University of Wollongong, Australia
flowchart I[University of Wollongong, Australia] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (262)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (78)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Maximum Flow Efficiency in an Anabranching River, Magela Creek, Northern Australia
- Real-time in situ measurements of the H/D ratio in water vapour in a limestone cave
- Retrieval of Isotopomer-Specific Ozone Vertical Profiles from Solar Infrared Spectra Recorded at Lauder, New Zealand.
- Seasonal Variations of Carbon Monoxide over Poker Flat observed by the ground based infrared spectroscopy from 2000 to 2002
- The D/H Ratio in Atmospheric Water Vapour: Continuous in situ Measurements of Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Exchange by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
- The Use of Aerosol Optical Depth in Estimating Trace Gas Emissions from Biomass Burning Plumes
- The validation of profiles of minor species derived from the Kiruna FTIR spectra using SFIT2 by comparison with satellite measurements (ILAS)
- Isotopomer Signatures of Nitrous Oxide Emissions From Soils During Nitrification, Denitrification and Chemodenitrification
- Simulation of stable isotopic pools and fluxes by a land-surface scheme forced with observed isotopic ratios in precipitation and atmospheric water vapour.
- The Isotopomer Signal of N<SUB>2</SUB>O Produced From Biological Sources
- Geological "Ground Truth" of Sea-level Highstand Events During Warm Interglaciations (MIS 11 and 5e): Taking the Punch out of Proxy Precision
- Ground-Based FTIR Observations of Ozone, HNO3, HCl, and HF in Poker Flat, Alaska from 1999 to 2004
- Millennial-scale climate cycles through the Holocene: A global, synchronous phenomenon?
- The Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON)
- Transpacific transport induced inter-annual variability of CO, and related biomass burning molecules in the Free Troposphere over Poker Flat, Alaska
- Using SCIAMACHY and Ground-based FTS Measurements to Test the OCO XCO2 Retrieval and Validation Approach
- Announcing the discovery of Middle Earth: A dating perspective
- Holocene Indian Ocean Cosmic Impacts: The Megatsunami Chevron Evidence From Madagascar
- Isotopic evidence of nitrous oxide synthesis from two distinct nitrogen sources
- Open Path Tracer Measurements of Methane Emissions from Free Ranging Cattle
- Past migrations of the Intertropical convergence zone in NE Australia during Heinrich events: a tropical perspective on abrupt climate change
- The Effect of Sediment Disturbance on the Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles Within Coastal Marine Lakes
- Tracing nitrogen transformations in agricultural soils after addition of 15N enriched ammonium and nitrate: Determination of nitrous oxide production mechanisms
- An absolute calibration of the site preference of 15N isotopic fractionation in N2O using FTIR spectroscopy
- Evaluation of OMI Column Retrievals of HCHO, BrO and OClO Using Ground-Based DOAS and FTS Measurements, SCIAMACHY and GOME Satellite Observations, and GEOS-Chem Modeling
- Ground-based Observations of the Total CO2 Column: Method, Validation, and First Results
- IODP Expedition 307: A high Resolution Record of Contourite Deposition and Palaeoclimatic Forcing on the Eastern Porcupine Seabight (Irish Continental Margin)
- Interannual variations of carbon monoxide global burden measured by MOPITT and AIRS; assessments of total carbon emitted by wild fires.
