National Museum of Natural History
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Argon Ages of Ba-rich Phengitic Muscovite From Subduction Zone Complexes: Samana Peninsula, Dominican Republic and Franciscan Complex, USA
- Consistent Melt Production From a Weak but Stable Galapagos Plume; Inferences From Fernandina Volcano
- Low Water Contents in the Oxidized, Sub-arc Mantle Wedge: Evidence from Pyroxene FT-IR Analyses of Spinel Peridotite Xenoliths from Mexico and Simcoe (WA, USA)
- Sulfur Isotope Systematics of the 1982 El Chichón Trachyandesite: An Ion Microprobe Study
- Temperature and Compositional Dependence of Hydroxyl Solubility in Coesite
- The Online GVP/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report: Providing Timely Information About Worldwide Volcanism
- "This Dynamic Planet" Map: Feedback Solicited on 3rd Edition in Progress
- Deformation, Fluid-Rock Interaction, and REE Equilibration in Eclogite and Garnet Amphibolite
- Downstream Aggradation Owing to Lava Dome Extrusion and Rainfall Runoff at Santiaguito Volcano, Guatemala
- Glass Inclusions and Melt Volatile Contents in the Late-Quaternary Basanites and Minettes of Colima (Mexico)
- Melt Volatile Contents in Basalts From Lathrop Wells and Red Cone, Yucca Mountain Region (SW Nevada): Insights From Glass Inclusions
- Observing Silicate-Rich Asteroids in Technicolor: Detailed Compositional Constraints from SpeX.
- Time-Resolved Structural Analysis of Cation Exchange Reactions in Birnessite Using Synchrotron XRD
- Volcanoes of México: An Interactive CD-ROM From the Smithsonian's Global Volcanism Program
- A Friend Acting Strangely: an Exhibition on Climate Change in the Arctic
- Barren Island Volcano (NE Indian Ocean): Island-Arc High-Alumina Basalts to Andesites Caused by Troctolite Disaggregation and Plagioclase Accumulation
- Coexistence of Highly-Depleted Wet Basalts and Depleted Dry Basalts in Sumisu Caldera, Izu-Bonin Arc, Japan
- Evidence for Differentiation by Crystal Fractionation in Theo's Flow, Canada
- Faults, Post-1720 Explosion Craters, and the Remains of a Lava Lake at Castro Bank Seamount (E Azores)
- Microstructural Study of Synthetic Sintered Diamond and Comparison with Carbonado, a Natural Polycrystalline Diamond
- Planktic Foraminiferal Turnover and Stable Isotope Stratigraphy Across OAE1B in the Subtropical North Atlantic
- Water contents in olivines from spinel peridotites from the sub-arc mantle wedge
- <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Age Calibration of the Lacustrine Sediments at Kariandusi, Central Kenya Rift
- Crisis GIS: Preparing for the Next Volcanic Crisis in the United States
- Exhumation of the Western Gneiss Region Ultrahigh-Pressure Terrane
- High water contents in basaltic melt inclusions from Arenal volcano, Costa Rica
- Impact vs. Volcanic Causes of the End-Permian Mass Extinction
- Major Transient Floral Change During the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Mantle Diapirs and Genesis of Arc Magmas: Evidence From the Sumisu Caldera Volcano, Izu-Bonin arc, Japan.
- New Sections and Fossils From the Southern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming Document Faunal Turnover During the PETM
- Partial Melting of Ordinary Chondrite Under Reducing Conditions
- The Urbilateria: Insights From Comparative Developmental Biology Into The Cambrian Radiation
- Thermodynamic Properties of Sulfatian Apatite: Constraints on the Behavior of Sulfur in Calc-Alkaline Magmas
- Early Human Activity (pre-332 BC) in Alexandria, Egypt: New findings in Eastern Harbor Cores
- Magma Dynamics and Conduit Growth Mechanisms Inferred From Exposed Volcano Conduits At The San Rafael Subvolcanic Field, Utah
- Petrology and Mineralogy of Lava and Ash Erupted From Colima Volcano (Mexico) During 1999-2005
- Relationship Between the West Philippine Basin and the Early Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc: Arc Initiation and Ancestry
- Rheology of Obsidian Flow: Emplacement Controlled by Final Water Degassing?
- Sumisu Volcano, Izu-Bonin Arc, Japan: Site of a Rhyolitic Caldera-Forming Eruption From a Small Open-Ocean Island
- Synchronous Sm-Nd Mineral Ages from HP Terranes on Both Sides of the Motagua Fault of Guatemala: Convergent Suture and Strike Slip Fault?
