Eastern Michigan University
flowchart I[Eastern Michigan University] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (77)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (25)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Marine Isotope Stages 11 and 12: Rapid Variability in Subtropical North Atlantic Circulation
- Millennial-Scale Variability in the Carbonate Content of Western North Atlantic Sediments (ODP Leg 172) During Marine Isotope Stages 11 and 12: Linkage to the Southern Ocean Record and to Antarctic Climate
- Stimulated Emissions and Radar Scatter from Pulsed RF-Ionosphere Interactions at HAARP
- Stimulated Emissions and Radar Scatter from Pulsed and ELF Modulated RF-Ionosphere Interactions at HAARP
- Changes in Benthic Foraminiferal Assemblages and Total Organic Carbon in Sediments at ODP Site 1058, Blake Outer Ridge During Marine Isotope Stages 11-12
- Stimulated Emission and Radar Observations of RF-Ionosphere Interaction Experiments at HAARP
- Primary Productivity Changes in the subtropical western North Atlantic During Marine Isotope Stages 11-12: Inferences from Benthic Foraminifera
- Results from UHF and HF Radar Studies of Ionospheric Interaction Experiments at HAARP
- The Bermuda Rise Record of MIS 11-12: Inferences from Organic Carbon Fluxes, Organic Matter Isotopic Composition and Benthic Foraminifera
- The Evolution of the Southern Polar Region During Austral Winter/Spring 2006
- UHF and HF Radar Studies of Langmuir Turbulence Experiments at HAARP
- UHF and HF Radar Studies of Langmuir Turbulence Experiments at HAARP
- Comprehensive Studies of Langmuir Turbulence Experiments at HAARP
- Seasonal Temperature Changes and their Impacts on Vegetation in the Northern Latitudes
- Studies of Strong Langmuir Turbulence Experiments at HAARP
- Ground to exobase modeling of the Martian atmosphere using M-GITM
- High Time-resolution Studies of RF Interaction Experiments at HAARP
- Measurements of BVOC fluxes Above Mixed Hardwood Forest Canopy During the 2009 CABINEX Field Campaign
- Studies of Aspect Angle Dependence of Plasma Turbulence at HAARP
- A needs assessment for climate change education in the Great Lakes region
- Box Modeling of HOx Chemistry at a Remote Field Site
- Changes in Organic Carbon Accumulation and Benthic Foraminiferal Assemblages in Sediments Deposited on the Bermuda Rise (odp Site 1063)DURING Mis 13 TO 10
- Modeling the Response of the Martian Upper Atmosphere to Solar Flares
- Studies of Langmuir Turbulence Excited by RF Ionospheric Interactions at HAARP
- The Importance of Large-Scale Wind Measurements
- Toward an Understanding of the Time Dependent Responses of the Martian Upper Atmosphere to Dust Storm Events
- Modeling the Martian Upper Atmosphere Using the Mars Global Ionosphere-Thermosphere Model
- Multi-beam Measurements of Langmuir Turbulence at HAARP
- Simultaneous Multi-angle Radar Observations of Langmuir Turbulence Excited by RF Ionospheric Interactions at HAARP
- Investigating ionosphere-thermosphere space weather using ensemble based modeling
- MEx/SPICAM Dayside Exospheric Temperatures Derived from Airglow Emissions and Comparisons with Global Model Simulations: Do We Understand the Variations?