- Measuring Greenhouse Gas fluxes and Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling In Situ in an Estuarine Lake
- Quantification of nitrous oxide emissions from nitrification and denitrification based on intramolecular site preference measurements
- Sediment Transport, Mixing, and Erosion by an Impact Generated Tsunami: Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia
- The Darwin TCCON Site - CO2 Calibration and First Data
- A global view on near-surface deuterated water vapour - First results from SCIAMACHY onboard ENVISAT
- A study of the evolution of the stable isotope signature of water vapour during the passage of synoptic low pressure systems over Sydney, Australia
- Bulk and Clay Mineralogy of Mud from Nankai Trough IODP Expeditions 315 and 316
- Coral Microatolls and Their Role as Fixed Biological Indicators of Holocene Sea-Level Changes
- Episodic sediment disturbance on the mega-splay fault at Tonankai earthquake area, Nankai trough, Japan
- Lithostratigraphy of the NanTroSEIZE Transect Area in Nankai Trough: A Summary of Results from IODP Expeditions 314, 315, and 316
- Real-time measurements of the stable isotopes in water vapour by Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy
- Slope Failures and Subsequent Mass-Movement Deposition Related to Mega Splay Fault Activity: Results From Drilling the Nankai Accretionary Prism During IODP NanTroSEIZE Expedition 316
- Structural evolution in accretionary prism toe revealed by magnetic fabric analysis: NanTroSEIZE Expedition 316, Sites C0006 and C0007
- Trace Gas Emissions From Tropical North Australian Savanna Fires
- Train-borne Measurements of Enhanced Wet Season Methane Emissions in Northern Australia - Implications for Australian Tropical Wetland Emissions
- A Calibration for the Total Carbon Column Observing Network using HIPPO Aircraft Profiles
- A new tool for Quaternary geochronology? Direct dating of fine-grained volcanic products using uranium isotopes
- Characterising Emissions from Australia's Black Saturday Fires
- Coincident retrievals of CO and CO2 from high resolution solar absorption spectrometry
- Determination of Tropospheric Volume Mixing Ratios of CH4 and N2O from TCCON Column Measurements
- Did Two Bolide Fragments Strike the Gulf of Carpentaria around 1500 Years Ago?
- Ground-based Total Column and in situ measurements of CO2 and CH4 in the Southern Hemisphere, and an update to GOSAT/ground-based FTS comparisons
- Heinrich I and Younger Dryas Glaciation in the Central Andes
- Laboratory Investigation of Trace Gas Emissions from Biomass Burning on DoD Bases
- Sediment residence time and landscape evolution in arid Australia
- Trends in atmospheric constituents measured by Fourier Transform spectroscopy at Wollongong, Australia, from 1996-2009
- Using the Global Chemical Transport Model GEOS-Chem to Constrain Australian Methane Sources
- A Preliminary Validation of the ACOS/GOSAT Xco2 Product Using TCCON Data
- A comparative analysis of MODIS based spectral indices for drought monitoring over fire prone vegetation types
- Alluvial records of late Quaternary environmental change along the eastern Andes
- Analyses Of A Large Climbing Dune In The Ka'u Desert Of Hawaii: Implications For Understanding Dark Dunes On Mars
- Changes in chemical weathering intensity in the Himalayas over the past 30 kyr
- Comparisons Between the ACOS and TCCON XCO2 Data in the Southern Hemisphere
- Cosmic Catastrophe in the Gulf of Carpentaria
- Determine Canopy Turbulent Transport and Evapotranspiration Partition With the Help of a new Soil Water Isotope Model
- Enigmatic hydrothermal fluid-flow pathways in sandstone associated with a near-shore basaltic lava
- First results from a large, multi-platform study of trace gas and particle emissions from biomass burning
- Importance of secondary sources in the atmospheric budgets of formic and acetic acids
- Laboratory Analyses Of Basaltic Dunes In The Ka'u Desert Of Hawaii And Implications For Understanding Dark Dunes On Mars
- Late Quaternary mega-lakes of central Australia: varying moisture sources and increased continental aridity
- Mitigation of emissions from wildfires in Australia: potential for use of managed prescribed fire in eucalypt dominated vegetation, present and future. (Invited)
- Quantifying the Australian methane budget: the importance of wetlands emissions highlighted by surface and train-borne Fourier transform spectrometers
- Residence Time of Sediments in Alluvial Plains from U-Th Isotope Analyses: The Ganges River System. (Invited)
- The silicon isotopic composition of I- and S-type granites
- Tracking the response of E. camaldulensis to moisture stress recovery using spectral reflectance
- Validation of zonal averaged XCO2 and XCH4 derived from SWIR of GOSAT TANSO-FTS using ground-based high-resolution FTS and aircraft measurement data
