College of Wooster, Ohio
flowchart I[College of Wooster, Ohio] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (78)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (17)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Do Processes of Rhyolite Genesis Change as Icelandic Rifts Drift off of the Plume?
- Northeast Pacific Summer Temperature Variability for the Last Two Millennia Inferred from Tree Ring and Glacier Expansion Proxy Records
- Regional and Local Flexure Zones in Iceland: Upper Crustal Structures in Magmatically Robust Spreading Systems
- Alvin, Jason II, DSL-120 Investigation of Super-Fast EPR Crust Exposed at the Pito Deep Rift, Easter Microplate, SE Pacific
- DSL120 Mosaics of Superfast EPR Crustal Layers Exposed by Ultraslow Spreading near Pito Deep
- Internal Structure of Basaltic Lavas and Sheeted Dikes in 3 Ma Super-Fast EPR Crust Exposed at Pito Deep
- Magnetic Remanence and Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility of Dikes From Super-Fast Spread Crust Exposed At Pito Deep Rift
- Divergent tree growth along the North East Pacific Rim
- Glacier Changes and Inferred Temperature Variability in Alaska for the Past Two Thousand Years
- Internal Structure of the Extinct Skagi-Hunafloi Rift Zone and Implications for Magmatic Construction
- Models of Deformation of Uppermost Oceanic Lithosphere: Comparison of Crustal Flexure in the Blönduós Area, Northern Iceland, and Structure of East Pacific Rise Crust at Hess Deep
- Ship Rock Diatreme: is it a Classical Volcano? New Evidence on Magma Ascent and Emplacement Within the Navajo Volcanic Field
- Using Oxygen Isotopes of Zircon to Evaluate Magmatic Evolution and Crustal Contamination in the Halifax Pluton, Nova Scotia
- Evolution of Magmatic Processes at Superfast-Spreading Centers: Insights from Spatial Variations in Upper Crustal Composition at the Pito Deep Rift
- Reconstructing mid- Holocene glacial fluctuations in Glacier Bay, Alaska
- Structure and Geomorphic Expression of the Delüün Fault and Late Cenozoic Transpressional Mountain Building in the Mongolian Altai
- Structure and kinematics of segment-scale crustal accretion processes in Iceland
- Tree-ring based mass balance estimates along the North Pacific Rim
- Deglaciation, Basin Formation and Post-Glacial Climate Change from a Regional Network of Sediment Core Sites in Ohio and Eastern Indiana
- Emplacement of a Thick Mafic Extrusive Body: A CSD Solution to a Map-Generated Question
- Can Detailed Mapping of Subglacial Pillow Lavas Inform our Understanding of Pillow-dominated Submarine Eruptions?
- Receptive Audiences for Climate Change Education: Understanding Attitudes and Barriers
- Recognizing Non-Stationary Climate Response in Tree Growth for Southern Coastal Alaska, USA
- Along-axis variations in volcanology and geochemistry of a pillow-dominated tindar: Comparison of exposures in Undirhlithar and Vatnsskarth quarries, Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland
- Depositional History of a Saline Blue Hole on Eleuthera Island, Bahamas: Implications for Sea Level History and Climate Change
- Developing a Network of Tree Ring Chronologies from the Russian Fareast
- Estimated hydrostatic/cryostatic pressures during emplacement of pillow lavas at Undirhlithar quarry, Reykjanes Peninsula, southwest Iceland
- Independent Study: The Culture of Mentored Undergraduate Research at The College of Wooster (Invited)
- Do Vermont's Floodplains Constitute an Important Source of Labile Carbon?
- Igneous Structures, Magma Transport, and Crystallization in Simple and Complex Plumbing Systems of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, USA
- A Survey of Spatial and Seasonal Water Isotope Variability on the Juneau Icefield, Alaksa
- Improving Undergraduate Research Experiences With An Intentional Mentoring Program: Lessons Learned Through Assessment of Keck Geology Consortium Programs
- The Influence of Source Biases on Sedimentary Leaf Waxes and Their Stable Isotope Compositions
- Distribution and Degradation State of Soil Organic Carbon Stocks in Ice Wedge Polygons of the Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska
- Exploring Cumulates in Small, Shallow Parts of a Large Mafic Magma System to Provide Baseline Models for Crystallization in Larger Intrusions
- Investigations of the geochemical controls on anomalous arsenic enrichment in the Santiago Peak Volcanics of Southern California: implications for arsenic distribution in volcanic arc systems
- Peat Insulation Moderates the Sensitivity of Permafrost Carbon to Climate Warming in Arctic Alaska
- Remotely Sensing Pollution: Detection and Monitoring of PCBs in the San Francisco Bay
- Western Tropical Atlantic Hydrologic change during the last 130,000 years
- Landslides and Volcanoes: Fingerprinting Erosional Processes on a tropical island, Dominica, Lesser Antilles
- Modulation of Sea Ice Melt Onset and Retreat in the Laptev Sea by the Timing of Snow Retreat in the West Siberian Plain
- The last millennium of Aleutian low variability based on dendrochonolgy and water isotope proxies
- A Blue Intensity Temperature Record from a Drought-Sensitive White Spruce Site in Central Alaska
- A glaciovolcanic origin for Braeðvikir ridge, Iceland?