- Vesiculation Rates of Obsidian Domes Inferred From H2O Concentration Profiles
- Warm (Not Hot) Tropics During the Late Paleocene: First Continental Evidence
- A Melt Inclusion Study of the Youngest Toba Tuff, Sumatra, Indonesia: Initial Results
- Chemical Composition by the APXS along the Downhill Traverse of the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit at Gusev Crater
- Degsassing and crystallization of the Kulanaokuaiki 3 Tephra: insights from volatile contents and crystal size distributions
- Geochemical Evidence for the Volcanic Origin of Home Plate in the Inner Basin of the Columbia Hills, Gusev Crater
- Geology and Rheology of Intraplate Continental Volcanic Conduits: San Rafael Subvolcanic Field, Utah
- Isotope modeling of a mid-Turonian warming event in the South Atlantic
- Kulanaokuaiki 3: Product of an Energetic, Diatreme-Like Eruption at Kilauea
- Origin of Home Plate, Columbia Hills, Mars: Hydrovolcanic Hypothesis
- Segmentation of the Cascade Arc Based on Compositional and Sr and Nd Isotopic Variations in Primitive Volcanic Rocks
- Smithsonian Volcano Data on Google Earth
- The 1913 VEI-4 Plinian Eruption of Volcan de Colima (Mexico): Tephrochronology, Petrology, and Plume Modeling
- The Layer 6 Scoria Fall About 400 Years ago at Kilauea
- Two Martian Winters at Gusev Crater and Meridiani Planum: New Results From the MER Moessbauer Spectrometers
- Two Millennia of Edifice Instability at Augustine Volcano, Alaska and Implications for Future Collapse
- Chemical And Physical Properties Of Diverse Basalts From Gusev Crater, Mars: Implications For A Heterogeneous Martian Mantle
- Deciphering monazite ages in the Menderes Massif in Western Turkey, using cathodoluminescence, electron microprobe and ion microprobe techniques
- Ecological Impact of Climate Change on Leaf Economic Strategies Across the Paleocene- Eocene Thermal Maximum, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming
- Experimental Determination of Olivine Reaction Rim Growth Rates in the Lassen Peak, CA Magma Chamber
- Glass Inclusions and Volatile Contents of Lamprophyres, Basanites, and Basalts from the Colima Rift and Mascota Volcanic Field (Western Mexican Volcanic Belt)
- Imprints of an "Arc" Signature onto Subduction Zone Eclogites from Central Guatemala
- Micro-XANES Determination Fe Speciation in Natural Basalts at Mantle-Relevant fO2
- New Constraints on the Pyrolitic Model: In Situ X-ray Diffraction Measurements on KLB-1 Peridotite Under the Lower Mantle Conditions
- New Micro-XANES Determinations of Fe Speciation as a Proxy for Oxidation State of Global MORB and Arc Magmas
- PtFe Nano and Micro-Nuggets in Experimental Silicate Glasses
- Spherulites Record Crystallization, Degassing, and Oxidation-reduction Mechanisms in Obsidian Flows
- Spin Transition and Equation of State of Ferropericlase at High Temperature: Implications for Density Model of the Lower Mantle
- The Massive Compound Cofre de Perote Shield Volcano: a Volcanological Oddity in the Eastern Mexican Volcanic Belt
- The behavior of monazite in pelitic assemblages from Menderes Massif, western Turkey: Implications for timing and deciphering rates of extension
- Water and the Oxidation State of Global Arc and MORB Magmas
- Water in anhydrous minerals of the upper mantle beneath continental margins
- Abrupt changes in deep-sea ecosystem structure and biodiversity during the last deglaciation and Holocene
- Application of an OH-in-rutile Oxybarometer to the Roseland Anorthosite, Virginia
- Blake Nose Stable Isotopic Evidence against the Mid-Cenomanian Glaciation Hypothesis
- Could K and Rb be in Earth's Core?
- Detecting and Correcting Melt Inclusion Modification
- Environmental Controls of Stromatolite Accretion, Highborne Cay, Bahamas
- Evidence for High and Low Temperature Alteration across Home Plate, Gusev Crater
- Fluid Flow in Subduction Zone High Grade Blocks of the Franciscan Complex, CA: Evidence From Li and Li Isotopes
- Gamma-Ray Spectrometer Measurements at Mercury during MESSENGER's First Two Flybys
- High and Ultra High Resolution Neutron Computed Tomography as a new Method for Analyzing Rock Textures
- Late Cretaceous Subtropical Paleotemperatures from 'Glassy' Foraminifera in East Africa and implications for sensitivity in Greenhouse Climates Models
- Late Cretaceous Subtropical Paleotemperatures from 'Glassy' Foraminifera in East Africa and implications for sensitivity in Greenhouse Climates Models
- Low-Reflectance Material in Mercury's Crust
- MESSENGER X-Ray Spectrometer Observations during the Second Mercury Flyby
- Nanoscale Phase Stability Reversal During the Nucleation and Growth of Titanium Oxide Minerals
- On the Evolution of Mineral Biosignatures
- Pancam Spectral Variations Across Home Plate: Bonestell Panorama, Gusev Crater, Mars
- Rhyolite magma storage and ascent at Chaiten volcano: clues from pyroclast textures, mineralogy, and composition
- Silicic Magmas in the Izu-Bonin Oceanic Arc and Implications for Crustal Evolution
- The Oxidation State of Global Subduction Zone Basalts and its Relationship to Volatiles, Magmatic Processes, and Source Composition
- Volcanism in Kamchatka, Russia
- Calcareous nannoplankton during Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (Cenomanian/Turonian boundary) - exceptionally-preserved records from the Tanzania Drilling Project
- Driftwood dropstones in mid-Miocene shallow marine strata (Calvert Cliffs, Maryland Coastal Plain): An erratic lithic pebble des not necessarily a cold paleoclimate make
- Elevated atmospheric CO2 increases water use efficiency in Florida scrub oak
- Evidence for Physical Weathering of Iron Meteorite Meridiani Planum (Heat Shield Rock) on Mars
- Insights to PETM Terrestrial Records from Global Patterns in Carbon Isotope Fractionation by Modern Plants
- Iron on the Surface of Mercury: From Contradiction to Convergence? (Invited)
- Late Eocene Antarctic climate variability during the transition to a full glacial state
- MESSENGER multispectral observations of Mercury (Invited)
- Magnetic Signature of Moisture Availability in Ancient Subtropical Soils: a Pilot Rock Magnetic Study of Neogene Paleosols in Pakistan
- Micro-XANES Determination of Fe Oxidation State in MORB and its Relationship to Water Content
- Mobility of HSEs in subduction zone fluids: Evidence from the Franciscan Complex, CA
- Monte Carlo Error Analysis Applied to Core Formation: The Single-stage Model Revived
- On Relations between Current Global Volcano Databases
- Preliminary results of trace element contents in mantle derived specimens from Kakanui, New Zealand, of the Jarosewich's Microbeam Reference Samples Collection: The first step of a new program
- Relative humidity across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum via combined hydrogen-oxygen isotope paleohygrometry (Invited)
- Temporal dynamics of deep-sea latitudinal species diversity gradient based on paleoceanographic/micropaleontologic data
- The Influence of Cooling History on the Redox Conditions of Subduction Zone Magmas
- The impurities in the Rockport fayalite microbeam standard: How bad are they?
