University of Victoria, Canada
flowchart I[University of Victoria, Canada] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (2)"] AW["Affiliated Works (750)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (197)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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- University of Victoria, Department of Physics and Astronomy
- University of Victoria, School of Earth and Ocean Sciences
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- 3-D Velocity Structure of Southwestern British Columbia and Northern Washington
- Coastal Fronts Offshore of Long Island Sound in the FRONT Network: Turbulence Hunting With an AUV
- Separating Secular Change and Climate Variability
- A 3-D Model of the Ocean Carbon Cycle: Sensitivity to Mixing Based on Bathymetry Roughness
- A 3-D Model of the Ocean Carbon Cycle: Sensitivity to the Biological Pump
- Can Indigenous and Introduced Bacteria Affect the Performance of an Engineered Barrier System in the Designated Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Repository?
- Detection of Anthropogenic Influence on Sea Level Pressure
- Dynamics of the Stable Carbon Isotope Composition of the Terrestrial Biosphere
- Implementation of a large-scale flow routing scheme in the Canadian Regional Climate Model (CRCM)
- Petrochemistry of Mafic Rocks Within the Northern Cache Creek Terrane, NW British Columbia, Canada
- Quantifying the Spatial Scale of Chemical Heterogeneity in the Ocean Crust: An Example from the Lava Sequence of the Troodos Ophiolite
- Seasonal Simulations over the Baltic Sea Region: Sensitivity to Convective and Boundary Layer Parameterizations.
- The Carbon and Hydrogen Kinetic Isotope Effects of Non-methane Hydrocarbons in Their Reactions with OH Radicals, Cl Atoms and Ozone
- The Thermohaline Structure and Evolution of the Deep Water in the Canada Basin, Arctic Ocean
- An Estimate of Fluid-Flux in Fast-Spreading East Pacific Rise Crust Exposed at Hess Deep
- Changes in the Stable Carbon Isotope Composition of Methane at the end of the Younger Dryas
- Constraining the Extent and Duration of Low Temperature Alteration in Pacific Ocean Crust
- Laboratory Studies of Stable Hydrogen Kinetic Isotope Effects for Reactions of Non-methane Hydrocarbons (NMHCs) With OH, Ozone, and Cl in the Gas Phase and Their Relevance for Studies of NMHCs in the Atmosphere
- A High-Resolution Record of Holocene Climate Variability from a Western Canadian Coastal Inlet
- Decadal Variations in Ecosystem, Biogeochemistry and Carbon Cycle in the Equatorial Pacific: A Model Study
- Earth Systems, Fish and Fishers: Global Dependence and a Not-so-Quiet Revolution
- In-situ Chemical Exploration and Mapping using an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
- Observing microscale fluorescence field in turbulence
- Shrimp Populations on Northwest Rota, an Active Volcano of the Mariana Volcanic Arc
- Changes in Land Vegetation and the Marine Carbon Cycle After a Breakdown of the Thermohaline Circulation
- Constraints on Late Glacial Methane Budgets From Stable Carbon Isotope Ratios
- Cooling Rate Constraints on Accretion of the ower oceanic crust
- Greenhouse Gas Exchange and Biogeochemistry of Fertilized Canadian Plantation Forests
- Millennial-Scale Variations of Nitrogen Isotopes and Export Proxies in the Subarctic Pacific During MIS 3: Evidence for an Oceanic Fertility Switch?
- Past and Future Changes in Biogenic Volatile Organic Compound Emissions Simulated with a Global Dynamic Vegetation Model
- Primitive cumulates in the upper-plutonics from the East Pacific Rise
- Sub-seafloor Structures and Heat Flow Measurements at the Ecuador-Colombia Subduction Margin: Preliminary Results From the R.V. L'Atalante AMADEUS Cruise.
- A High-Resolution, Geochemical Reconstruction of the PDO from the Eastern North Pacific During the Late Holocene
- Abrupt climate change and the carbon isotope composition of atmospheric methane
- Biogeochemical Response to Tropical Pacific Decadal Variability
- Destruction of the First Nations Village of Kwalate, Knight Inlet, British Columbia, by a Rockfall-Generated Tsunami
- Inferring climate sensitivity from volcanic events
- Isotopic Assessment of Hydrologic Variability in the Oil Sands Region of Alberta and Implications for Risk of Acidification
- Isotopic Offsets of Riverine Supplies to the Ocean vs. Inland Precipitation - Case Studies of Boreal and Arctic Rivers
- Large Oxygen Fluctuations in the Indian and Pacific Oceans Caused by Millennial-Scale Variations of North Atlantic Deep Water During the Last Glacial Period
- Magnetic Properties of Sediments from IODP Expedition 311 - Cascadia Margin Gas Hydrates: Records of Fossil Sulphate Methane Interface?
- Modelling Sediment Transport through the Mackenzie River System and Coastal Beaufort Sea
- Multiple Equilibria and Abrupt Transitions in Arctic Summer Sea Ice Extent
- NEPTUNE Canada Community Science Experiments
- Observations of Flatfish "Spas" From Three Hydrothermally Active Seamounts in the Mariana Arc
- Post-glacial Paleo-oceanographic and Paleo-climatic Conditions and Linkages Along the West Coast of Canada
- Precipitation Isotope-Climate Relations in the Canadian Arctic
- Projected strengthening of the Southern Ocean winds: some implications for the deep ocean circulation
- Radiocarbon Depletion in the Glacial North Pacific Abyss, and the Deglacial Ventilation Increase
- Stable Isotope Analysis of Carbon dioxide and methane in BC and Quebec Forest Soils
- The Hydrostatic Assumption in Internal Tide Generation Theory.
- The Probability Distribution of Sea Surface Wind Speeds
- The VENUS Cabled Seafloor Laboratory in Operation: Lessons Learned in the First Year
- A high-resolution, Holocene record of climate variability from the Eastern North Pacific
- Atmospheric oxygen levels, anaerobic methane oxidation, and the coupling of the global COS cycles by sulfate reduction
- Expert Judgments About Transient Climate Response and Climate Sensitivity
- Fault-controlled hydrothermal fluid flow at the EPR.
- 34S/32S and 18O/16O ratios of dissolved sulfate from interstitial water samples above gas hydrate bearing sediments of IODP Expedition 311, Cascadia
- Assessing the role of upwelling hydrothermal fluids in altering the upper ocean crust
- Bridging the Gap with the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium (PCIC)
- Convectively coupled equatorial waves in a simple multicloud model.
- Dispersion Bias, Dispersion Effect, and Aerosol-Cloud Conundrum
- Improvement and Evaluation of the Dust Emission Scheme in CCCma AGCM
- Limits to Tidal Power
- Low Oxygen and Ocean Acidification on the Vancouver Island Shelf
- Nearshore Circulation Over a Muddy Seafloor
- New constraints on the structure of Hess Deep from regional- and micro-bathymetry data acquired during RRS James Cook in Jan-Feb 2008 (JC021)
- Observed SWE trends and climate analysis for Northwest Pacific North America: validation for future projection of SWE using the CRCM and VIC
- Radiative fluxes as a function of cloud properties: A comparison between the CCCma AGCM4 and CERES
- Spatial variability in hydrothermal systems in fast-spreading crust: evidence from tectonic windows exposed at Pito and Hess Deeps
- Tropical-North Pacific Teleconnections: a mechanistic link between the strength of the Indian monsoon strength and the Aleutian Low.
- Wintertime Air-Sea Gas Transfer Rates and Air Injection Fluxes at Station Papa in the NE Pacific
- 18O/16O-ratios of dissolved sulfate: Insights from porewater modeling (Invited)
- Climate and Cryosphere (CliC) Project and its Interest in Arctic Hydrology Research
- Communicating Emerging Issues in Ocean Hypoxia (or Suffocating in Your Own Home)
- Community Climate Change Adaptation based on Past Trends and Future Projections
- Fluid/melt partitioning of Re, Mo, W, Tl and Pb in the system haplobasalt-H2O-Cl and the volcanic degassing of trace heavy metals
- Hydrologic response of Pacific Northwest river to climate change
- Ice-free conditions in north central British Columbia during the Last Glacial Maximum?
