Wageningen University, Netherlands
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Where did all the Nitrogen go? Use of Watershed-Scale Budgets to Quantify Nitrogen Inputs, Storages, and Losses.
- An intercomparison of the kinematic wave and Boussinesq approximations for variable geometry hillslope-storage models of subsurface flow
- Comparison of Evaporation Estimated by Satellite Remote Sensing With Estimates From a Land Surface Model
- Got Milk? Got Water? Innovative Approach to Evaluating Groundwater Nitrate Nonpoint Source Pollution from Animal Farming
- Linking current NBP and NPP estimates with the effect of rising CO2 over three forest biomes
- Matador 2002 Field Test: A Pilot Experiment on Heat and Aerosol Transport by Dry Convection and Dust Devils
- More New Carbon in the Soil of a Poplar Plantation Under Free Air Carbon Enrichment
- Sensitivity of In-situ Gravity Measurements to Local Hydrometeorological Processes
- Terrain Drainage of CO2 Enriched Air Might be the Explanation for High Estimates of Rainforest NEE Through Eddyflux Covariance
- Towards an Operational Monitoring of Actual Evapotranspiration With Modis Imagery
- Application of a Distributed Hydrological Model to Detect Hydrological Effect on Gravity
- Decomposition of <SUP>14</SUP>C-Labeled Roots in a Pasture Soil Exposed to 10 Years of Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Dissolved Nitrogen and Phosphorus Export to the Coastal Zone: Early Results From a Global, Multi-element, Multi-form Modeling Approach
- Evaluation of Data from the Multi-frequency Scanning Microwave Radiometer (MSMR) and Its Potential for Soil Moisture Retrieval
- Hillslope-storage Dependent Drainable Porosity to Account for Capillarity Effects on the Dynamic Response of Complex Hillslopes
- Improved Understanding of the 3D Hillslope Spatial Structure as a Prerequisite for Understanding the Hydrological Behaviour of Ungauged Basins.
- Time Series Analysis of In-situ Gravity Data in the Context of Hydro-meteorological Variability
- Total Carbon and Nitrogen Budget in Pasture Soils After 10 Years of Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Combining Data and Process Models to Characterize Non-point source Pollution to Shallow Ground Water from an Irrigated Dairy Farm
- Dry and Wet Deposition of Atmospheric Inorganic Nitrogen in a Tropical Environment (Rondônia, Brazil: 10\deg45.44'S, 62\deg21.27'W)
- Parameterising a semi-distributed hydrological model from hillslope and catchment geomorphology
- Similarity Analysis of Subsurface Flow Response of Hillslopes With Complex Geometry
- Storage-Dependent Drainable Porosity Implemented in the Hillslope-Storage Boussinesq Model: An application to Field Data From a Site in Northern Idaho, USA.
- The NH<SUB>4</SUB><SUP>-</SUP>-NO<SUB>3</SUB><SUP>-</SUP>-Cl<SUP>-</SUP>-SO<SUB>4</SUB><SUP>2-</SUP>-H<SUB>2</SUB>O Aerosol System and its Gas Phase Precursors at a Rural Site in the Amazon Basin: How Relevant are Mineral Cations and Soluble Organic Acids?
- Effects of land use and climate seasonality on carbon fluxes in the Amazon: scaling from landscape to region using data from MODIS satellites and from a network of flux towers
- Evaluation of Different Parameterizations for Land Surface Processes Over Drying Terrain in West Africa
- Hillslope Subsurface Flow Processes, Catchment Similarity and the Residence Time of Water in Landscapes
- RICO Graduate Student Research Flight: The Island Tail Objective
- The Contribution of a Virtual Tall Tower to Determine Regional Fluxes
- A Fixed-lag Ensemble Kalman Smoother to Estimate Surface Carbon Dioxide Exchange
- A Reanalysis of North American Net Carbon Dioxide Exchange From 2000- 2006
- A State-Dependent Parameterization for Root Zone - Groundwater Coupling
- Application of the Hillslope Péclet Number to a Headwater Catchment
- Changing Hydrological Cycle in Asian Monsoon Region in Relation to Water Resources
- Estimating Terrestrial Water Storage Changes in the Colorado River Basin: Atmospheric Data Analysis, Satellite Remote Sensing and Hydrologic Modeling
- Hydrologic impacts of climate change on the Nile River basin: Implications of the 2006 IPCC climate scenarios
- Transport and chemical transformations influenced by shallow cumulus over land
- Area-Averaged Fluxes from Field to Kilometer Scale with Optical and Microwave Scintillometers
- Comparison of two years of snowmelt infiltration using electrical resistivity and TDR
- Effects of Climate Variability on Water Storage in the Colorado River Basin
- Estimation of Evapotranspiration Using Optical Scintillometry
- Exploring Patterns of Hydrological Drought from Proxy Data in Wabi Shebele river basin, East Africa
- Hydrogen Peroxide Production at the Rock-Water Interface
- Measurement of soil water potential over an extended range by polymer tensiometers: comparison with other instruments
- Northern Eurasia: Evaluating processes and feedbacks in the context of climate change
- Ozone Fluxes over Snow-Covered Environments
- Past, Current and Future Trajectories of Watershed Nutrient Sources, Forms and Exports: a Global NEWS Application to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Scenarios
- Quasi-Static Pore-Scale Network Models for Studying Pc-Sw-anw Relationship in Drainage and Imbibition
- The Importance of Vertical Heterogeneity in Soil Organic Matter for Determining Soil Respiration and Carbon Sequestration With Global Ecosystem Models
- Upscaling Reactive Transport Using a Pore-Network Model
- Validation of Sebal Heat Fluxes with Scintillometry
- Water Flow and Solute Transport in Heterogeneous Soils: A new Multicompartment Sampler and a Theoretical Toolkit for Data Analysis
- What is the seasonality of photosynthesis across the Amazon basin?: a cross-site analysis of eddy flux tower measurements from BrasilFlux network
- A possible new role for atmospheric 13CO2 in global models
- Application of Volumetric Weather Radar Data and the Distributed Rainfall Runoff Model REW in the Ourthe Catchment
- Climate change effects on groundwater dependent temperate forest ecosystems
- Does Shape Matter? Landform Controls on Recession Characteristics of the Hydrologic Response
- Effects of seasonality and land-use change on carbon and water fluxes across the Amazon basin: synthesizing results from satellite-based remote sensing, towers, and models
- Global Monthly CO2 Flux Inversion Based on Results of Terrestrial Ecosystem Modeling
- Hydrogen Peroxide Formation and pH Changes at Rock-Water Interface during Stressing
- Impacts of Precipitation Uncertainty on Discharge Calculations for Main River Basins
- Implications of the GABLS LES Intercomparison Studies for Future Wind Energy Projects
- Large two-dimensional laboratory experiment with biodegradation of a PCE source zone
- Measurements of the air-sea flux of ozone from the Ronald H. Brown
- Microwave Links as Path-Average Rainfall Sensors: Uncertainties Associated With Space- Time Variability
- Nitrogen oxides and ozone in and above the snowpack at Summit, Greenland: Continuous observations of photochemical release and uptake
- Path-Average Rainfall Estimation From Optical Extinction Measurements Using a Large- Aperture Scintillometer
- Python for hydrological modeling: interfacing C code with ctypes, dynamic typing and introspection
- Quantifying the role of fire in the carbon cycle around the globe, and its climate sensitivity in equatorial Asia
- Reflex Project: Using Model-Data Fusion to Characterize Confidence in Analyzes and Forecasts of Terrestrial C Dynamics
- Simulation of 2D Fields of Raindrop Size Distributions
- The Oxygen Isotopic Signature of Nitrous Oxide is Determined by Oxygen Exchange
- Trade-offs between nitrous oxide emission and C-sequestration in the soil: the role of earthworms
- Upscaling Reactive Transport Using a Pore-Network Model
- What is the Resolution of the North American CO2 Observing Network?