- Biomass burning: space-based detection efficiency, differences between ground-based and airborne measurements, evolution of trace gases and particles
- Comparison of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy (TDLAS) Methods for Determining Stable Isotope Ratios of Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Decline of the Macquarie Marshes ecosystem, Australia, since European arrival recorded by organic geochemical proxies in sediments
- Holocene megafan dynamics in the southernmost Amazon basin
- Post Wildfire Changes in Plant Functioning and Vegetation Dynamics: Implications for Water Fluxes in Re-sprouting Forests
- Reappraisal of magma genesis under the Kamchatka arc with uranium-series isotopes
- Reconstructing inter annual Indonesian river discharge by high-resolution LA-ICPMS geochemistry and UV-luminescence scanning of corals
- Repeated arc-continent collision as a key mechanism for continental growth
- Sr-Nd and Uranium-series isotopic constraints on weathering and erosion using suspended and overbank river sediments from recent floodwaters in Australia
- The Lesser Himalaya stripped naked: tecto-climatic induced fluvial response during the Quaternary inferred from in situ <SUP>10</SUP>Be exposure ages
- The equilibrium theory of channel morphodynamics and its application to assessing the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River
- Uranium-series isotopes in riverborne material from small catchments - tracers and chronometers of erosion processes
- A comparative analysis of retrieval algorithms for GOSAT SWIR data processing: comparison against TCCON and transport model, cross-comparison, and effects of atmospheric light scattering
- Climatic control on erosion in the Himalayas over the past 40 ka
- Consistent validation of CO2 satellite measurements and the CarbonTracker model using the Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON)
- Constraints on tropospheric CO2 from TES and ACOS-GOSAT assessed with TCCON and HIPPO measurements
- Continuous field measurement of N2O isotopologues using FTIR spectroscopy following 15N addition
- Defining global syndromes of fire and the relationship of these to biomes, climate and human activity
- ENSO-driven nutrient variability recorded by central equatorial Pacific corals
- Geophysics in the Critical Zone: Constraints on Deep Weathering and Water Storage Potential in the Southern Sierra CZO
- Likelihood-based Quantification of Agreement between Climate Model Output and NASA Data Records
- New insights to Australian dust emissions from alpine geologic archives and LiDAR
- On wildfire complexity, simple models and environmental templates for fire size distributions
- Seasonal-scale features and forcing of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation 4,400-4,200 years ago
- Topographic and erosional controls on soil thickness and texture along a ridge in a transient landscape
- A Comparison of GHG Flux Measurements by Relaxed Eddy Accumulation and Eddy Covariance Methods Using FTIR and QCL Analyzers
- A chrono-tectonostratigraphic framework for the Sydney Basin
- Earth is (mostly) flat: Apportionment of continental mass flux over millennial time scales. A reappraisal (Invited)
- Evolution and Metallogenesis of the Great Serpentinite Belt in the New England Orogen, N.S.W. Australia
- Examination of elevation dependency in observed and projected temperature change in the Upper Indus Basin and Western Himalaya
- Exotic ingredients in the mélange at Port Macquarie, southern New England Orogen, reveal a spicy history of crustal kneading along eastern Gondwana
- Island-Arc Collision Dominates Japan's Sediment Flux to the Pacific Ocean
- Multiproxy reconstructions of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation: progress and challenges (Invited)
- Multivariate Spatial Data Fusion for Global Remote Sensing Data Sets
- Predicting habitat distribution to conserve seagrass threatened by sea level rise
- Spectral Information System for Australian Spectroscopy Data
- Threshold bedrock channels in tectonically active mountains with frequent mass wasting
- Tropospheric entrainment as a source of ground level aerosols within the polar Antarctic cell
- A new source of Southern Ocean and Antarctic aerosol from tropospheric polar cell chemistry of sea ice emissions
- Age and weathering rate of sediments in small catchments: the role of hillslope erosion
- An Exploration, for the Upper Indus Basin, of Elevation Dependency in the Relationships Between Locally Observed Near Surface Air Temperature (SAT) and Remotely-Sensed Land Surface Temperature (LST)
- Assessing Timescales and Controls of Floodplain Evolution in Monsoonal Australia during the Late Quaternary
- Biodiversity Pressure Maps to evaluate the impact of land use and land cover change on Endangered Ecological Communities
- Dust emissions from eastern Australia during the mid to late Holocene record changing hydro-climatic conditions and landuse.