- The impacts of thawing permafrost on tundra lakes, Mackenzie Delta region, NWT, Canada. (Invited)
- Uncertainties in Hydrologic and Climate Change Impact Analysis in Major Watersheds in British Columbia, Canada
- Biodiversity of the Deep-Sea Benthic Fauna in the Sangihe-Talaud Region, Indonesia: Observations from the INDEX-SATAL 2010 Expedition
- Cameras on the NEPTUNE Canada seafloor observatory: Towards monitoring hydrothermal vent ecosystem dynamics
- Can Models Replicate Observed Temperature Trends Over the Past Decade? (Invited)
- Climate Change Impacts to Hydro Power Reservoir Systems in British Columbia, Canada: Modelling, Validation and Projection of Historic and Future Streamflow and Snowpack
- High-resolution diatom records of climate and hydrological variability over the last two millennia along coastal British Columbia (Canada)
- Hydrothermal Vents and Organic Falls in the Heart of the Coral Triangle: Chemosynthetic Communities Discovered via Telepresence in the Sangihe-Talaud Region, Northern Sulawesi, Indonesia
- INDEX - A New United States and Republic of Indonesia Partnership For Exploration of Indonesia's Seas: 2010 Initial Results Overview
- Interpreting the Latitudinal Structure of Differences Between Modeled and Observed Temperature Trends (Invited)
- Monitoring Endeavour vent field deep-sea ecosystem dynamics through NEPTUNE Canada seafloor observatory
- Monte Carlo Modelling Of Sea Ice Population Dynamics
- Nonlinearity of carbon cycle feedbacks
- Pacific CRYSTAL Teacher Professional Development Models: Lessons Learned
- Patterns of abrupt ecosystem change through the Holocene
- Refining predictions of relative sea-level change and vertical crustal motion from glacial isostatic adjustment in northern Canada: past, present, and future
- Stone Soup Projects: Using real-time resources and creative partnering to meet multiple needs
- Stratospheric temperature trends: History of our evolving understanding
- Submarine landslide triggered by eruption recorded by in-situ hydrophone at NW Rota-1 submarine volcano, Mariana Arc (Invited)
- The Role of Lateral Fluid Flow in Off-Axis, Oceanic Hydrothermal Systems Under Abyssal Sedimentation Conditions
- The effect of shoreline retrogressive thaw slumping on chlorophyll a, nutrient and light relationships in small tundra lakes
- Using stable isotope systematics and trace metals to constrain the dispersion of fish farm pollution
- Video Observations by Telepresence Reveal Two Types of Hydrothermal Venting on Kawio Barat Seamount
- Annual and Seasonal hydroclimatology of the Athabasca River in the context of major modes of climatic variability
- Changes in Hydrologic Conditions and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Circumpolar Regions due to Climate Change-Induced Permafrost Retreat
- Character and effect of convective moment transport on the evolution of Convectively Coupled Waves
- Dating low-temperature alteration of the upper oceanic crust
- Effects of shrub expansion on the hydrology of the western Canadian Arctic
- Evaluation of climate extremes in the CMIP5 model simulations
- How Climate Science got to be in the Next Generation Science Standards (Invited)
- Impact of projected climate change within two hydrologic regimes in British Columbia, Canada
- Late Holocene paleoenvironmental history of an anoxic basin on the central coast of British Columbia: Frederick Sound
- Modeling the evolution of Laurentide Ice Sheet surface mass balance across the last deglaciation
- Projections of the climate-forced deglaciation of western Canada using a regional glaciation model
- Reconciling hydrological models with geological constraints in the upper oceanic crust at ODP Holes 504B and 896A
- Reduced Future Precipitation Makes Permanence of Amazonian Carbon Sinks Questionable
- Regional projections of climate change using an Earth system model of intermediate complexity
- Robustly assessing the role of internal variability and forcing in recent warming
- Role of gas hydrates in slope failure on frontal ridge of northern Cascadia margin
- Smoluchowski Coagulation Models Of Sea Ice Thickness Distribution Dynamics
- Species-dependent silicon isotope fractionation in unialgal cultures of marine diatoms
- Subglacial topography and ice volume for western Canadian glaciers from a bed stress model and mass balance fields
- Synoptic Drivers of Bering Strait Wave States, Fall 2011
- Thawing of Massive Ground Ice in MEGA Slumps Drives Emergence of a New Fluvial Regime.
- A coarse grained stochastic particle interacting system for tropical convection
- An Intercomparison of Clouds and Radiation in CMIP5 Models Using MISR and ISCCP Simulators
- Antecedent Moisture Conditions and the Application to Runoff Prediction in a Low Relief Peatland
- Assessing the magnitude and timing of meltwater forcing from the Laurentide Ice Sheet during the early Holocene using in-situ cosmogenic radionuclide dates
- Captivating Broad Audiences with an Internet-connected Ocean
- Carbon-concentration and carbon-climate feedbacks in CMIP5 Earth system models
- Changes in Hydrologic Conditions and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Circumpolar Regions due to Climate Change-Induced Permafrost Retreat
- Climate Change Impacts on Precipitation Patterns and Water Storage in the High-latitude Dry Interior Climate of Northern Alberta, Canada
- Climatic Redistribution of Canada's Water Resources (CROCWR): An analysis of spatial and temporal hydrological trends and patterns in western Canada
- Climatic Redistribution of Canada's Water Resources (CROCWR): Spatial and temporal trends in hydro-climatic variables across Western Canada
- Climatic Redistribution of Canada's Water Resources (CROCWR): The role of synoptic climatology on rivers originating on the leeward slopes of the Rocky Mountains
- Data Assimilation with the Extended Cmam: Nudging to Re-Analyses of the Lower Atmosphere
- Development of Parameterizations of Tidal Mixing Using Numerical Process Studies
- Distributed All-Optical Sensor to Detect dCO2 in Aqueous Environments
- Effect of data coverage on the estimation of mean and variability of precipitation at global and regional scales
- Effect of fO2 on the incorporation and diffusivity of Li in olivine
- Evidence for Interaction Between Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf Water and the Large-scale Ocean Circulation
- Holocene Southwest Greenland Ice-Sheet Retreat Suggests Recent Ice Retreat Is A Response To Global Warming
- How and why are precipitation extremes changing?
- Identification and Frequency of Holocene Earthquakes from the Marine Sedimentary Records of Effingham Inlet and Other Pacific Ocean Fjords Along the West Coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
- Investigating the distribution of dissolved copper, zinc, silver and cadmium in the Pacific Ocean
- Modeling analysis of storm surge states at Nome, Alaska
- On the Energetics of Oceanic Mesoscale Eddies and their Parameterization Modified to Induce Diapycnal Mixing
- Overview of Bering/Chukchi Sea wave states for selected severe storms
- Projections of 21st century contribution of Alaska glaciers to rising sea level
- Seasonal Storminess in the North Pacific, Bering Sea, and Alaskan Regions
- Ship2Shore Marine Educators
- Stochastic and Deterministic Multicloud parameterizations for tropical convection
- Stochastic behaviour of tropical convection in observations and a multicloud model
- Summertime pCO2 in the Cumberland Sound in the eastern Arctic
- Temporal sequencing of annual spring runoff in major Arctic-draining rivers
- Uncertainty in Downscaling Extremes from Multiple Gridded Observations and Statistical Methods
- Uncertainty quantification, prediction and risk analysis of Dissolved Oxygen using fuzzy-numbers
- Wave Breaking Dissipation in Fetch-Limited Seas
- a Multivariate Approach to Optimize Subseafloor Observatory Designs
- A Dynamic Hydrologic Prediction System for the Fraser River Basin, Canada
- A Multi-Model Examination of Climate Extremes in an Idealized Geoengineering Experiment
- Application and evaluation of McICA scheme with new radiation code in BCC_AGCM2.0.1
- Development of a Seasonal Extratropical Cyclone Activity Outlook for the North Pacific, Bering Sea, and Alaskan Regions
- Effect of anthropogenic land-use and land cover changes on climate and land carbon storage in CMIP5 projections for the 21st century (Invited)
- Effects of rotation and mid-troposphere moisture on organized convection and convectively coupled waves
- Evaluation of climate extremes in the CMIP5 historical climate simulations (Invited)
- Exploring the Earth System through online interactive models
- Future Changes in Autumn Flood Type and Frequency in Pacific Northwest North America
- Grain Size Analyses of Neogene-Quaternary Sediments from the Arctic Coring Expedition
- Human and Natural Influences on the Changing Thermal Structure of the Atmosphere (Invited)
- IODP Expedition 345: Geochemical Characteristics of Fast Spread Lower East Pacific Rise
- New frontiers in H-Beta auroral photometry
- New statistical downscaling for Canada
- Northern Cascadia Seismicity From Ocean Floor Observations -- Campaign and Permanent Seismic Experiments
- Ocean Networks Canada's "Big Data" Initiative
- Ocean and Seafloor Dynamics From the Ocean Networks Canada VENUS and NEPTUNE Observatories
- Polluting Canada's Public Square: The Harper Government's War on Science and the Environment?
- Postseismic deformation associated with the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake (M9.0) based on terrestrial and seafloor geodetic observations
- Quantifying Glacier Sensitivities to Holocene Climate Change in the Southern Peruvian Andes
- Realistic Madden-julian Oscillation Initiation and Dynamics In A Coarse Resolution General Circulation Model
- Relative sea-level fluctuations since deglaciation in western North America
- Representation of Canadian Coastal Storm Activity by Commonly Used Global Reanalyses
- Some challenges in understand the causes of observed changes in precipitation extremes (Invited)
- The Geologic Nitrogen Cycle
- The MJO in a Coarse-Resolution GCM with a Stochastic Multicloud Parameterization
- The glaciological response of Black Rapids Glacier to the Denali earthquake rock avalanches
- The role of low temperature alteration of the oceanic crust in global carbon cycling
- The runaway Greenhouse revisited: it's "theoretically possible for an Earth-like planet at 1 AU", plus implications for more diverse planets
- The spatial and temporal distribution of oceanic dimethylsulfide and its effects on marine aerosols
- What kept early Earth warm? Examining a diverse range of greenhouse gases
- A 100-Year Retrospective Landscape-Level Carbon Budget for the Sooke Lake Watershed, British Columbia: Constraining Estimates of Terrestrial to Aquatic DOC Transfers.
- A New Diagnostic Turbulence Parameterization Scheme for Representing Diurnal Variations of the Boundary Layer Wind Speed PDF and Clouds in CANAM4 SCM
- A Tree-Ring Derived Reconstruction of Regionalized Low-Flow Season Streamflow for Susceptible Watersheds in South Coastal British Columbia, Canada.
- Abiotic Methane in Land-Based Serpentinized Peridotites: New Discoveries and Isotope Surprises
- An Intercomparison of Semi-Eulerian and Lagrangian Based Cyclone Tracking Methods for the North Pacific and Alaskan Regions
- Anthropogenic Influence on Multi-Decadal Changes in Hydrology of Western Canada
- Asymmetry in hydrologic response to climate change in Western North America - A Land-Atmosphere Interactions Perspective
- Atmospheric expansion in runaway greenhouse atmospheres: the inner edge of the habitable zone depends on planet mass
- Comparing Temperature and Precipitation Extremes Across Multiple Reanalyses and Gridded in Situ Observational Datasets
- Constraints in calculations of evaporative losses in arid climates using the stable isotope composition of water
- Continuous Seafloor Gas Hydrate Monitoring on the Ocean Networks Canada NEPTUNE Cabled Observatory
- Counter-intuitive Behavior of Subduction Zones: Weak Faults Rupture, Strong Faults Creep
- Effects of land cover change on evapotranspiration and streamflow of small catchments in the Upper Xingu River Basin, Central Brazi
- Estimation of Sea Ice Thickness through Maximum Covariance Analysis
- Evaluation of Gridded Snow Water Equivalent Products in British Columbia, Canada
- Evaluation of increasing spatial resolution in downscaled climate projections and the effect on extreme precipitation in Canada
- Explosive cyclones in CMIP5 climate models
- Future of landfalling atmospheric rivers with extreme precipitation in British Columbia
- Geochemistry of Fast-Spreading Lower Oceanic Crust: Results from Drilling at the Hess Deep Rift (ODP Leg 147 and IODP Expedition 345; East Pacific Rise)
- IODP Expedition 345: Characterizing Hydrothermal Alteration of Fast-Spreading EPR Lower Crust using O, Sr and Nd isotopics
- Improvement of Systematic Biases of Climate Forecast System (CFS) Model through Revised Convection-Microphysics and Superparameterization
- Incorporation of Glacier Mass Balance Modelling in the Variable Infiltration Capacity Hydrology Model, with Application to Western Canada
- Insights into the Nitrogen Budget of Earth from investigation of the mantle, moon, core, and meteorites.
