Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, Maine
flowchart I[Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, Maine] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (123)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (6)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Phytopia: Showcasing Tiny Ocean Life in a Multimedia Environment
- Aggregation and Downward Export of Particles During Chalk-Ex 2001
- Chalk-Ex: An Ocean Optics Manipulation Experiment on the Fate of Calcite Particles
- Evidence of DOM Removal by Cretaceous CaCO3 Particles During Chalk-Ex 2001
- Evolution of stratification and shear during ChalkEx-2001
- Optical Results From the November '01 "Chalk-Ex" Ocean Optics Manipulation Experiment
- Shelf-Break Upwelling Associated with Strong Upwelling Favorable Winds in the Chukchi Sea Suggests a Late-Summer Productive Zone Along the Shelf-Slope Boundary.
- Polar Ocean-Atmosphere-Sea Ice-Snowpack Interactions, and Global Change
- The Dymond Legacy: Oceans to Lakes and Back Again
- An Oceanographic Buoy for Multidisciplinary Education and Research in a Coastal Embayment Prone to Harmful Algal Blooms
- Warming of the Eurasian Landmass is Making the Arabian Sea More Productive
- Reservoirs Dampen Seasonal Variation in Riverine Dissolved Organic Carbon Flux in Maine
- The Eastern Equatorial Pacific Chlorophyll Dynamics: Update of the `Equatorial Box' Project
- A geochemical approach to assessing the relative contributions of rivers, wetlands and island drains to dissolved organic matter in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta
- Iron Cycling at Loihi Seamount
- Iron oxidation and biomineralization by Mariprofundus ferrooxydans, a deep-sea microaerophilic lithoautotroph
- Application of variational data assimilation to coupled physical-biological models of the North Atlantic Bloom
- Carbon Biomass Budgets for the 2008 North Atlantic Spring Bloom Microplankton
- Development of an Autonomous Buoy for Year-Round Measurement of Ozone, CO2, and BrO Over the Arctic Ocean
- Linking microbial ultrastructure and physiology to iron depositional processes in deep sea hydrothermal environments
- Midwest Flood of 2008: Lake Michigan Basin-Wide Summer Plankton Bloom is not due to Nutrient Injection
- Return from the depths: examination of diatom resting cysts from the North Atlantic Bloom Experiment
- The 2008 North Atlantic Spring Bloom Experiment III: Bloom dynamics
- The 2008 North Atlantic Spring Bloom Experiment: Observations of a Stationary Eddy on the Eastern Flank of the Reykjanes Ridge
- The 2008 North Atlantic Spring Bloom Experiment: Radiometric Measurements and Inversions
- The 2008 North Atlantic Spring Bloom Experiment: Spectral Particulate Absorption Coefficients
- A microlayer source of summer CCN in high Arctic open leads (Invited)
- Emerging biogeography of the newly discovered Zetaproteobacteria
- Surface ocean production and emission of biogenic DMS and dissolved organic material in high arctic and sub-tropical regions (Invited)
- The production of dimethyl sulfide (DMS) and related compounds in the Southeasterly Pacific during the VAMOS Ocean-Cloud- Atmosphere-Land Study (VOCALS) field campaign
- Genomic Insights Into the First Cultured Member of the Zeta-Proteobacteria, the Fe-Oxidizing Mariprofundus Ferrooxydans PV-1
- How Bigelow Laboratory Measured Broader Impacts: The Case Study of the Evaluation of the Keller BLOOM Program (Invited)
- Long term Measurements of ozone, bromine monoxide and carbon dioxide over the Frozen Arctic Ocean Surface: first data from O-Buoy Deployments
- A twisted tale - how biocorrosion communities yield new insight on the distribution of marine iron-oxidizing bacteria
- Impacts of the Changing Seasonality of Wind-driven Mixing on the Arctic System
- Lessons in divergence and convergence in marine and freshwater iron-oxidizing bacteria
- O-buoy measurements over the Arctic sea ice: Temporal and spatial extents of ozone depletion events
- A year-long journey across the Arctic Ocean: the story of the chemical composition of the air as recorded by O-Buoy # 4
- Examining the impact of grazing on iron remineralization: effect of prey type on digestive vacuole pH
- Fingerprinting the Clouds
- Long-term seasonal observations over the transitioning Arctic Ocean pack-ice: The O-Buoy Chemical Network
- Oxygen consumption in subseafloor basaltic crust
- Regenerated Fe is tasty!
