated Well-Structured Soil
- UHP Ilmenite Exsolution from Iron-bearing Rutile in Eclogite from the Altyn Tagh, NW China
- Characterizing Soil Hydraulic Parameter Heterogeneity Using Cokriging and Artificial Neural Network: A Framework of Integrating Hard and Soft Data
- Diversity of Arsenate Respiratory Reductase Genes Along Gradients of Arsenate and Arsenite Within Hypersaline, Alkaline Sediments
- Effect of Mica on Grain Size of Dynamically Recrystallized Quartz in Mylonite
- Modeling compensated root water and solute uptake
- Modeling the SOA Forming Potential of Substituted Dihydrofurans from Alkane + OH Reactions in the Atmosphere
- Non-linear Energetic Particle Transport in Incompressible MHD Turbulence
- Numerical Analysis of Coupled Water, Vapor and Heat Transport in the Vadose Zone using HYDRUS
- Organic Aerosol Analysis with a High Resolution Time-of-Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer in Riverside, CA (SOAR 2005)
- Particle Acceleration at Perpendicular Shock Waves: Model and Observations
- Shock Acceleration of Pickup Ions with a Field-Aligned Focused Transport Approach
- Transport of Manure Constituents in Runoff
- Using Temporal Persistence to Upscale Soil Water Contents and Reduce Uncertainty
- A deep crustal fluid channel into the San Andreas Fault system imaged with magnetotellurics
- Assessment of Spatial Scale Dependendies of Variably Saturated Flow Approaches for Regional Scale Ground Water Models
- Attachment of Escherichia coli to Soil Aggregates as Affected by Aggregate Water Content and Presence of Manure Constituents
- Automated Detection and Analysis of Interplanetary Shocks with Real-Time Application
- Biogeochemistry of the Salton Sea, California
- Circulation, chemistry, and biology of the subglacial lake beneath the Skaftárkatlar cauldron, Iceland
- Cloud Droplet Activation of Secondary Organic Aerosol
- EarthScope MT: The Oregon Pilot Project
- Generation of Chaotic Magnetic Fields and Their Effect on Particle Motion
- Modeling the Transition From Predominantly Gas- to Predominantly Aerosol-Phase Products From OH Reactions With the Homologous Series of C10 to C15 n- Alkanes
- Molecular Microbial Diversity of the McMurdo Dry Valley Lakes
- Numerical Analysis of Colloid Transport in Volcanic Ash Soil
- Parameterization of the Cloud Nucleating Activity of Fresh, Aged, and Internally-Mixed Organic Aerosols
- Spatial and Temporal Variation of Soil Respiration Using Solid-State Sensors in Temperate and Tropical Forests
- Subsurface Water Distribution Described by Moment Analyses
- The Effect of Pre-stress Assumptions on Dip-slip Fault Nucleation
- The Rheology of Vegetative Ash-laden Debris Flows
- The shocking truth about electromagnetic phenomena associated with the 2004 M6.0 Parkfield earthquake
- Use of Fog N by Understory Vegetation in California Redwood Forests
- Using Ensemble Predictions to Simulate Field-Scale Soil Water Time Series with Upscaled and Downscaled Soil Hydraulic Properties
- Variational formulations for Whistlers and Travelling Waves in Multi-fluid Plasmas
- Acceleration at the termination shocks: the pitch-angle perspective
- Applications of the Principle of Minimum Dissipation Rate to Solar Corona
- Aseismic anomalies in the mantle transition zone: subduction versus continental collision
- Asperities on the Hayward fault resolved by PS-InSAR, GPS and boundary element modeling
- Beyond CO2: Changes in Limiting Resources in California Oak Woodland
- Biomarker evidence for shallow water marine euxinia through the PTB in the Panthalassic Ocean (Peace River Basin Embayment, Canada)
- Chaotic Magnetic Fields due to Asymmetric Current Configurations - Modeling Cross-Field Diffusion of Charged Particles in Cosmic Rays
- Chemistry of an Antarctic Subglacial Environment - The role of subglacial geochemical processes in global biogeochemical cycles and quantifying subglacial hydrological processes
- Controls over fungal communities and consequences for nutrient cycling
- Demonstration of X-line retreat by a large scale full particle simulation
- EMSCOPE - Electromagnetic Component of EarthScope Backbone and Transportable Array Experiments 2006-2008
- Effects of Urbanization on Organic Carbon Loads in the Sacramento River, California
- Evaluation of the Transport of Natural Radioactive Materials in Large Lysimeters Using Hydrus-1D
- Improving Heat Pulse Probe Sensitivity without Changing its Geometry
- Insights on Sources, Growth, and Phase Partitioning of Atmospheric Particles from Hourly Measurements of Organic Marker Compounds
- Integrable, Nonlinear Travelling Waves and Whistler Oscillitons in Two-Fluid, Electron-Proton Plasmas
- Integrated Impacts of environmental factors on the degradation of fumigants
- Measurement of Oxygen-to-Carbon Ratios of Organic Aerosols and Implications for the Atmospheric Evolution of SOA
- Minimum Dissipative Relaxed States in Astrophysical Plasmas
- Modeling Evaluation of Retention and Release of Atmospheric Deposition N in Mixed Coniferous Forests, San Bernardino National Forest, CA
- Modeling the Coupled Effects of Pore Space Geometry and Velocity on Colloid and Nanoparticle Transport and Retention
- Numerical Modeling of Unsaturated Flows in Variable Gravity During Parabolic Flight
- Observations of hygroscopic and optical properties of biogenic secondary organic aerosol generated using a simple continuous flow reaction chamber
- Osbornite (TiN) and boron nitride nanoinclusions in coesite from Tibet: a first record of nitrogen in a terrestrial ultrahigh pressure environment
- Quasi 3D model construction of artificial recharge through the vadose zone using time-lapse zero-offset profiling of cross borehole radar
- The Contribution of Old Carbon to Respiration from Alaskan Tundra Following Permafrost Thaw
- The Degree of Permafrost Thawing Determines Arctic Tundra Carbon Balance
- The Geochemical Figure Print of an Early Paleozoic OAE
- The role of lakes in carbon transfers from permafrost to the atmosphere
- Thermo-Petrologic Evolution of Slabs in the Transition Zone Controls Deep Subduction
- Using a Process-Based Numerical Model and Simple Empirical Relationships to Evaluate CO2 Fluxes from Agricultural Soils.
- Volatility of Primary and Secondary Organic Aerosols in the Field Contradicts Current Model Representations
- Widespread Iron Oxidizing Bacterial Communities in a late Paleoproterozoic Marine Environment
- 3D Numerical Simulations of Driven Dissipative Relaxed Plasma Processes
- Aerosol organic nitrate characterization and quantification with the High Resolution-Time of Flight-Aerosol Mass Spectrometer
- Atmospheric Deposition of Coarse and Fine-Mode Phosphorus in Sequoia National Park
- Atmospheric Fate and Transport of Agricultural Dust and Ammonia
- Boundary Conditions at the Soil-Atmosphere Interface from Meteorological Data Using HYDRUS-1D
- Concentration Dependent Colloid Transport in Saturated Porous Media: The Role of Solution Chemistry
- Coupled Factors Influencing Colloid Transport and Retention in Saturated Porous Media
- Did Lake Elsinore's Stormy Affair End, or Just Change, in the Mid-Holocene?
- Empirical and modeling approaches to setting critical loads for N deposition in southern California shrublands
- Fate and Transport of (FeXNi1-X)yOZ Nanoparticles in Aquatic Environments
- Hexagonal Diamonds (Lonsdaleite) Discovered in the K/T Impact Layer in Spain and New Zealand
- Identification of organic substrates used in heterotrophic respiration within thawing permafrost: Eight Mile Lake, Alaska
- Impact-Shocked diamonds, Abrupt Ecosystem Disruption, and Mammoth Extinction on California's Northern Channel Islands at the Allerod-Younger Dryas Boundary (13.0-12.9 ka)
- Integrating Measures of Soil Respiration Across Spatial and Temporal Scales Along a Woody Plant Encroachment Gradient Using Traditional and Innovative Techniques
- Investigating earthquake scaling relationships from a 15 year archive of InSAR-derived earthquake models
- Modeling the effects of N deposition, precipitation variability, and soil texture on winter annual production and fire risk in Southern California deserts
- Perchlorate isotope forensics with naturally produced 36Cl
- Permafrost Thaw Stimulates Old Carbon Release and Alters Net Carbon Exchange From Tundra
- Petrologic Anomalies in the Mantle Transition Zone
- Presence of all Three Allotropes of Impact-Diamonds in the Younger Dryas Onset Layer (YDB) Across N America and NW Europe
- Rheology of Mafic Granulite at High Pressure and Temperature: Implications for Crust- Mantle Interactions
- Scaling rules for understanding coupled carbon and water cycling responses to hydrologic and vegetation changes in semiarid ecosystems
- Subsurface Creep and Geometry of the Hayward-Calaveras Stepover
- The 2008 Wells Earthquake, Nevada from Envisat ASAR data
- The Late Cambrian SPICE Event: A Global Carbon Cycle Perturbation
- The Nitrogen Budget for a Mediterranean Chamise (Adenostoma fasciculatum L.) Dominated Watershed, Sierra Nevada, CA
- Toward a predictive model for water and carbon fluxes of non-native trees in urban habitats
- Trace Metal Associations in an Anoxic Lake: the Relative Roles of Organic Carbon and Reduced Sulfur
- Transport of metabolically active bacteria in porous media:the effect of substrate, age, and grain size
- Vegetation Type Regulates Soil CO2 Production at Multiple Temporal Scales
- Viscosity Profile of the Cratonic Lithosphere of Eastern China and its Implications for Craton Reactivation
- Water is not Recycled into the Deep Mantle in Subducting Lithosphere
- A coupled modeling approach to incorporate vadose-zone flow and solute transport in ground water models
- Alpe Arami garnet peridotite from depth >300 km: revisited in 15 years (Invited)
- Cloud condensation nucleation activity of secondary organic aerosols formed from the oxidation of alkenes and diiodomethane
- Development of the Elastic Rebound Strike-slip (ERS) Fault Model for Teaching Earthquake Science to Non-science Students
- Effects of Anthropogenic Emissions on the Nitrogen Cycle in the Desert Creosote Scrub Ecosystem
- Effects of the hydraulic conductivity of the matrix/macropore interface on cumulative infiltrations into dual-permeability media
- Geoscience Education Outreach Program (GEOP): Connecting Graduate Student Scientists and K-12 Students
- How will Primary and Secondary Organic Mixtures Impact CCN?
- Hysteresis of Soil Moisture Spatial Heterogeneity and the "Homogenizing" Effect of Vegetation
- Iceland Deep Drilling Project (IDDP): (8) A Fluid Inclusion Study of Magmatic Gases at the Krafla Geothermal Field
- In situ diamonds in polished chromitite fragments from the chromite deposits in Polar Ural and Tibet
- Inferred NO2 Dry Deposition Rate at Nighttime in Arid Climate Conditions
- Late Archean Euxinia as a Window into Early Biogeochemical Cycles
- Multiple-scale patterns of semi-arid ecohydrology: Interactions between landscape position and vegetation community (Invited)
- Oxygen and sulfur isotope composition of sulfate-rich evaporite mounds at the Lewis Cliffs Ice Tongue, Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica
- Ozone flux of an urban orange grove: multiple scaled measurements and model comparisons
- Particulate organic nitrate and organic sulfate contributions to SOA: Response of the AMS and constraints from field studies
- Phosphorous in the Sierra Nevada: Forms, mechanisms, and timing of release in high-elevation soils
- Products and Mechanisms of Aerosol Formation from Reactions of OH Radicals with Linear and Branched Alkenes in the Presence of NOx (Invited)
- Quantifying Dissolution and Transport of Nitroglycerine, 2,4-Dinitrotoluine, and Nitroguanidine from Fired and Unfired Propellants in the Vadose Zone
- Secondary organic aerosol formation from m-xylene photooxidation: The role of the phenolic product
- Seismic Observations of Rock Damage and Heal on the Longman-Shan Fault of the M8 Wenchuan Earthquake and the Parkfield San Andreas Fault
- Tests of the hypothesis that the decay of aftershock density with distance indicates triggering by dynamic stress
- The Effect Of Fault Stepovers On Ground Motion
- The Iceland Deep Drilling Project (IDDP): (6) Hydrothermal minerals record CO2 partial pressures in the Reykjanes Geothermal System, Iceland
- The Quake-Catcher Network: An Innovative Community-Based Seismic Network
- The role of chemistry in under-predictions of NO2 in the upper troposphere
- Using an Inverse Geochemical Reaction Path Model to Analyze the Effects of Climate Change on High-elevation Catchments in the Southern Rocky Mountains
- Variability of climate, atmospheric deposition and solute fluxes in high elevation catchments and lakes of the Sierra Nevada (California)
- Δ17O Isotopic Investigation of Nitrate Salts Found in Co-Occurrence with Naturally Formed Perchlorate in the Mojave Desert, California, USA and the Atacama Desert, Chile
- 1996-2007 Interannual Spatio-Temporal Variability in Snowmelt in Two Montane Watersheds
- A Prescribed Fire Emission Factors Database for Land Management and Air Quality Applications
- A general framework for predicting CCN activity of organic molecules from functional group data
- An Integrated Organic-Inorganic Geochemical Study of the 1.64 Ga Barney Creek Formation in Australia (Invited)
- Analytic models of the displacements and stresses in a long basin due to varying hydrological loading, with application to hydrogeological geodesy
- Automatic tremor detection and waveform component analysis using a neural network approach
- Building a physical "Earthquake Simulator" to explore the earthquake cycle in K12 outreach
- Climatic influences on the spatial distribution of ecosystem services and costs in the Los Angeles urban forest
- Dissolution of Unfired and Fired Propellants and Transport of Released Nitroglycerine, 2,4-Dinitrotoluine, and Nitroguanidine in Soils
- Do Polyethylene Plastic Covers Affect Smoke Emissions from Debris Piles?