- Investigating the Systematic Biases on Intraseasonal Time-Scale in NCEP CFSv2 Simulated Indian Summer Monsoon - an Effort of Improvement through Superparameterization Technique.
- Isolating the Impact of human-induced Arctic Sea Ice Loss on the Atmosphere
- Local Observations, Global Connections: An Educational Program Using Ocean Networks Canada's Community-Based Observatories
- Methane Seepage at Hyperalkaline Springs in the Ronda Peridotite Massif (Spain)
- Modeling secular changes in seawater chemistry accurately requires inclusion of environmental controls on low-temperature, off-axis, hydrothermal fluxes
- Modeling the hydrological patterns on Pantanal wetlands, Brazil
- Multicloud parametrization of mesoscale convective systems for the ITCZ
- Multiple Regimes of Flow, Stratification, and Turbulence in the Stable Boundary Layer
- New Constraints on the Geometry and Kinematics of Active Faults in the Hinterland of the Northwest Himalaya
- Numerical Internal Tide Scattering, Diffraction, and Dissipation on the Tasman Continental Slope
- One Year of Data of Scimpi Borehole Measurements
- Pb-isotopic Features of Primitive Rocks from Hess Deep: Distinguishing between EPR and Cocos-Nazca Mantle Source(s)
- Possible Interactions between the 2012 M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.8 Haida Gwaii Subduction Earthquake and the Transform Queen Charlotte Fault
- Rapid True Polar Wander Oscillations Preserved In Continuous Orosirian Strata
- Representation of Canadian Coastal Storm Activity By Commonly Used Global Reanalyses: An Update
- Responding to Change in NW Alaska: Ethnographic Film and the Voices of the People
- Seasonal sea ice melt pond fraction and pond freezing estimation using dual-polarisation C-band synthetic aperture radar
- Simulating carbon flows in Amazonian rainforests: how intensive C-cycle data can help to reduce vegetation model uncertainty
- Simulating drought impacts on energy balance in an Amazonian rainforest
- Simulation of monsoon intraseasonal oscillations in a coarse resolution aquaplanet GCM
- Smart Oceans BC: Supporting Coastal and Ocean Natural Hazards Mitigation for British Columbia
- Stochastic averaging of fast-slow systems forced with alpha-stable noise
- Subsurface Signal of Deforestation from a Climate Model Experiment: Implications for Borehole Temperature Reconstructions of the Common Era
- Terrestrial ecosystem model performance for net primary productivity and its vulnerability to climate change in permafrost regions
- The Current Tectonics of the Yukon and Adjacent Area
- The Fate of Amazonian Ecosystems over the Coming Century Arising from Changes in Climate, Atmospheric CO<SUB>2 </SUB>and Land-use
- The Influence of Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Concentration and Climate Variability on Amazon Tropical Forest
- The MJO in a Coarse-Resolution GCM with a Stochastic Multicloud Parameterization
- The Oceanic Biogeochemical Cycle of Zinc and Its Isotopes
- The PICS Climate Insights 101 Courses: A Visual Approach to Learning About Climate Science, Mitigation and Adaptation
- The seasonal evolution of sea ice motion in the Beaufort Sea and the ice packs response to atmospheric forcing
- Towards Solving the Conundrum of Fast-Spread Ocean Crust Formation: Insights from Textural Analysis of Gabbroic Rocks from Pito Deep and Hess Deep, East Pacific Rise
- Triggering Mechanism of Subaqueous Sediment Density Flows on the Fraser Delta Slope: What Can be Gained through Continuous Observation from Venus?
- Tsunami Research and Monitoring Enabled through Ocean Network Canada's NEPTUNE Cabled Observatory
- Twenty-three Years of Evolving "State-of-the-Art" CORK Borehole Geophysical Monitoring: A Review of Technologies and Case Studies
- Warming-Induced Shrub Expansion and Lichen Decline Across the Tuktoyaktuk Coastal Plain
- Waves and Fetch in the Marginal Ice Zone
- 3D Model Uncertainty in Estimating the Inner Edge of the Habitable Zone
- A Multi-Model Comparison of Black Carbon Budgets in the Arctic Region.
- A simplified, data-constrained approach to estimate the permafrost carbon-climate feedback: The PCN Incubation-Panarctic Thermal (PInc-PanTher) Scaling Approach
- APT: An Autonomous Tool for Measuring Acceleration, Pressure, and Temperature with Large Dynamic Range and Bandwidth
- Along-strike Variations in Active Strain Accumulation in the Northwest Himalaya
- An 'Orca-stra' of Science and Sound: The Reverberations of Northeast Pacific Whales and How We're Helping People Understand Them Though Games, Demos and Listening
- Analyses of ammonium in geologic samples: comparison of indophenol-blue and fluorometric methods
- Analysis and Preliminary Results of the Seafloor Earthquake Array-Japan-Canada Cascadia Experiment (SeaJade)
- Automated Video Quality Assessment for Deep-Sea Video
- Cabled observatories: Connecting coastal communities to local ocean data
- Cabling a Tectonic Plate—Continuous Live Data from the Cascadia Subduction Zone is Enabled through Ocean Networks Canada's NEPTUNE Observatory and the Ocean Observatories Initiative's Cabled Array
- Community Observatories: Fostering Ideas that STEM From Ocean Sense: Local Observations. Global Connections.
- Continued Trenchward Procession of Upper Plate GPS Sites Following the 2012 Mw 7.6 Nicoya Earthquake
- Correlated PSF Subtraction Using an Archive
- Digital Curation of Marine Physical Samples at Ocean Networks Canada
- Discovering Physical Samples Through Identifiers, Metadata, and Brokering
- Early 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Area and Mass Change of Alpine Glaciers in Western Northern America
- Effects of land cover change on evapotranspiration and streamflow of small catchments in the Upper Xingu River Basin, Central Brazi
- Empirical Quantification of the Runaway Greenhouse Limit on Earth
- Empirical Tsunami Hazard Assessment of Near-Field Plate-Boundary and Crustal Fault Sources Demonstrated for the Pacific Coast of Canada
- Enhanced recharge rates and a greater sensitivity to climate variations in regions with heterogeneous subsurface
- Evaluation of the Suitability of GNSS Instruments as Proxy Tide Gauges in a Tsunami Early-Detection Context
- Evidence for pervasive melt-rock reaction within the uppermost mantle at Hess Deep
- Extraordinarily Warm Northeast Pacific Surface Waters: 2014 Observations
- Field kites: Crop-water production functions and the timing of water application for supplementary irrigation
- Flexible Workflow Software enables the Management of an Increased Volume and Heterogeneity of Sensors, and evolves with the Expansion of Complex Ocean Observatory Infrastructures.
- Fragility of Forearc Stresses as a Consequence of Extreme Weakness of Megathrust Faults
- Historically Hottest Summers Projected to be the Norm for more than half of the World's Population by 2035
- How Robust are our Hydrologic Models in Simulating Streamflow Alterations in a Changing Climate?
- How Will Climate Change Affect Explosive Cyclones in the Extratropics of the Northern Hemisphere?
- How a policy requiring all highways infrastructure projects to consider climate change was born
- Implementation of the Stochastic Multicloud Model in the NCEP Climate Forecast System version 2 (CFSv2)
- Increasing yield gap of Brazilian pasturelands and implications for intensification
- Megathrust Slip Varied During Past Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquakes at Siletz Bay, Central Oregon
- Modeling annual flooding in the Logone floodplain in Cameroon
- Monitoring Change on Hydrothermal Edifices by Photogrammetric Time Series: Case Studies from the Endeavour Segment (Juan de Fuca Ridge)
- Ocean observatory networks monitor gas hydrates systems - Updates from Cascadia
- Oceanographic Controls on Diffuse Flow Temperature Variability at Main Endeavour Field
- On the Possibility of Slip-to-trench Rupture in Cascadia Megathrust Earthquakes
- Optimal Fingerprinting Approach to Detect Anthropogenic Signal in the Regional Hydrologic Cycle
- Organized Convection Parameterization for the ITCZ
- P-Wave and S-Wave Velocity Structure of Submarine Landslide Associated With Gas Hydrate Layer on Frontal Ridge of Northern Cascadia Margin
- Parameterization Sensitivity and Instability Characteristics of the Maximum Sustainable Heat Flux Framework for Predicting Turbulent Collapse
- Platelet ice distribution in Antarctic sea ice and its implications for ocean - ice shelf interaction
- Preformed Nitrate in the Glacial North Atlantic
- Preliminary tsunami hazard assessment in British Columbia, Canada
- Projections of climate change effects on discharge and inundation in the Amazon River basin
- Providing the Framework for Earthquake and Tsunami Early Warning in British Columbia, Canada: WARN, the Web-enabled Awareness Research Network
- Reducing water scarcity possible by 2050: Linking global assessments to policy dimensions
- Robust and Heterogeneous Hydrological Changes under Global Warming
- Sense Things in the Big Deep Water Bring the Big Deep Water to Computers so People can understand the Deep Water all the Time without getting wet
- Shifting Patterns of Pasturelands and Stocking Rates of Cattle in Brazil: 1940 to 2012
- Slip to Trench: Coseismic, Postseismic, or Interseismic?
