West Chester University of Pennsylvania
flowchart I[West Chester University of Pennsylvania] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (54)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (8)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Connecting Visualization to Physical Insight: Strategies from the Visual Geophysical Exploration Environment
- Water bearing halites: Oases of Mars?
- Disjunct Eddy Accumulation Measurements of Organic Nitrate Fluxes Over a Forest Site in Northern Michigan
- Preliminary Monazite U-Th-Total Pb Absolute Age Constraints on Crustal Thickening and Siluro-Devonian Dextral Transpression: Central Appalachian Piedmont, SE Pennsylvania
- Stratigraphic Evidence of Salt Marsh Erosion Along North Shore of Delaware Bay Associated With Sever Storms.
- Charge Contrast Imaging of Zircon in Amphibolite Facies Rock of the Central Appalachian Piedmont, SE Pennsylvania
- Determination of Reactive Nitrogen Species (NOx, NOy-HNO3, Peroxyacetyl Nitrates, Total Organic Nitrates) During the PROPHET Summer 2008 Intensive
- Stony Brook Mineral Physics Institute Research Experience for Undergraduates
- Explaining a Consistent Morning NOx Maximum in the Clean Air Forest Boundary Layer
- Measurements of BVOC fluxes Above Mixed Hardwood Forest Canopy During the 2009 CABINEX Field Campaign
- Sea-Level Variability in New Jersey for the Past 2500 Years
- Following the Water Cycle to Sustainability
- Strain Analysis of Stretched Tourmaline Crystals Using ImageJ, Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint
- Decomposition of Atmospheric Aerosol Phase Function by Particle Size and Morphology via Single Particle Scattering Measurements
- Observations of speciated monoterpenes above a Southeastern United States Forest and comparison with a 0-D model
- Igneous Structures, Magma Transport, and Crystallization in Simple and Complex Plumbing Systems of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, USA
- Study of the impact of organic nitrate production on ozone production in a southeastern mixed forest environment using a 0-D photochemical model
- The Resilience and Recovery of Salt Marshes to Landfalling Storms and Sea-Level Rise, New Jersey, USA
- Exploring the evolution of the aerosol phase function away from spherical particles using scattering patterns from single atmospheric aerosol particles
- Recent advances in the compilation of holocene relative Sea-level database in North America
- Sizing of individual aerosol particles using TAOS (Two-dimensional Angular Optical Scattering) pattern total intensity
- Classifying Sphere, Sphere-Like, and Non-Spherical Particles Using Two-Dimensional Angular Optical Scattering (TAOS) Patterns
- Exploring Cumulates in Small, Shallow Parts of a Large Mafic Magma System to Provide Baseline Models for Crystallization in Larger Intrusions
- Insights Into Particle Morphology From the Autocorrelation Function of Two-Dimensional Angular Optical Scattering (TAOS) Patterns
- New Jersey (USA) wetlands past, present and future: using sediment archives to inform and guide wetland protection, restoration and resilience
- Observation of Sea-ice Effects on Deep Internal Waves in the Southern Drake Passage
- Carbon Stock and Carbon Accumulation Rates in the Delaware Bay Salt Marshes
- Compiling Holocene RSL databases from near- to far-field regions: proxies, difficulties and possible solutions
- A Systems Approach to Understanding a Basaltic Upper-Crustal Magmatic Complex
- Anthropogenic alterations of the Raritan River, NJ from pre-European settlement through the present
- Development and dynamics of ponds on a Delaware estuarine salt marsh
- Did Paleozoic Orogeny in the Central Appalachian Piedmont Province Occur Via Accretion of an Exotic Terrane?
- Electromagnetic Geophysical Mapping of a Stream Channel in a Tropical Montane Rainforest in Costa Rica
- High-resolution resonance signature of suspended materials derived from ADCP backscatter strength
- Measuring Mass Fluxes of Nutrients to a First-Order Stream within a Pristine Mountain Rainforest in Costa Rica
- Mechanisms of late Holocene relative sea-level variability in the Chesapeake Bay
- Optimizing Investments in Green Stormwater Infrastructure: A Philadelphia Case Study Using StormWISE for Multiobjective Analysis of Costs, CSO Flow Reduction, and Community Benefits
- Paleoecological Investigation of New Jersey Coastal Wetlands and Their Potential to Inform and Guide Wetland Protection, Restoration and Resilience
- Plant Functional Traits of Carapa guianensis, a Widespread Tropical Tree, Adapted to Local Climate Conditions at Two Elevations in Costa Rica
- Probing the Panglossian Paradigm: Local Adaptation in Eriophorum vaginatum and its Relation to Functional Traits
- Sediment Organic Carbon Accumulation and Erosion-induced CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions in the Delaware Bay Estuarine Salt Marshes
- Streamflow Responses to Runoff and Shallow Groundwater Fluctuations within Two Nested Watersheds in Costa Rica
- The effect of tropical land use on soil carbon dynamics: Does reforestation mitigate greenhouse gas emissions?
- Dynamic development of mineral layering and crystal alignments by pulsed magmatic flow in crystal mush of an upper-crustal diabase sill
- Enabling Advanced Miniaturized Geophysical Sensor Systems through Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Integration
- Short Term Tidal-Groundwater Study of the Salt Marsh in Slaughter Beach, DE
- Turning Uncertainty into Action: The Case for Probability-Based Scenarios of Flood Futures
- UAV Deployment Strategies to Support Near-Surface Geophysical Investigations
- Dynamic evolution of flow structures and viscosity during basaltic magma emplacement and crystallization in an upper-crustal sill
- An Interactive Approach to Communicate Impact of Sea Level Rise on Cultural and Socio-Economic Resources
- Greenhouse gas emissions from the Prudhoe Bay Oil Field and comparison to previous reported emissions
- Overview of the CHemistry in the Arctic: Clouds, Halogens, and Aerosols (CHACHA) Campaign Conducted Along the Coastal Alaskan North Slope
- Transdisciplinary Research Guided by Critical Complexity: Advances in Flood Risk Management
- Wind-induced switch of estuarine residual circulation and sediment transport in microtidal bay