- Changes in Fluvial Deposition Associated with the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) in the Bighorn Basin, WY (Invited)
- Comparison of bulk and n-alkane PETM carbon isotope trends from the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming
- Effects of CO2-rich fluids on a redbed reservoir: outcrop analogue study from the Buntsandstein (Germany)
- Equilibrium between solid and liquid iron: The Fe-Si-O system at high pressures
- Genetic divergence among extant and extirpated colonies of an endangered pelagic seabird, the Hawaiian petrel
- Geochemical and textural comparison of two different scoria erupted from Llaima volcano, Chile
- Lithium as a tracer of fluid and metasomatic processes in subduction zone mélanges: Evidence from the Catalina Schist (Invited)
- Mineral-melt partitioning of V and Sc at arcs: implications for mantle wedge oxygen fugacity
- New insights into eruptive activity and lava flow hazard at Nyamulagira volcano, D.R.C., from a new GIS-based lava flow map
- Redox Conditions of Subduction Zone Magmas and Mantle (Invited)
- The Future of Smithsonian's Global Volcanism Program (Invited)
- Variations in Fe oxidation state at arc volcanoes driven by degassing and crystallization
- ``False Positive,'' an Apt Term and Concept for Volcanologists
- 350 years of paleoceanographic change in the Aleutian archipelago extracted from the skeletons of a subarctic coralline alga
- A Different View of Kilauea's Past 2500 Years
- Are molecular and isotopic patterns in modern plants representative of ancient floras? Examples from Paleocene and Eocene floras and sediments in the Bighorn Basin (WY, USA)
- Assessing the performance of salt marsh and mangrove foraminifera as sea-level indicators
- Controls on banded pumice and enclave formation during magma mixing
- Digital Management and Curation of the National Rock and Ore Collections at NMNH, Smithsonian
- Dynamics of pyroclastic density currents studied using scaled laboratory experiments
- Electrical and Thermal Conductivity of Iron and Iron-Silicon Alloy at High Pressures
- Fidelity of fossil n-alkanes from leaf to paleosol and applications to the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Floral responses to the Late Paleozoic deglaciation
- High-MgO Vitric Ash in Upper Kulanaokuaiki Tephra, Kilauea Volcano, Hawai`i: A Preliminary Description
- How were Oxidation State Heterogeneities Formed in the Martian Interior?