- Evolution of the McMurdo Shear Zone, Antarctica: Determining Critical Kinematic Threshold Values for Crevasse Initiation and Predicting Long-term Changes to Shear Zone Stability
- Greater Storm Frequency Enhances Primary Productivity in the Laptev and East Siberian Seas
- How has North Pacific Decadal Variability Impacted the Health of an Alaska Yellow Cedar Forest Over the Past 300 Years?
- Ice shelf shear margins and sub-ice-shelf channels: Investigating stability impacts on Pine Island Glacier
- Improving MAG4's Forecasting of Drivers of Severe Space Weather
- Measuring rain on snow followed by freezing at Alaska SNOTEL sites
- Monitoring Brown Carbon Formation in Real Time from Multiphase Reactions of Amines and Carbonyls
- Temperature Variability from Blue Intensity (BI) and Maximum Latewood Density (MXD) tree-ring chronologies from the North American Boreal Forests
- Understanding the Construction of Pillow-dominated Glaciovolcanic Ridges
- A Geochemical Study of Bræðravirki Ridge (Western Volcanic Zone, Iceland) Reveals Regional Glaciovolcanic Variations and Complex Tindar Construction
- Direct and indirect impacts of basal channels on ice-shelf stability
- New Exposures in Pillow Lava Quarries Give Insights into Glaciovolcanic Ridge Plumbing
- New Igneous Classification System Produces Consistent Rock Names and Illuminates Modal Data
- Species-specific responses to climate change in a temperate rainforest
- The Distinguishing Characteristics of Storms that Produce Rain-on-Snow Events in Alaska
- Complex bathymetry beneath Thwaites and Dotson Ice Shelves revealed by active-source seismic surveys
- Dynamic evolution of flow structures and viscosity during basaltic magma emplacement and crystallization in an upper-crustal sill
- Growth Decrease Linked to Warming Minimum Temperatures at Coastal Mountain Hemlock Sites, Gulf of Alaska
- How Does the Proximity of Mountain Glaciers Affect the Microclimates of Adjacent Forests in Southeast Alaska?
- Summer high-wind events and phytoplankton productivity in the Arctic Ocean
- Tree-ring and Oral History Together Guide the Prehistory of Hoonah and Glacier Bay, Alaska
- Two decades of dynamic changes on the Thwaites Eastern Ice Shelf
- Varying Tree Response to Pluvial Conditions by Natural and Exotic Species, Northeast Ohio, USA
- Dammed for 200 years: Biogeochemical hotspots in riparian zones due to milldams and their evolution following dam removal
- Memories of the soils: Can stable nitrogen isotopes (15N) characterize the influence of milldams on nitrogen processing in riparian soils?
- Tephrostratigraphy of Misti Volcano, Arequipa, Peru: A Chronicle of Multiple VEI 25 Eruptions from the Late Pleistocene to the Mid-15th Century
- The Expression of Lithospheric Anisotropy in Ps and Sp Converted Waves
- An Experiential Learning Course that Increases Self-Efficacy and STEM Identity to Support Marginalized Students
- Constraints on the Conditions for Bubble Connection and Degassing in Silicic Melts as Revealed by Deformation of FOAMGLAS®
- Exploring the Nature of Small-scale Eruptions that Make Coronal Jets in the Sun's Atmosphere
- Insights into Fault Scaling from Small Faults, Upper Gaylor Lake, CA, USA
- Mental Health Consequences of Climate Change
- Physical Properties of Bishop Tuff (RORD REU Program)
- Three Age Cohorts of White Oaks and their Response to Climate Change in Wooster, Ohio