University of Windsor, Canada
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- U-Pb geochronology of Permian - Jurassic plutonism in the Ogcheon fold belt and the Ryeongnam massif, Korea
- Neodymium and Hafnium Isotope Systematics of ~2.7 Ga Adakites and Magnesian Andesites, Superior Province, Canada: Implications for Archean Subduction Zone Petrogenetic Processes
- Re-Os and Pt-Os Isotopic Systematics of 3.81 Ga Metamorphosed Pillow Basalts and Layered Mafic/Ultramafic Units in the Isua Supracrustals Belt (W Greenland) and Adjoining Gneiss Areas.
- Reactivity of the Bacteria-Water Interface: Linking Nutrient Availability to Bacteria-Metal Interactions
- Ternary Complexation on Bacterial Surfaces: Implications for Subsurface Anion Transport
- Flow and Transport Simulation of Chemical Grouts in Porous Media: Shear Effects on Gelation
- Multi-dimensional Numerical Simulation of Hydrothermal Fluid Flow and Mass Transport with Application to the Formation of Mineral Deposits
- Carbon Mineralization Pathways and Early Diagenesis in Lake Erie Sediments
- Interior Baja B.C. : Continuing Rotation on a Diffuse Plate Boundary
- Microbially Induced Reductive Dissolution of Trace Element-Rich Lacustrine Iron-Oxides
- Regional-scale Free Thermohaline Convection in Multiply Faulted Sedimentary Basins: theoretical results from computational modelling
- Remagnetization of Lower Carboniferous Carbonates, Northeastern Ireland: Preliminary Paleomagnetic Results
- Time-lapse Electrical Resistivity Anomalies due to Contaminant Transport Around Landfills: Forward Modeling Results
- Field and Geochemical Characteristics of the ca. 3.0-billion-years-old Ivisaartoq Greenstone Belt, West Greenland: Geodynamic Implications
- Magnetic Mineral Properties of Sediments and Their Relationship to Pore Fluid Chemistry, Lake Erie: A Preliminary Result
- U Solubility in Fe and Fe-10wt% S: Implications for Radioactive Heating in Planetary Cores
- DOC Cycling in Ancient Tropical Lake Matano
- Microbial Weathering of Peridotites by a Tropical Cyanobacterial Mat
- Dismembered Fragments of Meso- to Neoarchean Supra-subduction Zone Oceanic Crust: Field and Geochemical Evidence From 2800-3075 Ma Greenstone Belts in the Nuuk Region, SW Greenland
- Major and Trace element Geochemistry of Hydrothermal Minerals From the Sudbury Structure: Implications for Fluid Architecture
- EUV Emission from Electron Impact of Molecular Oxygen
- Magnetic Parameter Analysis in Studies of Holiday Beach, Western Lake Erie, Ontario, Canada
- Observation of Air Quality in Southwest Ontario during BAQS-MET2007: Impacts of Local Emission Sources versus Regional Transport
- Paleohydrostratigraphic Model of the Thelon Basin, Nunavut, Canada
- The Amaranth Formation of the Williston Basin: Paleomagnetic, Petrologic and Geochemical studies
- New age, isotopic composition, and geodynamic constraints on the Neoarchean Fiskenaesset anorthosite complex, SW Greenland
- Projecting the past and future impacts of hurricanes on the carbon balance of eastern U.S. forests (1851-2100)
- Reactive transport modeling of hydrothermal circulation in oceanic crust: effect of anhydrite precipitation on the dynamics of submarine hydrothermal systems
- Spatial Variability in Magnetic Properties of Sands on Cedar Beach, Western Lake Erie, Ontario, Canada
- Assessing the use of magnetic methods to monitor vertical migration of metal pollutants in soil
- Basin-Wide Amazon Forest Tree Mortality From a Large 2005 Storm
- Dating of Mesoproterozoic metamorphism in the Mount Isa and George Fisher Zn-Pb-Cu-Ag deposits, Australia, by paleomagnetism
- Decoupling of Hf-Nd isotope ratios in early Archean rocks from southern West Greenland - primary or secondary disturbance?