- Importance of oxygen fugacity for temperatures and melting regimes beneath ridges, arcs, and hot spots
- Intense groundwater circulation and heat flow near a volcanic lake: Taal Volcano, Philippines
- MESSENGER Measurements of Radioactive Elements on Mercury: Implications for the Planet's Formation and Evolution
- Marine proxy evidence linking decadal North Pacific and Atlantic climate
- Physical and chemical processing of eclogite: protolith and pre-subduction inheritance versus subduction-related deformation and alteration of oceanic crust
- Reaction Rind Formation in Mèlange in the Catalina Schist, California
- A Fiery Investigation of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) using Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs): Preliminary Results
- Abundance of Iron on Mercury's Surface from MESSENGER X-Ray Spectrometer Data
- Counterintuitive effects of substrate roughness on PDCs
- Early Eocene cyclicity in BBCP drill cores, Wyoming: Orbital forcing and environmental response
- Epidote-group mineral+quartz veins in metatuff: Petrography, chemistry, timing, style and redox implications of fluid-derived minerals in altered arc crust
- Evolution of magma textures during deformation: Insights from in situ X-ray tomography experiments
- Fe<SUP>3+</SUP>/∑Fe variation in Mariana arc and back-arc magmas and primary fO<SUB>2</SUB> of the mantle wedge
- Fluid-mediated mass transfer from a paleosubduction channel to its mantle wedge: Evidence from jadeitite in the Guatemala Suture Zone
- Glass hydration as a tool for dating young pahoehoe flows
- High-resolution, high-fidelity carbon isotope stratigraphy of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum in northern Wyoming from cores recovered by the Bighorn Basin Coring Project
- Impact of environmental chemistry on mycogenic Mn oxide minerals
- Physical and chemical evolution of subduction-related eclogites: Interplay of inheritance, alteration, deformation and metamorphism
- Plant-derived terpenoids as paleovegetation proxies: evaluation of the proxy with Paleocene and Eocene megafloras and plant biomarkers in the Bighorn Basin, USA
- Redox Heterogenity in MORB
- Stability and Compressibility of Seifertite from 1 bar to 140 GPa
- The origin of Stannern trend eucrites by melt-rock interaction
- Three dimensional velocimetry of lava dome emplacement using synchronized photogrammetry, Santiaguito Dome, Guatemala
- Towards an understanding of deep boron: study of type IIb blue diamonds
- Unraveling the effect of primary versus secondary processes on the volatile content of MORB glasses: an example from the equatorial Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Upper mantle oxygen fugacity in ridge and subduction zone settings recorded by spinel peridotite
- Water-saturated phase-equilibrium experiments on rhyolite and dacite obsidians: the effect of variable melt water concentration on the composition of phenocrysts
- A new comprehensive database of global volcanic gas analyses
- Advancing volcanology through analyses of large datasets: insights from the LaMEVE database (Invited)
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> release of the Kasatochi eruption in August 2008 as detected from space
- Effects of changing H<SUB>2</SUB>O concentrations and viscosities on plagioclase crystallization in a rhyolite obsidian: experiments and plagioclase speedometry (Invited)
- First-row transition elements (FRTE) in Hawaiian lherzolite xenoliths and their implications for lithologic heterogeneity in basalt source regions
- Geophysical signatures and modeling results from a buried impact structure in Decorah, Iowa, USA
- Illumina sequencing of fungi associated with manganese oxide deposits in cave systems
- Influences of floral composition and environment on plant biomarkers across a Cretaceous landscape (Big Cedar Ridge)
- Links between oxygen fugacity, slab fluids, and calc-alkaline differentiation of arc magmas (Invited)
- Mantle heterogeneities as revealed by along-axis variations in MORB volatile concentrations
- Paleohydrologic change across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, Bighorn Basin, WY
- Pre-eruptive storage conditions and continuous decompression relations of rhyodacite magma erupted from Chaos Crags, Lassen Volcanic Center, California
- Q?rius: An innovative and new interactive educational space at the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, in Washington, D.C
- Redox Controls on the Asthenosphere (Invited)
- Stable hydrogen isotopic compositions in plants and animals can provide ecosystem-hydrology connections: Santeelah Creek watershed
- Storage conditions and temporal signals for the Tara supervolcanic magma system; insights from geothermobarometry and quartz chemistry
- Stranded pumice in the western Caribbean
- Temporal evolution of fO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Mariana mantle wedge
- The development of a new database of gas emissions: MAGA, a collaborative web environment for collecting data
- The post-perovskite transition in nominally anhydrous aluminous silicates
- Towards improved volcanic emissions budgets: opportunities arising from a new global database of volcanic degassing data
- Variations in Oxygen Fugacity among Forearc Peridotites from the Tonga Trench
- δ<SUP>15</SUP>N as a Potential Paleoenvironmental Proxy for Nitrogen Loading in Chesapeake Bay
- A Global Registry for Scientific Collections: Striking a Balance Between Disciplinary Detail and Interdisciplinary Discoverability
- Carbon isotopes of plant biomarkers record past changes in the carbon cycle, but separating signal from noise is key to reducing uncertainties
- Changes In The Characteristics of Basaltic Particles During Different Transport Processes
- DECADE Web Portal: Integrating MaGa, EarthChem and GVP Will Further Our Knowledge on Earth Degassing
- Environmental Selenium Transformations: Distinguishing Abiotic and Biotic Factors Influencing Se Redox Transformations
- Geochemical and Geochronologic Investigations of Zircon-hosted Melt Inclusions in Rhyolites from the Mesoproterozoic Pea Ridge IOA-REE Deposit, St. Francois Mountains, Missouri
- Graceful Failure and Societal Resilience Analysis Via Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation
- Investigating Carbonate System Perturbations across the Cretaceous-Palaeogene Transition using Boron Isotopes in Planktonic Foraminifera.