- Single cell genomics of subsurface microorganisms
- Temporal and spatial characteristics of surface ozone depletion events from measurements over the Arctic Ocean
- The O-Buoy Chemical Network
- Delving into the Deep Biosphere
- Discovery of free-living Fe-oxidizing Zetaproteobacteria at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Fe-oxidizing microbes are hydrothermal vent ecosystem engineers at the Loihi Seamount (Invited)
- How do natural, uncultivated microbes interact with organic matter? Insights from single cell genomics and metagenomics
- Investigation of the Influence of the Sea Surface Microlayer on Ozone Deposition Rates
- Metagenomics, single cell genomics, and steady-state free energy flux provide insight into the biogeochemical cycling of deep, meteoric water
- Microbial anaerobic methane cycling in the subseafloor at the Von Damm hydrothermal vent field, Mid-Cayman Rise
- Microbial community structure as a reflection of the distribution and speciation of iron within North Pond Sediments
- Sources and Controls on Oceanic Emission of Volatile Iodinated Compounds
- Time Lapse Photography From Arctic Buoys
- Using fine-scale high-resolution sampling to link Fe oxide-dominated hydrothermal vent-generated microbial mat morphology with community structure composition at Loihi Seamount, Hawaii
- A Comparison of Arctic Ozone Depletion Event Characteristics from Coastal- and Ocean-based Observations
- Arctic-COLORS (Coastal Land Ocean Interactions in the Arctic) - a NASA field campaign scoping study to examine land-ocean interactions in the Arctic
- Carbon fixation in oceanic crust: Does it happen, and is it important?
- Climate Change-Related Hydrologic Variation Affects Dissolved Organic Carbon Export to the Gulf of Maine
- Discovery and Biogeochemical Investigation of Chlorinated Industrial Waste in the Deep Ocean
- Identifying the dominant metabolic strategies used by microorganisms within basalt-hosted, anoxic deep subsurface basement fluids via environmental genomics
- Investigating Chemotactic Potential Within Crustal Fluid Communities
- Is the rare biosphere real or a technical artifact? A case study involving a multi-year deep subsurface time series
- Proxy Applications of Pa/Th Investigated with Scavenging Chemistry in the North Atlantic
- The Influences of Riverine Dissolved Organic Matter in the Gulf of Maine
- The Speciation of Particulate Iron and Carbon in the East Pacific Rise 15<SUP>o</SUP>S Near-field Hydrothermal Plume and Underlying Sediments
- Trace Element Composition of Phytoplankton Along the US GEOTRACES Pacific Zonal Transect: Comparing Single-Cell SXRF Quotas, Chemical Leaching, and Bulk Particle Digestion
- Where the Wild Microbes Are: Education and Outreach on Sub-Seafloor Microbes
- Carbon and Nutrient Dynamics in Cool Ridge-Flank Hydrothermal Springs: The Dorado Outcrop of the Eastern Pacific.
- Ecogenomic characterization of a marine microorganism belonging to a Firmicutes lineage that is widespread in both terrestrial and oceanic subsurface environments
- Exploring Microbial Life in Oxic Sediments Underlying Oligotrophic Ocean Gyres
- Exploring the "Sharkcano": Biogeochemical observations of the Kavachi submarine volcano (Solomon Islands) using simple, cost-effective methods.
- Genomic variation of subseafloor archaeal and bacterial populations from venting fluids at the Mid-Cayman Rise
- Heterotrophic potential of Atribacteria from deep marine Antarctic sediment
- Iron-Oxidizing Bacteria Found at Slow-Spreading Ridge: a Case Study of Capelinhos Hydrothermal Vent (Lucky Strike, MAR 37°N)
- Microbial community transitions across the deep sediment-basement interface
- Spring Fluids from a Low-temperature Hydrothermal System at Dorado Outcrop: The First Samples of a Massive Global Flux
- The Effect of Changes in Polar Sea Ice on Emissions of Marine Aerosols
- Using Intact Iron Microbial Mats to Gain Insights Into Mat Ecology and Geochemical Niche at the Microbial Scale
- Contamination Tracer Testing With Seabed Rock Drills: IODP Expedition 357
- Detachment Faulting, Serpentinization, Fluids and Life: Preliminary Results of IODP Expedition 357 (Atlantis Massif, MAR 30°N)
- Direct access to the serpentinite subsurface: a biogeochemical investigation to characterize a unique habitat
- Exploring the chemical composition of pelagic tar collected in the North Atlantic Ocean
- Linking Active Serpentinization with Volatiles and Life: Constraints from IODP Expedition 357 (Atlantis Massif, MAR 30°N)
- Living Between A Rock And A Hard Place: New Insights On The Crustal Deep Biosphere
- Methane-related metabolisms of deep-sea sediments captured with a colonization experiment.