- Slope Edge Deformation and Permafrost Dynamics Along the Arctic Shelf Edge, Beaufort Sea, Canada
- Snow Water Equivalent Estimation Via Machine Learning in the Mountainous Region of British Columbia, Canada
- Stochasticity and organization of tropical convection: Role of stratiform heating in the simulation of MJO in an aquaplanet coarse resolution GCM using a stochastic multicloud parameterization
- The Temporal Evolution of Changes in Carbon Storage in the Northern Permafrost Region Simulated by Carbon Cycle Models between 2010 and 2300: Implications for Atmospheric Carbon Dynamics
- The influence of atmospheric blocking on extreme winter minimum temperatures in North America
- The influence of time-varying external forcings on turbulent transitions in the stable boundary layer
- Tidal influence on gas bubble emissions from permanent seafloor observations at Ocean Networks Canada's cabled array NEPTUNE
- Trans-dimensional Bayesian inference for large sequential data sets
- Using Citizen Science to Close Gaps in Cabled Ocean Observatory Research
- Using Principal Component and Tidal Analysis as a Quality Metric for Detecting Systematic Heading Uncertainty in Long-Term Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Data
- Wave breaking turbulence in the ocean surface layer
- Young and old water in global rivers and aquifers
- A Fast and Accurate Scheme for Sea Ice Dynamics with a Stochastic Subgrid Model
- A Narrowing Target for Early Mars Climate Models: Which Models Survive Confrontation with Improved Hydrology Constraints?
- Accurate representation of organized convection in CFSv2 via a stochastic lattice model
- Airflow Dynamics and Sand Transport over a Coastal Foredune with Large Woody Debris.
- Along-strike changes in the geometry of the Main Himalayan Thrust in the northwestern Himalaya: Insights from erosion rates, river profiles, and landscape morphology.
- An Overview of SWOT Related Research in Canada, with a Focus on the Peace-Athabasca Delta Region
- Application of the environmentally sensitive forest growth and mortality submodel, ESGM, for estimating the historic and future forest carbon budget for the Sooke Lake Watershed, British Columbia.
- Assessing Carbon Storage and Sequestration of Seagrass Meadows on the Pacific Coast of Canada
- Assessing the Extent and Density of Seagrass Meadows in Pacific Rim National Park Reserve and Clayoquot Sound on the Pacific Coast of Canada
- Assessment of Climate Change Impact on Streamflow Extremes in Mountainous Regions using a Coupled Hydrology-Glacier Model
- Blue Carbon Accumulation Rates for the Pacific Coast of Canada: Examples from Pacific Rim National Park Reserve and the Clayoquot Biosphere Reserve
- Bottom seawater temperature plays a primary role in controlling the dissolution rate of seafloor basalts
- Clustering analysis as a means to represent sub-grid soil heterogeneity in terrestrial ecosystem modelling
- Comparison of Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) and Structure from Motion (SfM) photogrammetry from unmanned aerial systems (UAS) for geomorphic change detection in beach-dune systems.
- Cross-shelf transport off Vancouver Island as measured by Ocean Networks Canada's NEPTUNE observatory: The effect of Canyons.
- Crustal structure and inferred extension mode in the northern margin of the South China Sea
- Crustal structure and tectonic history of the Kermadec arc inferred from MANGO seismic refraction profiles
- Development of new tsunami detection algorithms for high frequency radars and application to tsunami warning in British Columbia, Canada
- Dune Morphology and Sediment Budget Responses to Varying Vegetation Cover and Restoration: Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge, Northern California.
- Duration of Opposing Crustal Motion Following Large Subduction Earthquakes Controlled by Mantle Rheology and Earthquake Size
- Dust contributes an important flux of iron to Gulf of Alaska surface waters beyond the shelf break, while shelf sediments and glacial meltwater drive Fe supply over the northern Gulf of Alaska shelf
- Ecological legacies of Indigenous fire management in high-latitude coastal temperate rainforests, Canada
- Establishing Long-term Observations of Gas Hydrate Systems: Results from Ocean Networks Canada's NEPTUNE Observatory
- Estimation of the base flow time constant for global scale application
- Experiences with collaborative climate impacts assessments for regional governments in southwestern British Columbia
- Exploring the Unknown: Cabled Ocean Observatory Data and Discovery in University Education
- Facing Climate Change: Connecting Coastal Communities with Place-Based Ocean Science
- Field Mapping, LiDAR Analysis and Shallow Geophysical Methods Define the Geometry and Kinematics of the Leech River Fault, an Active Forearc Structure in Northern Cascadia
- Fine-scale fault structures revealed by earthquake relocations near the Leech River Fault, southern Vancouver Island
- Future Scenarios of Livestock and Land Use in Brazil
- Global Groundwater Flushing Since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Homogenization of Monthly Temperaure Data and Climate Trend Analysis in British Columbia, Canada.
- Imaging and characterizing exo-Earths at 10 microns - The TIKI project
- Improved Probabilistic Forecasting of Arctic Sea Ice
- Improving Synoptic and Intra-Seasonnal Variability in CFS via a Better Representation of Organized Convection
- Influence of atmospheric blocking on the distribution of heatwaves in large climate model ensembles
- Integrated Land- and Underwater-Based Sensors for a Subduction Zone Earthquake Early Warning System
- Large-scale assessment of present day and future groundwater recharge and its sensitivity to climate variability in Europe's karst regions
- Li-isotopic composition of upper oceanic crust: Implications for the link between global change in climate and seawater chemistry over the past 120 Myr
- Lidar and paleoseismic trenching reveal first documentation of late Quaternary onshore faulting in the forearc of southwestern British Columbia
- Long-term Hydroclimate and Pacific Salmon Population Linkages Across a Headwater-to-Coast Continuum in Northern British Columbia, Canada: A Perspective From Multiple Tree-Ring Proxy Records
- Metadata, Identifiers, and Physical Samples
- Modeling Sea-Ice Thermodynamics Forced and Validated by Observations from a Cabled Arctic Observatory
- Modeling the Impact of Soil Conditions on Global Water Balance
- Modelling the Earth system nitrogen cycle: feedbacks between biology, plate tectonics, and atmospheric evolution
- N2, equivocator to climate.
- Natural Gas Venting on the Northern Cascadia Margin
- Nutrient Distribution between Different Compartments of a Wastewater Effluent Impacted River Before and After a Major Flood
- Observatory enabled discovery of diffuse discharge temperature structure
- Observing and Simulating Diapycnal Mixing in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
- Ocean Sense: Student-Led, Real-Time Research at the Bottom of the Ocean - Without Leaving the Classroom
- Oceans 2.0: Interactive tools for the Visualization of Multi-dimensional Ocean Sensor Data
- One-Dimensional Modelling of Biofilm Activity in Bioretention Cells (Rain Gardens) Engineered to Treat Organic Matter and Nitrogen Compounds
- PALAEOTRIP: the Palaeoclimate and Terrestrial Exoplanet Radiative Transfer Intercomparison Project, a Call for Participation
- Past Peatland Distribution as an Indicator of Hydroclimate and Temperature
- Predictable and powerful unconfined turbidity currents examined by a custom cabled platform
- Predictors of High Streamflow Events in the Fraser River Basin of British Columbia, Canada
- Regionally synchronous fires in interior British Columbia, Canada, driven by interannual climate variability and weakly associated with large-scale climate patterns between AD 1600-1900
- Role of stratiform heating on the organization of convection over the monsoon trough
- Seasonal Beach-dune Morphodynamics and Sediment Budget Responses to Erosive Events Derived Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) and Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS).
- Seasonal Extratropical Storm Activity Potential Predictability and its Origins during the Cold Seasons
- Seismic and Tectonic Monitoring of the Endeavour Ridge Segment—Recent and Future Expansion of Ocean Networks Canada's NEPTUNE Observatory on the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- State of the Carbon Cycle Report 2 (SOCCR2): Highlights from the Urban Systems chapter
- Supplemental irrigation as an initiative to support water and food security: A global evaluation of the potential to support and increase precipitation-fed wheat production
- Tectonics and Current Plate Motions of Northern Vancouver Island and the Adjacent Mainland
- The Li-content and isotopic composition of altered upper oceanic crust and the hydrothermal carbonate within it
- The Wudapt Project: Engaging a Global Community to Map and Characterize Cities Worldwide
- Tsunami hazard assessment at Port Alberni, BC, Canada: preliminary model results
- Uncertainty quantification of seabed parameters for large data volumes along survey tracks with a tempered particle filter
- Virtual Vents: A Microbathymetrical Survey of the Niua South Hydrothermal Field, NE Lau Basin, Tonga
- What can Citizen Science do for Ocean Science and Ocean Scientists?
- A 3D view of magnetic stripes at Pito Deep: implications for the thermal history of fast-spreading lower oceanic crust
- A Long-Term Geothermal Observatory Spanning Subseafloor Gas Hydrates in IODP Hole U1364A, Cascadia Accretionary Prism
- A Real-time, Borehole, Geophysical Observatory Above The Cascadia Subduction Zone
- A new model of the Earth system nitrogen cycle: how plates and life affect the atmosphere
- A stochastic multicloud convective parameterization in the NCEP Climate Forecast System (CFSv2) : implementation and calibration.
- Active Deformation of the Northern Cordillera Observed with GPS
- Active Tectonics of the Far North Pacific Observed with GPS
- Advancing Knowledge on Fugitive Natural Gas from Energy Resource Development at a Controlled Release Field Observatory
- Caanyon Mediated Cross-Slope Transport
- Cascadia Gas Vent Distribution and Challenges to Quantify Margin-Wide Methane Fluxes
- Climate risks to agriculture in Amazon arc-of-deforestation create incentives to conserve local forests
- Contribution of Black Carbon Aerosol to Drying of the Mediterranean
- Discoveries and Controversies in Geodetic Imaging of Deformation Before and After the M=9 Tohoku-oki Earthquake
- Empirical links between the local runaway greenhouse, super-greenhouse, and deep convection in Earth's tropics
- Evaporation loss and evaporation/transpiration partitioning from isotope-based monitoring of Canada's provincial and national river networks
- Formative flow in bedrock canyons
- Getting into the GROOVE: How Building Effective Education Partnerships and Promoting Authentic Student Research through the Girls' Remotely Operated Ocean Vehicle Exploration (GROOVE) Workshop.