- Mycogenic Mn(II) oxidation promotes remediation of acid mine drainage and other anthropogenically impacted environments
- Near-Primary Oxidized Basalts from the Submarine Vanuatu Arc
- Oxygen fugacity profile of the oceanic upper mantle and the depth of redox melting beneath ridges
- Redox Heterogeneity of the Mantle Inferred from Hotspots
- Role of Reactive Intermediates in Manganese Oxide Formation By Filamentous Ascomycete Fungi
- Roles of magmatic oxygen fugacity and water content in generating signatures of continental crust in the Alaska-Aleutian arc
- Some conifer clades contribute substantial amounts of leaf waxes to sedimentary archives
- Storage Conditions of Large Silicic Magmatic Systems: Gauging Melt Evolution from Melt Inclusions Hosted in Different Phenocryst Phases
- The Olorgesailie Drilling Project (ODP): a high-resolution drill core record from a hominin site in the East African Rift Valley
- Towards Making Data Bases Practical for use in the Field
- Undegassed Carbon Content from a Highly Depleted Segment of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (1-5°S): Evidence from Melt Inclusions
- Untangling the History of Oceanic Peridotites Using Spinel Oxybarometry
- Volcanic Lightning: Update on New Global Observations and Constraints on Source Mechanisms
- A Paleoecological View of the Anthropocene in Tropical South America
- Are All Obsidians Super-Heated? Insights from Observations of Crystallization Kinetics in Experiments on Glass Mountain Obsidians (Long Valley, CA)
- Cretaceous-Palaeogene experiments in Biogeochemical Resilience
- Dynamic Heating and Decompression Experiments on Dacite and Rhyolite Magmas
- Gas-driven filter pressing in magmas: insights into in-situ melt segregation from crystal mushes
- Heterogeneous Oxidation in Supra-Subduction Settings: Evidence from Forearc Peridotites
- Insights into mantle heterogeneities: mid-ocean ridge basalt tapping an ocean island magma source in the North Fiji Basin
- Magma Mixing Chronometry: Quantitative 3D Tomographic Analysis of Biotite Breakdown in Heating Experiments
- Oxygen Fugacity of Abyssal Peridotites Along the Gakkel Ridge
- Revised Mossbauer Calibration for Fe<SUP>3+</SUP>/Fe<SUP>T</SUP> of XANES Basalt Standards: Implications for MORB
- Testing Astronomical and <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Timescales for the K/Pg Boundary Interval Using High-Resolution Magnetostratigraphy and U-Pb Geochronology in the Denver Basin of Colorado
- The Oxidation State of Fe in Glasses from the Galapagos Archipelago: Variable Oxygen Fugacity as a Function of Mantle Source
- The potential for synthesizing multi-sensor remote sensing data for global volcano monitoring
- Amplification of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation at the end of the Little Ice Age
- An abrupt change in the magmatic source of rhyolite volcanism in Long Valley, CA recorded by pre-eruptive oxygen fugacities of the Early Rhyolites (Obsidians): evidence of transition from subduction-modified lithosphere to asthenosphere
- Arctic and Western North Atlantic shallow marine diversity patterns: A comparison of controlling factors
- Basin-scale redox heterogeneity in MORBs and the upper mantle
- Cenozoic dynamics of shallow-marine biodiversity in the Western Pacific
- Crystal-rich lava dome extrusion during vesiculation: an experimental study
- Defining Uncertainty and Error in Planktic Foraminiferal Oxygen Isotope Measurements
- Effects of Core Formation on the Hf-W System
- Experimental Investigation of Sulfur Volatilization/Retention During Planetesimal Differentiation
- Experimental and natural constraints on the generation of calc-alkaline volcanic rocks in the Western Aleutian arc
- How strange was the Strangelove Ocean? New insights from Boron Isotopes.
- Lake level history of Paleolake Siriata and hydrological sub-basin connectivity in the Southern Kenya Rift during the African Humid Period (AHP)
- Long-Term Climate Implications of Persistent Loss of Tropical Peat Carbon Following Land Use Conversion
- Measurements of the Activity of dissolved H2O in an Andesite Melt
- Records of upper mantle oxygen fugacity gleaned from high-density sampling of basalts and peridotites at ultraslow ridges
- Research Infrastructure and Scientific Collections: The Supply and Demand of Scientific Research
- Response of High Latitude Coralline Algae to pCO<SUB>2</SUB> and Thermal Stress
- Tracing biogeochemical Se cycling in seleniferous reclaimed mine soils
- Triple oxygen isotopes and clumped isotope thermometry applied to East African water balance over the last 500ky
- A geochemical record of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) during the late Paleozoic Ice Age: The relationship between atmospheric pCO<SUB>2</SUB>, climate and fire.
- A synthesis of Plio-Pleistocene leaf wax biomarker records of hydrological variation in East Africa and their relationship with hominin evolution
- Analysis of Benthic Foraminiferal Size Change During the Eocene-Oligocene Transition
- Calc-Alkaline Liquid Lines of Descent Produced Under Oxidizing Conditions: An Experimental and Petrologic Study of Basaltic Tephras from the Western Aleutians, AK
- Cold, Wet, and Deep: Andesite generation in Dominica, Lesser Antilles
- Evaluating Changes in Pre-Eruptive Conditions of Explosively and Effusively Erupted Intermediate Magmas
- Evidence for Cold, Hydrous Parental Magmas on Dominica: Petrology of the Foundland Basalts
- Explosive to Effusive Transition in Intermediate Volcanism: An Analysis of Changing Magma System Conditions in Dominica
- Global latitudinal trends in peat recalcitrance quantified with calibrated FTIR spectroscopy
- Impact of the 2015/2016 El Niño event on rainwater and cave dripwater isotopes in Northern Borneo
- Isotopic Recorders of Pollution in Heterogeneous Urban Areas
- Magma Mixing: Magmatic Enclaves in Morne Micotrin, Dominica
- Mantle Noble Gas Contents Controlled by Serpentinite Subduction
- Mantle Noble Gas Contents Controlled by Subduction of Serpentinite
- New constraints on subduction inputs and volatile outputs along the Aleutian Arc
- Paleoenvironmental change in the southern Kenya Rift System: A case study based on the Pleistocene Olorgesailie and Oltulelei Formations
- Radiocarbon Records of Fossil Fuel Emissions From Urban Trees in the Greater Salt Lake Valley From Mid-Century to Present.