- Dual stable isotopic analysis of nitrogen and oxygen to evaluate sources and sinks of atmospheric anthropogenic nitrate in the Colorado Desert
- Eolian delivery of highly reactive iron to the glacial ocean of the late Paleozoic
- Evolution of Early Paleoproterozoic Ocean Chemistry as Recorded by Black Shales
- Gaseous N fluxes in Mediterranean catchments: from low elevation chaparral to high elevation subalpine ecosystems
- High-Resolution Imaging of the San Andreas Fault Damage Zone from SAFOD Main-Hole and Surface Seismic Records
- High-resolution mycorrhizal hyphae dynamics: temporal variation, biophysical controls, and global environmental change
- Hygroscopicity frequency distributions of secondary organic aerosols
- Identification and dating of a submarine landslide in the western Argentine Basin - an interdisciplinary approach
- Modeling Food Delivery Dynamics For Juvenile Salmonids Under Variable Flow Regimes
- NOx Chemical Sinks in the Upper Troposphere
- Nanometric Gouge in High-Speed Shearing Experiments: Superplasticity?
- Particle Size Distributions During Laboratory-Scale Biomass Burns and Prescribed Burns Using Fast Response Instruments
- Physiographic position modulates the influence of temperature and precipitation as controls over leaf and ecosystem level CO2 flux in shrubland ecosystems
- Polycrystalline Diamonds from the Erzgebirge Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphic Terrane, Germany
- Results from the Quake-Catcher Network Rapid Aftershock Mobilization Program (QCN-RAMP) Following the M8.8 Maule, Chile Earthquake
- Seismic Analysis of the Tonga Subduction Zone and Implications on the Thermo-Petrologic Evolution of Deep Subduction
- The Relationship Between Preserved Fault Zone Thickness and Total Displacement (Invited)
- A modeling study of uncertainties in isoprene nitrates and OH reformation
- Aftershock Relocation and Shear Wave Splitting in the Yuha Desert Following the 4 April 2010 M7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake Kayla A. Kroll (UCR), Elizabeth S. Cochran (USGS), Keith Richards-Dinger (UCR)
- Antecedent plant physiological performance influences the metabolic acceleration of semi-arid soils in response to rainfall
- Bacterial Disproportionation of Elemental Sulfur Inferred from a Field Study of Stable-Isotope Fractionations between Elemental Sulfur and Pyrite
- Computing Evaporation Using Meteorological Data for Hydrological Budget of Lake Wapalanne in NJ School of Conservation
- Detection of Septic System Waste in the Groundwaters of Southern California Using Emerging Contaminants and Isotopic Tracers
- Diel trends in plant sensitivity to ozone: Toward parameterization of the defense component of effective flux
- Direct in situ measurement of Carbon Allocation to Mycorrhizal Fungi in a California Mixed-Conifer Forest
- Fluids Speciation in Deep Subduction Channels: Evidence From Polycrystalline Diamonds From UHPM Terranes
- Gaseous and hydrologic nitrogen fluxes indicate seasonal N saturation in chaparral ecosystems
- Geophysical Characterization by the SAGE Program of a Newly Proposed, Low Temperature-EGS Prospect in the Central Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Heterogeneous Reactions of Chinese Particulate Matter with O3, OH radicals and N2O5 to Simulate Trans-Pacific Atmospheric Transport of PAHs
- High Elevation Lakes of the Western US: Are we Studying Systems Recovering from Excess Atmospheric Deposition of Acids and Nutrients?
- Influence of Natural Organic Matter on Attachment Kinetics of Salmonella Typhimurium
- Inverse Geochemical Reaction Path Modelling and the Impact of Climate Change on Hydrologic Structure in Snowmelt-Dominated Catchments in the Southwestern USA
- Investigation of Particle Formation and Ozone Impacts of Methyl Iodide (CH3I)
- Laboratory and Numerical Modeling of Smoke Characteristics for Superfog Formation
- Landscape hotspots of soil wetting sensitivity across a dryland elevation gradient: Multiple-scale ecosystem responses to water limitation
- Modeling Colloid Transport and Retention in Saturated Porous Media Under Unfavorable Attachment Conditions
- Nitrogen and Carbon Dynamics Across Trophic Levels Along an Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition Gradient
- Non-buoyancy driven liquid segregation in magma mush systems: implications for the origin of high silica liquids, reversely zoned plutons, and episodic eruption
- Physical and Chemical Factors Influencing the Transport and Fate of Microorganisms in Soils with Preferential Flow
- Reducing Methyl Halide Emissions from Soils
- Role of Environmental Conditions on the Fate and Transport of Engineered Nanomaterials in the Subsurface
- Seasonality of Leaf Carbon Isotopic Composition and Leaf Water Isotopic Enrichment in a Mixed Evergreen Forest in Southern California
- Simulations of interactions between slow slip events and great mega-thrust earthquakes
- Snowmelt and the geological and ecological filters modulating climate variability and streamflow response
- The Effects of Water Availability and Ecosystem Vegetation Composition on Evapotranspiration and Net Ecosystem Carbon Dioxide Exchange in the Semiarid Southwest
- The Equilibrium Response to Idealized Thermal Forcings in a Comprehensive GCM: Implications for Recent Tropical Expansion
- Understanding variation in ecosystem pulse responses to wetting: Benefits of data-model coupling
- a Modified Denitrifying Bacteria Method for Dual Stable Isotopic Analysis of of Soil Nitrate in Kcl Extracts: Identification of Bioindicators of Nitrogen Deposition Along a Gradient in the Sonoran Desert
- Annual bristlecone pine and german oak 14C data sets confirm 2625 BP 14C wiggle: major two decade reduction in 14C production?
- Assessment of total PPCP Pollution in Water Samples Using a New Contamination Index
- Carbon Fluxes And Yield Of Bioenergy Sorghum In An Extreme Desert Production Environment
- Control of Groundwater Pollution from Animal Feeding Operations: A Farm-Level Dynamic Model for Policy Analysis
- Controls on the vertical distribution of black carbon aerosols
- Dynamic Models of Potential Earthquakes in the San Gorgonio Pass, CA
- Evidence for Oxygenic Photosynthesis Half a Billion Years Before the Great Oxidation Event
- Evidence of Environmental Oxygenation before the Great Oxidation Event: A Status Report
- Factors regulating soil surface CO<SUB>2</SUB> and NO<SUB>x</SUB> flux in response to high temperature, pulse water events, and nutrient fertilization
- Fate and Transport of Pharmaceutical Compounds Applied to Turf-Covered Soil
- Formation of nitro-PAHs from the heterogeneous reaction of ambient particle-bound PAHs with NO3/N2O5
- Geochemistry of the 1.4 Ga Roper Group, Australia: An Ideal Window to the Redox Landscape of the Mid-Proterozoic Ocean
- Hydrologic response to modeled snowmelt input in alpine catchments in the Southwestern United States
- Hygroscopicity of Amine Secondary Aerosol - Mixtures of Organic and Inorganic Components
- In situ TEM investigations of mineral growth through oriented attachment of nanoparticles
- Measurements of peroxy radicals using dual-channel chemical amplification-cavity ringdown spectroscopy
- Modeling the Urban Climate at the Human Scale in Hot/Dry Regions
- Nitrogen dynamics in chaparral ecosystems: Limitations to the use of traditional N saturation indicators
- Observations of the urban land surface energy balance in a Phoenix, AZ, residential suburb
- Quantifying the impacts of global disasters
- Radiocarbon Depression in Aquatic Foodwebs of the Colorado River, USA: Coupling Between Carbonate Weathering and the Biosphere
- Recent Northern Hemisphere Tropical Expansion Primarily Driven by Black Carbon and Tropospheric Ozone
- Reconstruction of 20th Century Atmospheric Deposition Rates in the Sierra Nevada (California) using Spheroidal Carbonaceous Particles
- Risks and benefits of gardening in urban soil; heavy metals and nutrient content in Los Angeles Community Gardens
- Seismic and Gravity Investigations of the Caja del Rio Geothermal Area, New Mexico
- Simulation of the Effects of Elevated Pore Pressure on Seismicity
- Soil Cation Status in Southern California: Interactions of Vehicular Emissions
- The Consistency of Isotopologues of Ambient Atmospheric Nitric Acid in Passively Collected Samples
- The Role of Ethnographic Interviewing in Climate Change Evaluation Research: Investigating Intended and Unintended program effects
- Transport and retention of functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes in porous media
- USGS SAFRR Tsunami Scenario: Potential Impacts to the U.S. West Coast from a Plausible M9 Earthquake near the Alaska Peninsula
- Understanding the biological underpinnings of ecohydrological processes
- An Unique On-line Method to Infer Black Carbonaceous contributions to Water-Insoluble Aerosol Compositions
- Are Tropical Forest Responses to Rising Atmospheric CO2 Nutrient-Limited?
- Assessing Rates of Global Warming Emissions from Port- Fuel Injection and Gasoline Direct Injection Engines in Light-Duty Passenger Vehicles
- Assessment of vertical aerosol profiles simulation capability of Global Climate Models in different regions using the WRF
- Carbon dioxide(CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes in an agro-ecosystems under changing physical and biological conditions
- Data Management Practices and Advanced Technologies in Environmental Science: Lessons from Academia
- Deterministic Models of Aftershocks
- Earthquake Clustering and Triggering of Large Events in Simulated Catalogs
- From wetlands to sauropods (?) and cold seeps: New perspectives on methane cycling in the Phanerozoic (Invited)
- Hydrothermal Alteration in Submarine Basaltic Rocks from the Reykjanes Geothermal Field, Iceland. (Invited)
- Inorganic nitrogenous air pollutants, atmospheric nitrogen deposition and their potential ecological impacts in remote areas of western North America (Invited)
- Investigating earthquake self-similarity using a 20 year catalog of source parameters derived from InSAR data
- Iodine-to-calcium ratios in carbonates suggest a primary origin for the Precambrian Lomagundi and Shuram carbon isotope excursions
- Modeled Impacts of Anthropogenic Stressors on Listed Species in Southern California
- Modeling Rupture with Heterogeneous Prestress and Through Stable-Sliding Zones, and Implications for an Alaskan-Aleutian Megathrust Earthquake
- Relationship between the trajectory of mid-latitude cyclones in the eastern Pacific Ocean and the isotopic composition of snowfall in the Sierra Nevada, California
- Responses of Roadside Soil Cation Pools to Vehicular Emission Deposition in Southern California
- Seismic and Gravity Investigations of the Western Espanola Basin, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Size distribution dynamics reveal particle-phase chemistry in organic aerosol formation
- Stochastic-Dynamic Earthquake Models and Tsunami Generation
- The Aerosol-Cloud Semi-Direct Effect in Two GCMs Driven by Identical Satellite-Derived Aerosol Forcing
- The Ecohydrological Consequences of Woody Plant Encroachment: How Accessibility to Deep Soil Water Resources Affects Ecosystem Carbon and Water Exchange
- The SAFRR Tsunami Scenario: Improving Resilience for California from a Plausible M9 Earthquake near the Alaska Peninsula
- The elusiveness of measuring nitrite in soils: fast chemical reactions or inadequate extraction methods?