- Mass dependent isotope fractionation during impacts induced the Archaean mass-independent fractionation of sulphur: Evidence against Great Oxidation Event
- Methods used to detect additional sources using Toluene/Benzene ratios in Windsor, Ontario (2004-2006)
- PM2.5 Indoor Air Quality at Two Sites in London Ontario - A Case Study
- Paleomagnetic dating of the Cu-Zn-Pb Kupferschiefer deposit at Sangerhausen, Germany
- The Reductive Dissolution of Tl(I)-jarosite by Shewanella putrefaciens CN32: Providing new insight into Thallium(I) Biogeochemistry
- Use of Cokriging to Improve Spatial Resolution of Ambient Airborne Contaminant Concentration Estimates in Detroit and Windsor
- A Late Archean-Paleoproterozoic Melange Belt, North China Craton
- Modeling the Impacts of Disturbances on Carbon Dynamics Over Large Regions
- Projecting future impacts of hurricanes on the carbon balance of eastern U.S. forests
- A late Archean tectonic mélange belt in the Central Orogenic Belt, North China Craton
- Paleoproterozoic paleosol formation, Schreiber Beach, Ontario, Canada: Evidence for a warm, humid continental climate at ca.1.9 Ga
- The disappearing of the largest lake in the Middle East: Geochemical clues for human impact on Urmia salt lake NW Iran
- Environmental imbalance in salt lake Urmia, NW Iran: Anthropogenic and climate impact on the largest lake in the Middle East
- Oxidative Weathering of Earth's Surface 3.7 Billion Years ago? - A Chromium Isotope Perspective
- Alongshore Variation in the Depth of Activation: Implications of Oil Residence Time
- Assessing Barrier Island Resiliency Through Multi-Scale Topographic Anisotropy Distribution Patterns
- Assessment of Rip-Current Hazards Using Alongshore Topographic Anisotropy at Bondi Beach, Australia
- Fluid Compartmentalization and Dolomitization in the Cambrian and Ordovician Successions of the Huron Domain, Michigan Basin
- Framework Geology as a Driver of Barrier Island Evolution
- From Trendy Concept to Useful Toolkit: A Mathematical Framework to Quantify Hydrologic and Material Connectivity
- Mapping and Mitigating the International Rip Current Health Hazard
- Multi-Scale Topographic Anisotropy Patterns with Post-storm Barrier Island Recovery
- N-MORB and IAT sources in the Proterozoic Miaowan Ophiolite Complex, Yangtze Craton: Evidence for evolving tectonic settings
- Pathways to the Geosciences through 2YR Community Colleges: A Strategic Recruitment Approach being used at Texas A&M University
- Petrology and Geochemistry of Serpentinized Peridotites from a Bonin Fore-arc Seamount
- Team-Based Multidisciplinary Research Scholarship in the Geosciences
- Towards a Holistic Model for the Tectonic Evolution of the North China Craton
- Trace Element and Nd-Sr-Pb-O Isotope Systematics of Mantle Xenoliths and Host Alkaline Basalts, Southeastern Canadian Cordillera: Implications for Petrogenetic and Geodynamic Processes at Convergent Plate Margins Bordering Cratons
- Updating the Framework Geology of Padre Island National Seashore: Validation of Geophysical Surveys through Sediment Cores
- Coastal Erosion at Padre Island: Insights from UAV Surveys After Hurricane Harvey
- Knowledge gained from analyzing mercury speciation data monitored in North America
- Sediment compaction in deepwater basin of the South China Sea: estimation from ODP 184 and IODP 349 drilling well data.
- Analysis of borehole heat exchangers using a semi-analytical solution
- Assessing water security through hydrologic modelling in Olifants River basin, South Africa.
- Human Activity, Framework Geology, and Barrier Island Resiliency: Lessons from Hurricane Harvey
- Machine Learning Approach to Predicting Foredune Morphometrics
- Post-storm recovery of the foredune: Implications for barrier island resiliency
- Structural evolution of a Neoarchean arc-continent collision zone in the Central Orogenic Belt of the North China craton
- The role of subsidence in shelf development around volcanic ocean islands: Insights from observed morphology and modeling
- Urban Flood Management Through Optimization-Simulation Framework for Low Impact Development Controls
- Vulnerability of hydropower project under changing climate
- Alongshore Coupling of Eco-geomorphological Variables of a Beach-Dune System
- Alongshore variation in beach and dune coupling
- Collating and Predicting North American Beach - Dune Interactions Through Time and Space
- Correspondence Between Beach User Perception and Rip Currents in Prince Edward Island
- Fuzzy Boundaries: Classifying the Beach-dune Interface
- Geologic Controls on Rip Current Location and Formation
- Identifying Foredune Morphometrics through a Landform Extraction Machine Learning Approach
- Machine Learning Assessment of Lifeguard Perception of Rip-Risks
- Structures, kinematics and tectonic setting of the Darbut and Karamay ophiolitic mélanges in West Junggar, northwest China: implications for the Late Paleozoic evolution of the Junggar Ocean
- Using Citizen Science Data to show Declines in Riverine Sentinel Invertebrates
- A Carbon Balance for Lake Erie
- Application of a Polynomial Chaos Expansion (PCE) algorithm in the Uncertainty Assessment of a Semi-Distributed Hydrological Model
- Automated Mapping of Nearshore, Beach, and Dune Morphology and Linkages to Coastal Processes
- Coastal Impacts from Waves and Storm Surge Generated by Hurricane Fiona on Prince Edward Island, Canada
- Reactive Flow Modeling Investigation into the Effects of Paleo-regoliths on the Formation of Uranium deposits
- Spatial Asynchrony in the Western Basin of Lake Erie derived from High Frequency Buoy Data