- Elemental and Mineralogical Analysis of Tsunami Deposits from Phra Thong Island, Thailand
- Equatorial Pacific Coral Geochemical Records Show Recent Weakening of the Walker Circulation
- Factors Controlling O<SUB>3 </SUB>in the Southeastern United States during Summer as Constrained by the SEAC<SUP><SUB>4</SUB></SUP>RS Campaign
- Geologically Controlled Isotope-Time Patterns Reveal Early Differentiation and Crust Formation Processes
- Impact of Grid Resolution on Chemical Transport Modeling in the Southeast US: GEOS-Chem Model Constrained with Observations from SEAC4RS Aircraft Campaign
- Intercomparison of TCCON and MUSICA Water Vapour Products
- Interpreting Aerosol Sources and Seasonality over the Southeast United States with the GEOS-Chem Model: Lessons from the SEAC<SUP>4</SUP>rs Campaign
- Isoprene Chemistry in the Southeastern United States Constrained By GEOS-Chem Chemical Transport Model Interpretation of Aircraft Observations from the 2013 NASA SEAC<SUP>4</SUP>rs Campaign
- Landscape scale variability of atmospherically derived industrial metal enrichment in surfical environments
- Remotely Measuring Trash Fluxes in the Flood Canals of Megacities with Time Lapse Cameras and Computer Vision Algorithms - a Case Study from Jakarta, Indonesia.
- The Role of Social Media in the Civic Co-Management of Urban Infrastructure Resilience
- A 74 or 75 ka Age for the Toba Super-eruption? Resolving the Debate.
- Along-strike Variations in Active Strain Accumulation in the Northwest Himalaya
- Combining FastScape χ Values and <SUP>10</SUP>Be Erosion Rates to Evaluate Topographic Equilibrium in Evolving Landscapes: Examples from Namibia and the Central Himalaya
- Emission Factors of Greenhouse Gases and Particulates from Australian Savanna Fires
- Estimation of Footprints of Observation Sites Using NIES and FLEXPART Atmospheric Transport Models
- Holocene constraints on simulated tropical Pacific climate
- Improving the Representation of Near Source and Downwind Smoke Plume Chemistry in Regional and Global Air Quality Models
- Increased Climate Variability in the Southern Ocean During the Late Twentieth Century
- Late Pleistocene valley fills source sediment flux of Tibetan Plateau margin rivers, Zanskar, India
- Separating Transported and Local Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide in Australasia with Satellite and Ground-based Remote Sensing
- Source Attribution for Mercury Deposition to the Great Lakes Region in the Context of Global Change
- The climate of the Last Glacial Maximum in south-eastern Australia
- Towards TCCON Tropics: Assessment and Measurements of Carbon and its Climate Impacts in Southeast Asia (T<SUP>3</SUP>AM C<SUP>2</SUP>lImA)
- Tracing the spatio-temporal evolution of the Merapi 2010 erupted deposits based on object-oriented classification and object-based image analysis of multi-temporal VHR optical and ALOS radar imagery
- Using Isotopes to Reconstruct Mammalian Diet, Migration and Paleoenvironment for Hominin Sites in Indonesia
- 52 Million Points and Counting: A New Stratification Approach for Mapping Global Marine Ecosystems
- Along-strike changes in the geometry of the Main Himalayan Thrust in the northwestern Himalaya: Insights from erosion rates, river profiles, and landscape morphology.
- An Investigation of Geographical and Seasonal Patterns in X<SUB>CO2</SUB> Retrieval Errors Based on Monte Carlo Experiments
- Challenges in understanding strain localization and deformation at different spatiotemporal scales - examples from the north-central Tien Shan and northern Pamir, Central Asia
- Comparison of biomass burning inventories processed by GEOS-Chem and ACCESS2.0 with total column and satellite data in Australia.
- Development and Application of Sr/Ca-δ<SUP>18</SUP>O-Sea Surface Temperature calibrations for Last Glacial Maximum-Aged Isopora corals in the Great Barrier Reef
- Early Onset of Industrial-Era Warming Across the Oceans and Continents
- Influence of dynamic topography on the evolution of the Australian landscape since the Late Jurassic
- New constraints on the origins of terranes within the New England Orogen, eastern Australia and their accretion to the eastern margin of Gondwana
- Observing atmospheric formaldehyde (HCHO) from space: validation, intercomparison, trend analysis and public health implications
- Orbiting carbon observatory (OCO-2) tracks increase of carbon release to the atmosphere during the 2014-2016 El Niño
- Spatio-temporal Bivariate Statistical Models for Atmospheric Trace-gas Inversion
- TCCON Philippines: Towards Quantifying Atmospheric Carbon in Southeast Asia
- What is the Emerging Knowledge of the Early Earth from the Oldest (>3.6 Ga) Rocks?