- Understanding the Effects of Users' Behaviors on Effectiveness of Different Exogenous Regulatory Common Pool Resource Management Institutions
- Urban surface temperature vulnerability assessments
- Using the Quake-Catcher Network (QCN) to derive source parameters and the site attenuation term, kappa (κ), using aftershocks of the 2010 Darfield, New Zealand earthquake
- Watershed scale soil biogeochemistry and greenhouse gas fluxes: Space-time dynamics of CO2, CH4, and N2O
- Altitudinal Contrasts in Drought-Driven Aeolian Microbial Inputs to Montane Soil Ecology: Impacts of a 500-Year Drought in the Sierra Nevada, California
- An Objective Mechanical Modelling Approach For Estimating the Distribution of Fault Creep and Locking From Geodetic Data
- Challenges in Developing Models Describing Complex Soil Systems
- Chamber Study Exploring Aerosol Formation from NO3 Oxidation of α-pinene and Δ-carene under Varying HO2/RO2/NO3 Regimes
- Changes in High Elevation Lake Ecosystems of the Sierra Nevada during the 20<SUP>th</SUP> Century: Combining Long-term Monitoring with Paleolimnology
- Combining Microbial Enzyme Kinetics Models with Light Use Efficiency Models to Predict CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> Ecosystem Exchange from Flooded and Drained Peatland Systems
- Coseismic and early postseismic slip of the 2014 South Napa earthquake from ABIC-based modeling of campaign GPS and InSAR data
- Coseismic and postseismic deformation due to the South Napa earthquake inferred from modeling of Global Positioning System data
- Do High-elevation Lakes Record Variations in Snowfall and Atmospheric Rivers in the Sierra Nevada of California?
- Emerging Patterns In The Isotopic Composition Of Soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> Concentrations, Soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> Production, And Soil-Atmosphere CO<SUB>2</SUB> Exchange At The Watershed Scale: On The Intersection Between Hydrology And Biology In The Critical Zone
- Equilibrium and Kinetic Models for Colloid Release Under Transient Solution Chemistry Conditions
- Evaluating Nitrogen Isotope Measurements in Unconventional Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
- Evaluation of simulated vertical aerosol profiles from global climate models
- Evapotranspiration and surface energy balance across an agricultural-urban landscape gradient in Southern California, USA.
- Fast Horizontal Contraction without Vertical Strain: Puzzling Interseismic Geodetic Measurements in the Ventura Basin, CA
- Foreshocks and Aftershocks of Large-event Clusters in Simulated Catalogs
- Gravity and Seismic Investigations of the Santo Domingo Basin, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Ground Motion Attenuation and Shear-Wave Splitting Analyses for the November 2011 M5.7 Prague, Oklahoma Earthquake
- Ground and Airborne Aerosol Composition Measurements of California Coastal Chaparral Smoke Emissions
- Implication of eolian delivery and accumulation of highly reactive iron to the Atlantic Ocean
- InSAR Measurements of Non-Tectonic Deformation Patterns in the Western Transverse Ranges, CA
- Influence of anthropogenic aerosols and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation on tropical belt width
- Integrating Automated Data into Ecosystem Models: How Can We Drink from a Firehose?
- Land-use and climate effects on soil respiration quantified with a landscape sensor network
- Long-term Effects of Shrub Encroachment and Grazing on Soil Microbial Composition and Function
- Mid- to Late Holocene Climate Shift in the Southern Gulf of California and Tropical Pacific Ocean
- Modeling a Wide Spectrum of Fault Slip Behavior in Cascadia With the Earthquake Simulator RSQSim
- Modeling temporal and spatial variability of crop yield
- Modulation of Leaf Economic Traits and Rates by Soil Properties, at Global Scale
- New Insights About Pre-Stress and Fault Interaction at Fault Step-Overs from 3D Numerical Simulations
- Oxygen Oases Before and After the GOE: Insights From Metals and Models
- Reconstructing hypoxia of the southeastern Gulf of California over the last 18,000 years: sediments of Pescadero Basin
- Relationship between the trajectory of mid-latitude cyclones in the eastern Pacific Ocean and the isotopic composition of snowfall in the Sierra Nevada, California
- SOA Formation from Photooxidation of Individual PAHs and Mixtures
- Simulation of Tremor and Slow Slip Earthquakes Along a Strike-Slip Fault
- Soil CO<SUB>2</SUB>, N<SUB>2</SUB>O and Nox Flux Responses to Biofuel Crop Plantation
- Successes and Challenges in the SAGE (Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience) REU Program
- Surface deformation before, during and after the 2014 South Napa, California, earthquake from a spatially dense network of survey and continuous GPS site
- Temperature Effects on Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation and Properties
- Temporal and Spatial Variations of Particulate Emissions on Major Highways in Southern California: Lagrangian Approach Using Mobile Monitoring System.
- The Importance of Anthropogenic Aerosols to Recent and Future Precipitation Trends in the Southwest United States
- The Role of Dynamic Storage in the Response to Snowmelt Conditions in the Southwestern United States: Flux Hysteresis at the Catchment Scale
- The Significance of Acid Alteration in the Los Humeros High-Temperature Geothermal Field, Puebla, Mexico.
- The community-driven BiG CZ software system for integration and analysis of bio- and geoscience data in the critical zone
- Understanding the Role of Water in Modifying Particle Mixing States for CCN Activity
- Using δ<SUP>15</SUP> N- and δ<SUP>18</SUP> O-NO to Evaluate Mechanisms of Nitric Oxide Production Following the Wetting of Dry Soil
- Zn and Ni Isotope Systematics in the Black Sea, an Analogue for Past Ocean Anoxia
- A Phanerozoic I/Ca compilation: potential links to ocean oxygenation, carbon cycle and bio-diversification
- Aerosol Optical Extinction during the Front Range Air Pollution and Photochemistry Experiment (FRAPPE) 2014 Summertime Field Campaign, Colorado U.S.A.
- Aftershocks of the M7.8 Gorkha (Nepal) Earthquake: Early Results from Project NAMASTE
- An Increase in Aerosol Burden and Radiative Effects in a Warmer World
- Anthropogenic carbon release rate unprecedented during past 66 million years
- Assessing potential diagenetic alteration of primary iodine-to-calcium ratios in carbonate rocks
- Barriers and potential solutions for Critical Zone data integration between environmental genomics and the geosciences
- Biological and Geographical Sources of Variation in Leaf Economic and Hydraulic Traits Throughout the Los Angeles Megacity
- Changes in the strength of Atlantic Ocean overturning circulation across repeated Eocene warming events
- Combustion of available fossil-fuel resources sufficient to eliminate the Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Copper Accumulation, Availability and Adsorption Capacity in Sandy Soils of Vineyards with Different Cultivation Duration
- Correlating Rayleigh-wave Breakout Phases with Source Parameters from 2-D Dip-slip Fault Geometries Under Equivalent Prestress Conditions
- Detecting Hidden Aftershocks of the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha Earthquake Using Multiple Global Seismic Arrays
- Dip-dependent variations in LFE duration during ETS events
- Effect of topography on slip inversions using geodetic data: application to the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake
- Effects of Vegetation Removal and Soil Disturbance on Soil Organic and Inorganic Carbon Dynamics in California Desert Ecosystems
- Effects of soil dissolved organic matter inputs on high-elevation lake metabolism
- Emission and Photochemical Evolution of Low Vapor Pressure-Volatile Organic Compounds (LVP-VOCs): from Consumer Products to Secondary Organic Aerosol
- Environmental effects of magmatic sulfur emitted by large-scale flood basalt eruptions
- Estimating methane and nitrous oxide emissions in California using multi-tower observations and hierarchical Bayesian inversion
- Estimation of water flux in urban area using eddy covariance measurements in Riverside, Southern California
- Evaluating the integrity of the Ce anomaly as a paleoredox tracer using modern marine carbonates
- Evidence for Recent Invasion of Historically Resistant Chaparral Shrublands to Grasslands
- Extreme Hydrothermal Conditions Near an Active Geological Fault, DFDP-2B Borehole, Alpine Fault, New Zealand
- GRAAL - Griggs-type Apparatus equipped with Acoustics in the Laboratory: a new instrument to explore the rheology of rocks at high pressure
- Gravity and Seismic Investigations of the Northern Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions within Seasonally Flooded Tropical River Deltas
- High Resolution Geodetic Measurements of Interseismic Deformation Across the Ventura Basin, CA
- How Fault Geometry Affects Dynamic Rupture Models of Earthquakes in San Gorgonio Pass, CA
- Imaging of high frequency seismic radiation during the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha (Nepal) earthquake using multiple global seismic arrays
- Impacts of Oil and Gas Exploration Activities on SOA formation in the Colorado Front Range
- Impacts of Seasonal Flooding on Arsenic Release in Tropical River Deltas
- Impacts of land use and land cover on surface and air temperature in urban landscapes
- Impacts of the Denver Cyclone on Regional Air Quality and Aerosol Formation in the Colorado Front Range during the Front Range Air Pollution and Photochemistry Éxperiment (FRAPPÉ) 2014
- Incorporating Detailed Chemical Characterization of Biomass Burning Emissions into Air Quality Models
- Incremental Reactivity Effects of Anthropogenic and Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds on Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation
- Large Uncertainty in Future Projections of Southwestern United States Precipitation through the 21st Century
- Low stress drops observed for M1.5-5.6 Earthquakes During the 2011 Prague, Oklahoma sequence
- More than a Museum: Natural History is Relevant in 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Environmental Science
- Numerical Modeling of Coupled Water, Vapor and Energy in Soils and at the Soil-Atmosphere Interface
- Ocean acidification in the Meso- vs. Cenozoic: lessons from modeling about the geological expression of paleo-ocean acidification
- Optical Properties and Mixing State of Aerosols from Residential Wood Burning and Vehicle Emissions in Central and Southern California
- Over- or Under-detection: How do Models of Paleoseismic Rupture Detectability Affect Estimates of Earthquake Probabilities?
- Oxidative Weathering of Archean Sulfides: Implications for the Great Oxidation Event
- Partitioning of Evapotranspiration Using a Stable Water Isotope Technique in a High Temperature Agricultural Production System
- Photochemistry of an Urban Region using Observations and Numerical Modeling
- Predicting SOA from organic nitrates in the southeastern United States
- Primary Iron- and Manganese-Carbonate Deposition in the Palaeoproterozoic Hotazel Formation, South Africa, and Implications for the Great Oxidation Event
- Quaternary geology of the DFDP-2 drill holes, Alpine Fault, New Zealand
- Reconciling Earthquake Source Parameters from InSAR and Long-period Seismic Waveform Data
- Recovering Total Megathrust Slip Across the Seismic Cycle: Results from Two Decades of Study at the Nicoya Seismic Cycle Observatory (NSCO)
- Science Objectives and Site Selection Criteria for a Human Mission to Mars
- Solar Energy Development Impacts on Land-Cover Change and Protected Areas
- Solar Energy within the Central Valley, CA: Current Practices and Potential
- Static Stress Transfers Causes Delayed Seismicity Shutdown
- Sulfate-dependent Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane as a Generation Mechanism for Calcite Cap Rock in Gulf Coast Salt Domes
- The Influence of the Biological Pump on Marine Redox Conditions During Earth History
- The M7.2 2010 El-Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake: How much of the Complexity Can We Explain With Our Models?
- The effects of chronic nitrogen deposition on atmospheric biomass burning emissions
- The formation of pyrite nodules in carbonaceous sediments as determined by in situ S isotope and trace element analyses
- The mechanics of intermediate and deep focus earthquakes: experimental evidences
- Tools and perspectives for a unified approach to understanding microbial ecology in the critical zone
- Toward a complete catalog of Very Low Frequency Earthquakes (VLFEs) in Cascadia using a Match Filter Technique
- Tracking Eukaryotic Production and Burial Through Time with Zinc Isotopes
- Understanding the mechanisms controlling the vertical aerosol profile
- Urban Heat Island Variation across a Dramatic Coastal to Desert Climate Zone: An Application to Los Angeles, CA Metropolitan Area
- Using DART-recorded Rayleigh waves for rapid CMT and finite fault analyses of large megathrust earthquakes.
- Using eddy covariance of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, <SUP>13</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB>, continuous soil respiration measurements, and PhenoCams to constrain a process-based biogeochemical model for carbon market-funded wetland restoration
- Using the Gauss-Newton Method to Invert for Brune Model Moment, Corner Frequency, and Kappa Parameters: Results from the Canterbury, New Zealand Earthquake Sequence
- Wetting-induced pulses produced unexpectedly high emissions of N<SUB>2</SUB>O and NO<SUB>x</SUB> in a desert ecosystem
- 3D Velocity Structure in Southern Haiti from Local Earthquake Tomography
- A Wetter Future For California?
- A fast method for searching for repeating earthquakes, applied to the northern San Francisco Bay area
- Acidity and organic matter stimulate abiotic nitric oxide emissions in drying soils
- Adaptation responses to increasing drought frequency
- Aftershock stress analysis of the April 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha earthquake from the NAMASTE project
- Aleutian Array of Arrays (A-cubed) to probe a broad spectrum of fault slip under the Aleutian Islands
- Along-strike Variations in the Himalayas Illuminated by the Aftershock Sequence of the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha Earthquake Using the NAMASTE Local Seismic Network
- Analyzing the occurrence of debris flows and floods in a small watershed two years after a wildfire, San Gabriel Mountains, California
- Are Sierran Lakes Warming as a Result of Climate Change? The Effects of Climate Warming and Variation in Precipitation on Water Temperature in a Snowmelt-Dominated Lake
- Banded Iron Formations of the Cauê Formation, Quadrilátero Ferrífero Minas Gerais, Brazil: A novel pre-GOE record of biospheric evolution
- Biodiversity of Terrestrial Vegetation during Past Warm Periods
- Borehole strain observations of very low frequency earthquakes
- Can in situ formaldehyde and organic aerosol observations constrain a space-based proxy for organic aerosol abundance?