- Rapid Swings between Greenhouse and Icehouse Climate States near the Oligocene - Miocene Boundary
- Re-examining Distal Facies of the Grand Bay Ignimbrite at Fond St. Jean, Dominica
- Secretome-based Manganese(II) Oxidation by Filamentous Ascomycete Fungi
- Sequestration of nitrogen in the core during accretion
- Source of Abundant Volcanism on Dominica: An Evaluation of Potential Mantle Components
- South-Tibetan partially molten batholiths: geophysical characterization and petrological assessment of their origin
- Stratigraphy and Geochemistry of a Fond St. Jean Cinder Cone, Dominica
- Subsolidus cooling of mid-ocean ridge peridotites and implications for the oxygen fugacity of the oceanic upper mantle
- The Fossil Atmospheres Project: A novel approach for simultaneously refining the Ginkgo paleo-pCO<SUB>2</SUB> barometer & educating citizens about climate change
- The evolution of test size in the Planktic Foraminifera
- Time Scavengers: a Website for the Public to Learn about Climate Change and Evolution Through the Experiences of Scientists
- Upper mantle oxygen fugacity recorded by peridotite xenoliths from oceanic islands
- Variations in Pleistocene effusive volcanism on Dominica, Lesser Antilles
- 24-hour time series of the formation and dissolution meter long mirabilite crystals in hypersaline brines of the Salar de Llamara, Tarapacá Desert, Chile
- An Oxidized Signature for the Gakkel Ridge 'Dupal-like' Isotopic Composition
- Biogeochemical interactions and cycling of sulfur, iron, and carbon in the sulfate-impacted riparian wetland, Second Creek
- Boulder Size Frequency Distribution (SFD) of (101955) Bennu
- Calcareous Nannofossils From a New High-Latitude PETM Section: IODP Site U1514, Mentelle Basin, Southeast Indian Ocean
- Characterising magmatic domains from a synthesis of global satellite radar measurements
- Contextualizing Environmental Reconstructions of Hominin Sites in Kenya using Historical Ecology: Insights from the Smithsonian-Roosevelt African Expedition (1909-1910).
- Crater Population(s) on (101955) Bennu, a B-Class Asteroid and Target of the OSIRIS-REx Mission
- Deciphering the Cause of an Abrupt Extinction and Stable Isotope Excursion Event Across the Aptian-Albian Boundary Interval (AABI, 113 Ma)
- Designing Fossil-based Collaborative Learning Activities about Evolution and the History of Life on Earth
- Detrital zircon geochronology of the Early to Middle Mississippian Maccrady Facies Track, West Virginia, Kentucky, and Indiana
- Disequilibrium Nucleation and Growth of Plagioclase: A numerical model
- Early episodes of high-pressure core formation preserved in plume mantle
- Evidence for Impact-Induced Shock Melting of Carbonaceous Chondrites
- Fossil Atmospheres: A case study of citizen science in question-driven paleontological research
- Genomic Observatories Network: socio-technical perspectives on the path to long-term multi-omic observation
- Hamelin Pool, Shark Bay Western Australia: A microbial carbonate factory
- Impact of changing environmental conditions on a high-latitude coralline algae climate proxy archive
- Initial Perspectives on Surface Geology of (101955) Bennu including Comparisons to (162173) Ryugu
- Interactive presentation of global volcanology and tectonic data sets for diverse audiences
- Late Miocene garnet-bearing andesites in the Northern Andean Block and their tectonic implications
- Metal-silicate Partitioning of Carbon to 59 GPa and >5000 K with Implications for Earth's Core Formation
- Middle to Late Pleistocene Paleoenvironmental Variations at the Olorgesailie Basin, Kenya
- Mistastin Lake Impact Melt Glasses: Textures and chemical composition
- Monitoring ground deformation and lava accumulation in volcanic craters using UAS image acquisitions and 4D photogrammetry
- Morphometric analysis of shallow marine stromatolites in Hamelin Pool based on Fluid Lensing Image Processing
- Nitrogen Solubility in Magma Oceans
- Orbital-scale controls on Plio-Pleistocene African climate
- Oxygen fugacity and Fe<SUP>3+</SUP> partitioning during partial melting of peridotite
- PhanTASTIC - Towards A Phanerozoic Technique-Averaged Surface Temperature Integrated Curve
- Return to the Moon: Findings from the Lunar Science for Landed Missions Workshop
- Rutile Controls on Vanadium During Eclogite Partial Melting
- Searching for ancient crustose coralline algae: collection and application of a high-latitude climate archive
- Smithsonian's National Rock and Ore Collections: An International Legacy and Community Resource
- Tectonically driven changes in landscape heterogeneity in the southern Kenya rift and evidence for hominin adaptive responses to spatially variable resources.
