College of the Holy Cross, Massachusetts
flowchart I[College of the Holy Cross, Massachusetts] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (27)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (0)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Does Alpine Glacial Erosion Limit the Altitude of the Cascade Range in Washington State? Insights from GIS and Thermochronometry
- Spatial Gradients of Precipitation and Erosion in the Swiss Alps: Direct Evidence and Mechanistic Explanation for the Glacial Buzzsaw
- The Polaris Project: Rising Stars in the Arctic
- Application of Absorption Spectrophotometry to Study the Seasonal Dynamics of Dissolved Organic Matter in Arctic Streams
- Assessing biogeochemical cycling and transient storage of surface water in Eastern Siberian streams using short-term solute additions
- Bioavailability of organic matter in aquatic environments throughout Siberia’s Kolyma River watershed during summer baseflow
- Ultraviolet-visible absorption spectra of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in waters throughout the Kolyma River basin, East Siberia
- Bio- and Photodegradation of DOM from Lakes, Streams, and Rivers within the Kolyma River Watershed, Northeast Siberia
- Carbon processing in the Kolyma River Watershed and the role it plays in CO2 outgassing
- Determining the impact of temporal and spatial conditions on dissolved organic carbon decomposition in the Kolyma River Watershed
- Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) Bioavailability among Aquatic Ecosystems in Russia's Kolyma River Watershed During Summer Baseflow (Invited)
- High mid-summer pCO2 concentrations and evasion from headwater streams of the Kolyma River Basin, Siberia
- Landscape Variation in N and P Uptake in Streams in the Kolyma River Basin
- Microbial respiration and DOC composition in leachates from Holocene and Pleistocene soils from the Kolyma River basin in Eastern Siberia
- Nutrient limitation of a thermokarst lake and large river ecosystem in the Kolyma River basin (Russia)
- Quantifying Carbon Bioavailability in Northeast Siberian Soils
- Spatial Variation in Soil Nutrient Concentrations and Microbial Activity in the Kolyma River Basin in Eastern Siberia
- The Crucial Role of Particulate Matter in Fluvial Degradation of Thaw-Released Arctic Carbon
- A comparison of lakes in the Kolyma River region that receive inputs of Holocene and Pleistocene origin
- Enzymatic Regulation of Organic Matter Metabolism in Siberia's Kolyma River Watershed
- Reactivity of Pleistocene aged organic matter in the Siberian Arctic
- Global Trends in Glacial Cirque Floor Altitudes and Their Relationships with Climate, Equilibrium Line Altitudes, and Mountain Range Heights
- Organic matter biolability and enzyme activities within stream benthic sediments in northeastern Siberia
- Stream sediment flux responses to varied permafrost carbon composition in the Siberian Arctic
- Hydrological and Biogeochemical Controls on the Fate of Dissolved Organic Matter in Large Drainage Networks: The Pulse-Shunt Concept
- Watershed-Scale Analysis of Changes in Dissolved Organic Matter Quality and Nitrogen/Phosphorus Concentrations across an Urbanization Gradient during Baseflow and Stormflow
- Geochemical characterization of eroding coastal permafrost and organic matter fluxes to the Beaufort Sea near Drew Point, Alaska