- Can we assess intra-basin tradeoffs using approaches derived from Global Hydrological Modeling? Case studies from Asia
- Changes in Trace Gas Nitrogen Emissions as a Response to Ecosystem Type Conversion in a Semi-Arid Climate.
- Combining InSAR and long-period seismology to improve rapid event characterization
- Comparative Cloud Representation in three Dimensions
- Comparison of whole rock and discrete pyrite geochemistry as complementary tracers of ancient ocean chemistry: An example from the Neoproterozoic Doushantou Formation, China
- Critical Loads of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition for Aquatic Ecosystems in Yosemite and Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks
- Defining the `negative emission' capacity of global agriculture deployed for enhanced rock weathering
- Dehydration-driven stress transfer triggers intermediate-depth earthquakes
- Dominant controls of deep afterslip and viscous relaxation on postseismic displacements following the 2015 Mw7.8 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake
- Dynamic Modeling of Potential Earthquake Rupture Paths through Cajon Pass, Southern California
- Evaluating the Effect of Diagenesis on Ce Anomaly in Modern Marine Carbonates
- Evaluating the Possibility of a joint San Andreas-Imperial Fault Rupture in the Salton Trough Region
- Evaluation of seasonal simulations over Central California in the WRF-Chem
- Evidence for Large Hydrologic and Ecologic Variability During the Late Wisconsin in the Coastal Southwest United States (Lake Elsinore, CA)
- Evolution and Termination of Oceanic Anoxic Event 2: Testing the impact of organic matter sulfurization on benthic-pelagic coupling during OAE2
- From Sub-basin to Grid Scale Soil Moisture Disaggregation in SMART, A Semi-distributed Hydrologic Modeling Framework
- Generic reactive transport codes as flexible tools to integrate soil organic matter degradation models with water, transport and geochemistry in soils
- Get People Talking: Sharing Tsunami Science Beyond the Web
- Gravity and Seismic Investigations of the Northern Rio Grande Rift and Valles Caldera Area, New Mexico
- Harnessing the agricultural critical zone for climate change mitigation through enhanced rock weathering with croplands
- How strange was the Strangelove Ocean? New insights from Boron Isotopes.
- Hydraulic Traits of Amazonian Canopy Tree Species: Empirical Parameterizations for Earth System Models
- Imaging 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha Earthquake and Its Aftershock Sequence Combining Multiple Calibrated Global Seismic Arrays
- Impacts of episodic storms on coastal wetland processes in the Northeastern U.S.
- Impacts of fine particulate matter on premature mortality under future climate change
- Integrated In Situ Sensing and Modeling to Assess Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Tropical Wet Forest Soils: The Role of Leaf Cutter Ant Atta Cepholotes
- Interseismic coupling of major faults in the north San Francisco Bay from InSAR, GPS and seismic data
- Investigating Holocene Glacial and Pluvials Events in the Sierra Nevada of California
- Investigating the microbial community responsible for unusually high soil N<SUB>2</SUB>O and NO<SUB>x</SUB> emissions in the Colorado Desert
- Isoscapes of the Sierra Nevada, California: Inferences from Landscape Patterns of Carbon, Nitrogen and Hydrogen in Lakes and Their Watersheds
- Mapping the extent of fault creep on the Maacama and Rodgers Creek faults in northern California using PS-InSAR
- Mitigating Induced Seismicity Through Active Pressure Management in Numerical Simulations
- Modeling Earthquake Rupture and Corresponding Tsunamis Along a Segment of the Alaskan-Aleutian Megathrust
- New sedimentary records of enhanced weathering during the PETM
- Novel modeling constraints on the rate of PETM carbon injection
- Numerical Analysis of Mass and Energy Transport in Subsurface and at Soil-atmosphere Interface using HYDRUS: Effect of Soil Heterogeneity and Surface Roughness
- Pore Water Arsenic Dynamics in Rice Paddies Under Projected Future Climates
- Predicting plant hydraulic risk in a seasonally dry climate from plant traits and probabilistic soil water availability
- Productivity of Rice Grown on Arsenic Contaminated Soil under a Changing Climate
- Re-assessing the Molybdenum Isotope Composition of Pre-GOE Seawater: Evidence for Dynamic Ocean Redox
- Reconciling "Whiffs" of O2 with the Archean MIF S Record: Insights from Sulfide Oxidation Experiments
- Recovering the Full Afterslip Following the 2012 Mw 7.6 Nicoya, Costa Rica Earthquake
- Role of wildfire in controlling the source and flux of particulate organic carbon from a small, mountainous, semi-arid watershed
- Secondary organic aerosol mass yields from the dark NO<SUB>3</SUB> oxidation of α-pinene and Δ-carene: effect of RO<SUB>2</SUB> radical fate
- Seismo-geodetic modelling of complex faulting earthquake
- Sensitivity of the marine carbon cycle to mechanistic uncertainties in the biological pump
- Simulation Based Earthquake Forecasting with RSQSim
- Species Richness and Functional Trait Diversity for Plants in Southern California's Green Infrastructure along a Climate Gradient
- Ten Simple Rules for Effective Online Outreach: What a decade at Deep Sea News has taught us.
- The Distribution of Fault Slip Rates in the Western Transverse Ranges, CA: Evidence from Mechanical Models and Geodesy
- The Effects of Pre-stress Assumptions on Dynamic Rupture with Complex Fault Geometry in the San Gorgonio Pass, CA Region
- The Possible Decapitation of a Megathrust Indenter: Evidence from Imaging of Time-dependent Microseismic Structures before and after the 2012 Mw 7.6 Nicoya, Costa Rica
- The Role of Natural Climate Variability in Recent Tropical Expansion
- The effect of material heterogeneities in long term multiscale seismic cycle simulations
- The role of leaf cutter ants on soil organic carbon dynamics in a wet tropical forest
- Tropical rainforest methane consumption during the El Niño of 2015-16
- Uncertainty Analysis for a Bayesian Multi-objective Ecohydrological Study
- Unraveling the redox evolution of the Yangtze Block across the Precambrian/Cambrian transition
- Use of a GPS-Derived Troposphere Model to Improve InSAR Deformation Estimates in the San Gabriel Valley, California
- Very low frequency earthquakes (VLFEs) detected during episodic tremor and slip (ETS) events in Cascadia using a match filter method indicate repeating events
- Where did eukaryotes first evolve? Revisiting Mesoproterozoic habitats in the Torridonian Supergroup, NW Scotland
- Wildfire vs. Agricultural Operations: A Tale of Overprinted Disturbance Regimes
- "Handling" seismic hazard: 3D printing of California Faults
- 2015-16 ENSO Drove Tropical Soil Moisture Dynamics and Methane Fluxes
- Abundant spontaneous VLFE activities in Cascadia during ETS and inter-ETS time periods
- Activities, Animations, and Online Tools to Enable Undergraduate Student Learning of Geohazards, Climate Change, and Water Resources
- Adapting HYDRUS-1D to Simulate Overland Flow and Reactive Transport During Sheet Flow Deviations
- Advanced Characterization of Semivolatile Organic Compounds Emitted from Biomass Burning
- An experimental study on ferrous iron photo-oxidation: Effect of the solar spectrum on the surface for acidification of surface water in the early Hesperian Mars
- An increase in aerosol burden due to the land-sea warming contrast
- Analyzing post-wildfire erosional processes and topographic change using hydrologic monitoring and Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry at the storm event scale
- Assessing the Role of Seagrass Population Dynamics in Long Term Blue Carbon Accumulation and Storage
- Body Wave and Ambient Noise Tomography of Makushin Volcano, Alaska
- Climate Response of Observationally-Constrained Aerosol Radiative Effect in CAM4
- Climate and CO<SUB>2</SUB> coupling in the early Cenozoic Greenhouse
- Conditional Probabilities of Large Earthquake Sequences in California from the Physics-based Rupture Simulator RSQSim
- Distribution of creep in the northern San Francisco Bay Area illuminated by repeating earthquakes and InSAR
- Dynamic Models of Earthquake Rupture along branch faults of the Eastern San Gorgonio Pass Region in CA using Complex Fault Structure
- El-Niño Grande and the Great Famine (1876-78)
- Externally forced patterns of multidecadal cloud change in observations and models
- Fault structure in the Nepal Himalaya as illuminated by aftershocks of the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha earthquake recorded by the local NAMASTE network
- Frictional strengths of fault gouge from a creeping segment of the Bartlett Springs Fault, northern California
- Gravity and Seismic Investigations of the Northern Rio Grande Rift Area, New Mexico
- High Frequency Monitoring of Isotopic Signatures Elucidates Potential Effects of Restoring Floodplain Habitat in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, USA
- How interactions between top-down and bottom-up controls on carbon cycling affect fluxes within and from lakes
- Hydrogeologic investigations of the southern Española Basin, NM
- Impacts of Aerosols on Seasonal Precipitation and Snowpack in California Based on Convection-Permitting WRF-Chem Simulations
- Implementation of Solute Transport in the Vadose Zone into the `HYDRUS Package for MODFLOW'
- Industrious leaf cutter ants and their carbon footprints
- Influences of Sources and Aqueous Processing on the Molecular Composition of Dissolved Organic Compounds in Cloud Water
- Integrating Measurement Based New Knowledge on Wildland Fire Emissions and Chemistry into the AIRPACT Air Quality Forecasting for the Pacific Northwest
- Investigating the Physics Behind VLFEs and LFEs: Analysis Based on Dynamic Rupture Models with Ductile-like Friction
- Investigating the influence of photocatalytic cool wall adoption on meteorology and air quality in the Los Angeles basin
- Investigation of shortcomings in simulated aerosol vertical profiles
- Isotopic and elemental chemistry of sedimentary pyrite: A combined analytical and statistical approach to a novel planetary biosignature
- Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models to Predict Runoff Water Quantity and Quality
- Modeling Explosion Induced Aftershocks
- Modeling Rupture of 2D Dip-Slip Faults with Variable Dip and Heterogeneous Fault Pre-stress Fields: Implications for Tsunami Generation
- Modeling applications for precision agriculture in the California Central Valley
- Modern and ancient geochemical constraints on Proterozoic atmosphere-ocean redox evolution
- Multi-Fault Rupture Scenarios in the Brawley Seismic Zone
- Multi-objective Uncertainty Analysis of Ecohydrological Systems: a Bayesian Approach
- Non-stationary Bias Correction of Monthly CMIP5 Temperature Projections over China using a Residual-based Bagging Tree Model
- Observing and modeling the spectrum of a slow slip event: Constraints on the scaling of slow slip and tremor
- Observing the ExoEarth: Simulating the Retrieval of Exoplanet Parameters Using DSCOVR
- On the Fidelity of Semi-distributed Hydrologic Model Simulations for Large Scale Catchment Applications
- Overview of an REU program: A case study in gender parity, ethnic diversity, and community college students
- Pacific southwest United States Holocene summer paleoclimate inferred from sediment calcite oxygen isotopes (Lake Elsinore, CA)
- Paleoenvironment and Paleoclimatic Study of the Paleogene From IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 Site M0077, Chicxulub Crater
- Particulate Matter Sources and Composition near a Shrinking Saline Lake (Salton Sea)
- Patterns of Seasonal to Interannual Variabilities of Carbon Dioxide Mixing Ratios from in-situ Measurements in Los Angeles Basin
- Permeability Changes Observed in the Arbuckle Group Coincident with Nearby Earthquake Occurrence
- Recent intensification of the Walker Circulation and the role of natural sea surface temperature variability
- Regional and local meteorology influences high-resolution tropospheric ozone concentration in the Los Angeles Basin
- Resolving uncertainties in the urban air quality, climate, and vegetation nexus through citizen science, satellite imagery, and atmospheric modeling
- Searching for the Signature of Wastewater Injection in continuous GPS Data from The Geysers Geothermal Field
- Seismicity Pattern and Fault Structure in the Central Himalaya Seismic Gap Using Precise Earthquake Hypocenters and their Source Parameters
- Slow Earthquakes in the Alaska-Aleutian Subduction Zone Detected by Multiple Mini Seismic Arrays
- Speciated Chemical Composition of Biomass Burning Aerosol from Various Fuels during FIREX
- Spontaneous non-volcanic tremor detected in the Anza Seismic Gap of San Jacinto Fault
- Stress Regime in the Nepalese Himalaya from Recent Earthquakes.