- Highlights and Opportunities from Continuous Access to Gas Hydrates Sites at Ocean Networks Canada's NEPTUNE Observatory
- Hydrologic and Agent-based Modelling of Hydro-refugia in East Africa, Insights into the Importance of Water Resources in Hominin Evolution and Dispersal
- Impact of improved sea ice initialization on real-time Arctic sea ice forecasts from CanSIPS
- Impacts of 1, 1.5, and 2 Degree Warming on Arctic Terrestrial Snow and Sea Ice
- Implication of Broadband Dispersion Measurements in Constraining Upper Mantle Velocity Structures
- Implications of Climate Change for Glaciated Watersheds in western Canada
- Marine Research Infrastructure collaboration in the COOPLUS project framework - Promoting synergies for marine ecosystems studies
- Nightside High Latitude Magnetic Impulse Events
- Oceans 2.0 API: Programmatic access to Ocean Networks Canada's sensor data.
- Physical feedbacks on stratus cloud amount resolve the Faint Young Sun Paradox
- Piecewise Potential Vorticity Inversion for Intense Extratropical Cyclones
- Pito Deep reveals spatial/temporal variability of accretionary processes in the lower oceanic crust at fast-spread MOR
- Pito Seamount revisited: the discovery and mapping of new black smoker vents
- Plans for a Northern Cascadia Subduction Zone Observatory
- Real-Time Integration of Positioning and Accelerometer Data for Early Earthquake Warning on Canada's West Coast
- Recent very high heat stress summers will be the norm within 20 years
- Sources of water vapor to economically relevant regions in Amazonia and the effect of deforestation
- Spatial patterns and temporal dynamics of global scale climate-groundwater interactions
- Substrate biochemistry control on the pathways for the formation of soil organic matter
- Surface Water Connectivity, Flow Pathways and Water Level Fluctuation in a Cold Region Deltaic Ecosystem
- The limited and localized flow of fresh groundwater to the world's oceans
- The maximum economic depth of groundwater abstraction for irrigation
- The nice people who live up in the cold place above you put lots of money into sense things to look into the big deep water and see weird-ass things
- The tropical tropopause in reanalysis data sets
- Thermokarst transformation of permafrost preserved glaciated landscapes.
- Youth Science Ambassadors: Connecting Indigenous communities with Ocean Networks Canada tools to inspire future ocean scientists and marine resource managers
- A Framework for Charting Water-Energy-Land Nexus Solutions for the Indus Basin
- A Novel Method for Interpolating Indian Rainfall Station Data using a Stochastic Lattice Model
- APT: An easily deployed low-power tool for measuring acceleration, pressure, and temperature with wide dynamic range and bandwidth
- An early diagenetic deglacial origin for basal Ediacaran "cap dolostones"
- Archean Atmospheric Ammonia
- Balancing Open Science and Individual Data Privacy in the Earth Sciences
- Beyond Temperatures: An Econometrically-Estimated Damage Function of 21st Century Climate Impacts using Extreme Climate Indicators
- C-band synthetic aperture radar based prediction of Arctic sea ice melt pond fraction
- Cannabis California: Testing Analytical Streamflow Depletion Models for Conjunctive Water Management in Data-Limited Settings
- Changes In Extreme Temperature And Precipitation Events In The Pacific Northwest: Effects Of Climate Change And Natural Variability
- Chapter 4: Urban Systems
- Characterizing crustal seismicity and its associated stress field in Chile
- Comparison and validation on global aerosol distribution simulated with two different aerosol models in the Community Atmosphere Model version 5.3
- Comparison between interplate and intraplate intermediate-depth earthquakes using dynamic modeling of the seismic source
- Comparison of Three Ice Cloud Optical Schemes in Climate Simulations with Community Atmospheric Model Version 5
- Competing roles of the fast and slow response in the total coupled West African precipitation response to anthropogenic aerosol forcing
- Current Dynamics over a Mid-Ocean Ridge: Observations from Cabled ADCPs at the Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Detection and location of earthquakes in the Canadian Rocky Mountain Trench by kurtosis and Bayesian sampling in the presence of strong cultural noise
- Directional Wave Spectra of Open Ocean Tsunamis: Analysis of Recent Tsunamis Based on Records from DART Buoys and Cabled Arrays off the West Coast of Canada and the USA.
- Eleven Ways to Measure the Immeasurable and Count the Incalculable
- Evaluating Generative Adversarial Network Stochastic Parameterizations of the Lorenz '96 Model at Climate and Weather Scales
- Evidence for radiative-convective bistability in tropical atmospheres
- Extreme temperature and precipitation response to solar geoengineering
- FAMOS multi-model intercomparison of the pan-Arctic ice algal productivity on seasonal and decadal timescales
- Geological storage of CO<SUB>2</SUB> in sub-seafloor basalt offshore Washington State and British Columbia (CarbonSAFE Cascadia project)
- HiCIBaS: A precursor mission for high contrast imaging balloon systems
- Impacts of snow on soil temperature observed across the circumpolar north
- Innovative Water Planning and Management Tool: Estimating Streamflow Depletion Caused by Groundwater Pumping Using Neural Networks
- Interactive effects of seagrass and the microphytobenthos on sediment suspension within shallow coastal bays
- Investigating the consistency and reliability of multiple datasets in estimating water balances in major Canadian river basins
- Joint State and Parameter Estimation for Non-Linear Stochastic Energy Balance Models
- Large carbon isotopic variability at the micron-scale in "Shuram" excursion carbonates from South Australia
- Large-scale gas flux estimation from random ship surveys of tidally controlled dynamic bubble emissions - an example from Cascadia
- Modeling Soil Conditions under Human Land Uses and its Impacts on the Global Water Balance
- Modelling Future Ocean Biogeochemistry in the North Pacific Ocean
- Modification of Building Design Weather Files with Future Climate Projections
- New Data Analysis Capabilities in Ocean Networks Canada's Data Management Platform
- Northern Cascadia Subduction Zone Observatory
- Observations and modelling of ocean waves from the January 2018 nor'easter bomb
- Oceans 2.0: A Platform to Exploit Earth and Ocean Science Data
- Permanent in-situ monitoring of gas hydrates using Ocean Networks Canada's cabled NEPTUNE seafloor observatory
- Petrography of the 2017 Langmale (Nepal) Landslide and Glacier Lake Outburst Flood
- Picking up STEAM in the heart of the Ocean!
- Platform Testing of Real-Time Station-Based GNSS Positioning, Accelerometer & Ensemble Streams for Early Warning Applications
- Quality assurance of instrumentation, metadata and data through end-to-end workflows at Ocean Networks Canada
- Quantifying interactions between smart irrigation technologies and energy transformation in the Indus Basin
- Searching for New Types of Slow Slip Events in the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Seismicity-Scanning based on Navigated Automatic Phase-picking (S-SNAP)
- Seismo-Tectonic Monitoring of the Endeavour Ridge Segment: Recent and Future Expansion of Ocean Networks Canada's NEPTUNE Observatory on the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Sensitivity of snow thermophysical properties on Ku-band altimeter estimates of Arctic first-year sea ice thickness
- Stochastic plume ensembles for an unified shallow-deep mass flux cumulus parameterization in the Community Earth System Model (CESM)
- Stress Drop Analysis of Cascadia Rupture Scenarios
- The Fourth U.S. National Climate Assessment: Alaska
- The Ocean Sense program: using Indigenous knowledge and science together to better understand our ocean
- The barrier effect of the Indo-Pacific Maritime Continent on intra-seasonal variability in an idealized AGCM
- Using a stochastic multicloud model to improve the tropical modes of variability in a GCM
- We look in the big deep water using big money under-water computers and see (MORE) weird ass things with our study bits
- What does a carbon law mean for the world's megacities?
- A Climatology of the Super-Greenhouse Effect in the Indo-Pacific: Links to MJO, Deep Convection, and Cloud Radiative Feedbacks
- A Comparative Assessment of TKE Terms for Two Near-canonical Sites
- A Decade of High-resolution Ocean Bottom Pressure Measurements in the Northeast Pacific — The NEPTUNE Observatory Turns 10 years old
- A New Stochastic Model for the Boundary Layer Clouds and Stratocumulus Phase Transition Regimes: Open Cells, Closed Cells, and Convective Rolls
- A physical basis for the high latitude lapse rate feedback
- A shallow-deep unified stochastic mass flux cumulus parameterization in the single column Community Earth System Model (CESM)
- Abrupt Changes in the Late-Holocene Sedimentary Dinoflagellate Cyst and Geochemical Records of the Northern South China Sea in Response to Regional Climatic or Anthropogenic Impacts
- Adding scalability for the acquisition, processing, and dissemination of data from expanding citizen science programs through an automated data management pipeline
- An Exploration Through Various Optimization Methods for InSAR Images
- An attempt to simulate Low-level cloud in the NCEP Climate Forecast System (Version 2) through a Stochastic Multicloud Model
- An emerging international network focused on permafrost coastal systems in transition
- Archean Atmospheric Ammonia: Biogeochemical Constraints on Early Earth Habitability
- Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on the Upper Athabasca River Flow: Application of a Snowmelt Runoff Model
- Best Practises for a Transparent Ocean: Ocean information from networked observing systems for stakeholder decisions
- Calibrated Seasonal Ensemble Forecasts of Arctic Sea Ice Advance and Retreat Dates
- Climate States of the Earth
- Climatic zoning for multiple biomes: mobile app to scale up forest restoration in Brazil.