- Why do Models Overestimate Surface Ozone in the Southeastern United States?
- 140-year subantarctic tree-ring temperature reconstruction reveals tropical forcing of increased Southern Ocean climate variability
- Aerosol Optical Properties and Trace Gas Emissions From Laboratory-Simulated Western US Wildfires
- Constraining Big Hurricanes: Remotely sensing Galveston Islands' changing coastal landscape from days to millennia
- Earth's Coming of Age: Isotopically Tracking the Global Transformation from the Hadean to the Geologically Modern Earth
- Eddy Covariance Measurements of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4 </SUB>before and after a Wetland Restoration, Tomago NSW, Australia: A Blue Carbon Investigation
- Emissions of methane in Europe inferred by total column measurements
- Extreme beach retreat history inferred from cut-and-fill beach deposits at Moruya, SE Australia
- Global distribution of alkyl nitrates and their impacts on reactive nitrogen in remote regions constrained by aircraft observations and chemical transport modeling
- Global-scale Airborne Observations of Tropospheric Reactive Nitrogen Species from the NASA Atmospheric Tomography Mission
- Historical sediment budget and present-day catchment-shoreline coupling at Twofold Bay, southeastern Australia
- How are recent changes in Southern Hemisphere Westerly Winds affecting East Antarctic terrestrial plants?
- Impact of landsliding on chemical weathering in the volcanic island of Reunion
- Is the Macquarie Arc (Lachlan Orogen) An Exotic Terrane or Formed on the Gondwanan Margin? Reappraisal by SHRIMP U-Pb Dating of Volcano-Sedimentary Rocks
- Landform evolution modeling of fine-grained sedimentation on alluvial fans on Mars and Earth
- Looking Back to the Future: Insight on Anthropocene beaches from Holocene and Pleistocene barriers
- Observation and simulation of ethane at 23 FTIR sites
- Optimizing combined GPR, OSL and LiDAR (GOaL) to extract paleoenvironmental records and decipher shoreline evolution
- Philippines TCCON Project: Installation, Operation, and Comparisons with GOSAT and OCO-2 Data
- Probabilistic Evaluation of Competing Climate Models
- Recent atmospheric chemistry observations in the Australian region - from the tropics to Antarctica
- Spatial and temporal scales of dynamic topography in whole-mantle convection models
- Stretching of Hot Lithosphe: A Significant Mode of Crustal Stretching in Southeast Asia
- Teaching programming and modelling skills to first-year earth & environmental science undergraduates: outcomes and lessons learned from a pilot project
- Temporal evolution of chlorine and related species observed with Aura/MLS, Envisat/MIPAS, and ground-based FTIR at Syowa Station, Antarctica during late winter and spring in 2007 and 2011
- The Age, Origin and Collision of the Spongtang Ophiolite, Ladakh Himalaya
- Top-down Estimates of Isoprene Emissions in Australia Inferred from OMI Satellite Data.
- Updating representation of land surface-atmosphere feedbacks in airborne campaign modeling analysis
- 3700 Million Year Old Stromatolites in the Isua Supracrustal Belt, SW Greenland: Their Geologic Context and More Details of the Evidence for Early Life
- A Hierarchical Statistical Framework for Emergent Constraints in the Earth System: Application to Snow-albedo Feedback
- Carbon monoxide budget during KORUS-AQ, first joint assimilation of NUCAPS CrIS and MOPITT CO retrievals
- DON'T JUDGE A COASTAL BARRIER BY ITS DUNE MORPHOLOGY: Down Under, GPR Provides Insight on How Beaches Respond to Climate Change
- Evolution and Least Action: Evidence from US Rivers for Two Fundamental Principles that Govern the Behaviour and Morphology of the World's Alluvial Rivers.