- A framework to quantify the role of land-atmosphere feedbacks on surface evaporation
- A method to measure nitrous oxide reduction in soil
- An Amazon basin-wide intercomparison of ecosystem land surface models and flux observations: Results from the LBA-MIP
- An explanation for decreasing trends in pan evaporation based on research on interactions between surface evaporation and the atmospheric boundary layer
- Bioenergy residues applied as soil amendments: N2O emissions and C sequestration potential
- Can uncertain landscape evolution models discriminate between landscape responses to stable and changing future climate? A millennial-scale test
- Earthworm-induced N mineralization in fertilized grassland increases N2O emission more than crop N uptake
- Effect of Scintillometer Height on Structure Parameter of the Refractive Index of Air Measurements
- Effect of wetting and drying on deep soil CO2 production and fluxes
- Explorative Observations of the Urban Climate System in the Rotterdam Metropolis
- Factors controlling stream water nitrate and phosphor loads during precipitation events
- Long term simulations of global lakes using the Variable Infiltration Capacity model
- Measurements of near surface ozone at Summit, Greenland, using an automated moving inlet system
- Methods for Assessing Uncertainties in Climate Change, Impacts and Responses (Invited)
- Modeling of compositional flow in coupled porous media - free-flow domains
- Nested-scale observations to quantify fluxes that feed surface water discharge
- Nitrifier denitrification can be a source of N2O from soil: a revised approach to the dual isotope labelling method
- Quantifying nitrogen fluxes and their influence on the greenhouse gas balance - recent findings of the NitroEurope Integrated Project
- Seasonal variations of nitrogen oxides in snowpack air at Summit, Greenland
- Stable Boundary Layers with Low-Level Jets: What did we Learn from the LES Intercomparison within GABLS?
- The CarboEurope Regional Experiment Strategy: Assessment of the regional carbon balance using inverse and direct methods (Invited)
- Trace Gas Dynamics in Snow and Their Role in Snow-Atmosphere Surface Exchanges (Invited)
- Using CarbonTracker carbon flux estimates to improve a terrestrial carbon cycle model
- An analysis of 13C/12C signals from the terrestrial biosphere using SIBCASA and CarbonTracker
- Anastomosing Rivers are Disequilibrium Patterns
- Bayesian methods for spatial upscaling of process-based forest ecosystem models
- Climate Change Impact on the Hydrology and Water Quality of a Small Partially-Irrigated Agricultural Lowland Catchment
- Climate change hampers endangered species through intensified moisture-related plant stresses (Invited)
- Daily Water Temperature and River Discharge Modeling for Climate Change Impact Assessment in Large River Basins Globally
- Diurnal variability of isoprene and hydroxyl radical over tropical forests (Invited)
- Do Atmospheric Measurements of Trace Gases Inform us on the Dynamics of Carbon Exchange During Spring and Fall at High Northern Latitudes? (Invited)
- Fine-scale structure of precipitation from optical and microwave link measurements (Invited)
- Forest carbon imbalance information improves atmosphere based carbon data assimilation systems
- Global river nutrient export: scenario analysis of past and future trends (Invited)
- Interannual variability of CO and its relation to long-range transport and biomass burning as seen by SCIAMACHY
- Long-term morphological evolution of a morphologically active man-made stream in the Netherlands
- Multi-Model Estimate of the Historic and Future Global Water Balance: A Model Intercomparison Using Multiple Global Hydrological Models and Multiple Climate Models
- Observation and modeling of land surface state and convective activity over the Qinghai - Tibet Plateau
- On land surface modeling in large-eddy simulations of atmospheric boundary layers
- Quantifying nitrogen fluxes and their influence on the greenhouse gas balance - recent findings of the NitroEurope Integrated Project
- Radar rainfall estimation of stratiform winter precipitation in the Belgian Ardennes
- Role of the Boundary Layer Processes in Understanding the CO2-BUDGET
- Selection of Worst-Case Pesticide Leaching Scenarios for Pesticide Registration
- Shrub growth response to climate change and feedbacks of vegetation change to permafrost thaw in the Siberian arctic tundra (Invited)
- Spatial and temporal variations of Terrestrial Water Storage in five major Africa river basins
- Stochastic modeling of soil salinity
- The impact of Future Land-Use and Land-Cover Changes on Atmospheric Chemistry-Climate Interactions
- The terrestrial carbon budget of Russia: integrating inventory based, eddy covariance and inversion methods
- Time-lapse resistivity measurements combined with soil water sampling to characterize solute movement in the unsaturated zone at Oslo airport, Gardermoen
- Using annual plants as atmospheric 14CO2 samplers for regional fossil fuel emissions estimates: crop modeling and intensive sampling approaches
- Validation of Global Land Cover Products using an Independent Global Reference Validation Database
- Variability of raindrop size distributions and radar reflectivity-rain rate relations in extreme Mediterranean precipitation
- What is causing morning nitric oxide "pulse" above the canopy at a forested site in northern Michigan?