- The Fossil Atmospheres Project: A novel approach for refining the Ginkgo paleo-<SUB>p</SUB>CO<SUB>2</SUB> barometer
- The Impact of Tasman Gateway Opening on Early Paleogene Climate and Oceans: New Results from IODP Expedition 369, Site U1514
- The Role of the Next Generation Lunar Scientists and Engineers (NextGen) Group in Lunar Science and Exploration
- The U.S. National Meteorite Collection: Bringing the Solar System to the Nation
- The effect of CO<SUB>2</SUB> concentration on carbon isotope discrimination in Ginkgo
- The role of environmental instability in the transition from Acheulean to Middle Stone Age hominin adaptations: Evidence from Olorgesailie, southern Kenya rift
- Trace H and F Concentrations in Feldspar as Monitors of Volatile Processes in the Earth and Moon
- Tracing volatile cycling from subduction to outgassing along the Aleutian Arc
- Transdisciplinary approaches to ancient human health and environmental interactions: New insights from the California Channel Islands
- Using Global Volcanism Program and Mineral Sciences Collections to Illustrate Volcanic History
- Volatile contents of western Aleutian magmas and their relationship to slab thermal structure
- A new tool for paleoenvironmental reconstruction: amino acid δ<SUP>13</SUP>C and δ<SUP>2</SUP>H analysis reveals shifts in a Holocene nearshore ecosystem
- A window into California's past coastal environments: Compound-specific amino acid isotope ratios from bivalve shells to reconstruct nearshore primary productivity
- Along-arc variations in volatile cycling across the Aleutian Arc
- Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Subaerial Volcanic Regions
- Carbon in the Convecting Mantle
- Challenges of volcanic eruption reporting - tales from the Smithsonian's Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network
- Chasing butterflies: a three-dimensional isotopic approach with amino acids
- Color and albedo heterogeneity of asteroid Bennu and implications for its origin
- Cretaceous climate controversy: How much deviation from a warm greenhouse state?
- Enrichment in H<SUB>2</SUB>O and elevated Fe oxidation states are linked to material recycling in Izu-Bonin-Marianas lavas
- Evaluating the Effect of 100s of ppm CO<SUB>2</SUB> on Carbon Isotope Discrimination in Ginkgo
- Experimental investigations of nitrogen transiting the subduction barrier
- Gakkel Ridge basalts and peridotites record along-strike variations in f<SUB>O2</SUB>
- High-resolution Palaeozoic Biodiversity History of Marine Invertebrates Based on CONOP and Parallel Computing
- Improving the outcome of metabarcoding methods with taxonomic expertise
- In situ measurements on benthic foraminifera: a comparison between Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) and Wavelength-Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (WDS).
- Is it gonna blow? Common misconceptions and misunderstandings about volcanoes and eruptions
- Partial melting of peridotite at 1 atm. and 1.5 GPa and varying oxygen fugacities
- Physiological functioning of seasonally dry-adapted floras in response to changes in late Paleozoic atmospheric composition and aridity.
- Pressure effect on the oxidation state of a terrestrial magma ocean, from experimental perspective
- Reducing barriers for geoscientists with physical disabilities: A case study by scientists with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
- Surface densities and size-frequency distributions of meter-size boulders inside craters on (101955) Bennu
- Thermodynamic and Geochemical Heterogeneity within Mid-Ocean Ridge Peridotites
- Transition from the Hothouse to Coldhouse Climate during the Late Cretaceous at Southern High Latitudes: Foraminiferal Population Dynamics and Paleotemperature Records from the Mentelle Basin (IODP Exp. 369, Offshore SW Australia)
- Turbulent structure and particle clustering in analog volcanic jets
- Volcanica: a diamond open-access success story for volcano-based research
- Volcanically Initiated Shoaling of the Marine Calcite Compensation Depth during Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 ( 94 Ma)
- Water Content of MORBs and the Oceanic Upper Mantle
- What Does It Cost to Operate Scientific Collections and What Returns on Investment Do They Generate? Summary of a Federal Interagency Working Group Report
- Air Entrainment and Turbulent Dynamics of the March 22, 1944 Vesuvius Eruption Plume
- Erasing the Past: Plagioclase population dynamics and zoning in response to changes in temperature and pressure
- Ghost Granophyre: A New Quartz Cathodoluminescence Texture from the Troodos Ophiolite
- Globally distributed mass movement towards the equator on asteroid (101955) Bennu
- Laser Altimetry Reveals Hemispherical Shape Differences of Asteroid (101955) Bennu
- Leveraging geochemistry and petrology to explore the origins of explosive vs. effusive eruptive periods at Kīlauea Volcano (HI)
- Non-Henrian partitioning of nitrogen during slab dehydration
- Ongoing shape modification of Bennu by terracing.
- Photometric Modeling of Bennu at 1064-nm with the OLA Normal Albedo
- Recognizing the Textures of Life: Implications of Diverse and Ubiquitous Ediacaran Organic Surfaces for the Detection of Microbial Structures on Other Planets
- The Curacautín ignimbrite: a rare look at the large-volume, explosive endmember of mafic volcanism
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- Volcano Databases
- 3D turbulence and air entrainment in pyroclastic density currents from video analysis
- A dynamic solution to Earth's missing Ar paradox
- Are There Magnetofossils in the 1.88 Ga Gunflint Formation?