- Clouds Stabilize Earth's Long Term Climate
- Continental-scale Projection of Future Douglas-fir Growth from Tree Rings: Testing the Limits of Space-for-Time Substitution
- Convolutional Neural Network Super-Resolution for Co-registration
- Cross-border DEM workshop collaboration for coastal flood hazard mitigation in the Salish Sea
- Dramatic improvements in tropical climate variability in climate simulations using SMCM convective parameterization
- Duration of off-axis, low-temperature, hydrothermal alteration of the upper oceanic crust lavas based on Rb/Sr age distributions of celadonite samples from the Troodos Ophiolite and DSDP/ODP drill cores
- Dynamic Data Citations - Decisions, Decisions, When to Mint Something Permanent
- Employing Machine Learning Optimization Techniques In Radar Imagery Phase Unwrapping
- Establishing Trust at Ocean Networks Canada
- Evaluation of Downscaled Earth System Models at High Horizontal Resolution to Represent Climate Extremes in Brazil
- Exploring the potential and limits of analytical depletion functions for estimating streamflow depletion
- Extreme Value Analysis of Ground Snow Load in Canada
- Feedback to the Future: Insight into ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning stakeholder needs through sector symposiums
- Flow Resistance and Shear Stress in Bedrock Canyons
- High Latitude Water Vapor in CMIP6 models
- Human dimensions of changing global freshwater availability
- Initial Implementation and Performance of a Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake Early Warning System for British Columbia
- Investigating forest cover effects on snow accumulation and ablation processes using SLAM-enabled, mobile terrestrial LiDAR
- Learning from the past: what paleo ice extents can tell us about the future
- Linking Global Land Use/Land Cover to Hydrologic Soil Groups and Modelling Human-Induced Soil Degradation from 850 to 2015
- Long Distance Power Line Communication in Neptune Deep Sea Observatory
- Long-term Observations on Gas Venting off Vancouver Island from Ocean Networks Canada's NEPTUNE Observatory
- Managing Video Data: Real-time Annotation and Self-Service Search, Discovery, and Access Tools
- Mapping and monitoring irrigated agriculture in Western Bahia, Brazil - Implications for regional water security
- Modelling the Transient Effects of Groundwater Pumping on Groundwater Storage and Surface Water using Artificial Neural Networks
- Morphodynamics of a Bedrock Confined Estuary and Delta: Patterns and Processes of the Skeena Estuary along the NW Coast of Canada
- Non-standard applications of seismic data from the Ocean Networks Canada NEPTUNE offshore cabled observatory array
- Observations of nonlinear triad interactions among internal waves over rough topography.
- Ocean Intelligence for Coastal Communities
- Ocean Science Symposium: Reaching students in multiple communities through a celebration of Marine Science
- Plate Deformation at Cascadia's Northern Terminus
- Quantifying the environmental flow response time to groundwater pumping using analytical depletion functions
- Quantitative Relationship Between Injection Operations and Induced Seismicity in the Southern Montney Play, British Columbia, Canada
- Quantitative evidence for a Neoproterozoic glacial origin of the Great Unconformity
- Recent Thaw and Ponding of Upland Ice-Wedge Polygons Across the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
- Rethinking the Water Cycle in the Anthropocene
- Scaling of InSAR based phase unwrapping to large data volumes
- Science Odyssey 2019: Educating and empowering students and the broader community through student centered video
- Soybean Expansion in Brazil: Assessing Past Technological and Environmental Changes and Implications for Future Climate Change
- Spatial Variation in Hydro-climatic Controls of Annual Peak Flows in Western Canadian Watersheds
- Structural Control of Bedrock Canyon Alignment and Morphology along the Fraser River, British Columbia, Canada
- The PromoScience Expeditions : Bringing Indigenous Youth in Remote Canadian Coastal Communities Together with Scientists and Local Indigenous Knowledge Holders to Build Local Capacity Towards Environmentally Sustainable Futures.
- The role of seafloor weathering in the global carbon cycle
- Towards a Stochastic Relaxation for the Quasi-Equilibrium Theory of Cumulus Parameterization: Multicloud Instability, Multiple Equilibria and Chaotic Dynamics
- Water cycle modifications and Earth System resilience: roadmap to a new water planetary boundary
- What's down in the big deep water? The story of how we know in carefully picked same sounding words about weird things and study bits.
- A Partial Coupling Approach to Isolate the Roles of the Atmosphere and Ocean in Coupled Climate Interactions
- A compendium of online teaching material for hydrology and water resources
- A new map of global peatland extent as estimated by machine learning
- An Automatic Recession Extraction and Parameter Estimation Method for Large-Sample Karst Spring Analysis
- An Intelligent Temperature-Conductivity Curve Test for Autonomous Ocean Mooring Applications
- Analysis of the 2018 and 2019 Episodic Tremor and Slip Events in Northern Cascadia Using Novel Location Methods
- Assessing the potential tsunami hazard of poorly-constrained active crustal faults in the northern Cascadia forearc
- Assessing the sensitivity of a land surface model through qualitative and quantitative tests
- Best Practices For Planning And Hosting An International Interactive Ocean Science Webinar Series
- Bubbles Without End: Unmatched Seep Observations off the Cascadia Margin from Ocean Networks Canada's NEPTUNE Observatory at Clayoquot Slope
- Canada-United States Elevation Model Collaboration to Improve Tsunami Inundation Mapping
- Changes in ecosystem aboveground and soil carbon stocks through 25+ year remeasurement of post-harvest second-growth and old-growth stands in dry coastal Douglas-fir forests.
- Changing sea ice in Antarctic coastal polynyas in the Community Earth System Model (CESM)
- Climatological features of the super-greenhouse effect in observations and future projections
- Cloud-Radiative Feedbacks Driven by Changes in Radiative Balance: A Comparative Study Between Past, Present and Future Climates
- Development of pipeline to measure snowpack evolution through the melting period using SLAM-Enabled Mobile Terrestrial LiDAR
- Diving Deep into the Murky Waters of Oceanographic Dataset Traceability
- Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) End-user Education and Training at Ocean Networks Canada
- Emergent constraints on CMIP6 climate warming projections using cloud diagnostics
- Empirical Bifurcation Analysis of Atmospheric Stable Boundary Layer Regime Occupation
- Estimating Concurrent Climate Extremes: A Conditional Approach
- Evaluation of existing and new equations to quantify coastal fresh groundwater discharge
- Exploring the limits of fiber-optic sensing in Cascadia: Borehole passive seismic monitoring using co-located DAS, low noise optical accelerometers, and geophones
- Geochemical variation in hydrothermal sediments at the Endeavour Hydrothermal Field, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Global Response of Cirrus Coverage and DTR to the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Harnessing virtual platforms to build a low-carbon, equitable, and fun future for science
- How to use the computer line at the bottom of the big deep water. Make your friends say wow and your not-friends afraid of your power
- Ice sheet surface velocity determination from ICESat-2 repeat tracks
- Impact of atmospheric processes on mechanisms of Southern Ocean heat uptake
- Incision of the Three Gorges, Yangtze River: Inversion of River Profiles and Low-Temperature Thermochronological Data
- Interannual Variability of the Global Meridional Overturning Circulation Dominated by Pacific Variability
- Investigating the tsunamigenic potential of crustal faults in the Strait of Georgia
- Is groundwater a local and global resource? New sustainability ideas and tools across scales
- Leveraging new open-source modeling tools to rapidly prototype pathways for achieving SDG7 and mid-century climate targets in Pakistan
- Long-term Fire Regimes, Forest Composition and Climate in Pacific Canada
- Modelling Land-Use and Land-Cover Impacts on Soil Organic Carbon, Soil Texture, and Bulk Density over a Global Range of Environments
- Observed Patterns in Stream Temperature and Flow in United States Rivers
- Opposite responses of the dry and moist eddy heat transport into the Arctic in the PAMIP experiments
- Regional Drivers of the Sahel Precipitation Response to Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing
- Remote Sensing of Sea Ice on the MOSAiC Ice Floe
- Resolving the spatial arrangement governing soil organic matter dynamics at the microscale based on NanoSIMS analysis
- Rupture behavior of the 2020 Mw 6.8 Elazig (Turkey) earthquake and its tectonic implications
- SMART Subsea Cables for Observing the Ocean and Earth: Update
- Scale-aware space-time stochastic parameterization of subgrid-scale velocity enhancement of sea surface fluxes
- Sea Floor Cabled Observatory Instrument Power Control and Monitoring-A newly design of generic cabled observatory instrument power health status monitoring and control unit, considerations, implementation and practice
- Seasonal Forecast Skill of Arctic Sea Ice in Two Versions of a Dynamical Forecasting System and Comparisons with Potential Predictability Estimates
- Solid Carbon: Storing CO2 in Deep Water Basalts as a Negative Emission Technology
- Spatio-temporal variability of snowpack and runoff response over north-western North America Under global warming
- Sustainable and engaging online meetings and conferences
- The Ocean Online: Using Virtual Visits to Keep STEM in the Classroom
- The influence of COVID-related emissions reductions on surface ocean pCO<SUB>2</SUB> and pH
- The social-ecological hotspots of changing global freshwater availability
- Tomotectonic Reconstruction of Cordilleran North America and the Eastern Proto-Pacific
- Towards panarctic mapping of drained lake basins in permafrost regions
- Tracking Earthquake Sequences in Real Time: Application of Seismicity-Scanning based on Navigated Automatic Phase-Picking (S-SNAP) to the 2019 Ridgecrest, California Sequence
- Tropospheric moistening processes allow for additional stable climate states on Earth-like planets
- Understanding the seafloor spreading cycle at the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge using a multi-decadal microearthquake catalog
- Use of multi-temporal LiDAR to quantify stand volume and biomass response to fertilization at larger spatial scales in coastal Douglas-fir forests.
- Virtually Dipping into Ocean Science for an All-Girl Audience
- Wood Product Carbon Substitution Benefits: A Critical Review of Assumptions
- Working Towards an Environmental Water Needs Assessment and Monitoring Framework for a Cold Regions Deltaic Ecosystem
- 10,000 Years of Fire History, Forest Composition and Climate Change in Coastal British Columbia, Canada
- A Machine Learning Approach to Detecting Kuiper Belt Objects for NASAs New Horizons Extended Mission
- A New Numerical Approach to Solve 1D Viscous Plastic Sea Ice Momentum Equation
- A Novel Method for Interpolating Station Daily Rainfall Data using a Stochastic Lattice Model
- Achieving High Standards of Data Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QAQC) from Expanding Citizen Science Programs Through Program Design and an Automated Data Processing Pipeline
- Amplification of plunging flows in bedrock canyons
- Arctic Feedbacks: The Interconnected Roles of Sea Ice, Atmospheric Energy Transport, and Lapse Rate Changes
- Assessment of Tsunami hazards on the Northwest Vancouver Island Communities.