- Greenland Monthly Mass Trends Determined Using a Bayesian Hierarchical Modelling Approach
- Medieval Climate Anomaly hydroclimatic variation inferred from Aitutaki corals
- Reconstructing Izanagi-Pacific ridge subduction under East Asia from imaged and predicted mantle structure
- The PAGES 2k Network: Status update on Phase Three projects
- Unprecedented NH<SUB>3</SUB> emissions detected in the high-Arctic from the 2017 Canadian wildfires
- Validation of Column-averaged Dry-air Mole Fractions of Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4 </SUB>at the Burgos TCCON Site in the Philippines
- Arc-continent collision along the northern margin of India as recorded in sediments of the Zanskar Shelf, Ladakh, NW India
- Changes in the rates of weathering and soil production following transient erosion in the Rio Blanco watershed, Puerto Rico
- Chronostratigraphy of long lacustrine sedimentary records from Tasmania, Australia
- Defining 'pre-industrial climate': Past global changes during the most recent two millennia
- Early Continental Crustal Volume Estimates from Consideration of Hf isotopic Compositions and Geodynamic Regimes recorded in the Oldest (>3.6 Ga) Rocks
- Evaluating the temporal range of <SUP>230</SUP>Th/U burial dating of ostrich eggshell, a new chronometer for Pleistocene terrestrial strata
- First results of the AIRBOX Antarctic campaign on the RSV Aurora Australis during 2018/2019 resupply season
- Identifying Changes in Australian Temperature Distributions using Quantile Regression
- Patterns of U uptake and implications for diagenesis and trace element records in biomineral eggshell
- Public Perceptions of Volcanic Hazards and Risk in Australia
- Sedimentological evolution of a thick Upper Cretaceous mudstone succession from the southern high latitudes - insights from IODP Site 1512, Bight Basin, Australia
- The PAGES 2k Network: Overview, Progress and Vision
- The World Atlas of Last Interglacial Shorelines (WALIS) - an ongoing research effort to standardize sea-level proxy data from the Last Interglacial
- The impact of solid Earth processes on Phanerozoic sea level change
- The supercontinent cycle controls the configuration of Large Low Shear Velocity Provinces
- More Central Pacific El Niño events in recent decades and simulated El Niño diversity in CMIP5 and CMIP6 models
- A Coral Proxy-Model Comparison of 14-16th Century ENSO Event Variability
- Advancing community-led research into the climate of the Common Era
- Aerosol-phase and Greenhouse Gas Biomass Burning Observations From the 2020 Wildfire Season in Eastern Australia
- Biomass Burning Observations From the 2020 Wildfire Season in Eastern Australia
- Connections of climate change and variability to the 2019/20 Black Summer megafires in southeast Australia
- Controlling variables of denudation across catchments draining to the Great Barrier Reef
- Determining Bathymetry of Shallow Ephemeral Desert Lakes Using Satellite Imagery and Altimetry
- Embedding Programming Skills in Introductory Undergraduate Courses: Can Enforced Review Enhance Student Understanding and Confidence?
- Emergent constraints on global carbon-climate feedbacks from regional atmospheric aridity
- Evaluation of new photochemical sources of molecular hydrogen using two atmospheric photochemical models.
- Evidence for Limited Early Crustal Volumes and Diverse Geodynamic Regimes Recorded in the Oldest (3.6-4.0 Ga) Rocks
- Flames, Deluges, and Deadly Waves Down Under: Insights from a Burnt, Flooded, and Eroded Australian Coastline (Surveyed During a Pandemic)
- Impacts of extreme drought and wildfire on forest mortality in Australian eucalypt forests
- Soil NO emissions in a SE Australian Eucalypt Forest
- Tempest to Tranquillity: Remotely Sensing the Impact and Recovery of Storms on the Beaches of SE Australia
- The GGG2020 TCCON Data Product
- The Rock Matrix Around CAMP<SUP>2</SUP>Ex's Gemstones: The Value of the Apparently Mundane in Shaping Earth System Observation
- The carbon cycle of southeast Australia during 2019/2020: Drought, fires and subsequent recovery
- The influence of sea ice variability on bromine monoxide in coastal Antarctica
- The significance of Upper Jurassic felsic volcanic rocks within the incipient, intraoceanic Dras Arc, Ladakh, NW Himalaya
- Unearthing sea level records from Down Under: GPR, OSL, and LiDAR (GOaL) resolve small fluctuations in sea-level and coastal change over large spatial- and temporal-scales
- WOMBAT: A fully Bayesian global flux-inversion framework
- A comparison of the GGG2014 and GGG2020 TCCON data products
- Barriers: Using the scientific method to determine gender bias and impacts on coastal science in the face of a climate crisis
- Burnt rocks: Fire spalling as a mechanism of weathering and inselberg formation
- Can we see the impact of indigenous fire management on the temporal shift in annual cycle of carbon monoxide?