- A bottom-up approach to urban metabolism: the perspective of BRIDGE
- Alluvial Morphology In Cohesive Sediment: The Mahakam Lowland Area
- Analysis and Modeling of spatio-temporal Patterns of Carbon and Water Fluxes in Production Fields of Winter Wheat and Sugar Beet
- Applicaton of Copulas an a new Geostatistical Tool
- Biophysical controls on forest and grassland water and energy exchange under idealized land-atmosphere coupling
- Climate sensitivity of major river basins in Africa
- Comparing Trends in European Streamflow Records to Hydrological Change in a Large-scale Hydrological Model Intercomparison Experiment
- Current and future water resources of the Congo River basin
- Downscaling the NOAA CarbonTracker Inversion for North America
- Drought analysis of 21<SUP>st</SUP> century global and land surface hydrological models
- Estimation of Rainfall Kinetic Energy by Rain Intensity and/or Radar Reflectivity Factor
- First results from the surface heterogeneity focus area of the Boundary Layer Late Afternoon and Sunset Turbulence (BLLAST) Experiment
- Flood Frequency Mapping of the Middle Mahakam Lowland Area Using Satellite Radar
- Forms of uranium associated to silica in the environment of the Nopal deposit (Mexico)
- Global Drought Assessment using a Multi-Model Dataset
- Global modeling of fresh surface water temperature
- Hydraulic Geometry of a tidally influenced delta channel network: the Mahakam Delta, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
- Hyperspectral Indices for Retrieval of Chlorophyll and Nitrogen in Mangroves Using SLC and HYMAP
- Investigating the influence of subgrid scale soil moisture heterogeneity on surface heat fluxes in large-scale models: hydrology versus meteorology
- Investigation of the decay of turbulence over a forest during the Boundary Layer Late Afternoon and Sunset Turbulence (BLLAST) Experiment
- LAPSUS-D: testing a new daily sediment delivery model in a meso-scale Mediterranean catchment in Northern Israel
- Land Surface Conditions and Entrainment Processes as Driving Factors of Ozone- and SOA-evolution
- Mitigation of Nitrogen Emissions from Animal Agriculture in Europe
- Nitrogen deposition's role in determining forest photosynthetic capacity; a FLUXNET synthesis
- Projected Global Hydrologic Cycles Using New Combine Earth System Moels from Multi-Model Multi-Scenario Simulation
- Quantifying subsurface mixing of water and nutrients in an agricultural catchment
- River scale model of a training wall with a light weighted moveable bed
- River-tide interactions observed from novel measurement methods and modelling: implications for pathways of sediment and delta morphology
- Suspended sediment fluxes in an Indonesian river draining a rainforested basin subject to land cover change
- The impact of an Indonesian river system on tropical coastal ecosystems: synthesis of results
- Uncertainty in biomass burning emission factors; testing new emission fields in an inverse modeling framework focusing on carbon monoxide
- Use of Multiple Models in CarbonTracker
- Using Coarse Resolution Land Surface Temperature Time Series Data for Vegetation Analysis in the Taiga Tundra Transition Zone. a Case Study for Yamal, Krasnoyarsk Kray and Yakutia
- Vegetation removal as a driver of fire-induced land degradation
- A Multiscale Analysis of Soil Moisture-Temperature Coupling
- Countrywide rainfall maps from a commercial cellular telecommunication network
- Development of an Independent Global Land Cover Validation Dataset
- Downstream hydraulic geometry as a tool for fingerprinting tidal influence in river deltas
- Energy Balance Comparison and Closure at a Moist Desert Playa: The Importance of Ground Heat Storage and Flux Estimation
- Exploring the role of rainfall variability and extreme events in long-term landscape development
- Global Stream Temperatures and Flows under Climate Change
- Global near real-time disturbance monitoring using MODIS satellite image time series
- Global trends in terrestrial denitrification and N2O emissions for the period 1900-2050
- H-ADCP discharge monitoring of a large tropical river
- High-resolution simulations of the Δ14CO2 gradients from fossil fuels and nuclear power plants over Europe
- Hot spots, hot moments and time-span of changes in drivers and their responses on carbon cycling in Europe
- Looking for Similarities Between Lowland (Flash) Floods
- Mapping CO2 emission in highly urbanized region using standardized microbial respiration approach
- Measuring profiles of turbulence with two coupled acoustic Doppler current profilers
- Modeling Gross Primary Production of Savanna Woodlands in Southern Africa Using MODIS Imagery and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux Tower Data
- Multi-model terrestrial and oceanic carbon exchange estimates from data assimilation in GEOCARBON
- Response and Sensitivity of the Nocturnal Boundary Layer Over Land to Added Longwave Radiative Forcing
- Sampling uncertainties of precipitation estimates from GPM using a climatological radar rainfall data set
- Sediment discharge division at two tidally influenced river bifurcations
- Simulating a Lowland Flash Flood in a Long-term Experimental Watershed with 7 Standard Hydrological Models
- State updating of a distributed hydrological model with Ensemble Kalman Filtering: Effects of updating frequency and observation network density on forecast accuracy
- Storage-Discharge Relationships in a Lowland Catchment in The Netherlands
- The recent carbon cycle balance of the northern hemisphere derived with CarbonTracker Europe
- Uncertainties in the CO2 budget associated to the diurnal variability of the boundary layer dynamics
- Uncertainty in biomass burning emission factors; assessing the impact on atmospheric CO mixing ratios
- Using 13CO2 as an extra carbon balance constraint in CarbonTracker
- Vulnerability of European and U.S. Electricity Supply to Climate Change
- Water Budget of the Cabauw Experimental Site for Atmospheric Research (CESAR), The Netherlands
- What can ice core data tell us about global-scale biomass burning rates?
- Year-round atmosphere-snowpack ozone exchanges at Summit, Greenland
- 30-year Dynamics of Terrestrial Vegetation Activity and the Relationship with Climatologies
- A New Computationally Frugal Method For Sensitivity Analysis Of Environmental Models
- Aerosols in the Convective Boundary Layer: Radiation Effects on the Coupled Land-Atmosphere System
- Conditional Monthly Weather Resampling Procedure for Operational Seasonal Water Resources Forecasting
- DROUGHT IN THE ANTHROPOCENE: what/who causes abnormally dry conditions? (Invited)
- Detecting biomass burning over Tropical Asia using IASI CO and GOSAT CO2
- Early warning by near-real time disturbance monitoring (Invited)
- Eco-region dependent lengthening of vegetation period over the past 30 years in Europe
- Global Assessment of Dryland Degradation Using Long-Term Earth Observation Data Sets of Precipitation and Vegetation Productivity
- Global Palaeoclimate Signals in Climate in groundwater: the past is the key to the future
- Global trends in future hydrological drought
- Hydrologic discovery through controlled experimentation, data analysis, and numerical and analytical modeling at the Landscape Evolution Observatory (Invited)
- Identification of changes in hydrological drought characteristics from a multi-model ensemble
- Influence of boundary layer dynamics and isoprene chemistry on the organic aerosol budget: a case study for a tropical forest and implications for the SE US
- Mechanistic simulation of the vertical soil organic matter profile
- Modelled suppression of boundary-layer clouds by plants in a CO2-rich atmosphere
- Multimodel Estimate of Global Water Resources Affected by Human Interventions and Climate Change
- Near-Surface Land-Atmosphere Coupling
- On noise specification in data assimilation schemes for improved flood forecasting using distributed hydrological models
- On the potential role of marine calcifiers in glacial-interglacial dynamics
- Plant adaptive behaviour in hydrological models (Invited)
- Process-Scale Modeling of Atmosphere-Snowpack Exchange of Nitrogen Oxides
- Quantifying and Parameterizing the Transport of Sub-Cloud Layer Moisture and Reactants by Shallow Cumulus Clouds over Land
- S-World: A high resolution global soil database for simulation modelling (Invited)
- Shifts in global vegetation activity dynamics?
- Simulating Land-Use Change using an Agent-Based Land Transaction Model
- Soil Contamination, Advanced integrated characterisation and time-lapse Monitoring, SoilCAM project highlights
- Surface Energy Balance: Lessons Learned from Modeling Simulations and Field Measurements at an Oak-grass Savanna in California
- Using the Time-Lagged Function of Dual-Aperture Scintillometer Measurements to Obtain the Crosswind
- A High Space-Time Resolution Dataset Linking Meteorological Forcing and Hydro-Sedimentary Response in a Mesoscale Mediterranean Catchment (Auzon) of the Ardèche Region, France
- Access to Global Land Cover Reference Datasets and Their Suitability for Different User Communities
- Autogenic Scour and Channel Widening in Sharp Bends of the River Mahakam
- Calibration of the Variable Infiltration Capacity Model from Hyper-Resolution to the Regional Scale
- Changes in U.S. Temperature Extremes under Increased CO2 in Millennial-scale Climate Simulations
- Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture and Food Security in 2050 under a Range of Plausible Socioeconomic and Emissions Scenarios
- Comparative Accuracy Assessment of Global Land Cover Datasets Using Existing Reference Data
- Compound-specific stable isotope analysis of pesticides: a combined monitoring and modeling approach to assess pesticide fate and degradation at catchment scale
- Drought Definitions Revisited
- Early warning for global change-induced critical degradation of Amazonia: science and a blue-print for implementation from the AMAZALERT project
- Empowering European communities to improve natural resource management for human well-being: the OPPLA web portal & communities of practice
- Human Impacts on Tides Overwhelm the Effect of Sea Level Risee on Extreme Water Levels in the Rhine-Meuse Delta
- Impact of Predicted Changes in Rainfall and Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide on Maize and Wheat Yields in the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia
- Influence of Dynamics and Chemistry on the Diurnal Variation of VOCs in the Planetary Boundary Layer above a Mixed Forest Canopy in the Southeastern United States
- Long-term CO<SUB>2</SUB> rise has increased photosynthetic efficiency and water use efficiency but did not stimulate diameter growth of tropical trees
- Modelling the interplay between global and regional drivers on Amazon deforestation
- Modulation of Leaf Economic Traits and Rates by Soil Properties, at Global Scale
- Monitoring of the Canadian Oil Sands from the Aura Satellite
- Morphological Assessment of Reconstructed Lowland Streams in the Netherlands
- New estimates of temperature response of leaf photosynthesis in Amazon forest trees, its acclimation to mean temperature change and consequences for modelling climate response to rain forests.