- Structure and tectonics of the Main Himalayan Thrust and associated faults from recent earthquake and seismic imaging studies using the NAMASTE array
- Sustainability of utility-scale solar energy: Critical environmental concepts
- Synergies of solar energy across a land-food-energy-water nexus
- The California Baseline Methane Survey
- The Contribution of On-Road Emissions of Ammonia to Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition
- The Importance of linking In Situ Observation to Flux Measurement in Understanding Rhizosphere Dynamics in Scaling to Global Processes
- The Venus Zone: Seeking the Twin of Earth's Twin
- The effects of trace element content on pyrite oxidation rates
- Toward regional corrections of long period CMT inversions using InSAR
- Towards data-driven decision-making for sustainable diets in Vietnam: Identifying priority indicators through stakeholder engagement
- Understanding Climate Variability of Urban Ecosystems Through the Lens of Citizen Science
- Vadose Zone Fate and Transport Simulation of Chemicals Associated with Coal Seam Gas Extraction
- "Not if, but how": Moving from ad-hoc engagement to systematic capacity building for freshwater management
- A Conceptual Development for A Satellite-based Monitoring of Nighttime Pollutants
- A Global Survey of Submicron Aerosol Acidity (pH)
- A dynamic rupture model of the 2016 Kaikoura, New Zealand Earthquake: geometrical complexity, step-overs, and slow rupture propagation.
- A possible delayed surface deformation response of wastewater injection in The Geysers geothermal field
- Adaptive Multi-Fidelity Data Assimilation for Nonlinear Subsurface Flow Problems
- Additionality effects of rebate programs in the residential water sector: indoor vs outdoor investments
- An investigation into dominant post-wildfire erosion regimes using fallout radionuclides (<SUP>137</SUP>Cs and excess <SUP>210</SUP>Pb)
- Analyzing Alternative Water Supply Options for Municipal Water Management and Groundwater Sustainability: A Stochastic Dynamic Analysis of Reuse under Climate Change
- Are Microplastic Methods Comparable and Do They Reflect Reality?
- Astrobiological Assay Validation across Gradients in Mars Analogue Sites: Lessons from the FELDSPAR Project
- Black Carbon, Aerosol Water, Mixing States and Cloud Condensation Nuclei
- Blue Carbon in an Eastern Pacific Reverse Estuary: Organic Matter Cycling links Salt Marshes and Seagrass Beds
- Buying Water for the Environment: A Hydro-Economic Analysis of Salton Sea Inflows
- California Baseline Methane Survey
- Characterizing Australian lithospheric anisotropy with Ps receiver function analysis
- Characterizing Lithospheric Structure Beneath Connecticut using Sp Receiver Functions
- Compositional Changes in Atmospheric Deposition Driven by Recent Playa Exposures
- Confinement or conveyance: characterization of post-wildfire sedimentological connectivity using repeat terrestrial LiDAR
- Consistent measurement protocol of soil hydraulic properties allows process-based analyses of plant water availability
- Continuous tremor and low frequency earthquake (LFE) activity under the Aleutian Islands and their possible implications on subduction seismicity
- Deep Images require Deep Learning: A Pixel-Based Convolutional Neural Network Classifier can Accurately Identify Tree Species Using Imaging Spectroscopy
- Detecting Biosignatures on Weakly Oxygenated Terrestrial Exoplanets: The Importance of UV Imaging Capabilities of Next Generation Telescopes
- Development of climate-dependent pedotransfer functions for predicting soil hydraulic properties
- Diatom diversity in silico
- Drought impacts on hydrologic connectivity of a coupled mountain agricultural system
- Ediacaran Oxygen Oases and the Emergence of Bilaterian Burrowing
- Elevated Aerosol Pollution in a Warmer World: The Role of the Land/Sea Warming Contrast and Enhanced Continental Aridity
- Exploring variability in CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CO measurements due to episodic emissions in the Los Angeles Megacity
- Formation of Secondary Aerosol through Oxidation of Agricultural Amines and Reduced Sulfur Compounds: A Chamber Study
- Global and regional modeling of absorbing aerosols in the southeast Atlantic during ORACLES 2016: comparisons to new observations
- Improved parameterizations for simulating the fate of monoterpene emissions
- Influence of Vegetation Transitions on Air Temperature
- Linking water transit times to catchment sensitivity to atmospheric deposition of nitrogen and acidity in mountains of the western United States
- Mantle transition zone beneath West Antarctica: Expanded mapping in previously unstudied region
- Methane source apportionment in the Los Angeles basin using airborne imaging spectroscopy and a geospatial infrastructure dataset
- Monitoring Climate Change Impacts in Agricultural Areas with Proximal and Remote Sensors: Soil Salinity
- New Insights From the Investigation of Remotely Triggered Earthquakes in the Himalayan Seismogenic Zone
- Nighttime aircraft intercepts of biomass burning plumes: observations and box model analysis
- Observationally-constrained aerosol-cloud semi-direct effect in multiple GCMs
- Progress on the Use of MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth for Fine-Scale PM Analysis: Case Studies for California
- Quantifying Uncertainty of Semi-distributed Hydrologic Model Simulations for Catchment Scale Applications
- Rapid alterations in continental-scale soil macroporosity driven by climate
- Recent advances in critical loads research and understanding vulnerability to N and S deposition across the contiguous U.S.
- Regional Aridity Drives Urban Nighttime Vegetation Derived Air Cooling
- Rupture Complexity in Conjugate Fault Systems: Case Studies of the Mw7.8 Kaikoura Earthquake and the Mw 7.9 Kodiak earthquake
- Shear wave splitting across Australia
- Simulations of Intraseasonal variability of CO<SUB>2</SUB> driven by the Madden-Julian Oscillation.
- Solar 11-Year Cycle Signal in Stratospheric Nitrogen Dioxide based on Observations from the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change
- Southern Ocean Heat Uptake, Redistribution, and Storage in a Warming Climate: The Role of Meridional Overturning Circulation
- Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Microbial Sulfur Cycling During the Onset of Meromixis in Mono Lake, California
- Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity in Trace Gas Nitrogen Pulses from Desert Soils
- Strengthening of the Walker Circulation in recent decades and the role of natural sea surface temperature variability
- Study of the Effects of NO on Secondary Organic Aerosol and Ozone Formation using New Methods
- Sulfur Isotope Composition of Organic Matter from the Monterey Formation: Implications for California Margin Redox Conditions in the Late Miocene
- Surrogate-Based Bayesian Inverse Modeling of the Hydrological System: An Adaptive Approach Considering Surrogate Structural Error
- The Metabolic Rate/Yield Balancing Act Driving N and C fluxes in Chemosynthetic NO<SUB>3</SUB><SUP>-</SUP> Reducers.
- The North Atlantic Aerosols and Marine Ecosystems Study: A Multi-Year Data Set of Marine Aerosol-Cloud In Situ and Remote Sensing Observations
- The Role of the Ecosystem Engineer, the Leaf-Cutter Ant Atta cephalotes, on Soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> Dynamics in a Wet Tropical Rainforest
- The Similarity Matrix Profile, an efficient method for detecting seismic events in very long time series
- The Soil Ecosystem Observatory for Automated, Dynamic, and Multi-Sensor Imaging Platform of Rhizosphere Processes
- The diurnal cycle of stratospheric NO<SUB>2</SUB>
- The oxidation state of sulfur in lunar and terrestrial apatite
- Trace Element Evidence from the 2.4 Ga Hotazel Fe-Mn Formation, South Africa, Constrains Marine Redox Conditions at the Onset of the Great Oxidation Event
- Understanding methane emissions from refineries in California through the comparison of bottom-up and top-down data
- Using Dynamic and Kinematic models to Evaluate the Back Projection Results
- Using Satellite Information to Define Output Uncertainties for Bayesian Ecohydrological Modelling
- Using the similarity Matrix Profile to investigate foreshock behavior of the 2004 Parkfield earthquake
- Very Low Frequency Earthquakes (VLFEs) between episodic tremor and slip (ETS) events in Cascadia
- 2017 Northern California Wildfires - A NASA Health and Air Quality Applied Sciences Team (HAQAST) Tiger Team
- A Dispersion Model to Estimate CH<SUB>4</SUB> emissions from Manure Lagoons in Dairy Farms
- A Large Burst of Hydroxyl Radical Formation in Cloud Water: Contributions of Particulate Matter Components
- A continental assessment of the urban vegetation, temperature, income nexus
- A multi-isotope approach to archaeological food webs at the end of the world: bulk and compound specific amino acids of C, N and H
- A new Tiered Observing System for Methane Emission Quantification in the US Southern San Joaquin Valley.
- A new tool for paleoenvironmental reconstruction: amino acid δ<SUP>13</SUP>C and δ<SUP>2</SUP>H analysis reveals shifts in a Holocene nearshore ecosystem
- A rich variation of earthquake behavior and their interplay in the Alaska-Aleutian subduction zone
- An analytical solution of the seepage field for single-well circulation (SWC) ground water heat pump systems (GWHPs)
- Application of Transient Transit Time Distribution Theory to a Field-Scale Stormwater Biofilter
- Assessing environmental change at high-elevation in the Sierra Nevada of California: over 35 years of hydrological and limnological study from the Tokopah and Emerald Lake watersheds
- Back-projection Analysis of Synthetic Earthquakes: Effects of Rupture Heterogeneity, Dynamic Rupture Process, and Array Configuration
- Beyond the research experience: Implementing career development initiatives in an REU
- Biomass burning: emissions, chemistry and transport
- Carbon, nitrogen, and hydrogen isotope analysis of individual amino acids reveals variation in the gut microbiome's role in the protein metabolism of wild small mammals
- Changing the face of Geology through Spatial Reasoning: Analyzing the influence of 3D teaching methods and virtual learning environments
- Characterizing Aquifer and Meteorologic Controls on Groundwater Response Time to Droughts
- Characterizing Mountain System Recharge Processes from Headwaters to Groundwaters
- Chasing butterflies: a three-dimensional isotopic approach with amino acids
- Climate Injustice in Cities: Extreme Heat and Poor Neighborhoods
- Constraining Parameter Domains for Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation
- Decrypting the marine sedimentary record through iterative model inversion - an Eocene Thermal Maximum 2 case study
- Detecting and Quantifying Methane Emissions from Oil Refineries in California
- Distinguishing slip from the M6.4 and M7.1 Ridgecrest earthquakes using campaign GPS, seismic and InSAR data
- Does the state of pristine aerosol introduce an implicit air quality bias?
- Early 20<SUP>th</SUP> century impacts of atmospheric deposition on California ecosystems: Results from aquatic and terrestrial paleoarchives
- Early diagenetic processes in sub-Antarctic deep marine sediments and implications for deciphering primary palaeoceanographic records (IODP Expedition 382)
- Enhanced Land-Sea Warming Contrast Elevates Aerosol Pollution in a Warmer World
- Enzymes, iron or manganese? Drivers of organic matter decomposition in forest soils
- Estimating Riverine Microplastic Flux by Accounting for Transport Dynamics
- Fault Geometry and Stress Heterogeneity in the Central Himalaya Seismic Gap in India
- Formation and Toxicity of Secondary Organic Aerosol from Oxidation of Dimethyl Selenide
- Future response of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation to anthropogenic aerosol reductions
- Global Observations of Ammonium Balance and pH Indicate More Acidic Conditions and More Liquid Aerosols than Current Models Predict
- Global pattern formation of ocean surface heat uptake in a warming climate
- Google Maps Location History Data has Great Potentials for Improving Exposure Estimation for Air Pollution Health Studies
- Greenhouse Gases and Related Tracers from a California Dairy Farm: CH<SUB>4</SUB>:CO<SUB>2</SUB>, NH<SUB>3</SUB>:CH<SUB>4</SUB>, N<SUB>2</SUB>O:CH<SUB>4</SUB> ratios, and δ<SUP>13</SUP>CH<SUB>4</SUB>
- Groundwater Recharge and Microbial Water Quality From Drywells
- Heterogeneous OH Oxidation of Aqueous Inorganic-Organic Aerosols
- High Temporal Resolution Microenvironmental Exposure in the Inland Empire: Implications for Exposure Risk of Under-served Populations
- Hillslope Boulder Displacement from Shallow Landslides
- Historical Fluxes of Toxic Trace Elements in the Salton Sea Basin
- How does hydrologic connectivity on hillslopes mantled by soils with shrink-swell properties respond to changing precipitation patterns?