- Sensor Package Data and H<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> concentrations in Pre- and Post-Drilling Water Samples: IODP Expedition 357
- Serpentinization and Synthesis: Can abiotic and biotic non-volatile organic molecules be identified in the subsurface of the Atlantis Massif?
- The effects of meteorology and air mass history on ozone depletion events in the Arctic Ocean boundary layer
- Time-series measurements of methane (CH<SUB>4</SUB>) distribution during open water and ice-cover in lakes throughout the Mackenzie River Delta (Canada)
- Carboxydotrophy potential of uncultivated Hydrothermarchaeota from the oceanic crust deep biosphere
- Do microzooplankton grazers control biomass of large-phytoplankton in the northern Bering and Chukchi Seas?
- Investigating Microbial Biofilm Formations on Crustal Rock Substrates
- Investigation of North Pond crustal fluids by poised potential methods
- Linked hydro-thermo-chemo-microbiological processes within a cool hydrothermal circulation system in 18-24 M.y. old seafloor of the Cocos Plate
- Metabolic potential of a Novel Gram-Negative, Spore-forming, and Putatively Sulfate-Reducing Bacterium in the Continental Subsurface
- Microevolutionary dynamics in Methanothermococcus populations from deep-sea hydrothermal vents in the Mid-Cayman Rise
- Sorting Out the Ocean Crust Deep Biosphere with Single Cell Omics Approaches
- Carbon cycling in low temperature oceanic hydrothermal systems: The Dorado Outcrop
- Habitability and Distribution of Subseafloor Life in Oceanic Basement
- Methane Production Rates from Laboratory Incubations of Arctic Coastal Plain Permafrost
- Quantifying the bottom-up influence on methane dynamics in one Mackenzie River (Canada) Delta lake with time-series measurements over two years (2015-2017)
- The relationship between environmental variables and springtime boundary layer ozone over the Arctic Ocean
- Microbial communities in hydrologically active subglacial lakes of the Siple Coast, West Antarctica
- Microbial life in oceanic crust
- Osmotrophy by mixotrophic coccolithophores: Growth and uptake kinetics of acetate, glycerol and mannitol in darkness.
- Oxygen Variability on the Central Chile Margin Across the Last Glacial Cycle
- Spatial heterogeneity in groundwater and evaporative fluxes and their influence on lakes with varying methane dynamics within Mackenzie River Delta (Canada)
- The Fundamental Roles of Iron as a Mediator of Land-Water Interactions in Arctic Catchments
- Tracking the impact of manganese and iron diagenesis on paleoproxy abundance and isotope composition in marine sediments
- Accessing the Building Blocks of Life: Deepening Hole U1309D, Atlantis Massif, Mid-Atlantic Ridge: IODP Proposal 937.
- Continuous dynamics of dissolved methane and its stable carbon isotopes over two years in bottom-waters of a small Arctic lake in the Mackenzie Delta (Canada)
- Estimating iron oxidizing bacteria distribution from remote sensing in Alaskan tundra
- How slow is life in the ocean crust? Calculating the in situ activity rates of individual microbes found in the ocean crust
- Modeling Interannual Variations and Spatial Gradients of Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Over the Arctic Ocean
- Radiocarbon and stable carbon isotopes of methane and dissolved inorganic carbon reveal mixing and dissolution of thermogenic methane from bubbles seeping into an Arctic lake under ice through winter
- Using IODP Borehole Observatories to Discover Microbial Functions: Genome Analysis of Candidate Phylum Aminicenantes
- What can advances in Antarctic deglacial sediment <SUP>14</SUP>C dating tell us about grounding line evolution?
- GNATS-SAT: A dataset combining field and satellite observations for carbon monitoring in the Gulf of Maine
- Mercury Cycling and Climate Change: an Arctic Case Study
- Modern Decline in North Pacific Ocean Primary Production is Unprecedented for the Past Millennium in the Denali Ice Core