- Quantifying Uncertainties in Rainfall Maps from Cellular Communication Networks
- Shallow cumulus rooted in photosynthesis
- Strengthening of Mega-Heatwaves Driven By Soil Desiccation and Atmospheric Heat Build-up
- Study of Water Horizontal Redistribution in Soil
- The Effect of Rainfall Measurement Technique and Its Spatiotemporal Resolution on Discharge Predictions in the Netherlands
- The Real Drought Uncovered
- The Sensitivity of Wet and Dry Tropical Forests to Climate Change in Bolivia
- The Stratospheric Contribution to Tropospheric Ozone Variability and Trends
- The Wageningen Lowland Runoff Simulator (WALRUS): a Novel Open Source Rainfall-Runoff Model for Areas with Shallow Groundwater
- The ecological consequences of biochar application to grasslands.
- Three Years of Country-Wide Rainfall Maps from Cellular Communication Networks
- Top-down constraints on disturbance dynamics in the terrestrial carbon cycle: effects at global and regional scales
- Towards the Development and Validation of a Global Field Size and Irrigation Map using Crowdsourcing, Mobile Apps and Google Earth Engine in support of GEOGLAM
- Turbulent Fluxes of Suspended Sediment from Coupled Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers
- Uncertainty in Coastal Inundation Mapping: A Probabilistic Approach
- Using LiDAR, RADAR, and Optical data to improve a NFMS in Kalimantan, Indonesia
- Wageningen Urban Rainfall Experiment 2014 (WURex14): Experimental Setup and First Results
- A Comparison of Process-Scale Modeling and Measurements of Atmosphere-Snowpack Exchange of Nitrogen Oxides at Summit, Greenland
- A High Space-Time Resolution Dataset Linking Meteorological Forcing and Hydro-Sedimentary Response in a Mesoscale Mediterranean Catchment (Auzon) of the Ardèche Region, France
- A Lagrangian Assimilation System for North American Carbon Flux Estimates
- Assessing Local Land-Atmosphere Coupling from a Global Land Data Assimilation Reanalysis
- Continent-Wide Decrease of Stomatal Conductance in Vegetation During Large Droughts of the Recent Decade
- Contribution of long-term accounting for raindrop size distribution variations on quantitative precipitation estimation by weather radar: Disdrometers vs parameter optimization
- Do We Need Larger Eddy Covariance Site Networks? Sites Spatial Distribution and Network Size Effect on Carbon and Water Fluxes Upscaling Using Empirical Models
- Drought and Snow: Analysis of Drivers, Processes and Impacts of Streamflow Droughts in Snow-Dominated Regions
- Estimation of Global Methane Emissions for 2000-2012 using the CarbonTracker Europe-CH<SUB>4</SUB> Data Assimilation System
- Flexibility in Flood Management Design: Proactive Planning Under Climate Change Uncertainty
- Global Freshwater Thermal Pollution from Steam-Electric Power Plants with Once-Through Cooling Systems
- Impact of Spatial Resolution and Forcing on the Simulation of Drought and Floods
- Improving Hydrologic Prediction at the Basin Scale through State Updating
- Influence of Fossil Fuel Emissions on CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux Estimation by Atmospheric Inversions
- Investigating Ecohydrology and Connectivity Thresholds along a Precipitation Gradient in Australia
- Liquid Water and Vapor Flow in Arid Soil: Comparison of Weighing Lysimeter Data with Simulations from a Process-Based Model
- Millennial-scale hard rock erosion rates deduced from luminescence-depth profiles
- Parameter Transferability Across Spatial and Temporal Resolutions in Hydrological Modelling
- Precipitation Response to Land Cover Changes in the Netherlands
- Rapid increases in tropospheric ozone production and export from China: A view from AURA and TM5
- Recent Variations in the Global Carbon Balance Derived with CarbonTracker Europe for 2000-2014
- Reconstructing Land Use History from Landsat Time-Series. Case study of Swidden Agriculture Intensification in Brazil
- Response of the Amazon Carbon Balance to the 2010 Drought Derived with CarbonTracker South America
- Soil Warming and Fertilization Effects on Growth Ring Widths of Arctic Shrubs - Application of a Novel Dendroecological Approach.
- Stomatal and Aerodynamic Controls of Transpiration and Evaporation over Amazonian Landscapes
- The impact of European forests on cloud cover: an observation-based study
- Variable Source Watershed Model for Reducing Dissolved Phosphorus Concentrations in Surface Waters
- Anthropogenic Heat Flux Estimation from Space: Results of the first phase of the URBANFLUXES Project
- Application of a GCM Ensemble Seasonal Climate Forecasts to Crop Yield Prediction in East Africa
- Assessing the impacts of 1.5°C of global warming - The Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP) approach
- Carbon Legacy of Forest Degradation Foregone: can Europe's Forests Contribute to Deep Decarbonization?
- Community-based Monitoring of Water Resources in Remote Mountain Regions
- Continental scale data assimilation of discharge and its effect on flow predictions across the contiguous US (CONUS)
- Decadal changes in global surface NOx emissions from multi-constituent satellite data assimilation
- Direct N<SUB>2</SUB>O Fluxes from Agroecosystems in Cold Climates: Importance of Soil Freeze-Thaw
- Effect of permafrost thaw on carbon fluxes, litter decomposition and ecohydrology in a sub-arctic peatland: increased uncertainty from transitional dynamics
- First Applications of the New Parallel Krylov Solver for MODFLOW on a National and Global Scale
- First-Year Evaluation of GPM-Rainfall over the Netherlands: IMERG Day 1 Final Run (V03D)
- Flexibility in flood management design: proactive planning under uncertainty
- How to Define Future Streamflow Drought in Glacierized Catchments? A Case Study in Alaska and Norway
- Inverting Ground-Based Polarisation Lidar Measurements to Retrieve Cloud Microphysical Properties over Ascension Island
- Model Meets Data: Challenges and Opportunities to Implement Land Management in Earth System Models
- Modelling and Forecasting of Rice Yield in support of Crop Insurance
- Multiple stable states of tree cover due to a fire - vegetation feedback
- Multiscale structure of meanders
- Paired Catchment Analysis of the Impact of Human Activities on Hydrological Drought around the World
- Phosphorus in global agricultural soils: spatially explicit modelling of soil phosphorus and crop uptake for 1900 to 2010
- Regional assimilation of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C surface data to assess terrestrial biosphere models under drought stress
- Resilience canvas: a heuristic tool for socio-hydrological management under change
- The Mekong's future flows under multiple driving factors: How future climate change, hydropower developments and irrigation expansion drive hydrological changes?