- Identifying Potential Venus Analogs from Exoplanet Discoveries
- Identifying vertical and horizontal components of surface displacement along the Maacama and Rodgers Creek faults using InSAR
- Increasing Student Engagement in Online Education with Virtual Field and Lab Experiences
- Integrating a Soil Ecosystem Observatory into studying Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Water and Gas Flux
- Irrigated Urban Forests Shift to Anisohydric Strategies in Extreme Aridity
- La Nina Climate Response to South African Biomass Burning Aerosols
- Leveraging soil geochemistry and soil carbon dynamics at the Critical Zone and Ecosystem Observatory at Nivolet, Gran Paradiso National Park, Italy to project future alpine ecosystem functioning
- Methane Point Source Emissions from California Dairy Farms
- Methane Source Finder: A web-based data portal for exploring methane data
- Methane emissions from underground gas storage in California
- Modeling Wildfire Smoke Exposure from the 2013 California Rim Fire using CMAQ and HYSPLIT
- Modeling carbon storage and water use efficiency in a California agro-ecosystem
- Nitrous oxide emissions in response to wetting dryland soils along a carbon gradient
- Paleoseismology and simulations reveal geometry controls the temporal clustering of great earthquakes on the Alpine Fault, New Zealand
- Planetary-wave responses to the composite forcings of the solar cycle and the quasi-biennial oscillation
- Plastic Ocean and Climate Change: a coopetitive integrated risk management approach
- Pre-Earthquake Deformation, Coseismic Displacements and Post-Earthquake Transient Motions in the Region of the Ridgecrest Earthquakes From Survey and Continuous GNSS Observations
- Predicting Fate of Munitions Constituents in the Environment
- Predicting drought responses of tropical woody plants through coordination among drought survival traits
- Proline and Isoleucine: Indicators of Metabolic Flux and NADPH Balance
- Quantifying Groundwater Response Time to Droughts Across the United States
- Quantifying the role of the gut microbiome in host essential amino acid metabolism
- Reanalysis of Cassini Radio Occultation Data and Electron Density Profiles for Saturn
- Reconstructing North Atlantic Ocean circulation during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Regional Observations of Methane Emissions from California's Dairies using Ground and Space-based Remote Sensing
- Roles of Functional Groups in ROS Production by Fresh and Aged Aerosols
- Satellite applications for analysis of surface PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> concentrations in California and contiguous U.S.
- Seasonal shift of post-fire sediment provenance from channels to hillslopes documented through high-resolution monitoring
- Secular Variations in the Orbit and Spin of Asteroid (16) Psyche
- Sources of Atmospheric Dust Particles in California's Salton Sea Basin
- SunPy v1.0, the community-developed, free and open-source solar data analysis environment for Python.
- Synthesis of Methane Observations Across Scales: Strategies for Deploying a Multi-Tiered Observing Network
- Temperature and Substrate Limitation Interactively Mediate Trace Gas Pulses from Re-Wetted Desert Soils at Multiple Scales
- The International Soil Modeling Consortium (ISMC) - New Opportunities for Advancing Data and Modeling of Soil Systems
- The Response of Whole-City Urban Vegetation to Severe Drought in Los Angeles, CA, USA
- The Role of Erosion and Landform Position in Controlling the Fate of Pyrogenic Organic Matter
- The Role of Wildfire in the Long-term Suspended Sediment Yield of Small Mountainous Rivers
- The Sensitivity of Clouds to Aerosols: Using a Model Parameterization to Interpret Airborne Observations from NAAMES and Recent Campaigns
- The pathways of the Pacific meridional overturning circulation (with applications to the warm Pliocene)
- Tiny diamonds from ultrahigh pressure metamorphic rocks for understanding of mantle geodynamics
- Top-Down Methane Emission Estimates from California Dairies by Solar Column Gradient Observations
- Towards operational monitoring of facility-scale methane emissions with aircraft and satellites
- Tree Resistance, Recovery, and Recovery from Drought Events in Sierra Mixed-Conifer Forests
- Understanding Venus' Interior Processes as a Control Case for the Evolution of Earth and Earth-sized Exoplanets
- Understanding model robustness to climate change: an experiment with the ecohydrologic model RHESSys
- Understanding the Future of California's Largest Lake: Evaluating SWAT's Lake Delineation Methods to Quantify the Water Budget of a Highly Managed Watershed
- Understanding the Uncertainty in the 21st Century Dynamic Sea Level Projections: The Role of the AMOC
- Using Satellite Information And Measurements From Ground-Based Monitors During The October 2017 Fires In Northern California To Construct High Resolution PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Maps
- Using stable isotopes of carbon to link photosynthetic pathway and habitat stress in Atriplex
- Using the similarity Matrix Profile to detect and study foreshocks and aftershocks of the 2019 Ridgecrest sequence
- Variabilities in Middle Atmospheric HO<SUB>2</SUB> and OH During Solar Cycles 23 and 24
- Woody Plant Encroachment has a Larger Impact than Climate Change on Dryland Water Budgets
- δ<SUP>13</SUP>C and δ<SUP>2</SUP>H of Amino Acids in Escherichia coli (E. coli) Altered by Catabolic Enzyme Knockouts
- "Right tree, right place, right purpose": Linking Governance and Biotechnical Capacities in Addressing Climate Change through Urban Trees
- A Comparison of Trace Gas Trends in Urban Areas Collected via Whole Air Sampling during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- A multi-year constraint on ammonia emissions and deposition within the U.S. Corn Belt
- Advocating for Science in the Salton Sea: The Salton Sea Task Force
- Aerosol Composition in Pasadena, CA, During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Altered precipitation regimes affect NO production via nitrification in dryland soils
- Analyses of Gaseous Organic Compounds in Biomass Burning Smoke Samples Collected from Ground and Airborne Platforms during the Fire Influence on Regional and Global Environments Experiment (FIREX) Field Campaign
- Analyses of Volatile Organic Compound Trends and Source Contributions Measured in the Los Angeles Basin during the COVID-19 Shelter-in-Place Orders
- Analysis of the Vertical Profile of Aerosols Over The Salton Sea During NASA SARP 2019
- Anthropogenic aerosol forcing of the AMOC and the associated mechanisms in CMIP6 models
- Assessing California Wintertime Precipitation Responses to Various Climate Drivers
- Bringing to life the Ediacara seas in the Australian Outback
- COVID-19: Impacts of California's Stay-At-Home order and economic recovery on fossil fuel-derived carbon emissions in California
- Chemical transformation of wildfire smoke at the transition from day to night.
- Comprehensive InSAR deformation analysis using ARIA standard products captures interseismic and shallow aseismic slip processes across California
- Concentration-Discharge Relationships of Plastic Pollutants in Streams
- Control of Structure and Stress transients on Seismicity and Deformation in Western Himalaya
- Coupling field experiments with a model to quantify nitrogen trace gas emissions from desert soils
- Differentiating Methane Emissions from California Dairy Farms and Their δ<SUP>13</SUP>C<SUB>CH4</SUB> Source Signatures from the Farm-Scale to Regional-Scale
- Disparities in Air Pollution Exposure and Associated Health Outcomes Among the Communities of the Coachella Valley in Southern California
- Diurnal variability of total column NO<SUB>2</SUB> measured using direct solar and lunar spectra over Table Mountain, California (34.38° N)
- Dynamics and Magnitude of California's Dairy Methane Emissions Measured using Ground and Space-based Remote Sensing
- Early Implications of the COVID-19 Shelter-in-Place Restrictions on Urban Air Quality in the Los Angeles Basin
- Ecohydrologic Processes of Irrigated Agriculture Control Lake-Groundwater Interactions in a Highly Managed Watershed
- Estimating Dairy Methane Emissions from California's San Joaquin Valley Using Multi-species Observations
- Estimating Mountain System Recharge Using Recession Flow Analysis In The Sierra Nevada, California
- Evaluation of modeled aerosol-cloud interactions using data from the ORACLES and LASIC field campaigns
- Evidence for Significant Particulate Organic Nitrate Formation in the Los Angeles Basin at Night
- Geologic and aspect-driven controls on post-fire sediment export from steep headwater catchments
- How Does Whole-Ecosystem Warming Alter Plant Fine-Root and Fungal Mycelium Dynamics in a Boreal Peat Bog?
- Hydro-economic modeling of managed aquifer recharge for an agricultural landscape
- Improving pedotransfer functions: A new framework to predict soil saturated hydraulic conductivity
- Inter-comparison of statistical downscaling and machine learning based post-processors for improving Indian summer monsoon rainfall
- Investigating present-day dune formation on Mars
- Lakes and Watersheds in the Sierra Nevada (California): Responses to Environmental Change
- Land Application of Dairy Manure Anaerobic Digestate Has Location and Temperature-Dependent Effects on CO2, N2O, & NH3 Emissions from California Dairy Soils
- Linking Urban Forest Hydrology, Ecosystem Services, and Remote Sensing of Biodiversity
- Lithospheric Thickness: A Lens on Understanding the Evolution of Earth's Twin
- Long- and Short-Term Temporal Variability in Cloud Condensation Nuclei Spectra in the Southern Great Plains
- Marine Carbonate Factories and Stratigraphic Response Through Time and Space: Methodology, Examples and Implications
- Mechanisms Controlling Nitrogen Losses in Dryland Ecosystems
- Microbial Phosphorus Immobilization slows Soil Phosphorus Cycling in Tropical Secondary Succession
- Modeling Kinetically-Limited IEPOX-SOA Uptake via Volatility based and Compositionally defined Glass Transition Temperatures
- Models underestimate the increase of acidity with remoteness biasing radiative impact calculations
- NASA Student Airborne Research Program (SARP) Whole Air Sampling across the United States during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Oxygenation and carbon isotope excursions driven by coupled surface-interior processing of carbon
- Pandemic-induced changes in traffic patterns and localized air quality in inland Southern California
- Predicting Unsteady Pollutant Removal in Green Stormwater Infrastructure with Transit Time Distribution Theory
- Propagation of meteorological variability from atmosphere to groundwater
- Recognizing the Textures of Life: Implications of Diverse and Ubiquitous Ediacaran Organic Surfaces for the Detection of Microbial Structures on Other Planets
- Responses of Critical Zone Soil Processes to Climate: A Meta Analysis
- Rooting Abundance Governs How Soil Organic C Promotes Soil Aggregation Across a Steep Precipitation Gradient
- Santa Ana Winds and Southern California Air Pollution
- Seasonality of Methane Emission Estimates for California Dairy Farms by Solar Column Gradient Observations
- Single Particle Analysis to Study Heterogeneous Oxidative Aging of Aerosols
- Solar 11-Year Cycle Signal in Nitrogen Dioxide - Similarities and Discrepancies between Model and Observations from NDACC stations
- Spatial Variation and Feedbacks in Simulated Ecohydrologic Response to Climate Change
- Stress analysis and rupture dynamics of the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake sequence
- Subsurface structure controls water transit time, carbon transformation, and carbonate weathering at the hillslope scale
- Sulaimaniyah 2015 Earthquake Swarm Analysis Using Matrix Profile TechniqueI
- TRacking Aerosol Convection interactions ExpeRiment (TRACER): An upcoming field campaign
- The Scotia Sea Magnetic Susceptibility Record: Coupling of the Deep Ocean and Atmosphere?
- The View From Out Here: the Solar System Planets as Exoplanet Analogs
- The impact of bioturbating organisms' on bulk geochemical records across the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Transmission Spectroscopy of Exo-Solar Systems in the TESS Era
- Tropical Belt Width Proportionately More Sensitive to Aerosols Than Greenhouse Gases
- Trust your gut microbiome: intramolecular isotopic fingerprints of amino acids in mouse tissues
- Using P-wave tomography to image the crustal structure of the Main Himalayan Thrust in central Nepal
- VOC levels in the Los Angeles basin: impact of COVID-19 restrictions
- Variability and diel dependence of O<SUB>3</SUB> - NO<SUB>x</SUB> - VOC chemistry in western wildfire plumes: Results from the NOAA Twin Otter during FIREX-AQ
- A Diagnostic Study of the Martian Sky over the Bay Area on September 9, 2020
- A Numerical Dispersion Model to Infer Methane Emissions from California's Dairies Using Regional Total Column Gradient Observations
- A frictional-viscous-mixing fault model and its implications for a single slow slip event rupture
- A novel method for predicting rapid changes in soil structure and hydraulic conductivity
- Agricultural Contributions to Californias Air Basin-Level N2O Inventory
- Antiphased dust deposition and productivity in the Antarctic Zone over the past 1.5 million years
- California Fossil and Dairy Methane Source Inferences from CALNEX and FIREX-AQ Flight Data Using Tracer Ratios, Bottom-Up Models and Machine Learning
- Characterization of Ammonia, Methane, and Nitrous Oxide Emission Plumes from California Dairy Farms in the San Joaquin Valley
- Characterizing temporal and spatial Variability of Mountain System Recharge Processes in the Sierra Nevada, California
- Contrasting Controls Over Soil N2O and NO Emissions Across an Atmospheric N Deposition Gradient
- Could the Migration of Jupiter have Accelerated the Atmospheric Evolution of Venus?
- Determination of sulfur speciation in apatite from Martian meteorites (shergottites) using -XANES
- Determining sources and mechanisms of N2O emissions in dryland ecosystems under elevated nitrogen deposition
- Diffusive Re-equilibration of Water and Oxygen Fugacity in Natural Olivine Hosted Melt Inclusions
- Discerning Chemical Uniqueness and Atmospheric Ubiquity of Compounds in Organic Aerosols
- Dissolved Organic Carbon Enhances Cr(III) Solubilization but Diminishes its Oxidation by Manganese Oxide.