- Estimation of Ecosystem Services Loss due to Rohingya Influx in Eastern Coast of Bangladesh using Multi-Temporal Satellite Data
- Linking arc-continent collisions with orogenesis in the Tasmanides of Eastern Australia
- Modelling the primary production of hydrogen from the photolysis of aldehydes and its implications in tropospheric chemistry.
- Past fires and post-fire impacts reconstructed from a southwest Australian stalagmite
- Petrophysical variations in a syn-rift volcanic sequence on the southwest Australian rifted margin (IODP Site U1513)
- Quality over Quantity: Reconstructing Holocene Sea Level from Tectonically Stable, Far Field Coasts is Crucial but Challenging
- Resolving the influence of local flows on urban heat amplification during heatwaves
- The CoralHydro2k Database: a global compilation of coral 18O and Sr/Ca records for reconstructing tropical hydroclimate over the Common Era
- Top-down estimate of carbon stock changes in support of the Global Stocktake
- Announcing Phase 4 of PAGES 2k: Hydroclimate of the Common Era
- Boron isotope fractionation in combusted plants during wildfires
- Clumped Isotope Analysis of Central Australian Carbonates: A Potential Palaeoclimate Proxy for Australia's Arid Interior
- Evaluation of the N2O Rate of Change as a Diagnostic of the Stratospheric Brewer-Dobson Circulation in a Chemistry-Climate Model
- Exploring Spatiotemporal Variability in Denudation in the Dhauladhar Range, Northwest Himalaya
- Investigation of smoke exposure during the fire season in Australia: Importance of quantifying plume injection heights
- Linking kimberlite eruptions to the dynamic evolution of the lower mantle
- Long-term Phanerozoic sea level change from solid Earth processes
- Mapping and Quantifying the Global Wildland-Urban Interface
- No anthropogenic change in the frequency or severity of Australian multi-year droughts compared with the past millennium
- Setting the lower mantle free: Assembly of the basal mantle structure beneath Africa
- The state of global carbon cycle in 2020 and 2021
- Towards long open-path measurements of CO2 and CH4 with an 125HR FTS in an urban environment.
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. E. Schuh
- A. Eldering
- Abhishek Chatterjee
- Alyssa R. Atwood
- Andrea L. Moore
- Andy Baker
- B. L. Konecky
- Belén Martrat
- Benedikt Hemmer
- Benjamin J. Henley
- Brendan Byrne
- Chris O’Dell
- Chris S. M. Turney
- Clare Paton-Walsh
- Colm Sweeney
- Dan Smale
- David Crisp
- Debra Wunch
- Emmanuel Mahieu
- Eun Young Lee
- F. Chevallier
- Franz Schug
- Georgina Falster
- Hanqin Tian
- Hans W. Linderholm
- Helen McGregor
- Hirofumi Ohyama
- Insun Song
- Isamu Morino
- J. B. Miller
- Jason P. Evans
- Jenny A. Fisher
- Jens Zinke
- Jingfeng Xiao
- Joshua L. Laughner
- Junjie Liu
- K. H. Kilbourne
- K. W. Bowman
- Kim M. Cobb
- Kimberly Strong
- Kristin Morell
- Kristine L. DeLong
- L. J. Crossey
- L.B. White
- Logan Brenner
- Lukas Jonkers
- Maria Luisa G. Tejada
- Maria Val Martin
- María Paula Pérez-Peña
- Matthew S. Johnson
- Muhammad Mainuddin Patwary
- Nathalie F. Goodkin
- Nerilie J. Abram
- Nicky M. Wright
- Nicolas Flament
- Nikita Kaushal
- Ning Zeng
- Qing Zhang
- R. Dietmar Müller
- Riovie D. Ramos
- Rolando R. García
- Scot M. Miller
- Sean Crowell
- Shamil Maksyutov
- Shawn Lu
- Sloan Coats
- Solomon Buckman
- Sourish Basu
- Sujata A. Murty
- T. Oda
- Thomas Felis
- Tianjia Liu
- Vincent Godard
- Voltaire A. Velazco
- Xinbin Feng
- Zoë Thomas
- Émilie Pauline Dassié
- Ömer F. Bodur