- Tropical Tree Trait Diversity Enhances Forest Biomass Resilience in a Dynamic Global Vegetation Model
- Using remote sensing time series to model the impact of changing flooding regimes on riparian vegetation in Australia's most important river basin
- Validating Luminescence Dating for the Ganges Brahmaputra Meghna Delta
- Water Mixing Dynamics inferred via Thermal Infrared Imagery: Laboratory and Field Observations
- `spup' - An R Package for Analysis of Spatial Uncertainty Propagation and Application to Trace Gas Emission Simulations
- (How) Can We Use Satellite Data to Estimate Effects of Extreme Drought on Photosynthesis?
- <SUB> Evaluating repeated temperature-depth observations to assess the fate of warm discontinuous permafrost in the hydrogeologically active source area of the Yellow River, China</SUB>
- Amazon rainforest responses to elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB>: Deriving model-based hypotheses for the AmazonFACE experiment
- Anatomy of simultaneous flood peaks at a lowland confluence
- Carbon balance variability in the Amazon Basin with climate change based on regular atmospheric profiling of greenhouse gases
- Citizen Science to Support Community-based Flood Early Warning and Resilience Building
- Climate reconstruction from borehole temperatures influenced by groundwater flow
- Coupling Adaptation Tipping Points and Engineering Options: New Insights for Resilient Water Infrastructure Replacement Planning
- Do distributaries in a delta plain resemble an ideal estuary? Results from theKapuas Delta,Indonesia
- First Evaluation of Rainfall Derived from Commercial Microwave Links in São Paulo, Brazil
- Future hotspots of increasing temperature variability in tropical countries
- Global River Water Temperature Modelling at Hyper-Resolution
- Global importance of soil freeze-thaw induced emissions of nitrous oxide from croplands
- Impacts of Climate Change on Water Requirements of Dry Season Boro Rice: Recent Trends and Future Scenarios
- Leaf-level to Canopy Exchange of NO<SUB>x</SUB> and Ozone in a Forest at the University of Michigan Biological Station
- Measuring resilience of coupled human-water systems using ecosystem services compatible indicators
- Modelling effects of forest disturbance history on carbon balance: a deep learning approach using Landsat-time series.
- Non-equilibrium flow and sediment transport distribution over mobile river dunes
- RAINLINK: Retrieval algorithm for rainfall monitoring employing microwave links from a cellular communication network
- Representing biophysical landscape interactions in soil models by bridging disciplines and scales.
- Setting Age Limits for TT-OSL Dating - the Local Effect
- Simulating the Impacts of Climate Extremes Across Sectors: The Case of the 2003 European Heat Wave
- Soil Nutrient Stocks in Sub-Saharan Africa: Modeling Soil Nutrients Using Machine Learning
- The Impact of Soil Properties on Valley-Bottom Gully Form, Northwest Highlands of Ethiopia.
- The capacity of radar, crowdsourced personal weather stations and commercial microwave links to monitor small scale urban rainfall
- The critical role of the routing scheme in simulating peak river discharge in global hydrological models
- Tides Stabilize Deltas until Humans Interfere
- Toward Continental-scale Rainfall Monitoring Using Commercial Microwave Links From Cellular Communication Networks
- Towards Understanding Soil Forming in Santa Clotilde Critical Zone Observatory: Modelling Soil Mixing Processes in a Hillslope using Luminescence Techniques
- Transport of sediment through a channel network during a post-fire debris flow
- Understanding the drivers of the future water gap in the Indus-Ganges-Brahmaputra basins
- Amazon rainforest responses to elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> hinge on plant phosphorus use and acquisition: model-based hypotheses for the AmazonFACE experiment.
- Analyses of Physical Processes Driving FLS Life Cycle Based on Large-Eddy Simulations and Detailed Remote Sensing Measurements
- Assessment of Needed Increases in Nitrogen Use Efficiencies to Meet Crop Production and Environmental Goals at Continental Scale
- Building Resilience to Chronic Landslides in Nepal through Citizen Science
- CLASS4GL: A new tool to investigate land-atmosphere interactions based on global balloon soundings
- Catchment characterization through hydrograph rising limb analysis: results from a laboratory experiment
- Clastic Dikes as a Possible Paleo-Earthquake Indicator in the Bengal Basin
- Climate and Functional Traits Drive Mortality of Amazonian Rainforest Trees
- Cryohydrogeology - Is Groundwater a Catalyst for Arctic Change?
- Distributed hydrologic modelling of the Rhine river: towards high resolution calibration-free hydrological models with seamless large-domain parameter estimates
- Dual-polarization radar clutter detection and removal
- Ensemble distributions of particle hop distance and travel time over equilibrium Dunes
- Geostatistical Approach to Rainfall Mapping from Commercial Microwave Links
- Global 3D Simulations of the Triple Oxygen Isotope Signature Δ<SUP>17</SUP>O in Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Global methane budget by inversion modelling utilising δ<SUP>13</SUP>C-CH<SUB>4</SUB> observations in CarbonTracker Europe - CH<SUB>4</SUB>
- High-precision measurements of the effect of photosynthesis on Δ<SUP>17</SUP>O of CO<SUB>2 </SUB>
- How Simultaneous Occurrence of Heavy Rainfall and Wet Initial Conditions Leads to Peak Discharges
- How do Tides Propagate up Rivers with a Sloping Bed?
- How model parameters control hydrological drought simulation in three different hydrological models
- In Search of Compensation Points - Leaf-Level Exchange of Nitrogen Oxides and Ozone for Selected Tree Species at a North America Temperate Forest
- Increasing future human-induced nitrogen exports to rivers and sea in the Zambezi river basin
- Influence of coastal morphology on river discharge division and tidal energy transport at tidal junctions in the Kapuas River, Indonesia
- Landslide EVO: Citizen Science and Sensor Networks for Landslide Risk Reduction and Resilience Building
- Legacy versus adequacy in hydrological modelling
- Long-term Experimental Watershed Infrastructure Facilitates Novel Advancements in Semiarid Catchment Hydrology through Multi-Agency Collaboration
- Mountain Water Resources from High Mountain Asia Crucial for Downstream Agriculture
- Nitrogen Budgets at Farm Level: Nitrogen Use Efficicency and Other Indicators for Characterizing Farm Performance
- Nitrogen-induced New Production and Carbon Sequestration in Global Forests
- Olivine weathering, the release of Nickel and practical implications for CO<SUB>2</SUB> sequestration
- On the role of upwind land-atmosphere feedbacks during the 2010 Russian heatwave
- Parameterizing raindrop size distributions using microwave links
- Predicting deltaic morphological change on a global scale
- Quality of rainfall data collected from citizen weather stations: automated detection of unobserved rainfall
- Quantifying Hot-spot Methane Emissions Using a UAV-based Active AirCore System
- Reconstructing the Fluvial History of the Paleo-Ganges Delta Plain
- Revisiting the Amazon forest dieback hypothesis: Estimating potential forest loss and socio-economic impacts
- Sediment transport distribution at the transition of dunes to upper stage plane bed
- Substantial reductions in cloud cover and moisture transport by dynamic plant responses
- The EUROCOM project: A collaborative reanalysis of European CO2 fluxes over the period 2006-2015
- The Hydrological Application of Radar Rainfall Nowcasting in the Netherlands
- The influence of vegetation on shallow soil and air temperature coupling: a Pan-Arctic data synthesis
- The large impact of the 2015/2016 El Niño on the carbon and water balance of the Amazon derived from sun-induced fluorescence observations and modeling
- The role of globalizing livestock supply chains in the disruption of global nitrogen cycles
- Thermal Habitat Restoration in Urban Areas: how Specific Thermal Drivers can Offset the Restoration Outcomes.