- Constraints on present and past photorespiration rates from clumped isotopes in wood
- Crustal Melting and Assimilation in Compositionally Bimodal Volcanic Settings: Insights from Hydrothermally Altered Rocks Recovered from Drilling in the Krafla Volcanic Field, Iceland
- Decompression rates of South Sister (Oregon, USA) obsidians from numerical modeling of plagioclase nucleation and growth
- Elucidating geochemical heterogeneity and evolution of the explosively erupted Curacautin magma, Llaima volcano, Chile
- Freeze tolerance influenced forest cover and hydrology during the Pennsylvanian
- Global changes in terrestrial vegetation and continental climate during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Insights into 3 Ma of Mid-Ocean Ridge Mantle Source Heterogeneity from the Gofar Transform Fault, East Pacific Rise
- Landslide and Flash Flood Timing from Satellite Radar Imagery in the Western Branch of the East African Rift
- Linked convective cycling of water, chlorine and noble gases through Earth's mantle
- Linking quantitative unmixing of magnetic signatures of conventional and giant magnetofossils with environmental change 56 million years ago
- Magma reservoir failure at open-vent volcanoes: lessons learned from Nyiragongo volcano, Democratic Republic of Congo
- Melt Fraction and Volatile Content Estimates Using MELTS-constrained Bayesian Magnetotelluric Inversions: Case Study from Uturuncu, Bolivia
- Paleoseasonality of sea surface temperatures: Insights from the Eocene of Antarctica
- Promise and progress with in situ visualization of magnetofossils in marine sediment chips
- Propagation and arrest of the May 2021 lateral dike intrusion at Nyiragongo (D.R. Congo)
- Reconstructing Disaster: An Analysis of Digital Communications During Volcanic Crises
- The Phanerozoic Technique Averaged Surface Temperature Integrated Curve: A record of Phanerozoic global mean surface temperature using data assimilation
- The impact of magmatic volatiles on magma extrusive to intrusive ratio from numerical modeling
- The role of authigenic clay in preservation of microbial communities and carbonate precipitation: lessons from the Atacama Desert
- Unlearning racism in a federal setting
- Using Ginkgo biloba to Test the Franks Method of Estimating CO2 Levels in Deep Time
- Using SQUID Microscopy to Obtain High Resolution Paleomagnetic Records from Speleothems
- "The problem of the diversity of igneous rocks": analytical advances reveal the effects of igneous processes on the oxidation state of Fe of basaltic magmas
- 3D trace element diffusion modeling within plagioclase during crystal growth and dissolution
- Influence of the Aptian-Albian Boundary Carbon Cycle Perturbation on Benthic Foraminifera from the Atlantic Ocean
- Locating the Granitic Composition Water-Saturated Solidus
- Oxidation of Slab-derived Fluids by Subducted Metasedimentary Rocks and its Impact on the Oxygen Fugacity of Arc Magmas and the Mantle
- Reconstructing the Surface Ocean Dynamics over the last 25 kyr in the Iberian Margin and North Atlantic: the Coccolithophore Contribution
- Seven Years on the Ginkgo Farm: Implications of an Elevated CO2 Growth Experiment for Reconstructing paleo-pCO2 from a "Living Fossil"
- Tapping an expansive museum fossil bivalve collection to reconstruct paleoenvironmental conditions in the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway
- The partitioning of ferric and ferrous iron between garnet and melt in subduction zones
- Understanding dolomite problem through low temperature synthesis of disordered dolomite by catalysis and solvation effect
- Using trace-element zoning in granitic minerals to estimate magmatic and metamorphic thermal histories
- Using zircon depth-profiling to track micrometer-scale records of granitoid differentiation in the Tuolumne Intrusive Complex, CA (USA)
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Alessandro Frigeri
- Andrew J. Smye
- Ann Holbourn
- B. J. Andrews
- B. P. Weiss
- Beth A. Bartel
- Brian T. Huber
- C. Wauthier
- Christian Huber
- Christine A. Shields
- Corentin Caudron
- Courtney L. Wagner
- Daniel E. Ibarra
- Daniel J. Lunt
- Darcy Cordell
- David W. Stahle
- Delphine Smittarello
- E. Dotto
- Eduardo A. Lima
- Elizabeth Cottrell
- Ellen Thomas
- Erica P. Suosaari
- Esther M. Schwarzenbach
- François Kervyn
- Ioan Lascu
- Isabel P. Montañez
- J. M. Warren
- J. Patrick Megonigal
- J. R. Brucato
- J. Tucker
- Jean-Philippe Malet
- Jesse Reimink
- Jessica E. Tierney
- Jon D. Richey
- Joshua M. Feinberg
- Julien Barrìère
- K. A. Kelley
- M. C. Nolan
- M. D. Behn
- M. Pajola
- Maryjo Brounce
- Matthew M. Jones
- Meredith Townsend
- Nicolas d’Oreye
- Olivier Bachmann
- Peter C. Lippert
- Peter E. van Keken
- R. I. Trindade
- Raphaël Grandin
- Rebekah Stein
- S. J. Bus
- S. Naif
- Sam Poppe
- Sergey Samsonov
- Simon Riedl
- Sophia Macarewich
- Sujoy Mukhopadhyay
- T. A. Morrow
- V. D. Wanless
- Valérie Cayol
- Wim Thiery
- Wolfgang Kuhnt
- Yihang Fang