- Basal channel outflow inferred from persistent polynya variability at the Eastern Thwaites Ice Shelf
- Changes in Cross-Equatorial Ocean Heat Transport Impact Regional Hydrologic Cycle Sensitivity.
- Changes in annual extremes of daily temperature and precipitation in a warming climate
- Chapter 3: Human influence on the climate system
- Climate Sensitivity is Sensitive to Changes in Ocean Heat Transport
- Collaborative cross currents: (Re)flections and (Re)Interpretations of Ocean Data in Performing the Ocean
- Community-Based Monitoring in Burrard Inlet, British Columbia: A Collaboration between Tsleil-Waututh Nation, Industry, and Government
- Crustal Deformation and Fault Zone Architecture Along the Queen Charlotte Fault, Offshore Southeast Alaska, Using Long-Offset Multichannel Seismic Data from the Transform Obliquity on the Queen Charlotte fault and Earthquake Study (TOQUES)
- Cryospheric response to the June, 2021 Heat Dome
- Defining renewable groundwater use and implications for quantitative groundwater resource management
- Determining Hypocenters and Focal Mechanisms Solutions for Micro to Small Earthquakes in the Pre-Cambrian Basement Inlier, NW, Namibia
- Developing Empathy and Embracing Multiple Ways of Knowing about Ocean Science through a Participatory Art Process
- Divergent Responses of Summer Precipitation in China to 1.5C Global Warming in Transient and Stabilized Scenarios
- Examining micro-seismicity across southern Vancouver Island: applying automated detection to augment existing seismic catalogues
- Fishing Communities and Climate Change: Understanding the adaptation of Indigenous fisheries to changing natural and economic environments in Kamchatka, Russia
- Forecasting Fog with a deterministic-stochastic model
- Four-Year Monitoring of Gas Emissions at Clayoquot Slope, offshore Vancouver Island
- Geophysical and Geochemical Constraints on Neogene-Recent Volcanism in the North American Cordillera
- Global earthquake monitoring and tsunami early warning: ocean observing capabilities, sustainable development requirements, and case examples from Japan, Canada, and the Caribbean
- Harmonious thickness, surface roughness, and radar backscatter from a wide spectrum of winter sea ice conditions in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
- High Anisotropy of Fractured Oceanic Crust Revealed by Seismic Formation Fluid Pressure Variations
- How to Get Bits of Know From the Big Blue Wet to Draw You a Nice Picture for Sharing With Thinking People, Just Like You
- ICON-FAIR Research Facilities: The Example of Ocean Networks Canada and Why ICON Could Go Further
- Insights into strain-partitioning along a continental-oceanic transform from comprehensive marine seismic imaging of the Queen Charlotte Fault, offshore western Canada and southeast Alaska
- Investigating controls on 3-D off-fault deformation of the Mw 6.6 1971 San Fernando earthquake using analysis of historical stereo photographs
- Investigating the Influence of Symbiont Community Composition on Coral Geochemical Proxy Records in the Central Equatorial Pacific
- Is the large depth of the 2021 Chignik earthquake responsible for the small amplitude of its tsunami?
- Less surface sea ice melt in the CESM2 improves Arctic sea ice simulation with minimal non-polar climate impacts
- Long-term earthquake patterns at the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Mission in a minute: Complex Spatial Query and Data Access in the Cloud for the ICESat-2 Mission
- Modeling of Landslide-generated tsunami waves off Orcas Island, southern Strait of Georgia
- New Constraints on Last Interglacial Sea Level from Fossil Coral Reefs of the Bahamian Islands
- New Insights on Strain-Partitioning Along the Southern Queen Charlotte Fault, Offshore Haida Gwaii, Canada, from 2021 Multi-Channel Seismic Reflection Imaging
- Nonstationary seasonal model for daily mean temperature distribution bridging bulk and tails
- OCNAtm: A new biogeochemical model of Archean Earth
- Planning a Deep-sea Basalt CO2 Injection Monitoring System
- Preliminary Evidence of Late Quaternary Faulting in the Rocky Mountain Trench from New Lidar Data and Field Investigations
- Quantifying Streamflow Depletion for Science-Based Water Management: Challenges and Emerging Approaches
- Quantifying the human influence on the intensity of extreme 1- and 5-day precipitation amounts at global, continental, and regional scales
- Re-evaluating the Tsunamigenic Potential of Trench-breaching Versus Buried Megathrust Ruptures
- Reconciling an Integrated Assessment Model with Longterm Trends in Capital and Energy Supply
- Reconciling different types of attribution
- Reflecting Remotely: Stories of Virtual Engagement, Capacity Building, and Collaboration
- Relationship between Large Scale Environmental Flow Violations and Freshwater Biodiversity
- Role of Diurnal Cycle in the Maritime Continent Barrier Effect on MJO Propagation in an AGCM
- Searching for dynamic triggering on the central Queen Charlotte Fault following the July 28th 2021 M8.2 Chignik Earthquake using a dense short period OBS array
- Surprising Benefits of an Artist in Residence Program
- Tectonic setting of the Koryak region, Siberia from the 2020 M 6.4 Chukotskiy earthquake
- Teleconnections between El Nino events and Southern Ocean heat uptake in CMIP6
- Terrestrial Antarctic heat waves in CMIP6
- The Costs and Benefits of Fire Management in Alaska Through 2100
- The Ocean Decade Challenge: Inspiring Youth Through Games, Experiments and Hands-on Activities
- The Response of Atmospheric Aerosol Concentrations to Emission Reductions: Using COVID-19 to Test Climate Model Predictions.
- Time of Emergence of Annual Mean Precipitation is Long Due to Natural and Observational Limitations
- Toward a Stochastic Relaxation for the Quasi-Equilibrium Theory of Cumulus Parameterization: Multicloud Instability, Multiple Equilibria, and Chaotic Dynamics
- Transferring Sensitivity Analysis Information for a Land Surface Model
- UAV-SFM Snow Depth and Snow Water Equivalent Mapping of Complex Vegetated Maritime Mountain Environments in British Columbia
- Upscale Impact of Mesoscale Convective Systems on the Madden-Julian Oscillation and Its Parameterization in a Coarse-Resolution GCM
- Use of multi-year LiDAR and plot data to assess biomass growth and aboveground net primary production response to fertilization in regeneration and juvenile stands of coastal Douglas-fir.
- Vanishing weekly hydropeaking cycles in American and Canadian rivers
- Variability of Biomass Burning Emissions in CMIP6 Forcing only Minimally Impacts Precipitation in the CESM2-LENS
- A Deeper View of the North-Pacific: Transport and Spreading Pathways at 1000 metres According to Argo
- A Large Forcing Attributed to the Variability of Biomass Burning Emissions in CESM2
- AI assisted evaluation of ESMs in simulating observed cloud climate interactions
- AiBEDO: A hybrid AI model to capture the effects of cloud properties on global circulation and regional climate patterns
- An Update on the SMART Cables Initiative for Observing the Ocean and Earth
- Antarctic and Greenland Ice-sheet Contributions to Last Interglacial Global Sea-level: Evidence from Stratigraphic Analysis and U-Th Ages of Fossil Corals from the Bahamas
- Antarctic contribution to Last Interglacial sea level from observations in northwest Europe
- Assessing Sea Ice Surface Roughness and Thickness in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago Using C-band and L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
- Automated Detection of West Antarctic Persistent Polynas using Physics-Featurized Neural Networks
- Automated Quality Control of Daily Temperature Observations in Northern Climates
- Bringing the Ocean No Matter Where You Go: Communicating Deep Sea and Coastal Research Through Community Partnership and Flagship Programs
- Characterizing the St. Lawrence Island Sea Ice Environment Through Community Interviews and Remote Sensing Analysis
- Co-seismic Tsunami Hazard Assessment for Haida Gwaii Island in British Columbia, Canada
- Constraints on CMIP6 Aerosol Sensitivity from the COVID-19 Lockdowns
- Creating Through the Art of Another: Exploring Extreme Ocean Events through the "Exquisite Corpse" Process
- Determining the Drivers of Flood Seasonality through Model Experiments
- Emplacement of the Franklin large igneous province and initiation of the Sturtian Snowball Earth
- Exhumation of Wrangellia on Vancouver Island during Translation of Yakutat terrane as constrained by Low-Temperature Thermochronology
- Fully coupled water tracer and isotope-enabled Earth system model simulations under historical and future forcing
- Geophysical and Atmospheric Controls on L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar Backscatter From Sea Ice: Insights From a Surface-Based Polarimetric Scatterometer
- Global Sensitivity Analysis applied to a Land Surface Model Evaluated at an Evergreen Broad-leaf Forest Site.