- Toward large-scale rainfall monitoring using microwave links from cellular communication networks
- Towards a Global Monitoring of Land-Surface Phenology Processes using Dense Time-Series of Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 Images
- Uncertainties associated with microwave link rainfall estimates in an urban environment: Insights from an experimental setup in the Melbourne CBD
- Understanding environmental and physiological controls of the leaf COS:CO<SUB>2</SUB> uptake relationship for better photosynthesis estimates
- Unexpected slowdown of US pollutant emission reduction in the past decade
- Urban rainfall monitoring with opportunistic sensing: accuracy of personal weather stations and commercial microwave links in describing small scale rainfall
- Using atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> observations from site level and retrievals from a space-born sensor in soil carbon model evaluation at global scale
- Visualisation and communication of hydrological data to support risk reduction and resilience building against flooding and landslides
- Water quality-driven water scarcity for energy and food production under climate variability and change
- A new TROPOMI product for tropospheric NO<SUB>2</SUB> columns over East Asia with explicit aerosol corrections
- Amazon Carbon Balance and its Sensitivity to climate and human-driven changes
- Application of unmanned aerial vehicles for atmospheric sampling: a numerical experiment by large-eddy simulation
- Assessment of involuntary resettlement related to dam building: Languages of valorization and outcomes of water resource development projects in Thailand
- Assessment of nitrogen balance and benchmarks for sustainable N management in the main cropping systems of China
- Atmosphere-Ocean Interactions and their Footprint on Heat Transport Variability in the Northern Hemisphere
- Automatic quality control for rainfall monitoring with crowdsourced personal weather stations
- Citizen science in schools: Environmental education and empowerment in a remote region of western Nepal
- Climate impact on US Potato yield, water demand and nutrient uptake
- Copernicus Global Land Cover Service - Elastic, Operational Land Cover Mapping at Global Scale using Time Series Analysis
- Coupled climate and surface process signals in the stratigraphic record of an alpine sedimentary basin of the Northern Patagonian Ice Field
- Credit System to Solve Agriculture Induced Nitrogen Pollution Globally
- Data usage practices and network design for in-situ atmospheric carbon cycle observations revisited
- Dynamic lag effects of climate and vegetation on biosphere-atmosphere CO<SUB>2</SUB> exchange: a global analysis
- ERA-Interim vs ERA-5 Hydrology Comparison
- ET-DATA: an extensive field campaign to investigate evapotranspiration enhanced by advection in the hyper-arid Andean plateau
- Effect of non-migrating bars on the dune dynamics in a sand-bed lowland river
- Energy constraints for evaporation of well-watered grass
- Evaluation of WRF and HARMONIE models simulating a period with radiation and cloud-base-lowering fog events
- From global circulation to local flood loss: Coupling models acrossthe scales
- High-resolution global water temperature modelling
- How Reincarnating Landslides Affect Susceptibility and Hazard Patterns
- Impacts of the 2018 drought in Europe: a multi-scale perspective from in-situ, remote-sensing and modelling datasets
- Investigating the contribution of different CH<SUB>4</SUB> sources to global CH<SUB>4</SUB> budget utilising CH<SUB>4</SUB> and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C-CH<SUB>4</SUB> observations in atmospheric inverse modelling
- Land Use, Soil Moisture and Surface Fluxes Relations at two Different Areas: Analysis from In Situ data, Satellite data and Mesoscale Simulations
- Learning from the past: what paleo ice extents can tell us about the future
- Linking vegetation and surface energy balance across a range of climatic and ecohydrological conditions
- Local land-atmosphere interactions: Exploring the terrestrial leg with "little omega"
- Measurements of flow and suspended sediment division at two asymmetric bifurcations in a river delta
- Model Assessment and Validation of Ammonia Emissions at High Spatial and Temporal Resolution over Germany and Benelux
- Modeled Vs Measured NPP: Are Global Satellite Estimates of Forest NPP Appropriate Across the Terrain of Northern Rocky Mountain Forests?
- Monitoring Advection-Enhanced Evapotranspiration in a Semiarid Region Irrigated Field Using Eddy Covariance and Optical/microwave Scintillometers
- Morphology of a tidal river subject to uplift: introducing the Kapuas (East Kalimantan, Indonesia)
- Moving from drought hazard to impact forecasts
- Observations of low-angle dunes in shallow laboratory flow
- Opportunistic sensing in hydrometeorology
- Opportunistic sensing of rainfall using microwave links from cellular communication networks in Africa and Asia
- Overview of activities during the 2019 TROpomi vaLIdation eXperiment (TROLIX'19)
- Perceptions and impacts of gender inequality in the geosciences
- Plane-bed Instability at the Granular Scale
- Plastic debris in rivers
- Random forest to predict and forecast subsurface soil moisture in agricultural fields
- Shifts in Irrigation Water Demand and Supply Patterns during Critical Crop Growth Stages under Changing Impacts of Climate and Socio-Economic Dynamics in South Asia
- Spatial and Temporal Evaluation of Radar Rainfall Nowcasting Techniques for Twelve Catchments in the Netherlands
- TROPOMI on Sentinel 5 Precursor: A Unique View on Anthropogenic Emissions
- The Importance of Secondary Channels for Delta Plain Maintenance and Management
- The International Soil Modeling Consortium (ISMC) - New Opportunities for Advancing Data and Modeling of Soil Systems
- The added value of ERA5 reanalysis data for hydrological simulations
- The global carbon balance of forests based on flux towers and forest age data
- The trait-rate linkage: How well do structural and hydraulic traits predict interspecific differences in response to drought?
- Understanding tropical deforestation drivers to develop land use specific carbon emission factors
- Using a deep learning model for improving rainfall retrieval from commercial microwave links
- Water productivity of potato in irrigated agriculture with furrow and sprinkler system - Implications for water saving and food security in Uzbekistan, Central Asia.
- Water storage capacities in the unsaturated root-zone: a key to estimate root-zone soil moisture from remotely-sensed near-surface soil moisture
- A first method to detect and monitor seasonal dynamics of Water Hyacinth and it's plastic density using optical Satellite Data
- Amazon Plays an Important Climatic Role and Deforestation is Promoting Important Changes and a Consequent Increase in the Carbon Balance
- Assessing changes of anthropogenic footprint on water-limited ecosystems
- Assessing future changes in Alpine flash floods using convection permitting climate models and high resolution distributed hydrological models
- Assessing future shifts in the water supply sources of South Asian irrigated agriculture using a coupled high-resolution cryosphere-hydrology-crop model
- Building and Raising Land: Mud and Vegetation Effects in Infilling Estuaries
- Can Model Structure Families Be Inferred from Model Output?