- Multi-angle Spectra Evolution of Langmuir Turbulence Excited by RF Ionospheric Interactions at HAARP
- Solar wind interaction with Mars' upper atmosphere: Results from 3-D studies using one-way coupling between the Multi-fluid MHD, the M-GITM and the AMPS models
- Spatiotemporal Exploration of Impacts of Coupled Climate and Socioeconomic Changes on Grassland Ecosystems (Invited)
- Understanding the Uncertainties in the Lower Thermosphere and Their Effects on the Structure of the Atmosphere (Invited)
- Landsat Image Analysis of the Rebea Agricultural Project, Mosul Dam and Lake, Northern Iraq
- Modeling variability in Mars' lower ionosphere
- Multi-angle Spectra Evolution of Ionospheric Turbulence Excited by RF Interactions at HAARP
- NAGT-GER: A Community of Practice to Support the Emerging Field of Geoscience Education Research
- Solar Wind Interaction with the Martian Upper Atmosphere at Early Mars/Extreme Solar Conditions
- The Martian Hot Oxygen Corona at Ancient times
- The precipitation of keV energetic oxygen ions at Mars and their effects during the comet Siding Spring approach
- Ionospheric Turbulence and the Evolution of Artificial Irregularities Excited by RF Interactions at HAARP
- Regulations of evapotranspiration and ecosystem productivity from biophysical and human drivers in drylands Northern Eurasia
- Simulating the Effects of Solar Flares at Mars During MAVEN
- The Potential for an Independent Source of Younger Dryas Tree-Ring Radiocarbon Data from the Lake Ontario Region, NE North America, and its Paleoenvironmental Context: a Preliminary Report
- Studies of High Power RF-induced Turbulence in the Ionosphere over HAARP
- Training Graduate Teaching Assistants in the Geosciences: Our Practices vs. Perceived Needs
- Proposed Grand Challenges in Geoscience Education Research: Articulating a Community Research Agenda
- The Person Behind the Picture: Influence of Social and Cultural Capital on Geoscience Career Pathways
- Comparing MAVEN/NGIMS Thermospheric Wind Observations with M-GITM Simulations
- Impact of the September 2017 Solar Flare and ICME Events on Mars
- The Global Impact of Martian Dust Storms on the Near-Planet Space Environment
- The Responses of the Mars Thermosphere to the PEDE-2018a dust event: MAVEN NGIMS Measurements and Corresponding Global Model Simulations
- Using an Interdisciplinary Pop-Up Learning Community to Respond to Climate Change Misinformation in News and Social Media
- Variability of the Martian Ionospheric Peak and Hot O Corona - Observations and Simulation
- Warm trapped fossils? Electron structure and dynamics on the nightside of Mars
- Gravity Wave Effects in the Martian Thermosphere: Simulations from the M-GITM 3D General Circulation Model Utilizing a Nonlinear Gravity Wave Parameterization Scheme
- Overview of Probing Regions via Ionospheric Modification (PRIM)
- Statistics of Flow Channels Observed as Regions of Ion Heating in Energetic Neutral Atom Images
- The co-dependency of erosion rate, rock strength, and topographic relief: a case study from the Western Transverse Ranges, southern California, USA
- COVID-19: Kick-starting a community-driven effort to build inclusive and accessible field experiences
- Coordinated Observations of Plasma Sheet Ion Temperatures and Auroral Enhancements.
- Thermospheric Temperature Responses during the 2018 PEDE Event as Observed by the MAVEN IUVS Instrument: Implications for Changing Dynamics using Mars GITM Simulations
- Venus Global Ionosphere Thermosphere Model
- Exploring the effects of electron impact ionization on the Mars upper atmosphere
- GeoCaFES: Communities and Future Earth Scientists
- Putting the Atmospheric Conditions Associated with the 2020 Oregon Labor Day Fires into Climatological Context
- The Effect of Recirculated Plasmasphere Material: Its Signatures and How it Interacts with the Ring Current
- The Venus Global Ionosphere Thermosphere Model (V-GITM)
- Using Energetic Neutral Atom (ENA) Imaging to Understand Global Transport in Geospace During Active Intervals
- A Statistical Study of Regions of Enhanced Ion Temperatures in the Magnetotail in the TWINS Ion Temperature Maps
- Impacts of Frequent Solar Flares on the Atmospheric Escape at Mars
- Preconditioning in Mars's upper atmosphere during solar flares
- Solar Flare Effects on Ions at Mars: A Comparison of MAVEN NGIMS Observations with MGITM Model Outputs
- The Effect of Recirculated Plasmasphere Material: Its signatures and how it interacts with the Ring Current.
- Using M-GITM to Model Martian Ionospheric Bumps
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Glocer
- A. J. Ridley
- A. M. Keesee
- Brandon M. Ponder
- Brian M. Walsh
- C. Mouikis
- Christine Gabrielse
- Dalton S. Hardisty
- J. M. Bell
- J. T. Freymueller
- J. Tibbetts
- Katherine Garcia‐Sage
- M. K. Elrod
- M. O. Schrenk
- N. Buzulukova
- Paul C. Loikith
- Paul Withers
- R. Ilie
- Robert J. Lillis
- S. S. Wei
- S. W. Bougher
- Susannah M. Dorfman
- Xiaohua Fang
- Y. Ma
- Yuni Lee