- Global Water Cycle Shifts Substantially Beyond Stable Pre-industrial Conditions - Planetary Boundary for Freshwater Change Transgressed
- High Mountain Asia hydropower systems threatened by climate-driven hazards and sediment supply
- Holocene Paleoseismicity in the Northern Cascadia Forearc: Non-steady Slip on the Right-lateral Oblique Beaufort Range Fault, Vancouver Island, Canada
- Human Influence on the 2021 British Columbia Floods
- Human-Induced Soil Degradation by Land Use/Land Cover Changes and the Impacts on Global Water Balance
- Initial incision of the Three Gorges and connection between the Upper and Middle Yangtze River since the Late Oligocene-early Miocene
- Initial results from the Northern Cascadia Subduction Zone Observatory (NCSZO)
- Insights on the influence of fault maturity on earthquake behavior in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau from coseismic deformation fields and tectonic geomorphology
- Interactive Visual Analytics to Study the Impacts of Cloud Radiative Properties on Climate Patterns
- Inverse analysis of landscape evolution model reveals the southeastern Tibetan Plateau growth
- Investigating Differences Between Digital Snow Surface Models Obtained from Ground- and Drone-Based LiDAR Scans with Streamlined Post-Processing to Maximize Efficiency and Accuracy of LiDAR-Based Investigations of Forest-Snow Relationships in Mountainous Environments
- Investigating hydrological recovery in regenerating coniferous stands in snow-dominated watersheds using SLAM-enabled mobile terrestrial LiDAR
- Local state of stress and implications on subsurface rift magmatism and stress localization
- Machine Learning Methods may Reduce Uncertainty in Earth System Model Projections: A Case Study of Ocean Heat Uptake and AMOC Collapse
- Machine learning and computational image analysis leveraged to probe relationships between carbonate isotopic composition, diagenetic alteration, and sedimentary facies isotopic variability
- Mapping Tectonically Active Faults for Geothermal Energy Exploration in the Yukon, Canada
- Mapping groundwater dependent ecosystems globally to build resilient communities, combat climate change, and mitigate biodiversity loss
- Marine Cloud Brightening Forcing and Climate Response in the Community Earth System Model 2
- Marine Cloud Brightening Intervention Optimization using a Hybrid AI Approach
- Measured and Modeled Estimates of Ecosystem C Stock Changes Over 25+ Years in Post-harvest Second-growth and Old-growth Coastal BC Rainforest Stands: Implications for Monitoring of C Offset Projects.
- Mid-Miocene initiation of strike-slip deformation in the Tian Shan, Central Asia
- Modeling of Induced Seismicity Risk for a Deep-sea basalt CO2 Injection in the Cascadia Basin
- Multiple Episodes of Rapid Global Ocean Deoxygenation Linked to Early Cretaceous Climate Dynamics
- Non-traditional isotopes (26Mg/24Mg, 41K/39K) as proxies for silicate authigenesis in marine environments
- Northwest Vancouver Island Tsunami Risk Assessment Project: Indigenous History of Tsunamis
- Ocean-Based Carbon Dioxide Removal Options: Transitioning Ideas from the Lab to the Field
- Pairing eyes in the sky with instruments in the deep: mapping the Antarctic Coastal Current in the Amundsen Sea
- Performance Evaluation of the Earthquake Early Warning System for Southwestern British Columbia, Canada
- Pleistocene Antarctic Iceberg History at IODP Sites U1536 and U1537 Quantified by Convolutional Neural Networks
- Proterozoic Point Bars: Geological Evidence for 1.2 Ga Deep, Meandering Rivers, Clachtoll Formation, Stoer Group, NW Scotland
- Remote Sensing and Modeling of Global Scale Groundwater Recharge and Groundwater Storage Changes Using SMAP, GRACE/FO, and GLDAS
- Renewed Appreciation of the Tsunamigenic Potential of Megathrust Ruptures That do not Extend to the Trench
- Searching for New Horizons Targets in the Distant Kuiper Belt
- Seismic Swarm and Surface Deformation in Kamanjab Inlier, Northern Namibia
- Short-duration Far-field Postseismic Deformation of the 2012 Mw 7.8 Haida Gwaii Earthquake and Its Implications to Regional Rheological Structure
- Solid Carbon: Safe and Durable Carbon Storage in Ocean Basalt - From Feasibility to Demonstration to Global Potential
- Source Untangler Guided by Artificial Intelligence Image Recognition (SUGAR)
- Spatial-temporal Comparison of Tectonic Tremor and Low-Frequency Earthquake Catalogues
- Spreading Pathways of Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Wastewater in and around Cape Cod Bay: Estimates from Ocean Drifter Observations
- Tectonics and structure offshore the Canadian Cordillera: Insights into strain-partitioning along the Queen Charlotte Fault from comprehensive marine seismic imaging
- The APECS Polar Earth Observation Database
- The Chemistry of Archean Seawater Constrained through the Lens of Carbonate Diagenesis
- The extending Ocean Drilling Pursuits (eODP) Project: Spatial Distribution of Biogenic Sediments through the Cenozoic.
- The extending Ocean Drilling Pursuits (eODP) Project: Synthesizing Scientific Ocean Drilling Data
- Thrust earthquake on a transform boundary? Investigating the seismicity and structure of the Queen Charlotte plate boundary using 20+ years of seismic data
- Understanding Interdisciplinary and Intertribal Co-production Pathways through an Immersive Co-production Experience
- Understanding Sea Ice Deformation from Single Buoy Trajectory Stretching Exponents
- Unleash the Potential that is in Community-Based Monitoring and We Unleash the Potential of Collaborative Large Scale Coastal Monitoring.
- Use of High-sampling-rate Seafloor and Subseafloor Fluid Pressure Monitoring in Studies of Ocean and Seismic Loading over a Broad Bandwidth
- Will correcting cloud radiative biases over the Southern Ocean improve precipitation biases over the Indian subcontinent in CESM2 simulations?
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. J. Schaeffer
- A. Verbiscer
- Adam J. Burgasser
- Adriana Bailey
- Alexandra Jahn
- Alice K. DuVivier
- Alyssa R. Atwood
- Amir Salaree
- Andrew J. Fraass
- Andrew J. Skemer
- Ann G. Dunlea
- Ariel Morrison
- B. J. Phrampus
- B. Pirenne
- Barra A. Peak
- Bastien Y. Queste
- Bolton Howes
- Boualem Khouider
- Brendan M. Rogers
- Brian Menounos
- Bruce M. Howe
- C. A. Rowe
- C. A. Williams
- C. D. Rowe
- C. J. Ebinger
- C. Packham
- C. Wauthier
- Chao Li
- Chinchu Mohan
- Christian Seiler
- Christine M. Albano
- Christine Regalla
- Clara Deser
- Colin Goldblatt
- Céline Boisvenue
- D. F. Sumy
- D. P. Santiago Ramos
- Dan H. Shugar
- Daniel S. Brothers
- David A. Bailey
- Dongfeng Li
- Douglas S. Luther
- Dwight Owens
- Edward Blanchard‐Wrigglesworth
- Edwin Nissen
- Eleanor Simpson
- Elizaveta Malinina
- Emerson M. Lynch
- Ezgi Karasözen
- Facundo Sapienza
- Fengzhou Tan
- Fernando Jaramillo
- Frederik Tilmann
- G. E. Flowers
- G. Ricker
- Gareth J. Funning
- Grant Ferguson
- Guy Salomon
- H. A. Janiszewski
- H. A. Singh
- H. A. Weaver
- Haipeng Luo
- Hannes Müller Schmied
- Henno Martin
- Honn Kao
- Howard W. Reeves
- J. A. Collins
- J. E. Kay
- J. M. Shea
- J. R. Spencer
- J. S. Famiglietti
- Jacqueline Austermann
- James Hollingsworth
- Jeffery M. Valenza
- Jennifer K. Hutchings
- Jeremy G. Venditti
- Jesse Hutchinson
- Jesse Nusbaumer
- Jillian M. Deines
- Jocelyn A. Sessa
- John C. Hammond
- John Onwuemeka
- Juliane Mai
- K. N. Singer
- Karen E. Alley
- Katie Jamson
- Keith B. Rodgers
- Kelin Wang
- Ken O. Buesseler
- Kim M. Cobb
- Kohen W. Bauer
- Krishna AchutaRao
- Kristin Morell
- Kyle Benjamin Heyblom
- L. A. Coogan
- L. L. Worthington
- Lars Boehme
- Lisa Bock
- Lucinda J. Leonard
- Léa Pousse‐Beltran
- M. A. L. Walton
- M. G. Bostock
- M. R. Nedimović
- M. W. Buie
- Madison Smith
- Marc F. P. Bierkens
- Marika M. Holland
- Martin Scherwath
- Matt W. Telfer
- Matthew R. Siegfried
- Matthew Rodell
- Matías Carvajal
- Maureen E Raymo
- Megan C. Kirchmeier‐Young
- Melissa M. Rohde
- Michael Church
- Michael Riedel
- Miina Porkka
- Miriam Römer
- Molly Elder
- Nan Rosenbloom
- Naomi Goldenson
- Naota Hanasaki
- Naresh Devineni
- Nathan Becker
- Nathan P. Gillett
- Nathaniel C. Miller
- Nicolas Bellouin
- Nicole Feldl
- Niko Wanders
- Nikolas Aksamit
- Oghenekevwe Christopher Oghenechovwen
- Olaf Morgenstern
- Patricia DeRepentigny
- Paul A. Covert
- Paul J. Durack
- Paul J. Kushner
- Petra Döll
- Philip J. Rasch
- R. D. Hyndman
- R. M. Lauer
- R. Merrill
- R. S. Ajayamohan
- Randall K. Scharien
- Rebecca M. Flowers
- Richard G. Taylor
- Roger Creel
- Ruohong Jiao
- Ruth A. R. Digby
- Ryan Manzuk
- S. A. Stern
- S. Grigsby
- S. J. C. Oliva
- S. L. Goldstein
- Samuel C. Zipper
- Saurav Sahu
- Scott Bennett
- Seung‐Ki Min
- Shanan E. Peters
- Shayne McGregor
- Shuichi Kodaira
- Siddharth Shankar
- Simon N. Gosling
- Siyu Wang
- Sofie te Wierik
- Spencer Taft
- Stan E. Dosso
- Stephanie Hay
- Stephen J. Déry
- Stephen Po‐Chedley
- Susan Benecchi
- Tara J. Troy
- Terri Lacourse
- Tianhaozhe Sun
- Tim Li
- Ting Zhang
- Tobias Bolch
- Tricia A. Stadnyk
- Upmanu Lall
- Vamsi Ganti
- Vera Kuklina
- Veronika Eyring
- Vili Virkki
- Walter W. Immerzeel
- Wei Ji Leong
- Whyjay Zheng
- William D. Harcourt
- William Farmer
- William S. D. Wilcock
- Xander Huggins
- Xiaoping Yuan
- Yajing Liu
- Yan Jiang
- Yann Marcon
- Zhuqi Zhang
- Zoe Krauss
- Élyse Gaudreau