- Drone-based wind profiling for characterizing aerosol transport in aquatic environments
- Dust in the Wind: Analyzing the change in aerosol properties and the climate impact of the 2004-2020 Saharan Air Layers
- Earth System Model Analysis of how Astronomical Forcing is Imprinted onto the Marine Geological Record
- Estimating Missing Observations of Ice Floes Using Data Assimilation
- Evaluating Health Outcome Metrics and Their Connections to Air Pollution and Socioeconomic Vulnerability in the Coachella Valley
- Evaluating salinity and pH as drivers of elevated 15N in alkaline lakes of Coorong Lagoon, South Australia
- Evaluation of Glass Transition Temperature in an Air Quality Model and the Impact on Aerosol Phase State and Secondary Formation
- Explaining Nitrate Formation at Paleo-Mars by Investigating Diurnal and Heterogeneous Nitrogen Chemistry
- Extreme Climate Effects on Marine Nutrient Recycling: Impacts on Ocean Deoxygenation and Implications for Reconstructing pCO2 Excursions
- Gas- and Particle-Phase Composition from Nighttime Oxidation of Biomass Burning-Derived VOCs: Implications for Nitrate Oxidation Mechanisms and Brown Carbon Formation
- Global warming and ocean acidification during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Heterogeneous OH Oxidation of Organic Aerosols: Searching for New Reaction Pathways under Various Environmental Conditions
- How Urban Foresters Put Climate Justice Into Practice
- How does the mean and variance of rainfall patterns influence nitrogen saturation and export in dryland watersheds?
- How will the tropical Pacific respond to global warming? The importance of timescale when considering apparent paleo-paradoxes
- Identifying Major Hydrologic Change Drivers in a Transboundary Highly Managed Endorheic Basin: Integrating Hydro-ecological Models and Time Series Data Mining Techniques
- Impact of Nitrogen Deposition on Microbial Nitrogen Assimilation in Desert Soil Investigated with 15NH4Stable Isotope Probing
- Impact of near-term climate forcer mitigation on the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
- Impact on the Sedimentary Microbial Community Related to Temporal Changes in Trace Element Concentrations
- Impacts of Arctic sea ice loss on global ocean circulations and heat redistribution
- Implications of tremor-like seismic signals in Wellington Field, Kansas, during CO2 injection: characteristics and possible causes.
- Improving satellite evapotranspiration for vegetable irrigation management in the Lower Colorado River Basin with novel satellite platforms, artificial intelligence
- Influences of Amazonian Fires on Atmospheric CO2
- Integrating eddy covariance and remotely sensed data to improve vegetation parameterization in a coupled land surface-groundwater model
- Intersection of Urban Flood Hazards and Neighborhood Disadvantage across the Los Angeles Metropolitan Region
- Intraurban Variation of Atmospheric Nitrogen Driven by Traffic Sources and Tree Canopy Sinks
- Investigating biological and physicochemical contributions to large sulfur isotope fractionation in a Miocene hydrothermal lake system
- Investigating controls on 3-D off-fault deformation of the Mw 6.6 1971 San Fernando earthquake using analysis of historical stereo photographs
- Investigating spatial patterns and variability in catchment response to climate change using a virtual experiment approach
- Investigating the Effects of Fault Dip Angle on Rupture Propagation Along Branch Fault Systems Using Dynamic Rupture Simulations
- Investigating the Influence of Topography on Rupture Propagation along Fault Stepovers
- Litter transport, accumulation, and source dynamics on urban roadsides of the Inland Empire, California
- Marine iodine cycling in an Earth system model
- Mechanisms and Impacts of Climate Tipping Elements
- Microtopography matters: Soil drainage legacy effects on nitrous oxide hot spots and hot moments in agroecosystems
- Modeled Uncertainties, Sensitivities, and Implications of Updated DMS Oxidation Chemistry
- Modeling the Translocation and Transformation of Chemicals in the Soil-Plant Continuum: A Dynamic Plant Uptake Module for the HYDRUS Model
- Monitoring of BTEX from Urban and Oil and Natural Gas Activities in the San Joaquin Valley of California
- Multi-campaign analysis of smoke properties and cloud interactions in the Southeast Atlantic using ORACLES, LASIC, and CLARIFY data with WRF-CAM5
- Multidecadal Changes in Urban Greenness, Temperature, and Vegetative Cooling at the Continental Scale
- Natural Vegetation Responses in Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP) G6 Experiments
- North Sea mercury evidence of a volcanic trigger for Paleocene/Eocene carbon feedbacks
- Observations of Total Column CO, CO2, and Modified Combustion Efficiency from California Wildfires at Regional Scales
- Optical properties and emission factors of carbonaceous aerosols from ground-based measurements of prescribed burns at the Blodgett Forest Research Station
- Perennial crop dynamics may affect long-run groundwater levels
- Pollution, Policy, and Environmental Justice Issues Surrounding California's Evaporating Salton Sea
- Post-fire sedimentation in the channelized estuary of a small, mountainous river
- Potential Ecological Impacts of Climate Intervention with Solar Radiation Modification
- Pre-eruptive Water Contents of Erta Ale and Gulf of Aden Magmas
- Pre-eruptive Water Contents of Feldspar-Hosted Melt Inclusions of the East African Rift
- Predicting Groundwater Arsenic Contamination in the Central Valley, California
- Propagation of precipitation and temperature dataset uncertainty from headwaters to groundwater in the Sierra Nevada, California
- Proterozoic Oxygenation Events and Carbon Isotope Excursions Driven by Deep Carbon Cycling and Supercontinent Break-ups
- Quantifying Streamflow Depletion for Science-Based Water Management: Challenges and Emerging Approaches
- Quantifying emission factors from prescribed burns in California mixed conifer forest
- Quantifying the spatio-temporal heterogeneity of CH4, NH3, and N2O emissions from dairy farms across California
- Reconstruction of the main modes of variability of the North Atlantic in the past 600 years using a collection of paleo proxy data
- Regularization effect in rupture dynamics along bimaterial interface
- Relationships Between Lidar Aerosol Extinction and Backscatter Coefficients with CCN Number Concentrations in the Southeast Atlantic
- Representation of Asian Americans in Geosciences versus other STEM fields
- Roots as Agents of Rapid Soil Structural Change in the Anthropocene
- Rupture Scenarios in the Brawley Seismic Zone: Exploring the Dynamic Interactions Between the Southern San Andreas Fault and Normal Faults under the Salton Sea
- Rupture heterogeneity and directivity effects in back-projection analysis: applied to the 2019 M7.6 New Ireland earthquake
- Seasonal and diurnal variability in methane emissions from California dairy facilities partially explain mismatch between inventory and atmospheric observations: implications for reducing emissions
- Seismic anisotropy and lithospheric structure across the eastern margin of the Wyoming craton
- Seismica: a community-led Diamond Open-Access journal for seismology and earthquake science
- Simulating N2O Emission from Fertilized Mesocosm Using Knowledge Guided Machine Learning
- Sp receiver function analysis further constraining the physical properties of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary within the southwestern United States
- Spatial patterns of temperature and hydroclimate during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum: Fingerprints of a warmer world
- Structural complexity controls 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha rupture
- Surprising Similarities: Comparing the Transit Spectra of Potential Earth-like and Venus-like Exoplanets
- Testing the Boundaries of Planetary Habitability: The Critical Need For In-Situ Data
- The Hygroscopic Properties of Biomass Fuels-Eucalyptus and Dung under Different Combustion Conditions
- The Impact of Measurement Methods and Interpretation of Data on Estimates of Methane Emissions from Manure Lagoons
- The Impacts of Evaporation Fractionation on Parameter Estimation and Water Travel Time Calculation of the Isotope Transport Model in HYDRUS-1D
- The Importance of Natural Aerosol Emissions to Enhanced Air Pollution Under Future Greenhouse Gas Warming
- The SUMMATION project: A new Tiered Observing System for Methane Emission Quantification in the US Southern San Joaquin Valley
- The predominant control of hydroclimatic conditions on carbon and weathering fluxes at the hillslope scale
- The response of continental silicate rock weathering to the colonization of the continents by plants in the Devonian
- Timescale between fires is an important control on postfire channel erosion in steep headwater catchments
- Toward on-demand measurements of greenhouse gas emissions using multirotor unmanned aircraft systems
- Trace Gas and Aerosol Emissions from the Salton Sea
- Understanding near-source smoke composition of prescribed burning using a customized miniature-sensor platform on uncrewed airborne systems (UAS)
- Understanding the role of tectonic and anthropogenic stresses in controlling aftershock activity at the Coso Geothermal Field
- Variations in teleseismic body-wave attenuation along the East African Rift
- Venus Lithospheric Thickness and Geodynamic Regime
- Vertical Ozone Profiles Measurement in Riverside, CA
- Volatile Contents of the Least Degassed Magmas from the East African Rift
- When and where do top-down processes govern critical zone structure and feedback to influence climate?
- Wildfires Alter Soil NO and N2O Emissions in Chaparral Ecosystems
- Wintertime hydro-dynamic response to anthropogenic aerosol along the west coast of North America
- "The problem of the diversity of igneous rocks": analytical advances reveal the effects of igneous processes on the oxidation state of Fe of basaltic magmas
- A computationally efficient hydrologic modeling framework to simulate surface runoff and vertical infiltration at the hillslope scale
- A diagnostic study of the Martian sky over the Bay Area on September 9, 2020
- Advancing Inclusivity in Mountain Research: DEI lessons from the Niwot Ridge LTER
- Ammonia (NH3) Volatilization in Agricultural Fields from IASI and GEOS-Chem
- Anthropogenic Geomorphological Features Elucidated through Active Seismic Surveying: San Marcos Pueblo, Northern New Mexico
- Assessing Carbonate Concretion Formation Mechanisms within the Lower Miocene Rincon Shale, CA
- Assessing Management Policies to Confront Water Scarcity and Pollution Challenges in the Ebro River Basin Using Hydroeconomic Modeling
- Atmospheric Dynamics of a Near Tidally Locked Earth-Size Planet
- Atmospheric Science and Chemistry mEasurement NeTwork (ASCENT): A new ground-based high time-resolution air quality monitoring network
- CH3Br: A Novel Methylated Biosignature for Exoplanets
- Calcium Isotope Constraints on Diagenetic Effects in Carbon Isotope (δ13C) Data: A Case Study from Middle Ordovician Carbonate Strata at Meiklejohn Peak, Nevada.
- Can perennialization of a crop rotation increase soil water available to the following crop?
- Can the depth-dependent characteristics of sedimentary CaCO3 preservation help constrain past pCO2?
- Characterizing Wildfires using Collocated Hyperspectral Infrared Sounder and Narrow-band Imager Observations
- Comparing Estimates of Lithospheric Thickness from Sp Receiver Functions and Surface Wave Tomography in the Southwestern United States
- Connecting the Co- and Post-seismic Fault Behavior in Ridgecrest-Coso Region with the Pre-earthquake Seismicity (2008-2019): a Revisit with AI Phase Picker
- Deciphering the migration of the intertropical convergence zone during the last deglaciation
- Depth-dependent variation of proportionality between stress drop and slip, with implications for estimating megathrust earthquake source parameters
- Development and Application of Chemical Mechanisms for Wildfire-Derived Organic Compounds
- Disentangling habitable terrestrial planet surfaces and condensates with polarimetry
- Dust Events, Indoor Air Quality, and Community Perspectives on their Impacts in the Coachella Valley
- Emissions and Air Quality Impacts of Californian Fires Under Wildfire and Prescribed Burn Conditions
- Estimating Mountain Aquifer Recharge in the Sierra Nevada Using a Data Driven Method
- Estimating the impact of anaerobic digesters on dairy manure methane emissions from airborne plume imaging
- Evaluating the Plausible Range of N2O Biosignatures on ExoEarths: Flux-Abundance Relationships and Simulated Spectra for FGKM Main Sequence Stars
- Evolution of Early Aftershocks on a Discontinuous Fault System: Implications from the 2022 Mw 6.6 Menyuan Earthquake, NE Tibet
- Exoplanet Ocean Salinity and Climate at the Outer Reaches of the Habitable Zone
- Exploring Secondary Aerosol Formation from Dimethyl Sulfide (DMS) through Gas- and Aqueous-phase Oxidation
- Field sampling procedures to quantify riverine plastic pollution in the U.S.
- From Soils to Streams: Connecting Terrestrial Carbon Transformation, Chemical Weathering, and Solute Export Across Hydrological Regimes
- High-resolution Planet Multispectral Images for Evapotranspiration Estimation of Lettuce Using a Two-Source Water and Energy Balance Model
- How Do Early Diagenetic Processes In Arctic Fjord Sediments Change As Glaciers Retreat?