- Climatology of monsoonal rainstorm events over the Lower Mekong Region: A regional analysis using a spatiotemporal Object-based rainfall method for GPM-IMERG
- CloudRoots: Integration of advanced instrumental techniques and process modelling of sub-hourly and sub-kilometre land-atmosphere interactions
- Clouds and Convective Self Aggregation in a Multi Model Ensemble of Radiative Convective Equilibrium Simulations
- Competition Between Little Channels and Big Earthquakes to Drive River Avulsion Timescales
- Consolidated synthesis of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB> and N<SUB>2</SUB>O time series 1990-2018 for EU27 and UK
- Determining Fog Frequency and Stratocumulus Cloud Vertical Structure Combining a Ground Optical Fog Observation System (GOFOS) with a Thermodynamic Characterization of the Marine Boundary Layer
- Divergence in Quantifying Terrestrial Fluxes of Carbon in Global Carbon Budgets
- Dynamics of a Coupled Human-Natural System Revealed through Combined Archaeological and Deltaic Landscape Chronologies
- Efficient and Accurate Long-Term One-Dimensional Morphodynamic Simulations in Alluvial Rivers Using Simplified Models - From Theory to Praxis
- Evaluation of the GPM IMERG-Late precipitation product and its constituents over the Netherlands
- Evaporation measurements with an Optical-Microwave Scintillometer system over a saline lake in the Atacama Desert
- Evolution of the winter mixed layer observed during MOSAiC
- Filling the soil data gap
- Financial Feasibility Constrains Water Conservation in Agriculture on the Indo-Gangetic Plain
- From meteorological to reservoir drought: The influence of a dense network of unmonitored small reservoirs on drought evolution in a semiarid region
- Global controls of environmental and land surface conditions on forest carbon stock dynamics
- Incorporating functional diversity into the Energy Land Model (ELM) substantially influences terrestrial carbon uptake
- Intertidal Floodplain Controls on Centennial-Scale Morphological Channel Development
- Large-scale high-resolution groundwater modelling
- Mechanistic Ocean-Atmosphere exchange of trace gases in Polar-WRF-Chem: Implications for Arctic surface ozone
- Model Decisions and Model Cultures
- Modeling reactive solute transport in permafrost-affected groundwater systems
- Observations of dunes and larger scale bedforms in the fluvial to tidal transition zone of the Lower Meghna delta, Bangladesh
- Opportunistic Rainfall Nowcasting with Commercial Microwave Link Data
- Particle Collisions Control Stable Bed Configuration Under Weak Bedload Transport Conditions
- Plastic in Global Rivers: Are Floods Making it Worse?
- Quantification of methane emissions from a dairy cow farm in the Netherlands
- Quantifying Errors in FAO Crop Reference Estimates Toward Algorithm Improvement
- Rainfall Estimation Using Commercial Microwave Links: Case Study for Sri Lanka
- Rapidly migrating secondary bedforms persist in the lee of slowly migrating primary dunes in a sand-bed river
- Reprocessing scintillometer data to describe evapotranspiration fluxes in a semi-arid region: analysis of the effectiveness of different theoretical methods
- Riverbank macrolitter in the Dutch Rhine-Meuse delta
- Same but different: A framework to design and compare riverbank macroplastic monitoring strategies.
- Scale-dependent morphodynamic evolution of river dunes
- Shallow Cloud Field Organisation has Four Interpretable Dimensions
- Six years of atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB> and CO at the Amazon Tall Tower Observatory: a new opportunity to study processes on seasonal and inter-annual scales
- Societal Transformations in Models for Energy and Climate Policy: The Ambitious Next Step
- The potential of Sentinel-2 and -1 for upscaling GEDI LiDAR sampling of vegetation height at global and ecosystem-level
- Towards a multiscale crop modelling framework for climate change adaptation assessment
- Uncovering dryland woody dynamics using optical, microwave, and field data: Prolonged above-average rainfall paradoxically contributes to woody plant die-off in the western Sahel
- Unraveling Effects of Reservoir Operation on Daily Flow Regime in Thailand Using a Distributed Hydrological Model with Global Data
- Advancing understanding of plant-drought interactions in North American ecosystems
- Are Internal Dynamics Responsible for the Late Paleocene and the Early Eocene Hyperthermals?
- Boron Adsorption and Competition with Phosphate in a Volcanic Ash-derived Soil
- Bridging Worlds in Bedform Research with an Open Access, Universal Toolbox: the Bedform Analysis Toolbox
- Bridging science and society: Co-developing tailor-made climate information services for sustainable agriculture in the Global South
- Classical Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches for Global 10m Land Cover
- Constraining photosynthesis using carbonyl sulfide (COS) and CO2 fluxes and their isotopes.
- Costs and Benefits of Remediating Human Exposure to Arsenic and Fluoride from an Over-exploited Aquifer in an Agricultural Basin
- Coupling GPROF precipitation estimates and DPR reflectivity profiles over the Netherlands to (reflectivity) observations obtained from ground-based dual-polarization radars.
- Developing a Global Crop Nutrient Removal Database
- Drivers of Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico Mangroves Recovery After Tropical Cyclone Disturbance
- ESA WorldCover: Global land cover mapping at 10 m resolution for 2020 based on Sentinel-1 and 2 data.
- Estimating start and end of carbon uptake period with reduced uncertainty from time-series of atmospheric CO2 concentrations.
- European-wide nitrogen input from irrigation water sources: Implications and outlook for nutrient management
- Evapotranspiration with Time-Since-Wildfire Estimated from Remote Sensing and Validated with Eddy Covariance Data
- Exploring Overland Plastic Transport Processes
- Feedbacks between sea-level rise, groundwater flow, and permafrost extent in the coastal zone
- Fire Severity and Carbon Combustion in Larch Forest Ecosystems of Northeast Siberia
- Flooded with Plastics: Riverine Plastic Emission from Accra into the Ocean.
- Hydrology and society: Phenomena emerging from the interactions and feedbacks between human and water systems
- Implementation of Vegetation and Soil Carbonyl Sulfide Exchanges in the ORCHIDEE Land Surface Model to Better Constrain Ecosystem Gross Primary Productivity
- In is not Out: Closing the Floating Macroplastic Mass Balance for The Hong-Duong Bifurcation in The Red River, Vietnam
- Investigating Expanding Air Pollution and Climate Change on the African Continent
- Lagging Response of Belowground Functional Traits to Environmental Cues in a Mature Amazonian Tropical Rainforest
- Land-surface and Boundary-layer Evolution and the Associated Modelling Framework from the LIAISE Campaign.
- Livelihood resilience at the district level under different water management regimes for agricultural development in the flood-based areas of Vietnamese Mekong Delta
- Machine learning based index insurance in Europe
- Managing the Significant Knowledge Gaps in Fluvial Transport and Behavior of Microplastics
- Mismatches in Central Planning and Ground Implementation of Policies on Climate Change Adaptation. A Case Study in the Actively Living With Floods Approach in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta
- Natural and human-made diversions of flow and sediment toward side channels in lowland rivers
- Observations and analysis of estuarine mixing dynamics influenced by floodgates and varying bathymetry
- Optimization of RTE+RRTMGP-C++: a CUDA implementation of the radiation package RTE+RRTMGP for atmospheric science.
- Overcoming oceans of ignorance: What you should know about plastic waste before it enters the sea
- Plastic accumulation zone identification in river systems
- Plastic plants: Exploring the role of water hyacinths on riverine macroplastic transport and dispersion
- Potential Influences of Rising Non-linearity in Catchment Storage-Discharge Relationships as the Extent of Frozen Ground Decreases
- Pursuing sustainable nitrogen management following the 5 Ps principles: Production, People, Planet, Policy and Partnerships
- Quantifying Trade-Offs between Water and Food Security due to Future Land-Use Changes in the Indus Basin
- Quantifying hydraulic roughness from field data: can dune morphology tell the whole story?
- Quantifying wind shear effects on the dimensions of shallow cumulus clouds over the Amazon
- Radar Rainfall Nowcasting for Hydrologic Forecasting: Evaluating 1000+ Events in the Netherlands
- Science and Governance Implications of Low Environmental Impact Outdoors Solar Geoengineering Experiments
- Sedimentology and Geomorphology of Fluvio-tidal and Tidal-dominated Meanders in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta in Bangladesh
- Spoilt for Choice When to Use Which Bedform Identification Tool for What Purpose?
