University of Winnipeg, Canada
flowchart I[University of Winnipeg, Canada] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (51)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (53)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Synoptic Investigations of Precipitation Isotopic Composition in Central North America
- ISOSTORM: A High-Resolution Volunteer Network To Characterize the Isotopic Composition of Event-Based Precipitation Across North America
- High-Silica Rocks and Soils at Gusev Crater, Mars: Distribution, Spectra, and Implications for Past Hydrothermal Activity
- Stable carbon isotopes and drought signal in the tree-rings of northern white-cedar trees from boreal central Canada. (Invited)
- The 2.5-5.1 μm reflectance spectra of HED meteorites: Implications for Dawn
- ChemCam Passive Reflectance Spectroscopy at Gale Crater, Mars
- Outcrop-Scale Remote Sensing of Lava-Water Interactions: Implications for Assessing Water-Rock Interactions on Mars
- Analysis of In-Situ Organic and Mineral Compounds Relevant to Martian Astrobiology Using 266 nm Raman Spectroscopy
- Aqueous Conditions and Habitability Associated with Formation of a Serpentinite: Using Analyses of Ferric Iron and Stable Carbon Isotopes to Reconstruct Hydrogen Production
- Fluxes of carbon dioxide and methane from diverse aquatic environments in an agricultural landscape
- High-Speed Limnology: A Sensor Platform for Investigating Processes and Spatial Variability in Hydrology and Biogeochemistry
- Hydrological and landscape controls on the chemical response of lakes in northern Wisconsin to environmental pressures
- Nitrate dynamics within a stream-lake network through time and space
- The Large Mars Atmosphere Simulation Chamber at the University of Winnipeg
- Ceres in Color: Surface variegation suggests a compositionally diverse landscape
- UV-Excited Fluorescence of Rocks in Gale Crater, Mars
- Carbon... and What Else?: Watershed Leachate Potential in Lakes of Northern Wisconsin
- ChemCam passive reflectance spectroscopy of the Lubango, Okoruso, and Oudam drill targets in Gale Crater, Mars
- Different mechanisms for acid weathering of crystalline basalt vs. basaltic glass and implications for detection on Mars
- Distribution of iron oxides in lower Mt. Sharp from Curiosity and orbital datasets, and implications for their formation
- Color Image Studies of the Chang'E-3 Landing Site
- Examining bottom-up calculations of global-scale fluxes from inland waters: possible contributors to variation and magnitude among estimates
- What is winter? A reckoning for seasonally snow-covered, social-ecological systems
- Winter weather whiplash: impacts of extreme meteorological events misaligned with natural and human systems in seasonally snow-covered regions
- Blue-stained Tree Rings in Ancient Bristlecone Pine (Pinus longaeva) as a Temperature Proxy
- Multi-centennial Spring Flood Reconstruction using Novel Application of Wood-cell Anatomy in Eastern Boreal Canada.
- Streamflow and water quality responses to winter weather whiplash events at long-term research sites
- The Interdisciplinary Consortium for Evaluating Volatile Origins (ICE Five-O)
- The Maple Leaf on Bennu: Canada's Participation on the OSIRIS-REx Mission
- Characterising Watershed Coherence in Stream Dissolved Organic Carbon Across Boreal Shield Forested Catchments
- Creating Mineral "Frankenspectra" Using UV-VNIR-MIR Reflectance Data from Three Different Laboratories
- Imaging and Data Processing Autonomy Techniques for Lunar and Planetary Payloads and Missions
- Physical Simulations of Carbonaceous Chondrite Meteorites: "Grind-Mix" Mixtures
- Visible/Near-infrared Reflectance Spectra of Drill Tailings in the Glen Torridon and Greenheugh Pediment areas, Gale Crater, Mars
- A Laboratory Perspective on The Study of The Spectral Characteristics of Low-Volume and Air-Sensitive Carbon-Rich Grains in Preparation for Sample Return Missions
- A shifting foundation changes in Canadas northern forests in response to permafrost thaw
- Analysis of potential surface coatings in Jezero crater by SuperCam on the Perseverance rover
- Burial Dynamics and Abrupt Climate Change at the Archaeological Site of Canimar Abajo, Matanzas, Cuba
- Coupled natural-human impacts of a winter weather whiplash event
- Feast your Pis on this: challenges and opportunities in microcontroller- and Raspberry Pi-driven soil moisture monitoring across remote and accessible environments
- Geologic and Textural Variability of Surface Materials in Jezero Crater as Observed by the NASA Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Mastcam-Z Instruments
- Mafic Chemistry and Mineralogy (including olivine) of the Coarse-Grained Regolith Analyzed by SuperCam at Jezero Crater, Mars
- Orbital Context and In Situ Observations of Nili Fossae Olivine-Carbonate
- Pathways to Graduate Studies: a program to support undergraduate Indigenous STEM students through mentorship, foundational skills and community building
- Spectral diversity of rocks and regolith at Jezero crater, Mars, as seen by the SuperCam VISIR spectrometer onboard Perseverance
- Stability of Hydromagnesite on Mars Under Current Surface Conditions and (Impact) Heating
- Understanding the Chemistry of the Rocks at Jezero crater, Mars, through the Combined Use of SuperCam Spectroscopic and Optical Techniques
- Visible/Near-infrared Reflectance Spectra of Drill Tailings in the Central Glen Torridon and Mont Mercou areas, Gale Crater, Mars
- Emplacement History of Lava Flows of the Máaz Formation on the Jezero Crater Floor: Geochronological Significance and Relationship with the Delta
- Jezero Crater Floor and Delta Chemistry and Mineralogy Observed by SuperCam in the First 1.5 Years of the Perseverance Rover Mission
- Sensitivity of soil and stream dissolved organic carbon dynamics to climate change in boreal headwater catchments
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Fraeman
- A. J. Brown
- Alexandra R. Contosta
- Amanda Hendrix
- Anastasia E. Sniderhan
- Andrew Annex
- Arya Udry
- B. Horgan
- B. L. Ehlmann
- Baptiste Chide
- C. Pilorget
- Carey Legett
- Carène Larmat
- Cathy Quantin‐Nataf
- Christian Tate
- E. A. Cloutis
- E. Dehouck
- Elise Clavé
- Eva L. Scheller
- F. Vilas
- Franck Montmessin
- Irena F. Creed
- J. Frydenvang
- J. R. Johnson
- Jorge Núñez
- Juan Manuel Madariaga
- Justin I. Simon
- Justin N. Maki
- M. Nachon
- M. T. Lemmon
- María Paz Zorzano
- Michael B. Morrissey
- Michael Wolff
- N. Lanza
- N. Mangold
- N. Stein
- Nicholas J. Tosca
- Nora J. Casson
- O. Forni
- P. Corlies
- P. J. Gasda
- P. Y. Meslin
- Pierre Beck
- R. B. Anderson
- R. E. Arvidson
- Robert Sullivan
- Roger C. Wiens
- S. A. Fagents
- S. F. Sholes
- S. M. Clegg
- Shiv K. Sharma
- Stéphane Le Mouélic
- T. S. J. Gabriel