- Hydro-economic Analysis of Ecosystems Benefits for Sustainable Management in the Ebro Basin, Spain
- Impact of Cooking Stove Emissions on Local Air Quality in Rural Areas
- Impact of climate change and future water availability on soil salinity and almond production in the San Joaquin Valley, California
- Impacts of Solar Cycle and QBO: From the Polar Area to Mid-latitude
- Impacts of a Weakened Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation on Tropical Cyclone Activity in a Warming Climate
- Industrial-era Decline in Arctic Methanesulfonic Acid is Offset by Increased Biogenic Sulfate Aerosol
- Introduction and Application of the NEIVA Biomass Burning Emissions Database and Python-Based Querying Tool
- Investigating the Effects of Fault Geometry and Topography on Rupture Propagation Along the San Andreas and Garlock Fault Intersection Using Dynamic Rupture Simulations.
- Investigating the Effects of Improved Fuel Moisture and Fire Heat Flux Inputs on Modeled Wildland Fire Plume Height and Air Quality Impacts
- Key Species, Processes, and Uncertainties in the Unique Urban Coastal Atmosphere
- Leaf Structural and Biochemical Adjustments to Overcome Extreme Drought
- Linking Drought Indicators to Multi-Sectoral Impacts in Complex Water Systems
- Long-term Secular Evolution of Seawater Sulfur Isotopes Driven by Deep Recycling of Subducted Sulfate and Sulfide
- Microbial Ecology of Jotun Spring, an Artic Geothermal Spring, Svalbard, Norway and Its Astrobiological Relevance.
- Modeling Biospheric Seasonality on Early Earth and Earth-like Exoplanets
- Multiscale observations of fossil fuel CO2 patterns along an urban-rural gradient
- New Insight into the Physical Properties of the East African Mantle from Seismic Attenuation
- Observationally Constrained Representation of Brown Carbon Emissions from Wildfires in a Chemical Transport Model
- Offshore very low frequency earthquakes (VLFEs) in Cascadia: frictional heterogeneity in the seismogenic zone?
- On the Edge: Evolution of the Eastern Margin of the Wyoming Craton
- Oxygen fugacity range of subducting crust inferred from fractionation of trace elements during fluid-present slab melting in the presence of anhydrite versus sulfide
- Postseismic deformation following the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquakes from 3 years of survey GNSS data
- Quantifying Citrus Plant Water Use by Evapotranspiration Partitioning Using In-Situ Measurements
- Quantifying Mountain System Recharge Contribution to Valley-Fill Aquifers in Complex Agroecosystems - Integrating High Spatiotemporal Resolution Hydrological Modeling and Isotope Data
- Quantifying Uncertainty in Particle Size Estimates from SAGE III/ISS
- Quantifying the connectivity between the Sierra Nevada and Central Valley aquifer using δ13C and 14C carbon isotopes
- Radiative Forcing Analysis of the 2018 Kīlauea Flank Eruption
- Rapid Deposition and Intense Mineralization of Organic Matter Drive Marine Silicate Weathering in the Japan Trench: Initial Results From IODP Expedition 386
- Regulation of last glacial-interglacial atmospheric CO2 by sea iron solubility in an Earth system model
- Relationships Between Lidar Aerosol Extinction and Backscatter Coefficients and Cloud Concentration Nuclei (CCN) Number Concentrations for Different Aerosol Types
- Requirements to measurements and auxiliary information for improvement and field validity of Pedo Transfer Functions for land surface models.
- Rupture Segmentation of the August 14, 2021 Mw7.2 Haiti Earthquake Using Aftershock Relocation from a Local Seismic Deployment
- Searching for Synergies between Venus and Exoplanetary Worlds
- Seasonal Variability and Meteorological Drivers Affecting California Wildland Fire Emissions Transport and Human Health Impacts
- Sector-wide Seasonal and Diurnal Trends of Methane, Nitrous Oxide, and Ammonia Emissions from Dairy Farms in California
- Sensitivity of Secondary Organic Aerosol Production to Differences in Emissions, Chemistry, and Transport from Wildfires and Prescribed Burns
- Sensitivity of Soil Organic Carbon and Chemical Weathering Dynamics to Variations in Landcover, Lithology, and Aspect in High Elevation Montane Systems
- Simulated Assessment of Preferential Flow during Agricultural Managed Aquifer Recharge
- Soil Particle Size Distribution (PSD) as a Predictor Variable for Microbial Species Distribution
- Soil water isotope measurements (tritium, deuterium, oxygen-18) and Hydrus-1D simulations with evaporative fractionation to examine the impacts of deeply rooted switchgrass on soil hydrology
- Source Parameters of the 2015 Alor Island, Indonesia Earthquake from ALOS-2 InSAR data
- Source-Specific Acute Health Effects of Ambient Dust Exposure in California's Salton Sea Region
- Storage Capacity of Sulfur in Eclogitic Clinopyroxene and Garnet and Partitioning of Sulfur during Eclogite Partial Melting
- Study of Ladder Fuels in Chaparral Crown Fires
- Summer marine fog distribution in the Chukchi-Beaufort Seas
- The Effects of Pre-Stress Assumptions on Dynamic Rupture with Complex Fault Geometry in the San Gorgonio Pass, California, Region
- The effects of a bi-material interface on rupture behavior across stepovers
- Triggered Earthquake Swarms in Southern Hispaniola Revealed by Spatiotemporal Evolution of Seismicity from Multi-Station Template Matching
- Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analyses of a Semi-Distributed Non-Parsimonious Hydrologic Model Across Spatial and Temporal Scales Using New and Traditional Global Sensitivity Analysis Approaches
- Understanding Ecohydrologic Processes of Irrigated Agricultural Ecosystems by Integrating in-Situ and Modeling Approaches
- Understanding Sources and Trends of Volatile Organic Compounds in the Los Angeles Basin across Gradients of Human Activity and over Decadal Timescales
- Variability of Hygroscopicity in Smoke Aerosols Measured in the United States and Southeast Asia
- Volatiles and Oxygen Fugacity from olivine hosted melt inclusions, embayments, and matrix glasses at Pisgah Crater, Mojave Desert, California
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Birkey
- A. J. Beyersdorf
- A. J. Meltzner
- A. M. Lopez
- A. Visser
- Aaron N. Koop
- Abhijit Ghosh
- Akua Asa-Awuku
- Alan Robock
- Albert A. Presto
- Alejandro N. Flores
- Alexander B. MacDonald
- Alexander B. Michaud
- Alexander H. Krichels
- Alexey V. Fedorov
- Alice‐Agnes Gabriel
- Allen H. Goldstein
- Allen L. Robinson
- Alvar Escriva-Bou
- Amir AghaKouchak
- Ana‐Catalina Plesa
- Andrew B. Gray
- Andrew N. French
- Andy Ridgwell
- Arnaud Salvador
- Arthur J. Sedlacek
- Asmeret Asefaw Berhe
- Athanasios Nenes
- Baoning Wu
- Becky Alexander
- Ben Kravitz
- Benjamin A. Nault
- Bin Peng
- Bo Li
- Bradford J. Foley
- Brett F. Sanders
- Brigitta Sipőcz
- C. D. Rowe
- C. Gillmann
- C. I. Czimczik
- C. Kyriakopoulos
- C. M. S. Cohen
- C. Preble
- Calvin Howes
- Cathy Clerbaux
- Cayman T. Unterborn
- Cheryl S. Harrison
- Chia Ping Huang Yang
- Chi‐Tsan Wang
- Christine Wiedinmyer
- Cindy Cristina Yanez
- Claire Baffaut
- Clare Stephens
- D. D. Oglesby
- Dalton S. Hardisty
- Danica Adams
- Daniel P. Moore
- Daniele Visioni
- Dennis Höning
- Dominik Hülse
- Donald R. Blake
- E. Calais
- Edward W. Schwieterman
- Edwin Nissen
- Elizabeth B. Wiggins
- Elizabeth Cottrell
- Emily B. Franklin
- Emily D. Lenhardt
- Emma L. Aronson
- Eric Slessarev
- Evan H. DeLucia
- F. J. Pozuelos
- F. M. Hopkins
- Fabrice Lambert
- Fatai O. Balogun
- Feng Hu
- Fiona Johnson
- Forrest M. Hoffman
- G. Darrel Jenerette
- Gareth J. Funning
- Giuseppe Brunetti
- Graham E. Fogg
- H. A. Ford
- H. E. Dahlke
- H. L. Ford
- H. R. Barnard
- Hang Wen
- Holly M. Andrews
- Hongming Yi
- Hongyu Guo
- Hoori Ajami
- Howard W. Reeves
- Hugh Coe
- Ian Bailey
- J. Andrew Neuman
- J. D. Crounse
- J. G. O’Rourke
- J. Mao
- J. S. Byrnes
- J. W. Head
- J. de la Beaujardiere
- Jaime R. Green
- Jaime S. Crouse
- James Hollingsworth
- James J. Guilinger
- Javier González-Rocha
- Jennifer Humphreys
- Jens Redemann
- Jessica E. Tierney
- Jiang Zhu
- Jihong Cole‐Dai
- Jillian M. Deines
- Jochen E. Schubert
- Joel A. Thornton
- John C. Hammond
- John J. Battles
- Johnathan Hair
- Jonathan Horner
- Jonathan P. Warnock
- Josué Medellín–Azuara
- Joyeeta Bhattacharya
- Juan S. Acero Triana
- Jun Wang
- K. A. Kelley
- K. H. Kilbourne
- K. J. McFarlane
- K. J. Ryan
- K. Kroll
- Kaiyu Guan
- Kamini Singha
- Kara Bogus
- Katie Murenbeeld
- Kelley C. Barsanti
- Kenneth L Thornhill
- King Fai Li
- L. D. Yee
- L. K. Emmons
- L. Ruby Leung
- Lara F. Pérez
- Lawrence E. Band
- Lee R. Kump
- Lei Geng
- Leonie Schönbeck
- Li Li
- Licheng Liu
- Lin Chen
- Lisa Tauxe
- Lixin Wang
- Louis S. Santiago
- Lucile Bruhat
- Lucy Marshall
- Lígia F. T. de Souza
- M. A. Fenn
- M. A. Zondlo
- M. B. Weller
- M. L. Anderson
- M. L. Fischer
- M. Li
- M. M. Bitew
- Mahesh Kovilakam
- Manabu Shiraiwa
- Manuel Mendoza
- Manvendra K. Dubey
- Mao‐Chang Liang
- Marko J. Spasojevic
- Marlos Góes
- Marta E Torres
- Martine van der Ploeg
- Maryjo Brounce
- Matthew Thomas
- Maura Allaire
- Maureen E Raymo
- Maximiliano Bezada
- Melanie J. Leng
- Michael D. Dettinger
- Michael E Weber
- Michael Floyd
- Michael Strasser
- Michael Way
- Michele L. Cooke
- Min Luo
- Moa Persson
- N. J. Cosentino
- N. L. Ng
- Nadine Igonin
- Natalie J. Burls
- Nicola Ulibarri
- Nicolas B. Cowan
- Nina M. Whitney
- Osamu Seki
- P. R. Veres
- Pamela L. Sullivan
- Paquita Zuidema
- Paul A. Dalba
- Pengcheng Fu
- Peter M. Homyak
- Phoebe L. Zarnetske
- Pincelli M. Hull
- Qing Yue
- R. A. Ferrare
- R. Bahreini
- Rachel E. Breunig
- Rachel E. Gallery
- Rajdeep Dasgupta
- Ranga Rajan Thiruvenkatachari
- Rawad Saleh
- Ray G. Anderson
- Rebecca A. Sugrue
- Richard Betts
- Richard H. Moore
- Rimal Abeed
- Robert B. Jackson
- Robert J. Allen
- Robert Wood
- Roby Douilly
- Rudra Pokhrel
- Ruth Branch
- S. B. Malevich
- S. Biraud
- S. E. Smrekar
- S. P. Burton
- S. P. Hicks
- S. R. Hemming
- Sally Newman
- Samuel C. Zipper
- Sarah E. Greene
- Seaver Wang
- Seongeun Jeong
- Seth Redfield
- Sev Kender
- Shankho Niyogi
- Sharon A. Billings
- Simone Tilmes
- Stanley P. Sander
- Stephen R. Kane
- Steven J. Davis
- Susanne M. Straub
- T. N. Knepp
- T. Wagner
- Taufiq Hassan
- Theodore E. Grantham
- Thomas Lecocq
- Tiantian Zhou
- Timothy J. Griffis
- Timothy W. Lyons
- Tobias P. Fischer
- Trevor Williams
- Twan van Noije
- Valerie Carranza
- Wendy H. Yang
- William C. Porter
- William Farmer
- William R. Boos
- William Vizuete
- Xi Zhang
- Xianyao Chen
- Xiaomei Xu
- Xuehui Guo
- Xueying Zhao
- Xun Jiang
- Yasmina M. Martos
- Yijian Zhou
- Ying Li
- Yongchao Yuan
- Yoseph Adiatma
- Yue Zhang
- Yuexin Li
- Zhaopeng Zhu
- Zhaoqing Yang
- Élyse Gaudreau