- Subsidence in deltas; quantifying spatial variability and temporal non-linearity of natural and anthropogenic processes
- Terrestrial Microwave Links for Ground Validation of Space-Based Precipitation Observations: Potential and Limitations
- The Irrigation Frontline Examining Land Use Change and Resource Rights Fueling the Michoacan Berry Boom
- The Role of Recruitment in Scientific Hydrological Model development and Use: An Analysis of Vacancies
- The global vulnerability of plant xylem
- Understanding the Co-existence of Two Bedform Scales: their Morphology and Interdependence across Time and Space.
- Urban Water Storage Capacity Inferred from Observed Evapotranspiration Recession
- Using MIPAS satellite data and NOAA surface observations to constrain the global budget of carbonyl sulfide (COS)
- A Simple Experimental Approach to Using Surface Depression Storage Information from High-Resolution Data for Upscaled P2P Modelling
- An Observation Constrained World Water Map of Water Scarcity Hotspots
- Channel-shoal sediment exchange caused by tidal and subtidal flows
- Combat relative sea-level rise at global scale- Presenting the International Panel on Land Subsidence (IPLS)
- Comparison of Isoprene+NO3 Chemical Mechanisms at Atmospheric Night-Time Conditions in Chamber Experiments at SAPHIR: Evidence of Epoxy Production and Unimolecular RO2 Decomposition
- Connecting communities with the coastal zone, from land to sea
- Constraining tropical tree growth sensitivity to CO2 fertilization and climate variability
- Does the effect of sediment retention and bottomset accumulation lead the linearly prograding deltaic shoreline?
- Dynamics of Carbonyl Sulfide Ecosystem Fluxes at a Boreal Forest, Wetland and River and an African Sisal Plantation
- Estimating Tidal Parameters from Cross-sectional ADCP Data in Estuarine Environments
- Evaluating Nature-based Solutions Aimed at Soil Carbon Sequestration Through Land Use Change
- Evaluation of Carbonyl Sulfide Potential to Constrain Carbon and Water Fluxes of Boreal Evergreen Needleleaf Forests through Data Assimilation in a Land Surface Model
- How do Digital Elevation Models affect the Assessment of Present and Future Flooding Risk? - The Case of the Ayeyarwady Delta, Myanmar
- Impact of mesophyll diffusion on carbonyl sulfide (OCS) fluxes in global terrestrial ecosystems
- Into uncharted territories - Subsidence along Africa's Gulf of Guinea coast?
- Linear Stability Analysis Put into Practice for River Bed Waves with Lengths larger than the Water Depth
- Long-Term Vertical Accretion and Subsidence Rates within Paleo-Environments of the Mid-Barataria Diversion Receiving Basin, Louisiana, USA.
- Modelling Light Exposure History for Tracing Coastal Sand Nourishment Dispersal
- Requirements to measurements and auxiliary information for improvement and field validity of Pedo Transfer Functions for land surface models.
- Sediment Transport Dynamics in a Fluvial System with Multiscale Bedforms.
- Spatial Variability in Dune Morphology is driven by Local Flow Patterns
- The Coincidence of Climate Extremes with Sensitive Crop Growth Phases: Projected Impact on Crop Production and Sustainable Crop Water Use in the IGB River basins
- The Potential of the Planned Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion (Mississippi Delta) as a Blue Carbon Sink
- The drivers of shallow mesoscale overturning circulations (SMOCs) in models and observations
- The spectral species concept: lights and shadows of a challenging idea
- Tidal Amplification and Enhanced Intrusion in Response to Land Reclamation
- Tracking Changes in CO2 Urban Emissions at Neighbourhoods Scale During the COVID-19 Waves Series and Beyond
- Warming or Cooling? The Impact of Extreme Summer Rainfall on Permafrost Soils
- Why do some rivers build deltas and others don't?
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A.J.F. Hoitink
- Aaron A. Mohammed
- Adam J. Burgasser
- Ahmad Jan
- Albert J. Kettner
- Alessio Sclocco
- Alexandra Hamm
- Aleya Kaushik
- Ana Bastos
- Andrew D. Ashton
- Andrew Frampton
- Anissa Vogel
- Appy Sluijs
- Artemi Cerdà
- Arthur Lutz
- Astrid Kiendler‐Scharr
- B. F. Ochoa‐Tocachi
- B. Vermeulen
- Barret L. Kurylyk
- Bart J. H. van Stratum
- Benjamin Gaubert
- Benjamin Poulter
- Brendan M. Rogers
- Cameron I. Ludemann
- Camille Abadie
- Chiel C. van Heerwaarden
- Christopher F. Brown
- Cibele Hummel do Amaral
- D. Medvigy
- D. P. Edwards
- David Lagomasino
- Dominik Brill
- Eiko Nemitz
- Elisa Savelli
- Fabienne Maignan
- Florian Hofhansl
- Florian Pappenberger
- Frank Flocke
- G. R. Miller
- G. Ricker
- Gabriele Pfister
- Gary N. Geller
- Geet George
- Georg Wohlfahrt
- Gerbrand Koren
- German Vargas G.
- Giuliano Di Baldassarre
- Guy Brasseur
- Harro Jongen
- Hendrik Fuchs
- Hermjan Barneveld
- Huilin Chen
- Ian T. Baker
- Ivan Mammarella
- J. B. Miller
- J. C. Rowland
- J. P. Veefkind
- J. P. Walsh
- J. S. Famiglietti
- Jaap H. Nienhuis
- Jan Jacob Keizer
- Jean‐Pierre Wigneron
- Jennifer Brooke
- Jeremy G. Venditti
- Jordi Vilà‐Guerau de Arellano
- Judith Zomer
- Julia Cisneros
- Julia Guimond
- Julia Marshall
- K. Kästner
- Katharina Seeger
- L. Bruhwiler
- Leon Scheiber
- Li Wang
- Li Xu
- Lieke Melsen
- Linda Bogerd
- Lola Fatoyinbo
- Lucas Joost Lourens
- Luis Lassaletta
- M. A. Walvoord
- M. Shirzaei
- Marc F. P. Bierkens
- Marc Simard
- Maria J. Santos
- Markus Reichstein
- Marlies Barendrecht
- Martin Janssens
- Martine van der Ploeg
- Maurizio Santoro
- Menno Veerman
- Michelle Farfán-Gutiérrez
- Nathan Thomas
- Niko Wanders
- Oliver Guinan
- Oscar J. Valverde‐Barrantes
- P. Artaxo
- P. R. Moorcroft
- Peter S.K. Knappett
- Petra Šímová
- Philip S. J. Minderhoud
- Pieter van Oel
- Pietro Teatini
- R. Uijlenhoet
- R. W. Bradley
- Rachel I. Albrecht
- Rebecca C. Scholten
- Reinier Schrijvershof
- Richard Wehr
- Ronald van der A
- Ruben Imhoff
- S. A. Montzka
- Sander Veraverbeke
- Sanita Dhaubanjar
- Sarah Hartman
- Simone Tilmes
- Sina Khatami
- Spyridon Paparrizos
- Steve W. Lyon
- Steven S. Brown
- Stuart Pearson
- Suleyman Naqshband
- T. Karl
- Tatiana A. Shestakova
- Tim van Emmerik
- Timo Vesala
- Tobias Dalhaus
- Torbjörn E. Tornqvist
- Victor Bense
- Walter W. Immerzeel
- William P. Hammond
- Wonsuck Kim
- Wouter Peters
- Xiangtao Xu